Cognition city masters middle group. Summary of direct educational activities with integration into educational fields in the middle group “City of Masters”

Valentina Gracheva

Target: teach to find in gaming space activity to your liking, believe in your strengths and abilities, unite small groups.

Continue to introduce different professions, develop them during the game logical thinking. Through development Wednesday promote the early manifestation of children's inquisitiveness. curiosity, individual capabilities.

Cultivate such qualities as kindness, politeness, love of work.

Preliminary work: Conversation “All professions are important”, examination of illustrations on the topic “Professions”. Didactic games: “Who needs what for work?”, “Who does what?”, “Where can I buy it?”.

Making attributes: bus, gate cities, gifts for the store. Decor group room for games. A tour of the store was given.

Fiction: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", V. Borisov "Gifts", S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa".

Educator:It's a beautiful morning. I smiled at you, and you smile at each other. It's so good that we are here together today. I wish you a good mood.

Do you know where your moms and dads work? (survey children)

“All professions are needed, all professions are important!” When you grow up, too you will work in a hospital, in the store, in kindergarten. And now I suggest you go to trip to a magical city. It is called " City of masters". Children who fall into this city, can choose a profession for themselves. We'll go by bus.

(the bus is built from chairs)

Who will be the driver? And everyone else will be passengers. Get on the bus. Who will we let go ahead? Is everyone comfortable? Go!

1 child: I’m rolling, flying at full speed, I’m the driver myself, I’m the engine myself!

I press the pedal and the car rushes into the distance!

(the song "Merry" sounds journey")

Educator: Stop the bus, driver. We arrived. Here he is city ​​of masters!

Let's take a walk and see what's interesting here! Look, here's a "hairdressing salon."

"If you want to be beautiful, go to the hairdresser.

It's bright and interesting here:mirrors, perfumes and armchairs."

Who works here? (hairdresser)

Who knows what a hairdresser does? (cuts, styles hair)

Didactic game"What's extra." See how beautifully combed the Dasha doll is.

What do you think needs to be done to make her even more beautiful?

(you need to tie a bow). Who else thinks? (children help tie the bow)

Oh, what you have become, Dasha! You simply cannot be recognized! You sit down, wait for your mother, and we will move on.

Look, here is the “hospital”.

"The doctor knows about us a lot: what's my name, who is our mother,

knows height and weight, who sleeps how and who eats how.

He doesn’t take his stern eyes off us - because he’s treating us!”

(they are sitting in the hospital teddy bear toys and bunny)

Misha and Stepasha came to see the doctor. They must have gotten sick. Here's the problem, and the doctors were called to other patients. What to do?

Children: We will treat them ourselves. I will be a doctor. And I'm a nurse. I always help the doctor. (children put on gowns, examine the patient, find out that Misha has a sore throat)

Misha, you need to drink warm milk with honey, tea with lemon.

(the nurse “writes” the appointment on the card). And Stepashka’s eyes hurt.

You definitely need to eat carrots and do special exercises for your eyes. We'll show it to you now.

Gymnastics for the eyes is performed.

Stepashka, Misha, get better, but we need to move on.

Educator: Guys, I heard that today the store will have a spring sale of toys and gifts. You can buy something for your family and friends. Shall we go?

"Look at the display cases - there are dolls and cars and toys for the kids - the one who

If he buys it, he will be happy!" We are so lucky, they give gifts in the store. To do this, you need to take a receipt card and see what gift you can take. Has everyone chosen gifts? Aren't you tired?

You see how many interesting things there are in City of Masters. And now you can work where you want and give gifts to your friends!

(the children disperse group-city)

Hairdresser - just master- I’m not shaggy now.

He will heal everyone, he will heal - good doctor, Nastya!


complex lesson

for children of middle preschool age

"Journey to the City of Masters"

Preliminary work:

  • Introduction to household items (conversation about household items and their purpose)
  • Looking at wooden spoons
  • Spoon game
  • Reading Russian folk tale“Zhikharka” and staging an excerpt from a fairy tale using the theater of spoons
  • Learning proverbs and sayings about work
  • Experimental activity: Acquaintance with the properties of wood and metal based on a comparison of wooden and metal spoons
  • Getting to know Russian folk toy"Matryoshka", the use of songs and dances. D/I “Wonderful Matryoshka”
  • Working with parents - sewing folk costumes; consultation “From the history of wooden utensils.” The use of small forms of folklore in speech development.
  • Introducing children to the elements of plant patterns.


To introduce children to Russian folk art, to show the connection between various types creativity: folk crafts, Russian folklore (proverbs, sayings, riddles, dances).

Continue exploring arts and crafts.

Concretize ideas about the traditional decoration of a Russian hut, generalizing concepts on the topic “Household Items.”

Improve coherent speech, enrich your vocabulary. Foster respect for work.

To develop the creative imagination of children, their independence in coming up with a design to decorate the silhouettes of utensils, using elements already known to them. Practice drawing various plant patterns.

Vocabulary work:

Chest, stove, rolling pin, cradle, hut, workshop, casket.


Elements of a Russian hut, utensils and household items, nesting dolls, balls.

Gouache, palette, brushes, coasters, fabric and paper napkins, glasses of water, paper silhouettes of utensils, samples of floral ornamental elements, audio recording on a folk theme.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall in folk costumes.


Hello children! How beautiful and elegant you are. What kind of costumes do you have?


Russian national.


Well done! We live in the great country of Russia, in which there are many talented people and interesting places. Today you will go on an unusual journey “City of Masters”, and a little ball will help you with this.


You roll, roll in a ball through the forests and through the valleys.

Bring us little ball to the city to the Russian masters.

The children snake their way through the hall and approach the hut, where they are met by a teacher dressed in a folk costume.

Marya the Artisan:

Hello, beautiful girls, and good fellows! My name is Marya Iskusnitsa. Hello, welcome guests.



Marya the Artisan:

A welcome guest is always welcome!

Guys, what is this?



Marya the Artisan:

The glomerulus, but not a simple one, is magical. He brought you to the city of masters, straight to my hut. I live in a painted mansion. I will invite all guests to my hut. Let's go into the hut and see what's inside.

Children enter a “hut” decorated in Russian style.

The children sit on the benches and examine the decoration of the hut.

Marya the Artisan:

You are welcome, dear guests! Look around, take a seat.

Glory to our side

Glory to the Russian land.

And about our antiquity,

I'll start telling you.

So that children can know

About the affairs of our native land.

Make yourself comfortable

And listen to the story about my hut.

The door to the hut is low, and the threshold is high. They did this so that in the cold it would not blow from the street. The old hut had only one room and almost half of it was occupied by a stove. “A house is not a house without a stove,” they said in Rus'.

Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Marya the Artisan:

Yes, guys. A Russian stove heated the house and cooked all the food in the stove. And how many fairy tales were told on the stove on long winter evenings.

There was always a table in the left corner from the stove. There is bread and salt on the table. Near it there are simple long benches.

Do you know what this corner was called?

It was called “red”, i.e. beautiful. Here they received guests with bread and salt.

In the corner to the right of the stove there were household utensils. beautiful wooden dishes, spinning wheel, embroidered towels. There was also a cradle and a crib for a baby.

Children go to household items that the teacher talks about.

Marya the Artisan:

Look at what beautiful dishes people used or used to use. What material is it made of?


Made of wood.

Marya the Artisan:

Russian craftsmen loved and still love to make utensils from wood: plates, mugs, spoons, ladles. And to make the dishes bright and festive, skilled craftsmen painted them.

Grass curls on the dishes - a blade of grass, and berries peek out from it - currants, raspberries, rowan or various flowers. And sometimes such herbs come out from under the artist’s brush that you won’t find them in any forest.

There are many forests in Russia. And how many craftsmen there are in Rus'! From an ordinary piece of wood they can cut, for example, such a carved box in which small objects are stored. Or a chest, but not a simple one - a painted one, a toy, a whistle.

A cup for millet porridge!

Saucers never break!

Wooden spoons, rosy nesting dolls!

Do you like riddles?

What subject am I going to tell you a riddle about now? Just don't shout in unison! Raise your hand and calmly answer. And pay attention to the things in the upper room, maybe you’ll find the answer faster.

Belted with one sash,

They stand under the same hat.

I'm spinning, I'm spinning,

I work under my hands.

She has a mouth and a foot

There's always soup in your mouth

Can't swallow

And he pours it into the other mouth.

Friends of different heights

They don't look alike.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy.


Yes, the craftsmen put in a lot of effort and labor. If you know how to work hard, know how to have fun. Isn't it time for us to have some fun? And start a merry dance? Hey, people, don't be lazy - get up to dance soon!

Children together with the teacher:

Blow the pipes, beat the spoons, the nesting dolls have come to visit us.

Matryoshka dance

(After the dance, the children stand in a circle)

Marya the Artisan:

Russian people have always worked very hard. The girls didn’t even go to parties and get-togethers without work.

Do you know sayings and proverbs about work?

Let's remember them, and the magic ball will help us.


You roll, roll, little ball,

Quickly, quickly, hands over.

Who did you stay with?

He will tell us the proverb.

"Game with a Ball"

(Music sounds, when the music stops, the one who has the ball in his hands tells a saying or proverb about work.)

Marya the Artisan:

Which wonderful proverbs You know! Russian people have always been able and loved to work. Children, how much work is put into every spoon, spindle, and toy. And the masters always tried to decorate them.

Do you want to become real masters?


Yes, we do.

Marya the Artisan:

Then I invite you to my workshop.

(Children choose silhouettes of household items, sit down at tables and decorate the silhouettes with floral patterns. Make a pattern from already familiar elements. Music plays.)

Marya the Artisan:

Well done guys, you are masters at drawing. Russian people were never afraid of work, but always worked with joy. We worked hard and had a lot of fun. It's not a sin to reward someone for good work.

(Marya the Artisan treats her to a pie from the oven)

He gives away the ball and says goodbye to the guys.

Marya the Artisan:

Come again. Dear guests are always welcome.

Elena Pivkina
Entertainment for children of the middle group “Journey to the city of masters”

Goals: introduce children with Russian folk crafts, teach them to distinguish and compare them; make up short stories about folk crafts and their products, answer questions, encourage active dialogue, clearly and expressively pronounce words and phrases at different tempos and changing the strength of the voice; cultivate interest in the folk crafts of their native land.

The teacher calls to himself and says loudly words:

“Whoever wants to talk must pronounce everything correctly and clearly, so that everyone can understand it. Let's sit on a hill and tell you purely speaking:

Granny bought beads for Marusya.

The clear phrase is pronounced by everyone together slowly and quietly, then again loudly and quickly.

Who is grandma? (grandmother.) What's the girl's name? (Marusya or Masha, Manya). What did grandma do? (I bought beads.) Who did grandma buy the beads for? (Marusa). Where do you think grandma bought the beads for Marusya? (in a store, at a market.) What is another name for the market? (bazaar)

I invite you today to go to the market in city ​​of masters. We know what a bazaar is, and what it means « City of masters» ? (City where people live and work - masters of their craft.) the master is a man who does a job well. There are different masters: carpenters, woodcarvers, potters, blacksmiths, minters, glassblowers, joiners (if possible, tell children about professions - a carpenter builds houses, a carpenter makes furniture from wood, a minter mints coins, dishes) the better the work, the more honorable master. What can you buy at the market? (Children list whatever their heart desires.) Today we will go to an unusual bazaar. Here we are in city ​​of craftsmen. What do the signs say? ( « City of masters» , "Bazaar".)

Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall. There are tables and counters along the walls. Sellers at the tables masters(educators groups or children primary classes) . First table – "Dymkovo toys", second table – « Bogorodsk toys» , third table - "Kargopol toys", fourth table - "Gzhel".

Children approach the counters.

First Table - See What's Selling Here master?

Hello, good health!

1st seller: Look - don't blink,

Don't open your mouths

Don't count the crows

Take it apart quickly!

Ah, toys, a real treasure!

Get it in great demand!

2nd seller: But the dishes are painted,

Only the king had one like this!

I don't even take a nickel

Take it this way!

What will we buy for kindergarten (Children come to the 1st counter and ask masters- seller to sell to them "Mistress".)

Salesman: We don’t sell our products, we give them away for free. Behind kind word, yes, if you tell me what you know about our crafts.

Children take turns telling everything they know about the origin Dymkovo toys. The seller gives it to children "The young lady".

At the 2nd counter the children talk about Bogorodskaya toy. The seller asks the children questions and gives them "Bear".

At the counter with Kargopol toys, children receive a gift for their story "Horse".

And finally "Gzhel":

What kind of dishes are these?

Everything is painted - blue, blue!

I liked the story to the master but he asks "additional fee"- sing a ditty.

After all, we are at the market, and it’s always fun here! (Children are given ditties in advance, two or three days in advance, to learn at home.)

1. Katya, Katya, Katyukha saddled the rooster,

And the rooster crowed and ran to the market.

2. There is a cart on the mountain, tears are dripping from the arc.

Under city The cow is standing and putting on her boots.

3. I was embroidering a flower, I heard a buzz, buzz,

A bee sat on a flower, craftswoman - run away.

4. If there was no water, there would be no mug.

If there were no girls, who would sing ditties!

The seller gives the children a candy bowl as a gift. We say goodbye to masters and return to kindergarten.

Got on the horses and let's gallop: but but but (Children click their tongues.)

Hey horse, clop, clop,

Hey horse, hop, hop,

Along the forest three, three,

Along the path, nonsense, nonsense,

Take us to kindergarten,

Stop at the gate!

We've arrived! Where have we been? What did we see? Take a look and tell us what we bought at city ​​of craftsmen. (Children put it on the table and called: Dymkovo young lady, Bogorodsky bear, Kargopol horse, Gzhel sugar bowl.)

What's missing here? Why? (Sugar bowl because it is a tableware and everything else is a toy.) What are our purchases made of?

Young lady from (Clay) What is she like? (Clay.)

Bear from (Trees) What is he like? (Wood.)

Horse from (Clay) What is she like? (Clay.)

Sugar bowl from (Clay) What is she like? (Clay.)

What's extra? (Bear) Why? (It is wooden, and everything else is


The teacher invites the children to split into dads, choose any purchase and tell about it (what it’s called, where the name came from, what it’s made of, how it’s painted, what elements of the design were used, what paints).

Olga Litvinovich
GCD complex lesson “City of Masters” (senior group)

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about a variety of professions: their name and type of activity. To cultivate respect for the work of adults, the desire to choose a profession and the desire to learn. Teach children to use a variety of natural materials to make crafts « City of masters» ; to develop dexterity and accuracy in work, to develop children’s imagination.

Visual material. Illustrations depicting different people professions:

Those who make objects with their own hands - dressmaker, builder, shoemaker, etc.

Those who serve people - seller, doctor, teacher, mechanic, driver, teacher, etc.

Those who help people relax - musicians, singers, artists, etc.

Those who work in the village - grain growers, vegetable growers, livestock breeders;

Those who defend the Motherland are the military.

Natural material: acorns, cones, tree leaves, moss, shells walnut, straight and curved twigs, glue or plasticine and more.

Move classes. The teacher displays pictures of people of different professions in front of the children.

Guys, look carefully at these pictures and tell me who is depicted in these pictures? (Working people, people of different professions).

Let's imagine a time when people lived in the forest, in caves. They didn't have modern houses yet, modern clothes. What were they doing (Children's assumptions.) Yes, men went hunting and brought back prey. Women prepared food, from what men got, and tanned animal skins to make clothes.

What professions of people originated in those very ancient times (Children's assumptions.) Hunter, cook, tailor.

But people learned to make dishes from clay and build more comfortable homes for themselves from wood. What new professions have appeared? (Potters, builders.) Think about what happened next? How new professions appeared (Children’s assumptions, their stories.)

Man has always wanted to live better. He had to travel long distances, and he came up with transport. What professions have appeared (Driver, mechanic, designer.) The man worked all the time. People are all different and everyone tried choose a profession that he likes.

Think about what professions have existed since ancient times (Children's assumptions.) Yes, these are the professions that people primarily need for life: builder, cook, tailor, doctor.

What professions appeared when technology began to develop, electricity (Driver, pilot, workers who work on machines and make various parts, mechanics, mechanics.)

What professions have appeared recently in our country? (geek, programmer, banker, businessman.)

We have now listed many professions. What do you think is the most important, main profession, without which we could not do anything? (Children's assumptions.) You and I have never been able to determine which profession is the most important, because they are all very necessary and important to us.

Guys, so that you understand this, I will read you a poem by V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?".

Guys, I see that you really liked the poem, and now we’ll play a word game game: "Who's doing what?".

You see pictures showing people of different professions. Let's try to divide them into several groups.

There are people who create things that we need. Find pictures depicting the professions of these people. (Children, with the help of the teacher, choose pictures depicting different professions: a mason who builds a house; a carpenter who makes a chair; a potter who makes dishes; a dressmaker who sews clothes; watch factory workers who make watches; the car factory workers who make the cars; a shoemaker who makes shoes; an artist creating a painting; a weaver working on a loom and weaving fabric. If there are no pictures, the teacher asks the children to remember such professions.)

These are not all professions of people who can do something with their own hands.

There are professions of people who do not work in city. Without their work, we would have no bread, no milk, no sour cream and many, many other products. Find pictures of people in these professions. (Grain grower, livestock breeder, vegetable grower, shepherd, milkmaid, etc.)

Now let's select pictures with images of professions that serve people, as if they serve people. (The children take away Pictures: seller, doctor, teacher, people repairing various items - shoemaker, watchmaker, mechanic, etc. If all the pictures are missing, children name the professions that they remember.)

And also the professions of people who give us pleasure with their work, help us relax. Which pictures would you choose? (Pianist, violinist, ballerina, singer, tour guide, artists, clown, etc.)

Look what pictures we have left? What would you call people in these professions? (Military.)

Guys, what do you think about people of all these professions? masters of their craft? Yes, I think so too and that’s why I want to suggest you do it collective craft from natural material, which is called « City of masters» .

Now I will tell you what we need for work. This is a small piece of fiberboard, glue, plasticine, acorns, cones, tree leaves, walnut shells, moss, straight and curved twigs, a piece of cardboard for our houses and straw. But the most important thing in our work is your desire and imagination.

Let's get to work, first we will make patterns of our future houses from cardboard, outline the windows and doors, and then we will get to work and begin to cover the house with straw. We will build several houses with you and give them titles: hospital, kindergarten, store and we will make paths in our city, trees and much more. And now you and I have got a real one « City of masters» , because in our city people of various professions will live, masters of their craft.

Publications on the topic:

Complex lesson “City of Professions” (middle group) Integration of educational areas: “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction", "Cognition", "Health". Kinds.

Goal: to form the value attitude of the child’s personality towards himself as a carrier of gender information. Objectives: 1. Contribute to the formation.

Complex lesson: “Looking for a surprise” (senior group) Municipal budget preschool educational institution d/s No. 14 “Sun”, Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic Complex lesson:.

Abstract of the educational activity “Tula - the city of gunsmiths” (senior group) Author: Zhabina Irina Ivanovna. The goal is to develop children's understanding of the Tula Weapons Museum. Objectives: - introduce children to the attraction.

Summary of the integrated lesson

directly- educational activities in the middle group

"City of masters "

Training tasks:

        Clarify and generalize knowledge about professions.

        Learn to recognize a profession based on assignment.

Developmental tasks:

Educational tasks:

        Cultivate interest and respect for professions.

        Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music.

Wellness tasks:

        Relieving muscle, nervous and visual tension.

Integration: Cognition. Communication. Socialization. Health.

Materials and equipment: ICT with presentation of professions, attributes for role-playing games, cut-out pictures of professions, music by D. B. Kabalevsky “Clowns” (recording from the classroom library), handouts (“clothing”, “who needs what” ), whatman paper, colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins.

Organizational part.

The five brothers are inseparable

They are never bored together.

Without them it is difficult for us to live in the world:

We won’t be able to sew, wear, hold.

We need them to work,

To eat, wash, do laundry....................................(Fingers)

That's right, guys, these are fingers. How many are there on your hand? Let's count (five), on both hands? (ten). Look at your hands, how are they similar? How are they different? (children's answers). Show your left hand. And now the right one. One hand is our main one - we work with it more than the other: we eat, draw, comb our hair. A person whose right hand is dominant is called “right-handed.” And a person whose main hand is left is called “left-handed.” “Right-handers,” raise your dominant right hand. Now, “lefties,” raise your left dominant hand. Who is more in our group, right-handed or left-handed? (children's answers). There are more right-handed people all over the world. When you were little, your fingers were clumsy and naughty, but you grew up, studied, trained your hands and taught them a lot. Tell me what your hands can do now? (children's answers). Guys, do you want to know what else our hands can do? I invite you to the city of masters.

Didactic game “Whose hands can do this?):

    Whose hands can cut hair? (Hands of a hairdresser).

    Whose hands can put out the fire? (Fireman's hands).

    Whose hands can draw pictures? (Hands of the artist).

    Whose hands can cook delicious porridge? (Chef's hands).

Let's take a look and guess who lives in this city:

I'm ready to tell you riddles until the morning,

But perhaps it’s time for me to give the answer.

And so that you, friends, don’t waste your time,

You can tell me this................................... (teacher)

Among the clouds on high

We are building together new house,

To be warm and beautiful

The people lived happily in it................................(builder)

We get up very early:

After all, our concern is

Take everyone to work in the morning.................................(driver)

Tell me who it is delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes?.................(cook)

Behind the store counter

Where is the beautiful showcase?

He is waiting for buyers

And sells goods........................................................ ..(salesman)

Didactic game "Continue the sentence."

Relay race " Ambulance»

(Children are divided into two teams, pick up attributes for role-playing game“Hospital” and take them in turn to a given place.

Didactic game “Necessary things” (handouts).

Phys. just a minute

Painters carry lime (walk in a circle, holding imaginary buckets in their hands)

They paint the walls with a brush (they pretend to paint the walls)

Slowly dilute the chalk (stir in a bucket)

I could do it too. (paint again)

Guys, let’s relax in this beautiful flower meadow (the children sit down on the carpet, the teacher plays the music of D. B. Kabalevsky “Clowns”.

Guys, listen to the music. Who do you think is playing? (pianist). What musical instrument does he play? (on the piano). Guys, what do you think this music is: happy or sad? Fast or slow?

Game situation “At a doctor’s appointment”

Guys, tell me what you think people of different professions should be like? (kind, polite, responsive, etc.). Imagine that Kira is a doctor and a patient comes to her. How should Kira meet him? Let us play out this situation (playing out a game situation). Well done! I would also like to have an appointment with such a kind doctor.

Finger gymnastics"What did the postman bring"

What did the postman bring, (Clench and unclench their fists)

He walks with a thick bag: (“they walk on the table with their fingers”)

Translation, magazine, newspaper (bend one finger at a time,

Parcel, two cassettes, starting with the large one

And a letter from Aunt Valya,

So that they await her arrival.

Didactic game “Collect a picture” (children collect cut-out pictures with various professions and name them).

Guys, would you like us to be builders today and build a multi-storey building ( Collective application).

Well done boys. We played a lot today and did a lot. Did you like it? What did we do today? (children's answers).