Dog made from squares of fabric. DIY soft toy dog

How cute and funny soft toys look. Children and adults love them so much. They can become real friends or interior decoration. Soft dog toys look especially beautiful. Moreover, you can sew them yourself with a little effort.

Sewing a toy for a child is always important, because such toys become the most beloved for children.

There are many ways to sew a dog. Each of them differs in both the technique of execution and the material from which the toy is made.

These can be toys made of fur, felt or any other fabric. Sew your favorite cartoon characters Teddy and Piff for your favorite child, and he will be the happiest.

The main thing is to find the right instructions and a good diagram.

Use our selection of dog patterns, they are suitable for sewing dogs from both fabric and fur:

The lightest model

First, let's sew a simple version of the toy. It is sewn quickly, so everyone can have enough strength and patience to sew even a whole family of dogs.

For one dog you will need:

  • felt different colors(it all depends on what color you want the dog);
  • cotton wool to stuff the toy;
  • buttons for decoration;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • sewing needle;
  • scissors.

Stages of work:

  1. From felt you need to cut out 2 identical parts for the dog’s body.
  2. Then you need to cut out two parts of the ear. You can make them from scraps of different colors. This will make the toy more colorful and interesting.
  3. The parts that also need to be cut out include a spot on the body and one part for the nose.
  4. Now you need to cut out a collar from felt. This is one strip, the size of which is 0.8 cm by 12 cm.
  5. Determine which part of the body will be the front. You need to sew the cut out spot to it.
  6. Next we sew the nose.
  7. We draw a mouth and eyes with a felt-tip pen. The mood of the toy can be set to any desired mood.
  8. The mouth and eyes need to be embroidered with sewing thread.
  9. We place the parts of the body next to each other and pin them together to make it easier to work with.
  10. We sew a toy along the edges. Leave a hole on the head. It is needed to stuff the toy with cotton wool. After that we sew the hole on the head.
  11. Ears need to be sewn to the head.
  12. Place the collar. Don't pull it around your neck. Use a pin to secure the back side and sew on the button.

It turned out to be a funny and cheerful puppy. You can stuff felt toys with dry herbs, for example, chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, linden, etc. Felt perfectly transmits aromas, and such a toy will not only smell good, but also soothe.

Fur dog

It's easy to sew a fur toy. Main, good pattern and high quality fur. This sewing method helps create a stunningly beautiful product. We’ll find out below how to make such a cute and cheerful dog. The toy can be made from other materials, but the fur looks very cute and natural.


  • a cotter pin with which the body and head will be connected;
  • fleece, which is used to create the inside of the dog’s ears;
  • threads (you need to choose the color of the main fabric);
  • wool intended for felting. Need black and white colors;
  • felting needles;
  • sewing needles, you can use an awl or a sewing machine;
  • a piece of non-woven napkin. Preferably pink or red;
  • eyes for a dog made of plastic;
  • oil pastel. Used for tinting. You can take regular shadows;
  • filler: cotton wool or padding polyester;
  • tightening needle (large sizes);
  • acrylic varnish transparent. Suitable regular varnish for nails.

Any sewing of a toy begins with a pattern. When it is, you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. It is necessary to transfer all the details of the pattern onto the fabric from which the dog is sewn. Please note that the figurine will have a slightly open mouth, which means that when laying out the pattern, you need to take into account the direction of the fibers and mark where the cut of the mouth will be.
  2. Cut out all parts of the pattern using scissors.
  3. Next, sew all the double parts together.
  4. You need to cut a mouth out of a non-woven napkin.
  5. You need to cut it along the line and pin the mouth with pins.
  6. We sew the insert into the dog's head by hand.
  7. We turn the head part inside out and stuff it with filler.
  8. We trim the fur a little (if you are sewing from this material) on the muzzle.
  9. In the places where the eyes will be, we tighten the fabric.
  10. We attach the nose using black felting wool.
  11. We tighten the fabric at the place where the mouth will be.
  12. Select the eye sockets using a filing needle. You need to be careful not to tear the fur fibers. Use thin and smooth needles.
  13. A little fur needs to be added in the cheek area.
  14. Using glue we attach the eyes.
  15. Using white felting wool, we make eyelids.
  16. If the wool from which the nose was made is not very black, then it can be tinted with ink or black paint.
  17. Tint the nose with clear varnish to create the effect of a wet nose, like a real dog.
  18. Time to secure the body and head using a cotter pin.
  19. We fill the torso.
  20. Sew the body to the head using neat hidden stitches.
  21. Using copper wire we reinforce the ears.
  22. Excess wire needs to be cut off.
  23. We sew the ears to the head.
  24. Carefully sew on the tail.
  25. It is necessary to make tension on the paws.
  26. The muzzle can be tinted if desired.
  27. You can felt the tongue using a piece of pink wool.

Fabric dog

You will need fabric of any color, pattern. Using a machine or by hand, we sew together the parts of the pattern and fill the workpiece with filler.

Typically, such patterns involve a joint torso and head. We also sew ears and a tail to the body and head. We design the tongue and eyes.

Such in simple ways you can sew funny dogs that are even suitable as a present.

The process of preparing for one of the most beloved holidays - the New Year - is a huge amount of worries and troubles. Undoubtedly, many of these chores can be classified as pleasant. Most people, already in the first weeks of December, begin to think about where and how to celebrate the holiday, purchase food and drinks, and also consider gifts for relatives, friends and acquaintances, gradually immersing themselves in the festive atmosphere.

Of course, it is impossible to create the spirit of the New Year without, because it is tinsel on the eaves and windows that can give our home a fabulous and elegant look. It is important to remember that each new calendar period is under the auspices of a specific totem animal, which gives this year special features.

You need to choose fabric for crafts wisely. Listen to our advice!

Try to win the patron's sympathy by placing several figurines around the house. In 2018, the world will be ruled, so you can make themed figurines for home decor and gifts for colleagues and family. Such a handmade product will definitely be appreciated, because hand-made gifts are distinguished by sincerity and warmth. We offer you several interesting master classes on making fabric dogs.

Features of sewing fabric toys

Of course, you can use any scraps and scraps you find in your bins. But not every fabric is suitable for making toys, especially if they become not just decoration, but will be actively used. In addition, sewing requires some skills in cutting parts, so we advise you to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • The best fabric options for complex toys include knitwear and fleece. Knitted fabrics are distinguished by their density and ability to stretch. However, even skilled craftsmen note its capriciousness in work - any pattern should be adapted specifically to this fabric. For beginning toy makers, fleece is more suitable - it is cheap, easy to cut, and suitable for making any toys with large and small parts. Simple toys, consisting of several large parts, can be sewn from linen, cotton and other natural materials;
  • When creating a pattern, you need to take into account the ability of the fabric to stretch. If the material does not stretch well, like fleece, it is better to cut it along the grain thread - the result will be work without obvious deformations, completely matching the pattern. If desired, you can make the toy plumper by adding a centimeter to the pattern. Elastic knitted fabrics, after being stuffed with filler, stretch a couple of centimeters, so if it is important for you to maintain the proportion of the toy, you can slightly reduce the patterns;
  • To glue parts, you can use PVA glue, “Moment” or textile glue, but remember that the glue quickly passes through thin fabric and may leave unsightly stains. The ideal option is to use a heat gun, with which you can quickly and easily glue any part;
  • bulky fabric toys require filling. You should not use cotton wool, trimming shreds or batting - they are distributed unevenly, and with active use, a product with such a filler quickly loses its original shape. Buy a supply of padding polyester, holofiber, synthetic padding polyester or thin foam rubber, which are much better suited for this purpose;
  • You can cut out toys using sharp straight scissors, and for small elements use small manicure scissors;
  • To transfer patterns to fabric, use a self-disappearing marker, chalk or gel pen. However, the latter option should be used only on the wrong side so that there are no marks left on the finished toy.

Now that you are aware of all the tricks of working with fabrics, you can begin the promised master classes.

Spotted blenny

With due diligence, the toy will look just like a store-bought one.

Toys that you sew yourself are things that fill your home with warmth and comfort, so feel free to start making these cute puppies that will then live in the homes of your friends. The craft can also be made for a thematic exhibition, because before the New Year, schools and kindergartens will definitely give you an assignment to make and bring some kind of toy.

To sew a dog you will need:

  • fleece white and black;
  • padding polyester or padding polyester;
  • plastic eyes (you can buy them in craft stores);
  • white and black threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • pins;
  • chalk or disappearing marker;
  • satin ribbon.
Step-by-step instruction how to make a puppy from fabric

Instructions for making a toy:

  1. Transfer schematic images of the details for the future puppy onto a sheet of paper. Cut out the patterns.
  2. Place the body, head, ear and tail pieces onto the fleece, pin and cut out, leaving a seam allowance. You need to make two parts each for the body, head and tail and four parts for the ears.
  3. Place the body pieces face to face and sew, leaving an opening to turn inside out. Make two darts (as in the photo) on the head parts and sew this part of the dog, leaving a hole. Sew the details of the ears and tail.
  4. Turn the body inside out, stuff it with stuffing and sew up the incision. Exactly the same principle should be followed with the head and tail. But there is no need to stuff your ears.
  5. Sew the tail to the back of the dog's body.
  6. Attach the ears to the head.
  7. From a piece of black fleece, cut out spots of various diameters, place them on the body, ears and tail, attaching them with a glue gun.
  8. Cut out a circle of black fleece, sew it with thread along the edge, pulling it together a little. Place a little synthetic fluff inside, pull the thread to make a ball - this will be the puppy’s nose, which needs to be sewn to the muzzle.
  9. Decorate the puppy's head with spots.
  10. Sew the head to the body and glue the eyes.
  11. Tie a ribbon for the puppy, making a bow. The toy is ready!


Pattern for sewing a Dalmatian

Such a miniature dog can be given as a small token of attention to both colleagues and friends, and their children - a cute toy will definitely become a favorite of any family. Of course, the owner of a real Dalmatian will also appreciate it. Such crafts look best at a height of 6 to 8 centimeters. Using the same principle, you can make a dog of any smooth-haired breed - for example, a dachshund or a bull terrier - by giving the pattern the desired shape. To sew a dog you will need:

  • white fleece;
  • a piece of white cotton fabric;
  • synthetic fluff;
  • plastic beads for eyes;
  • white threads;
  • needle;
  • thin wire;
  • sharp nail scissors;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • pins;
  • chalk or disappearing marker;
  • gel pen, marker or black paint.

Step-by-step instructions for making a Dalmatian

Stages of making crafts:

  1. Transfer the pattern onto a piece of paper. Cut out the patterns.
  2. Place the pieces on the fleece, pin and cut, leaving a seam allowance. You need to make two side parts, one each for the tummy and the top of the head, two for the ears and one for the tail. Two more pieces for the ears (smaller) need to be cut from cotton or knitted fabric.
  3. Sew the dog along the back, sewing a piece for the head between the side parts. Sew on the belly element. Don't forget that there should be a large cut in the middle of the belly so that you can turn the toy inside out, and also leave small cuts to insert the tail and ears into the seams.
  4. Turn the dog inside out and insert the wire frame from muzzle to tail. The wire must pass through all the legs so that the toy is stable.
  5. Stuff the dog tightly with synthetic down and sew up the hole.
  6. Embroider the dog's face with black thread.
  7. Make eyes from beads.
  8. Sew the ear elements. Sew in ears and a tail stuffed with synthetic fluff.
  9. Using a marker or gel pen, draw spots on the Dalmatian.

Dog pillow

A dog pillow is the simplest version of a New Year's craft.

Pillows in the shape of a dog are a gift that will delight your friend, mother, colleague or grandmother who loves to create coziness in their home. For such decorative sofa pillows, you can use almost any fabric with a pattern, because the more colorful and fun the pillow is, the better. First you need to prepare the following items;

  • pieces of fabric. As the main material, it is better to take a plain material of a neutral color (linen or cotton are good), but bright chintz patches with patterns are suitable for ears and spots. A small piece of thin black felt or fleece will be needed for the eyes and nose;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • pins;
  • paper;
  • holofiber or synthetic winterizer;
  • threads;
  • igloo
Step-by-step instructions for sewing a pillow yourself

Making a toy consists of the following steps:

  1. Transfer the patterns onto paper. Cut out the paper elements.
  2. Place the patterns on the fabric and attach with pins. Make patterns for two parts of the head, four parts of the ears, cut out a spot, eyes and nose. Be sure to leave seam allowances where needed.
  3. Please note that there is a hole on the paper part of the ear - by placing it on the head, you can mark the place for the dog's eye.
  4. Place eyes, a nose and a spot on the front of the pillow, and sew it on with a machine. Embroider the muzzle.
  5. Place the two parts of the dog's head facing each other and sew them together, leaving a slit for the ears.
  6. Sew both parts of the ears and turn them onto the face. Insert the ears into the slits and stitch.
  7. Turn the dog's head inside out, stuff it with stuffing and sew up the hole. The pillow is ready.

Of course, these are not all ideas for creativity, so we offer you a few more interesting ideas for making dog toys, the patterns for which are posted just below.

Patterns for sewing a dog from fabric

The most fabulous holiday is approaching - New Year. And what does it take to meet it as brightly as possible? Of course, bright little things, accessories and souvenirs. Made with your own hands, they give a feeling of warmth and charge you with positivity. We suggest sewing a pillow from multi-colored scraps. But not a simple one, but stylized as the symbol of the coming 2018 - a dog.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • scraps of thick fabric of different colors;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • square or ruler for cutting;
  • pillow filling.

The first stage of creating a product is cutting. Cut 82 squares of equal size from the prepared flaps. The larger the side of each square used, the bigger size it will make a pillow. For example, if the side of the square is 10 cm, then the finished product will measure about 50 cm in height and 60 cm in width.

After cutting, arrange the squares on the table according to the template to choose a color combination. You can pin together the resulting layout with pins for convenience. Or you can simply photograph it and use the photo as a guide for further work.

After that, start sewing the squares together one by one, methodically assembling this original dog pillow puzzle.

Leave two or three squares at the bottom of the pillow unstitched, turn the product right side out and place the filling inside. If the side of the square is 10 cm, then the filler for the pillow will need about 300 - 400 g.

Master class with step by step photos for the production of the symbol of 2018 “Loskutik the Dog”

Efremova Yulia Vladimirovna, teacher of the municipal budget preschool educational institution"Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 2" of the city of Tula

My master class is addressed to those who are going to make a dog for a gift or interior decoration. I think this work will be interesting and useful to teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools, heads of clubs, parents, and all those who like to make crafts Original gifts with your own hands.
Goal of the work: making a toy dog ​​using the patchwork technique.
Main goals problems solved by this work: to be able to find a source of creativity in the most ordinary things, to develop fantasy, imagination and artistic taste.
Every year, according to Eastern calendar, takes place under the auspices of one of the 12 animals. And a cute souvenir in the form of this symbol of the year has long become traditional New Year's gift. If it is not bought in a hurry at a sale, but prepared in advance or made with your own hands, then its value is measured only by the joy that you brought to the recipient of the gift. The coming 2018 is the year of the Dog. So, we'll make a dog.
Everyone knows that domestic dogs are one of the species of the canine (wolf) family. Their relatives include wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and arctic foxes. And the diversity of domestic dogs themselves is amazing; according to various sources, there are about 400 breeds. Many of them are not similar not only to their ancestors, but even to each other.

Among them there are giants and dwarfs, good-natured pets and formidable fighters and guards, as well as hunters, rescuers, etc. And there are many who simply decorate our lives, i.e. indoor and decorative representatives of the breed. So my dog ​​will become not just a gift, but an interior decoration.
A small lyrical digression.
A long time ago, when the fashionable word “patchwork” was not yet known, our grandmothers were fond of patchwork. They used scraps of fabric that were a pity to throw away. Thrifty housewives used them to sew blankets, rugs, covers for stools, and pillows. People with artistic taste They quickly realized that from scraps they could create original and unlike other things, quilted vests and bags appeared. In 1981, we published a book by M.E. Green "Sewing from scraps", but it was almost impossible to get it.

But in the magazine “Rabotnitsa” they published a fragment about how to sew a dog out of squares. Using it, I created my first large piece from scraps. Its size is 70 by 50 cm, and it successfully replaced the pillow. That toy dog ​​was the favorite of all the children who came to our house and, unfortunately, did not survive to this day. But the article from the magazine is still preserved.

When I finally got my hands on the book by M.E. Green, I sewed a patchwork quilt from it, and my son was brought home from the hospital in it. I keep it for my grandchildren as a memory.

Many years have passed, and now entire pieces of fabric are specially cut into small pieces to obtain panels of extraordinary beauty. Here's how it is, for example.

Everyone knows the names of fashionable patchwork techniques: “quilting” and “patchwork”. Remembering all this, I decided to create another dog from scraps. So, let's begin.
First of all, we will need colorful pieces of fabric and scissors.

To ensure that the blanks are the same size, we make a template from cardboard. This is a frame measuring 5 cm along the outer perimeter and 3 cm along the inner perimeter.

On the fabric we draw both an outer square (cut along these lines) and an inner one (sew along these lines).
In total you need to cut 60 squares. But it’s better to make another heels in reserve if you don’t like the color combination somewhere.

Here is a schematic image of the future dog. For the head 6+6, for the body 8+8, for the paws 1+1+1+1.

We begin to sew, armed with thread and a needle or, which is faster, a sewing machine. The combination of squares according to color is to the taste of the master. It’s easier to work like this: first we sew the squares in pairs, then two pairs together.

Two rows of 4 squares are the torso.

For the head, two rows of 3 squares.

We sew 24 squares into a ribbon that will connect both halves. All preparations for the future dog are ready.

We connect the head with the body and add a square to the legs (see diagram). Now we begin to sew the ribbon to one half, then to the other. In order to turn the work inside out, we leave the side of one square unstitched. You can do this on one of the paws, or at the tail. Carefully turn it out.

Almost done!
Now you need to stuff the dog and make a muzzle, ears, and tail. For the ears, you can use a plain fabric. I cut pieces from old terry socks and made semicircular ears in different colors, blue and yellow.

You can stuff it with padding polyester, and add something thicker to the paws for stability: scraps of fabric, cotton wool. I used old terry socks. The eyes and nose can be designed in different ways, I made them from buttons.

I first crocheted the tail from colored threads, but it didn’t look right. I had to redo it.

I tried to make it from the same fabric as the dog himself. We sew 4 squares along the length and fold them in half, stitch them, we get a tube, turn them inside out.

The dog liked the new tail, there was something to wag, and with it he became much cuter.

Well, our dog named LOSKUTIK is ready.