Take care of your hair with a perm. Hair care after perm at home

Perm is not only a way to achieve beautiful, lush curls, but also an opportunity to significantly reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp in summer period. Many women suffering from scalp problems can only be saved by this old hairdressing method. In addition, perm is a great way to create the appearance of thick hair.

However, in addition to the positive effects, exposure to the chemical composition on the hair has many negative side effects, after which it is very difficult to restore the hair to its previous state. Hair continues to split, break, and remain dull for a long time.

Unfortunately, there is no way to return the ends that have been exposed to chemicals to their former appearance, however, there are several ways that will help the hair to save the hair stem from further cutting and drying out.

Hair care after perm

Hair that has been permed requires more careful and thorough care than an intact hairstyle. In order to minimize the effect of an aggressive cosmetic product on your hair, you need to completely avoid drying with a hairdryer, hot styling and fine-toothed combs. Hair fixation varnish should also be replaced with more gentle foams, mousses or special liquids for styling perms.

The chemical composition damages the hair stem, gradually destroying it, increasing its fragility, so after washing the hair is not wrapped in a towel, but is dried with light movements that do not contribute to tangling of the hair. After this, the strands are straightened with your fingers and left to dry naturally.


It is precisely because of the increased fragility and trauma of hair after a perm that you should not sleep with wet hair in the open air.

There are also special requirements for washing directly: you need to use shampoos with a neutral pH. Hair is washed only with warm water; too hot or cold water will accelerate hair damage.

After the procedure, it is best to use shampoos designed specifically for permed hair. Most often they contain the following components:

  • vegetable oils;
  • extracts of medicinal plants (argan, coconut);
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • vegetable proteins.

IN summer time You should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, or expose your hair to salty sea water. After bathing, hair should be washed thoroughly.

To prevent your hair from quickly fading and to maintain its natural beauty for a long time, you need to use mixtures of base and essential oils after washing. Natural vegetable oils will help keep hair dense and delay cutting and hair breakage as much as possible. To preserve the beauty of your hair, hairdressers recommend using the following oils:

These base oils are mixed with a few drops of essential oils of jasmine, lavender, citrus, mint and slowly blot the strands with palms lubricated with the resulting mixture, gradually forming a curl. It is best to carry out this procedure by preheating the mixture in a water bath. It would be best to use a mask based on the oils listed above, applied evenly to the hair. After application, the hair is carefully wrapped in polyethylene and a towel is wrapped on top. After 30-40 minutes of exposure, the mixture is washed off, thoroughly washing each strand.

To the owners oily skin When applying oils to the scalp, you need to make sure that the mixture does not get close to the skin under the hair, since vegetable oils have the ability to increase the secretion of sebum by the skin.

In addition, hair curled with chemicals requires caring action not only from shampoos, but also from balms and masks. There are many special care lines in different price categories, aimed at preserving the density and durability of hair curled with chemicals for as long as possible. They should also contain a large amount of oils, as well as glycerin components, capable of enveloping the hair, sticking its scales back to the trunk and preventing it from falling out of the bulb. Some girls prefer to prepare such masks themselves, buying the most simple options care lines and diluting them with a few drops of the oils listed above.

How to restore hair after a perm

Sooner or later, hair that has been chemically permed takes on a completely unsightly appearance, becoming dull and unkempt. It will not be possible to completely restore the cut ends; they will have to be cut to the distance that the hairdresser and the salon client herself deem necessary.

In most cases, it will not be necessary to completely trim the curl to the point where growth begins. healthy hair, it is enough to cut off the completely frayed ends at a distance of 5-7 cm from the end of the hair.

For the remaining length, masks are applied weekly. To consolidate the positive effect and further reduce the risk of hair excision, continue to use a mixture of healing oils. The rules for hair care remain the same as for perming.

It would not be superfluous to take a vitamin-mineral complex aimed at accelerated growth and restoration of the hair, strengthening its follicle and improving appearance every curl.

In some cases, salon clients resort to a procedure - sealing the hair with a special composition, as a result of which all hair scales are tightly attached to it and the risk of fragility and excision of the end is significantly reduced. However, this procedure is quite expensive and is not suitable for everyone, since the mixture used also consists of completely chemical components and in some cases has the opposite effect, increasing the negative effects of perm.

Gradually, under vigilant and attentive care, hair will acquire an increasingly healthy and natural appearance. The growing strands will be much denser, shinier and more beautiful.

Kuznetsova Irina, medical observer

Perms have long ceased to be the favorite hairstyle of older ladies. Modern masters have learned to curl curls so deftly that even young girls have begun to resort to chemicals. When signing up for the procedure, it is very important to understand that after perm Hair will require special care. Some simple rules and tips will help you maintain your curls longer, while causing minimal damage to your curls.

Features of hair care after perm

You should not wash your hair immediately after chemistry. Moreover, some experts do not even recommend combing for two to three days after perm. The fact is that for several days the composition applied to the hair continues to act. If you wash it off prematurely, you can ruin your hairstyle.

Once the hairstyle is formed, it is very important to treat it carefully. Hair is already under stress, so after doing chemicals, it is better not to use irons, curling irons, strong hold hairsprays and other products that harm weakened hair.

Among other things, caring for hair after a perm involves regular styling. It is better to do them with a comb with rare teeth, using a hairdryer. However, you cannot dry your curls with hot air. The best option is drying mode with warm or cold air.

Perm balms based on liquid proteins have a beneficial effect on the hair structure. Similar means Today you can find it in the assortment of almost all brands.

In sunny weather, it is very advisable to cover your hair with caps, hats and panama hats.

Hair care after curling using traditional methods

Traditional medicine also knows many secrets that promote hair restoration after chemotherapy:

  1. A mask made from honey and cognac is very effective. Mix these ingredients one teaspoon at a time. Add a tablespoon and an egg yolk to the mask. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for three hours and wrapped in film, after which it is washed off.
  2. A good balm for hair after perm is made from yolk, a spoonful of lemon juice, aloe and vodka. For half an hour, the mixture is applied to the hair roots and rinsed.
  3. After chemical treatment, you can restore your hair with yeast and castor oil.

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Hair care after perm

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You look with envy at women whose hair is naturally curly, unlike yours - “straight as straw”...

And you are sure that after a perm you will find the long-awaited beauty and happiness. And also a lot of free time in the morning, because you won’t have to do such exhausting styling every day.

Yes, but not so.

Here you need to know 2 points in advance.

  1. Perm should be done professionally and with soul. Only in this case will she please you and not disappoint you.
  2. Caring for your hair after a perm will take a little more time, styling will take a little less, but you won’t be able to do it without styling at all.

How to recognize the best perm artist?

  1. A real hairdresser will first test your hair, to reliably determine their type and choose the right curl for your hair. And if your hair is depleted and sick, he will prescribe you a course of restorative treatment and only after that will offer a gentle option for “chemistry”.
  2. A real hairdresser will ask you what hair care products you have used recently, and how long ago did you dye your hair?. For what? And then, what if, for example, you used such a convenient “2 in 1” shampoo, then your hair has absorbed so much silicone that even the most aggressive “chemistry” will be done in vain. In this case, the hairdresser must treat the hair with a special shampoo that washes out the silicone before curling. And if you recently dyed your hair, then a real master will send you home for a couple of weeks.
  3. A real master will do a trial perm on one curl.
  4. A real master will cut your hair first. The haircut determines how your future curls will lie. Stepped haircut - for tight, small, beautifully scattered curls. Hair cut at the same level is for a calm wave.
  5. A true master uses the latest in cosmetology, which not only curl the hair, but also at the same time restore its structure. For example, perm lotion with keratin regenerator. Also, many products contain panthenol, collagen, silk proteins - substances that nourish hair and give it a healthy natural shine. When styling, a real master uses a neutralizing foam, which removes residual thioglycolic acid and returns the hair to its natural pH.
  6. A real master will provide you with instructions for caring for your new curls and teach you how to style them correctly.

Now let's talk about the rules of hair care after perm

You can wash your hair after perming no earlier than 3 days later and only with warm water and a special shampoo. It should be applied only to the roots of the hair and scalp; the rest of the hair can be perfectly cleaned with soapy water flowing down while rinsing off the shampoo. This will protect the ends of your hair from unnecessary drying. After washing, the hair should not be wrung out or twisted.

You can dry your hair after perm using a hair dryer and hot rollers, but not earlier than on the fourth day. Only tight, small curls are allowed to be dried with a hairdryer. , but exclusively warm or cold air. Curls will always need to be curled with hot rollers., if you want them to continue to maintain their ideal shape.

It is best to wash your hair in a hairdresser and dry it under a lamp with infrared radiation, fortunately, this will not have to be done as often as before, because hair after a perm does not become greasy so quickly.

It is necessary to style your hair with a perm after each wash and while drying - the advantage is that you will spend less time on styling, and it will be stronger and more stable. When styling, use a special nourishing foam balm and no varnish.

You should not comb your hair at all during the first 24 hours. and then only with a wide-toothed comb so as not to separate the curls . And no backcombing, otherwise, your perfectly structured curls will become tangled in a washcloth, and it will be impossible to return them to their original shape.

As a rule, hair that has become dull after a perm can be dyed no earlier than three weeks later. And use exclusively plant-based tint products. Now that your hair is weakened, you should avoid additional exposure to chemicals. Vegetable dyes treat hair, restore its stratum corneum, covering it with a protective film. This makes the hair shiny, and its color more intense and rich.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to protect your hair from the sun either with hats or using special products with ultraviolet protection. Also limit hair contact with salty, cold and chlorinated water. After swimming, sea salt and bleach should be thoroughly rinsed off immediately.

And after a perm, it’s not a bad idea to thank your hair “for your patience and understanding” by giving it a course of restoration and healing. These could be the means traditional medicine— personally prepared masks from natural ingredients, herbal decoctions for rinsing hair after washing.
Or products from cosmetic lines - the same nourishing balm masks. There are special ampoules with components that restore hair after perm. They are applied to the hair before bed and washed off in the morning.

Or the so-called very effective "hot oil". Before use, the bottles must be immersed in a container of hot water and the heated oil distributed over the entire length of the hair. Thanks to the temperature, the active substances easily penetrate into the hair and are evenly distributed along its entire length.

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A perm is like a medal, which, as you know, has 2 sides. With one - the desired curls, additional volume, neat hairstyle without special effort. On the other hand, there are fairly damaged curls, which in 100% of cases need restoration. Competent, careful hair care after a perm will reduce the harm from the procedure, help to gradually heal and restore the structure of the hair strands, and make the curls vibrant and shiny. To do this, you can use professional cosmetics or folk “grandmother’s” recipes, or better yet, combine both.

What is it and what harm can it cause?

Any perm, even gentle ones with the prefix “bio,” disrupts the hair structure. What can we say about classical chemistry, although modern drugs differ in less aggressive action on strands than their predecessors, which were used several decades ago.

For the procedure, you can take different types of curlers. With their help, you can turn your hair into light waves, vertical spiral curls, beautiful voluminous curls or zigzag curls.

The main element of chemistry is a reagent, under the influence of which straight strands turn into curly ones. The result is fixed with a fixative, from which the hair can become 1–1.5 tones lighter. Some girls don't like this side effect, especially if they have recently dyed their hair.

But this is not the most dangerous thing that chemistry can bring with it. Other effects of chemical styling include:

  • strands begin to fall out more intensely. It is possible that if the problem is ignored, bald patches may appear;
  • curls become brittle and dry;
  • stop shining;
  • the ends are constantly split after chemistry;
  • Dandruff may appear.

How to care for hair after perm

In the first 3–4 days after the procedure, it is better to leave new hairstyle at rest. Try not to wash your hair, do not comb your curls, and if possible, leave them loose.

Avoid using styling products. This is important because the process of fixing the curls occurs. Protect your hair after chemicals from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and accidental wetting, from salt water at sea and from chlorinated water in the pool.

How, when and with what you can wash your hair

The main recommendation for girls who have permed their hair is to not wash their hair very often. Any chemical composition dries out the hair. And if for those with oily hair this is a plus, then for those with naturally dry hair it is a significant minus. This does not mean that you can walk around with dirty curls for 2-3 weeks in a row, but the frequency of washing should still be reduced.

It is better to buy a special shampoo for restoration curly hair. It must be soft, with nutritious organic substances: essential oils, amino acids, proteins, keratin, vitamins. It is optimal if the product is intended specifically for curly strands. Various cosmetic companies offer a wide selection detergents for hair after chemical styling:

  1. Love Essential Haircare curl enhancing shampoofromDavines Spa. Volume - 250 milliliters, cost - about 1500 rubles. Contains olive oil, vitamin C, myrtle extract.
  2. Sulfate-free shampoo for curly hair Curl Cleansing from Joico. A bottle of 300 milliliters costs approximately 1,600 rubles. Among other ingredients, it is enriched with avocado oil and keratin complex.
  3. Shampoo for curls Smooth and Curly brand Kapous. The cost is about 350 rubles per 300 milliliters. The composition contains silk and wheat proteins, but there are no sulfates and parabens.
  4. Repairing shampoo Capelli Mossi-Ricci Double ActionfromHair Company. Volume - 1 liter, cost - 1800 rubles. Particularly valuable components of the product are panthenol, vitamin B, olive oil, and polymers.
  5. Restoring shampoo for curly hair Curl Revitalizing Shampoo Maraes from the Italian brand Kaaral. Price - from 1300 rubles for 300 milliliters. Contains monoi oil, marula oil and yogurt.

If buying a special shampoo after chemotherapy is too expensive for you, choose any other gentle restoration product with organic ingredients to save your curls.

During the post-perm wash process, pay more attention to your scalp. Gently massage it with your fingers. The curls themselves can be left untouched, or done very carefully so as not to provoke premature straightening.

A compromise option is to rinse the shampoo from the roots, just rinse the curls with this soapy water, without an additional portion of detergent. Use mouthwash regularly: store-bought or homemade.

How to dry

Your curls will thank you if you stop using a hair dryer at least for a while. Hot air is an additional stress for chemically dried curls. Give your curls a chance to dry naturally. Lightly blot your hair with a terry towel, but wrapping your hair in it like a turban is not recommended.

You can periodically squeeze the curls with your hands, modeling curls. If you still need a hair dryer, it is better to use a diffuser attachment in combination with a cold blow mode.

Important! Don't go to bed with damp curls. This is one of the rules on how to care for your hair after chemotherapy.

How to comb

The main advice here is the same as in the case of washing your hair: not too often. Chemically permed hair should be combed with a wide-toothed comb. It is optimal if it is made of wood. Metal and massage brushes are not suitable.

You cannot tidy up wet curls after a perm. Wait until they dry and comb with minimal pressure, starting from the ends.

What styling products can be used

Styling preparations should model curls, clearly separate curls from each other, securely fixing them for a long time. Texturizing creams, gels for wet hair styling after chemical treatment, foams and mousses for curly hair are suitable for this purpose. Among these special tools:

  • got2b mousse “Trap” from Schwarzkopf;
  • mousse “Elastic curls” from SYOSS;
  • Coil Up Curl Defining Cream Flexible from Londa;
  • TAFT Ultra gel from Schwarzkopf;
  • Always On-Line mousse from ESTEL and others.

When can you dye your hair?

Some hairdressers who choose gentle chemical curling agents assure that curls can be dyed even on the day the chemicals are applied. But the strands will certainly experience extreme stress from the two procedures. There's no need to rush.

Is it possible to dye your hair after chemical treatment? The answer to this question is affirmative, but with one condition: postpone coloring your curls for at least 3 weeks after the perm. First, the curls need to be treated a little, restored, and only then change their color.

It is better to dye your hair after chemicals with natural substances: henna, basma. They contain nutritional components that contribute to the reconstruction of hair shafts and their strengthening. Minimal harm after perm will be caused by tinted shampoos and conditioners. Dyes with hydrogen peroxide can greatly dry out already dry skin and strands. Painting products containing ammonia also require caution. They are used maximum once every 2 months and kept on the head strictly according to the instructions.

Note, It is not recommended to perm freshly colored strands. Take a break of at least 2-3 weeks between procedures, especially if you dyed your hair with henna, basma, or bleached your hair. Is it possible to apply chemicals to colored, highlighted and bleached hair, as well as the features of such styling, you will find on our website.

How to restore hair

It is a mistake to believe that only those strands that were burned during an unsuccessful chemical treatment need restoration. curls. Gentle care Curly hair is required in any case.

You need to act in two directions simultaneously:

  • minimize the harm of perm, eliminating the impact of negative factors;
  • reconstruct the damaged structure of the hair shafts. This is true regardless of whether the hair was burned with chemicals or not.

When going for a walk in the sun, be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat. Use curl products that contain UV filters. After swimming in the sea, be sure to take a shower and wash off any remaining salt water. Before going to the pool, hide your curls under a cap, because chlorine has a negative effect on curls. Use crab clips less often, and do not tie your curls with an elastic band after a perm.

Include fish in your diet or take fish oil capsules to strengthen hair follicles and restore hair after chemical treatment.

Prof. facilities

Such products are created in laboratories and undergo a series of tests. The drugs are specifically intended for damaged hair after chemistry, therefore they often contain panthenol, keratin, proteins, vitamins, and natural extracts. The products carefully reconstruct burnt, weakened curls, nourish them, moisturize them, add shine and smooth out hair scales.

To revive your curls and ensure their recovery after chemicals, in addition to special shampoos, you can use:

  1. Balm- “Intense hydration” Bc Moisture from Schwarzkopf, T-LAB Professional Hydra Mist balm for dry and frizzy hair, Paul Mitchell Smoothing relaxing balm, others.
  2. Air conditioner- moisturizer Echosline C2 Hydrating Care, “Elastic curl” from Mades Cosmetics, conditioner for curly hair from Revlon, others.
  3. Masks- strengthening Green Light Day By Day, nourishing NHP Nutri Argan, moisturizing with color protection Inebrya Ice Cream Dry-T, others.
  4. Ampoules- two-phase for the restoration of lifeless strands Kleral System Silk Senjal, a herbal complex of 7 ampoules against hair loss “Agafia’s First Aid Kit”, for the restoration and nutrition of L’Oreal Professionnel Pro Fiber Re-Charge, others.

You can also use milk, lotions, serum, and other preparations to care, reconstruct and make hair styling easier after chemotherapy. But don't overload your curls overprotectiveness, buying everything at once. When choosing a product, focus on consumer reviews. It happens that an expensive hair product after perm is less suitable than a similar one from the mass market.

Advice. It is desirable that all cosmetics be from the same series.

Use of oils

Fragrant essential oils- good natural remedy for hair care after chemotherapy. They can be added to masks or applied to the scalp and along the entire length of curls, and then wrap your head in plastic and a towel and walk for 1 hour. First, the ether should be slightly heated in a water bath, avoiding boiling. Warm oil is more effective.

The following will help revive your hair after chemicals:

  • Burr oil. Strengthens hair follicles, accelerates growth, removes fragility and split ends. Good prevention of dandruff after chemotherapy;
  • Peach oil- improves blood circulation, soothes irritated scalp, restores hair shafts;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil- helps fight split ends, which is important for damaged hair after chemical treatment. Copes with dry hair after chemical styling, dandruff;
  • almond oil- strengthens, adds shine, revitalizes weakened strands.

This is not a complete list of oils that are useful for caring for hair after perm. But before treating strands with them, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction. Apply a few drops of ether to your wrist and wait 15–20 minutes. If itching, redness, rash and other undesirable manifestations do not appear, feel free to use the drug for treatment after chemotherapy.

Many cosmetic brands offer ready-made oils to revitalize curls. But these are not pure esters, but professional products with many ingredients.

Hair restoration after a perm will be provided by moisturizing oil with passion fruit extract BioSilk Hydrating Therapy, argan oil against split ends Inebrya Ice Cream Pro Age Treatment, restoring oil based on medicinal herbs Daeng Gi Meo Ri and other similar products.


When planning to wash hair damaged by perm, be sure to prepare a rinse aid. This could be a cosmetic product from the same company that produced your shampoo, or a drug according to a folk recipe. The procedure that completes shampooing makes the curls soft and manageable, carefully cares for split ends after chemicals, and gives shine to the curls.

Ready-to-rinse products:

  • restorative with keratin from S:ENKO;
  • Philip Martin's Maple moisturizing maple;
  • restoring Beyond Damage Repair and others.

Traditional recipes:

  1. Rinsing hair with vinegar- one of the most popular products for curls after perm and more. To prepare, 1 tablespoon of essence is diluted in a liter of warm water. It is better to take apple cider vinegar, but not synthetic, but natural. Look for appropriate marks on the bottles.
  2. Lemon juice based liquid will help quickly restore damaged curls. To do this, squeeze half a medium-sized citrus fruit into a liter of water.
  3. Will help revive and make hair stronger after chemicals rinsing with nettles. 100 gr. the herbs are poured with boiling water and kept on low heat for half an hour, then filtered. It is enough to leave the finished filter bags for 20–25 minutes. Mint, burdock root, and coltsfoot go well with nettle, which also help heal hair after perm.

Advice. You can use dry and fresh herbs, but in the second case you need to first pour boiling water over it so as not to burn the skin.


Medicine based on black bread optimal for damaged hair after chemicals:

  1. Pour a glass of kefir over 2 slices and leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, fluff the bread with a fork.
  3. Add 2 yolks, then a tablespoon of honey.
  4. Stir and apply to barely damp roots, rubbing thoroughly.
  5. Massage your scalp for 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse with plain warm water or chamomile decoction without using shampoo.
  7. Repeat twice a week.
  1. You should wash your hair in non-chlorinated water. It is also not recommended to wet or wash your hair in sea water. Since the products used to make chemistry continue their effect on the strands some time after the procedure. And combining them with bleach can have a negative effect on your hair.
  2. You should not apply hot air to your hair or do your hair in the first days. It is advisable not to touch your hair for several days.

Advice! It is best to go to a professional and experienced perm to get a perm, who will subsequently tell you how to properly care for your curls after perm. And when should you start washing your hair?

Everyone knows the negative consequences after the perm procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to take good care of your hair and use not only a special shampoo, but also various balms, masks and other care products. As a rule, they are produced specifically for chemically damaged hair, and their composition includes oils and medicinal herbs.

In addition, such shampoos have a beneficial effect on the preservation of curls. Therefore, you should avoid products that contain silicone and keratin, as they will make the strands heavy, which will help straighten them.

Watch a video about how to care for your hair after a perm:

Suitable shampoos

Important! There are many more products for washing hair after chemicals. It is important to choose for yourself based on price and quality. But the choice should be approached responsibly. It should be noted that shampoo will be used economically, so you will have to wash your hair much less.

So, we figured out which shampoos to choose. The question arises: will the hair washing procedure change? Let's look at the answer next.

How to properly wash and style your hair?

Watch a video about how to properly wash your hair and dry your hair after a perm:

It is imperative to style your hair after every shampoo. To prevent further damage, you can use hair styling foam. You need to use a wide-toothed comb, and comb each strand carefully with your hand to shape it. At first it will be difficult to do your hair, but over time, styling your curls beautifully will be just like washing your hair, easily and effortlessly.

Many people believe that a perm makes a girl’s life easier. However, having considered the intricacies of care after the procedure, it should be noted that a beauty who has decided on chemistry will need to devote a lot of time to caring for her hair, returning it to a healthy and well-groomed appearance, as well as styling it. Before performing chemistry, you must carefully study all aspects of this procedure in order to preserve your hair.