Commemoration of the dead on Parents' Saturday. World Parents Day When is Parents Day and Trinity Day?

This great holiday dedicated to the memory of our ancestors. The Slavs called it Radonitsa (in Church Slavonic - Radunitsa), and in modern Russia The holiday is often called Parents' Day. On this day, it is customary to visit the graves of deceased relatives, offer funeral prayers, and prepare a festive treat.

When is Parents' Day in 2019

To find out exactly what date Radonitsa in 2019, let's look at the Orthodox calendar. From it we learn that this holiday is “floating”, that it does not have a specific date. It is celebrated on the 9th day from Easter, in particular, Parents' Day 2019 falls on May 7. The holiday does not belong to the “red” dates, that is, it is not an official weekend. Nevertheless, Radonitsa is eagerly celebrated by residents not only of Russia, but also of Ukraine and Belarus.

The origins of the holiday

Historians argue about when exactly the tradition of setting aside a special day for commemorating and visiting the graves of the deceased arose. There is an assumption that such a custom appeared in the 5th century BC. In those days, people did not even doubt the existence of people guarding the burial mounds of the dead. What is characteristic is that these deities were called “radonitsy” and they were supposed to make generous gifts and offerings.

Radonitsa in the temple

Etymologists give another interpretation of the name of the holiday “Radonitsa”. According to scientists, it comes from the semantically similar words “joy” and “kind”. In this case, the meaning of the holiday is to rejoice at the resurrection of the Savior, as well as the future resurrection of loved ones who have left this mortal world.

It should be noted that initially Parents' Day was not a church holiday; it appeared long before Rus' converted to the Christian faith. Our Slavic ancestors believed that after death the soul of a person... However, on special days, the deceased spirit can visit living relatives and help them, while remaining completely unnoticed.

What you can and cannot do on Radonitsa

If you want to celebrate Parents' Day in 2019 the way our ancestors did, then you should know what rules you must follow.


  • Leaving trash, food scraps, shot glasses or other objects on graves
  • Conduct a wedding ceremony (this is due to the fact that in 2019 Radonitsa falls on Tuesday)
  • Order prayers and memorial services for suicides in churches


  • Tidy up the graves of deceased relatives
  • Perform your job duties, but only if necessary
  • You can celebrate your birthday, but the first toast should be to remember the departed

Folk signs for Parents' Day

On the eve of this holiday, you can ask deceased relatives to send you. To do this, you just need to pray for the deceased, light a candle in the temple and ask them to send you a hint. If you wish, you can ask a specific question, the answer to which you hope to see in a dream.

It was customary for the Slavs to heat the bathhouse on Radonitsa and leave it there best clothes, clean towel and linen. The bathhouse was tightly locked and no one even appeared nearby. The Slavs believed that in this way they were giving their ancestors the opportunity to undergo purification. It was a ritual to show respect.

If Radonitsa falls on a new moon, then the harvest this year will be abundant. Today, in 2019, this sign can be interpreted in a different way - the year will be “rich” in good events in material terms.

Happiness will smile on those who visit the graves of their ancestors before others on Parents' Day. Such a person will have good luck throughout the year.

On Parents' Day, contact with the ground should be limited as much as possible. In other words, all agricultural work should be postponed to a more favorable time. The same rule applies to the construction of buildings and, in general, to any work on the site.

Fortune telling on Radonitsa

There are two types of fortune telling for the betrothed that can be done on this holiday.

Method 1: you will need to weave a wreath from birch twigs. Take the wreath to the river and place it in the water. Wherever the wreath floats, the betrothed will come from the other side.

Method 2: Go to the nearest grove or park, find a birch tree and break off a small branch from it. Place this branch under your pillow on the night of Parents' Day. By doing this, you will be able to see the image of your future husband in a dream.

In addition, you can use special online fortune telling presented on the Belshazzar website. This does not require any preparation. will help you find out how your loved one, relative or boss treats you. To find out whether your union will be promising, use the online fortune telling "". You may also like - look into the secret thoughts of your lover!

The weather will predict your fate

Even today, in 2019, in some regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the tradition of “inviting” spring has been preserved. This is a very old custom that came to us from our ancestors. Popular beliefs They say that if you don’t “call” spring and sing songs of praise to it, you may be left without a good harvest.

Lucky omens include the rain that fell right on Parents' Day. If a young unmarried girl gets caught in the rain, then very soon she will meet her betrothed. For other people, rain on Radonitsa portends wealth and the fulfillment of plans.

But if the weather is windy, then you should hurry to the cemetery to the graves of your ancestors. The Slavs believed that the souls of the dead showed their anxiety in a way that was accessible to them. If you ignore this natural signal, you can deprive yourself of the protection of the Higher Powers for a whole year.

Video “Parents Day 2019”

Easter is approaching, so many people are interested in the question of what date is Parents' Day in 2019. Its other name is Radonitsa (consonant with the words “kind” and “joy”). This is the main day of remembrance of all the dead - both Orthodox and people of other views.

In 2019, Parents' Week falls on May 5-11. The name of this week is comparable to the word “joy.” The ancestors believed that this was a period of “joyful wakes”, since it was a joyful time.

Memorial days according to the church calendar

If we talk about when exactly (what date) Parents' Day will take place in 2019, then there will be several answers. It is also important for people to know when Big Parents' Saturday will be this year.

Parents' Saturday - when

Indeed, several times a year we can hear the following words: “Today is parents’ Saturday.” What does this mean, and why is this Saturday called parental Saturday?

There are 7 parental Saturdays a year - these are the days when the deceased are remembered in a special way. They got their name due to the fact that when people addressed the Lord, they first of all mentioned their deceased relatives. From year to year, the dates of parental Saturdays change, as they depend on the dates of other church holidays.

If we talk about what date Radonitsa is in 2019, we can recall other memorial dates that are established by the church calendar.

  • March 2 - Ecumenical (meat-free) parent's Saturday. They commemorate all deceased Orthodox Christians - both parents and relatives, acquaintances, and friends.
  • March 23, March 30 and April 6 are Parental Saturdays of Lent in 2019.
  • May 7 is Parents' Day, also known as Radonitsa (the first date of commemoration allowed by the church after Holy and Bright Weeks).
  • May 9 is the Day of Remembrance for fallen soldiers during the Great Patriotic War.
  • June 15 is Trinity Parents' Saturday, which also has universal significance.
  • October 12 - Intercession Parents' Saturday.
  • November 2 - Dmitrievskaya (Dimitrievskaya) parents' Saturday.

And there is also Memorial Day on September 11, when memorial services are held in memory of other soldiers who died for the Tsar and the Fatherland.

Other memorial days after Easter

Along with these seven Saturdays, there are also private parenting days. For example, May 9 is not only Public Holiday, known as Victory Day, but also the Day of Remembrance of fallen soldiers during the Great Patriotic War.

Memorial Day September 11th is the Day of Remembrance of fallen soldiers of the Orthodox faith. Then memorial services are served in memory of other soldiers who died for the Tsar and the Fatherland. Interestingly, such a tradition has existed for more than two centuries - it was first established by Catherine the Great in 1774.

How the dead are remembered in church

If we talk about what date parent’s day is after Easter in 2019, then the main date is Radonitsa Day on May 7th. The deceased are also intensely venerated before Trinity, during the Ecumenical Trinity Parental Saturday (in 2019 it will be June 15).

On all parental Saturdays, services begin the evening before. On Friday, the Great Requiem Service takes place (the word itself is translated from Greek as “all-night vigil”). And the next day, in the morning, the funeral Divine Liturgy is celebrated, after which a general memorial service takes place.

Believers can come to the temple on any of these days, whenever possible and desired. Traditionally, notes are submitted in which the names of the deceased baptized parents or other close people are written in Old Church Slavonic. It is advisable to submit notes the night before on Friday - usually they are guided by the schedule of the temple itself.

It is also customary to bring modest Lenten food and church wine (Cahors). It is supposed to leave food in the temple so that anyone in need can take it, as conscience allows.

Such a tradition has existed for several centuries or even millennia and has purely folk roots. It's called "bring food for the eve."

5 tips for having a great parent's day

Along with the question of when Easter and Parents' Day will be, people often ask how to properly spend this special time. It is clear that you need to go to the cemetery and restore complete order there - tidy up the area, paint the table and fence, put fresh flowers.

What else, and most importantly, what to do on Radonitsa:

  1. According to tradition, one is supposed to take part in the morning service. By the way, it will completely set a person up and help him calm his thoughts before a difficult visit to his deceased ancestors and loved ones.
  2. Then, in the cemetery, you can light a candle and place it on the table. Contemplation of fire is very relaxing and pacifies a person - a fact known to everyone.
  3. Then, if you wish, you can read any prayer, both out loud and silently. Of course, you can speak or send mental waves in your own words - the main thing is to do it from a sincere desire.
  4. You should not imitate the ridiculous traditions associated with drinking alcohol, leaving a glass of vodka and food on the grave. The Church is quite categorical on this issue and says a firm “no”. And it is intuitively clear that alcohol is not a drink for the cemetery.
  5. Finally, you can (and should) remember your loved one by giving alms. By the way, it is better to give Easter eggs, eggs and other products (and maybe even modest money) to someone in need. But vodka and other strong drinks should not be given - again, let’s not confuse the holiday with Memorial Day.


On the one hand, it is clear: we, children, remember our departed parents. But this is not always the case. Alas, sometimes parents have to remember their children.And of course, it is not forbidden to pay last respects dear friend, dear to my heart and just a very close, warm person.

It is believed that the day is called parental mainly because the soul after death goes to its clan. Similar statements can be found in the Bible (for example, Genesis 26:7-8).

In 2019, Parents' Day will take place on May 7, and it is better to prepare for such an event in advance. But coming to the cemetery on Easter and until Radonitsa (during the first week after the holiday) is undesirable.

Bright days are for celebration, and parent's day is for remembrance. Everything in the year will have its time.

In addition to church holidays, Christians also have memorial days, which are popularly called “parental days.” IN church calendar there are several days like this. However, the most important parenting day falls on the ninth day after Easter. We tell you what the essence of parent's day is and why it is important to go to the cemetery at this time.

What date is Parents' Day in 2018?

Every year the dates of parenting days change. Traditionally, Parents' Day falls on the ninth day after Easter. Since Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on April 8 in 2018, Parents' Day will be on Tuesday, April 17.

Why are memorial days called “parental days”?

The church has several explanations for why memorial days are called “parental days.”

It is believed that often, when thinking about relatives and loved ones, people remember their parents. If the mother and father are no longer alive, then they are the ones you need to think about on parent’s day.

According to another version, after death a person goes to his forefathers or, in other words, to his parents.

What is Radonitsa?

In the regions of Russia this day is called differently: Graves, Easter of the Dead, Radovnitsa. Another common name is Radonitsa. Despite the fact that Parents' Day is dedicated to sad events, it is believed that on Parents' Day you should be happy for your loved ones. After all, in Christianity, death is not the end, but a transition to a better life.

What do you do on parent's day?

On Parents' Day, you need to remember the deceased, list their good deeds, and rejoice at their birth into a new life. It is customary to go to churches, light candles and pray. You should definitely visit the cemetery and take sweets there.

It is also customary to decorate graves on Parents' Day.

On Radonitsa it is customary to paint eggs again and prepare treats. There is a tradition of “christening with the departed.” To do this, red eggs are buried in the ground - in a cemetery or behind the house where the deceased lived.

What can't you do on Parents' Day?

On Parents' Day, you can't cry a lot, or drink alcohol.

There is an opinion that stone slabs should not be placed on graves on this day.


In Christianity, in addition to church holidays and fasts, Parents' Day occupies a special place. 2018 will be no exception and all believers will remember their parents and close relatives.

Radonitsa is considered the main memorial day for Orthodox Christians. This year it falls on Tuesday, April 17th.

Parents' Day after Easter in 2018: when, what can you do?

The days when the closest relatives are remembered are called Parent Days in Christianity. There are eight such memorial days in the church calendar throughout the year. Every year they take place in different days, since they are tied to the main thing Christian holiday Easter.

There are several explanations why All Souls Day is called Parents' Day: the first explanation for this name suggests itself. After all, when remembering deceased relatives, we first of all think about the people closest to us - our parents; Another version is that after a deceased person is buried, he, according to Christians, goes to his closest people, that is, his parents.

According to church canons, the main parental memorial day falls on the ninth day after Easter, namely Tuesday. In 2018 it will be 04/17/18.

It should be noted that this day is called differently in different regions of Russia. Somewhere it is called Graves, somewhere Easter of the Dead, and somewhere Radovnica. However, the essence of this holiday remains unchanged - it is a special day for remembering deceased parents and closest people.

It is believed that the name “Radonitsa” comes from the verb “to rejoice”, since on this day we not only remember our deceased loved ones, but also congratulate them on Easter, believing that the Kingdom of Heaven will come and all the dead will be resurrected.

The main feature of this day is the preparation of a special treat, which is intended both for people living now and for the dead. On Radonitsa, eggs are painted again and kutya is prepared. It should be noted that most eggs are painted red.

In some regions of Russia, the tradition of “christening with the dead” has been preserved. To do this, red eggs are buried in the ground. In some villages it is customary to place them in the ground directly in the cemetery, in others it is enough to bury them in a field or behind the house where the deceased lived. In such an area, it is generally believed that “the dead move underground.”

Another constant dish on Radonitsa is kutia. This is what I call porridge made from wheat or rice, mixed with raisins, nuts, poppy seeds and dried fruits. Before you start eating at the funeral table, you must definitely taste kutya.

Some Slavic peoples also preserved the tradition of baking pancakes on this day. Some housewives bake thin, translucent treats, while others prefer lush delicacies. The first pancakes are traditionally placed in a bundle or basket and taken to the cemetery.

Until now, all relatives come to Radonitsa to visit the graves of the deceased so that they can all remember their loved ones together and taste pancakes. In the old days, this was the end of the meal at the cemetery.

People went home and festive table continued to remember the dead. If a wake at home involved the consumption of alcohol, it was forbidden to clink glasses. The use of knives and forks was also unacceptable. It was forbidden to throw away leftovers from the funeral table. It was customary to feed the “birds of heaven” with them.

On this day, believers go to church to pray for the dead, visit the cemetery, clean the graves, remember the departed relatives with love and prayer. In Radonitsa you cannot refuse alms - all those asking must receive alms. On this day they do not swear or slander.

The most correct behavior at the grave of the deceased in Radonitsa is considered to be this order of things: before the holiday, it is necessary to remove the grave and bring it into proper condition; when visiting a burial place, you should light a candle and read a prayer; after this, together with other relatives, you need to remember the deceased in the best light; at the end you can taste pancakes or Easter cakes and congratulate the dead on the Holy Resurrection.

Parents' Day after Easter in 2018: when, what not to do?

Recently, a tradition has emerged of lavish meals with alcohol next to the graves. Moreover, after them eggs, glasses with vodka, bread and other food were left at the burial sites. The Church considers this unacceptable.

When remembering loved ones, it is necessary to pray for their souls and hope that resurrection awaits us all.

Church ministers believe that Easter cakes, eggs, etc., which are left after the memorial are a sign pagan traditions- “to treat the dead.” If you consider yourself an Orthodox person, then you should not do this.

It is also unacceptable to pour alcohol on graves.

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In the Christian world, not only are of great importance church holidays, fasts, days of remembrance of saints, etc. There are also days in Orthodoxy when they remember the souls of deceased loved ones, friends, parents, other relatives and acquaintances. These kinds of memorial events are called parental holy days. Parents' days often fall on the sixth day of the week - Saturday.

Among the memorial parent Saturdays, there is the most important parent day. In 2018, as in other years, Orthodox Christians are given eight days to commemorate the dead, including the main parent’s day. Every year, the dates of memorial parent days change, depending on the date and month of the celebration of St. Christ's Resurrection, that is, Easter.

In our article we will talk to you about parental days and Orthodox Radonitsa - a memorial day, which among Orthodox believers is considered very important event, following .

Why are memorial days called “parental” days?

In Orthodoxy, there are several explanations for why memorial days, when we remember the souls of the dead, are called “parental days.” Basically, Christians are inclined to believe that such days are called “parental” for a reason. After all, often, when thinking about loved ones and relatives, we remember our parents.

If the father and mother are no longer alive, then it is the parents who are remembered first on the memorial day. According to another version, it is generally accepted that a deceased person, who was interred, went to his forefathers. In other words, the deceased goes to his parents.

Saturday was chosen as a memorial day because this day of the week is the calmest and least busy.

Dates of Orthodox parenting days in 2018

Meat Saturday – February 10, 2018

The very first in 2018 is Meat Saturday, which is also called Ecumenical Saturday. On Ecumenical Meat-Fast Saturday, Orthodox Christians commemorate all the dead, especially highlighting those who died suddenly.

Since Meat Saturday is celebrated a few days before Maslenitsa, people have a tradition of baking pancakes on this day. The first pancake, according to custom, must be taken to the grave of the parents. Other pancakes should be distributed to children and the poor, with a request to remember deceased relatives.

Parental Saturdays of the second, third and fourth week of Lent – ​​March 3, March 10, March 17, 2018

Three memorial Saturdays, falling during the period of strict Christian fasting, have been established Orthodox Church in memory of all Christians who died during the period of strict self-restraint.

On all three memorial Saturdays, the Christian people have the opportunity to remember the souls of deceased relatives, friends and acquaintances, since on other days of Lent private commemorations and magpies are not performed.

Radonitsa – April 17, 2018

Radonitsa is the most significant memorial day for the Orthodox people. ? This holiday is celebrated on the ninth day after the brightest day in Christianity - Easter.

People go to the cemetery on this day to visit their deceased relatives. It is also customary to bring fresh or artificial flowers to graves. Before Radonitsa grave loved one should be cleaned up.

Day of Remembrance of Dead Soldiers - May 9, 2018

A special day of remembrance for soldiers who died in hostilities, or as a result of them, was established by the Church as a sign of sorrowful remembrance of the souls of people who suffered from the war. Also during the period of commemoration of soldiers, John the Baptist is remembered. The Baptist was beheaded for his faith, sincere and pure.

Trinity Saturday – May 26, 2018

This memorial day is always celebrated by Orthodox believers the day before the Trinity Day. As you know, the celebration of the unity of the Holy Spirit, the Lord God and Jesus Christ, as one God in three Faces, takes place on Sunday, therefore Trinity Parents' Day falls on Saturday.

The memorial day was established back in the time of the apostles. On Trinity Saturday, Christians pray for the souls of the departed, so that they may find peace and eternal life with the Lord.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday – November 3, 2018

This memorial Saturday is set before the date of commemoration of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. Initially, Dimitrievskaya Saturday meant the commemoration of the soldiers killed during the Battle of Kulikovo. However, over time, all the dead began to be commemorated on this day.

Radonitsa is the main memorial day for Christians

Initially, the parent's day - Radonitsa - did not have a separate single date. In different regions of Russia, this memorial day was celebrated at different times. However, nowadays Radonitsa is celebrated on the ninth day after the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

It should be remembered that the tradition of “treating the deceased” is paganism. No need to leave it on graves Easter eggs and Easter cakes.

The souls of our deceased relatives need prayer, not food, and especially not alcohol with a piece of bread covering the glass. A similar severe superstition appeared during the persecution of faith under the Soviet Union. IN Orthodox family such a custom should not exist.

The grave of a loved one must be kept in order and clean, because a holy resurrection will take place at the burial site. When you come to the cemetery, you need to light a candle and pray. Then you can clean up the grave, change the flowers, or sit in silence and indulge in memories of the deceased.

Under no circumstances should you pour alcohol on a grave mound - by doing this we insult the memory of the deceased. It is also better not to leave food at the grave; it is best to give it to a beggar.