Applique lesson: decorating a handkerchief. Summary of direct educational activities

Lesson notes on application in senior group"Flowers in a vase"
Program content:
Teach children to do greeting card with your own hands; cut out the piece from paper folded in half.
Reinforce cutting and gluing techniques, rules for working with scissors and glue.
Develop spatial and logical thinking, creativity and imagination when making a bouquet of flowers; work carefully with glue and scissors.
Cultivate love and respect for mother, the desire to please her.
Equipment: sample; colored paper; ready-made multi-colored parts for performing the quilling technique. PVA glue, brush, napkin, paper sheet.
1 Progress of the lesson:
Introductory: Poem by V. Shugraeva “To Mom”:
I'll plant a sprout in a pot,
I'll put it on the window.
Hurry, sprout,
Open the flower -
I really need him.
The winds rush past the window
With a snowy winter,
And it will be higher
Every day
Grow my flower.
When according to the calendar
The time of spring will come,
Eighth of March
I'll give it to you
I give my mother my flower
The first month of spring - March: brings a lot of joy to people, because the cold goes away, nature awakens, the sun shines brighter and warms the earth, the first tender grass and flowers appear.
Flowers are one of the signs of the arrival of spring, one of the traditional signs of attention, love and admiration that boys, young men and men give to their ladies - the heroines of the holiday. These are our girls, mothers, grandmothers.
Guys, do you love your mother (yes) What is your mother like (kind, attentive, loving, beautiful) What does she like to do? Guys, are you helping your mother?
For mother's attention, love for mother, more expensive than mom not in the world. Today we will prepare a surprise for you, we will make it with our own hands. Let’s call the card “Flowers in a Vase”, and on March 8th you will congratulate your beloved mothers.
2. Main. The teacher hangs the samples on the stand.
What do you guys see on the postcard (vase and flowers).
The teacher shows you how to do the work step by step. You have blanks for a postcard on the table. Take a square, fold it in half, fold it on the left and cut the sheet from the bottom side to the top right corner, creating the shape of a vase. When the vase is ready, draw the children’s attention to the fact that Not the entire vase is smeared with glue, only along the edges; you cannot rub the edges with your hands, only through a piece of paper.
The flowers in the vase will be filled with rollers made using the paper rolling technique or, as it is called, quilling. We have blanks that can be shaped various shapes, performing compressions and indentations. Show the shapes of the petals "drop" and "petal". Then the teacher creates a bouquet.
Invite the children to do the same and give their mother flowers in a vase.
Before we get started, let’s repeat the magic rules of working with scissors. Guys, who can tell me:
1. Do not hold the scissors with the ends up.
2. Do not leave scissors open.
3. When working, watch the fingers of your left hand.
4. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not fall onto the edge of the table.
5. Pass the scissors closed, with the rings towards your friend.
6. Don't cut with scissors on the go.
Working with glue. We remind the children of this, both during class and during work.
1. Do not put a lot of glue on the brush.
2. After spreading, place the brush on the stand.
3. Spread the shapes only on oilcloths; when gluing, press the shape with a napkin, not your palm.
Independent activity: Monitor the work of children, provide additional demonstrations, help them complete the task correctly, encourage achievements, and enhance the independence of each child.
Dynamic pause:
All spring flowers
The petals are blooming
The breeze breathes a little
The petals are swaying
All spring flowers
Petals close
Shake your head
They fall asleep quietly.
Offer to collect all the applications and place them on the stand.
3. Today you and I did a lot of work and gave mom a gift.
Guys, which job turned out to be the best? Why?
Do you think your mother will like your work?
Well done guys, you did a very good job

Attached files

Summary of GCD for the application “Let's decorate a cup for the holiday.”

The material will be useful to educators preschool institutions, parents.
Developing the ability to create a pattern to decorate a cup using (ready-made) circles.
Continue to develop aesthetic perception, artistic and creative abilities.
Consolidate knowledge about colors: red, yellow.
Develop fine motor skills hands
1) White cup silhouette
2) Circles of red and yellow paper
3) Glue, brushes, napkins
4)Trays for each child
5) Cups with different patterns
6) Toys: dog, cat, rooster

1.Game moment.
Educator: Guests came to our lesson. Meet them: the dog Sharik, the cat Barsik, the rooster Klepa. And when guests arrive, they are greeted warmly and treated to tea.
- You know, today I wanted to buy beautiful tea cups at the store, but they turned out to be all white - like this! (The teacher shows cups without a pattern). Look what they are? What they have?
Children's answers
Educator: But look at what other cups there are! (There are cups with different designs on the table)
Children's answers
Educator: Let us decorate the cups for our guests. Look what you have on your trays?
Children: Circles.
Educator: What are they?
Children: Red and yellow.
Educator:Let's put a beautiful pattern on the cup. Which one would you like?

Educator: Well done! Now let's glue the pattern onto the cup. How will you stick the circles?
Children: Turn over and spread with glue. Apply with a napkin.
2. Physical education minute.

This finger is grandpa!
This finger is grandma!
This finger is daddy!
This finger is mommy!
Well, this finger is me!
That's my whole family!

Educator: What beautiful cups you made.
You like?
What about you, our guests?

What did we do?
You all worked diligently and did a good job. Well done!


Practical part of the lesson with photos

1. Educator: You know, today I wanted to buy beautiful tea cups at the store, but they turned out to be all white - like this! (The teacher shows cups without a pattern). Look what they are? What they have?
Children's answers
Educator: But look what other cups there are! (There are cups with different designs on the table)
Children's answers(beautiful, with flowers, stripes, circles)

Educator: Let us decorate the cups for our guests.

Look what you have on your trays?
Children: Circles.
Educator: What are they?
Children: Red and yellow.

Educator: Let's put a beautiful pattern on the cup. Which one would you like?
Children make patterns from circles.
Educator: Well done! Now let's glue the pattern onto the cup. How will you stick the circles?
Children: Turn over and spread with glue. Apply with a napkin.

2. Physical education minute.
Tell me, guys, who do you most often drink tea with at home?
With mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, etc.
Let us tell you on our fingers.
This finger is grandpa!
This finger is grandma!
This finger is daddy!
This finger is mommy!
Well, this finger is me!
That's my whole family!
3. Independent work of children.
In the process of work, I help those who find it difficult.
As I complete it, I gradually post the work.
Educator: What beautiful cups you made.
You like?
What about you, our guests?
I think after class they will be happy to drink tea from your cups.
What activity did we have now?
What did we do?
You all worked diligently and did a good job. Well done!

"Decoration of a handkerchief", applique, middle group.


Development constructive abilities children.


Improve knowledge of round, square and triangular shapes.

Exercise children in identifying the corners, sides of a square and a circle.

Learn to transform shapes by cutting a square into triangles, a circle into semicircles.

Teach children to use scissors carefully.

Materials for the lesson: ready-made circles, squares, glue, tassels, oilcloths, napkins, work samples, carrots.
Preliminary work: Examination of decorative items with simple patterns.
Vocabulary work: activation of adjectives - neat, wonderful, beautiful, white, elegant.
Problematic question: How to help a bunny make fancy scarves?

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: - Guys, today I came to the group, and there was a bunny sitting on a chair. And he told me that his bunnie friends invited him to his birthday. He decided to give them these handkerchiefs.
- Are the scarves fancy? (no, not elegant) What needs to be done to make them bright, elegant, and festive? (decorate them).
- Do you hear, bunny, handkerchiefs need to be decorated with different patterns, then they will immediately become elegant and festive. Guys, how can you help the bunny make fancy scarves? (help decorate).
- Please go to the tables (children sit at the tables).
- What shape is this figure? (square). What is it called? (square) And this one? (circle).
- How do they differ from each other? (a square has corners, but a circle does not; the circle rolls, but the square does not).
- Indeed, a square has corners and has four sides, but a circle has no corners and only one side (hand examination).
- Guys, look carefully at how you can cut a square to make two triangles. You need to cut the square diagonally from corner to corner. And the circle can be cut in half (in diameter) to get two semicircles.
- Who will come to the board and show us how to cut a square?
- Who will show you how to cut a circle? (children show)
- Guys, I have decorated scarves, look how different they are. This handkerchief has a circle in the middle, and triangles in the corners, and this handkerchief has a square in the middle, and half circles in the corners.
- Before we start cutting out and decorating scarves, let's train our fingers. FINGER GYMNASTICS.
Visiting the big toe
They came straight to the house
Index and middle
Nameless and last
The little finger itself
Knocked on the doorstep
Fingers together friends
You can't live without each other.
- Now, using scissors, we will cut the circles in half, and the squares from corner to corner - diagonally. Don't forget to take the scissors correctly and make a slight movement in the air several times: open, close the blade (children cut). Let's try!
- Decorate your handkerchief with triangles, squares, circles and half circles, but do not glue them, otherwise you suddenly want to change something in it. (The teacher approaches the children and examines the patterns).
- Now take the tassels, put a little glue on them and glue the cut out shapes to the handkerchiefs to make a pattern. Glue carefully, carefully, so that the work turns out beautiful and elegant (children glue).
- Look how we worked together, what wonderful work you did. Let's look at them together? Which interesting job Arina did it. Everything is glued very neatly. Just a wonderful scarf. (consider all works).
- Bunny, I would like to thank you for your help in decorating the scarves. Now he will happily go to the bunnies’ birthday party. What kind of scarves did you make? (elegant, beautiful, wonderful).
- What was difficult for you to do in class today? And you? And you?
- Guys, it’s time for the bunny to leave, he really liked our visit and he gives you a carrot.

Lesson notes on application. Topic: “Decorating a handkerchief.” Type: on the topic - according to plan. Type: decorative. Goal: Development of children's constructive abilities. Tasks: Improve knowledge of round, square and triangular shapes. Exercise children in identifying the corners, sides of a square and a circle. Learn to transform shapes by cutting a square into triangles, a circle into semicircles. Teach children to use scissors carefully. Develop the ability to correlate your actions with the actions of an adult. Materials for the lesson: Ready-made circles, squares, glue, tassels, oilcloths, napkins, work samples, carrots. Preliminary work: Examination of decorative items with a simple pattern. Vocabulary work: activation of adjectives - neat, wonderful, beautiful, white, elegant. Problematic question: How to help the bunny make elegant scarves? Progress of the lesson: Educator: - Guys, today I came to the group, and there was a bunny sitting on a chair. And he told me that his bunnie friends invited him to his birthday. He decided to give them these handkerchiefs. - Are the scarves fancy? (no, not elegant) What needs to be done to make them bright, elegant, and festive? (decorate them). - Do you hear, bunny, handkerchiefs need to be decorated with different patterns, then they will immediately become elegant and festive. Guys, how can you help the bunny make fancy scarves? (help decorate). - Please go to the tables (children sit at the tables). - What shape is this figure? (square). What is it called? (square) And this one? (circle). - How do they differ from each other? (a square has corners, but a circle does not; the circle rolls, but the square does not). - Indeed, a square has corners and has four sides, but a circle has no corners and only one side (hand examination). - Guys, look carefully at how you can cut a square to make two triangles. You need to cut the square diagonally from corner to corner. And the circle can be cut in half (in diameter) to get two semicircles. - Who will come to the board and show us how to cut a square? - Who will show you how to cut a circle? (children show) - Guys, I have decorated scarves, look how different they are. This handkerchief has a circle in the middle, and triangles in the corners, and this handkerchief has a square in the middle, and half circles in the corners. - Before we start cutting out and decorating scarves, let's train our fingers. FINGER GYMNASTICS. Visiting the big toe They came straight to the house Index and middle Nameless and last The little finger itself Knocked on the doorstep Fingers together friends You can't live without each other. - Now, using scissors, we will cut the circles in half, and the squares from corner to corner - diagonally. Don't forget to take the scissors correctly and make a slight movement in the air several times: open, close the blade (children cut). Let's try! - Decorate your handkerchief with triangles, squares, circles and half circles, but do not glue them, otherwise you suddenly want to change something in it. (The teacher approaches the children and examines the patterns). - Now take the tassels, put a little glue on them and glue the cut out shapes to the handkerchiefs to make a pattern. Glue carefully, carefully, so that the work turns out beautiful and elegant (children glue). - Look how we worked together, what wonderful work you did. Let's look at them together? What an interesting job Arina did. Everything is glued very neatly. Just a wonderful scarf. (consider all works). - Bunny, I would like to thank you for your help in decorating the scarves. Now he will happily go to the bunnies’ birthday party. What kind of scarves did you make? (elegant, beautiful, wonderful). - What was difficult for you to do in class today? And you? And you? - Guys, it’s time for the bunny to leave, he really liked our visit and he gives you a carrot.