Thoughts about mom. Essay about mom

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It is better to write an essay about your mother in the first person with gratitude to your mother. Below is a plan and several examples of essays on which you can write your own.

Essay plan. The essay may include:

  1. Mother's name (you can add last name, middle name), age
  2. How many children
  3. Mom's profession
  4. Description of my mother's character
  5. What does she like
  6. What do I remember from my childhood about my mother?
  7. How I help her with housework
  8. How she spends time with me
  9. What good did your mother do for your family?
  10. I love my mom

1. Essay on the topic “Thank you, Mom” for grades 5, 6, 7, 8

My mother is the most dear person to me. I love her so much. I love her not for anything, but just like that, just because I have her. I am very proud and cherish my mother. I have no one closer to her. My mother's name is Tatyana Nikolaevna. She's beautiful. I love my mother's smile and big green eyes, which sparkle with mischievous lights, cheerful laughter and her hands, caring, warm, two palms dear to me. My mother is very kind, gets along well with people, everyone respects and loves her. She knows how to support me in difficult times and warm me with her warmth when sometimes I feel sad and bitter.

Mom has been taking care of my brother and me since birth, giving us her kindness, care, tenderness and motherly love. I am very grateful to my mother for everything she does. Yes, and I always try to help her with something. I help my mother carry heavy bags of groceries and help with cleaning our house. My mother cooks very tasty, and I love helping her with this. I learn quite a lot of useful things while cooking. My mother teaches me necessary and useful knowledge that will be useful to me in life. I also really like to walk with her - it’s always interesting for me. We go to visit, to the cinema, to exhibitions, and just breathe fresh air.

I want my mother to never be upset, to always be joyful and cheerful, and her eyes to shine like two suns. I want her smile to bring joy to me and the people around me more often. I would like to wish my mother happiness, health and everything that she would like, but has not yet come true. May all her dreams come true. After all, not only we, children, need love, attention and care - mom needs them too. Dear Mom, I love you very much! I will try to please you every day with my studies, good behavior and I will always help you. Mom, thank you for having me!

2. Essay about mom 9th, 10th, 11th grade

A mother's heart loves her children in any situation, ever since, on one beautiful and unforgettable day of her life, a mother takes her baby in her arms. The desire to raise a child who will meet all hopes and expectations occupies all the mother’s thoughts from that day on, and only the child now undividedly belongs to her loving mother’s heart.

Mom, mommy! You are worthy of these tender sincere words. I look at you and remember my carefree childhood. You gave my sister and me life and devoted all of yourself to us. How can your heart love us so much! What a pity that we don’t think about the fact that sometimes we can offend you with our actions or harsh words. Forgive us for upsetting you, for sometimes you listen to teachers' comments about our bad behavior.

We should think more often about how not to hurt your heart, how to make the wrinkles on your face smooth out. After all, the older we get, the more you need our attention and love. We should not be embarrassed to be kind and gentle with our mother, and not consider it difficult to be patient and attentive to her.

Unclaimed and unspent good feelings dry up, we get used to being callous and ungrateful with the closest and dearest person - our mother. And very often it happens that we behave calculatingly and rudely: “If you buy me a new phone, I will try to get a high grade in geography; If you let me go to the party, I’ll take out the trash can.”

We should love our life for the fact that it gave us a mother - so cheerful, sincere, kind and wise. After all, how many children in this world are deprived of this happiness. A mother's heart and boundless motherly love do not warm them, do not fill their children's lives with meaning.

Mom, you have become a friend to me, a like-minded person who understands and respects my interests. You always listen to what your mother's heart tells you and give the right advice. Thank you, mom, for being you, and that your heart is always ready to love and forgive!

3. Essay-description

The most dear person to me is my mother. My mom is friendly, kind, gentle, affectionate, cheerful. She knows how to support in difficult times and give practical advice. My mother is of average height, slender as a birch tree, and very feminine.

She has wonderful curly hair, reminiscent of a golden spiked field. My mother's eyes are blue, like cornflowers. They are always clear and radiate goodwill.

Her lips are bright red, like ripe cherries. Her face is always illuminated with a gentle smile, which lifts your spirits and relieves fatigue. Mom says calmly, in a gentle tone. Listening and talking to her is interesting and pleasant. My mom is very patient and flexible. Everyone respects and loves her. I'm very proud of my mom.

4. Essay on the topic of mother for grades 1 and 2

Mom is the dearest and closest person to all people. My mother's name is Irina. She is young and beautiful. Mom doesn't work anywhere. Every morning she and dad take my sister Dasha to kindergarten, and then my mother checks and sometimes helps me do my homework. Mom is very hardworking and skillful. She always manages to do everything: cook and clean up. Mom cooks so deliciously that we always ask for more. Mom has a hobby, she likes to knit. She knitted socks and mittens for Dasha and me, and a sweater and hat for dad. Mom always takes care of us and worries if something is wrong. My mom is very kind. True, when Dasha and I play around, she can be strict and can sometimes scold us. I love my mother very much, she is mine best friend. I tell her all my secrets and mysteries. Mom will always understand and help. I try not to upset her with my actions. I make surprises for my mother at home so that she is always in a good mood.

My mom is the best!

5. Essay for grades 3, 4

The person dearest to me is my mother. My mother is of average height, very feminine. She has beautiful blonde hair, not very long. My mother's eyes are blue, like a sea wave. They are always clear, friendly, and affectionate. Mom says in a calm tone. Talking with her is interesting and pleasant.

My mom is very patient, flexible, kind, cheerful, energetic and unique. Everyone respects and loves her. Mom always supports me in difficult times. She is a jack of all trades: she knows how to cross-stitch, knit in different ways, sew and cook delicious food. My mother's profession is hairdresser. I really love watching her work - making people beautiful. But she comes home late because she has a lot of clients.

My mother and I have a lot in common. She and I knit, sew, embroider together. I help her in all matters. My mom is the best and I love her very, very much!

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Link: https://site/sochineniya/pro-mamu

Lesson-reflection “You can talk endlessly about mothers...”

Target: with examples fiction, painting to show the dedication, self-sacrifice of mothers, to instill in children respect, love for mothers, caring attitude towards them.

Progress of the lesson

    Against the background of music " AveMaria» performed by R. Loretti

The day before birth, the Child asked God: “I’m very afraid!” I don't know at all, What should I do in this world? God answered: - I will give you an angel, He will always be by your side. He will protect you from all troubles. - What is his name? It doesn't matter what his name is. You will call him “Mom”! Romashina Tanya

    There is the most beautiful creature in the world to whom we owe an unpaid debt. This is MOTHER. MOTHER. For every person, big or small, young or old, mother is the most dear person in the world. All the best in each of us comes from our mother, who gave us the most priceless thing - life. Her care, warmth, affection, tireless work, patience, concern surround us from the first day of life. Her gentle voice, her soft warm hands calmed us down, instilled confidence, gave us vigor.

We dedicate our lesson to her, a woman - a mother. Let's talk about the dearest, the closest, the holiest person on earth - the mother.

    Take a closer look at the reproductions of the paintings “Sistine Madonna”, “Our Lady of Vladimir”, “Madonna and Child”, “Madonna with Angels”, “Petrograd Madonna”. Beautiful, spiritual faces, eyes full of hope, love, faith in life. Look how reverently and tenderly each of them presses the child to her chest. The wisdom and spiritual beauty of a woman, the absolute harmony and greatness of a mother were glorified by artists, poets, and composers of all times and peoples. In selfless and boundless love, in sacrifice, they saw the ideal of motherhood and worshiped a woman with a child in her arms.

    I spent hours looking at Madonna,

What immortality gave to Raphael,

On the eyes...

Is it not from them, the bottomless ones,

Even hard souls brightened.

Didn't take his eyes off her,

While the haze of the clouds, draped over the shoulders,

Like a dreamed miracle,

Madonna stepped towards me.

She is not sinless, not a goddess.

Just Mother.

    The painting depicts a beautiful young woman with a child in her arms, she easily steps on the clouds towards her tragic fate: in order for people to be happy, Mary had to give them her son - little Christ - to suffer and suffer. She lovingly hugs him to her for the last time. Mary stopped at the border of two worlds - heavenly and earthly. There is concern in her wide eyes. Mary is embarrassed by the spectacle of an unsettled world, a world of anxiety and suffering. Before Mary, the bowed Barbara and the enthusiastic Sixtus are angels. Mother's beautiful eyes are sad. She hugs her son tighter, anticipating his sad fate. Clouds swirl under Mary's feet. She sees the lightning of an approaching thunderstorm. And in the child’s eyes there is a reflection of future troubles. The wind ruffled his hair. The baby clings to his mother's breast and restlessly peers into the crowd. From whatever side we look at the picture, Mary’s gaze is fixed on us, in which we read the question: “Aren’t you the one who made me, mother, unhappy?” Raphael praises the greatness of a woman who is capable of making a sacrifice in the name of a higher duty. Maria is the ideal of motherhood.

    There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature

Brightly marked for centuries

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

Conjuring from any misfortune

She really doesn't care.

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one

Proud, exalted mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times

So it stands for centuries.

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

    “Ice statue” by Enver Mammadkhanli.

Winter 1941. Frosty night. It seemed that everything around - living and dead - was freezing, covered with ice. The air stung like a snake, and the blood froze in the arteries.

On one of these nights, a lonely shadow moved secludedly across the endless snowy plain. This is a young mother. Clutching the child to her chest, she runs somewhere forward. She flees from her village, captured by the Nazis, to the east to save her honor and her own child. There is a river ahead. The front line runs along it. The roar of Soviet guns can be heard from there.

The young mother is in a hurry, she must transport the child to the great and free land on the other side of the river. Let her die on this frosty night, the holy goal before her is to save the memory of her first love.

The mother walks and walks, without stopping, for a long time and tirelessly, but the snow fields are endless, endless. She is exhausted, the frost cuts her body like a sword. And suddenly it seems to the mother that the child in her arms is freezing. She looks around, her desperate eyes looking for a corner, a refuge where she can wrap the child warmly. There are two black shadows ahead. These are two trees growing close together. Just for a moment to catch her breath, she leans against them.

Her strength is already leaving her. Frost licks her face with a fiery tongue of icy flame. A mother's heart sings a terrible song:

“The child is freezing! He won’t withstand this frost!” But the mother drives away this thought. No no! She will not give up her baby, snatched from the clutches of the enemy, by the icy embrace of frost. Let the whole world turn into ice, let all life in it freeze, she will tear out a mother’s heart from her chest and warm her own child with its heat.

She takes off her woolen jacket and wraps the child.

Minutes pass, it seems to her that a whole month has passed, even years, an eternity. The frost burns through it with a hot iron. Again it seems to the mother that it is not she herself who is trembling and freezing, but her dear child. She takes off the woolen shawl from her head and throws it over the child. Now the mother’s half-naked body is defenseless against the frost. She feels close to death, she knows that she is freezing. She has no more strength.

She takes off her blouse and covers the child even warmer. She will die anyway. The child must stay alive! A mother must save her child! Straining her last strength, with all the love of a mother, she presses the child to her bare chest and whispers:

There is nothing else, my child, to warm you with, except my heart. Until the last beat, its warmth belongs to you!

The mother falls silent, but icy strings ring in her ears! The mother no longer sees or hears. She presses herself closer and closer to the tree. The harsh winter night is taking its toll on her new outfit, the icy fingers of frost weave snow crystal patterns on it.

A clear frosty morning comes: it’s like a sharp sparkling sword is drawn in the air. People in white coats stand in front of the trees. These are three fighters - scouts. They stand silent and motionless, with their heads bare. They stand in front of a picture that they will not forget for the rest of their lives. This is an ice statue of a frozen woman.

They stand in place for a long time, without moving, as if in front of a sacred altar.

Finally, one of them approaches the trees, the ice statue of a woman. Driven by some kind of hope, he peers into the bundle that the frozen woman clutches to her chest. With fingers trembling with excitement, he parts the fabric and sees children's eyes looking at him from the depths. The young fighter shudders and involuntarily retreats:

“He’s alive, he’s not frozen,” he says excitedly, in a dull voice.

The child smiles, his eyes frowning under the morning sun. And the soldiers who have gone through fire, water and hardship cannot hold back their tears of joy.

Raising their heads, they again look at the majestic monument to their mother. And their lips whisper, like a prayer, the words of an oath of merciless revenge.

They return carrying a child in their arms. And the ice statue, embodying the greatness and power of maternal love and maternal self-sacrifice, became in their hearts a bronze monument calling for severe retribution.

    This is maternal strength, this is maternal self-sacrifice, for the sake of her children, for the sake of her children, for the sake of their happiness, she did not spare herself, did not stop at any obstacles.

    Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most tender and affectionate hands that know how to do everything. And in a mother’s faithful and sensitive heart, love for her children never fades; it does not remain indifferent to anything.

    Yu. Yakovlev “Mother’s Heart”:“Children never remember their mother as young and beautiful, since the feeling of beauty comes to them later. Children never tell their mother about their love; they do not know what to call this feeling that binds them to her. In their understanding, this feeling is something obligatory - like quenching thirst.

One harsh day I came home from school hungry and tired. I asked for sausages, ate one piece, it seemed to me not enough, my mother gave me hers, again it seemed to me not enough. I got angry, slammed the door and left. There is nothing more cruel than asking your mother for something she doesn't have - the last piece. Years will pass, and shame will overtake you and you will become painfully ashamed of your injustice. You'll think about your day of shame, but it's too late. You will say: “I’m sorry!” - no answer. There is no one to whisper the heartfelt word “I forgive”, I stroke the grass of the Piskarevsky cemetery with my hand. My mother is buried here. I'm looking for my mother's heart. It cannot decay. It became the heart of the earth."

    Take care of her, the kindest, the best - your mother, take care of her health, her strength and nerves - and this will make you feel good...

    Years will pass, you will grow up, and your mothers will grow old, and they will not be able to live without your help, your participation. This will be a test of fidelity to filial duty. It’s scary to believe that one of your mothers will know the price of betrayal.

    At night there is a hacking cough,

The old woman fell ill.

She has been in our apartment for many years

She lived alone in the room.

There were letters, but very rarely;

And then, without noticing us,

She kept walking and whispering:


You should get together with me at least once.

Your mother bent over, turned grey...

What to do? Old age has arrived.

How nice we would have been

Next to our table.

We went to the meeting together,

On holiday they sang hymns until dawn,

And then they parted, sailed away,

They flew away... So collect them!

Mother got sick. And that same night

The telegraph never tired of knocking:

“Children, urgently!

Children, very urgently!

Come! Mother got sick.”

From Odessa, Kyiv, Igarka,

Postponing matters until time,

The children gathered, but it’s a pity, -

At the bedside, not at the table.

Stroked wrinkled hands,

A soft, silver strand.

Why did you give separation

Bother loving mother?

Mother was waiting for you in the rain and snow,

In the painful sleepless nights.

Should we wait for grief?

To come to your mother?

Is it really just a telegram?

Led you to fast trains?


As long as you have a mother,

Come to her without telegrams!

    “Look around, young man, my friend, look around, like me, and tell me who you offended in life more than your mother - wasn’t it from me, wasn’t it from you, wasn’t it from him, wasn’t it from our failures, mistakes and is it not because of our grief that our mothers turn gray? But the hour will come when all this will turn into a painful reproach to the heart at the mother’s grave.

Mother! Mother! Forgive me, because you are alone, only you in the world can forgive, put your hands on your head, like in childhood, and forgive.”

    It's hard to live when you've lost your mother forever,

No one is happier than us whose mother is alive

In the name of my dead brothers

Please think about my words:

If you have become harsh at heart,

Be more gentle with her, children,

Protect your mother from evil words

Know: children hurt everyone the most!

Mother will die - and you won’t erase the scars,

The mother will die - and the pain will not be relieved.

I conjure: take care of your mother!

Children of the world, take care of your mother!

R. Gamzatov

16. To these words we can add: take care of mothers the way they take care of us.

Uzbeks have this custom: when they meet, they ask:

“Are father and mother alive and well?”

If you answer “yes,” then they will tell you: “You are the richest in this world.”

Yes, our parents are our wealth. So that this wealth does not leave us ahead of time, we must honorably fulfill our filial and daughterly duty - not to forget our parents, wherever we are.

17. “May there always be sunshine, may there always be mother, may there always be me,” - everyone knows this song. And the words of the song do not deceive us: mother will always be there, but she will not always be there. That is why now we must learn to love in such a way that this love saturates our heart with it and binds us with such close ties that would be stronger than death itself.

And now we and our mothers are the happiest, we can be frank, complain, talk, and entrust our secrets to the dearest person on earth - our mother.

18. Now let's listen to the song "Mom". As you listen, I ask you to think about what words you would like to say to your mothers.

19. Student performances.

20. On the ground good people a lot,

There are a lot of warm-hearted people.

And yet the best on earth -

Mother. My mom.

The other day there was a conference, dedicated to problems families. People and formats changed - these were group discussions, demonstration sessions, supervision. The day passed in an interesting, lively and open dialogue. And when the last hour and a half of work came, the group rose The theme of the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

Of course, I was very curious - coming on duty and Great love mother of a 24-year-old son, I understand that someday I will be “on the other side” of the barrier.

But the stories hooked me, so much so that I came home and shared with the aforementioned son what caused me a feeling of deep surprise.

Story 1. Young people get married and live separately from their parents. Sometimes they go to visit their mother-in-law and father-in-law. As soon as they cross the threshold, the mother-in-law “scrubs” the daughter-in-law and speaks only to the son, as if his wife is not in the world. After all the ceremonies and feeding of the beloved child with lamentations like “no one but dear mother“, won’t let the boy eat,” the mother-in-law triumphantly sits down... on her son’s lap! And, putting her arm around his neck, she intimately whispers something in his ear, giggling like a young girl. The daughter-in-law is embarrassed, offended, angry with her husband, asks to talk, to explain to her that this is not possible. He just sighs in response - well, what can I do! It's MOM!

Story 2. There is only one copy of the story - young people living separately. When they come, the mother-in-law always performs the “massage from her son” program. To do this, after feeding and kissing the child, she reports the back pain tormenting her and slowly relieves outerwear, remaining only in underwear and showing off her rather large breasts, slightly falling out of them. After that, he walks with the gait of a graceful hippopotamus to the sofa, lies down on it and unfastens his bra with the sound of a gun firing. The son dejectedly goes to the sofa and begins to massage his mother’s back. At the same time, it produces sounds that can be separately recorded for scoring films like “Das ist fantastisсh” (dasstish fantastic 😊). Neither buying a massage subscription nor talking helps. The subscription expires, undressing in front of a stranger / spending money / traveling / finding time, etc. mother-in-law is not ready. The daughter-in-law is embarrassed, offended, angry with her husband, asks to talk, to explain to her that this is not possible. He just sighs in response - well, what can I do! It's MOM!

Story 3. Everyone lives together: mother-in-law, father-in-law, son, daughter-in-law, because there is no way to rent housing. The daughter-in-law is close to a nervous breakdown. Mom visits their bedroom every night. The daughter-in-law does not sleep very well (in war as in war) and wakes up on the way to the insinuating creaking of doors. The mother-in-law, like the spirit of the night, sneaks into the bed to... straighten the blanket for her son! Sometimes she stands for a minute or two, three or five, admiring her, as she declares, “beloved man.” No more and no less - just like that! The daughter-in-law is embarrassed, offended, angry with her husband, asks to talk, to explain to her that this is not possible. He just sighs in response - well, what can I do! It's MOM!

I was impressed. All mothers-in-law are highly educated, completely normal, healthy married women. And here you go - neither the presence of a husband, nor the skill of reading books, articles and Internet portals stops them from those actions that psychologists bashfully call psychological or platonic incest.

They call their “child” from one to fifteen times a day. And it doesn’t matter that the child is already over 40 – “he is still my son”! It’s as if someone is challenging this right and trying to adopt him - like, “You, mom, move over, now I’ll be his mom.”

They say veiled and this makes even more poisonous nasty things about their daughter-in-law. Everything about her is somehow like this, but not like that... Everything about her is somehow like this, but not like that... They discuss her like a real slave owner trying to understand what “functions” in this slave, what is “spoiled”, as if persuading herself and others that she still has some merits: “Of course, she has gained weight and does not cook very well, but she loves her grandchildren and cleans cleanly.” And you won’t understand whether she praised or devalued...

It is they who talk with aspiration and reverence about their son - his genius is not questioned, his golden character is glorified in poetry and prose, the strength of his spirit is such that superhumans, they are also people X, should be his hired workers.

They are beautiful in their motherly love.

But they forgot one small detail - after giving birth, you need to cut the umbilical cord. It is necessary - period. Otherwise, both mother and child are at risk of infection, illness and death over time.

Have you noticed that recently many legends have appeared around the umbilical cord. There are also stories about how it doesn’t need to be cut right away. Perhaps 5-10 minutes do not matter, but when a woman wants the umbilical cord and placenta to “stay” with the child for a week or two, this is strange. As well as stories about miraculous umbilical cord blood, which must be collected and hidden, like an elixir of eternal life (sorry to those who believe in this - I don’t want to offend anyone, but doctors somehow need to make money on human illiteracy). About feeding a child “until he refuses,” and the photo “my 11-year-old son came home from school and latched onto the breast.” No comments!

It seems to me that all these are links in one chain - the reluctance to recognize your child as a separate organism, and, over time, as an adult. Disability. Infantilization. Holding in a child's position with the sauce “Jam!” An attempt to manipulate using eternal gratitude: “I gave you life!”

And when they live in a wonderful and indestructible “mother-son” dyad, everything seems to be fine. They live and live. Well, she doesn’t have a man - maybe she doesn’t need it. Well, he doesn’t have a girlfriend - so maybe not everyone needs to look for a girlfriend and reproduce: the planet is already overpopulated. They live together - and it’s nice!

Problems arise when a third object appears - the evil and mean homewrecker daughter-in-law. She “climbs” into the sacred union, breaks the connection between mother and child and “takes” the foolish, underage “child” far from the magical breast with the milk of eternal youth. After all, the truth is that while the son “sucks up” his mother, he remains her baby. Her child. Her boy.

And the daughter-in-law is a challenge. It is a fact that the son has grown up. The “mother-child” dyad at this moment turns into a triad “ adult woman– a man – an adult woman.” As soon as this happens, a bifurcation point, or choice point, appears. Will the new couple follow the path of their development? Will the son leave his mother, at least psychologically? Or will a struggle begin, as in Solomon's court? Only in a well-known Old Testament story did the real mother refuse to cut the child to pieces because she truly loved him. But in reality, she often “cuts” her son to the quick, because it is important for her to own him. Dead or Alive.

I was the daughter-in-law. I hope to be a mother-in-law. I am active family psychologist and I hear hundreds different stories about the relationships in this fatal triangle: a triangle where the son, within the framework of the particle-wave theory, is either a particle or a wave. Depending on the observer - in our case, the mother-in-law - he is either a “little boy” or a “grown man”. When he does something for his family, for his wife and children, she needs either a son or a man, tearing him away from her own life.

Let me make a reservation - I do not mean extreme cases, such as “mom is sick,” “mom needs help,” or “mom has force majeure.” I'm talking about a chronic tense situation when the mother ALWAYS needs her son. That is, absolute priority at any time of the day or night, when there is both illness and force majeure. Or if the mother-in-law uses different ways playing a wonderful quest with your daughter-in-law: “guess what I have prepared for you, and let’s see how you cope with it.”

So, with the advent of a daughter-in-law, triangulation arises - interaction with three communication channels, where the relationship of two depends on the third. Let's try to describe these three objects.

Object one – BRIDE-IN-LAW for mother-in-law, aka WIFE her husband. A girl or woman, young or not, with or without children, married and hoping to live happily ever after with a man. She may have different types character, varying degrees of sanity or impairment, but she is the official wife and has all the ensuing rights and responsibilities.

Object two – SON for Mom, HUSBAND for the wife. It is his role ambivalence for these most important women in life that leads to a conflict of loyalties. The son loves his mother - and this is natural, normal, honest. She raised him. She loved him as best she knew how. And if he and his mother have a cold or not very close relationship, he looks for warmth, love, care in other women and is highly likely to find it in his wife. There is no conflict - everything is very clear.

But if mother and son are still connected, if the umbilical cord is not cut, conflict is inevitable. For mom, like an old prima ballerina who shone even before the First World War, does not want to “leave the stage” and give up her place. Become a mentor, a friend, while remaining a mother - but without trying to dance the role of Odette and Odile at the same time. When a new prima daughter-in-law appears, the mother-in-law often becomes the Black Swan, destroying her son's marriage and depriving him of love. There are plenty of other problems and real enemies in my son’s life. However, he often does not see the substitution and does not notice the moment when his mother, like Odile, takes his love, his strength, his energy only in order to continue the eternal corps de ballet in the name of her beloved.

Object three – MOTHER-IN-LAW. She's the same MOTHER own son. I just want to talk about it in more detail, because you can devote volumes to the psychoanalysis of the connection in the mother-son dyad, but still not get off the ground. There are a lot of reasons for problems and difficulties, and they can be caused by 1) the personal pathology of any of the participants 2) problems in new family, family of origin or extended family 3) problems of a social nature.

One of these social problems is that in our culture boy still often valued above girls. Sad but true. The gender revolution is slowly growing its fruits, but it is still far from full maturity. Therefore, a girl who was made to understand that she is “not ice” very highly values ​​such an event in her life as the birth of a son. She now has a penis, and she created it herself. It’s just on an external storage device – sort of like a flash drive, but you can keep it close to you and regularly download/record information.

She has been doing this for many years. And if the mother is good enough, healthy enough and aware enough, she understands that she is recording some of the information not for herself, but for her descendants - grandchildren, granddaughters, great-grandchildren and great-granddaughters. And, of course, for the daughter-in-law - the woman to whom she must hand over her son with love and joy. A little sadness is quite acceptable, but if the son gets married, the mother understands that she has fulfilled her function quite well and prepared her son for life with another woman. With a woman who is fit to be his wife, will give birth to children - her grandchildren and will live with him happily or not, for a long time or not for long - as it turns out.

But many mothers do not agree with this, although they have a huge period allotted to them - 15, 18, 20, and sometimes 25 years next to their son. But no one told them: “Enjoy motherhood, invest, love, teach. But when the time comes, let go. He can't be with you forever. Let him love. Let him choose. Bless him for the life he chooses.”

And she lives as if she doesn’t know that everything – both good and bad in our lives – ends someday. And it seems to her that her son will be there forever. And suddenly - as in Viktor Tsoi’s song:

Today they say to someone: “Goodbye!”

Tomorrow they will say: “Farewell forever!”

The heart wound will heal.

Tomorrow, someone, returning home,

will find his cities in ruins;

Someone will fall from a high crane.

Watch yourself, be careful! Watch yourself!

For such a mother, it is not possible to “give” her son to someone. It’s better “from a high crane.” Better yet, “war, epidemic, snowstorm.” Because he is only hers. And she is terribly jealous of him, as if he instantly turns into a man who needs to be wrested from another woman by any means necessary. And he is terribly jealous of his daughter-in-law, because she has SUCH A HUSBAND.

Sad. Very sad. But what to do?

The answer is to choose your mother-in-law wisely.

"How?" - you ask? Do we choose our mother-in-law? We choose a husband!

But don't have any illusions. Don't imagine that you are marrying only him. You marry the whole family - and it’s not just your mother, there’s also her alcoholic brother, and his henpecked father, and the kindest grandmother, and the reveler grandfather... All these characters will periodically “enter the stage” of your relationship, because Your husband “swallowed” them a long time ago. He ate his character, his way of behavior, his demeanor... But he usually “ate” his mother more and for longer than others - therefore your mother-in-law will be with you as long as you live with this man. She, like a spirit, will be present in your kitchen, when he suddenly looks critically at the mountain of unwashed dishes, and in your bed, when he turns away in offense and demonstratively falls asleep...

And there are different spirits - good and evil, vengeful and caring. So before you say “yes” and slide the ring deeper onto your finger, answer this question: Are you ready? Do you know your mother-in-law well? Is she really right for you?

Think about it: for living with what kind of mother-in-law in your husband's history will you be given an Oscar in the Drama category? And remember how dramatic works usually end. To facilitate the process of reflection, I will try to list the distinctive signs of a mother-in-law, who will definitely not allow you to live the way the heroines of wonderful and light TV series live:

    always knowing how and what to do correctly
    with a high art of manipulating other people, especially his son
    denying the concept of “personal boundaries”
    constantly criticizing everyone and everything, angry, ill-mannered
    who knows what is good for her “boy” and has the tools to influence her son
    hating all females who come within 10 meters of her son
    psychopathic, borderline, antisocial, drug addict.

And if you love this man, you need to find out whether protective or protective factors work. Because it is he who must protect the borders from mommy. He is from his, you are from yours. This is how, shoulder to shoulder, defending your independence, outlining and pushing back boundaries, you will become independent and free. But not at once. Or never – if your husband:

    obeys his mother, still believes that his mother knows exactly what is best for him;
    she succumbs to her manipulation and always protects her mother, not you. But his mother will not bear him children, will not live with him in sorrow and joy, will not be his little girl, lover, queen, friend... She is already VERY BIG. She is his MOM – and that’s enough. This is her main role in his life - and other roles can be played by other people. This needs to be conveyed to him - if he hears;
    does not understand what “boundaries” are, and allows his mother to meddle in his life, wallet and bed;
    allows his mother to criticize his choices, his wife and his life, and is unable to protect you from this;
    feels irrational guilt before her mother: “We feel good, but she’s there alone / with her alcoholic father / with a cat and grandmother... I can’t be happy in this situation!”;
    remains an infantile little boy in situations where he is quite capable of coping with the challenges of life, and always tries to involve his mother in finding a solution.

Together with your husband, you will stand and overcome everything. Together, as one, for the Bible says: “And a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” But if differentiation has not occurred, if the umbilical cord is not cut, you have no chance, because like a she-wolf protecting a wolf cub, like a lioness ready to kill for a lion cub, so is a mother who did not let her son go, did not allow him to grow up, did not accept his independence, will fight with you to the end. And if he is not on your side, but on hers, bow your head before the power of this abnormal, pathological, but still love - and, having cried, say: “I agree.” And, turning your back on the past, look for an adult man, not forgetting to check the condition of his navel and the absence of an umbilical cord there with his mother at the other end 😊

Mom is the first word in the life of any person. The first, the main word and the most beautiful word of a person. One aphorism says that mother is a synonym for the word love. Another quote states that mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of little children. And this word is understandable to absolutely all inhabitants of the Earth, no matter what language they speak. And, of course, there are many aphorisms, phrases and sayings about mothers.

Motherhood is hard work without vacations, days off and the right to make mistakes. Being a mother is responsibility, purpose, duty and great love.

Many people know the phrase that irreplaceable people can not be. So in the case of motherhood, this phrase is absolutely inappropriate. No one can ever replace a mother.

When it’s difficult for a person, he says out loud or mentally Magic word Mother? Because she knows from infancy that her mother will always come to the rescue.

We have collected the kindest and most gentle quotes and sayings dedicated to mothers.

Best quotes about mom

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness.
Victor Hugo

A person's first word is mom, his last is mom. The world rests on the affection of mothers.
Mikhail Lezinsky

By becoming a mother, a woman forever deprives herself of the right to be weak.
Diaz de Mirud

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
William Wallace

The fact that men are incapable of bearing children is the most convincing proof of the undeniable superiority of women.
Alexander Kozhevnikov

She's a mother and she's right.
Ivan Turgenev

Motherhood is a blessing.
Maria Shkapskaya

At certain moments, a woman’s brain completely fails, and the instinct of motherhood comes into play.
Nina Alexandrova

The strongest connection in a woman's life is her child.
Katie Lett

Maternal capital is her children.
Konstantin Kushner

Motherhood is a lifelong position.
Carl Reiner

It’s a rare man who can understand how much effort a woman devotes to the birth of a new being and the transition into motherhood, even if there are many helpers around, who often complicate the situation even more.
Vladimir Levi

If men had to give birth, none of them would have more than one child.
Princess Diana

The sanctity of life begins with motherhood and therefore it is sacred.
Gabriela Mistral

The heart of a mother is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness.
Leonid Sukhorukov

When you have children, you live like a dog, but die like a man. And when there are no children, you live like a person, but die like a dog.
American proverb

Not a single man, even the best, is able to understand what maternal experiences are.
Oleg Roy

The mother's heart beats faster.
Sergey Fedin

The only woman who will not allow her to give her life for her is her mother.
Marat Zhumankulov

A father can raise a child to be a genius, but only a mother can raise him to be a genius. good man, organically combining spiritual and physical abilities. This is why maternal education is so important early age.
Masaru Ibuka

No one can outshout a mother's heart.
Tatiana Lindberg

Motherhood... is higher than love.
Anatoly Aleksin

Nothing adorns a woman more than motherhood.
Alexander Kazantsev

The gift of motherhood cannot be stolen from nature.
Tatiana Stepanova

Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from the Mother’s milk.
Maksim Gorky

Love and motherhood are almost mutually exclusive. True motherhood is courageous.
Marina Tsvetaeva

Happiness is never as complete as during periods of love and motherhood.
Mark Lanskoy

What's the point of loving life if you can't experience the joy of motherhood?
Lyudmila Sitnikova

A mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish and at the same time selfless. It doesn't depend on anything.
Theodore Dreiser

A mother's heart is wide. There is a place for all children.
Mikhail Bakunin

A mother needs nothing to love her children except that she is a mother.
Semyon Ramishvili

Love between a man and a woman is a human feeling: it is born, lives and dies... Mother's love– divine feeling: she is immortal.
Tatiana Lindberg

No outside heart can replace a child’s mother’s heart.
Nikolay Leskov

A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.
Honore de Balzac

Motherhood makes a woman completely different. She no longer cares about her surroundings.
Svetlana Klimova

Alas! You have to constantly fight with those you adore - both in love and in motherhood.

Everything is mortal. Eternal life is destined only for the mother. And when the mother is no longer alive, she leaves behind a memory that no one has yet decided to desecrate. The memory of our mother nourishes compassion in us, like the ocean, the immeasurable ocean nourishes the rivers that cut through the universe...
Isaac Babel

Fathers lie, claiming that they are pursuing a career for the sake of their sons. They are ashamed to admit that they do it for the sake of their mothers.
Boleslaw Paszkowski

No matter how much you love your mother, you get used to her care, you don’t think of thanking her, you forget that the mother herself needs affection and care.
Lev Davydychev

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.
Pierre Beranger

The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.
Dirk Brouwer

God speaks to us through the mouths of our mothers.
Igor Krasnovsky

Mother is our closest and dearest person to the grave - whether it’s hers or ours - from her we receive life itself, and everything that follows - strength, love, self-confidence. Mother teaches us human rules, enlivens our minds, puts them in our mouths kind word, and memory dawns with its unquestioning instructions about the most dear and humane thing that came before us.
Albert Likhanov

He who does not long for the past did not have a mother.
Ken Nunn

My mother was the most beautiful woman, which I knew. I owe what I have become to my mother. All my successes in this life, moral, intellectual and physical education I give credit to my mother.
George Washington

Only when mother goes to God do we understand that we have lived our lives with the Divine!
Leonid Sukhorukov

When I realize to the point of despair that I am a bad mother, I start hastily making up for lost time, sucking up and pleasing. But in this profession, losses cannot be made up.
Lyudmila Gurchenko

For any mother, the main thing is not to become a stepmother!
Vladimir Borisov

A bad mother cannot be a good wife.
Andrey Lavrukhin

I sincerely feel sorry for those women who rob themselves by not wanting to have children. A child fills a woman’s life with great content. From the first day of birth of a child, the mother lives by his breath, his tears, his smile. The child's first tooth has erupted. It was the first time he said “mom.” So he took the first step, went to school, became a pioneer, he was accepted into the Komsomol... Each step in the development of a child is also a new stage in the life of the mother.
Nina Nefedova

For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. With the same success one could say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing.
Sam Harris

Mother's heart... Well, where, where can I find the words to sing a song to a mother's heart?..
Artem Vesely

Children are like flowers - you need to bend over to them to recognize them...
Friedrich Froebel

Children need to be loved unselfishly. It's difficult, but there is no other way.
Barbara Bush

Education is an example and love, nothing more...
Friedrich Froebel

Raising a child is not pleasant fun, but a job in which you need to invest the efforts of sleepless nights, the capital of difficult experiences and a lot of thoughts...
Janusz Korczak

Caring is about thinking about others. Example: one woman shot her husband with a bow so as not to wake up the children.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Every mother considers herself Shakespeare, that is, the creator of brilliant works.
Alexey Ostrogorsky

If you already have a child, then for the rest of your life you will have to answer the questions “What is his name?”, “How old is he?” and “Is it a girl or a boy?”
Erma Bombeck

Motherhood is a fact, but fatherhood is a question.
Evgeny Tyugashev, Tamara Popkova

A woman gives birth either out of great love or with deep amazement.
Valery Bruskov

It is probably easier to organize the evacuation of an entire city than for a working mother to get her children up and off to school.
Katie Lett

Mother of many children could easily replace several air traffic controllers.
Laurie Alter

A mother is the same job as a man’s profession.
Nina Rubshtein

I believe I have done my job as a homemaker if our children are still alive by the time my husband comes home from work.
Raymond Barr

If the first word the Devil spoke was “Mama,” all is not lost.
Vitaly Vlasenko