Pumpkin crafts (84 photos) for the garden and school. Animal crafts from vegetables How to make a pumpkin craft: candle holder

Pumpkin crafts can be very different.

Among the most simple options You can highlight candlesticks, boxes, lanterns, beautiful painted figurines, which can be given the required shape and then decorated with paints.

A dried pumpkin will last a long time, look good, and most importantly, if you try, you can make it so that no one can guess what material was used as the basis.

In some design options, pumpkin crafts are very reminiscent of luxury porcelain products, and sometimes even antiques.

Pumpkin men

If the main goal is to decorate the area of ​​a private house, you can take several pumpkins of different sizes. Sort them by size so that each person has a body made from two pumpkins.

When processing a pumpkin, you need to remove the insides - seeds and pulp - so that only the outer shell remains.

It is better to coat the inner walls with a varnish coating - this will add strength and help the shape of the product not to deform.

DIY pumpkin crafts in the shape of little men will be original and beautiful if you use the following materials when processing them:

  • a little straw (it is better if it is strong - dry grass will not work);
  • strong thick threads, preferably colored;
  • openwork ribbons, fabric strips and other products in beautiful design;
  • large buttons;
  • straps;
  • bows;
  • hats.

The list can be expanded, because imagination is practically unlimited.

You can even make a snowman out of a pumpkin if you paint it... White color.

Little men will look beautiful if the size of their head is not too small in relation to the size of the body.

In some cases, pumpkins of different colors are deliberately selected, which creates the appearance that the body is wearing something.

In the center of the lower part in the vertical direction, you can attach a ribbon with glue to which large buttons are attached.

Also good option A belt, also attached to glue, can serve as a tool. You can’t go overboard with accessories, otherwise they will look cluttered.

If the main goal is to decorate, you can attach dry leaves to the pumpkin, which are placed in places where your hands should be.

You can also use dry branches and straw, for example, to create a headdress or just hair.

All elements are attached with glue, but the images are applied with the most ordinary marker or felt-tip pen.

Pumpkin craft "Bear"

You can make an original, simple bear if you have a lot of pumpkins of various sizes in stock.

The largest one will serve as the body, the slightly smaller one will serve as the head, but the paws will look great from small pumpkins, no matter what shape - even round ones they will give the appearance of a teddy bear.

The nose and ears can be made from squash, although they differ in color.

In some compositions this is appropriate, and in some cases paint is useful.

As for the color scheme, the body and head are made in dark shades, and everything else is in light.

It can be the other way around, but the main thing is that there should be some contrast, otherwise all the elements will merge.

It is better to decorate a pumpkin bear with an accessory, for example, a thick bright-colored scarf wrapped around the bear’s neck.

Pumpkin crafts can also be in the form of other animals. This is very unusual and original.

Halloween pumpkin candle holder

You can organize with the help of pumpkins.

The eyes, mouth and nose are cut out using a sharp thin knife. In addition, you can cut a hole where the candle will be threaded.

You need to choose the size of a pumpkin for a candlestick based on the cubic capacity of the room where the product will be placed.

In tight spaces, it is better to use small decorations, otherwise they will attract too much attention and imperfections will be too clearly visible.

To make the pumpkin glow not only in the area of ​​the themed cutouts, but also along the entire perimeter, you can make patterned holes using a small diameter drill. For example, in the shape of flowers: there is one hole in the middle and many others around it.

If you want to make a luminous product, you still have to remove the inside and drill holes between the colors.

Thus, the candle placed inside will give a beautiful glow to the petals of the glued flowers.

Lagenaria, or bottle gourd, is a plant that has many names: bottle lagenaria, Vietnamese squash, gourd. The most popular variety of lagenaria, suitable for growing in the Russian central zone, is called serpentine lagenaria. Any novice gardener can easily cope with growing lagenaria. Lagenaria is not required complex care. The main thing when growing it is to water it regularly. Care also includes fertilizing and loosening.

Due to its ease of care and cultivation, it often grows in gardens and vegetable gardens. It is usually grown by gardeners who prefer low-maintenance plants. Lagenaria dishes are very healthy because gourd pumpkin is rich in vitamins.

However, not everyone knows that, in addition to delicious dishes, this original pumpkin can be used to make very interesting crafts. Original do-it-yourself souvenirs made from gourds will serve a great gift family and friends and will take their rightful place at a fair or exhibition. You can make original dishes from a gourd. Sometimes they make interesting toys out of it. You can also make unusual Christmas tree decorations from it.

It is no coincidence that Lagenaria is called dish gourd, or bottle gourd. You can make beautiful dishes from it. This plant is also called gourd gourd because the fruits of lagenaria have a shape that resembles a small pot-bellied vessel with a narrow neck. Most often, in crafts made from lagenaria, it is the original shape of the fruits of the “Vietnamese zucchini” that is played up.

The main advantage of lagenaria as a material for crafts is that its fruits require virtually no additional processing. It is enough to simply dry them, remove the pulp, cover them with colorless varnish and paint them in an original way, in accordance with the purpose of the finished product. To make crafts, you should select the largest, strongest and most ripe lagenaria fruits.

Most often, the following types of souvenirs are made from lagenaria, or bottle gourd:

  • Dishes for children and adults, as well as toy dishes;
  • Original flower vases;
  • Kids toys;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • Matryoshka dolls.

Before making the craft, the lagenaria fruits need to be cut and dried. It is best to dry them in such a way that the fruits are not exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the blanks for crafts will quickly fade and crack. The ideal drying option is on a window facing the sunny side. You can also dry fruits even faster by using special dryers for berries, vegetables and fruits, such as the Veterok dryer. When the fruits are prepared for drying, all the pulp is completely removed from them.

The most convenient way to do this is with a special wire bent at the end, because such a wire, provided it is long enough, allows you to reach the very bottom and successfully collect all the pulp from the walls. Then the workpiece is dried. Provided proper drying, the workpiece becomes dry and hard. Now the Vietnamese squash fruit resembles a cup or a vase, depending on the shape. Using imagination and a creative approach to business, you can make anything from this blank. Fruits intended for making crafts should not have damage or signs of rotting.

Gallery: pumpkin crafts (25 photos)

Manufacturing Features

Even a child student can handle making crafts from lagenaria junior classes. The main thing is to properly prepare the materials for crafts. You can make a variety of dishes from lagenaria, because each gourd pumpkin fruit has a special shape: there are small pot-bellied pumpkins, and there are long, elongated fruits that resemble a bottle. Utensils made from lagenaria resemble ancient wooden utensils. Depending on the shape, the following types of kitchen utensils can be made from lagenaria:

Lagenaria dishes

When making dishes from lagenaria, the home craftsman should start from the shape of the workpiece. The basic principle of sculptors applies here: take the material and simply cut off everything unnecessary from it. The finished dishes can not be painted, but simply coated with colorless varnish, because the lagenaria fruits themselves have a beautiful natural color and also have an interesting texture. However, you can also decorate the dishes with original ornaments. In this case, a primer is first applied to the workpiece, then the workpiece is painted.

And finally, it is completely covered with colorless varnish and placed on a shelf until completely dry.

You can use a variety of ornaments to decorate dishes made from gourds: geometric figures, borders of zigzags and wavy lines, floral decor, stylized images of animals and birds in the style of ancient Russian wood carving. You can apply a design with paint, you can decorate the dishes with carvings, or you can use a burning device for this purpose.

Most often, lagenaria dishes are painted.

Pumpkin dishes can be used for their intended purpose: drinking from it. However, if the workpiece was initially poorly dried, constant contact with liquid can cause mold to appear. It is best to use lagenaria dishes for storing bulk products and spices or as decoration.

Such dishes are perfect for kitchen interiors decorated in Provence style (also known as country, folk or country style). Also, dishes made from gourds will look impressive at exhibitions and craft fairs. From the smallest pumpkins you can make a set for a large doll: pots, tureens, bowls and cups.

Also, gourd pumpkins are often made from dried preparations. original toys. You can effectively play up the characteristic shape of the Vietnamese zucchini (a pot-bellied pumpkin with an elongated neck) by making a whole set of nesting dolls from the fruits. To do this, you need to select several bottle gourd fruits, slightly different from each other in size. The upper, slightly elongated part of the fruit will be the “head” of the nesting doll, and the lower, wide part of the pumpkin will be its “body”.

In the upper part you need to draw a circle, and in this circle you should depict the doll’s face: hair, eyes, nose and mouth, red cheeks, everything like in a classic matryoshka doll. The rest of the fruit is a “shawl”, a “suit” of the nesting doll, it needs to be painted accordingly. You can draw bright flowers on the “scarf” and “costume”, draw hands on the matryoshka doll, and decorate it with bright ornaments in folklore style.

You can paint a lagenaria blank intended for making dishes white, and then wait until it dries and depict blue flowers on a white background, and you will get original dishes, decorated with “Gzhel” painting. You can cut the elongated lagenaria fruit lengthwise into two halves, remove the pulp, and you will get two blanks for wooden spoons. Improvised spoons - decorate with “Khokhloma” painting.

Many home craftsmen believe that crafts made from lagenaria must be brightly colored, then they will turn out to be the most expressive, cheerful, cheerful and vibrant. However, among home craftsmen there is a different opinion. Some craftsmen who have extensive experience working with lagenaria believe that it does not need to be painted at all, but only coated with colorless varnish to protect it from damage and mold.

Lagenaria is a wonderful vegetable. You can cook delicious dishes from it, as well as make very unusual cups, boxes, bowls and even toys. Also, the gourd pumpkin looks beautiful in the garden or vegetable garden as an ornamental plant. Recently, this plant has become very popular and is quite often found in the front gardens of lovers of ornamental plants. Crafts from lagenaria, made with your own hands at home, are an excellent souvenir for family and friends. The main thing is to choose healthy, strong fruits and dry them properly.

Useful tips

Today they are just as popular, but instead of dishes they are used to make various decorations and crafts.

Usually pumpkins are used to make crafts for Halloween, but on other days you can make regular crafts for school or kindergarten, home or to the country.

Pumpkins come in different shapes, sizes and colors, which means they are an excellent material for all kinds of crafts.

Kids Pumpkin Crafts: Halloween Head

You will need:

Pumpkin of any size

Felt pen

Acrylic paints

Spoon (if necessary).

1. Cut off the bottom of the pumpkin if the pumpkin is wide, or the top if it is elongated, and scoop out the insides with a spoon.

2. Using a felt-tip pen, draw a face that you will then cut out of the pumpkin. It's better to draw something simple to make cutting easier.

3. Take a thin kitchen knife and begin to carefully cut out the face. You may need both a large and a small knife to more clearly cut out some of the pumpkin's features, such as the teeth and eyes. You can also print out a face on paper in advance, attach it to the pumpkin and make the necessary marks.

Cutting is not at all difficult, the main thing is to have patience.

* Once the face is cut out, you can insert a candle into the pumpkin and you will have one festive detail.

DIY Pumpkin Craft for Kids: Glitter Pumpkin

You don't need to cut anything out of this pumpkin. Can be done beautiful craft using only glitter and simple acrylic paints.

You will need:

White pumpkin

PVA glue




1. Take your brushes and apply PVA glue to some areas of the pumpkin.

2. Using sponges, apply glitter to the glue.

* Experiment with patterns - apply glue so that you get different lines and shapes, then simply sprinkle glitter on the places where the glue is applied.

* Instead of glue and glitter, you can simply paint a white pumpkin acrylic paints, drawing different patterns and figures.

Autumn themed pumpkin crafts: pumpkin vase

You will need:

Plastic or glass cup

1. Cut out the top of the pumpkin and discard its contents. It is advisable that the hole from the cut crown be slightly larger than a glass.

2. If possible, cut a small recess for the cup.

3. Insert a plastic or glass cup into the pumpkin and pour water into it.

* Make sure the glass is firmly in the pumpkin. If necessary, make a slightly deeper hole in the bottom of the pumpkin so that the glass fits well into it.

Here is another version of such a vase, only bigger size:

How to make a pumpkin craft: candle holder

You will need:

Thick tall candle

Felt pen

Autumn leaves (artificial and/or real)

Twigs with berries (rowan, for example)

Little bumps.

1. Remove the tail of the pumpkin. Place the Candle on top and trace it with a felt-tip pen - this way you will know how much to cut out from the top.

2. Cut off the top of the pumpkin so that the candle fits snugly inside the pumpkin. If desired, the insides can be removed.

*You may need to use glue to better attach the candle.

3. Using glue, attach decorations to your candle holder (autumn leaves, twigs with berries, small pine cones, etc.).

* The candle should be tall enough to rise a few inches above the decorations to prevent them from catching fire.

Pumpkin craft for the garden: funny little people

You will need:

Pumpkins of different sizes (preferably white)


PVA glue (preferably superglue) or a glue gun with hot glue

Various accessories (glasses, hats, wigs)

Artificial flowers and other decorations (optional).

1. From felt, cut out bows, mustaches and other details that your little people may need.

3. You can use old glasses or make glasses out of felt or cardboard and glue them on too.

4. Add a hat, flowers and other accessories.

Pumpkin crafts for kindergarten: owl

You will need:


Superglue or hot glue.

1. Cut out the necessary details from felt (eyes, feathers, beak, ears and wings).

2. Using glue, carefully glue all the cut out parts. Start with the feathers different color: Glue the first row at the bottom of the pumpkin, then the second row (in a checkerboard pattern) and so on until you cover the desired part of the pumpkin.

* You don’t need to cover the whole pumpkin; just partially glue the feathers.

3. Glue the owl's eyes, ears and wings on top of the feathers.

Pumpkin crafts (master class): decorating pumpkins with wax crayons

You will need:

White or orange pumpkin

Wax crayons

Scissors or knife

PVA glue (thick)

1. Take out the crayons and cut them in half.

2. Using glue, glue crayons (about 16 pieces of different colors) to the top of the pumpkin.

3. Once the glue has dried, use a hair dryer to melt the crayons so that the top of the pumpkin is covered in different colors. bright colors. Do not turn on the hair dryer at full power; it is better to melt the crayons slowly and carefully.

Pumpkin crafts for school: emoticons

You will need:

Several small pumpkins

Acrylic paints

Black marker

A simple pencil.

1. Cut off the top of each pumpkin and remove the insides.

2. Using a marker or pencil, draw a circle on one side of the pumpkin - this will be the smiley face's head. You don't have to make the circle perfect.

3. Inside the circle, draw any facial expression to create a funny smiley face.

4. Think about what parts you will cut out. Some emojis can have eyes cut out, some have a mouth, and some have both.

5. When you have cut out the pieces you need, paint the entire circle in yellow. You will need to paint in several layers to make the color more saturated.

Leave the paint to dry. If you want the drying process to go faster, use a hair dryer.

6. You can add other colors depending on the emoticon. You can draw a red heart, pink tongue and/or white eyes.

7. Once the paint is dry, outline all the lines with a black marker.

Video instruction:

Autumn pumpkin craft

You will need:

wide pumpkin

Autumn leaves (artificial or natural)

Floral sponge (floral oasis)

Wire (preferably floral) or tape

Floral sticks or skewers.

1. Cut the pumpkin in half and remove the insides.

2. Cut the floral sponge to fit inside the pumpkin.

3. Using wire or tape, tie several leaves together into a bunch to create a lush branch.

4. Insert the branch into the sponge.

5. Make a few more branches and insert them into the sponge to create a lush bouquet of leaves.

* If desired, you can attach cones, berries, twigs and other decorations.

Autumn craft "Pumpkin carriage"

You will need:

wide pumpkin

Small pumpkins (for wheels) or wire or cardboard

Marker or pen

thick wire

Thin wire.

1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin, remove the insides with a tablespoon and cut out the windows and door of the future carriage. You can first draw with a marker the places where the doors and windows will be.

*If desired, you can draw a design on the carriage and cut it out.

2. To make carriage wheels you can use several materials:


Draw 4 circles of the same size on a piece of thick cardboard and cut them out. You can draw knitting needles with a marker. Cardboard wheels can also be painted.

Small pumpkins

In addition to pumpkins, you can use other hard vegetables and fruits. These wheels look nice, but quickly deteriorate.


Making wheels from wire is more difficult, but they are durable and will last a long time. After you've woven made of wheel wire, you can wrap it in foil for beauty.

Autumn is a wonderful time, it seems as if nature is ready to give it all its colors before the cold winter. And as a great gift from this time of year, we receive all kinds of vegetables, which are not only healthy to eat, but also to make all kinds of crafts from them - interior decorations.

Today on the Dream House website we will talk about pumpkin. It is not only useful, but also has a beautiful color, from green with specks of yellow, to rich yellow and orange. The color and thick skin make pumpkin crafts durable and beautiful. They can please the eye for a very short time or, conversely, for a very long time. What can be made from pumpkin, how to extend the life of crafts? Let's talk about this.

What crafts can you make from a pumpkin with your own hands?

The first thing that comes to mind is pumpkin. On this holiday, pumpkin heads are found everywhere, and in our country the idea was picked up quite quickly. Second - . But we have a separate publication about them. What else?

The easiest crafts to make are all kinds of boxes, candlesticks, lanterns, etc. More difficult to make items are made from dried pumpkin - handbags.

You can fill a child’s room with a large number of pumpkin crafts: a crib mobile, maracas, a lamp, etc. Together with the children it will be interesting to make a carriage, houses, various animals, pumpkin boats, and all kinds of little people.

Cool faces - pumpkin crafts

Cool faces - pumpkin crafts for the garden

DIY pumpkin crafts for kids

A fireplace or shelf in the living room can be decorated with this original craft like a round pumpkin clock.

Crafts from a large pumpkin - clock

If you are the happy owner of a garden, then fill it with street lamps and lanterns, a birdhouse, and an intricate pumpkin washstand.

Pumpkins decorated with fresh flowers, sparkles, and autumn leaves. This is probably one of the best jewelry For .

And with the help of paints you can make beautiful patterns.

How to make pumpkin crafts: highlights

When getting acquainted with pumpkin as a material for crafts, it is best to get your hands on easy-to-make objects, and only after that move on to more complex crafts.

Selecting a tool

To make this or that craft, you need to properly prepare the available tools. Most often you will need:

  • long knife;
  • a scraper or spoon to remove the pulp from the pumpkin;
  • paper for faster drying of the pumpkin;
  • thin paper, coal;
  • an awl to make small holes;
  • scotch;
  • paint, cutter, etc.

Selecting and drying the pumpkin

Most often, crafts are made from decorative pumpkins, but ordinary small specimens can also be used. Having chosen a suitable vegetable, inspect it for any rotten spots, wash it thoroughly and wipe it, preferably with an alcohol solution. Your next step depends on the purpose of the future craft.

If you do not plan to store it for a long time, then you need to simply dry the pumpkin, which will not take very much time. You should cut off the neck, remove the pulp and seeds with a spoon, then stuff it with plenty of paper to absorb moisture. Change the paper until it is no longer damp. Now the pumpkin is ready to use.

If you want to make something more serious, such as dishes, then you should know how to dry a pumpkin for crafts so that it lasts much longer. You will have to be patient because this process will take six months. To avoid disappointment at the end of the term, instead of a well-dried pumpkin, choose several pieces for drying. In the process, some of them may begin to rot. So, pumpkins that have been washed and wiped with a weak alcohol solution must be put in a well-ventilated room not exposed to sunlight. Vegetables should not touch each other. Every day for 6 months, turn the pumpkins over and check if they have begun to rot so that you can remove the infected vegetable in time.

How to dry a pumpkin for crafts

Dried pumpkin crafts

Let's start creating

To make making pumpkin crafts with your own hands a lot of fun, use our tips:

  • if the pumpkin was dried entirely, then before removing the seeds from it, pour water inside, then rinse the pumpkin;
  • To apply a pattern to a vegetable, you should first apply it to thin paper, then use tape to glue it to the pumpkin and use an awl to “pierce” the pattern along the contour. After removing the paper, wipe the craft with coal, it will help fix the design. The second option is to use regular copy paper to apply the design;
  • the final design is applied to a well-dried pumpkin using a jigsaw or wood burning device;
  • You can apply a design to a fresh pumpkin using a regular vegetable cutter;
  • if you decide to use paints, then give preference to acrylic ones;
  • do not varnish the craft, the pumpkin must breathe;
  • if a craft made from a fresh pumpkin begins to dry out, dip it in water for several hours;
  • The design should be cut from the center;
  • If you unsuccessfully cut out part of a design in a fresh pumpkin, you can return the cut piece using wire.

Pumpkin Crafts for Beginners

Having been fired up by the idea of ​​creating something, I don’t want to wait 6 months. Therefore, we bring to your attention the most simple crafts from natural material- from pumpkin.

Pumpkin candle

Prepare a small pumpkin as described above. After quick drying, carefully secure the wick to the bottom of the pumpkin and pour wax inside. You can use aromatic wax.

Small candles - round pumpkin crafts


Follow the steps described for making a pumpkin candle, only at the end, instead of wax and wick, place a small candle inside the vegetable. If you wish, you can first apply a design and make the candlestick more openwork. You can also make a lamp.

Pumpkin basket

Perfectly decorate the autumn table. Cut the pumpkin into a basket, cutting out any excess. Remove the seeds and dry quickly. The handle of the basket can be carved, and a simple design can also be applied to the side parts of the pumpkin.

Today I will tell you and show you how to make a fabric pumpkin with your own hands. This pumpkin can be sewn into girlfriends and used as autumn home decor or for Halloween.

This year we grew some incredibly beautiful pumpkins at our dacha. Orange-orange, smooth sides, large and round. Just like in an agronomy textbook. I wanted to preserve something like this for a long time, and the idea of ​​a master class on sewing fabric pumpkins came to mind. A nearby textile store was immediately attacked for fabrics. suitable colors. With a little effort, your fall home decor is ready.

Fabric pumpkin - materials and tools

If you have some orange or brownish fabric or clothing at home suitable color, which is high time to dispose of, then you are in luck. But in principle it is not necessary to follow stereotypes. You can sew a pumpkin from fabric of any color and with any pattern, the main thing is that you like it.

My textile pumpkins are quite large. When I sewed them, I was faced with the fact that the stuffing requires quite a lot of padding polyester. A plastic bottle will help us save filler.

The height of a large pumpkin (without tail) is 32 cm, volume is 74 cm.

  • A piece of fabric of a suitable color - 40 x 80 cm
  • Sewing machine (can be done by hand)
  • Scissors, thread and needle
  • Sintepon or other filler
  • Plastic bottle
  • Strong canvas rope - about 3 meters
  • Hot melt adhesive.

Do-it-yourself textile pumpkin - progress of work

This pumpkin is made from fabric quite simple and fast. I think one piece will take no more than half an hour.

1. First, prepare a piece of fabric measuring about 40 by 80 cm. The size depends on how large the textile pumpkin you want to get. It should also be remembered that the finished fabric pumpkin may be smaller, due to the fact that it will be tied with a rope.

2. Fold the fabric in half with the right side inward and stitch the edges on a machine or baste it by hand.

3. Iron the seam so that the pumpkin looks neater, and begin working on the bottom. To do this, take a thread and a needle, step back a couple of centimeters from the edge of the fabric and sew it with a running stitch.

Then we pull the ends of the thread together and secure the resulting bundle.

4. Turn the pumpkin blank out of the fabric and see that you get a bag like this.

5. Now we prepare the filler. Cut out a strip of padding polyester and lay it on the floor. We put the cut inside plastic bottle, the same padding polyester and pieces of unnecessary fabric. We roll all this into a roller of the required size. The more filler, the fewer wrinkles will be on our textile pumpkin.

6. Place the resulting filler in a blank bag. Distribute it so that it turns out neatly and fills the entire pumpkin.

Then we make the same seam as in step 3, only along the upper edge of the pumpkin. Pull the ends of the thread together and sew up the top edge.

7. Now we need a strong rope to make divisions on our workpiece. Since I couldn’t find a thin canvas rope, I had to buy linen rope and disassemble it into individual threads.

8. So, take a rope and tie it around the pumpkin as in the photo to get divisions. We repeat this process 4 times. The ends of the rope must be long enough so that they can be used later form a ponytail.

9. Now a simple task that is difficult to explain. Who long hair, we remember how to make a bun. This is how we will form the tail on our pumpkin.

We pull out all the ends of the ropes and begin to twist them in a spiral. When you feel tension, begin to gently twist the tourniquet around the base. Form a beautiful ponytail and secure it with hot glue.

Ready! I decided to make 3 linen pumpkins in different colors. Now I have something to decorate my apartment for in the fall and for Halloween.

I hope you enjoyed it.