Why you can’t wash your hair after a perm. How to restore hair after chemical treatment using salon procedures

Among women there are not so many owners of curly or curly hair. The desire to look beautiful and save time on daily styling leads to the decision to get a perm. But in most cases, after such a procedure, the hair requires even more attention and care.

First of all, we need to remind you that perm can only be entrusted to a high-class professional in order to prevent hair damage from incompetent hands and cheap, low-quality products. It is not recommended to dye your hair immediately before curling. Since the procedure significantly dries out the roots, it is advisable to do it on hair that has not been washed for 2-3 days. This will allow the curls to retain life-giving moisture as much as possible.

Modern curling products are gentle on the hair structure, and many of them contain components that promote care. However, acquired curls and curls require careful and proper care.

Washing and combing hair after curling

It often happens that the first desire a woman feels when she gets a head of curls is to wash her hair to get rid of the unpleasant smell of products used in the salon. But this cannot be done. After the procedure, you need to wait at least a day or two before washing.

In the future, you will have to use a special shampoo, which is applied only to the scalp. Soap suds when rinsing will perfectly clean the hair itself. Such gentle washing will protect your hair from excessive drying and thinning. You should not rub, squeeze or twist your hair. Make sure that the shampoo contains oil (olive, argan, burdock), keratin, tannins and vitamins.

You should wash your hair no more than once a week. However, there won’t be much need for this, because hair after a perm is less dirty and greasy. Infusions of chamomile or nettle are good for rinsing hair. They will make your hair soft, restore silkiness and shine.

In the first days after the procedure, and in the future, blow-drying, the use of a straightening iron, hot-curlers, and various hair dyes are not recommended. Such hair should be combed with wide-toothed combs.

Hair Styling

Particular attention should be paid to the ends, which often split and, as a result, take on an unkempt appearance. In most cases, hair only needs light styling. Instead of aggressive remedies, it is better to give preference to home remedies - beer or lemon juice. At least for the first time, you should avoid using hairspray, replacing it with soft foam. To avoid damaging your hair, do not use heavy metal clips or combs when styling.

Traditional recipes for gentle care

If you decide to experiment with your hair, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will need additional attention. Even after a high-quality perm, the hair needs to restore its structure. For this purpose, various folk remedies based on natural ingredients.

Honey and cognac mask

Take 1 teaspoon each of honey and cognac. Mix them with a tablespoon of burdock or olive oil and one egg yolk. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the resulting mixture is applied to the hair and wrapped in film. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Yeast mask

Half a teaspoon of yeast is mixed with sour cream or cream, egg yolk and any natural oil(preferably castor). The mixture is kept for up to 15 minutes in a water bath and warm (but not hot!) Apply to the hair roots. A good effect can be achieved if, after washing off the mask, rinse your hair with a mixture of water and vinegar or a decoction of burdock root.

Mask based on essential oils

Essential oils are widely used to restore hair and hair follicles. It is better to apply mixtures of several oils. Ylang-ylang, lavender, sandalwood, rosemary, grape seed oil, jojoba and avocado give an excellent effect. Twice a week, a mixture of several oils is heated and vigorously rubbed into the scalp. After this, the hair must be wrapped in something warm to ensure an influx of nutrients and increased blood circulation.

Bread and kefir mask

Several slices of black bread are poured with low-fat kefir overnight. In the morning, knead the bread, add yolks and honey to the pulp. Apply the mixture to slightly moistened hair and massage the scalp for at least 10 minutes. Then the hair is washed with plenty of warm water without shampoo. You can use a decoction prepared from chamomile.

Table salt mask

Moisten your hair with a pre-prepared chamomile infusion and apply a handful of salt to the roots (you can use iodized salt). After the root massage, the head is washed using shampoo for damaged hair. It is recommended to repeat this mask at least 2 times a week.

Nettle mask

If after curling your hair has become tousled, unruly, and difficult to style, you can “tame” it a little with the help of nettle. The herb is poured with boiling water, filtered after 20 minutes, cream and softened bread are added. The resulting mass is left on the hair for up to half an hour. After such a simple procedure with available ingredients, an unruly head of hair will turn into beautiful curls.

The desire to be beautiful and show off a luxurious head of curls should set a woman up for a responsible approach to choosing a hairdresser and for carefully caring for her hair in the first months after curling.

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How to care for hair after perm

Even “decent people” can have curls, despite the popular folk ditty, perm can help. Suppose you become the owner of treasured curls. How to care for this beauty and preserve “chemical” curls for as long as possible?

Since chemistry is a strong intervention in the structure of the hair. You can minimize the consequences by following some rules.

  • Chemicals dry out your hair a lot. Therefore in daily care Now it will be necessary to include special means. Special restorative masks can be used no earlier than the 4th wash after curling. Almost every cosmetic company - from mass market to luxury brands - has a line of products for damaged hair. Therefore, what to choose from all the variety is up to you, depending on your personal preferences and budget.
  • In addition, after curling, there is a high probability of getting an unpleasant “bonus” - dry split ends. Therefore, it is better to cut off the ends after it and include special oils or sprays for split ends in your daily care.
  • If the procedure is done in summer period, then you need to hide your curls from direct sunlight under wide-brimmed hats and use sprays with UV protection.
  • You should not dye your hair after chemical treatment for 2 weeks, let it come to its senses, besides, during this time the dye will not adhere as well.
  • After the procedure, it is recommended to wear your hair loose more often. Since ponytails, shells and other hairstyles with elastic bands and barrettes can weaken the curls.

Rules for home care after perm

In order for the keratin to attach to the hair, you need to not wash your hair, do not blow-dry, or use styling products for the first 2-3 days. The curls should secure their new shape. Otherwise, you risk getting a ruffled “burdock.”

1. Oils for hair restoration

One of the most common means for caring for damaged hair is oils. Most often used:

  • olive;
  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • sunflower.

If you don’t have the desire or time to prepare a mask, then simply apply a little heated oil to the entire length of your hair. You need to keep the oil under cellophane for at least 40 minutes, then wash your hair. Oils will help strengthen and restore your curls; to do this, use them once a week.

2. Washing your hair

You need to take care of a special shampoo in advance. Nowadays it is not a problem to find shampoos designed specifically for hair that has been heavily chemically exposed.

The main thing is that they must be soft and contain organic components, such as Coconut oil, shea (karite), wheat proteins, amino acids, vitamins and keratin.

3. Rinse

After each wash, your hair can be rinsed. You can choose a conditioner of the same brand as the shampoo. You can also prepare it at home:

From vinegar - for strengthening and shine.

Dilute 1 tablespoon of 6% vinegar per 1 liter of water.

From lemon juice - for quick recovery.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into 1 liter of boiled water. Thanks to it, the hair recovers faster, is perfectly vitaminized and becomes pleasant to the touch.

After washing and rinsing, do not rub your hair with a towel., and gently blot and form curls with your hands. Try not to pull or distort them to maintain curls. Wait until they are completely dry, do not go to bed with wet hair. Otherwise, you risk waking up like a dandelion.

4. Styling and combing

For permed hair, you will need a comb with a wide comb, preferably a wooden one. It is generally better not to comb damp or wet curls; you need to wait until they dry. Comb with minimal pressure, starting from the ends. If possible, you should avoid using a hair dryer, as your hair is already dry.

In addition, regular styling products will no longer work. It is advisable to purchase special ones. The most common of them are mousses and foams for curly hair. And special wax is perfect for modeling and styling curls.

Bottom line

These simple methods will help you maintain beautiful curls for 2-3 months. Hair care after perm is a very important process. And the more correctly and carefully you select care products, the more luxurious your curls will look. And then you can decide for yourself whether you want to remain curly and do the procedure again, or return to straight hair.

  • Basic rules for hair care after chemotherapy
  • How and what to wash your hair after chemicals?
  • Balms and conditioners
  • Rinsing hair after perm
  • How to dry and comb your hair?
  • Masks and natural oils

Many girls realize their dream of luxurious curls through chemistry. In order for the effect after this procedure to last as long as possible, and the curls to remain strong and healthy, it is important to ensure proper care for hair after perm.

Basic rules for hair care after chemotherapy

Chemistry has many advantages compared to daily styling with a curling iron or curling strands with curlers. This procedure allows every girl to become the happy owner of beautiful curls and voluminous hair for several months. However, it is worth considering that not all chemical compounds are safe for hair. For example, when choosing acidic or alkaline chemistry, there is a risk of damage to curls due to exposure to chemicals. To minimize damage and protect your hair from the negative effects of chemical composition, you need to learn how to care for chemicals on your hair. There are a few simple rules, compliance with which will help prolong the effect after curling and keep your hair healthy:

  • For the first 3 days, you should not wash your hair, dry your hair with a hairdryer, or even comb it, since during this period the curls are fixed.
  • This type of curling dries out your hair, so after this procedure it needs additional hydration. You should do moisturizing masks at least once a week.
  • Often, after curling, girls are faced with the problem of split ends. To prevent this, after chemistry you need to cut the ends. And then use special products against split ends (shampoos, sprays, lotions and oils).
  • During the hot summer months, use sprays with UV protection. Ultra-violet rays have a negative effect on curls, so the hair must be protected from them.
  • Use restorative masks regularly to minimize hair damage. You can start making masks only after the 4th wash.
  • During the first two weeks after curling, you should not dye your strands.
  • Avoid wearing tight ponytails or other hairstyles that tend to straighten curls as much as possible.
  • If you do styling, use products designed for curly hair.

How and what to wash your hair after chemicals?

When answering the question of how to care for permed hair, it is very important to mention the rules for washing curls. To do this, you need to use specialized shampoos. There are many available on sale today soft shampoos from professional lines of different manufacturers. They are designed for washing damaged hair after perming. They thoroughly cleanse, gently act on curls, restoring damaged areas of hair and strengthening them. It is better to choose shampoos that contain natural ingredients. The label should indicate that this product is intended for curls that have been exposed to chemicals.

Choose high-quality shampoos, since the condition and appearance hair after chemistry. The following shampoos have proven themselves well for hair damaged after perm:

  • Black Snail (Secret Key);
  • Frozen Limonnik Nanai ( Natura Siberica);
  • Giardino di Roma (D'oliva);
  • Moisture Recovery (Joico);
  • Vitamin Pro(Belita-Vitex);
  • Organics Hair Care Coconut (Desert Essense).

You can choose a more budget-friendly shampoo, but before purchasing, make sure that it contains mainly natural ingredients.

To avoid deforming your curls, do not press too hard with your fingers while washing your hair. Massage the shampoo into the roots. There is no need to rub shampoo into the main part of the strands. It is enough to wash your curls with soapy foam. You shouldn't wash your hair often. Wash your hair once every 3-4 days (as it gets dirty).

Balms and conditioners

If your hair is very damaged after curling, use balms or conditioners. It is better to use products from the same manufacturer as the shampoo. But if you can't find a conditioner or balm from the same manufacturer, consider these options:

  • Biosilk Silk Therapy Conditioning Balm;
  • Kanebo Resche Damage Care System;
  • Rolland Una Acid Conditioner.

Conditioners and balms should be used for intensive restoration of damaged areas of hair. It is better to start using them during the first wash after chemistry.

Rinsing hair after perm

Proper hair care after chemicals involves rinsing after each wash. If this could be neglected before curling, then after creating curls, rinsing should become a mandatory procedure. It is necessary to remove residual oil and shampoo from the hair. It is recommended to choose a conditioner from the same manufacturer as the shampoo. Such means will complement and enhance each other’s effects. But you can also make your own mouthwash at home. For these purposes, use vinegar or lemon juice.

The first rinse option is a solution of vinegar and water. You need to add 1 tbsp. spoon of 6% vinegar in 1 liter of water. Stir and rinse your hair with this solution after washing.

Another option is to use lemon juice and water. Lemon juice promotes rapid regeneration of damaged areas. To prepare this rinse, squeeze out the juice of ½ lemon and add to 1 liter of water.

How to dry and comb your hair?

This issue is worth considering separately, since the use of a hairdryer, curling irons and other devices for drying and styling can negatively affect the condition of the hair. It is better to stop using these devices altogether after curling. The optimal and safest option for drying curls after chemicals is to dry naturally.

If you need to use a hairdryer, set it to a cool or gentle setting. The iron can be used to temporarily straighten strands. But you can’t often do this styling, so as not to further damage the weakened strands after curling.

Caring for permed hair involves following certain rules combing curls. To do this, use a brush with sparse teeth. You shouldn't buy metal combs. It is better to choose wooden or plastic. Do not comb your curls if they are still wet after washing. Otherwise, the hair will begin to fluff, and the curls will quickly lose their shape. You should start combing from the ends of your hair, gradually moving towards the roots. Do not use much force to avoid damaging your hair.

Masks and natural oils

Hair after perm needs additional hydration and nutrition. Masks containing various nourishing and moisturizing ingredients, as well as natural oils, can cope with this task.

Castor, burdock, olive, sea buckthorn and grape seed oils are suitable for caring for curls. First, you need to heat the oil slightly. Apply with a brush to the roots of the hair, and then distribute along the entire length of the strands. This should be done an hour before washing your hair. If the hair is not very damaged, it is enough to repeat once a week. After application, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. After an hour, wash your hair with a special shampoo for curls after chemical treatment.

Also, to moisturize, nourish and strengthen, you need to make masks 1-2 times a week. There are ready-made masks from the line of professional products on sale. Examples include:

  • Kanebo Resche Extra Repair Mask;
  • Revivor;
  • Liv Delano Valeur;
  • Trinity.

By observing all the above rules and following these recommendations, you will keep your hair healthy and beautiful. Remember that even gentle chemical compounds have an impact on the hair structure. Therefore, even after light chemicals, you will need to follow all the necessary measures to care for your hair. This will minimize the risk of hair damage.

  1. You should wash your hair in non-chlorinated water. It is also not recommended to wet or wash your hair in sea water. Since the products used to make chemistry continue their effect on the strands some time after the procedure. And combining them with bleach can have a negative effect on your hair.
  2. You should not apply hot air to your hair or do your hair in the first days. It is advisable not to touch your hair for several days.

Advice! It is best to go to a professional and experienced perm to get a perm, who will subsequently tell you how to properly care for your curls after perm. And when should you start washing your hair?

Everyone knows the negative consequences after the perm procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to take good care of your hair and use not only a special shampoo, but also various balms, masks and other care products. As a rule, they are produced specifically for chemically damaged hair, and their composition includes oils and medicinal herbs.

In addition, such shampoos have a beneficial effect on the preservation of curls. Therefore, you should avoid products that contain silicone and keratin, as they will make the strands heavy, which will help straighten them.

Watch a video about how to care for your hair after a perm:

Suitable shampoos

Important! There are many more products for washing hair after chemicals. It is important to choose for yourself based on price and quality. But the choice should be approached responsibly. It should be noted that shampoo will be used economically, so you will have to wash your hair much less.

So, we figured out which shampoos to choose. The question arises: will the hair washing procedure change? Let's look at the answer next.

How to properly wash and style your hair?

Watch a video about how to properly wash your hair and dry your hair after a perm:

It is imperative to style your hair after every shampoo. To prevent further damage, you can use hair styling foam. You need to use a wide-toothed comb, and comb each strand carefully with your hand to shape it. At first it will be difficult to do your hair, but over time, styling your curls beautifully will be just like washing your hair, easily and effortlessly.

Many people believe that a perm makes a girl’s life easier. However, having considered the intricacies of care after the procedure, it should be noted that a beauty who has decided on chemistry will need to devote a lot of time to caring for her hair, returning it to a healthy and well-groomed appearance, as well as styling it. Before performing chemistry, you must carefully study all aspects of this procedure in order to preserve your hair.