After the elections, the government will reform the pension fund. Will the PFR, FSS and FMS be united in Russia? 01/16/2018 Pilot project completed

Over the past few years, non-state pension funds have been actively fighting for the pension savings that citizens born in 1967 have. and younger, not retired. At the same time, in most cases, future clients are not provided with information about possible losses in profitability. The Pension Fund warns that by transferring pension savings thoughtlessly, you can lose a significant part of them. Transfer funds in 2018 pension savings without losses is beneficial only to those citizens who last wrote an application to choose an insurer in 2013, and this application was considered positively by the Pension Fund.

If less than 5 years have passed since the last transfer of funds, the future pensioner will suffer damage in the form of loss of investment income - at least for 2018. The same thing awaits the “silent ones” - these are those who have never transferred their savings. They are recommended to apply for early transfer to any NPF only in 2019. If the decision to change the insurer is made earlier than the specified period, part of the investment income will be lost.

In 2019, the Pension Fund's expenses on pension provision for Russians will increase by 279 billion rubles and amount to 7.15 trillion rubles. And the expenses for social payments will increase by 11.8 billion rubles and amount to 981 billion rubles.

The draft budget of the Russian Pension Fund provides for an increase in insurance pensions, taking into account a temporary change in the procedure for their indexation. Indexation of state pensions pension provision, including social pensions, will be carried out in accordance with the current pension legislation taking into account the growth index of the pensioner's living wage for 2018.

Thus, insurance pensions, including a fixed payment, for non-working pensioners will be increased by 7.05 percent from January 1, 2019, which is higher than the forecast inflation rate by 4 percent. Size fixed payment after indexation will be 5,336.9 rubles per month, the cost pension point– 87.24 rubles (in 2018 – 81.49 rubles). In 2019, the average annual old-age insurance pension will increase to 14,075 rubles (161.3 percent of the pensioner’s subsistence level), and by 2020 it will increase to 15.5 thousand, said Anton Drozdov, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Pension Fund.

Pensions for state pension provision, including social ones, will be increased from April 1, 2019 for working and non-working pensioners by 2.4 percent. As a result, the average annual social pension will increase to 9,195 rubles (103.7 percent of the pensioner’s subsistence level). The average social pension for disabled children and people with disabilities from childhood of the first group will be 12,730 rubles.

As before, in 2019 there will be no pensioners in Russia with a monthly income below the pensioner’s subsistence level (PLS) established in the region of residence. All non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pension up to the PMP level. In the context of a possible decrease in PMP in the region, it is planned to maintain the overall size material support non-working recipients of federal social supplement at a level not lower than December 31, 2018. For these purposes, the budget of the Russian Pension Fund has allocated 94.5 billion rubles.

In accordance with the draft budget, 14.7 billion rubles are planned to be used to pay out pension savings in the form of a funded pension, urgent and one-time payments.

From February 1, 2019, the size of the monthly cash payment (MCB) received by federal beneficiaries will be indexed to the forecast inflation rate in 2018 - 2.5 percent. The Pension Fund will allocate 450.6 billion rubles to pay EDV.

Russians caring for disabled citizens will continue to receive compensation payments in the amount of 1.2 thousand rubles per month, while the Pension Fund makes monthly payments in the amount of 5.5 thousand rubles to non-working parents of disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood. Expenses for these payments in 2018 are planned at 73.2 billion rubles.

In 2019, the Pension Fund will continue issuing state certificates for maternity capital, as well as paying out its funds. In this area, the Pension Fund budget provides 341.4 billion rubles. The amount of maternity capital next year will remain unchanged and amount to 453,026 rubles.

The Pension Fund budget for 2019 is balanced in terms of income and expenses; in the part not related to the formation of pension savings, the department’s income and expenses are planned in the amount of 8,236 billion rubles. In the part related to the formation of pension savings, budget expenses exceed income by 106.6 billion rubles, which is explained by the transfer of pension savings to non-state pension funds in accordance with the choice of the insured person. Covering these funds will be ensured by pension savings held by state and private management companies, the size of which is estimated as of January 1, 2018 at 1,111.2 billion rubles.

The total budget revenues of the Pension Fund in 2019 are planned at 8,333.3 billion rubles, which is 8.6 percent of the GDP of the Russian Federation. In terms of expenditures, the budget of the Russian Pension Fund is formed in the amount of 8,439.9 billion rubles, which is 8.7 percent of the GDP of the Russian Federation.

The main type of pension in Russia in 2019 will continue to be an insurance pension. The number of its recipients will be more than 40 million people. Almost 3.7 million more people are recipients of state pensions.

In 2019, the Russian Pension Fund will continue to provide subsidies to subjects for the implementation of social programs in terms of the construction, reconstruction and repair of social institutions for older citizens and people with disabilities, the development of their material and technical base, as well as for training pensioners in computer literacy. Subsidies are allocated on the basis of co-financing the costs of implementing social programs by regions of the Russian Federation. For these purposes, the Pension Fund budget for 2019 provides one billion rubles.

MOSCOW, October 26 – RIA Novosti. Expenses of the Russian Pension Fund for pension provision for Russians in 2018 will increase by 279 billion rubles and amount to 7.15 trillion rubles, the fund’s press service reported, citing the Pension Fund’s draft budget.

"In accordance with the draft budget of the Pension Fund of Russia for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020, in 2018, the Pension Fund's expenses for pension provision for Russians will increase by 279 billion rubles and amount to 7.15 trillion rubles. Expenditures on social payments will increase by 11.8 billion rubles and will amount to 981 billion rubles,” the message says.

As explained in the fund, the Pension Fund's draft budget provides for an increase in insurance pensions, taking into account a temporary change in the order of indexation of insurance pensions. Indexation of pensions for state pension provision, including social pensions, will be carried out in accordance with the current pension legislation, taking into account the growth index of the pensioner’s cost of living for 2017.


“The main type of pension in Russia in 2018 will continue to be an insurance pension. The number of its recipients will be more than 40 million people. Almost 3.7 million more people are recipients of state pensions,” the Pension Fund noted.

The fund's press service recalled that insurance pensions for non-working pensioners, including a fixed payment, will be increased by 3.7% from January 1, 2018, which is higher than the forecast inflation rate of 0.5%. The size of the fixed payment after indexation will be 4,982.9 rubles per month, the cost of the pension point will be 81.49 rubles. In 2017, the pension point was 78.58 rubles. The average annual old-age insurance pension will increase to 14,075 rubles, which will amount to 161.3% of the pensioner’s minimum subsistence level (PLS).

According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, state pensions, including social ones, will be increased by 4.1% for working and non-working pensioners from April 1, 2018. As a result, the average annual social pension will increase to 9,045 rubles - 103.7% of the PMP. The average social pension for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood of the first group will be 13,699 rubles.

In addition, all non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pension up to the PMP level. At the same time, in the context of a possible reduction in the PMP in the region, it is envisaged that the total amount of material support for non-working recipients of the federal social supplement will be maintained at a level not lower than December 31, 2017. For these purposes, the PFR budget has allocated 94.5 billion rubles.

Other payments

The PFR budget allocated 341.4 billion rubles for the payment of maternity capital in 2018. The amount of maternity capital will not change next year and will amount to 453,026 rubles.

Russians caring for disabled citizens will continue to receive compensation payments in the amount of 1.2 thousand rubles per month, while the Pension Fund makes monthly payments in the amount of 5.5 thousand rubles to non-working parents of disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood. Expenses for these payments in 2018 are planned at 73.2 billion rubles.

Also in 2018, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will continue to provide subsidies to constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the construction, reconstruction and repair of social institutions for older citizens and people with disabilities, the development of their material and technical base, as well as for training pensioners in computer literacy.

The Pension Fund allocates subsidies on the basis of co-financing the costs of implementing social programs by constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For these purposes, the PFR budget for 2018 provides 1 billion rubles.

Income and expenses

As noted in the fund, the PFR budget for 2018 is balanced in terms of income and expenses. The total budget revenues of the Pension Fund of Russia in 2018 are planned at 8.3 trillion rubles, expenses - 8.4 trillion rubles.

In the part not related to the formation of pension savings, the income and expenses of the Pension Fund are planned in the amount of 8.2 trillion rubles. In terms of the formation of pension savings, budget expenditures exceed revenues by 106.6 billion rubles, which is explained by the transfer of pension savings to non-state pension funds.

These funds will be covered by pension savings held by state and private management companies, the size of which is estimated at 1.1 trillion rubles as of January 1, 2018.

On Friday, the Russian government will discuss a bill that will oblige the Pension Fund to inform citizens about the amount of maternity capital in electronic form.

“The bill proposes to supplement the federal law “On additional measures of state support for families with children” with a norm according to which the Pension Fund will be obliged to inform citizens upon their requests about the amount of maternity capital or the amount of its remaining part, including in electronic form in in accordance with the federal law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services,” the cabinet reports.

It will be possible to submit an application and receive information in electronic form through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services or through the personal account of the insured person on the PFR website.

The bill was approved on October 16 at a meeting of the government commission on legislative activities.

The expected downturn in the economic crisis in 2018 will entail a number of changes that will affect pension fund.Pension Fund in 2018 expects an increase in revenue, but even this phenomenon will not be able to cover the costs, the amounts of which officials have already determined in the budget of this organization for 2017-2019.

As for the innovations, the first of them will be a single rate of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, which will be calculated from all wages. In addition, they say that in 2018 the cost of living will be lower for non-working citizens.

Anton Siluanov, the current head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, announced that with the advent of 2017 the country will begin to prepare for a large-scale pension reform, which will continue into 2018. Judging by his statements, this system will make it possible to “unfreeze” funded pensions, while bringing with it some changes.

Starting from the next financial year, citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to decide for themselves what percentage they are willing to contribute to a future pension, without taking into account the 22% that the employer is required to contribute for them. Siluanov noted that upon retirement, Russians can count on a payment of 14 thousand rubles, however, those who want to receive more must provide for additional expenses on their part during their working career.

Most likely, citizens will be required to make contributions to their personal “capital”: a special account in commercial banks or non-state pension funds - reliable organizations protected by the same means as today’s deposits. Perhaps the officials are hinting at the DIA deposit insurance system that is currently operating in the country.

Once a person reaches the established threshold, he will be able to withdraw part and spend the money on treatment, and bequeath part of the funds.

Considering all the advantages of this system, the Ministry of Finance is confident that every year more and more citizens will join it. Based on the statements of representatives of the departmental organization made earlier, the scheme according to which the system will operate is as follows:

  1. In the first year of implementation, 1% of Russians’ salaries will be withheld into their pension accounts.
  2. Starting from the second and subsequent years, the interest rate will increase from 2% to 6%.

Note that this 6% (it can be reduced or completely abandoned) will help the state co-finance expenses, as well as significantly reduce the contribution to the Pension Fund.

Pension Fund budget for 2018

Most recently, the Russian government was considering the draft budget of the Pension Fund for 2017 and for the planned years 2018-2019. Already in the first reading, the draft budget was approved.

Based on this document, the projected income to the Pension Fund for 2018 will be 8.53 trillion. rubles, at a time when expenses from the Pension Fund will approach the 9 trillion mark. rubles The projected budget deficit in 2018 will be 196.7 billion rubles. Officials intend to cover this deficit with transfers from the state budget.

Tariff of social contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

In the second and third readings, State Duma deputies adopted a bill that will keep the rate of insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds at the level of the 2015-2017 rate.

The bulk of insurance premium payers will continue to contribute 30%: to the Pension Fund - 22%, social insurance - 2.9%, the federal compulsory medical fund. insurance – 5.1%. In the case when the tax base for one individual is greater than the maximum base for calculating insurance premiums - 624 thousand rubles per month, then the employer will have to pay an additional 10% of the excess amount to the Pension Fund budget.

The State Duma believes that such a policy will be able to “maintain the tariff of insurance premiums at a level of insurance burden acceptable for economic entities,” and this is precisely what is provided for in the Strategy for the Long-Term Development of the Russian Pension System.

What will happen to social pensions?

The size of the pension, and in particular its ratio to the cost of living, will begin to decline sharply in 2017-2019. As for social pension payments, then next year they will be below the subsistence level - the old-age pension will decrease by 12.5%.

The level of income of domestic pensioners is under threat. The head of the Pension Fund, Anton Drozdov, stated in his report that over the next three years, despite the indexation and growth of pensions in absolute terms in relation to the cost of living, they will fall by 12.5%. At the same time, social pensions will generally be “below the bar” necessary for survival in modern Russia.

Note that living wage for pensioners is set annually by the government after researching the consumer basket and statistical data on inflation in the cost of food and non-food products. In each region, the administration sets its own cost of living for pensioners, based on the law on the federal budget.

In 2018, the projected amount of the old-age pension will be 14,045 rubles (the cost of living is 9,364 rubles), and social pension will be only 97.8% of the future subsistence level, namely 9159 rubles.

IN pension system In Russia in 2018, a number of events and changes will occur that will affect all participants in the compulsory pension insurance: both current and future retirees.

Increasing pensions and social benefits

Despite the fact that insurance pensions increase by the level of actual inflation over the past year, in 2018 pensions increased above the 2017 inflation rate. Already from January 1, and not from February, as before, insurance pensions of non-working pensioners increased by 3.7%. The size of the fixed payment after indexation is 4,982.9 rubles per month, the cost of the pension point is 81.49 rubles. As a result, the average annual old-age insurance pension increased to 14,075 rubles, for non-working pensioners - to 14,329 rubles.

From February 1, the size of the monthly cash payment (MCB) received by federal beneficiaries was indexed by 2.5%.

State pension benefits, including social ones, will be increased from April 1.

Pensioners who worked in 2017 will have their insurance pensions increase in August 2018 - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will carry out the traditional non-declaration adjustment of insurance pensions.

At the same time, as before, in 2018 there will be no pensioners in Russia with a monthly income below the pensioner’s subsistence level (PSL) in their region of residence. All non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pension up to the PMP level.

All expenses for social and pension obligations of the Pension Fund are financially supported and taken into account in the Fund’s budget.

Assignment of pensions

By pension formula, which has been operating in Russia since 2015, to obtain the right to insurance pension for old age in 2018, you must have at least 9 years of experience and 13.8 pension points.

The maximum number of pension points that can be obtained in 2018 is 8.7.

The expected payment period when calculating the funded pension in 2018 is 246 months. This parameter is used only to determine the size of the funded pension; the pension itself is paid for life.

Every citizen can apply for any type of pension without leaving home - applications for a pension can be submitted through the citizen’s Personal Account or the government services portal, where you can also change the pension provider.

As before, the main type of pension in Russia in 2018 is an insurance pension. The number of its recipients in 2018 was 40.35 million people. Another 4 million people are recipients of state pensions.

New type of pension

Since 2018, Russia has introduced the new kind pensions - a social pension for children whose both parents are unknown. The reason for the emergence of a new type of pension was that children whose parents are unknown, or, more simply put, “foundlings”, were initially placed at unequal financial situation compared to orphans - since they were not entitled to receive a survivor's pension, since legally they never had either parent.

According to preliminary data, this pension can be established for about four thousand “foundlings”.

Resumption of pension indexation after dismissal

Let us remind you that since 2016, working pensioners have received an insurance pension without taking into account indexations. When a pensioner labor activity stops, he begins to receive a pension in full, taking into account all indexations that took place during the period of his work.

In 2016 and 2017, the resumption of pension indexation and the start of its payment in full occurred three months from the date of dismissal. In 2018, this procedure also takes three months, but the pensioner will be compensated.

Payment of the full pension amount will be implemented as follows. For example, a pensioner quit his job in March. In April, the Pension Fund will receive reports from the employer indicating that the pensioner is still listed as working. In May, the Pension Fund will receive reports for April, in which the pensioner is no longer listed as working. In June, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will decide to resume indexation, and in July the pensioner will receive the full pension amount, as well as the monetary difference between the previous and new pension amounts for the previous three months - April, May, June. That is, the pensioner will begin to receive the full pension the same three months after dismissal, but these three months will be compensated to him.

Formation of pension savings

The moratorium on the formation of pension savings has been legally extended into 2018. Let us remind you once again that this is not a “freezing of pensions” and certainly not a “withdrawal of pension savings”. The moratorium on the formation of pension savings means that the 6% of insurance premiums that could go to funded pension, are sent to form an insurance pension. Thus, in any case, all insurance contributions paid by the employer for a citizen participate in the formation of the pension in full.

The moratorium does not in any way affect the possibility of transferring pension savings to management companies or from one pension fund to another at the request of a citizen. But you need to remember that changing your pension fund more than once every five years is unprofitable, since this step reduces the accumulated investment income.

The results of the 2017 transition campaign for the transfer of pension savings will, as always, be summed up by the end of the first quarter of 2018.

Maternal capital

A number of significant additions have been made to the maternity capital program since 2018.

Firstly, low-income families who will have a second child from January 1, 2018 will be able to receive a monthly payment from maternity capital. Low family income means income that does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The size of the payment also depends on the region - it is equal to the subsistence minimum for children, which was established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of the previous year. If a family applies for a payment in 2018, its amount will be the subsistence minimum for children for the second quarter of 2017.

Secondly, the three-year moratorium on the disposal of maternity capital for preschool education children.

The opportunity to join the maternity capital program has been extended until December 31, 2021. That is, to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who gives the right to the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2021. At the same time, the receipt of the certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time.

The remaining areas of using maternity capital remain the same: improvement living conditions, payment for educational services for children, formation of the mother’s future pension and payment for goods and services for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society.

You can apply for a certificate and manage its funds through the citizen’s Personal Account or the government services portal.

The amount of maternity capital in 2018 is 453 thousand rubles.

Pension Fund electronic services

The Pension Fund's client services are always ready to accept everyone, but the Pension Fund has made it so that today most of its services can be obtained via the Internet - without leaving home. The goal of the Pension Fund is so that people do not have to come to client services at all to apply for the Pension Fund government service.

All services that the Pension Fund provides today electronically are combined into a portal on the Pension Fund website -. To receive PFR services electronically, you need to be registered on the unified government services portal No additional registration on the Pension Fund website is required.

You can also use a number of Pension Fund services through the free Pension Fund application for smartphones, available for iOS and Android platforms.

In 2018, the Pension Fund will continue to expand services in electronic form, so before going to the Pension Fund, go to the Fund’s website - with a high degree of probability, you will be able to resolve your issue without leaving home.

If you are not yet registered on the unified portal of government services, then the Pension Fund client service will also help you with registration. In almost all Pension Fund client offices you can confirm your account on the government services portal.