Experimentation projects in the preparatory group. Experimentation project in the preparatory group "Young Researchers" project on the surrounding world (preparatory group)

Svetlana Zobkova
Short term project in preparatory group“Children’s experimentation is the path to understanding the world”

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 6"Alyonushka" b. Kuzovatovo village

Educator: Zobkova S. I.

Project"Children's experimentation is the path to understanding the world"




Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of the child’s worldview and his personal growth.

Search technology plays a significant role in this direction. educational activity of preschool children, taking place in the form experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden significant connections with natural phenomena. In preschool age, such testing actions change significantly and turn into complex forms of search activity.

Entertaining experiments, experiments encourage children to independently search for reasons, methods of action, and show creativity, since the experiments are presented taking into account current development preschoolers. In addition, the material used ensures the development of two types children's activity:

1. the child’s own activity, completely determined by him;

2. the child’s activity stimulated by an adult.

These two types of activity are closely related and rarely appear in their pure form.

Children’s own activity, one way or another, is connected with the activity coming from an adult, and the knowledge and skills acquired with the help of an adult then become the property of the child himself, since he perceives and applies them as his own. Two types highlighted children's activities underlie two interconnected and at the same time fundamentally different lines mental development child- preschooler: personality development, mental development.

Relevance project.

People who have learned to observe and experiment acquire the ability to pose questions themselves and receive factual answers to them, finding themselves at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not undergone such schooling. K. E. Timiryazev

The world we live in is complex, multifaceted and changeable. People are part of it peace discover more and more new objects, phenomena and patterns of the surrounding reality. At the same time, each person rotates within the framework of the image he has formed. peace.

Image peace- this is a complex holistic system of knowledge about a person, about the world in general, about other people, about oneself, about one’s activities.

During the preschool period childhood the emergence of the primary image occurs peace thanks to the child’s cognitive activity, which has its own specifics at each age stage. Development educational interest in various fields of knowledge and activities is one of the components, as general development preschooler, and the further success of his education at school. The preschooler's interest in the world around him and the desire to learn everything new is the basis for the formation of this quality. Throughout preschool childhood Along with play activities, it is of great importance in the development of a child’s personality. cognitive activity as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities. Understanding the importance of search activity in development cognitive activity of children, their intellectual abilities, one of the activities I chose children's experimentation.

There are different approaches to defining the concept « children's experimentation» . In our study, we adhered to the definition proposed by N.N. Poddyakov: « children's experimentation- one of the forms of organization children's activities on the one hand and one of the types cognitive activities on the other."

Working in a preschool institution, I always tried to look for new approaches to intellectual development preschoolers. Intensive changes in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate to the teacher the need to choose more effective means training and education.

The main advantage of the method experimentation is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and with the environment. In progress experiment The child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, as the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization and extrapolation. The need to give an account of what was seen, to formulate discovered patterns and conclusions stimulates the development of speech.

The consequence is not only the child’s familiarization with new facts, but also the accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations that are considered as mental skills.

Preschoolers are characterized by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, therefore experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age characteristics. In preschool age he is the leader, and for the first three years he is practically the only way knowledge of the world.

Children's experimentation how special organized activity contributes to the formation complete picture peace child preschool age and the foundations of cultural their knowledge of the world around them.

Familiarizing preschoolers with natural phenomena occupies a special place in the system of diverse knowledge about the environment, since the subject of familiarization is present, regulates, exerts its influence and continuously affects the development of the child. The result of the implementation project is the acquired experience of seeing objects and phenomena, peering into them, developing attention, visual, auditory sensitivity, expanding vocabulary and enriching verbal communication based on cultural norms.

Goals and objectives project.

Target project: Practical implementation children's experimentation as a means of development cognitive activity.

Tasks project:

Expand children's understanding of the world around them through familiarization with basic physical properties and phenomena;

Develop coherent speech children: encourage reasoning, argumentation, use of speech-evidence;

Provide a transition from objective-practical action to figurative-symbolic action (schematization, symbolization of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of the environment peace);

Develop observation skills;

Cultivate children's interest in;

Cultivate such qualities as the desire to help others, the ability to negotiate with each other to solve common problems.

View project: group; short; search and research.

Participants project: teacher groups, children 6-7 years old.

Compound project team : educators and pupils groups 6 – 7 years old.

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1 - preparatory.

Study and analyze methodological literature on this topic

Preparation of planning for experimental experimental activities

Selection of basic equipment and materials for equipping the center experimental activities.

Stage 2 – the main one.

Introduction to educational – educational process experimental experimental activities. Long-term plan.

Stage 3 – final.

Determine the effectiveness of the work performed

Analyze the results obtained.

Location: MDOU d/s No. 6 "Alyonushka".

Lesson mode: 1 lesson per week, in the afternoon. The duration of one lesson is 30 minutes.

Expected results.

The necessary conditions have been created for the formation of the foundations of a preschooler’s holistic worldview by means of experimental activities.

Pupils have children's ideas about the world around them.

Preschoolers have developed skills: observe, analyze, compare, highlight characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena, generalize them based on these features.

Long-term work plan for the main stage project:

Topic Program content: Cooperative activity teacher and children (GCD according to experimental activities) Joint activities of parents and children

"INVISIBLE AIR" to form an idea of ​​air and its properties; about the role in the life of living beings. Develop interest in cognitive activity and experimentation. Develop thinking, teach how to do

conclusions in progress experiment. HOW TO CAPTURE AIR

Take plastic bags from the table and try to catch the air. Twist the bags. What happened to the package? What's in them? What is he like? Do you see him? Let's check. Take a sharp stick and carefully pierce the bag. Bring it to your face and press it with your hands. What do you feel? And so, we don’t see it, but we feel it. PARACHUTES (at home, together with my parents, we make a toy parachute)


8 pieces of rope 40 cm each

Large plastic bag

Double-sided tape

toy man

A circle was cut out of the bag and ropes and a man were attached to it. We folded the parachute and threw it as high as possible.

When descending, a large amount of air appears under the dome. The force of air resistance reduces the speed of falling.


Educator: look, I have

glass in hands. Do you think he

empty? We'll check this now.

We need a container of water

and this glass. Let's turn the glass over

upside down and slowly lower it into the water. Please note that the glass must be held level. What do you see? Does water get into the glass? We pull it out. Look, the outside of the glass is wet, but what about the inside? (the teacher offers the children

touch the inside of the glass). Guys,

Why didn't the water get into the glass?

What can be concluded?

That's right, there is air in the glass, it doesn't let water in. WHY DOES THE CANDLE GO OUT?


They took 2 candles and put them on saucers

and set them on fire. They covered one of the candles with a jar and began to observe what would happen next. After some time, the candle covered with the jar went out.

Why did it go out? The jar ran out of oxygen and formed carbon dioxide. This is how we cannot live without oxygen.


In front of you are glasses of water and labor.

cocktail barrels. Insert the straws into the water and blow into them. What do you see? What comes out of the water with bubbles? Where does it come from? Bubbles rise to the surface because the air is lighter


We need scales and two hot air balloon. You can make these scales yourself from a string and a stick. I hung balls on both sides. Look, the scales are balanced now. I'll take a sharp stick

and pierce one of the balls. What happened? What can be concluded? The balloon with air sank down, and the burst balloon rose up. This means that a balloon with air is heavier than a balloon without air.


Take a piece of paper and wave it in front of your face. How will you feel? And if we were now a window,

how would you feel? Well done! So, we conclude that air is moving. Guys, today we talked a lot about air, its properties, but we forgot to say the most important thing that air

necessary for all living things. We can't live even 5 minutes without it. Try it, close your mouth and pinch your nose with two fingers. Don't breathe. Why did you remove your hand and open your mouth? What were you missing? Did you feel good without air?

QUEEN - WATER - improve children's understanding of the liquid state of water;

To promote the accumulation in children of specific ideas about the properties, forms and types of water;

Develop speech, thinking, curiosity;

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions;

Cultivate accuracy when working.


There are a cube and a ball on the table.

Educator: what shape are these objects (children's answers). Does it have

shape of water? To do this, let's take

narrow jar and fill it with water.

Let's pour this water into a wide jar.

The form that water takes changes all the time.

Conclusion: water takes the form of that

the vessel in which it is located. Water-

liquid. Remember the puddles after

rain. It spreads on the road, collects in holes, and is absorbed into the ground. And so water has no form.


Let's take two glasses, one with water, and

the other with milk. Let's take a picture

and put it behind a glass of water.

We can see the picture (children's answers).

Now let’s put the picture behind a glass of milk. What did we find? Conclusion: the pattern is visible through water, but not through milk. This means water is a transparent liquid.

Clear water can be made opaque. To do this, wet the brush and dip it into the paint. Add paint little by little, observing how the transparency of the water changes. We look through it at the picture. The drawing is not visible.

And so, we conclude that water is a transparent liquid. ICE FLAKES ON THE PATH


3 containers


Water was poured into the container. Water

tinted with watercolors

paints different color. The colored water was poured into molds. The molds were placed in the freezer. The next day

received multi-colored pieces of ice.


What if the water has a taste? Children try

water and express their opinion.

One child stirs in water

sugar, another - salt, the third - ascorbic acid. Now try-

those water again. What changed? The water has a taste. The water became sweet

kaya, salty, sour. Conclusion: your

Water has no taste. What happened to the substances that we added to the water? (children's answers). Now let's try to dissolve flour and sunflower oil in water. The flour did not dissolve completely, and the sediment sank to the bottom of the glass. The oil also did not dissolve; it remained on the surface. WILL THE EGG DROWN OR FLOAT?


2 eggs (hard boiled)

2 containers

Place 2 eggs in different containers

with water. They drowned. Salt was poured into one container with an egg. The egg has floated to the surface and remains on the surface. The water is salty, so the weight of the water increased, and the egg became lighter than the salt water and it rose to the surface.


Let's determine if the water has a smell. (Children's answers). Now mix the herbal infusion and mint drops in the water. And let's smell the water again. The water has a smell. When various substances dissolve in water, they change water: color, taste, smell.


There is a situation where water

There’s no clean place nearby, but it’s vital

It is important to take at least a sip of water. Exist different ways water purification. With the most in simple ways, which may be useful to you in life, we are now let's get acquainted. To do this, take a funnel, a scarf, cotton wool and a container for water. We make cleaning devices - filters.

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Educator: Dolgova O. V.

Teacher of the preparatory group “Fidgets” Dolgova O.V.

View project: informative - research project.

Duration project: short-term, 5 weeks.

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, parents of pupils, teacher.

Relevance of the project.

Our Don region is amazingly beautiful. The more we learn about the nature of our region, the more we begin to love it. Knowledge of nature, penetration into its cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena develops thinking and the ability to form a scientific worldview. The skills acquired in childhood to see and listen to nature as it really is, arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands their knowledge, and contributes to the formation of interests. It is necessary to teach children to protect and love nature.

During preschool childhood The emergence of the primary image of the world occurs thanks to the child’s cognitive activity, which has its own specifics at each age stage. The development of cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge and activities is one of the components of the child’s overall development and the success of his education at school. The preschooler’s interest in the world around him and the desire to learn everything new is the basis for the formation of this quality. Throughout preschool childhood, along with play activities, experience is of great importance in the development of a child’s personality. experimental activities as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities.

Experiment is the most important research method. The most interesting experiments are real experiments with real objects and their properties. Exploration is a natural process for a child; he studies everything that happens around him.

The main advantage of the experimentation method is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and with the environment. During the experiment, the child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, since the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, and generalization. The need to give an account of what was seen, to formulate discovered patterns and conclusions stimulates the development of speech. Children's experimentation as a specially organized activity contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world of a preschool child and the foundations of his cultural knowledge of the world around him.

Problems nowadays environmental education have come to the fore and are receiving more and more attention. Why did these problems become relevant? The reason is human activity in nature, which is often illiterate, incorrect from an environmental point of view, wasteful, leading to a disruption of the ecological balance. Each of those who have caused and are causing harm to nature was once a child. That is why the role of preschool institutions in the environmental education of children, starting from an early age, is so great.

Objective of the project.

To develop the creative, cognitive and research activity of preschoolers in the process of children's experimentation.

Project objectives:


Create conditions for the child to form a holistic picture of the world, the objects and phenomena around him.

Develop the ability to acquire new information through experimentation.

To develop children’s ability to draw conclusions based on practical experience and apply them in independent activity.

Ensure the transition from objective-practical action to figurative-symbolic action (schematization, symbolization of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world).


Develop cognitive activity child, communication skills, desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

Develop an interest in research.

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on elementary experiments and draw conclusions.

Enrich children's vocabulary.


Improve communication skills, the ability to cooperate with peers and the teacher.

Subject areas, program sections within which the project is carried out:

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Speech development.

Social and communicative development.

Forms of work and methods of work.

Experimental activity.

Observations on walks.

Reading fiction.

Working with parents.

Examination of albums, educational literature and photographs.

Labor activity in a corner of nature, on the site and in the garden.

Project implementation stages:

Stage I - preparatory.

Stage II - basic (practical).

Stage III is the final stage.

Project implementation schedule.

Stage 1. Preparatory 1st week

Determining the goals, objectives, content of the project, predicting the result.

Building a system of work to organize children's research activities.

Creation of a subject-developing environment for conducting simple experiments and experiments.

Stage 2.

Basic 2nd week

Topic: “Onions are a green friend”

Cognitive activity:

Conversation with children: “Healthy food”

Conversation: “Vitamins for children”

Conversation: “The onion is a useful friend to everyone.”

Solving riddles about onions.

“Where will onion feathers grow faster in wet or dry soil?”

"Golden and Purple Onions"

“Will onions grow in the dark?”

“Growing onions under normal conditions”

Reading and learning poems, riddles, and sayings about onions with children.

Game activity:

Game exercises “Who can plant onions faster”, “Harvesting”

Plot-wise role-playing game“Gegetable shop”, “Dining room”

Productive activities:

Drawing “Green onions have grown.”

Application “Bow-golden barrel”.

Modeling “Our bed”

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents: “Onions are a medicinal plant”

Topic: “Air” 3rd week

Cognitive activity:

Conversation with children “Where does the air and wind come from”

Conversation on the film “Protecting air from pollution”

Looking at illustrations of the wind.

Experimental activities:

"How to catch air."

"Does air have weight?"

"Dry out of the water."

“Why does the candle go out?”

"Air Movement"

Properties of air. Transparency.

Reading fiction:

Reading the fairy tale “Morozko” and talking about it.

Reading poetry: D. Ponomareva “Kite”, “Air”, V. Skornyakov “Balloon”

Reading the fairy tale "The Air Seller".

Game activity:

Games with balloons and soap bubbles.

Launching sailing ships on the water.

Outdoor game "Planes".

Productive activities:

Drawing on the topic: “What kind of wind is there?”

Drawing on the topic: “Blowing a blot”

Designing paper boats.

Musical activities:

Listening to melodies that convey the sound of the wind.

Observations on the walk:

Watching the leaves swirl in the air.

Watching the flight of birds.

Observing the movement of clouds.

Watching the wind.

Working with parents:

Consultation “The role of the family in the development of a child’s search and research activity”

Topic: “Water” Week 4

Cognitive activity:

Conversation " Beneficial features water. People extracting water"

Conversation “Water around us”

Conversation “Everyone needs water”

GCD "The role of water in the lives of people, animals and plants."

Examination of illustrations depicting bodies of water on the Earth.

Experimental activities:

Does water have a form?

“What color is the water?”

"Water is a solvent."

"Drowning - not drowning."

“Which water is easier to swim in?”

“Obedient water.”

Reading fiction:

Reading the ecological fairy tale “Water of Life”

Reading poetry: A. Hinata “Water”, D. Suchkova “Stream”, “River”, I. Baraeva “Wave”

Reading the fairy tale “The Four Elements.”

Game activity:

Didactic games “Water Sorceress”. “Who needs water” (profession cards).

Productive activity:

Coloring water using paints.

Drawing on the theme: “Rainy day”

Application: "Boat"

Musical activities:

listening to melodies that convey the murmur of water, drops, the sound of rain, classical music about water.

Observations on the walk:

Watching the rain.

Observation of dew.

Labor activity:

Spraying plants in a corner of nature.

Stage 3.

Final. 5th week.

Processing of project implementation results.

Presentation of the project “We are researchers.”


The necessary conditions have been created for the formation of the foundations of a preschooler’s holistic worldview through experimental activities. Implementation of this project taught preschoolers to compare, observe, analyze, and draw conclusions. The children gained new experience in search and research activities. The children's horizons and mental activity have expanded. The process and result of the project brought satisfaction to the children, the joy of experiencing, and awareness of their own skills. Increasing parents' interest in this problem.


Veraksa N. E. “Cognitive and research activities of preschool children”

Dybina O. V., Rokhmanova N. P. “Entertaining experiences and experiments.”

Menshchikova L. I. “Experimental activities of children 6-7 years old - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Prokhorova L. N. “Organization of experimental activities of preschool children.” Guidelines— M: ARKTI.


Experiment No. 1

“Where will onion feathers grow faster in wet or dry soil?”

We plant the onions in different cups with wet and dry soil, don’t forget to sketch them.

Conclusion: Onions do not grow in dry soil. It definitely needs to be watered.

Experiment No. 2"Golden and Purple Onion"

Which one gives the first shoots?

A week passed and the golden and purple bulbs began to sprout green feathers.

Conclusion: Regardless of the onion color and size, both golden and purple onions sprout, and the onion feathers taste the same.

Experiment No. 3“Will onions grow in the dark?”

They planted the onions in the ground in a dark place and watered them. A week passed, but there were no sprouts. Exactly a week later the weak ones appeared, yellow color sprouts.

Conclusion: the absence of one component (light) affects the growth of onions; they grow much slower.

Experiment No. 4"Growing onions in water"

For plant growth there is light, heat, water. The bulbs sent out a huge number of roots, but green shoots appeared after two weeks.

Conclusion: Onions in water will germinate much slower than in soil.

Experiment No. 5"Growing onions under normal conditions"

Let's plant the onions in a warm place, in warm soil, in a bright place, and water them regularly.

Conclusion: Beautiful, long, juicy, green feathers have grown. Plant for good growth necessary: ​​light, heat, water. Onions grow faster in the ground.

1.Experience “How to catch air”

Take the plastic bags from the table and try to catch the air. Twist the bags. What happened to the package? What's in them? What is he like? Do you see him? Let's check. Take a sharp stick and carefully pierce the bag. Bring it to your face and press it with your hands. What do you feel? And so, we don’t see it, but we feel it.

2. “Dry out of water” experiment

Children are asked to turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the jar. Draw children's attention to the fact that the glass must be held level. What happens? Does water get into the glass? Why not?

Conclusion: there is air in the glass, it does not let water in.

Children are asked to lower the glass into the jar of water again, but now they are asked to hold the glass not straight, but tilt it slightly. What appears in the water? (air bubbles are visible). Where did they come from? The air leaves the glass and water takes its place. Conclusion: the air is transparent, invisible.

3. Experiment “Why does the candle go out”

Progress of the experiment: cover the burning candle with an inverted glass glass. At first the candle will burn, but then, after flashing several times, it will go out. Tell your child that combustion is impossible without oxygen (gas). Once the candle went out, there was no more oxygen left under the glass. It was all spent on combustion.

4. Experiment “Air Movement”

Carefully take a strip of paper by the edge and blow on it. She leaned away. Why? We exhale air, it moves and moves the paper strip. Let's blow on our hands. You can blow harder or weaker. We feel strong or weak air movement. In nature, such tangible movement of air is called wind. People have learned to use it (show illustrations), but sometimes it is too strong and causes a lot of trouble (show illustrations). But there is not always wind. Sometimes there is no wind. If we feel the movement of air in a room, it is called a draft, and then we know that a window or window is probably open. Now in our group the windows are closed, we don’t feel any air movement. I wonder if there is no wind and no draft, then the air is still? Consider a hermetically sealed jar. It contains orange peels. Let's smell the jar. We don't smell it because the jar is closed and we can't inhale air from it (air doesn't move from a closed space). Will we be able to inhale the smell if the jar is open, but far from us? The teacher takes the jar away from the children (approximately 5 meters) and opens the lid. There is no smell! But after a while everyone smells the oranges. Why? The air from the can moved around the room. Conclusion: Air is always in motion, even if we don’t feel the wind or draft.

5. Experience “Properties of air. Transparency".

We take a plastic bag, fill the bag with air and twist it. The bag is full of air, it looks like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag. Now let's untie the bag and let the air out of it. The bag has become thin again because there is no air in it. Conclusion: the air is transparent, to see it, you need to catch it.

6. Experiment “How much does air weigh?”

Let's try to weigh the air. Let's take a stick about 60 cm long. Attach a rope to its middle and tie two identical balloons to both ends. Hang the stick by a string in a horizontal position. Invite the children to think about what would happen if you pierced one of the balls with a sharp object. Poke a needle into one of the inflated balloons. Air will come out of the ball, and the end of the stick to which it is attached will rise up. Why? The balloon without air became lighter. What happens when we puncture the second ball? Check it out in practice. Your balance will be restored again. Balloons without air weigh the same as inflated ones.

1. Experiment “What shape is water?”

There is a cube and a ball on the table. The teacher asks what shape these objects are (children's answers). Does water have a form? To do this, let's take narrow jar and fill it with water. Let's pour this water into wide jar. The form that water takes changes all the time.

Conclusion: Water has no form and takes the shape of the vessel in which it is located. Water is a liquid. Remember the puddles after the rain. They spread on the asphalt, collect in holes, and are not visible when absorbed into the ground, only the ground is wet. And so water has no form. ( The teacher shows the children an algorithm that symbolizes that water has no shape and hangs it on a magnetic board)

2. Experiment “What color is the water?”

Let's take two glasses - one with water and the other with milk. Let's take a picture and put it behind a glass of water. Can we see the picture? (children's answers). Now let’s put the picture behind a glass of milk. What did we find?

Conclusion: The pattern is visible through water, but not through milk. This means water is a transparent liquid. Clear water can be made opaque. To do this, wet the brush and dip it into the paint. Add paint little by little, observing how the transparency of the water changes. We look through it at the picture. The drawing is not visible. So, we conclude that water is a transparent liquid. (Using an algorithm that symbolizes this property of water. And we hang it on the board)

3. Experiment “Water is a solvent”

Does water have a taste? Children test the waters and voice their opinions. Then invite one child to stir sugar in the water, the other - salt. After the substances have dissolved, offer to taste the water again. What changed? The water has a taste. The water became sweet and salty.

Conclusion: Water has no taste of its own. What happened to the substances we put in the water? ? (children's answers). Now let's try to dissolve flour and sunflower oil in water. Two children complete this task.

4. Experience “Drowning - not drowning”

Invite your child to check which of the objects around you sink in the water and which remain on its surface. Tablespoons, corks, toothpicks, beads, pieces of plasticine, favorite Lego pieces and other household items are suitable for the experiment. Place these objects one at a time into a bowl of water and watch what happens.

Observe those objects that remain floating on the surface of the water. Do they swim the same? Which part of them is under water, and which part is above water: larger or smaller? Don’t forget to write down your observations and at the same time unobtrusively tell us that all the objects and substances around us consist of tiny, invisible particles - molecules. And those substances in which the molecules are located very close to each other - they are friends and tightly hold hands - have greater density.

5. Experiment “Which water is easier to swim in”
It is easier to swim in salt water than in fresh water because salt makes the water heavier: if you take two tanks of the same capacity, one containing salt water and the other containing fresh water, the tank with salt water will weigh a little more. And the greater the density (weight) of water, the easier it is to swim in it.
An object can float in a liquid if its weight is equal to the weight of the water it displaces or pushes out (the water is displaced to make room for the object). You can look at it from the other side: when you sit in the bathtub, you see that the water level in it is rising. If you knock down the water that your body has displaced, the weight of that water will be equal to the weight of your body. If the water has a higher density, like salt water, then your body will displace less of it (i.e., less water will be needed to equal your body weight), and you will float higher than if you floated in fresh water.

6. Experience “Obedient Water”

Goal: continue to introduce the volume of bodies (objects), develop observation and curiosity.

Material: Two glass jars with water, half filled, six small pebbles, a plexiglass plate, a foam sponge, a sheet of paper, pencils.

Carefully place the pebbles into the jar. What's happening? (water rises, i.e. increases in volume). Now put a foam sponge in a jar of water and take it out. What's happening? (water was absorbed into the sponge - and the jar was almost empty)

Squeeze the water out of the sponge into a jar and place the wet sponge on the plate. What's happening? (water drains)

Let's summarize the results of the study (the volume of water can increase as a result of immersion of another body in it; water can be absorbed into and flow out of other bodies.

Program content of the project The proposed project is carried out within the framework of environmental education of children of preparatory age for school and in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The project implementation took place through the following educational areas: (cognition, speech social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic) As a result of independent elementary experiments and research aimed at studying air and water, their significance in human life, children form natural ideas about objects inanimate nature. While working on the project, children will answer the questions: How to organize an effective search for information? What can be used for this?

Relevance of the project The relevance of this project is the development of cognitive interest through the development of the child’s cognitive-exploratory behavior. Research as a specially organized activity contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world of a preschool child and the foundations of his cultural knowledge of the world around him. Research activities allow you to organize learning so that the child can ask questions and independently find answers to them. However, there is no holistic approach to the development of research activities in terms of personal development child. And this indicates the relevance of the problem of developing research activity in preschoolers and its insufficient development in terms of child development.

Project object: human environment Subject of the project: experimental studies of the properties of water and air Purpose: with the help of experiments (experiments) to identify the level of formation of ideas about air and water in children of preparatory age for school. Objectives: 1. To teach children research activities, to develop cognitive interest and curiosity in the process of observing real natural objects and practical experimentation with them. 2. Develop mental operations, the ability to put forward hypotheses and draw conclusions. 3. Learn to explain what is observed and record the results using accessible methods, accept and set the goal of the experiment, select tools and materials for independent activity. 4. Expand ideas about the importance of air and water in human life. Develop environmental consciousness.

Necessary materials Basic equipment of the laboratory: instruments – “assistants”; microscope, test tubes, vessels, laboratory glassware; scales; containers for playing with water of different volumes and shapes; Silicone forms, etc. Recycled material: corks, wire; different types paper; dyes – gouache, watercolor paints; measuring spoons, rubber bulbs. Other materials: balloons, candles, cocktail straws, ball.

Project implementation stages Creation of a technical base for children's experimentation (equipment, natural materials). Generalization and clarification of children’s ideas about the functions and properties of air and water. (Reading fiction, looking at pictures of natural phenomena). Consultations for parents on this problem. Stage I – preparatory Organization of work on the project. Theoretical part: drawing up a long-term thematic plan for working with children, developing notes and describing the conduct of experiments, consulting parents on the topic: “Experiment in kindergarten and at home.” Practical part: Games - experiments on this problem. 3. Connection with other activities: playful, productive, educational and research(independent experiments), communicative (conversations, reading fiction). Stage II - main presentation of the project, lesson on ecology with the participation of children “Experiments with air and water”. Stage III - final

Intended product of the project After completing the project, preschoolers will be able to: - Show interest in the natural world, independently formulate questions and look for answers to them (or together with adults); - Search for information (independently or with adults); - Collect, summarize and evaluate facts, form and present your own point of view; - Demonstrate basic skills in environmental management.

SEPTEMBER 1 week. The project begins with clarifying children's ideas about the functions and properties of air and water. The level of children's knowledge about air and water is assessed. Week 2. Children's understanding of the functions and properties of water is clarified. Assess the level of knowledge about water. Week 3. A consultation is being held with parents on the topic: “Experimental activities with children in kindergarten.” Week 4. Familiarization with materials and equipment for research activities. Maintain and develop the child’s interest in research and experiments. October 1 week. Expand children's understanding of the properties of air: invisible, odorless, weightless. The work begins with the teacher setting the children the task of detecting air in the surrounding space and identifying its properties - invisibility. Children conduct experiments and draw conclusions. Does the air have a smell? Didactic game"Know by smell." Week 2. Invite children to weigh the air and how this can be done using scales. Children weighing air balloons and conclude that without air they weigh the same as when inflated. Ask the children which familiar toy has a lot of air in it. This toy is round, can jump, roll, and can be thrown. If even one hole appears in it, all the air will escape. Week 3. Using experiments, reinforce in children the idea that air can move objects (sailing ships, balloons, etc.). Week 4. The results of the study on air are summarized. Independent work is carried out in the laboratory corner. November 1 week. Conversations about the fact that water is necessary for animals, plants, birds, fish and people; you cannot live without water. Let children understand that water is the source of life and all life on earth needs water. Week 2. To give an idea that water can be not only liquid, but also solid. And that under the influence of heat, water turns from solid to liquid, and vice versa. Experiment (water – ice – water). Week 3. Introduce children to the properties of water - evaporation. And also with the fact that wood and foam do not sink in water. Game "Let's Launch the Boats". Week 4. Experiment of turning snow into water. Continue to introduce the properties of water. Conversation “What do animals and birds drink in winter.” Description of forms educational activities

QUEEN - WATER LESSON ON EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITIES GOAL: to improve children's understanding of the liquid state of water. PROGRAM CONTENT: - promote the accumulation in children of specific ideas about the properties, forms and types of water; -develop speech, thinking, curiosity; -develop the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions; - cultivate accuracy when working. EQUIPMENT: transparent cups, containers of various shapes, flour, salt, sugar, ascorbic acid, milk, painting, paints, brush, scarf, funnel, vegetable oil, pipette, herbal infusion. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: -organizational technique; - artistic word; -clarification, surveys, game techniques; -experiences and experiments as a method of increasing cognitive activity. ORGANIZATION OF CHILDREN: Children sit freely around the table for experiments and exploration. INTRODUCTORY PART - Have you heard about water? They say she's everywhere! In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean And in a water tap, It freezes like an icicle, It creeps into the forest like fog, It boils on our stove, The steam of the kettle hisses. Without it, we can’t wash ourselves, we can’t eat, we can’t get drunk! I dare to report to you; We can't live without her. N. Ryzhova TEACHER: - guys, what is water for, who needs water? Do you want to know more about water? (children's answers). Then go to this table, where various objects for studying the water are waiting for us.

EQUIPMENT: - Cube, ball, vases PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIENCE: TEACHER: What shape are these objects? (children’s answers). -Does water have a shape? To do this, take a narrow jar and fill it with water. Let's pour this water into a wide jar. The form that water takes changes all the time. CONCLUSION: water takes the shape of the vessel in which it is located. Water is a liquid. Remember the puddles after the rain. It spreads on the road, collects in holes, and is absorbed into the ground. So, water has no shape. WHAT SHAPE IS WATER?

EQUIPMENT: - one glass with water, the other with milk PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT: Take a picture and put it behind a glass of water. -Can we see the picture? (children’s answers). Now let’s put the picture behind a glass of milk. -What did we find? The pattern is visible through water, but not through milk. CONCLUSION: water is a clear liquid. Clear water can be made opaque. To do this, wet the brush and dip it into the paint. Add paint little by little, observing how the transparency of the water changes. We look through it at the picture. The drawing is not visible. CONCLUSION: water is a clear liquid. WHAT COLOR IS THE WATER?

EQUIPMENT: - sugar, salt, flour, sunflower oil, ascorbic acid PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT: -Does water have a taste? Children test the waters and express their opinions. One child stirs sugar in water, another - salt, the third - ascorbic acid. -Now try the water again. What changed? The water has a taste. The water has become sweet, salty, sour. CONCLUSION: water does not have its own taste. - What happened to the substances that got into the water? (children's answers). -Now let's try to dissolve flour and sunflower oil in water. The flour did not dissolve completely, and the sediment sank to the bottom of the glass. The oil also did not dissolve; it remained on the surface. WATER IS SOLVENT

EQUIPMENT: -2 ​​eggs (hard-boiled) -salt -water -2 containers PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT - Place 2 eggs in different containers with water. They drowned. - Salt was poured into one container with an egg. The egg has floated to the surface and remains on the surface. CONCLUSION: - The water is salty, so the weight of the water increased, and the egg became lighter than the salt water and it rose to the surface. WILL THE EGG DROWN OR FLOAT?

EQUIPMENT: -Watercolor paints, silicone molds, brushes, water PROCEDURE OF THE EXPERIMENT -Tint the water with watercolor paint of any color -Pour into the mold -Freeze in the freezer -Pull out the piece of ice from the mold, bending the mold -Lay out the resulting products CONCLUSION: -The water takes the shape of the product, and retains the color of the paint after freezing ICE ON THE PATH

EQUIPMENT: - microscope, stones different sizes and colors PROGRESS OF EXPERIENCE: -In addition to a homemade magnifying glass, there is an industrial device for enlarging the image of an object. -In front of you is a microscope device. Let's put the pebbles on a glass slide and look at their composition. CONCLUSION: What is not visible to the naked eye - small grains of sand, inclusions of other minerals in the stone, is magnified under the influence of a microscope MICROSCOPE

INVISIBLE-AIR ACTIVITY USING EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITIES PURPOSE: to improve children’s understanding of air. PROGRAM CONTENT: - to form an idea about air, its properties; about the role in the life of living beings. Develop interest in cognitive activity and experimentation. Develop thinking, learn to draw conclusions during the experiment. EQUIPMENT hanging scales; 2 identical balloons; glass of water; cocktail straws; empty glass; transparent container with water; plastic bags; bubbles. PRELIMINARY WORK: conversation “Living and non-living nature”; looking at illustrations. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: -organizational technique; - artistic word; -clarification, surveys, game techniques; -experiences and experiments as a method of increasing cognitive activity. ORGANIZATION OF CHILDREN: Children sit freely around the table for experiments and exploration. INTRODUCTORY PART TEACHER: -Guys, today we will have an unusual lesson. Remember, we talked about living and non-living nature. Let's remember what belongs to living nature (people, animals, plants)? -And what applies to non-living nature (stones, water, air, soil, stars)? Well done! Now listen carefully to the riddle. If you solve it, you will find out what we will talk about in class today. We need it to breathe, to inflate the balloon. He is with us every hour, But he is invisible to us. (air) That's right, it's air. Guys, what do you know and can say about air? Our entire planet is shrouded in a blanket of air. Air is everywhere: on the street, in the room, in the ground, in the water, and even inside us. To prove that there is air, we will conduct experiments in our laboratory.

EQUIPMENT: - Cellophane bags EXPERIMENT PROGRESS - Take the cellophane bags from the table and try to catch the air. -Twist the bags. What happened to the package? -What is in them? What is he like? Do you see him? - Let's check. Take a sharp stick and carefully pierce the bag. -Bring it to your face and press it with your hands. What do you feel? CONCLUSION: we don’t see it, but we feel it. HOW TO CAPTURE AIR

EQUIPMENT: - Glasses of water, straws PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIENCE: - In front of you are glasses of water and straws for a cocktail. Insert the straws into the water and blow into them. -What do you see? -What comes out of the water with bubbles? -Where does it come from? CONCLUSION: Bubbles rise to the surface because air is lighter than water AIR IS LIGHTER THAN WATER

EQUIPMENT: -8 pieces of rope 40 cm each -large plastic bag -double-sided tape -toy man EXPERIMENT PROCEDURE: A circle was cut out of the bag and ropes and a man were attached to it. We folded the parachute and threw it as high as possible. The parachute descends slowly CONCLUSION - During descent, a large amount of air appears under the canopy. The force of air resistance reduces the speed of falling PARACHUTES (toy parachute)

EQUIPMENT: - 3 oranges, water, container PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT: - Place the orange in a container of water. It floated on the surface. Peeled another orange. They put it in the water. He drowned. CONCLUSION: The unpeeled one floated up because the surface of the peel is porous and contains air, which keeps the orange on the surface. Experiments with parents. “DRINKING – NOT DRINKING”

EQUIPMENT: - Jar, water, glass, small toy, cling film PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT - Place the small toy at the bottom of the jar. Cover the neck of the jar with cling film. Pour water into the resulting funnel. Cover the top with film. The result is a magnifying glass. CONCLUSION: If you look through an improvised magnifying glass, the toy at the bottom will be magnified. Experiment with parents. "HOMEMADE LOPE"

EQUIPMENT: - Transparent glass (empty). Water with food coloring (ours will be green). Oil. Ice. Good mood and curiosity!!! PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT Take a transparent container (or a glass), pour water into it up to half. Then place an ice cube in the water. You will see ice floating on the surface of the water. Pour vegetable oil into the same glass, bringing the volume of liquids to completely fill the vessel. It turns out that ice will not float through the oil, but will “hang” between the two liquids! CONCLUSION: Varvara really liked the experiment, because when mixing multi-colored liquids and ice, she was able to observe how the “unruly” ice remained on the surface of the water and under the layer of oil, how when adding oil it rises and collects at the top and does not mix with water. Using improvised means and simple actions, we were able to observe that the density of water is greater than that of ice and oil. Experiments with parents. “NISTOBIE ICE” Practical significance of the project For society - a child who masters the skills of search and research activities is able to independently solve emerging problems, which is necessary for schooling. For the child – the development of cognitive skills and personal qualities. After all the experiments and conversations devoted to the study of air and water, the children firmly formed an idea of ​​such concepts as air and water and their properties. Numerous experiments aroused cognitive activity, curiosity and a desire for independent knowledge and reflection in children. As a result of the project activities carried out jointly with the children, two hypotheses were refuted: “The air is invisible because it is not there” and “We cannot touch the air because it is not an object.” The following statements of children were confirmed: “Air can be caught, it can move objects, it can be cold and warm.” The children understood and consolidated for themselves that all the space around is filled with air and that without it there will be no life on Earth, air is life. That water is a liquid without color, taste or smell, it can be poured, poured, it takes the form of a vessel in which it is located and, just like without air, without water, all life on Earth will die.

Sections: Working with preschoolers


At present, in preschool education, the problem of organizing the main leading type of activity in understanding the surrounding world during preschool childhood - experimentation - is particularly acute. This activity equally influences the development of the child’s personality as well as gaming. Ideally, the presence of these two truly childlike activities is a favorable condition for the development of preschoolers.

Objective of the project:

To promote the development in children of cognitive activity, curiosity, the need for mental impressions of children, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, which in turn will lead to intellectual and emotional development.

Objectives of the experimental activity:

1. Expanding children’s ideas about the world around them through familiarization with basic knowledge from various fields of science:

  • developing children's understanding of the chemical properties of substances;
  • development in children elementary ideas about basic physical properties and phenomena;
  • development of elementary mathematical concepts;
  • introduce the main features of the planet's topography: volcanoes, mountains, lakes.

2. Development in children of the ability to use devices - assistants when conducting experimental games.

3. Development of mental abilities in children:

  • development of thinking abilities: analysis, classification, comparison, generalization;
  • formation of ways of knowing through sensory analysis.

4. Social and personal development of each child: development of communication, independence, observation, basic self-control and self-regulation of one’s actions.

Project duration: month.

Form of work:

  1. In small subgroups, taking into account the level of development and cognitive interests of children.
  2. Frontal work.
  3. Individual work.

Expected results:

  1. Children’s acquisition of knowledge and ideas about the world around them.
  2. Creation of a unified innovation space.
  3. Accurate execution of the assigned task.
  4. Increasing the level of motivation to exercise.

Approximate plan of experimental activities in the preparatory group for a month.

Experiment No. 1 – “The benefits and harms of Coca-Cola.”
Experiment No. 2 – “How good and harmful words affect a plant.”
Experiment No. 3 – “Secrets of the volcano.”
Experiment No. 4 – “How to see the movement of water through the roots?”
Experiment No. 5 – Entertaining experiments: “Detectives”, “Where did the jam go?”

“The benefits and harms of Coca-Cola.”

Goal of the work:

Study of the harmful effects of Coca-Cola on the human body.

Research objectives:

  • analyze the interaction of Coca-Cola and rust;
  • study the effect of Coca-Cola on teeth;
  • investigate the compatibility of Coca-Cola with other products.

Research stages:

  • A survey of group children and parents on the topics “My favorite drink” and “Do you know about the dangers of Cola.”
  • Proposing a hypothesis.
  • Direct experimentation.
  • Observation of the interaction of Coca-Cola with substances and objects.

Materials for the experiment (observation for a week): five transparent cups; rusty and new nail; a piece of sausage; baby tooth (can be replaced with chicken shell).

  1. Before the experiment began, one of the children accidentally lost a baby tooth and we decided to use it in our experiment. The children took a transparent glass, poured Coca-Cola into it and lowered the tooth. On day 2, the tooth turned black, from which the children concluded that Coca-Cola contains a lot of dyes that penetrate even hard tooth enamel. On the 3rd day a crack appeared on the tooth, and on the 5th day the tooth broke into 2 halves. Conclusion: Coca-Cola destroys teeth. Lemonade dyes are very persistent and they darken teeth.
  2. We took 2 bolts: a rusty one and a new one. One was placed in a glass of water, the other with lemonade. On the fourth day, the new bolt in the water was covered with a layer of rust, and the bolt in the “Kola” was cleared of it. Conclusion: Coca-Cola even eats away rust!
  3. For the experiment, we cut a piece of sausage into 2 halves. One half was placed in water, the other half in Coke. On day 2, the sausage placed in water did not lose its appearance, but the sausage in “Cola” turned into a mushy puree. Conclusion: “Cola” has destructive properties for meat.

Thus, after conducting a series of experiments, we saw that “Coca-Cola” destroys teeth and meat, it contains a lot of dyes. Coca-Cola contains substances that corrode rust. It cannot be drunk with all foods. And Coca-Cola also contains a lot of sugar, which is harmful to our body. This means we were right: “COCA-COLA” IS NOT SAFE FOR HEALTH!

At the end of the experiment, we experimented with children from other groups.

“How good and harmful words affect the plant.”

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​how important air, water and light are for all life on earth. And that good and bad words also affect plants.

Materials for the experiment:

  • Three transparent, shallow glasses;
  • Oats (or other grain)

Procedure: pour into containers in equal parts grain and add a little water. On the first glass there is a circle with a smiling face, on the second – with an angry face, and on the third – a clean circle. Suggest to the children during the week: for a glass, say good words with a smile, with an angry face, offensive words, and not pay attention to the third one. Watch the cups for a week. By the end of the week, we noticed changes: green sprouts appeared in the glass with a smile, dark and weak sprouts appeared in the glass with an angry face, and the grain became moldy in the glass with an empty circle. Conclusion:

“Secrets of the Volcano”

Preliminary work: show slides and tell the teacher about the volcano.

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the world around them, to introduce them to the phenomenon of inanimate nature - a volcanic eruption. In the process of children's experimentation, satisfy children's needs for knowledge, independence, joy and pleasure.

  • introduce children to the concept of “volcano”, give an idea of ​​the origin and structure of volcanoes;
  • to form children’s ideas about a natural phenomenon – a volcanic eruption;
  • develop the ability to properly handle chemicals (vinegar).

Equipment for experimentation:

Model of a mountain of volcanic origin, water, red gouache, dishwashing detergent, soda, vinegar, coffee, teaspoon and tablespoon.

Attention! The children do the experiment, the teacher pours vinegar.

On the table, on a tray, there is a model of a volcano, lined with small pieces of pumice and pebbles. The children stand around the table. First, Znayka explains to the children what substances they will need to conduct the experiment. Draws the children's attention to the fact that vinegar is used in the experiment and tells (based on the picture - diagram) how dangerous it is. Then, invites the children to read the proposed diagrams - models with the sequence of the experiment. After which, the Know-It-All once again pronounces the sequence of the experiment.

Sequence of the experiment.

First child: pour two teaspoons of soda into the mouth of the volcano.

Second child: pour half a glass of water.

Third child: add a coffee spoon of red gouache to it and mix thoroughly until the color is uniform and rich.

Fourth child: add 5 drops of detergent to the resulting colored water and mix.

Znayka: add two tablespoons of vinegar to the colored water, then pour the resulting mixture into the crater of the volcano (soda).

Attention! During the final operation, children are advised to take a step back.

Expected result: As a result of the reaction of soda with vinegar and detergent Red foam will begin to erupt from the crater of the volcano.

“How to see the movement of water through the roots?”

Target. Prove that the root of a plant absorbs water, clarify the function of the roots of the plant, establish the relationship between structure and function.

Materials. Balsam cuttings with roots, water with food coloring.

Process. Children examine cuttings of geranium or balsam with roots, clarify the functions of the roots (they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it). What else can roots take from the ground? Children's assumptions are discussed. Consider dry food coloring - “food”, add it to water, stir. Find out what should happen if the roots can take up more than just water (the root should turn a different color). After a few days, the children sketch the results of the experiment in the form of an observation diary. They clarify what will happen to the plant if there are substances harmful to it in the ground (the plant will die, taking away harmful substances along with the water).

Results. The root of the plant absorbs, along with water, other substances found in the soil.

Entertaining experiments.

  • continue to develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation;
  • encourage hypotheses;
  • develop friendly relationships while working.


Secret letter

Let the child make a drawing or inscription on a blank sheet of white paper using milk, lemon juice or table vinegar. Then heat a sheet of paper (preferably over a device without an open flame) and you will see how the invisible turns into visible. The improvised ink will boil, the letters will darken, and the secret letter can be read.

The secret jam thief. Or maybe it's Carlson?

Chop the pencil lead with a knife. Let the child rub the prepared powder on his finger. Now you need to press your finger to a piece of tape, and stick the tape to a white sheet of paper - the imprint of your baby’s finger pattern will be visible on it. Now we will find out whose fingerprints were left on the jam jar. Or maybe it was Carlson who flew in?