The work plan for the senior group for the week is the theme “autumn”. GCD in the senior group “Autumn chores of a person Signs of autumn senior group planning planning

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“Calendar thematic planning “Colors of Autumn””

Senior group theme: “Colors of Autumn” Program content: 1. Expanding children’s ideas about autumn, the sequence of autumn months (the importance of leaf fall for plant life in winter, the influence of seasonal changes on the life of plants, animals, humans). 2. Consolidating knowledge of the rules of safe, environmentally friendly competent behavior in nature. 3. Formation of ideas about the display of autumn in works of art.

Day of the week


Group, subgroup




cognitive development;

speech development;

Morning exercises. C: increase muscle and emotional tone; consolidate knowledge about autumn phenomena

Conversation “Autumn. What do you know about her?” C: consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic features of autumn, introduce the folk calendar

Game “Find Your Group” C: learn to restore relationships in nature, find the necessary images

“Columbus Egg” Consolidate knowledge geometric shapes, develop the ability to carry out visual-mental analysis of their location, develop imagination and creative thinking

A set of thematic pictures “Culture of Behavior”.

add: - natural material for crafts;

Illustrations about autumn, people's professions;

Didactic games “Put them in order”, “What time of year”

D/I " Wonderful pouch» - develop the ability to recognize objects by touch.

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Individual conversations and consultations upon parental requests.



social communication development;

cognitive development;

Observation of seasonal changes (form ideas about seasonal changes in autumn, learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of autumn, recognize them in poems)

2. Work in nature: insulation of tree roots with snow: strengthen the idea of ​​​​the protective properties of snow)

4..P/i “In the Forest in Autumn” C: learn to listen carefully to the teacher’s commands, act in accordance with them, run in different directions without bumping into each other, generalize safety rules in the forest

Clarify that trees begin to turn yellow from the top, as it is more exposed to cold winds

Cultivate neatness, careful attitude towards personal belongings, the belongings of a friend, and a culture of behavior in the locker room.

“Development of movements” teach self-insurance when performing balance movements

Ensure optimal physical activity of children throughout the day, using active, sports, folk games and exercise.

Conversation “How to play with friends” - to consolidate the skills of a friendly attitude towards others, the ability to play together.

Independent activities of children during a walk. Game-entertainment “Count with your feet.” - develop children’s eye. P/n “Find yourself a mate.” Take out: shovels, cars, buckets.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Examination of reproductions from paintings by I. S. Ostroukhov “Golden Autumn” (introduce them to the painting, teach them to notice the features of the image of autumn in the painting, note the means of expression that the artist used)


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Health-improving gymnastics after a nap.

Learning an excerpt from I. Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves” (learn to read poems expressively, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem, practice selecting epithets)

Listening to a fragment of the works of A. Glazunov, P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” C: be able to listen carefully to a musical fragment, turn on the imagination, remember the images associated with autumn, describe them using figurative expressions, lines from poems

Di. “Which tree does the leaf come from: know the shape and color of tree leaves in autumn, be able to quickly navigate through pictures based on a signal and find the right tree

developing the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of partners, observing role interactions and relationships in the game. nurturing friendly relationships between children, habits of working together.

Illustrations depicting different seasons of the year.

Cards with seasons

D/I “Find your house” - practice distinguishing geometric shapes, finding models of these shapes, despite differences in their color and size.

Reading S. Pogorelovsky “Harvest” (enriching the literary baggage of children, instilling respect for the work of adults)


Observation of the sky (to encourage the expression of one’s own guesses, assumptions about the causes of certain phenomena; to consolidate knowledge about inanimate nature). P/i. “Tops - roots” (know the names of vegetables, be able to distinguish root vegetables; react quickly to the name of a vegetable - squat if it is a root vegetable, raise your hands up if the vegetable ripens on the top).

Day of the week


Integration educational areas

Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Game - journey “On a visit to autumn” vC: use imagination, memory to create images on the topic, be able to show images expressively, using pantomime and speech, read poetry expressively, perform movements rhythmically

Psycho-gymnastics “Walk in the autumn forest” C: be able to focus on internal sensations, muscle tension or relaxation, be attentive to what the children and the teacher are doing, be polite

Di. “The sound is lost” C: strengthening the ability to isolate sound in a word, developing phonemic hearing

S/r. And. “Family.” Plot “Getting ready for an autumn walk” (encourage children’s independence in creating gaming environment; learn to make attributes for the game using substitute items and improvised means; promote the development of relationships, the formation of friendliness

Strengthen the skills of preparing material for

visual arts activities:

place materials for

modeling, drawing, applique.

add: - attributes for the role-playing games “Tourists”, “Pathfinders”;

Herbariums of leaves and seeds;

Exhibition family work"Gold autumn";

D/I “Find something to tell you about” - teach to recognize objects by the listed characteristics

Collection of plants of the region (N,D,-Y,U,)

Di. “Dominoes” reinforces the rules of the game, develops attention and memory, continues to teach how to play together, amicably, and take turns performing game actions.

Directly educational activities



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical developmento

Observation of seasonal changes C: form a concept about natural phenomena, consolidate knowledge about the autumn sun

Labor activity: cleaning the area C: foster hard work, the ability to work in a team.

P/i “Cap and Stick” C: teach children to correctly perform game actions. monitor their compliance with the rules, contribute to the improvement of the execution of basic movements when running. Develop speed qualities.

general developmental exercises (maintain interest in general developmental exercises, change the starting position, tempo and amplitude of movement)

Continue to develop the desire to play group games, not be offended, and be able to be happy for the winner. Develop the dexterity of jumping up with landing on two legs, being careful in the game

D/i “Run to the named tree.” S/s at the request of the children. Experimenting with maple seeds - they fly like parachutes.

Remote material: equipment for work on the site, machines for playing, road signs., molds, buckets. Story games according to children's choice.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

“Before bed” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about preparing for bed (a few tips before bed). (Tarasova)

Listening to musical works by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. Autumn"


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Memorizing the poem “The sky was already breathing in autumn” C: improving artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems, cultivating a love for fiction

Making riddles about autumn C (continue to teach children to answer the question fully

Round dance game “Wreath” C: teach children to perform game actions, freely navigate in space, develop musical and auditory perceptions, a sense of rhythm (N.D.-Y.U.)

The S/R game “Shop” enriches the social gaming experience of children.

creating a book for kids “Autumn has come to visit us”

D/i. “Name the action” (be able to select an action based on the content of the sentence; activate knowledge about autumn phenomena)

remind children that toys need to be kept in order. Monitor how children put away toys and tidy up activity centers

Plastic sketch “I am a maple leaf” C: learn to move rhythmically to music, conveying the image in pantomime autumn leaf; include imagination, memory

D/I “Find a Pair” - consolidate the ability to establish the equality of groups of objects, subject to different intervals between objects in each of them. Practice counting within 10


Bird watching in the fall (continue to consolidate children’s knowledge about birds, teach them to see changes in their behavior, activate attention and memory) P/i. “Rain” (learn to act on an adult’s command, perform characteristic movements)

Senior group topic: “Colors of Autumn” according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Conversation “Who is preparing for winter?”

Clarify ideas about how plants and animals prepare for winter: changing color, preparing supplies for the winter, flying leaves, etc.

Finger gymnastics“Golden Mat” C: development of hand motor skills

Di. “Letter Lotto” C: development of phonemic hearing, the ability to determine the first sound in a word, development of attention and listening skills

Work in the book corner: looking at illustrations of autumn nature

T: practice composing a story based on a picture, sentences about autumn

Game problem situations for the purpose of teaching the ability to monitor one’s appearance

consolidate formulas of verbal politeness (hello, goodbye, thank you,

please excuse me)

add: - exhibition “Autumn through the eyes of Russian artists”;

Audio library on the theme “Autumn”;

New books about autumn, magazines, encyclopedias;

Direct educational activities



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

Observation: wind characteristics C: stimulate children’s use of knowledge and skills. related to identifying the main characteristics of the wind, propose to characterize the strength and direction of the wind based on the results of observation, develop observation skills, logical thinking, encourage curiosity

Labor activity: cleaning leaves on a group plot C: organize the use of appropriate labor skills by children, teach them to choose rational work methods. negotiate interactions, cultivate hard work and responsibility

P/n. “Hunters and Ducks” Ts: introduce the rules of the game, improve the technique of performing basic movements, develop accuracy, dexterity, gross motor skills of the hands, increase joint mobility

standing long jumps C: practice jumping, pushing off with both legs, improve coordination of movements.

Develop basic physical qualities, motor abilities, as well as cognitive, communication skills children in joint activities.

Independent games for children. Goal: to teach children to play together, to independently choose games, roles, and actions.

Outdoor game “The Sea is Rising” - develop imagination, the ability to express a planned image in movement

Work before bed

Reading M. Voloshin “Autumn” C: to help children, based on the text, understand the characters, teach them to use various means of expressive speech, facial expressions. Song creativity “Autumn”, music by G. Singer (to develop in children the ability to use the means of music familiar to them to convey emotions and mood when creating melodies and lyrics


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.

Reading the story by K. Ushinsky “Four Wishes”

Formation of retelling skills with creative additions.

D/i. “Geometric mosaic” C: development of logical thinking, the ability to separate complex figures into their component parts

Manual labor“The forest is like a painted tower - green, golden, crimson” C: summarize knowledge about changes in the plant world with the onset of autumn, practice the technique of plasticineography, consolidate the ability to depict a landscape

Filling out the nature calendar.

D/u “Count, remember, pick a number” (ratio of number and number)

Educational game “Fold the pattern” C: teach children to create new patterns, develop logical thinking, ability to play in pairs

Situational conversation “Safety in the group” C: consider the situation with the children, discuss what danger threatens, find out. why did this situation arise?

Improve the ability to quickly and accurately wash your face after sleep, and maintain order in the washroom.

Independent games in play corners equipped with the attributes of Russian fairy tales.

S/r.i. "Journey to the autumn forest." Ts: develop children’s ability to distribute roles, develop cooperation skills).

Individual consultations on parental issues.


Observing the evening weather: to consolidate children’s ability to identify and reflect in speech the state of the weather. Characterize the changes that occurred over a certain period

P/n. “Corners” C: improve basic motor skills and abilities, encourage children to strive to perform the exercise as best as possible

Senior group topic: “Colors of Autumn” according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Conversation “Autumn time, the charm of the eyes...” Ts: to replenish and activate the vocabulary based on deepening children’s knowledge about autumn

Reading “Great Travelers” by M. Zoshchenko C: to teach children to emotionally perceive and understand the figurative content of the work, the idea conveyed to it

Round dance game “Like this” C: to teach children to accurately perform game actions, to promote development creative activity children in musical and performing activities

Examination of I. Gorlov’s painting “Autumn”

Formation of skills in composing a plot story based on a picture.

Di. “On the contrary” C: learn to select opposite meanings for the signs of autumn

Game problem situations in order to consolidate basic skills of hardening and self-massage;

Improve the ability to quickly undress and dress. Remind you of the rules of behavior in the bedroom

introduce: - models of correct behavior in nature;

Models of the rules of "Survival in the Forest";

Lotto “Animals”, “Plants”.

Attributes for the game "Atelier": fabrics, sewing machine, threads, needles, scissors, mannequin.

discuss with children the meaning and content of proverbs, sayings, riddles about natural phenomena, folk signs, information from the folk calendar;

Direct educational activities



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

Observation of grass C: invite children to tell what the grass has become, examine it, touch it, compare the smell of fresh and dry, talk about the results of the examination, explain why the grass withers in the fall

Sport game“Football” C: introduce children to the techniques of fighting for the ball, improve the technique of moving around the court, practice dribbling the ball with the right and left foot, develop interest in team play

Labor activity: helping kids clean up the area C: nurturing hard work, the ability to help kids

Valeological conversation “We are going for a walk” C: to form a conscious attitude towards your health, talk about the prevention of colds in the fall

Remind children that they need to take care of their appearance and cleanliness of clothes.

Remote materials: equipment for work on the site, flags, sticks for stepping. Story games of children's choice. D/i “Living and inanimate nature”. Collect leaves for activities

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Memorizing A. Tolstoy’s poem “Autumn. Sprinkles our whole poor garden" T: teach children to relate the pictures of nature described in the poem with the observed autumn phenomena, understand poetic images, teach them to use various means of expressive speech in accordance with the content of the poem


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

Game situation “Pathfinders”;

Reinforce knowledge about preparing trees for winter. Introduce the structure of a leaf. Using TRIZ elements “What would happen if there were no forests.”

S/r. And. "Studio". Plot “Demi-season clothes” C: improve children’s ability to unite in playgroups, direct children’s attention to the quality of the roles they play, and develop coherent speech. play activity

D/u. “Collect a cloud” C: teach how to make a whole from parts, encourage children to create a beautiful composition

Games with a large construction set “Building an autumn park” C: organize the use of skills mastered by children to carry out a new type of construction, develop creative abilities, teach how to play with the created buildings

Strengthen social behavior skills: greet adults first,

politely say goodbye, thank you for the help provided

Creating conditions for independent activity: in the art corner for working with stencils, playing with building materials

Activities in various centers for children's interests

Collect leaves and dry grass for the herbarium.


Observation of autumn rain C: teach children to identify and describe the nature of rain, select suitable definitions and epithets, help draw a general conclusion about the characteristics of rain Ind. work “Don’t knock down the flag” (learn to walk like a snake between objects, observing safety rules). P/n. “Hide and Seek” C: (to improve children’s ability to play throughout the playground, to correlate their actions with the actions of other players, the driver, to improve the ability to navigate in space, to develop reaction speed

Senior group topic: “Colors of Autumn” according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

Conversation “We are cheerful tourists”

Expanding the rules of environmentally conscious, safe behavior in the autumn forest. Acquaintance with “useful” tips for tourists (how not to get lost, how to make a fire, etc.).

S/r. And. “Vegetable and fruit store” C: creating a game environment, making attributes, developing relationships, creating friendliness

Duty in a corner of nature. Tasks: To update and generalize children’s knowledge of caring for plants in a corner of nature.

D / game “Whose supplies” - in game form consolidate children's knowledge about what wild animals eat

Strengthen the skills of cultural behavior at the table, sit up straight, do not put your elbows on

table, drink and chew food quietly, use a napkin correctly

N. and. “Mosaic” C: teach children to build images of different objects according to a model, develop visual perception, fine motor skills

D/I “Which one, which one?” - strawberry compote – which one? (Strawberry compote). Raspberry jam – what kind? -...

Direct educational activities



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

Observing clouds in autumn C: invite children to tell, based on previous observations, how the nature of clouds changes in sunny and cloudy weather, teach them to formulate proposals about the reasons for the observed changes in autumn

P/i. “Shooting at a target” (development of eye, accuracy)

We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

Teach children to call an action a word; use verbs correctly; develop creative imagination, intelligence

Game exercise “Catch the ball” is to teach you to catch the ball with both hands

Making riddles about autumn C: be able to identify the characteristic signs of autumn in a riddle, think logically; explain how you solved the riddle

Game exercise “Jump over the stream.” Balance exercises:

to develop in children the ability to find activities of interest, to communicate constructively with peers, to help prevent emotional stress


children's activities on

area, games with external materials - development of joint skills

play activity

Elementary work assignments - collecting toys in a basket after a walk.

BallsAttributes for s/r. Family games (bags, strollers, dolls)

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Music game“Guess what I’m playing” C: development of children’s creative activity in accessible types of musical activities, improvement of skills in playing musical instruments


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.

Making a collective model “Autumn Forest”.

Involve children in preparation natural material, creating a plan, discussing the content of the layout, distributing responsibilities for participation in teamwork.

D/game “It happens or not” - develop logical thinking.

P/n “Which tree is the leaf from”

Continue getting to know your native land. Telling children about Yemanzhelinsk in the fall, looking at the illustrations will broaden the children’s horizons.

Canteen duty C: teach to independently and responsibly perform the duties of an attendant, organize self-service for other children, repeat the rules for safe handling of sharp cutlery

To form in children a conscious attitude towards order, the desire to maintain order in the environment, to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of a duty officer.

Modeling “Gifts of Autumn” C: develop the ability to use different modeling techniques, apply stacking

D/I “What do they plant in the garden?” - teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (by their place of growth, by their use), to develop quick thinking, auditory attention

Exhibition "Gifts of Autumn".

Make a craft from natural materials.


Observation of precipitation C: clarify ideas about precipitation P/i. “Ring” C: to teach children to perform game actions in accordance with the rules, to develop attention, speed, and “Traps” Purpose: to teach to act on a signal, to develop dexterity, speed

Nadezhda Petetskaya
The theme of the week is “Autumn”. Daily planning educational work

(on week from 02.10.2017 to 06.10.2017)

Subject: "Autumn, autumn, leaf fall."

Final event Events: Friday06.10.2017

Events: Petetskaya N. P.

Day weeks

Integration educate educational



Individual Educational

Morning: Phys. development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development Reception of children. Morning exercises.

Conversation « Autumn. What's happening to the trees?. The main signs of the late autumn" Discussion.

Riddles and poems about autumn.

Di: “Tell me where the leaf fell”. Di “Which one, which one, which one?”.

Target: learn to select definitions that correspond to a given example or phenomenon. Dasha A., Danil S.

Looking at a poster, pictures on the topic « Autumn»

Situational conversation "How should we dress late in autumn» . Discussion of the algorithm for putting on clothes in the cold season. Poster display « Autumn» . Publishing books on the topic « Autumn» . Replenishing the art and creative corner with pictures « Autumn, natural phenomena";

Independent activity in employment centers.

take a walk in autumn park, watch the weather.

Parents' help in printing coloring pages autumn.

Directly educational

Music 1. Speech development. Reading literature A. Maikov « Autumn the leaves are circling in the wind...".›Kindergarten›Speech development›…-osennie-listya-po-vetru

Target: creating conditions for children to become acquainted with the work of A. Maykov, to create interest and the need for the perception of poetic works in preschool children.

2. Music - by plan musical director.

Walk: Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Walk: tree watching - give ideas about trees (high, low).P\I "We autumn leaves".Game - find the same sheet. O. A. Solomennikova p. 47.

Signs, sayings and proverbs. Discussion. With Vika, Arisha, Vanya. jumping on two legs while moving forward. Target: develop coordination of movements. Reading the poem by I. Pivovarov " Autumn treasure"(Springhead p. 89).Puzzles.

Di: “When does this happen?”, “When do you do this?”. Labor – collect There is small debris in the area. Target: cultivate hard work skills. Independent motor activity of children in the area.

Job before going to bed Remind children that they need to carefully put their things on their chairs. Development of KGN.


Reading by K. D. Ushinsky "Stories and Tales" autumn» Target: Continue to develop children's interest in fiction.

Ind/ speech development work. Exercise Maxim K. in the ability to describe objects. Target: develop coherent speech.

Vika K., Lida, Pasha. Didactic a game: "What changed?" Target: Develop memory, observation, attention.

Offer children coloring books and stencils on the topic.

S/r games of children's choice. Attributes for s/r games. Create conditions for children's creative activity.

Bring out pencils, stencils, coloring books... Teach children to hold a pencil correctly.


Twilight observation, d/i "Name it now" Target: fix parts of the day. P/I "Catch the Ball" Independent play activity.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK(on week from 02.10.2017 to 06.10.2017)

Subject: "Autumn,autumn leaf fall. "

Final event: Entertainment "Let's take a walk, let's take a walk in our kindergarten." Date of the final Events: Friday 06.10.2017

Responsible for conducting the final Events: Petetskaya N. P.

Day weeks

Integration educate-l areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration educational regions Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents/social partners



Individual Educational activity in restricted moments

Morning: Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Conversation "What are they doing animals and birds in autumn. Discussion.

D/game "Find the object"

Target: learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric ones samples. D/ a game: Lotto “Select by color.” for the development of sensory standards, attention, memory, observation and logical thinking.

Pasha, Lisa M., Arisha. Game situation “Doll Masha is going for a walk” consolidate knowledge of seasonal clothing, the sequence of dressing.

D/i Exercise “Complete the drawing autumn picture» Displaying pictures on the topic "Animals and birds in autumn» . Selection of thin literature, poetry, riddles. Free activities for children in employment centers. Prepare autumn pictures, doll.

Di, Board games for children. Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Directly educational activities

Cognitive development

Phys. development 1. Environment world.

Subject: “Family” - create conditions for children to care for the closest family members, admiration, and the need to provide all possible assistance. N.V. Aleshina p. 18.

2. Physical development - create conditions for the development of balance, improve running in a certain direction. (p.n.d.) page 367.


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development Continue to observe the trees, show the structural features (Trunk, branches, leaves, needles).Roots hold trees. O. A. Solomennikova p. 47. P\I "We autumn leaves". D\I "Find the biggest leaf." Development of orientation in space: teach to determine "right", "left" Dasha, Artema, Maxima K. Situational conversation “How to behave if you find an unfamiliar object” Target: teach rules of safe behavior. Prepare an unfamiliar object to act out a problem situation. Independent play activities of children.

Job before bed Remind about the benefits of daytime sleep: “We walked, we played, and we were a little tired, in order to gain some more strength, we need to sleep a little. Listening to a lullaby.


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Walking on a massage mat.

Reading V. Berestov "Sick Doll" (Springhead p. 116)

S/r game: "Walks in autumn park» I/u "Loud quiet"

Target: Teach children to change strength vote: speak either loudly or quietly.

Lida, Danya, Vanya. Club hour: By manager's plan.

Di “Every thing has its place” Target: cultivate a desire to maintain order in the group, put toys back in place. Attributes for s/r games.


Continue observing the evening weather - the ability to compare morning, afternoon and evening weather; develop observation and memory. Outdoor games of children's choice.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK(on week from 02.10.2017 to 06.10.2017)

Subject: "Autumn, autumn - leaf fall. "

Final event: “Let’s take a walk, let’s take a walk in our kindergarten.” Date of the final Events: Friday 06.10.2017

Responsible for conducting the final Events: Petetskaya N. P.

Day weeks

Integration educate-l areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration educational regions Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents/social partners



Individual Educational activity in restricted moments

Morning: Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development Reception of children. Morning exercises.

Conversation "What do people do in autumn. Discussion.

Di "Call me kindly" Ind. Job: And/ex. "Magic Box" on the development of thinking, logic, the ability to distinguish forms - Dasha A, Anya V., Ksyusha V. Situational conversation about the rules of behavior with each other, about the fact that you need to be polite, you can’t fight, you can’t be greedy.

Replenishment of the thin corner. literature with stories, poems, riddles about good deeds, good and bad deeds. Introduction of the book by O. M. Zhuravleva “Rules of behavior for well-mannered children”.

Independent activity of children.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Directly educational activity Speech development

Music Subject: “Leaf fall” - memorizing a poem.›Kindergarten›Speech development›…-po-razvitiyu-rechi-s…

The goal is to create conditions for learning the poem, to activate children’s vocabulary, Job over intonation expressiveness.

By plan musical director.

Walk: Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Continue observing the plants in autumn- leaves change color, learn to distinguish leaves by color. Exercise Liza K., Pasha, Vanya, Artema in standing long jump. P\I "Sparrows and the cat.","Catch the ball." (P.N.D. p. 387) Reading a poem by A. Stepanov "The branches have darkened". Discussion.

Di "Say the word", "Find the error". Independent activity of children during a walk, games of their choice. Convert attention to children’s relationships and ways out of conflict situations.

Job before bed Game situation “Is it possible to eat while sitting under the table?” Fostering a culture of behavior during meals.


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Walking on a massage mat.

Memorizing the poem by Yu. Grigoriev "Boo - Boo I'm horned." Repeat finger gymnastics with Dasha, Ksyusha - development of fine motor skills. "We are friendly guys"

To develop children’s skills to treat children and adults in kindergartens kindly;

learn to communicate with each other.

Attributes for s/r games.

Replenishment of the thin corner. Literatures with poems by M. Sadovsky on the topic.

Selection of didactic and board games for children.

Independent play activities in employment centers.


Independent play activities for children in the area, games of their choice. Remind them to be friendly towards each other. P/n “Whose team will assemble faster”

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK(on week from 03.10.2017 to 06.10.2017)

Subject: "Autumn, autumn - leaf fall. "

Final event: Let's take a walk, let's take a walk in my kindergarten. Date of the final Events: Friday06.10.2017

Responsible for conducting the final Events: Petetskaya N. P.

Day weeks

Integration educate-l areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration educational regions Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents/social partners



Individual Educational activity in restricted moments

Morning: Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Reception of children. Morning exercises.

Conversation about the environment world: what the child saw on the way; natural, weather changes.

Target: develop children’s coherent speech and observation skills.

Didactic game "Paired pictures" on the development of visual memory, observation, the ability to distribute attention and find the same Images.

Arisha., Kira. Review knowledge of geometric figures: circle, square, triangle. Learn to look for objects in a group that are similar to these figures.

A game “let’s help toys find their place”- continue to develop children’s ability to put away toys. Create conditions for work children in the playroom center: games to develop fine motor skills. Introduction of board-printed games "Loto-vegetables", "Associations".

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Consultation “How to spend a day off with a child”.

Directly educational activities


Phys. street culture Drawing. Subject: « Autumn forest»›Kindergarten›Drawing›…v-sredney-gruppe-po-teme

Target: Create social situation development in the process of artistic activity. Teach children to draw leaves, develop a sense of rhythm when drawing leaves; consolidate knowledge about trees; to cultivate a desire to respect nature in Everyday life; promote the development of thinking, cognitive interest, imagination.

Lesson No. 2 According to the program "From birth to school", planning for every day. page 367.


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Keep watching autumn natural phenomena - leaf fall. Every day there are fewer leaves on the trees, and many lie on the ground. D\I "Arrange the leaves by color." O. A. Solomennikova p. 47.

P/n: "Find yourself a mate". Exercise children in walking and running "snake" between objects with Kira, Maxim K, Lisa, Elina. Reading poetry "Leaf Fall". Discussion.

Di "Find out whose sheet it is". Removal of equipment for work on the site and for role-playing games. Independent activity during a walk. Role-playing games at the request of children.

work before bed game"Who is this?" (name animal shown in the picture) .


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Walking on a massage mat.

S/r game "Family" Target: To develop children’s interest in role-playing games, to help create a play environment.

Cultivate friendships in the game. Fix the dressing algorithm "What's first, what's next". With Anya, Dasha, Lida. Printed board games of children's choice. Free drawing.

Di "Wonderful bag"- determine the shape of objects by touch. Create conditions for the final works exhibition of drawings« Autumn» Target: consolidate the concepts of time of year autumn, and admire the beauty autumn drawings. (leaf prints)


Observing people's clothes.. F/N “Who is missing?”

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK(on week from 03.10.2017 to 06.10.2017)

Subject: "Autumn, autumn - leaf fall. "

Final event: Let's take a walk, let's take a walk in my kindergarten. The date of the final event is Friday 10/06/2017

Responsible for conducting the final Events: Petetskaya N. P.

Day weeks

Integration educate-l areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration educational regions Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents/social partners



Individual Educational activity in restricted moments

Friday 06.10.2017

Morning: Phys. development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development Reception of children. Morning exercises.

Conversation with children: “What is a family?” Discussion.

Di: "Choose by color"

With Arisha and Yana - consolidate the consistent naming of the seasons. Offer d/i "All year round". - fixation of seasons and natural phenomena. Consideration thematic pictures"Autumn. "

P/game « Working in the garden» .

Guessing riddles about vegetables, mushrooms, and fruits.

Free drawing on the topic « Autumn» . Exhibition thematic pictures. Replenishment of the thin corner. literature with stories, poems, riddles about dishes.

Independent activities of children in employment centers.

D/i, board games for children on the topic. Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Directly educational activities

Physical development

“We’ll go into the forest and find a fungus” - create conditions for the formation of ideas about edible mushrooms. Teach children to connect two parts from plasticine Paramonova p.


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

We watch the sun. Continue to introduce children to the phenomena of non-living things nature: changes occurring with the sun. Explain to children that the sun no longer warms. The day has become shorter.

P/n "Run and Jump"

Develop motor activity, the ability to long jump. Game exercises with Lisa M, Gleb - walking on a tightrope, maintaining balance.

Solving problem situations "What if..."- develop imagination, Creative skills. Independent activity of children in the area, games with external materials - development of skills in joint play activities.

Job Before bed Reading Russian folklore fairy tales: "The Fox and the Crane". (Rodnichek page 12)


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Walking on a massage mat

Di: “Let’s set the table for tea”

Target: fix the purpose of the utensils. Ind. exercise Dasha A, Maxim K, Lisa M in drawing leaves using a stencil. Situational conversation “What kind of utensils do we need to cook soup?”. Discussion.

Offer children coloring sheets of utensils.

Attributes for s/r games.

Replenishment of the thin corner. literature with stories on the topic. Create conditions for thin. creativity of children.

Independent play activities in employment centers.

Walk Independent play activity for children in the area, games of their choice. Remind them to be friendly towards each other. P/n "Day Night". Continue observing passersby.

Irina Lenkina
Calendar planning "Autumn" in the senior group

Topic of the week: « Autumn» .(week 4 from 26.09 to 30.09)

09/26/16 Joint activities with children of SDD

morning With Lesha M, Sasha D/i "Lotto". Target: improve the ability to play according to the rules, correlate pictures. Conversation « Autumn is golden» . Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about signs autumn, remember poems, proverbs and sayings about autumn, develop observation skills, activate vocabulary on the topic.

Looking at illustrations "Nature in autumn» (consolidation and expansion of ideas about autumn) . Di “When does this happen?”. Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons.

GCD Day group: 1. Cognitive development "Ecological trail in autumn» . Expand your understanding of the objects of the ecological trail and seasonal changes in nature.

2. Drawing “What do you like to draw most?”. To promote mastery of the ability to think about the content of your drawing, remember the necessary methods of depiction.

3. Music.

Walk Observe seasonal changes

Target: consolidate knowledge about the relationship between living and inanimate nature; highlight changes in the life of plants and animals in autumn time; form an idea about autumn months.

Labor activity: site cleaning kindergarten from fallen leaves.

Goals: contribute to creating in yourself and your children a joyful mood from the work done; cultivate an ecological culture.

Outdoor games "Third wheel".

Goals: follow the rules of the game; develop agility and running speed.


Goals: promote the ability to navigate in space; develop interest in the game.

Individual work

Target: Speech game “Find the sound in the word”. Target: consolidate the ability to highlight a given sound in words with Radimir, Grisha G.

Independent games with external material.

evening with Artem K. game "Lace". Target Self-care after nap. Target: develop the ability to dress independently and consistently.

Reading poems about autumn. Target: development of perseverance, attention, broadening of horizons.

Finger gymnastics "Vegetables" (Y. Tuvim). Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands.

S/r game "Let's go, let's go to the forest autumn» . Target: promote the ability to come up with a plot, play it out, distributing roles and using the attributes necessary for "trips".

Topic of the week: « Autumn» .

09/27/16 Joint activities with children of SDD

(independent activities of children)

Ind. GCD work, ind. ODRM work

(educational activities in restricted moments)

morning With Dasha V, Andrey L. D/ and "Count". Target: improve counting within 5.

Conversations about healthy eating : « Autumn vitamins» . Target: Formation in children of ideas about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, about healthy and wholesome food.

D\game "Riddles from the garden". Target: Development of speech and activation of vocabulary on the topic, expand ideas about the importance of adult labor for society. Desktop-printed games: “Collect a picture about autumn» , “Which tree is the leaf from?”. Target: consolidation and expansion of ideas about autumn.

GCD Day group: 1. Speech development “Examining the plot picture « Autumn day» and writing stories based on it. Target: improve children’s ability to compose narrative stories from a picture, adhering to plan.

2. Application (1 subgroup) . Target

(2 subgroup) .

3. Physical Culture.

Walk Observing the work of the janitor. Goals: expand knowledge about adult work in autumn; cultivate respect for work.

Labor activity “Transplanting flowering plants from a site to group(marigolds, daisies).». Goals: to promote mastery of the ability to carefully dig up a flower and carefully replant it into pots along with the soil.

Outdoor games "Cat and Mice". Goals: continue to improve compliance with the rules of the game; intensify physical activity. "Corners". Target: strengthen agility, running speed.

Individual work "Movement Development". Target: develop the skills of throwing a ball at a target with Danil P, Varya L.

Free play for children in the fresh air with outdoor materials (scapulas, panicles).

evening With Nastya G, Arseny P sculpting mushrooms. Target: create conditions for proper molding of mushrooms using rolling techniques. Role-playing game "Pharmacy". Target: Strengthen the ability to come up with a plot, play it out, distributing roles and using attributes.

P/n " "Don't get caught". Goals: practice running in different directions; develop slow and fast running.

Reading followed dramatization: Y. Tuvim "Vegetables". Target: improve the ability to understand the meaning of a work. Independent play activities for children in the center mathematical development. Target: create conditions for the development of logic and thinking.

Topic of the week: « Autumn» .

09/28/16 Joint activities with children of SDD

(independent activities of children)

Ind. GCD work, ind. ODRM work

(educational activities in restricted moments)

morning Individual work “let’s draw trees (trunk, branches, leaves, maintaining proportions) with Alena M, Lesha M. Conversation on topic: "My friends" Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about friendship, mutual assistance, naming the names of friends among the pupils groups.

Work in a corner of nature. Target: continue to improve your plant care skills in group(water, wipe dust from leaves).

Di "Gather the Harvest". Target: continue to improve the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits.

GCD Day group: 1. FEMP "Count within 5". Target: improve counting skills within 5.

2. Physical education in the air.

Walk Observation of mountain ash. Target: continue to introduce children to the mountain ash and its structure.

Labor activity “Collecting poplar, rowan, and willow leaves for autumn crafts » . Target: improve the ability to accurately collect and distinguish leaves of different trees.

Outdoor games "The Kite and the Mother Hen", "Who's next?" Target: develop the ability to run, holding each other, listen to the teacher’s signal.

Individual work "Movement Development" with Sasha K, Dasha V. Target: practice jumping on one (right, left) leg.

Free play activity for children during a walk.

evening Individual work with subgroup children on speech development - strengthening the ability to compose short stories on the topic « Autumn» .

Listening to music "Sounds autumn» . Target: create conditions for evaluating music by character (sad, cheerful, what mood is created by listening to musical excerpts.

Finger gymnastics. Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Labor activities in play areas groups. Target: improve the desire to help adults, put things in order after the game. Games in the gym. Target: creating conditions for the development of physical activity.

Topic of the week: « Autumn» .

09.29.16 Joint activities with children of SDD

(independent activities of children)

Ind. GCD work, ind. ODRM work

(educational activities in restricted moments)

morning Individual work with Dasha V., Sasha D. on FEMP. Target: establish correspondence between the number of objects, number and figure. Experimental activities - experience: “Why are the leaves green? Target: experimentally find out why plant leaves have green color and why in autumn the leaves turn yellow.

Walking on a ribbed path to prevent flat feet.

Preparing for breakfast. (Continue to improve the ability to arrange glasses and napkin holders).

GCD Day group: 1. Speech development (certificate). “Determination of the number of syllables in a word”. Target: create conditions for developing the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word.

2. Application (2 subgroup) “Cucumbers and tomatoes are on a plate”. Target: continue to improve the ability to cut out round and oval-shaped objects from squares and rectangles.

2. Social and communicative development (1 subgroup) .

3. Physical culture.

Walk Watching the sun. Target: help to discover connections between certain signs of weather, seasonal changes in the life of flora and fauna, the influence of the sun on living and inanimate nature.

Labor activity “Clearing paths from debris and leaves”. Target: develop the desire to work together, helping each other.

Outdoor games "Catch the Ball", "Crucian carp and pike". Goals: continue to improve the ability to independently negotiate the distribution of roles; practice the ability to catch and pass the ball, follow the rules of safe behavior when playing with the ball.

Individual work with Nastya G, Vika F. D/i “Which tree is the leaf from?”. Target: consolidate knowledge about different types of trees, learn to correlate leaves and trees.

Free play activity for children with outdoor equipment.

evening With Sasha K, Varya L. work in notebooks on speech development. Target: improve the ability to choose the right word - description. D/I “Guess what kind of plant”. Target: improve the ability to classify plants according to a certain characteristic.

Reading a poem by G. Novitskaya "Silence". Target: continue to improve the ability to emotionally perceive and understand the figurative content of poems. Games in math corner. Target: creating conditions for the development of thinking.

Topic of the week: « Autumn» .

09/30/16 Joint activities with children of SDD

(independent activities of children)

Ind. GCD work, ind. ODRM work

(educational activities in restricted moments)

morning With Radimir, Grisha d/i "Count". Target: improve counting within 5. Conversation on topic: “What does it mean to be polite?” Target: explain to children what a truly polite person is, why he not only knows "magical" words, but always tries do something nice for other people.

P/n "Listen to the clapping". Target: development of attention, memory, reaction speed. Children's independent games are at the center of role-playing games. Target: Create conditions for the development of the plot and actions.

GCD Day group:

1. Drawing « Autumn forest» . Target: create conditions for display in the picture autumn impressions, for drawing a variety of trees, leaves.

2. Music.

Walk Observation of the driver at work. Goals: clarify ideas about the work of drivers driving different types of cars; develop cognitive activity; cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

Labor activity “Procurement and drying of leaves and plants (for herbariums and applications)».

Goals: fix the names of trees and plants; cultivate a love for the plant world; teach correctly, collect plant leaves.

Outdoor games "Paints", "The Kite and the Mother Hen". Goals: practice running in a chain, holding each other, and listen to the leader’s signal; develop attention, speed, dexterity.

Individual work - asking riddles about autumn natural phenomena(Vika, Andrey). Target: broaden children's horizons, develop vocabulary.

Free play activity for children.

evening With Vika F. work in copybook. Target: improve the ability to draw a straight line. Reading literature. “Learning a poem by I. Maznin « Autumn» . Strengthen children's knowledge about signs autumn in the process of viewing illustrations, evoke an emotional response to the paintings autumn nature.

Work in the book corner (book repair). Target: create conditions for careful treatment of books (if a book is damaged, try put it in order). Role-playing game "Shop". Target: improve the ability to come up with a plot and play it out, use different attributes (introduce a new attribute - cash register)

Free play activity in the art center (sculpting, drawing, applique)

Date of:




Individual work

(in regime moments)





Conversation " Autumn. What do you know about her?

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, to generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic features of autumn.

Work in a corner of nature. Watering indoor plants.

Goal: to continue to teach children to independently and responsibly perform the duties of a duty officer in a corner of nature, to evaluate the results of their work.

Didactic game " Which? Which? Which?"- enrich vocabulary, develop speech.

Morning exercises (Complex No. 5)

Individual work on FEMP with Katya B., Misha R.

Goal: to strengthen the ability to compare sizes - large, smaller, small.



1. NGO “Cognition” “What autumn can be like” (P. 124 Golitsyna N.S.)

Target : summarize ideas about the characteristic features of the three periods of autumn; clarify the idea of ​​people’s agricultural work in the autumn.

2. Drawing “Colorful rain” (p. 21 Koldina D.N.)

Target: continue to introduce the technique of drawing on wet paper. Learn to display weather conditions using unconventional techniques.

3. Physical education on the street (According to the specialist's plan)






    Observation: behind the falling leaves .

Target: To introduce the variety of colors of autumn, the concept of “leaf fall”, and to cultivate a love of nature.

2. Outdoor game « “Geese-geese” Purpose: To promote the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space, develop dexterity and speed.

3. Didactic game"House for Leaves"

Target: develop the ability to guess the name of trees and shrubs based on their trunks, direction of branches, and fruits.

4. Labor activity: Preparation of leaves for application

Introduce the rules for drying leaves. Reinforce knowledge of the names of trees,teach to collect leaves in a bag, encourage children’s desire to be useful.

5. Independent children's play activities




1. Role-playing game : « Long-awaited meeting"

Target: create in children a feeling of joy from communication.

2. Reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin “Autumn time...”

Target: introduce children to literature. Develop interest in

fiction, learn to answer the teacher’s questions.

Productive activity.



1. Observation: forseasonal changes in the middleautumn .

Target: Formation of the concept of the change of season.

over the movement of cars and the work of the driver.

2. Outdoor game " Let's find a leaf."

Goals: continue to develop the ability to quickly act on a signal and navigate in space.

3. Labor activity: sweeping paths.

Goal: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

Individual work with Semyon A.,

Vadim P., Nikita R.

Development of movements.

Goal: strengthen the ability to jump on one leg (right and left)

Date of:




Joint educational activities of adults and children

Individual work

Group (subgroup) form of work

(in regime moments)





Review and comparison of paintings by I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, V. Volkov “Autumn”.

Target: continue to teach children to look at paintings and develop an interest in landscape painting.

Didactic game"Seasons".

Target : consolidate knowledge about the sequence of seasons. Identify the characteristic features of each season.

Practical exercise “Scented soap”

Goal: teach children to wash themselves carefully and use an individual towel.

Morning exercises (Complex No. 5).

Individual work by FEMP with

Arseniy G., Amir D.

Goal: navigate on a sheet of paper, indicate in words the position of geometric shapes.



    1. NGO “Poznanie” FEMP (E.V. Kolesnikova.) Lesson 2 p.28

    Goals: consolidate - knowledge about the number and number 2, the ability to write number 1, navigate on a sheet of paper, indicate in words the position of geometric figures, correlate the shape of an object with a geometric figure.

    2. “Musical” (According to the specialist’s plan).

9.00 –


15.40 –




1.Observation: Looking at an autumn tree (birch).

Goal: To develop knowledge about the main parts of a tree, its height, thickness.

2. Outdoor games « Find your house."


3. Didactic game " Autumn words » - developed ability to select definitions for words« autumn »

4. Labor activity : cleaning the garden.

Target : cultivate diligence, the ability to work together.

5. Independent children's play activities


imitative movements, educational games.



1. Didactic game « Name it autumn natural phenomena » - falling leaves, rain, wind, cold.

2. Reading poems by Suvorova"Apple"

Target: Conversation about the color and shape of apples. Maintain interest in reading

activate cognitive interest.

Experimentation games, plot-based amateur didactic, board and printed games.

Independent artistic activity,

Independent activity of children in the centers: nature, books, artistic creativity.

Experiments. Buildings for story games.

Productive activity.



    Observationbehind the wind .

Goals: Children give their own descriptionsthe wind : strong, gusty, weak, short-term, hurricane.

    Outdoor game " "Reindeer".

Target : Strengthen the ability to move forward on two legs."The deer has a big house".Consolidate the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text(speed-up game).

3. Labor activity: we put things in order on the site - educate

hard work, accuracy, responsibility.

Individual work with Lisa R., Ksyusha P., Nadya D.

"Throw the ball into the basket"

Target: train children to throw with both hands from the bottom, develop accuracy and coordination of movements.

Date of:




Joint educational activities of adults and children


Individual work

Group (subgroup) form of work

(in regime moments)




Listening to a piece of music “Autumn” by A. Vivaldi from the cycle “The Seasons”

Target: develop children's ideas about golden autumn through music.

Didactic game " Edible - not edible"

Target: stimulate the development of reaction speed and attention.

Practical exercise “The neatest ones”

Target: teach children to promptly and independently apply previously acquired personal hygiene skills, and help improve the quality of hygiene procedures.

Morning exercises (Complex No. 5).

Individual work in fine arts with

Nikita R., Artem K., Amir D.

Goal: to improve children’s ability to depict oval-shaped objects.



1. Speech development Reading S. Marshak’s poem “Poodle” (p. 40Gerbova V.V.)

    Target : to activate nouns and adjectives in children’s speech, to introduce them to the inverted work.

    2. Productive OO " Artistic creativity", drawing

"Autumn. It’s crumbling…” (P. 132 Golitsyna N.S..)

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to paint a landscape in watercolors, to introduce the technique of drawing in wet colors, etc. non-traditional techniques drawing.

3. Physical culture on the street (According to the specialist's plan).






1Observation: " the duration of the day. Observation is carried out from the same place on the kindergarten site. Children are gradually brought to the understanding that the length of the day is connected with the movement of the sun, with the altitude of its standing.

2Outdoor game " Mousetrap"

Target: creating conditions for the development of physical skills (walking, running).

3. Didactic game "“Name it right”(berries, fruits, vegetables)

4. Labor activity: cleaning at the group site.

Target: to develop in children the ability to choose and use the necessary

inventory. Foster hard work and develop ideas about the role


5. Independent play activities of children


imitative movements, educational games.



1. Reading Poemse U. Rashid “Our beautiful autumn garden»

Goal: to develop the ability to use polite words.Constructive activity: our garden Garden

Target: Practice planar modeling, the ability to independently build elementary diagrams from simple building samples and use them in design.

Experimentation games, plot-based amateur didactic, board and printed games.

Independent artistic activity,

Independent activity of children in the centers: nature, books, artistic creativity.

Experiments. Buildings for story games.

Productive activity.



1. Observation of migratory birds

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about migratory birds, cultivate interest and love for birds, teach to identify the signs of a living organism.

2 . Outdoor game « “Dashings - catching up” .

Target: learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

3 . Work activity: collecting garbage on the kindergarten site.

Goal: to develop appropriate work skills, to educate

responsibility, teach to understand the meaning of work.

Individual work with Dima A., Vadim P., Katya B.

Exercise “Through the Stream”

Target: train children to jump over a horizontal obstacle on two legs and land softly. Develop coordination of movements.

Date of:




Joint educational activities of adults and children

Individual work

Group (subgroup) form of work

(in regime moments)





Ecological fairy tale - conversation "Adventures of the Wind" Goal: to concretize and consolidate knowledge about wind.

Independent play activity

Practical exercise “Neat shoes”

Target: to develop self-service skills in children, teach them to carefully remove and put on shoes. Form a conscious attitude towards order.

Morning exercises (Complex No. 5).

Individual work on speech development with Arseny G., Maxim L.

"Take action"

Target : teach children to understand and use antonym verbs in the imperative mood in speech.



1 .Cognition ( educational and research and productive constructive activity) “Gegetable shop” (p. 79 Lishtvan Z.V.)

Target : restore and consolidate the skills acquired by children in the middle group; learn to build different heights; use different variants store design, develop children's independence and initiative.

    2. Musical (according to a specialist’s plan).

  1. 3. Modeling “Wedge leaf”

    Target: Learn to mix different colors, consolidate the techniques of pressing and smearing, develop fine motor skills of your fingers, and the ability to work using the “Plasticineography” technique.






1. Observation of leaf fall Expand knowledge about plants. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena.

2. Outdoor game « "Leaf, fly to me."

Target: practice the ability to run without bumping into each other.

3. Didactic game " Who lives where?".

Target: consolidate the ability to group plants according to their structure (shrubs, trees).

4.Labor activity : tidying up the veranda

develop appropriate skills in children, educate

responsibility for the assigned work.

5. Independent play activity.



1.Reading fiction. K.D. Ushinsky “Stories and Tales Autumn”
cultivate a desire to listen to stories and tales about autumn.

2. Game dramatization “The Three Little Pigs”

Target: continue to develop interest in theatrical play; teach children to use various means of expression to convey images of characters; develop creative abilities.

Experimentation games, plot-based amateur didactic, board and printed games.

Independent artistic activity,

Creative tasks, duty, keeping the nature calendar.

Independent activity of children in the centers: nature, books, artistic creativity.

Experiments. Buildings for story games.

Productive activity.



1. Observation behind the birch

Goals : continue to get acquainted with birch, highlighting characteristic features and changes associated with the time of year; cultivate a caring attitude towards wood as a living object of nature

2 . Outdoor game "Hunters and ducks." Target: development of the eye and dexterity.

3. Labor activity: collecting branches.

Target : Cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

Individual work with Semyon A., Amir D., Matvey O.

"From leaf to leaf" Target : train children in standing and running long jumps.

Date of:




Joint educational activities of adults and children

Individual work

Group (subgroup) form of work

(in regime moments)




Conversation "We are happy tourists"

Expanding the rules of environmentally conscious, safe behavior in the autumn forest. Acquaintance with “useful” tips for tourists (how not to get lost, how to make a fire, etc.).

Practical exercise “Handkerchief” – Discuss with children in what cases a handkerchief is needed and consolidate the skills of using it.

Didactic game " Whose supplies? Goal: to consolidate knowledge about preparing animals for winter.

Morning exercises (Complex No. 5)

Individual work on speech development with Artem K., Arseny G.

« Animals and their young"

Target: Exercise children in naming baby animals.




1. Development of speech “(p. 34 Gerbova V.V.)

Target: help children make a plan for describing the doll; teach preschoolers by creating a description on their own, guided by a plan

2. Physical culture (according to the specialist’s plan).


9.35 –




1. Observation behind the crow.

Goal: Expand knowledge about the raven. Develop curiosity and interest in bird life.

2. Outdoor game " Who left? - to form in children the ability to quickly navigate in space, develop attention and speed of reaction.

3. Games with leaves: "Motley carpet" - teach children to use their

skills in working with leaves to solve a new game problem

(making a carpet from fallen leaves.

4. Work activity: cleaning paths – improve the ability to work in a team. Learn to select, properly use and put equipment in order after work.

5. Independent children's play activities


imitative movements, educational games.



1.Work activity: we wipe down the shelves of the cabinets.

Target : teach children to correctly and accurately perform the necessary

actions. To instill in children a positive attitude towards work,

desire to work. Learn to perform individual and collective


2. Reading the story “Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky

Target: introduce children to a new work, help children

understand the meaning of the work, answer the teacher’s questions.

Independent artistic activity,

Creative tasks, duty, keeping the nature calendar.

Independent activity of children in the centers: nature, books, artistic creativity.

Productive activity.



1.Observation weather . Goal: consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

2. Outdoor game "Swan geese".

Target : Develop dexterity, the ability to act on a signal, follow the rules of the game.

3.Labor activity: work in the garden.

Target: strengthen the ability to work together; build knowledge about

growth and development of plants.

Individual work with Vadim P., Katya B., Danila L.

“Who will throw next?”

Target: develop coordination of movements, the ability to impart throwing force.


Senior group. Topic: “Golden Autumn Festival”. Dates: from 02.10.17 to 06.10.17

Final event Plasticineography “Maple leaves” 10/05/17

Scheduled for a week

Creating conditions in a subject-development environment

(organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities)

Pictures depicting autumn, people's work in autumn. Toys: wooden construction set for building a vegetable shop, dolls.

Visual and didactic aids. Paintings with three types of autumn. Reader for older preschoolers.

Social and communicative development

Communication activity: Role-playing game “The Long-Awaited Meeting”

Self-catering and elementary domestic labor: watering indoor plants, collecting branches, preparing leaves for application.

Cognitive development

Looking at illustrations, drawings, solving riddles.

Didactic games: “Which one? Which? Which ones?”, “Seasons”, “Autumn words”, “House for leaves”, “Name autumn natural phenomena”, “Edible - not edible”, “Name it correctly”, “Who lives where?”, “Whose supplies ? » Construction of a “Gegetable shop”

Speech development

Speech development reading S. Marshak’s poem “Poodle”

Reading by A. Pushkin “Autumn Time”, S. Suvorov “Apple”, poem by W. Reard “Our Autumn Garden is Beautiful”, K. Ushinsky “stories and tales of autumn” K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Visual activities: drawing “Colorful rain”, “Autumn. It's crumbling..."

Modeling “Maple leaves”

Musical activity: listening to the musical work “Autumn”, music. A. Vivaldi

Physical development

Finger gymnastics: “Autumn leaves.”

Gymnastics for the eyes: “Wind”. Breathing exercises “The wind blows.”

Physical education minutes: “ Autumn leaves quietly circling."

Interaction with parents

Invite parents to read works of fiction about autumn to their children.

Morning exercises. Help strengthen children's health and awaken the body for normal functioning; create a cheerful, cheerful mood.

Conversation: “We are pupils middle group" “About the rules of behavior in the group. Talking with children about the benefits of naps.

Conversation “Mushrooms and berries - gifts of the forest” - introduce the variety of mushrooms and berries. Talk about the benefits of wild berries for the human body.

P/game "find yourself a mate"

develop the ability to navigate in a group room, speed of reactions, the ability to hear a signal, the desire to play outdoor games.Cultivate friendly relationships.

F/S “We are already quite big”

C: identifying the level of development of independent dressing and undressing skills

Greeting: "Let's find a friend" ), What do they plant in the garden?

Target. Teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (by where they grow, by their use), to develop quick thinking and auditory attention. Exchange of news: what we saw on the way to the village Planning the day: topic

"Talkers" Topic: “Autumn flowers” ​​looking at plants. Purpose: To introduce children to the plants of the flower garden, to teach them to look at them, highlighting parts, color and shape. Develop focused attention, thinking, memory. Nurture aesthetic feelings. (

"Merry notes"(according to the plan of the music worker)

Cloud watching.

Target : continue to introduce children to the phenomena of inanimate nature. Clarify the concept of “cloud”. Develop observation and memory.

Outdoor games with running for orientation in space. "From bump to bump." “Cars”, “Sparrows and the car”.

Goals: develop in children the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward; teach to follow the rules traffic; consolidate knowledge about buses.

Individual workwith Roma, Arseny on the development of basic movements: Walking while completing tasks for an adult: turning, going around objects, “snake”.

Goals: Develop basic movement skills.

Labor assistant sweeping the path leading to the site. Goals: teach how to use brooms correctly, cultivate hard work.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep: “We woke up.”

Goal: development of motor activity. Continue to teach children to dress themselves and take care of their appearance.

walking along massage paths.

Presentation of activity products, analysis of successes and difficulties, reflection

Game situation “Light, my mirror, help me, put me in order.”

"I'm exploring the world." Conversation"Oh, mushrooms, mushrooms"

Goal: Getting to know mushrooms. Expand children's knowledge about mushrooms (name, place of growth, structure); teach them to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms. Develop children's active vocabulary (names of mushrooms). Foster respect for nature and friendliness.

Competition games“Who can pick mushrooms faster”, “Transport the berries”.

Creative game “poem restoration” (Children independently insert missing syllables into the poem(zhi and shi). Target: Expand natural history concepts

S/R game "Walk in the autumn forest"

Construction games"Houses for Dunno's Friends"- develop children's creativity and ability to negotiate with each other. Enrich construction experience. Cultivate friendly relationships.

Drawing using stencils “Mushrooms and Berries”. Hatching in various directions.

Goal: to teach children to find activities of interest, organize playful interaction, and develop free communication skills.