Project. new approaches to organizing interaction with families of pupils


Tokareva Irina Mikhailovna


“Family will always be the basis of society”

Honore de Balzac.

Relevance the problem is that the kindergartenthe first educational institution with which parents come into contact and where their systematic pedagogical education begins. From collaboration parents and teachers depend on the further development of the child. And it depends on the quality of work preschool depends on the level of pedagogical culture of parents, and, consequently, the level family education children.

Parents often experience certain difficulties in that they cannot find enough free time to study with their children at home, they are not confident in their capabilities, reasoning in this way: “Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he is busy.”

On the other hand, the employees of preschool institutions themselves take on all the worries about raising and educating children, forgetting that parents should also show interest in communicating with the teaching staff of the institution.

Involving parents in the field pedagogical activity, their interested participation in educational process absolutely necessary for their own child. Thus, the analysis of the state of this interaction problem preschool educational institution with parents and determined the relevance of the project topic.

Purpose of the project work– organization methodological work to create conditions for interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents of pupils; to identify optimal forms and methods of working with parents in preschool institutions, necessary to increase the activity of parents as participants in the educational process.

Project objectives:

    Invite parents to actively participate in the educational process.

    Activate and enrich the pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents.

    To improve the legal culture of parents to form a conscious attitude towards raising children.

    Improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

    Develop the abilities of children and parents in joint activities.

    Show parents the importance and significance of family education.

    Introduce parents to methods, techniques and styles of family education.

    Give an idea of ​​the protection of the rights of the child by members of his family.

    Strengthening child health in a family environment.

    Speech development of a child in a family environment.

    Prevention of children's stubbornness.

    Labor education of children in the family.

Conditions for the project: interest of children and parents, regularity and systematic work

Project type: practice-oriented, long-term, open, collaborative.

To solve the problems, the following set of methods can be used: study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; targeted observations, including participants; individual conversations with children, parents, various preschool specialists, questionnaires, interviews, study of children's work; analysis of documentation, processing of results obtained during the project, etc.

Predicted results:

    identifying the features of professional pedagogical interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents, taking into account modern trends in family education of preschool children;

    to explore the pedagogical aspects of disharmony in family relationships as a factor in violations of the family socialization of a preschooler;

    determine the efficiency indicators of the process of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents.


1. Educational (presentation of information to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents);

2. Practical and effective (increasing parents’ interest in carrying out a common task, demonstrating creative abilities, and full-fledged emotional communication.

In accordance with pedagogical principles (purposefulness, variability of forms and methods, cooperation, complexity), it became possible to put forward a project hypothesis:

If you properly organize the interaction between family and kindergarten, and develop the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of raising children, then you can achieve an increase in the effectiveness of the educational process.

Forms of working with parents

    Consultations and conversations

    Parent meetings




    Days open doors


    Family living rooms

    Participation in the holidays “Red, Yellow, Green”, “Children’s Day”, “Maslenitsa”

    Methodological assistance to families of children with developmental disabilities.

    Individual work with children with developmental disabilities.

Modern family and its problems

The study of issues related in one way or another to family relationships began in ancient times. Even then, thinkers made their first attempts to study the family. Since those times and throughout the development of society, people's views on what family relationships should be like, what role they play in people's lives have changed, the system of values ​​and social norms of family and marriage has changed.

One of the most accurate definitions of family belongs to N.Ya. Solovyov. According to his definition, a family is “a small social group of society, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on the marital union and family ties, that is, the relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters and other relatives living together and having a common life.” farming."

Family relationships– “... this is a complex mental reality, including both mythological and modern levels of consciousness, and individual and collective, ontogenetic, sociogenetic and phylogenetic foundations.”

In our time, quite a lot of attention is paid to the study of the modern family, both in our country and abroad.

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the problems of the modern family were dealt with by A.S. Makarenko, K.D. Ushinsky, Sh.A. Amonashvili, E.G. Silyaeva, A.V. Shavlov, etc.

The family is one of the main social institutions, thanks to which humanity carries out the functions of population reproduction, continuity of generations, socialization of children, etc. It all starts with the family. Here the foundations of morality are laid, here we gain experience of behavior in society, here the character of a person, his habits, and worldview are laid.

The main functions of the family in relation to society are:

    physical reproduction of the population. To change generations, an appropriate number of children within a certain state is necessary;

    educational function - transfer of knowledge, skills, norms, values, spiritual reproduction;

    production and economic;

    organization of leisure time, since a significant part of the time is spent outside of work and study (family communication).

Functions of the family in relation to the individual:

    marital function. Spouses are the closest people; they complement each other. They rest and receive moral support;

    parental function - the family provides what is necessary for harmony in life, in order to brighten up the life of parents in old age;

    organization of life. It is known that family life is the most comfortable life in a psychological sense.

Taking into account the functions of the family, their diversity and interrelationship, we can highlight some of the most characteristics and development trends of the modern family. Their awareness and consideration in the activities of teachers and parents will help more effectively realize the educational capabilities of the family.

Features of the development of a modern family

    the specifics of the social structure in urban and rural families;

    There is a direct relationship: the higher the education of parents, the more successful their children are at school. Modern parents, as a rule, have secondary or incomplete secondary education. But modern parents are actively working people, and raising children is most often entrusted to grandparents, whose education in most cases is significantly lower. Often, different systems of raising children - grandparents and young parents - collide in a family. A teacher who wants to understand the intricacies of family education must keep this feature in mind;

    The stratification of the population taking place in society according to the degree of material wealth determines the differences in family upbringing of children, the nature of the relationship between parents and children;

    There is a process of family disintegration - the separation of a young married family. The process of family disintegration can be assessed as positive. This ensures its strengthening and development as an independent team;

    reduction in family size, reduction in the birth rate of children;

    an increase in the number of divorces;

    increase in the number of one-child families.

IN modern families There is a decrease in the “educational resources” of parents per child. In particular, there is a decline in the quality and quantity of verbal communication and a change in parental attitudes. Parents become more authoritarian, use corporal punishment more often, their discipline requirements are stricter, and the individualization of education is minimal. Environmental factors, together with genetically inherited formations and upbringing conditions, are of fundamental importance for the upbringing of a child and the development of his relationships with others. A special role in this interaction belongs to the teacher, whose influence is sometimes higher than the influence of parents. It is not without reason that many parents, trying to achieve something from their child, ask the teacher to help them. The teacher helps children get to know each other, creating an atmosphere of common work, cooperation, and mutual understanding. The teacher’s behavior style, as a rule, is unconsciously adopted by children and becomes a kind of culture of the children themselves.

The success of interaction in the psychological and pedagogical system “teacher-child-parent” depends on the system of interaction between the participants in this process.

Disadvantages and positives

aspects of public and family education

(according to E. P. Arnautova and V. M. Ivanova)





The business form of communication between the teacher and children, reduced intimacy, emotional insufficiency. The presence of successive teachers with different programs of their behavior and methods of influencing the child. The teacher's attention to all children, the lack of individual communication with each child. Comparative rigidity of the daily routine. Communication with children of the same age.

Relatively “soft” relations between parents and child, emotional intensity of the relationship. Consistency and duration of the pedagogical program of parental behavior and their impact on the child. Individual targeting of pedagogical influences to the child. Mobile daily routine. Opportunity to communicate with children and relatives of different ages.



Availability and use of a program for the education and training of preschool children, pedagogical knowledge of teachers, scientific and methodological aids. The purposeful nature of raising and teaching children. Living and living conditions have been scientifically developed for the upbringing and education of children. The use of methods of education and training that are adequate to the age characteristics and capabilities of preschool children, an understanding of their spiritual needs. Skillful use of assessment of children's activities and behavior as a stimulus for their development. Various meaningful activities of children in children's society. Opportunity to play and socialize with a wide range of peers.

The absence of an education program, the presence of fragmentary ideas among parents about education, the use of random pedagogical literature by parents. The spontaneous nature of raising and teaching a child, the use of individual traditions and elements of targeted education. The desire of adults to create conditions for themselves in the family, their lack of understanding of the importance of these conditions for the child. Lack of understanding of the age characteristics of preschoolers, the idea of ​​children as smaller copies of adults, inertia in the search for methods of education. Misunderstanding of the role of assessment in the upbringing and education of a child, the desire to evaluate not his behavior, but his personality. The monotony and lack of substance in a child’s activities in the family. Lack of communication with children in the game. Inability to give a child an objective description and analyze one’s methods of upbringing.

To raise a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to promote the socialization of the child in his first societies - the family and the kindergarten group, which can contribute to his socio-psychological adaptation to further life in society and successful interaction with the outside world.

A preschool educational institution is an organizationally systemic mechanism with clear approaches to solving the problems of the educational process, a model of the adult world in which a child will live. Integration of a child into a peer group (society) occurs through distribution and compliance, certain rules. Getting skills moral education, the child becomes a bearer of social consciousness, and therefore a full-fledged personality.

Methodology for studying families of pupils



Forms and methods

Family Study

Sociological characteristics

Questionnaires and tests for parents, children's drawings "My Family", essays by parents, psychological and pedagogical conversations, consultations.

Monitoring inside the kindergarten

On parents' satisfaction with the quality of education and training

Observations, questionnaires, conversations, interviews, open classes for parents followed by discussion, round tables (with parents)

Involving parents in cooperation

Information requests from parents; about the orientation of parents in the field of education, the availability of their free time, material and professional opportunities.

Questionnaires, conversations, round tables.

Information and educational work with parents

On the legal psycho-pedagogical competence of parents and problems of training and education

Tests, observations of all subjects of the educational process, conversations, discussions of pedagogical situations.

Technology for organizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

Goal: solving problems related to the revival of the traditions of family education, the involvement of parents in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.

System preschool work with a family

Principles of working with parents

Focused, systematic, planned;

A differentiated approach to work, taking into account the specifics of each family;

Age-related nature of work with parents;

Kindness, openness

Family Study Methods


Child monitoring;

Family examination using projective techniques;

Conversation with the child;

Conversation with parents

Forms of work with parents

General, group, individual;

Pedagogical consultations, conversations, trainings;

Joint activities and leisure activities;

Participation of parents in methodological activities: making costumes, organizing video filming;

Open days;

Interest clubs

Forms of working with families

Parent meetings in groups

Objective: to form common interests between children and parents, to teach parents to independently solve emerging pedagogical problems.

Adaptation group for young children

Objective: To provide the most comfortable conditions for the adaptation of the baby and his parents to the conditions of the preschool educational institution. For one month, the child attends the group together with his mother or another family member (this period can be extended if necessary).

Newspaper for parents

Objective: to attract the attention of parents to educational events in kindergarten, to intensify their participation in the life of the preschool educational institution.

Once a quarter, a newspaper is published, which tells about the life of the kindergarten, provides advice from specialists, information about income and its distribution, and offers game material for family games.

Radio newspaper

Objective: to provide specific knowledge to parents in one or another area of ​​pedagogy.

Short, 5-minute “message lessons” from specialists.

Photo album "Let's get to know each other"

Objective: to introduce the child and his parents to the kindergarten even before the child arrives at the kindergarten.

When parents first visit, we offer them a photo album with photographs and information about the kindergarten for viewing.

Photo album "My family"

Task: to bring some of the family warmth into the walls of the kindergarten.

In a corner of privacy lies a family album. If a child is sad, he can always take it and look at a photo of his family.

Your good deeds

Objective: to encourage parental participation in this or that event, to express gratitude for any assistance provided.

Mini library

"Meeting interesting people"

Objective: to instill in children respect for the work of adults, to teach them to be proud of the achievements of their parents.

Parents talk about their hobbies, leisure activities, achievements, and organize club work.

"Family workshop"

Objective: to promote cooperation between parents and children in joint activities.

Organization of exhibitions that present the results of artistic and aesthetic activities of parents and children (drawings, photographs, crafts).


Objective: collecting information on parents’ satisfaction with the quality of education and training

Information general stands

Objective: to inform parents:

about programs for the education and development of children in kindergarten;

about free financial assistance from parents, about preschool education services

"Our day"

Task: to inform parents about the events that happened during the day in kindergarten, in the group

Stages of conducting psychological pedagogical education parents

The first stage is demonstrating to parents a positive image of the child, thanks to which a friendly relationship with an attitude of cooperation develops between parents and educators. The significance of this stage is determined by the fact that parents often fix their attention only on the negative manifestations of the child’s development and behavior.

At the second stage, parents are given practical knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical features of raising a child. In this case, they are used various shapes and methods. These could be general parent meetings, group thematic exhibitions of children’s works, competitive programs, projects, etc.

Thus, the establishment of a trusting relationship with parents smoothly leads to joint exploration and the formation of a harmoniously developed child’s personality. In this process, the professional competence of preschool teachers plays an important role, which implies not only the totality of knowledge and experience, but also the personal qualities of the teacher

Event plan

The goal is to create effective conditions for interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family





Create conditions for the formation of an external favorable educational space for preschool educational institutions.

Invite parents to actively participate in the educational process





Senior teacher,


Conducting open classes for parents



Participation of parents in the New Year holiday


Musical director


Physical fitness instructor


Musical director

Participation of parents in the holiday "Mom, Dad and I are a sports family"


Physical fitness instructor

School of Parenting Excellence

Whims and stubbornness


Educational psychologist

If the child is anxious


Educational psychologist

Parent meetings





Project implementation

Work plan

Implementation plan

Solutions, results

Preparatory stage

1. Organize marketing and advertising activities

1. Create a preschool educational institution website, issue a “Preschool Educational Institution Passport”, photo album, stands and other visual propaganda

2. Collect information about unorganized children.

3. Hold a competition for the best parent corner

2. Identify parents’ requests for organizing educational work with children

1. Social history

2. Conduct a survey of parents on the organization of additional educational services

3. Checkout parent corners

Main (second) stage

1. Establish partnerships between all participants in the educational process

1. Organize celebrations

2. Organize hikes and excursions

3. Organize joint photo exhibitions and exhibitions of creative works:

Photo exhibition “My Family”

Exhibition of works from non-traditional materials “Winter Landscapes”

"Planet of Childhood" for Children's Day.

Nature and fantasy. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials.

2. Involve parents in cooperation with the kindergarten

1. Build a library for parents

2. Conduct diagnostics of the health status of families and consultation on issues of upbringing, education and preservation of the health of children.

3. Conduct parenting general meetings:

“Tasks of education and training in the new academic year and ways to implement them.”

4. Analysis of the work of the kindergarten. Summer health season.

5. Group meetings

3.Visually informing parents:

1.About the history and traditions of preschool educational institutions, employees, groups, programs and technologies for working with children,

2.About age characteristics preschoolers,

3.About the importance of family education,

4.About the creative abilities of preschool children

5.About the features of artistic arts in the education of preschool children, etc.

4. Pedagogical education of parents, interaction between family and preschool educational institution

“To kindergarten without tears”

Parent conference

Seminar-workshop “How to help your child”

Open Day “The Role of Movement in Child Development”

Final (third) stage

1. Results,


In May, the results of the work on the project are summed up and prospects for further work are determined. to identify the educational needs of families of pupils, the level of awareness of parents in the field of upbringing and education of preschoolers, the opinions of parents about the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Resource support

Responsible persons

Activities, powers

Results of the work

1. Preschool teachers

Organization of work on developing scripts, search and research activities Information support.

2. Parent team

Ideological organizers. Preparatory work for the holidays; information support for current work; material support for organizing events and stands.

Selection of a creative group for organizing events; choosing a group of parents to provide financial support for holidays; video and photo shooting of events; active participation in all activities, positive emotions in communication with children;

3. Physical training instructor

Methodological support for organizing and conducting sports events and recreational activities

Learning various games and sports

4. Additional teachers education and music directors

Methodological support for organizing and holding holidays. Creating a musical piggy bank

Learning songs, round dances, dance elements; developing the skill of creating costumes for various events.

Work results the project can be represented as follows.

Working with families in kindergarten contributes to:

    Creating a positive emotional communication environment between children, parents and teachers

    Activation and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents

    Improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal culture of parents

    Development of creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities

    Generalizing the experience of family education

    Establishing continuous connections with graduates of preschool educational institutions and their parents

    Formation of a team of like-minded teachers and parents,

    Increasing confidence in teachers,

    Reducing the number of families at risk.

The outcome assessment mechanism includes the following criteria:

    level of pedagogical competence of parents

    level of involvement of teachers, parents and children in the implementation of the project

    positive feedback from partners and project participants

    new forms of cooperation between family and preschool educational institutions

    attending leisure activities that contribute to the correction of parent-child relationships

    no evidence of child abuse

    the number of children with speech disorders decreased by 4%.


Work on interaction between the teacher and the family should contribute to: creating a positive emotional environment of communication between children, parents and teachers; activation and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents; improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal culture of parents; development of versatile abilities of children and parents in joint activities; establishing continuous connections with preschool children and their parents.

Cooperation in family education will bear fruit when relatives and friends, without whom the child cannot imagine his life, find the strength and courage to learn every day to be a real Mother and a real Father.

I expect the following results from the project: increasing the level of parental competence; harmonization of family and parent-child relationships; increasing the responsibility of parents for the fate of the child and his activity in relations with employees of preschool institutions.

The organization of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is an interesting modern model of working to attract parents to active participation in the educational process and helps to strengthen the connection between the preschool institution and the families of pupils.



Game library


1. Create a trusting atmosphere in communication with parents.

2. Teach parents to play out situations, spontaneously developing stressful situations and help the child in the process of the adaptation period.

3. Awaken in parents responsibility for the upcoming process of adaptation of children.

FORM OF CONDUCT: training.


1. On the main wall there is an inscription - GAME LIBRARY

2. Chairs in a circle

3. Equipment for games.



Introductory part - Welcome

The main part is training exercises

Final part - Feedback(summarizing the training, farewell ceremony)

    Parents of younger children take part in the training.

    The experimenter conducts the event.

    Number of classes – 5

    Training time is 40 minutes.


1. Come to me.

2. Parsley came.

3. Blowing soap bubbles.

4. Round dance.

5. Let's spin.

6. Hiding the bear.

7. Walk.

8. Train.


    Round dance with a doll.

    Catching up.

    Sunny bunnies.

    Collecting "treasures".

    Let's make a collage.

    Caught a fish

    Who's in the fist?


    Playing with hands.

    Let's ride a horse.

    Blow into and onto something.

    Blow on the balloon, blow on the pinwheel, blow on the horn.

    The book is a guessing game.

    Fun with a magnifying glass.

    Walking along the outlines of different figures


    Together with the bear.

    We draw different figures.

    Playing with a doll.

    We collect toys.

    Pass the bell.




    Ball in a circle.

    We run to the tree.


    We stomp our feet.


    Cucumber - cucumber...

Test “What kind of parent are you?” Phrases you frequently use

How many times do I have to tell you!

Please advise me!

I don't know what I would do without you!

And who are you just born into?

What wonderful friends we are!

Well, who do you look like?

Here I am in your time

You are my support and helper!

Well, what kind of friends do you have?

What are you thinking about?

Oh, how clever you are!

What do you think, son?

Everyone's children are like children, and you...

How smart you are!

Test results

7-8 points - you live with your child in perfect harmony. He truly loves and respects you. Your relationship contributes to the development of his personality!

9-10 points - you are inconsistent in communicating with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

11-12 points - you need to be more attentive to your child. You have authority with him, but he needs love and affection.

13-14 points - you yourself feel that you are following the wrong path. There is mistrust between you and the child. Try to pay more attention to him, listen to his words.

Memo "Parental truths"

    Treasure your child's love. Remember, from love to hate there is only one step, do not take rash steps!

    Don't humiliate your child. By humiliating him, you develop in him the ability and skill of humiliation, which he can use in relation to other people. It is possible that they will be you.

    Don't threaten your child. An adult's threats give rise to a child's lies, leading to fear and hatred.

    Don't impose restrictions. The nature of a child is the spirit of rebellion. What is strictly forbidden, you really want to try, don’t forget about it.

    Do not take care of your child where you can do without guardianship; Give a little person the opportunity to become big on his own.

    Don’t follow your child’s lead; know how to respect the measure of your love and the measure of your parental responsibility.

    Develop your sense of humor. Learn to laugh at your weaknesses, allow your child to laugh with you. Teach your child to laugh at themselves! It's better than others laughing at him.

    Don't read endless lectures to your child, he just doesn't hear them!

    Always be consistent in your demands. Know your “yes” and “no” well.

    Don't deprive your child of the right to be a child. Give him the opportunity to be mischievous and restless, rebel and naughty. The period of childhood is very fleeting, and there is so much to try before you become an adult. Give your child the opportunity to be one during childhood, otherwise the period of childhood will continue into adulthood. This can have serious consequences for both your child and you, parents!

    Remember that the greatest parental happiness is to see accomplished, smart and noble children!

Social portrait of a family

Number of children in the family

Degree of parental participation in the project

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. To answer this question, “What is the interaction of a teacher with parents,” we turned to S. Ozhegov’s Russian language dictionary, where the meaning of the word “interaction” is explained as the mutual connection of two phenomena, mutual support.

The main goal of all forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families? establishing trust? between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

Collective forms include parent meetings, conferences, “ Round tables" and etc.

Individual forms include pedagogical conversations with parents; This is one of the most accessible forms of establishing connections with family.

A separate group consists of visual information methods. They introduce parents to the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children, help overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. These include tape recordings of conversations with children, video fragments of organizing various types of activities, regime moments, classes; photographs, exhibitions of children's work, stands, screens, sliding folders.

Currently, non-traditional forms of communication with parents are especially popular among both teachers and parents. There is no term “non-traditional forms of communication with parents” in the pedagogical literature; many preschool institutions use them. “Non-traditional forms mean the use of entertainment elements, game modeling, joint workshops with parents and others aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents and attracting their attention to the kindergarten.”

Currently, in addition to the search for new forms of pedagogical education, its content is also changing.

Often in preschool educational institutions events are held on the principle of entertainment programs - KVN, “Pedagogical Field of Miracles”, etc. Despite their diversity, such forms are characterized by the creation of a relaxed atmosphere and detective involvement in this work. But, as practice has shown, pedagogical content often fades into the background and work with parents is reduced only to spending leisure time together. In my opinion, it is important to build communication with parents, alternating traditional and non-traditional forms.

The purpose of non-traditional forms is to interest parents in the problems of raising their child, to form in them a respectful attitude towards the work of educators, and to introduce them to the life of a kindergarten. By taking an active part in joint activities, parents change their attitude towards kindergarten. They try to help in organizing events, a trusting home environment is created, and, no less important, parents get closer to their child and begin to understand him better.

Krotovoy T.V. a classification of non-traditional forms has been developed. The author includes among them informational and analytical (“mailbox”), leisure (joint leisure activities, holidays), educational (seminars and workshops, oral pedagogical journals), visual and informational (open days, information brochures for parents).

The meaning and purpose of non-traditional forms is that parents have the opportunity to see their child in conditions different from home; they help parents reconsider their methods and techniques of education. “Immersion” of parents in the life of a preschool educational institution is able to demonstrate to them the features of raising and teaching children in kindergarten.

In kindergartens, various similar forms are often held: “Pedagogical lounges”, “Gatherings”, etc. The literature talks about the methodological aspect of the work, i.e. about holding special business games with teachers that will help them move from traditional to more open forms of cooperation with parents based on partnership.

Recently, a new form of work has been introduced and actively used in preschool educational institutions - project activities. By participating in projects, the child gets used to finding a way out of a difficult situation. In kindergarten, projects can only be for adults - for children. Children, parents, teachers, and DOW specialists.

The essence of the concept of “project activity” is associated with such scientific concepts and categories as “project”, “activity”, which are diverse in nature, both from the point of view of various branches of scientific knowledge, and from the point of view of different levels of scientific methodology.

A project is a set of certain actions, documents, preliminary texts, an idea for the creation of a real object, subject, or the creation of various kinds of theoretical products.

Activity is a specifically human form of active relationship to the surrounding world, the content of which is its purposeful change and education.

Project activity is a form of educational and cognitive activity of students, consisting in the motivational achievement of a consciously set goal.

Project activity is a conscious, reflective acquisition of new knowledge; it reveals creative abilities, which, in turn, successfully develop during independent search. It can be represented as:

b way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction between teacher and student;

b way of interaction with the environment;

b step-by-step practical activities to achieve the goal.

Intensive changes in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate to the teacher the need to choose more effective means training and education based on integrated technologies, which is the project method. It is aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities.

The project method was reflected in the ideas of domestic scientists of the 20s: B.V. Ignatieva, V.N. Shulgina, N.K. Krupskaya, S.T. Shatsky, E.G. Kagarova, M.V. Krupenina. Soviet teachers believed that a critically revised project method could ensure the development of creative initiative and independence in learning, and the connection between theory and practice.

The project method can be represented as a way of organizing a pedagogical process based on the interaction of a teacher, a student and his parents, step-by-step practical activities to achieve a set goal (Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Pakhomova N.Yu.). Project activities develop cognitive activity, independence, creativity, the ability to plan, navigate the information space, work in a team, organize the learning process, which should end in a real result. This result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real, practical life.

In order to achieve this result, it is necessary for all project participants to learn:

b think independently, solve problems, drawing on knowledge from different fields;

b set goals and objectives and predict results, plan the content of activities.

Educators know that usually a preschooler’s plan is ahead of his capabilities and the child needs the help of an adult, so parents are involved in the implementation of project activities. The joint implementation of a plan by a child and his parents strengthens the child-parent relationship.

Another important feature of project activity is that it is targeted both in the process of communication and in the final result. According to N.E. Veraksa, “project activity has a pronounced coloring and ultimately becomes one of the few socially significant actions available to a preschooler.”

Project activity accustoms the preschooler to responsibility for the work done, increases his authority before his peers and his own self-esteem.

Despite the general features of the structure, Veraksa N.E. identifies three main types of project activities: creative, research and normative, each of them has its own characteristics, structure and characteristic stages of implementation. Projects can have different themes, and in the process of their implementation, creative, educational, psychological and educational tasks are solved simultaneously and in parallel.

In kindergartens, research and creative projects are more often planned and organized aimed at developing the cognitive and communicative abilities of preschoolers. Project activities also contribute to the development of a variety of play activities, the formation and strengthening of friendly interaction between children, the development and improvement of child-parent relationships.

During the implementation of the project, both interaction and creative competition occur between parents and children. The atmosphere of play and fantasy allows you to reset your self-control mechanisms and show yourself in an unexpected way. By getting to know their relatives better, children and parents become closer to each other.

According to A. Gustomyasova, a preschool institution is an institution of society, specially created for the socialization of a preschooler. At the same time, it has been proven that the family and kindergarten, integrating their efforts in the process of socialization of the child, are able to ensure the completeness and integrity of the socio-pedagogical and cultural-educational environment in which the child lives, develops and self-realizes. At the same time, success does not lie in duplication or replacement of the functions of one educational institution with another, but in their harmonious complement of each other.

An effective means of integrating preschool educational institutions and families is the joint project activity of educators, parents and children, which provides the conditions for the formation of the child’s social competence.

A. Gustomyasova highlights the following advantages of joint project activities:

1. Ensuring person-oriented interaction between teacher and child.

Joint project activity gives the teacher the message not so much to teach, but to help the child master the world, find meaning in joint activities, set a goal, plan and organize their actions in order to achieve it and thus acquire the qualities of a socially competent person.

  • 2. Formation of the competence of parents in matters of raising their children.

Joint project activities allow the teacher to identify the individual interests of project participants and build their competence. Involving parents in joint project activities gives them the opportunity to understand the existing and gain new experience in constructing their own parental behavior, transmitting knowledge, attitudes and values, and examples of competent behavior to children.

3. Establishing partnerships with parents of students.

Involvement in the project allows all family members to become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their teaching experience, discover unknown sides of their own child, and experience a sense of satisfaction from their successes and the successes of the child. In such a situation, the teacher becomes an attractive communication partner.

The teacher designs and plans a system of influences on the child, its content and didactic components, and predicts the result. The erudition, life and professional experience of parents serve as a source of information and real help to the teacher.

4. Joint project activities have developmental potential, which lies in the development of the communicative and emotional-motivational spheres of all project participants. This creates a general mood of enthusiasm among all project participants.

The interaction of parenting adults has a positive effect on the physical, mental and social health of the child (which has been proven by domestic and Western scientists).

The main guideline for us in organizing project activities is the most important psychological needs of children (L. Semenova), including:

b need for love, need for another;

b the need to understand and respect your unique feelings, desires, thoughts, actions;

b the need for trust in the world around us, other people;

b the need for new impressions, an influx of information;

b children's need for independence.

For work efficiency, I adapted the project implementation algorithm proposed by A. Gustomyasova to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

  • Stage 1 - preparatory. Main tasks: motivating parents and their children for upcoming activities; accumulation of necessary knowledge in children (the topic of the project is discussed with the children, motivation for the upcoming activity is created); familiarizing parents with the conditions and objectives of project activities, with its possible options; preparation of methodological, material and technical base, development of the final script.
  • Stage 2 - performing, the actual project activity of parents and children. Main objectives: development of the child’s social competence in various types cognitive activity that is interesting and emotionally significant for the child; formation of habits among parents in meaningful family leisure activities.

The teacher acts as a consultant, advisor or direct participant in the family project.

Stage 3 - presentation of projects. The main task: obtaining a feeling of satisfaction from the work done together. Form of event: leisure, holiday, marathon.

Parents and children tell how they worked on the project topic, demonstrate the results of joint activities, share observations and experiences, evaluate their achievements, successes, and discoveries. Project participants are rewarded with applause, letters of gratitude, and sweet prizes.

Thus, we define joint project activities as an important way to harmonize the social space of children’s lives, pedagogically appropriate influence on the family environment, and integration of the activities of the preschool institution and the family on the issues of raising a socially competent child.

Project method and

interaction with family in the work of preschool educational institutions

(from work experience)


Senior teacher Soboleva I.S.

Moscow, 2014

“The way childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.”
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future.

The Law “On Education” obliges teachers and parents to become not only equal, but also equally responsible participants in the educational process.

One of important principles Federal state requirements include joint upbringing and development of preschool children with parents, and the involvement of parents in the educational process of a preschool institution. At the same time, the teacher himself determines what tasks he can more effectively solve when interacting with the family, how to maintain business and personal contacts with parents, and involve them in the process of joint education of preschoolers. Only together can educators and parents get to know the child better, and, having learned, direct common efforts towards his development.

Today, in science and practice, the view of the child as a “self-developing system” is intensively defended, while the efforts of adults should be aimed at creating conditions for the development of children. A unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation between children and adults, and a way to implement a person-centered approach to education is design technology. Design, as a creative activity for teachers, allows (in accordance with FGT) to sufficiently formulate the goals and objectives of the upcoming activity, analyze and systematize the totality of available and necessary means that provide optimal ways to achieve the expected result, and most importantly, it reveals opportunities for pedagogical creativity.

In 2012, our preschool educational institution organized seminars and consultations on the topic “Using the project method in working with preschoolers.” The teachers became interested in the proposed material and decided to implement it in their work with children.

Most modern parents are literate people who read popular science and journalistic literature on the issues of raising and developing children. And, nevertheless, the difficulties in upbringing do not decrease! Even having a fairly extensive stock of theoretical knowledge, they are not always able to apply it competently. In pedagogy, as in medicine, the principle “Do no harm!” is important. That is why today we are not just talking about the exchange of information between parents and kindergarten teachers about the development, successes and difficulties of a preschooler. It is relevant to include the family in the life of a child in kindergarten. And here the project method turned out to be a successful find for us. Today it is becoming increasingly widespread in preschool educational institutions.

What is this method? The project method is one of the teaching methods that promotes the development of independent thinking, helping the child to develop confidence in his own abilities. It provides for a system of education in which children acquire knowledge and master skills in the process of completing a system of planned practical tasks. This is learning through doing. Working according to the project method, the teacher provides pedagogical support for the child in activities to master the world around him.

The search and cognitive activity of a preschooler is aimed at the result that is obtained when solving a particular problem. The external result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real practical activities. The internal result - the experience of activity - becomes an invaluable asset of the child, combining knowledge, skills and values.

The project method, according to experts, allows you to cultivate an independent and responsible personality, develops creativity and mental capacity, it also promotes the development of determination, perseverance, teaches how to overcome emerging difficulties and problems along the way, and communicate with peers and adults.

At the heart of every project is a problem. This method is based primarily on a person-centered approach to children. After all, the themes of the projects are mainly born out of the interests of children.

The project method is characterized by group activity. And here we would like to note that it is with the help of this method that parents can be successfully included in the life of their children in kindergarten. Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in their child’s nutrition and believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason. How difficult it can be to reach moms and dads! How difficult it is sometimes to explain to parents that a child must not only be fed and dressed beautifully, but also communicate with him, teach him to think and reflect. How to change this situation? How to get parents interested in working together? How to create single space child development in the family and preschool educational institutions, make parents participants in the educational process?

We began our work by studying the family, finding out the educational needs of the parents, and establishing contact with its members. To begin with, we conducted a survey “Cooperation between kindergarten and family.” Having obtained the real picture, based on the collected data, we analyzed the peculiarities of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of the preschooler, and developed tactics for communicating with each parent. This helped us better understand the pedagogical needs of each family and take them into account individual characteristics. We identified quality indicators for ourselves: initiative, responsibility, parents’ attitude towards the products of joint activities of children and adults. This analysis allowed us to identify three groups of parents:

Parent Leaders who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process, see the value of any work of a child care institution.

Parent-executorswho participate subject to meaningful motivation.

Parents are critical observers.

The change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the pedagogical process. Interested in the success of their children; interested, but wanting to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way.”

We included parents in the educational process in several directions:

Activities aimed at enriching parents with knowledge about the project method:

a seminar-workshop was held on organizing project activities with preschoolers;

Memos for parents have been developed:

Memo No. 1
“The project method - as a way to raise a successful preschooler”

Stages of drawing up children's projects:

1. Identification and formulation of the problem (choice of research topic)
2. Search and offer possible solutions
3. Collection of material. Methods of collecting information and research methods:


ask another person

go to the library (magazines, illustrations, scientific literature, etc.)

watch special educational programs and videos on TV


to conduct an experiment

get information on the Internet

call a specialist or just mom, dad, or grandma.

4. Project preparation
5. Project protection

Memo No. 2
“If your child is involved in a project, what is your role?”

Participation in project activities is difficult work for both the child and the parent.

The project involves the independent activity of a preschooler, but the parent’s task is to know the essence of the project activity, its stages, requirements for the process and the result of implementation, in order to be ready to assist their child if he turns to you for help.

Remember: you play the role of a source of information along with others - such as books, films, the Internet, etc.

The child is given the right to freely choose a source of information!

And a few more tips.

Teach children to act independently, avoid direct instructions.

Don't hold back your children's initiatives.

Don't do for them what they can do on their own.

Don't rush to make value judgments.

Help children learn to manage the process of learning:

trace connections between objects, events and phenomena;

develop skills for independently solving research problems;

learn to analyze and synthesize, classify, summarize information.

Memo No. 3
Thematic project plan.

Theme and its origin.

Related activities and concepts that can be learned during the project.

Necessary materials.

Questions for children about the proposed project
What do we know?
What do we want to know?
How can we find answers to our questions?

Grade. What new did the children learn? (From the point of view of the children and the teacher).

Proposals for expanding and improving the project.

Activities aimed at direct participation of parents in the pedagogical process “Interesting People”:

Such interesting people, of course, are the parents of children. After all, each of them is a professional in some field. As part of the implementation of the section of the program to familiarize children with the environment. Parents can be involved in conducting classes where they will tell their children about their professions. At the same time, it is important for the teacher to prepare parents for the meeting with their children and help them compose a story that is interesting for them. During this project, children can get acquainted with different professions and discover for themselves what interesting people their fathers, mothers, and grandparents are.

Activities aimed at consolidating the knowledge acquired by children during ECD:

"The World of the Red Book";

"Transport of our city";


“Titmouse Day” and others.

The “Transport of Ours” project was organized after conducting an educational activity on the topic “Transport”. Children and parents were asked to show what types of transport they could use, for example:

to grandparents;

to the dacha;

to friend;

to another country.

An interesting idea for the start of the new school year is the “Let's Get to Know You” project. It is most relevant for new groups and PCGs. Children, teachers and parents do not know each other very well yet. Meanwhile, we have so many interesting, eventful days to live together, so it’s important to show it already at the dating stage. That life in kindergarten is fun and friendly. It is also important to convey to parents the idea that raising a child is a common task of teachers and parents and it must be done together from the very beginning!

Thus, parents of kindergarten students can be offered information about their child on a sheet from a photo album. They must select and draw up the sheet together with the child, and fill it out on behalf of the child:

My name is;

I love;

I do not like;

My favorite dish;

my least favorite dish;

My favorite toy;

my friends;

my parents;

my grandparents, etc.

An important question for any teacher is: what to do if parents do not want to participate in projects? Here it is very important to rely on the most active parents who can set an example for others. After the first child brings his project, the rest begin to “tease” their parents and the album begins to fill up. This album may be constantly updated. After all, time passes, children change, their hobbies change. The pages of the photo album tell us what they were like and how they have changed.

Since the leading activity of a preschooler is play, role-playing and creative projects are used starting from a young age:

“Favorite toys”, “ABC of health”, etc.

Other types of projects are also significant, including:

comprehensive: “World of Theater”, “Book Week”;

intergroup: “The World of Animals and Birds”, “Seasons”;

creative: “My friends”, “We love fairy tales”, “The world of nature”;

group: “Fun Astronomy”, “Underwater World”, “Know Yourself”;

individual: “Me and my family”, “ Family tree" "Secrets of Grandma's Chest";

research: “The World of Water”, “Breath and Health”, “Nutrition and Health”.

It should be noted that such projects help bring parents and children, teachers and parents closer together. Emotional communication and participation in a common cause contribute to the unity of the team of adults and children.

The project method we use is an effective way of developing, personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child. By introducing it into educational program our children's institution, we have set ourselves the main goal: providing conditions for emotional, moral and creative development children. Diagnostic data showed that children have insufficient knowledge in the field of environmental, social, moral, artistic and literary concepts.

initiating children and parents to choose a given topic


technological maps

long-term plans


ladder "travel"

cycles of conversations and activities

organization of creative exhibitions

conducting open games and activities

presentation of projects.

The implementation of project activities took place through all types of activities: cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, and gaming.

The results of project implementation indicate the effectiveness of the chosen work strategy. Thanks to the cooperation and co-creativity of educators, children and parents, it was possible to achieve the intended goal. Children received the missing knowledge, learned to plan the stages of their actions in accordance with the tasks, and work in creative groups helped in developing children's communication skills and improving the style of partnerships.

Thus, I would like to emphasize that by implementing the “project method” in the educational work of a kindergarten, it is possible to achieve significant success in establishing contacts with the parents of pupils, mutual understanding and cooperation with them. The main thing here is the sincere interest of the teacher, his creativity and ability to see, hear and even feel what is interesting to children, where they want to “go”, what new discoveries to make, as well as the desire to “infect” the interests of children and their parents.

“The way childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.”
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future.

The Law “On Education” obliges teachers and parents to become not only equal, but also equally responsible participants in the educational process.

One of the important principles of federal state requirements and the “Childhood” program, according to which we work, is also the joint upbringing and development of preschool children with parents, the involvement of parents in the educational process of a preschool institution. At the same time, the teacher himself determines what tasks he can more effectively solve when interacting with the family, how to maintain business and personal contacts with parents, and involve them in the process of joint education of preschoolers. Only together can educators and parents get to know the child better, and, having learned, direct common efforts towards his development.

Today, in science and practice, the view of the child as a “self-developing system” is intensively defended, while the efforts of adults should be aimed at creating conditions for the development of children. A unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation between children and adults, and a way to implement a person-centered approach to education is design technology. Design, as a creative activity for teachers, allows us to sufficiently (in accordance with federal state requirements) formulate the goals and objectives of the upcoming activity, analyze and systematize the totality of available and necessary funds that provide optimal ways to achieve the expected result, and most importantly, it reveals opportunities for pedagogical creativity.

In 2007, seminars and consultations on the topic “Use of the project method in working with preschoolers” were organized at the preschool educational institution. The teachers became interested in the proposed material and decided to implement it in their work with children.

Most modern parents are literate people who read popular science and journalistic literature on the issues of raising and developing children. And, nevertheless, the difficulties in upbringing do not decrease! Even having a fairly extensive stock of theoretical knowledge, they are not always able to apply it competently. In pedagogy, as in medicine, the principle “Do no harm!” is important. That is why today we are not just talking about the exchange of information between parents and kindergarten teachers about the development, successes and difficulties of a preschooler. It is relevant to include the family in the life of a child in kindergarten. And here the project method turned out to be a successful find for us. Today it is becoming increasingly widespread in preschool educational institutions.

What is this method? The project method is one of the teaching methods that promotes the development of independent thinking, helping the child to develop confidence in his own abilities. It provides for a system of education in which children acquire knowledge and master skills in the process of completing a system of planned practical tasks. This is learning through doing. Working according to the project method, the teacher provides pedagogical support for the child in activities to master the world around him.

The search and cognitive activity of a preschooler is aimed at the result that is obtained when solving a particular problem. The external result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real practical activities. The internal result - the experience of activity - becomes an invaluable asset of the child, combining knowledge, skills and values.

The project method, according to experts, allows you to cultivate an independent and responsible personality, develops creativity and mental abilities, it also contributes to the development of determination, perseverance, teaches you to overcome difficulties and problems along the way, communicate with peers and adults.

At the heart of every project is a problem. This method is based primarily on a person-centered approach to children. After all, the themes of the projects are mainly born out of the interests of children.

The project method is characterized by group activity. And here we would like to note that it is with the help of this method that parents can be successfully included in the life of their children in kindergarten. Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in their child’s nutrition and believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason. How difficult it can be to reach moms and dads! How difficult it is sometimes to explain to parents that a child must not only be fed and dressed beautifully, but also communicate with him, teach him to think and reflect. How to change this situation? How to get parents interested in working together? How to create a unified space for child development in the family and preschool educational institutions, to make parents participants in the educational process?

We began our work by studying the family, finding out the educational needs of the parents, and establishing contact with its members. To begin with, we conducted a survey “Cooperation between kindergarten and family.” Having obtained the real picture, based on the collected data, we analyzed the peculiarities of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of the preschooler, and developed tactics for communicating with each parent. This helped us better understand the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics. We identified quality indicators for ourselves: initiative, responsibility, parents’ attitude towards the products of joint activities of children and adults. This analysis allowed us to identify three groups of parents.

Parent Leaders who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process, see the value of any work of a child care institution.

Parent-executors who participate subject to meaningful motivation.

Parents are critical observers. The change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the pedagogical process. Interested in the success of their children; interested, but wanting to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way.”

We included parents in the educational process in several directions:

Activities aimed at enriching parents with knowledge about the project method:

  • a seminar-workshop was held on organizing project activities with preschoolers;
  • Memos for parents have been developed

Memo No. 1
“The project method - as a way to raise a successful preschooler”

Stages of drawing up children's projects:

1. Identification and formulation of the problem (choice of research topic)
2. Search and offer possible solutions
3. Collection of material. Methods of collecting information and research methods:

  • think
  • ask another person
  • read or look in books, encyclopedias
  • go to the library (magazines, illustrations, scientific literature, etc.)
  • watch special educational programs and videos on TV
  • observe
  • to conduct an experiment
  • get information on the Internet
  • call a specialist or just mom, dad, or grandma.

4. Project preparation
5. Project protection

Memo No. 2
“If your child is involved in a project, what is your role?”

Participation in project activities is difficult work for both the child and the parent.

The project involves the independent activity of a preschooler, but the parent’s task is to know the essence of the project activity, its stages, requirements for the process and the result of implementation, in order to be ready to assist their child if he turns to you for help.

Remember: you play the role of a source of information along with others - such as books, films, the Internet, etc.

The child is given the right to freely choose a source of information!

And a few more tips.

  1. Teach children to act independently, avoid direct instructions.
  2. Don't hold back your children's initiatives.
  3. Don't do for them what they can do on their own.
  4. Don't rush to make value judgments.
  5. Help children learn to manage the process of learning:
  • trace connections between objects, events and phenomena;
  • develop skills for independently solving research problems;
  • learn to analyze and synthesize, classify, summarize information.

Memo No. 3
Thematic project plan.

  1. Theme and its origin.
  2. Related activities and concepts that can be learned during the project.
  3. Necessary materials.
  4. Questions for children about the proposed project
    What do we know?
    What do we want to know?
    How can we find answers to our questions?
  5. Grade. What new did the children learn? (From the point of view of the children and the teacher).
  6. Proposals for expanding and improving the project.

Activities aimed at direct participation of parents in the pedagogical process - “Meetings with interesting people”:

Dad is a policeman;

Grandmother is a teacher;

Mom is a doctor and others.

Such interesting people, of course, are the parents of children. After all, each of them is a professional in some field. As part of the implementation of the section of the program to familiarize children with the environment. Parents can be involved in conducting classes where they will tell their children about their professions. At the same time, it is important for the teacher to prepare parents for the meeting with their children and help them compose a story that is interesting for them. During this project, children can get acquainted with different professions and discover for themselves what interesting people their fathers, mothers, and grandparents are.

Activities aimed at consolidating the knowledge acquired by children in the classroom:

  • “Through the pages of the Red Book”;
  • "Transport in our lives";
  • “Creating baby books”;
  • “Feed the birds in winter!” and others.

The project “Transport in our lives” was organized after conducting classes on the topic “Transport”. Children and parents were asked to show what types of transport they could use, for example:

  • to grandparents;
  • to the dacha;
  • to friend;
  • to another country.

An interesting idea for the start of the new school year is the “Let's Get to Know You” project. It is most relevant for new groups. Children, teachers and parents do not know each other very well yet. Meanwhile, we have so many interesting, eventful days to live together, so it’s important to show it already at the dating stage. That life in kindergarten is fun and friendly. It is also important to convey to parents the idea that raising a child is a common task of teachers and parents and it must be done together from the very beginning!

Thus, parents of kindergarten students can be offered information about their child on a sheet from a photo album. They must select and draw up the sheet together with the child, and fill it out on behalf of the child:

  • My name is;
  • I love;
  • I do not like;
  • My favorite dish;
  • my least favorite dish;
  • My favorite toy;
  • my friends;
  • my parents;
  • my grandparents, etc.

An important question for any teacher is: what to do if parents do not want to participate in projects? Here it is very important to rely on the most active parents who can set an example for others. After the first child brings his project, the rest begin to “tease” their parents and the album begins to fill up. This album may be constantly updated. After all, time passes, children change, their hobbies change. The pages of the photo album tell us what they were like and how they have changed.

Since the leading activity of a preschooler is play, role-playing and creative projects are used starting from a young age:

“Favorite toys”, “ABC of health”, etc.

Other types of projects are also significant, including:

  • comprehensive: “World of Theater”, “Book Week”;
  • intergroup: “The World of Animals and Birds”, “Seasons”;
  • creative: “My friends”, “We love fairy tales”, “The world of nature”;
  • group: “Fun Astronomy”, “Underwater World”, “Know Yourself”;
  • individual: “Me and my family”, “Family tree”. "Secrets of Grandma's Chest";
  • research: “The World of Water”, “Breath and Health”, “Nutrition and Health”.

It should be noted that such projects help bring parents and children, teachers and parents closer together. Emotional communication and participation in a common cause contribute to the unity of the team of adults and children.

The project method we use is an effective way of developing, personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child. By introducing it into the educational program of our children's institution, we set ourselves the main goal: to provide conditions for the emotional, moral and creative development of children. Diagnostic data showed that children have insufficient knowledge in the field of environmental, social, moral, artistic and literary concepts. The solution to the problem, in our opinion, was creative projects:

  • "Guys about animals"
  • "Bogatyrs - defenders of Ancient Rus'"
  • "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful"
  • "Good Grandfather Frost"
  • “The Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Father Frost”
  • “What a beauty these trees are!”
  • initiating children and parents to choose a given topic
  • compilation:
    • technological maps
    • long-term plans
    • web-schemes
    • ladder "travel"
    • cycles of conversations and activities
    • organization of creative exhibitions
    • conducting open games and activities
    • presentation of projects.

The implementation of project activities took place through all types of activities: cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, and gaming.

The results of project implementation indicate the effectiveness of the chosen work strategy. Thanks to the cooperation and co-creativity of educators, children and parents, it was possible to achieve the intended goal. Children received the missing knowledge, learned to plan the stages of their actions in accordance with the tasks, and work in creative groups helped in developing children’s communication skills and improving the style of partnerships.

Thus, I would like to emphasize that by implementing the “project method” in the educational work of a kindergarten, it is possible to achieve significant success in establishing contacts with the parents of pupils, mutual understanding and cooperation with them. The main thing here is the sincere interest of the teacher, his creativity and ability to see, hear and even feel what is interesting to children, where they want to “go”, what new discoveries to make, as well as the desire to “infect” the interests of children and their parents.

Academician D.S. Likhachev once wrote that love for one’s native land, one’s country begins with love for family. And today we must restore our ancient values ​​of caring for family and home. The family influences the child and introduces him to society. We, adults, must help children understand the importance of family, cultivate love and respect for its members, and instill a sense of attachment to home. Unfortunately, in many modern families too little attention is paid to raising children.

The interaction of parents and teachers in the upbringing of preschool children is the mutual activity of responsible adults. It is obvious that the old forms of contact with parents are gradually becoming obsolete. Modern parents, first of all, demand respect for themselves; they are literate, informed, but at the same time very busy. Therefore, they do not want any unnecessary information. Parents' employment is the main problem in the interaction between kindergarten and family. Thus, there is a need to search for new approaches to organizing work on the interaction of preschool educational institution and families of pupils.

In the practice of modern educational organizations, only traditional forms of work to interact with families are often used, such as: consultations, exhibitions, parent meetings, and, most rarely, conferences, open days, which are held irregularly, and the topic does not always coincide with the content. Parents do not actively participate in such events. Innovative approaches to interaction with the families of pupils are needed, since the use of various forms of work with the parents of pupils helps parents become active participants in the educational process, from “spectators” and “observers” to become active assistants to the teacher.

In order for parents to become interested in the life of the kindergarten and become active participants in the educational process, it is advisable to use one of the unique and effective forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family - project activities. This unique tool not only ensures co-creativity between children and adults, but also ensures cooperation and mutual assistance between teachers and parents. It is a means of integrating preschool educational institutions and families.

The project method is educational technology, the core of which is independent activity children – research, educational, productive, during which the child learns about the world around him and embodies new knowledge into real products. The essence of the “project method” in education is such an organization of the educational process in which students acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, an emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks of projects that have not only cognitive, but also pragmatic value. “Everything that I learn, I know, why I need it and where, and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems seeking to find a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and pragmatic skills.

The project method is based on the idea of ​​focusing the cognitive activity of preschoolers on the result that is achieved in the process of joint work between the teacher and children on a specific practical problem (topic).

In kindergarten, projects can only be for children and adults. Children, parents, teachers, and preschool specialists take part in such projects. This form is interesting because the joint collection and production of attributes, games, competitions, and presentations reveal the creative potential of children and attract parents to participate.

During the implementation of the project, interaction and creative collaboration occur between parents and children. The atmosphere of fun and games allows you to throw off the shackles of self-control and show your best side. By getting to know their loved ones better, children and parents become closer to each other, which naturally affects the results of their activities.

The foundations of project activities were laid at the beginning of the twentieth century in the pedagogical works of D. Dewey, W.H. Kilpatrick, E. Collings and others. At the same time, domestic innovative teachers S. T. Shatskiy, V. N. Shulgin, M. V. Krupenina, V. V. Ignatiev and others. The authors studied the conditions and methods of introducing and applying project activities in the practice of working with preschool children. In 2000, the active use of project activities began in domestic preschool educational organizations. The teachers believed that project activities could ensure intensive development of creative initiative and independence in children’s learning and would establish a connection between theory and practice.

Veraksa N. E. identifies three main types of project activities: creative, research and normative, each of them has its own characteristics, structure and characteristic stages of implementation. In practice, preschool educational institutions often plan and organize research and creative projects.

Project activities are aimed not only at developing the child’s personality, but also at developing his creative and cognitive abilities, the ability to plan and navigate the information space, work in a team, and carry out the process of learning the necessary information, which should be supported by the real result of the work. N. E. Veraksa said: “project activity has a pronounced coloring and ultimately becomes one of the few socially significant actions available to a preschooler.”

Another feature of this method is that it is targeted, both in the process of interaction and in the final result. Project activity can be represented as a way of organizing the learning process, based on the interaction of the teacher, student and his parents, in step-by-step practically significant activities. The child gains knowledge and skills in the process of careful planning and implementation of gradually more complex practical exercises (projects) and achieves his goal together with the teacher and parents.

In the process of project activities, various tasks are solved: educational, creative, psychological, educational, since they can have different topics and content. Children's knowledge about the world around them expands. In addition, children’s general abilities – cognitive, communicative and regular – develop. A variety of play activities also develops, children’s friendly relationships are formed and strengthened, they become more attentive to each other, and begin to be guided not only by their own opinions, but also by established norms. Thus, the child acquires the qualities of a socially competent person.

Child-parent relationships develop and improve through joint implementation of the plan. Parents develop an analytical view of the practice of raising and educating children. The position of parents and educators will become more flexible. Children become interesting to parents as partners in joint activities. Now they are not spectators and observers, but active participants in various events. Fathers and mothers feel more competent in raising children. This is due to the implementation of research and creative projects. Involving parents in joint project activities gives them the opportunity to gain new experience in modeling their own parental behavior, enrich their teaching experience, and discover unknown sides of their own child’s personality.

Project activities also have a huge impact on the teacher. Design forces the teacher to constantly be in the space of possibilities, which changes the worldview and excludes the use of standard actions, requiring personal and creative growth. In this situation, the teacher becomes an attractive communication partner. The teacher designs, plans a system of influences on the child, and predicts the result. The interest of parents in achieving their goals serves as a real help to the teacher. Interaction and cooperation of parenting adults has a positive effect on the all-round development of the child.

With the help of project activities, you can reach a new level of interaction with the family of pupils, change the relationship in the “children - parents - teacher” system. Parents will begin to see teachers as their assistants in education and training, and the kindergarten will become a partner for them. Thanks to this, an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding of each other is created.

Thus, project activity is an optimal, innovative and promising method. The introduction of project activities into the practice of preschool educational institutions will significantly increase the independence and activity of children, develop their creative and analytical thinking, the ability to find information of interest about a subject or phenomenon and use the acquired knowledge in reproducing new projects. Based on a personality-oriented approach to teaching and upbringing, project activities should ultimately contribute to the personal development of the child.

Adults, in turn, need to help the child discover a problem or provoke its emergence, awaken interest in it and lure children into a joint project. Child - parent pedagogical projects will contribute to the establishment of partnerships with the child’s family, will help in solving current problems education and training of children in the community of parents and teachers. The attitude of parents will change, both towards the teacher and towards the preschool educational organization as a whole, which in turn will ensure high-quality results of teaching activities.