At what age will the retirement age be raised? From what year of birth will the retirement age be raised in Russia? Retirement age in different countries

The legally established age at which citizens can apply for state-guaranteed financial support. The general principles of legal regulation in Russia of issues related to retirement age are regulated in two fundamental documents:

1. Federal Law of December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (No. 173-FZ);

2. Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 “On state pension provision” (No. 166-FZ).

Retirement age in Russia.

First retirement age in the Russian expanses was appointed in 1932 (that is, still in the USSR). Currently, it is fixed separately for women (from 55 years old) and men (from 60 years old), but will change until 2021. This is due to changes in Federal Law No. 173. Retirement age for women will change in stages, eventually reaching a figure of 60 years.

1) mothers with fifteen years of work experience and having five or more children whom they raised until they reached the age of eight;

2) citizens with a working experience of 20 years or more who became disabled due to injuries received during hostilities;

3) women over the age of 40, and men over 50, who are visually impaired, class I, and have a work experience of 20 years or more;

4) father or mother of a disabled child (provided he is raised up to 8 years of age);

5) citizens working in the vastness of the Far North;

6) people with very rare diseases (in particular, Lilliputians) who have disabilities (from the age of 40 or 45 years).

The recently developed pension reform provides, as part of its implementation, early pensioner status for other categories of people working in underground work, in harmful and dangerous working conditions. Citizens laid off due to layoffs will be able to apply to become a pensioner early.

Law No. 4468-1 regulates some pension features for the category of military personnel. They continue to receive a long-service pension. Military personnel who have served in their position for at least 20 years are eligible. Law No. 173 guarantees early retirement for teachers who have worked in educational institutions for at least 25 years. For ballerinas, early retirement begins with the acquisition of fifteen years of experience on stage. For the flight attendant category - 20.

Retirement age in 2015: briefly about the changes.

The reform of the pension system from 2013 to 2015 is characterized by the presence of many advantages. The most important among them remains the introduction of a savings system. The Russian Federation has managed to create a favorable climate for accumulation.

Size pensions for old-age pensioners, leaving later than the legally established period, according to new system calculated using a premium coefficient. Citizens receive special points for each month from the date of their right to a pension. They are determined based on a fixed salary. A higher premium coefficient guarantees an increased amount of the insurance pension.

Summary of retirement age bonus rates.

Number of full months that have elapsed from the date the right to an insurance pension arose

For fixed payment

For old-age and survivors' insurance pensions

Retirement age 2016

On September 17 of the previous year, the Russian Ministry of Finance put forward a proposal to continue to increase retirement age in 2016. Having previously carried out the necessary calculations, the ministry announced colossal savings of public funds (620 billion - 1.3 trillion rubles). The government has not yet made a final decision. Social Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets managed to state on air on the RBC TV channel that the government’s plans in the near future do not include making fundamental changes in in this direction. , according to the Deputy Prime Minister, there will be virtually no change until 2018. From 2017, changes in retirement will affect only civil servants.

Retirement age in the world.

Having analyzed the legislation of countries around the world, we can conclude that retirement age in most world practices it is set between 50 and 65 years. In Ukraine it is 55 (women) and 60 (men), in Kazakhstan - 58/63, in Israel - 62/67, in China - 50/60.

The Russian expert community constantly discusses the issue of excluding the gender principle from the system of mandatory pension insurance(OPS). It is planned not only to equalize the retirement age for men and women, but also to significantly increase it. This is a complex and multi-layered topic. This state of affairs is associated with the presence of a large number of preferential circumstances in the legislation of the Russian Federation, providing preferences to representatives of the fair sex.

Let's look at whether the rumors about further reform of the pension system in Russia are true. How will this affect women? Until what age will you have to work? Will there remain privileges for certain categories of citizens?

Increasing the age for granting an insurance pension for women

Reforming the pension insurance system has been planned for a long time. This was not implemented previously due to disputes in government circles. Officials could not agree on, and not on the need for, such a process. In addition, in half of developed countries, women’s rights are equal to men’s in terms of achieving age limit compulsory employment.

The Russian authorities are changing social policy carefully, focusing on the experience of other states. Therefore, there were basically two proposals:

  • equalize age parameters without taking into account gender differences (everyone can go on vacation at 65);
  • increase this for women to the level of 63 years (two less than for men).

Representatives of the authorities also argued about the timing of reforming the OPS system. Some wanted to start the process of increasing the limit parameters back in 2016, others consider the current plan ineffective. Therefore, the age increase for working women occurred only in 2019. In January of this year, the first results of innovations already appeared.

Last year, new rules affected. The age limit for officials is gradually increasing. So, in 2018, employees of government agencies were given the opportunity to receive old age support at the age of 56. The same methodology was implemented for the remaining participants in the OPS system.

For information: changes to the OPS are made through the adoption of amendments to laws. The acts are being discussed in the State Duma, the Government and the expert community. After voting, they are sent to the President of the Russian Federation for signature.

Will the reform affect the retirement age for women?

Most working women are waiting for an insurance pension. In 2018, this was due upon reaching 55 years of age (there are exceptions). The reform implemented by the authorities will affect precisely this indicator. It was planned to increase it to 63 years. But in fact they only increased it to 60.

The fact is that older women workers need to be employed. But there are no vacancies. Along with changes to pension laws At the same time, the State Duma adopted a number of related laws. And the Government of the Russian Federation has been instructed to develop by-laws to detail state programs for pension reform. Including, in order to create conditions so that women of pre-retirement age can earn a living.

Attention: an increase in the indicator led to the need to change. In the laws, privileges are tied to a standard parameter of 55 years. Now all benefits also apply from January 1, 2019 to pre-retirees, that is, women who have no more than 5 years left before they retire.

Age for women to retire in 2019

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a maximum age for compulsory participation in labor activity in terms of gender. The indicator is related to the type of collateral.

For the fair sex, until January 1, 2019, it is as follows:

  • insurance pension Required at age 55;
  • social - at 50;
  • preferential benefits can be provided at 45 (depending on the grounds).

After 2019, the retirement age will be gradually increased:

  • 2019 — 55,5
  • 2020 — 55,5
  • 2021 — 56,5
  • 2022 — 56,5
  • 2024 — 58
  • 2026 — 59
  • 2028 — 60.

In addition, the laws have preferences for women. For example, from 2028 at the age of 58 (and before that - 2 years before the generally established retirement), workers who have been laid off from their previous jobs and registered with the employment authorities as job seekers can apply for a pension. If the central employment center cannot employ them. The age for providing old-age insurance benefits is being reduced for women who have worked for a certain period of time:

  • in hazardous and hazardous industries;

The service pension is generally not related to age parameters. Thus, the law of the Russian Federation allows representatives of certain professions to retire after 25 years of service in their specialty. These include:

  • teachers;
  • medical workers.

Privileges are also granted on social grounds. In this way, the state recognizes the merits of mothers in raising the younger generation. Women have the right to reduce the age limit by a maximum of five years:

  • raised five or more children under 8 years of age (relatives);
  • caring for a child with a disability (native or adopted);
  • having vision problems (group 1 disability required);
  • diagnosed as a midget or dwarf;
  • belonging to the small peoples of the Far North.

Women also have retirement benefits:

  • gave birth to and raised 3-4 children up to 8 years of age. The retirement age is reduced by 3-4 years accordingly,
  • who have completed 37 years of service, but not earlier than 55 years of age,
  • unemployed pre-retirement people - 2 years earlier.
For information: privileges in laws are described with reference to a standard age indicator. This gives reason to believe that the reform will also affect beneficiaries.

Who was excluded from the list of raising the retirement age

Some groups of women can still count on relaxations. Benefits have been preserved for the following Russian women:

  1. who gave birth and raised more than five children. The authorities are seriously concerned about the problem of increasing the birth rate.
  2. Representatives of the peoples of the Far North. The tribes are small in number, and it is not so easy for people to find employment in cold latitudes.
  3. Disabled people and other persons receiving payments for social reasons. Registration of pensions for them still occurs without taking into account the age of the applicant. They were not affected by the reform.
  4. Workers of difficult (harmful) working conditions from the small List. The exact list of positions and professions can be found on the Pension Fund website.
Attention: doctors, teachers and artists (persons of creative professions) have had their actual retirement delayed for five years. Women workers in the Far North will be able to retire at 55. It is also proposed to change the conditions for receiving pensions for military and equivalent employees.

Medvedev launched pension reform

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced an increase in the retirement age. The government proposes to raise the retirement age for men from the current 60 to 65 years, and for women from 55 to 63 years. Thus, the last “transition year” will be 2034, when the retirement age for women reaches a new level. From 2019, the retirement age will be raised by one year every two years - for example, men born in 1959 and women born in 1964 will receive the right to retire in 2020, namely at the ages of 61 and 56 years, respectively.

Pensions will begin to grow faster

The government claims that raising the retirement age is long overdue and all conditions have been created for this. The current retirement age was introduced back in 1956 in the USSR, when the level of medical and social security was low. Raising the retirement age is necessary, according to the Cabinet of Ministers, for faster growth of pensions themselves. At the moment, according to Medvedev’s estimates, pensions are growing by an average of 400-500 rubles per year (in 2016 the increase was 399 rubles, in 2017 - 524 rubles, in 2018 it will be 481 rubles), the reform will increase the growth rate pension provision twice - by a thousand rubles per year. Average pension at the end of 2017 it amounted to 13,620 rubles, so by the time the reform is completed it could increase by at least 10 thousand rubles.

Russia took the example of raising the retirement age from Kazakhstan

Retirement age in Russia one of the lowest not only in the whole world, but even in comparison with its closest neighbors and countries of the former Soviet Union. For example, in Kazakhstan, the retirement age for men is 63 years, and for women - 58 years; this level was established back in 2001. Moreover, since 2018, the second stage of increase has been underway in Kazakhstan - by 2027, the retirement age for women will rise to the level of men. Belarus began raising the retirement age in 2017 and intends to increase it to 63 years for men and 58 years for women; this is planned to be done by 2022. For comparison, the retirement age in Norway, which Russia is often cited as an example, is 67 years for both men and women; in the UK, both sexes retire from 65 years of age.

The government will set European standards for pensions

During the government meeting, the Prime Minister said that the Cabinet intends to raise the issue of ratifying the Convention on Minimum Standards of Social Security. “Its provisions will make it possible to bring the legislative regulation of the pension sector to international standards. It establishes a clear relationship between the average size of pensions and average earnings,” noted Dmitry Medvedev. One of the fundamental principles of the Convention is that the pension must be at least 40 percent of the lost income, that is, the employee’s salary.

Pension reform is overdue

As of January 1, 2018, the official population of Russia was 146.9 million people. Of these, 46.5 million people were pensioners, that is, 31.7 percent of the total number, while working pensioners, according to official statistics, were 26.4 percent of the total number of pensioners, or 12.3 million people. The authorities insist that upon reaching retirement age, more than 50 percent of citizens remain working. For example, in 2017, 1.45 million people retired, and 0.73 million of them continued to work. The government fears that the share of working pensioners will continue to rise, leaving the other half unable to raise their pensions.

When current pension standards were set for one pensioner, the pension system “paid” (paid pension and insurance contributions in social funds) 3.7 people of working age. The current demographic situation and trends in the labor market will lead to the fact that by 2019, only two able-bodied people will “pay” for one pensioner - the system may not be able to cope even with payments at the current level.

Today's retirees have nothing to fear

Dmitry Medvedev noted during a government meeting that current pensioners have nothing to worry about. “No rules are changing regarding current pensioners,” the prime minister assured. Moreover, retirement age benefits will be maintained. We are talking about citizens who work in harmful and dangerous industries, women with five or more children, disabled people, Chernobyl survivors and others. For workers in the Far North, the retirement age will be set at 60 and 58 years, respectively. For citizens with extensive experience, an additional benefit is provided - they will be able to retire for two years ahead of schedule. We are talking about women with more than 40 years of experience and men with more than 45 years of experience.

VAT also went up

In addition to raising the retirement age, during the government meeting it was announced that the value added tax (VAT) would be increased from the current 18 to 20 percent. As First Deputy Prime Minister Anton Siluanov noted at the meeting, this measure will allow for an additional 600 billion rubles in tax revenues per year. “These funds, together with additional income from the completion of the oil and gas maneuver, will be the main sources for financing the national development goals set in the presidential decree of May of this year,” Siluanov said. According to the government's plan, the tax increase will allow businesses to also participate in increasing the pensions of Russians, while without the reform it would not have been possible to maintain the current level of insurance premiums paid by businesses - they would have to be increased.

The documents will be sent to the State Duma

According to Medvedev, the law on raising the retirement age and VAT will be sent to the State Duma in the near future. “All bills, all accompanying documents must be sent to the State Duma as soon as possible, so that our fellow deputies can consider them in the first reading before the end of the spring session. Therefore, I ask all relevant ministers and deputy prime ministers, the government apparatus to deal with this as a priority,” the prime minister demanded. Medvedev, in turn, expressed hope that parliament will support the proposed innovations and quickly adopt them. After the State Duma and the Federation Council, the documents will go to the President of Russia for signature.

On October 3, 2018, Vladimir Putin signed a law amending pension legislation.

A bill to raise the retirement age in Russia was presented by the Government on June 14, 2018. It was initially assumed that new reform men will receive an old-age insurance pension from 65 years old, and women - from 63, that is, their working age should have increased for them by 5 and 8 years, respectively. However, on September 6, 2018, Vladimir Putin sent amendments to the bill to the State Duma, according to which the retirement age will be increased for both sexes for 5 years, from 55 to 60 years for women and from 60 to 65 years for men.

Other presidential amendments:

  • Possibility of early retirement for mothers of many children. Women with three children will be able to retire three years earlier established period, if four children - four years earlier, for women with five or more children the possibility of retirement will remain at 50 years old.
  • Benefits for citizens who, according to the old legislation, were supposed to retire in the next two years - the right to apply for a pension six months earlier than the new retirement age.
  • Establishment for employers administrative or even criminal liability for the dismissal of employees near retirement age or for refusal to hire such citizens because of their age.
  • Increasing the maximum amount of unemployment benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age from 4900 rubles to 11280 rubles, starting from January 1, 2019, the payment period is set at one year.
  • The current conditions for granting a pension for indigenous peoples of the North.
  • Introduction 25 interestallowances to the insurance pension for non-working pensioners, living invillage, whose experience in agriculture is at least 30 years.
  • Decrease length of service, giving the right to early exit pension for three years, that is, for women it will be 37 years, and for men - 42 years.
  • Maintaining all federal benefits for real estate, as well as tax benefits effective as of December 31, 2018, throughout the transition period.

The new law also provides for an increase in the rate of increase in the retirement age for civil servants. Let us recall that for this category of citizens, the retirement age began to increase as early as January 1, 2017, in increments of six months per year. However, after the federal law comes into force, the working age will increase in accordance with the rate of increase in the generally established age - year by year, starting in 2020.

The main reason for raising the retirement age is elimination of imbalance in the pension system. Every year the number of pensioners in Russia increases, while the working-age population decreases. Life expectancy is also increasing, from 2000 to 2017 for men it increased - from 59 to 67.5 years, and for women - from 72.26 to 77.64 years. As Dmitry Medvedev notes, the duration of the active phase of life has increased, new opportunities have appeared and working conditions have improved. The Government believes that raising the working age will make it possible to pay higher pensions in the future.

The funds saved as a result of increasing the retirement age of Russians will be used to implement Presidential Decree 204 of 05/07/2018 on the development tasks of Russia until 2024.

This question worries people of the older generation. Will a law be adopted that will increase the retirement age of men and women in Russia? The debate about changing the retirement date has not subsided for several years. Discussions are taking place at all levels, from government officials to ordinary citizens. How things are going with the reforms, what has already been implemented, what is the situation with the assignment of pensions to Russians today - questions that are important to many people.

Retirement age in Russia

The law, which approved the terms for citizens to retire, was adopted in 1932 and has not changed since then. The Russian state is responsible for supporting pensioners, but in order to receive pension benefits, the following conditions must be met:

  • for women, the retirement age is 55 years;
  • for men – 60;
  • minimum experience must be 15 years old if officially employed;
  • You must accumulate at least 30 pension points.

There are additional conditions for going on vacation when you reach age. There are categories of citizens for whom changes in terms are provided:

  • for those working in difficult conditions, a reduction in the pension qualification is provided depending on the preferential length of service;
  • Social benefits in the absence of length of service are assigned to men upon reaching 65 years of age, and to women at 60.

Generally established retirement age for women

Bills adopted in Russia stipulate the timing of women's retirement. The retirement age depends on working conditions and the type of benefits. It is prescribed to go on vacation at the age of 55, with fifteen years of experience and 30 accumulated points. However, there may be cases when the age is:

  • 40 – in case of disability;
  • 45 – when working in hazardous conditions, in a hot shop, underground or more than 20 years Far North(KS) hunters, fishermen.

The list of women who go on vacation at the age threshold of 50 years has been expanded. It includes those who gave birth and raised at least 5 children up to the age of 8, raised at least two and worked in the Far North for 12 years. During this period, women working:

  • in emergency services;
  • public transport drivers;
  • in geological expeditions;
  • on railway transport.

At what age do men retire?

The legal age for men is 60 years, subject to the required work experience and earned points. There are types of work and circumstances that affect health and decreased ability to work, which require early retirement at 50 and 55 years of age. In this case, the retirement age is set depending on the length of service. Preferential pension prescribed to citizens in the following cases:

  • harmful working conditions;
  • disability as a consequence of war trauma;
  • work on the compressor station;
  • visual disability.

Will there be an increase in the retirement age in Russia?

This problem is especially of concern to people of pre-retirement age of both sexes. The issue is being discussed at all levels, but opinions differ. Experts believe that the decision to increase age limits is long overdue. This is motivated by:

  • the fact that the retirement age of Russian residents is one of the lowest in the world;
  • world practice - in most countries such a reform has been carried out;
  • economic and social situation in the country.

When is it planned to increase the retirement age in Russia? The government has already begun such work, increasing the period for vacation for municipal employees by 6 months from January 2019. For other categories of citizens, the law is being discussed. The Ministry of Finance proposes:

  • consider the age limit of 65 years as the deadline for retirement for men and women;
  • carry out reforms gradually;
  • gradual increase in retirement age by 6 months annually.

Law on increasing the retirement age for civil servants from 2019

Those who work in the public service, starting from 2019, had to start applying for pensions upon reaching the period generally established by the new law. This applies to employees at all levels of activity, regardless of positions, receiving salaries from the federal budget. The law stipulates:

  • the difference in the wording is that the pension is not “old age”, but “long service”;
  • exit time for men is 60.5 years, for women – 55.5;
  • annual increase in qualifications - six months;
  • value of the age limit for civil servants to go on holiday.

How will the process take place?

Although the process has begun, many are concerned about the question: how will the reforms take place? It is planned to complete all transformations by 2032. During this time, the age of female civil servants going on vacation will be 63 years. The men will reach their designated age in 2027—65 years. During this time, the duration will gradually change insurance period.

The process will be carried out year by year, the basis for age calculations will be the time of the right to receive an old-age pension (B). It looks like this:

Required experience

Release age = B (years) + months

2032, subsequent

Pension qualifications in the Far North

For those living in the Far North (FN), there are rules by which the age of pensioners is calculated. It is lower than generally established values. Indigenous disabled residents are accrued a social pension when they reach the age of 50 for women and 55 for men. For other categories of citizens, age reduction benefits depend on length of service, type of work activity, presence of children and are:

Who is eligible for early retirement?

The law defines groups of people who have the opportunity to go on vacation early. This includes citizens working in difficult conditions. Preferential recipients include the unemployed, the disabled, and specialists who were laid off before the retirement period. There are lists of professions for establishing early care:

  • No. 1 – especially heavy, harmful, dangerous – metallurgists, miners, geologists, rescuers;
  • No. 2 – workers in transport, light, food and pharmaceutical industries, doctors, pilots, artists, teachers.

Workers with difficult or hazardous working conditions

Early care is available to citizens whose work involves injuries, increased gas pollution, high level noise or presence of radiation. The period is different for men and women. Harmful production:

  • nuclear power;
  • electronics and communications;
  • mining;
  • metallurgy;
  • chemical;
  • oil refining;
  • building materials.

List of works No. 1, according to which benefits are assigned, includes the production of explosives, gas processing, logging, and rescue activities. In this case, the total, preferential length of service is taken into account, whether it is a man or a woman. The following conditions must be met:

Age of care

Preferential experience

Insurance experience

Work on list No. 1

Separate social categories of citizens

There are categories of recipients of pension payments to whom they are assigned early due to health or social reasons. To receive payments, documents confirming your right to benefits are required. Among pensioners receiving social pensions, relate:

  • visually impaired;
  • mothers of many children with more than 5 children;
  • disabled people injured in war;
  • dwarfs, midgets;
  • parents caring for disabled children.

Unemployed persons of pre-retirement age

It is not uncommon for a company to cease to exist and the employer to fire people who have little time left until retirement. Find new job in this situation it is problematic. When contacting the employment service, citizens are offered early leave for vacation. By law, this is done if there is:

  • required work experience;
  • the time until official retirement is no more than two years;
  • required preferential length of service.

Retirement age for military personnel and combat veterans

For the military there is a law regulating pension payments. The time of rest depends on the rank. For a colonel general, admiral - 65 years, rear admiral, major general - 5 years earlier. All the rest are from fifty, and women are from forty-five. For accruals:

  • length of service required - 20 years;
  • total length of service, including civilian, is at least 25, of which military service is at least 12.5;
  • for combat veterans, individual pension provision is assigned - with 20 years of service - 50% of allowance, plus 3% for each year beyond the term.

Conditions for establishing preferential length of service for retirement

To be eligible for a preferential pension, a citizen must provide documents. Employers in the presence of severe factors are required to conduct an assessment of working conditions once every five years, which determine the possibility of assigning preferential length of service. To confirm rights, the employee provides:

  • medical certificate;
  • confirmed information about harmful and general experience;
  • conclusion on inspection of working conditions.

Retirement period and pension amount

According to the laws adopted in Russia, a working citizen and an able-bodied pensioner can participate in their social security, increase savings. To do this, it is necessary to increase the duration of operating time after the onset of retirement period. The amount of the pension depends on:

  • the recipient's insurance experience;
  • the amount of contributions paid by the employer;
  • choosing the type of security - insurance or combined with funded pension;
  • increasing bonus coefficients depending on the time of care.

How will the fixed part change if you retire late?

The amount of payments depends on the duration of work after the period of retirement and the size of the official salary. The situation also applies to working pensioners - they can refuse a pension for a period of more than a year, and then receive large incomes. It is important that the employer is an honest payer of pension contributions. Minimum size the fixed payment in 2019 is 4805.11 rubles. Premium coefficients (K) will increase annually:

  • in a year K=1.056
  • after 10 – K=2.11.

Increase in the insurance part of the pension

If a person refuses the funded part of the pension, the state handles the financing. It guarantees annual indexation, which depends on the state of the economy, economic income, and inflation. The percentage increase may be higher than the yield on the funded part. By government decree, the insurance pension increases every year from February 1. Under favorable conditions, additional indexing is possible.

Extension of retirement age in Russia - pros and cons

Why is it necessary to raise the retirement age? Supporters note the advantages of this decision. They consider it a mandatory requirement to extend operating hours:

  • the number of working-age population is decreasing;
  • citizens work after the retirement date - an additional source of income is needed;
  • There is a shortage of pension provision - not everyone pays the necessary taxes;
  • a gap appears between the number of pensioners and taxpayers;
  • budget expenses on which you can save increase.

Opponents present their arguments:

  • low life expectancy, especially in men;
  • the state of health is such that not every person can live to see retirement;
  • extending the period will not lead to cost savings;
  • it is difficult for pensioners to find work;
  • employers are interested in young personnel;
  • Due to a complex of problems, pensioners prefer to receive their pension today, without hoping for a recalculation when withdrawing later.

Retirement age in different countries

Each state has its own pension systems, stipulating the transition of citizens from work to leisure. The order of calculation is also different. social payments for senior citizens. The indicators are:

Age of retirement




Great Britain


Average life expectancy in Russia

This indicator is calculated annually; it depends on the demographic situation, economic stability of the region of residence, level of health care, education, and financing. Alcohol consumption, smoking, unemployment, ecology, and crisis have a great influence. The numbers differ significantly depending on the habitat. For the regions of Russia in 2016 there were the following indicators: