Paper crafts middle group of kindergarten. DIY children's crafts from scrap materials

Every year nature gives us a lot of natural materials suitable for creativity, completely free of charge. The process of creating with your own hands develops artistic taste, thinking, memory of the child, fosters perseverance. But the most important thing is that you can have fun and usefully spend time with friends, delighting yourself and others with crafts.

Preparation of natural materials for their further use

Nature is the best artist; she creates natural materials that, in skillful hands, turn into works of art!

Plant materials


Chestnut fruits have a bright brown color and a shiny surface, so they make excellent crafts from natural material with your own hands. The shell of a fresh chestnut is thin and can be easily pierced with an awl. Chestnuts are a fertile material for working with young children themselves. You can make many different dolls.

It is better to store in a cool place in boxes.


Oak fruits ripen in autumn, in September-October. collect various shapes and magnitude.

At the same time, their cups (pluses) on which they rest are collected. Pluski are very often used separately from acorns, as an independent natural material for various crafts.

Acorn pluses and balls felted from wool

Watch the video to see how to felt even balls of wool. Olga Skibina:

Acorn tops and Christmas bells

You can store them for a very long time, after thoroughly washing and drying them. But why just store stones when the whole family can have fun playing with them?)

For another way to apply images to river or sea stones, see the video from You Can Do It Craft. You'll be surprised how easy it is!


You can collect shells on the banks of rivers, seas, and lakes while relaxing with your children. Many of them are original appearance, in shape - oval, scallop-shaped, elongated, etc.

Boil them for a few minutes to free them from living organisms. The shells are washed with a small brush (or a toothbrush), after which they are dried and sorted by type and size. Stored at any temperature.

You can also clean shells in a solution of bleach and water at a ratio of 1:1. The top layer will disappear after a while, leaving the shell with a beautiful shiny top.

Animal figures are made from large shells.

Small shells make wonderful applications and garlands:

Shells can be used not only as the main material, but also as additional decoration (bird wings, dog ears, flower petals, etc.)


Very accessible material that can be collected in any sandbox. It varies in structure. Before use, it must be rinsed and dried thoroughly. And then you can use it as decoration in your works:

Rules for storing natural materials

DIY crafts made from natural materials will be flawless if, after collecting, drying, and pre-processing, you properly store these natural gifts. To do this, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. A dark, cool and well-ventilated room is the best place for storing natural materials.
  2. Can buy plastic containers for storing each type of material; use cardboard boxes for shoes, tea, sweets; take regular ones glass jars with screw cap. For seeds, as for beads, it is better to have a container with many compartments.
  3. Dried flowers are fragile and break easily, so they are placed in a tight box or container. Petals are stored separately from flowers. Flowers with stems can be stored in a vase.
  4. Prepared leaves are also brittle. You can store them in large books. Also, for safety, put them in labeled candy boxes, secure them with a little tape so that they don’t accidentally open.
  5. The shells are placed in glass jars or plastic containers with a wide mouth to prevent them from crumbling.

Additional tools for crafts made from natural materials

To create beautiful craft made from natural materials, you will need additional tools and materials.

It can be:

  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • leather scraps;
  • scraps of fabric;
  • bird feathers;
  • Styrofoam;
  • plasticine;
  • wire;
  • PVA glue, “Moment”;
  • gouache;
  • stain;
  • varnish, etc.

Paper very often used as a complement to natural materials. Children, bending and gluing it, make the work much more interesting.

Plasticine fasten individual parts of simple toys at the initial stage of work. It is not very durable, but as an addition it is often used in kindergarten and elementary school.

From wire most often the frame of a toy is made, the connection of its parts. Copper wire diameter 0.29-0.35 mm - soft, flexible and durable - most comfortable. And for the frame, wire of a larger diameter is used - 1-1.5 mm.

Threads It’s better to take thick, multi-colored ones (No. 10).

Glue it is better to use white PVA, BF, etc. However, in kindergarten it is better to use PVA glue.

They also use foil, pebbles, cherry pits, and bristles.

It is better to store additional material in a small box with compartments for each type of material.

The use of additional material depends on the plan, the skill of the children, and the degree of development of imagination! Offer your options, but rely more on children's intuition and desire.

It is also additionally necessary to have certain tools for making crafts from natural materials:

  • art scissors;
  • awl;
  • jigsaw;
  • tweezers;
  • pliers and wire cutters;
  • sewing needles;
  • brushes for glue and paints;
  • a cotton cloth for wiping off glue residue.

Scissors for children, they should have blunt ends, small, with rings that are comfortable for a child’s hand.

Awl must be made of durable material with a handle length of about 6 cm, a diameter of about 2 cm, the piercing part is 3.5 cm

Needle I need a large sewing machine. Be sure to store it in a pincushion with a thread threaded into it.

Attention! Only adults use pliers, pliers, and drills!

To draw the outline of the part to be cut out, a simple pencil. For example, a dress, hats for a doll, etc. It is better to take a soft pencil (2M).

Tassels(soft for drawing, harder for glue). It is better to buy squirrel tassels (No. 4 and 6). For glue, use brushes with hard bristles.

Stack- a tool necessary for processing a surface made of clay or plasticine. The length of the stack for children is about 12 cm. You can make the stack yourself from a worn-out brush: round it on one side and sharpen it on the other.

Crafts made from natural materials for kindergarten

Kids love it when in their hands chestnuts and plasticine turn into toys that they can play with. Crafts made from natural materials for kindergarten are not very complicated, so any child can do it with the help of an adult. Sometimes they are made from fruits and vegetables, but most often they are applications from leaves and animals from cones and acorns.

Crafts from leaves and maple “helicopters”

The easiest and most accessible job, even for kids, is leaf applique. If this is your first time making a composition with your child, offer him a picture that will serve as a template. Don't rush to do everything yourself. Invite your child to choose leaves as desired so that the work turns out similar to the sample. This will develop your child's creative abilities.

Material for application:

  • colorful leaves;
  • thick sheet A-4;
  • glue brushes;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • sample.

To make a simple arrangement, you need even, dry leaves. Place them under a press or in a book. In two days the material is ready. Cut out the appropriate pieces with scissors and lay them out on a sheet of paper.

Now you can glue it. First the background and lower layers, and then the finer details. For example, if you want to make an elephant, then first make a body and head out of leaves, and then glue on the trunk, tail, and legs. If you don’t have enough eyes, you can add them in with a marker or make them from tree seeds.

You don't have to do everything according to a template. You can come up with a picture yourself and create an original composition from leaves.

Use colored paper, felt-tip pens, and paints as an addition, so your applications will be even more interesting.

Along with leaves, maple “helicopters” are also ideal as a basis for crafts made from natural materials for kindergarten. Just look at this miracle!

Fairy wings made from maple seeds

Dragonflies from maple "helicopters"

Now you have seen how beautiful and original leaf applications can be. Use these ideas for spending time with your children.

Simple master classes on creating children's crafts from acorns and cones

At the end of summer, acorns begin to ripen, and they make wonderful crafts from natural materials for kindergarten or school. They are well preserved, and on long autumn evenings, together with your children, you can do a pleasant and useful activity that develops fine motor skills baby's hands, imagination and perseverance.

The most common crafts made from acorns are little animals and various people. You can easily make legs, arms, horns and other small elements from toothpicks, matches, thin twigs. An adult needs to help the children poke holes in the acorns.

To attach small parts, you can use a glue gun or Super Moment glue, but only adults should do this. And the safest way for kids to fasten parts together is with plasticine.

Making fly agarics from acorns is even easier! To paint acorns, you need to remove the caps from them, and after the paint has dried, glue them in place.

Acorns are very beautiful on their own, and if you paint them too acrylic paints or nail polish, such crafts will decorate any home.

You can also make hats painted with silver paint original decoration on the New Year's tree. The process of creating such an eco-toy is quite simple: we stick it tightly onto a foam ball (you can take an old Christmas ball) acorn caps. And it sparkled new.

We found another video for you, where Niki Junior
In addition to “edible” crafts, kids can choose any of the ones presented in this huge Krestika article! We tried to choose the best and easiest to implement ideas :) Good luck and creative inspiration to everyone!


As a rule, our children spend most of their time in kindergarten. Educators are faced with the difficult task of choosing interesting and educational activities for children every day. And here ideas for children's creativity, which are not difficult to apply in a kindergarten setting. Such DIY crafts for kindergarten can be very diverse, and therefore interesting.

In addition to children's educational games, drawing, singing and dancing, it is very useful to engage with children in creating a variety of crafts from available materials. To maintain excitement in children and stimulate interest, it is very important to organize exhibitions of children's creativity and thematic competitions.

Let's look at some especially popular crafts that kids can make themselves or with a little help from a teacher.

Crafts from plasticine

One of the first places, which is not surprising, is occupied by. This material is completely self-sufficient and working with it does not require virtually any additional materials or tools.

Since the children in the kindergarten are still small, the crafts should not be difficult to perform. For example, popular cartoon characters, animal figurines, simple applications, compositions of plasticine vegetables and fruits. You can invite kids to come up with and implement an interesting design with plasticine on a cup, plastic cup, bottle, to turn them into a vase or stand for pens and pencils.

Also, applications on CDs serve as a very unusual decoration. A photo frame decorated with plasticine decor will look beautiful.

Crafts made from natural materials

Children are also captivated by the ideas of creating wonderful crafts made from natural materials. It is very good if, during a walk, the teacher invites each of the children to collect beautiful leaves, twigs, cones, nuts, chestnuts, acorns, pebbles and other interesting little things for their future work. This stimulates the development of imagination in children, imaginative thinking And creativity. The child, in the process of searching for material, mentally creates an image of his creation in detail in advance.

Natural materials make extraordinary animals, whimsical people, beautiful foliage and flower applications. And the use of plasticine, paints, threads and other additional means in the work helps to expand the boundaries of creative flight.

Crafts made from colored paper

Newspapers, magazine sheets, paper napkins and even candy wrappers also occupy an important place in children's creativity. Work in the style and various simple volumetric decorations are suitable for the kindergarten.

Practice shows that children are especially interested in working with corrugated paper and cardboard, as they allow them to create unusual masterpieces that cannot be made with classic paper.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits

It is also good to use materials such as vegetables and fruits as raw materials for creating children's crafts. This is especially true in autumn period. You can organize a thematic exhibition or a competition between groups for the best composition in a given style.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits not only interesting, but also completely safe. Therefore, educators can use this material without hesitation for classes with their little charges.

Plastic crafts

Of course, to create masterpieces in kindergarten, you can also use pieces of fabric, threads, beads and beads, and buttons. And also - waste material, For example, plastic bottles, disposable plastic tableware, unnecessary discs, bobbins (left over from tape or thread), empty boxes, etc.

From all this, kids can make many different useful and wonderful things - flower vases, cups for pens and pencils, Christmas tree decorations, boxes and much, much more.

Making postcards

Children really enjoy creating crafts, gifts and cards on the eve of various holidays. The most favorite holidays, and, accordingly, creations for them - New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, February 23, March 8, May 9. Even in preschool educational institutions, it is customary to celebrate the Autumn Festival, the Arrival of Spring and some others.

An exhibition or exhibition can be dedicated to any of these events, and children can be involved in creating exhibits or compositions. This has a particularly good effect on children’s development of the ability to work in a team, understanding that sometimes teamwork more productive than individual labor.

Themed crafts

For thematic assignments, you can use a wide variety of materials together.

Children, as a rule, enthusiastically accept the idea of ​​​​creating their own for the New Year. Christmas decorations, bells, small Christmas trees made from unusual raw materials.

The Christmas tree and the room in the kindergarten, decorated with crafts made by the hands of the students, will look very beautiful and festive. Beautiful openwork snowflakes - made of paper, candy wrappers, wire, drawn on disks, bottoms of plastic bottles, cut out of disposable tableware; toys - made of cones, shells; decorated with beads and buttons paper balls; snowmen and Christmas trees - made of cardboard, corrugated paper, plasticine, cotton wool and others interesting crafts will be a wonderful addition to traditional decorations.

And for a gift to mothers, grandmothers or friends, it’s good to organize the design work greeting cards, bouquets of paper flowers, beautiful packaging for gifts and other interesting products.

To get the kids used to working together, you can involve them in creating decorative elements for the room in which the event is taking place. joint activities. The racks and walls in the group decorated with children's crafts are not only decoration, they also clearly demonstrate the successes of the children to their parents, but also serve as an indicator of the effective and fruitful work of the teacher with the children.

In the warm season, you can offer the guys from different groups come up with options for designing the territory of a children's institution and, together with teachers, bring your ideas to life. All the difficult part of the work will be taken on by the garden workers and parents, and the children will help in decorating the details and small parts.

For example, animal figurines made from old car tires, painted with the help of girls and boys from older groups, look very good and creative. Or figurines of bees and a beehive made and painted by children. Pebbles and pieces of wood painted to look like different insects, suitable shapes look interesting and unusual.

You can decorate entire fairy meadows. In this case, both tree logs, plastic containers, stones, and old iron utensils are suitable as materials. With the help of imagination and in skillful hands, all this turns into amazing creatures and wonderful corners for kindergarten students to play.

Each type of creativity is interesting and useful in its own way for the development of our children. The main thing is to choose the right material that will meet the requirements and age of each child individually.

Teachers must be able not only to choose the right material for classes with children different ages, but also take into account the complexity of a particular creation. I think there is no need to remind you that in any case children should not be left unattended while working on crafts, since responsibility for the safety and health of our children in the kindergarten rests entirely with the employees of the preschool institution.

Well, what other crafts do you know about in kindergarten? What do children enjoy doing most? Tell us in the comments!

Sharing with your finds. All or almost all of us have to do crafts with children for kindergarten or school... You will also find fantasies here for home creativity with kids.

Let's start with the trees...

And now - pumpkins...

You don't have to do everything for a specific master class... And strictly adhere to the proposed topic. Can just take a craft idea and remake it in your own way.

Fantasies about candles...

To the hedgehogs I have a special weakness, so to speak. Once my family and I were picking mushrooms (I was still little)… We thought that there was a big milk mushroom under the tubercle. It turned out that We woke up the hedgehog. And you can’t really put him back (as it should be) - he’s so sleepy... And I had to take him to my home - he spent the winter in a mailbox (yes, my childhood was in the 80s) under a pile of paper (and all this time slept)... And then he went into the forest in the spring... Khalesy was like that...

Accessories of the “Queen of Autumn”…

Papier-mâché... And not only...

Well I didn’t put the owls first again. They are always the first and most important for us...

There are, in addition to owls, other living creatures

And again - improvised material. Not only the one found in the forest... But also the “home” one... For example, pistachio shells...

AND door (wall) wreaths... good not only for New Year and Christmas... In autumn they especially cozy and bright it turns out...

And again pumpkins... Some people have a lot of them in their dachas! I’m not a dacha lover (no, no): my mother just hands me buckets of vegetables. But my godmother gave me a pumpkin last year. Ahhhh... Maybe I'm Cinderella?

Let's move on to crafts made from leaves and houses...

If you don't understand how cover with leaves or dough bowl from below, to get such beauty, watch the master classes...

Many people make baskets now. A very popular craft. On this topic "Gifts of Autumn"... Well, the baskets really turn out very colorful and juicy...

And again leaves... And again owls... And a lot of art...

In our kindergarten, Alice’s group is very talented, kind and hardworking teachers- Olga Grigorievna and Anna Sergeevna. They love children. And they adore them make all sorts of things V educational process...Or draw...

Us crafts for children in kindergarten teachers left on a large panel- attached to paper clips that hang on fishing lines... Now I’ll find a post in a magazine when we made such a panel (with owls, of course) for crafts...

It’s such a shame to throw away homemade crafts. Of course, for some time they will please the eye... Some drawings will go into the family archive... But still you won’t keep them in a row... Therefore take photos of your creations. At least collect a photo collection as a souvenir... Only if you take pictures on your mobile phone, Don’t forget to “merge” the photo onto your computer. There are often notices around the city: “Your phone is lost, return it: ALL THE PICTURES OF MY CHILD are there!!!”

Some parents ignore creative activities... They say that paints are a lot of dirt and stains - you can only get by with pencils or felt-tip pens... And all that comes out is a mess... But the child, they say, doesn’t understand the plasticine - he rejects it... Start small- just give the child the materials. A couple of lessons... Then again... And then start gradually advise and help... To encourage creativity, to create... I also don’t really like dolls and LEGOs covered with plasticine... But accuracy, diligence and imagination... they won’t come from anywhere from a child if you don’t work. Daily.

Of course, there is always not enough time. Of course, there is a lot of work and household chores. But the child is delighted that his autumn work is also on display in a kindergarten or school. This - a source of pride yourself and your family...

Maybe this year... Maybe next... Your work will be recognized as the best at the exhibition. Even a prize. It will be a wonderful day. In the meantime, let family evenings be warmed by autumn candles, and photo frames decorated with leaves or acorns adorn the shelves...

By the way, my friend and I once made of papier-mâché just made giant mushrooms... All the children made them as tall as a palm... And here we have... Giants. Mutants...)))

Who hasn't read mine yet? 100 ideas for autumn, be sure to read. And apply - partially...

We a lot of things have already been used and done with Alisa and Shura- I’ll tell you in other posts...

And I’ll show you not today or tomorrow... autumn video...And pictures. According to last fall. Ours is so beautiful There was a family shoot. It’s just so complicated for a video combination of video and photo...So I'm waiting for Shura will finish installation. For now he has a lot of work to do.

P.S. Yes, I show you very few personal and family photos. Otherwise you will get tired of me...

Children's creativity and the ability to make things with their hands is one of the factors in the development of a child's abilities and skills. Spring crafts made from plasticine, paper, improvised and natural materials are necessary for acquiring skills, concentrating, and developing the child’s abstract and logical thinking.

IN kindergarten At school, educators and teachers draw with children, work with plasticine, and make themed crafts. If your baby is at home, take time to joint creativity. This will bring you closer, raise your authority, and bring many advantages for the child’s development, and will also be an excellent opportunity for self-expression.

How to make a spring-themed craft with your child?

Every season brings its own ideas for children's crafts, spring is no exception. The sun is shining, streams are flowing, the first spring flowers are coming to light, birds are flying in and all sorts of bugs and butterflies are appearing - all this is very interesting for a child, because unlike us adults, children look at the world with wide open eyes.

An unlimited amount of material is used to realize fantasies in children's crafts.

Material purchased from an office supply store:

  • colored paper different types(thin for applications of different colors, corrugated, cardboard)
  • plasticine, polymer clay
  • paints (watercolor, acrylic, oil, gouache) with brushes
  • glue, glue gun

Waste material:

  • food boxes
  • containers
  • plastic bottles

Available material:

Natural material:

  • nuts
  • seeds
  • bumps
  • branches
  • acorns
  • wood slices
  • driftwood

In order for the material for children's creativity to acquire form and meaning in children's crafts, it is necessary to decide on the type of work.

Paper crafts about spring for kindergarten

Spring is a colorful time of year that gives birth to bright and cheerful ideas. Children are happy to transfer their impressions onto paper - the most accessible and popular material for children's creativity. In specialized stores big choice colored, self-adhesive, fluorescent paper, as well as ornamental cardboard and foil, for children’s independent work and activities in kindergartens and labor lessons at school.

Paper is a natural material, the most popular and accessible for crafts using a variety of technologies.

Let's consider popular types of children's creativity that are based on paper:

  • origami
  • quilling
  • applique
  • modeling
  • cutting out the silhouette (vytynanka)

Spring origami “Bird on a tree”

Origami is a Japanese-style technique that does not require additional materials: only paper, which skillful hands turn into flowers, birds, and animals. A child can use a piece of paper to create interesting figures of animals, birds, and flowers at home or on a walk with friends.

Material for work:

  1. strips of colored paper 20 cm length, 3 cm width
  2. tree branch
  3. glue gun or PVA glue
  4. scissors

We work with paper:

  1. Take a strip of paper and make a voluminous knot (photo below)
  2. Leave the strip on one side longer
  3. Cut out the tail, body and head
  4. We fix the bird on a tree branch.

Origami “Bird on a Tree” for young children, does not require special efforts from the child - only accuracy and patience

Origami is fine, precise work of hands under the control of consciousness. Develops intelligence and creative thinking.

Spring panel “Lily of the valley flower” using quilling technique

Quilling is a technique of twisting paper into different modules using a special device or a simple toothpick. We draw pictures: we attach multi-colored ribbons twisted into spirals or other shapes to the paper base.

Work for children of older kindergarten and primary school age.


  • strips of paper blue, white, green
  • PVA glue
  • scissors, braid, two types of cardboard

Description of work:

  1. Cut out two rectangles from cardboard - this will become the basis for the craft.
  2. Using a pencil, draw the contours of the lily of the valley (leaves, stem, flowers)
  3. Glue strips of curled paper along the marked contours
  4. We decorate the panel with bright braid and make a loop out of it for a hook.

Paper crafts about spring made using the quilling technique develop a child’s attention, eye, accuracy and arouse interest.

Spring craft papier-mâché “Easter egg”

Papier-mâché, an old European technology, uses small pieces of paper mixed with glue and applied to a mold to preserve its contours.

Material for work:

  • balloon
  • colored corrugated paper
  • unnecessary paper, good use of old newspapers
  • flour for paste

Description of work:

  1. Inflate the ball and cover it on all sides with small pieces of paper soaked in paste.
  2. The first and last layers are lined with colored corrugated paper
  3. Let dry for at least 10 hours
  4. We deflate the balloon and take it out
  5. Use scissors to cut a hole in the egg
  6. Pour pieces of paper, chopped straw or dry hay inside
  7. We put a bird or chicks in the house, you can sculpt figures from plasticine

Children are waiting and rejoicing Christian holiday“Easter” with beautiful rituals, colored and painted eggs and an unusual atmosphere. They will be happy to take part in the festive preparations, make papier-mâché eggs together with their parents, you can put real eggs painted with patterns in them

The papier-mâché technique is distinguished by precise, painstaking work, and teaches the child perseverance - after all, the result will have to wait some time.

Application panel "Bird's nest"

Applique is the creation of a picture or drawing by gluing pieces of paper or cardboard onto a base.

For work you will need:

  • thin paper of different colors
  • brown wool threads
  • PVA glue
  • scissors
  • felt-tip pen

Making panels:

  1. We cut out individual fragments of the picture using ready-made templates
  2. Draw the veins on the leaves and mark the middle of the flower
  3. We knit air chain from woolen threads and line them with branches and a nest
  4. We put together a picture from individual fragments, preferably based on a finished drawing

Spring crafts - applications, favorite hobby children. Combining different types of activities (working with a stencil, scissors, glue) forces the child to switch, which does not cause fatigue from the monotony of work.

Three-dimensional modeling: spring craft “Birdhouse”

Three-dimensional modeling is a fascinating activity that develops children's logical thinking and initial design skills. Using drawings and templates, the child designs and assembles geometric figures, houses, cars.

Birds arrive in the spring, and high school children can make their own birdhouse out of wood. This kind of work is beyond the capabilities of children, but very young children can make a birdhouse out of paper, preferably under the guidance of adults.

For kindergarten children, parents and teachers make a template, which the children carefully cut out and join along the protrusions (flaps) into a single composition.

We select paper with a cheerful spring pattern for the birdhouse, decorate the house with rhinestones and appliqués, and plant a cardboard bird in it.

Modeling is a complex mental work that involves right hemisphere brain, responsible for logical thinking. This birdhouse will decorate and enliven your child’s room or a playroom for children in kindergarten.

Spring craft card-postcard: “A nice gift for mom on March 8th”

Delicate work - cutting out a silhouette on paper with scissors. To better understand this technique, let’s remember how a snowflake is cut out from napkins or thin paper.

Let's take for work:

  • cardboard
  • pieces of paper of different colors and sizes
  • buttons
  • curly scissors

We do the work:

  1. Cut along the outline of the flower without cutting all the way through
  2. On the back side we glue small pieces of paper of different colors
  3. We cover the reverse side with a white sheet so that it is neat
  4. Attached buttons matched to the color of the colored paper.

Plasticine craft on a spring theme “Chicken”

The word plasticine can be used to combine all the plastic materials from which a little sculptor can make a craft on the theme of spring - on his own or with his parents.

To easily navigate the types of plastic material, we divide it into groups:

  • Ordinary plasticine: ball, imported, floating, wax
  • Modeling mass
  • Conditional plasticine: salt dough, clay, modeling paste

Plasticine is an ideal material for spring crafts. To make the chicken we use a container from a kinder and decorate the clearing with applique.

Spring craft “Sunflower” using plasticineography technique

The essence of the work is to create a template along which plasticine is smeared, then the excess is removed, and the finished part of the picture is transferred to the base.

Spring craft-panel for the garden “Spring has come”: drawing from plasticine

Each detail of the picture is made separately and attached to a base, the role of which is played by rough paper. For such work, a template is purchased or prepared in advance - a base with a contour pattern.

Easter eggs made from salt dough

  • Shape the kneaded salted dough into the shape of an egg.
  • Leave a hole for the lace
  • Bake in the oven
  • Painting in bright colors

This craft can be used to decorate rooms, and also as an exhibit for a children's exhibition of handicrafts.

Working with plasticine promotes the development of speech, imagination and motor skills of the child’s hands. To make modeling from plasticine bring joy, choose plasticine; you must take into account the age of the child so that the material is easy to work with and safe for health.

DIY spring flowers

Children love to draw flowers, sculpt from plasticine and make them from paper. Therefore, educators often give parents and children the task of making spring flowers - a craft in kindergarten. We choose the craft we will do together with the children, then the work will be interesting and exciting.

Spring craft “Flowers” ​​made from pompoms

To work you need to take:

  • skein of white or colored yarn
  • piece of cardboard
  • burlap rope
  • glue gun

Completing of the work:

  1. Making a pompom, description in knitting instructions
  2. We attach a pompom (bud) to a branch using a glue gun.
  3. We tie a bow with a burlap rope

Spring composition “Roses” made of paper

We will place red roses originally packaged in a bouquet in a box decorated with burlap.

  • Instructions for making a rose bud

Beautiful and original work, done easily and quickly with a minimum amount of material.

Video: Spring craft flower “Tulip” using origami technique

Crafts made from natural materials in spring

Spring walks bring joy to children. The cold winter has passed, the buds on the trees have swelled, but there are still no leaves or flowers. You can get ahead of your time and, together with your children, decorate a plucked branch of a fruit tree with flowers made from colored corrugated paper. If you put a branch in water, then in a few days leaves and real flowers will appear.

Craft-decoration for Easter “Chicken”

This craft can be made from beans: you can take a multi-colored one, you will get a brighter color of the plumage.

  1. Glue the beans onto the finished template with glue or soft plasticine
  2. make eyes from peppercorns
  3. beak grain of corn
  4. legs with sunflower seeds

Craft a raft from tree branches

Spring streams are flowing, the time has come for children's boats and rafts. A walk with children can be active and fun if you set homemade shell boats sailing along the creek. walnut or a raft made from twigs.

You can make a raft craft from knitted ones with wire or coarse threads and a sail made from a piece of paper.

Spring composition “Snowdrop”

Material for work:

  • blue paper
  • green marker
  • plasticine
  • pumpkin or squash seeds

We draw a snowdrop and use plasticine to attach pumpkin seeds to the cup of the flower. You can decorate a wall with this flower panel or give your mother a great gift.

Spring is a great time for walks, games, and excursions. Nature itself provides ideas for creativity and natural materials.

Spring crafts from scrap materials: photos

Teachers do a lot of work with children from material that has served its purpose, giving it a second life. Boxes of various shapes and sizes from things purchased for the home, food containers, old buttons, disposable tableware, and plastic bottles are used to create original children's works.

Children's spring crafts, help your child grow older and smarter. Work with your children - childhood is a great time for developing the character traits necessary for later life: responsibility, accuracy, diligence.

Video: Spring crafts with dragonflies

Paper crafts are the largest section in the category of children's creativity. Despite the fact that paper is the most accessible material for needlework, works made from it can be very different: from simple applications to three-dimensional models.

And in order to diversify the standard training program manual labor We invite you to familiarize yourself with the crafts of preschoolers in our section, where you will certainly find something interesting and original as an idea for creativity.

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:

  • Paper plastics. Mastering paper plastic art techniques with children
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Showing publications 1-10 of 4112.
All sections | Origami

Necessary materials And tools: colored cardboard colored paper sheet of white paper or cardboard glue stick simple pencil scissors Take a colored sheet red paper. Let's make a rectangle out of it with sides 22 cm and 16 cm. Place it in front of us paper...

Summary of the lesson on cognitive and research activities in senior group"Trip to paper country» Prepared and conducted teacher: Tazetdinova Larisa Anatolyevna Target: expanding children's ideas about paper and its properties. Tasks: Cultivate interest in...

Paper crafts - Summary of a lesson on designing paper in the origami style “Boat” in the preparatory group for children with mental retardation

Publication “Summary of a lesson on designing from paper in the origami style...” Summary of a lesson on designing paper in origami style on the topic "Boat" in preparatory group for children with mental retardation. Goal: To introduce children to the art of origami. Learn how to construct a boat out of paper. Objectives: Educational: Teach children to use operating...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Snail, snail! Show your horns, I'll give you a piece of pie, Donuts, cheesecakes, Butter cakes, Stick out your horns! Dear Colleagues, I present to you, from my work experience, a simple and at the same time original master class with children of younger (3-4 years) age “Snail”. Autumn is a wonderful time...

Paper applications are a creative process through which children learn the world and acquire many skills, including the concept of composition. To make a voluminous applique on an autumn theme you will need Material: yellow and Brown;...

Consultation for teachers “Construction from paper strips” Paper is the material that a child encounters every day: at home, in everyday life, in class, when drawing, making appliqué or designing from paper. Paper design is the transformation of a sheet of paper into a three-dimensional form, resulting in a three-dimensional craft....

Paper crafts - Master class on making a dynamic postcard from paper and cardboard “Cascade of Emotions”

Description: this master class can be used in working with older preschoolers, in club work, V joint activities children and parents. Purpose: the craft can be a fun toy or gift. Purpose of work: creating a dynamic postcard with your own hands. Tasks: -...

Materials: colored paper, whatman paper, pencil, glue, templates of vegetables and fruits, clarity, ruler, scissors, product sample. First we will make a basket: For weaving, we need to take a brown basket blank. Let's draw the basket into vertical stripes 2... wide.

Paper is an excellent material for the development of fine motor skills, imagination, and children's creativity. You can make an applique, fold it in different directions using the origami method, or you can simply use colored strips that were left over from previous work with paper. What is possible...

In the kindergarten "fairy tale" in the Pochemuchki group there are cheerful children who really liked the sea theme. After reading Eduard Uspensky's poem "A Multi-Colored Family" There lived an octopus with his octopus, and they had a few octopuses. They were all Different color: First -...

Probably every mother has a paper craft from her beloved child in her folder or on her desk. Every March 8th or May 9th, a child brings a beautiful paper flower or a postcard with fireworks from kindergarten. In general, paper crafts are popular in preschools.

The site, for example, presents a wonderful idea for making a garland of cute doves. And making flowers from rings will not only create a warm and spring mood in the group, but will also develop fine motor skills, a sense of shape and the ability to combine. The combination of several materials is especially interesting. When they are put together, the pictures turn out to be original, voluminous and very interesting.

The goal of a competent teacher is not only to interest and attract the child to making paper crafts, he must provide support in the implementation of any paper idea. The child himself may not be able to cope with a task that is difficult for him, although he will gladly take on it.