Teacher's Day interesting information. From the history of the holiday Teacher's Day

We all know for sure that teaching is light, but we rarely think about the role of other people who meet on our path to knowledge. Someone devotes themselves every day to making us and our children a little smarter, more mature and more educated.

Teachers take a much greater part than we used to think in the daily education of society, in instilling in it the right values ​​and culture. As a result, a teacher very rarely remains just a teacher: he becomes a mentor, assistant and guide to the adult and serious world. That is why Teacher's Day is one of the most important professional holidays, imbued with special emotions and atmosphere.


The teaching work of a teacher in Russia has always been revered and respected. Education did not immediately become accessible to everyone, and people who studied specifically in order to be able to teach others had a special status in the eyes of others. This is especially true in rural areas and provinces, where even very young teachers aroused respect mixed with admiration from others.

In Soviet times, teachers, in addition to education, were entrusted with the responsibility of raising a new, responsible generation of true patriots. The school was officially assigned a leading role in the lives of children and their comprehensive education.

Recognizing the importance and complexity of teaching work, on September 29, 1965, the government issued an order “On Holidays,” according to which on Teacher’s Day, the date of which was considered the first Sunday in October, all students were required to wear a holiday uniform - white shirts and aprons. So the holiday in Russia became official, and teachers of all union republics began to receive congratulations not only from students and colleagues, but also from the state. Since then, concerts and mass celebrations have been an integral part of the holiday traditions of this day.

However, it was not only in Russia that such great importance was attached to teachers. On October 5, 1966, at a Special Intergovernmental Conference held in Paris, the problem of the status of a teacher as a professional, his rights and privileges was discussed. The result of the negotiations was a document called “Recommendations on the Status of Teachers,” which soon acquired international significance. The proposals put forward were supported by the Soviet authorities.

In addition, this holiday already existed in Russia, and its date was close to the European one - the beginning of October. Therefore, our country, without unnecessary difficulties, joined the others and supported the initiative.

In 1994, Teacher's Day, by decision of UNESCO, became global. Russia, despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, did not exclude the holiday from the category of state ones; on the contrary: an official decree was issued fixing the date of the celebration - October 5, as in other European countries.

A year later, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, it was introduced title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, enjoying special honor. The “title” began to be given to teachers who had worked with children for more than 15 years, thereby making an undeniable contribution to Russian culture.

Holiday traditions of Teacher's Day

October 5, Since 1965, is a joyful and happy day in every Russian school. For 50 years, teachers and educators throughout the country have been receiving congratulations and holiday bouquets from students and relatives.

The traditions of the celebration originated in the Soviet Union, when children dressed in full dress uniform wrote congratulations to their teachers on the board and presented them with small gifts. This custom has not changed to this day. Today, every school organizes festive events. As a rule, students themselves decide how to congratulate teachers: someone records a video, someone organizes a concert, or even arranges KVN competitions between teams of teachers and students. And everyone is sure to decorate the school and classrooms for this holiday.

Teachers also receive official congratulations from the government. On Teacher's Day, ceremonial meetings and awards are held, and holiday festivities are held in every Russian city. Also, the summing up of the results of the national competition is usually timed to coincide with this date.

Holiday celebrations are held not only by residents of Russia, but also by more than 100 other countries around the world. In Azerbaijan, Armenia and Estonia it is also celebrated on October 5; Belarus, Kazakhstan and some other countries still consider the first Sunday of October a holiday, and in some countries (for example, Argentina, Turkey, etc.) the date of the holiday differs from what we are used to.

This is the path that Teacher’s Day, now known to everyone, took before becoming so beloved. We believe that every teacher in the world deserves to be told at least once a year how necessary and important his work is. After all, working with people is by no means easy, and especially with children.

Think about how to congratulate your favorite teacher, because he deserves it.

Do you remember your first teacher? First lessons? First grades? How many necessary things did this person teach you, and not only read and write, but also share textbooks, pens with classmates, be able to express your thoughts, make friends...

Surely, every person in his life had teachers who played a huge role in his destiny, perhaps helped him decide on his future profession, or suddenly unexpectedly revealed hitherto dormant talents and abilities...

We all remain grateful to them for this and after graduation we remember our mentors with warmth, but, immersed in everyday affairs and worries, we hardly find time to visit them. So let's do this at least on Teacher's Day.

history of the holiday

Every year on October 5, more than 100 countries celebrate Teachers' Day, which was established in 1994 as World Teachers' Day. This is a professional holiday of all teachers, teachers and education workers - a day on which the role and merits of teachers in process of quality education at all levels, as well as their invaluable contribution to the development of society.

The historical prerequisite for the establishment of Teacher's Day was the Special Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers held on October 5, 1966 in Paris. As a result, representatives of UNESCO and the International Labor Organization signed the document “Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers”.

On October 5, 1994, World Teachers' Day was celebrated for the first time. and since then, holiday events have invariably taken place on October 5, although in some countries this holiday is celebrated on days close to October 5. The main thing is that the celebrations do not coincide with autumn holidays in the northern hemisphere and spring holidays in the southern hemisphere.

Since 1994, Russia has been celebrating Teacher's Day according to the world calendar - October 5. Previously, this professional holiday fell on the first Sunday in October.

The day before, a festive atmosphere reigns in schools, children come dressed up, with flowers, congratulate their teachers, organize school concerts, and draw wall newspapers.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

* * *
You are a Teacher with a very big letter,
With a young and beautiful soul!
How many long years, how many winters
You give your soul to the young! And therefore the soul for many years
Stays young - that's the secret
Of your life. Let her continue
You will be full of happiness and health!

* * *
You were our guide
When we are together with the primer,
“The basics” and “the beeches” were comprehended.
Now, even though we have become adults,
We have childish feelings for you
And we especially congratulate you!

* * *
Teacher, how much patience
You hide in your soul,
Worries, thoughts and doubts -
You've already experienced everything. What kind of love should it be?
To dedicate it to children!
Everyone has their own character,
And everyone needs to understand. After all, children need to be given
A particle from your heart,
I wish them well every day,
Think about them and pray about them. They need to be given knowledge,
And teach what to strive for,
When it’s difficult for them, support them,
Don’t let you suffer, don’t let you be lazy. So that you, we want, don’t be sad,
The offense didn’t settle like a stone,
And all the good that you have invested,
By giving back to you.

* * *
Congratulations on Teacher's Day!
We wish you health and much strength.
Don’t be known as a “tormentor” among children,
So that each of them is good. More from your school
Children stepped into the world of science.
Tell them according to the registry or something
More knowledge, golden hands. They will carry you through life like a banner,
Knowledge gained at school,
They will use them skillfully in business,
You can be proud of them. Live long, spare no effort,
So that every student takes away from school
A start to life and the best memory of you,
About how the class became native to them...Not all of them were mediocre,
But they are all grateful to you,
For your hard work, for your patience,
He is worthy of kneeling.

Even those who graduated from school a long time ago come back to their favorite teachers with flowers and words of gratitude. Don’t forget about Teacher’s Day, because it won’t require much effort, and the teacher will be very pleased, because it is important for every person to know that his work brings good results.

The profession of a teacher is very difficult, especially in our time, when salaries in the field of education are low, and discipline in schools is not at all what it was in Soviet times. Children have become more free, both in thinking and in behavior, and the teacher often has to make a lot of effort to gain the respect of his students.

Working as a teacher cannot be fit into a schedule from 9 to 6 - there are notebooks that need to be checked, preparation for lessons, teaching plans, extracurricular activities and problems of different students that simply cannot be gotten out of your head. And all this is often to the detriment of one’s personal time and family.

A teacher is not a profession, but a calling, without a soul there is no way. A good teacher will not just read the material and give grades, but will try to arouse interest in his subject, figure out if something is not working out for the student, understand what is wrong, and not immediately give a “2”.

After all, it often happens that a child does not understand a subject and gets a bad grade in it, not because of a lack of ability, but simply because of a lack of interest in it, and therefore any desire to understand it. A wise teacher, capable of teaching his subject in an interesting and engaging way and even instilling a love for it, can awaken dormant talents in a child and thus help him find his path in life. The mission of a teacher is a huge responsibility, because in addition to the basics of scientific knowledge, the teacher participates in the complex process of socialization and shaping the worldview of future generations.

If you have had similar teachers in your life, Teacher’s Day is an excellent opportunity to express your gratitude to them, do not put it off “for later”, because then you may never get it together. I sincerely wish that your children will meet only Teachers with a capital T!

The teachers were different
In human society,
But our land rested on them,
Our discoveries...They did not expect from us
Indispensable fame
But they preferred the known reserve
Decency and honesty. When you comprehend what is in your personal destiny
Not all theorems will be proven
Old teachers for you
They seem like family! Invisibly supporting you with your shoulder
Chicks of your tribe.
I would like to talk to them - and there is something to talk about -
Yes, somehow there is no time.

Essay on the topic “Teacher’s Day”

“All professions are needed, all professions are important”... Everyone’s work must be appreciated. Teaching is one of the most challenging professions in the world because being a teacher is more than just being able to do something. A teacher is a person’s state, his desire and readiness to help others discover their abilities, talents, and find a way into life.

Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday when we can express our gratitude to our teachers for their difficult and noble work, for their attention and patience, for their desire to see us, their students, successful and happy. A teacher is an important person in everyone's life. When we come to school, it is the teacher who becomes our support in the new world of knowledge. It opens up a lot of new and interesting things for us, teaches us necessary and useful skills, and helps us navigate life.

On Teacher's Day, all schools have a special festive atmosphere. Everyone is elegant, with bouquets of flowers and cards. On this day, many warm and sincere words are addressed to teachers, which they, of course, deserve to hear every day. On this day, we try to please them not only with our diligence in their studies, but also come up with all sorts of congratulations, skits, and concerts. In the assembly hall of our school there are always big holiday concerts, where all the teachers come.

I am very glad that on Teacher’s Day we can please our teachers and thank them for all the good things they do for us. You are the heart of our school life!

Essay on Teacher's Day

Teaching is a difficult and noble profession. Teachers are those people who help us learn about the world day after day. They reveal to us the secrets of numbers, introduce us to the masterpieces of world culture, explain the laws of nature, and in addition teach us to be friendly, polite, diligent and to develop our abilities and talents. It takes a lot of strength, patience and love to cope with a whole class of not entirely obedient children, to make your lesson interesting and understandable to everyone.

Every day at school is impossible without a teacher, even if only one of them is considered his professional holiday. On Teacher's Day, schoolchildren go to school with bouquets of flowers, and teachers come especially dressed, beautiful, and smiling. On such a day, it is a shame to come with unlearned lessons, despite the festive atmosphere. We usually congratulate our teachers with the whole class and prepare some kind of holiday program. We try to show how much we appreciate what they do for us.

They say that for a teacher, a real holiday is to see the success of his students, to realize that his efforts and efforts will help us

How to tell children about Teacher's Day and its history? Why is Teacher's Day celebrated on October 5? We will give you answers to these questions.

October 5 - Teacher's Day

History of the holiday Teacher's Day

On October 5, 1966, a Special Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers was held in Paris. As a result, representatives of UNESCO and the International Labor Organization signed the document “Recommendations concerning the status of teachers

Since 1994, Russia has been celebrating Teacher's Day according to the world calendar - October 5. Previously, this professional holiday fell on the first Sunday in October.

On the first Sunday in October, Teachers' Day is still celebrated in countries that were formerly part of the USSR: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Ukraine.

Today, October 5, World Teachers' Day, is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world. On this day, the merits of teachers and all educational workers in the process of quality education and their invaluable contribution to the development of society are celebrated.

In 2002, Canada Post issued a commemorative stamp in honor of World Teachers' Day.

Why is this holiday so loved and honored all over the world? Because every person living on earth has or had teachers. The teacher was a builder and the president of the country, a cook and a mathematician, a dressmaker and an astronaut. The work of a teacher is not only a responsible, but very rewarding job, it is also a real art. Every person, famous and not so famous, begins his journey into a big life with the first lesson, in which the first teacher tells him what awaits him in the future.

A real teacher- This is not only a person who teaches children science, he himself is an example to follow in every sense - moral and spiritual. Raising a worthy young generation is a mission, this is the goal of every teacher’s life. A real teacher is not just a person who gives knowledge, but a person who completely devotes himself to children. It is impossible to become a teacher; one must be born. Only as we grow up do we understand that some teachers remain in our memory and in our lives forever, while others are forgotten and erased from memory. Moreover, as a rule, those who are remembered are the most demanding, the strictest.

Only as we grow up do we understand how much work, effort, and knowledge our teachers put into us so that we could become worthy people in the future. In our time of computer technology, parents often try to shift the lion's share of education onto the shoulders of computers. But no computer can replace the personality of a teacher. As long as children exist, a person is needed - a teacher - a mentor who will explain and suggest how to get out of a difficult situation. The calling of a real teacher is not only to give a person an education, but also to preserve the main thing in him - humanity, to convey to his student the best ideas of humanity, so that the students he teaches become thinking, independent, creative, spiritually rich individuals. Everything that teachers do deserves the most sincere recognition and gratitude.

In your beautiful and kindest professional teacher's holiday accept congratulations from current and former students. This day is permeated with a good mood, a festive atmosphere, flowers and gifts are everywhere, which are given to teachers. There is a long-standing tradition in Russian schools - on Teacher's Day, to organize a day of self-government, when lessons are taught not by teachers, but by high school students.

If you already go to school, prepare on this day DIY gift for your teacher, even if it is a small souvenir, it will be given from the heart. One day I was visiting my old teacher many years after graduating from school. All the walls in her house are covered with photographs of students, and the bookshelves are simply bursting with people made from pine cones, acorns, rag dolls, homemade cards and other crafts made by students. She can tell about each one and remembers who gave it to her. She has been carefully storing them for decades.

Craft for Teacher's Day “Memories of Summer”

For the craft you will need: two empty walnut shells, an A4 sheet of green cardboard, yellow, white and red paper, glue, red and black nail polish, a felt-tip pen.

On the top of the green cardboard, write with a felt-tip pen: “Happy Teacher’s Day, dear (teacher’s name)!” Cut out flowers (daisies) from yellow, red and white paper and paste them onto cardboard. Flowers should occupy the entire field of the postcard. Trace something with a round cross-section on multi-colored paper, such as a plastic bottle cap, and glue the “center” onto the flowers. Now we make ladybugs. Cover the top of the walnut shells with red varnish and let dry. Use black varnish to paint the faces and dots on the back. Gently spread glue around the perimeter of the bottom of the shell and plant (glue) the insects on the flower petals. The postcard is ready!

Co. Teacher's Day You can prepare a wall newspaper in which you can use photographs of the teacher and classmates. Write funny captions for photos and be sure to come up with a good and kind congratulation. Postcards drawn by the students themselves will be a great surprise for the teacher. You can decorate the classroom with balloons and autumn leaves.

Teacher's Day is a celebration of recognition of beloved educators, teachers, educators. It appeared not so long ago, but the tradition of celebrating it continues. The history of the holiday, its traditions and options for congratulations, as well as gift ideas for beloved teachers will be discussed in this article.

history of the holiday

In 1966, an Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers was held in Paris. It was this event that became the historical prerequisite for the establishment of a new teacher's day holiday. This holiday was first celebrated on October 5, 1994, and since then this tradition has not been interrupted.

Teacher's Day in the USSR

In the Soviet Union, Teacher's Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October, starting in 1965. An interesting fact is that former republics of the USSR, such as Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus and so on, continue to celebrate this holiday on the first Sunday of October to this day.

Teacher's Day in Russia

In Russia, Teacher's Day is celebrated on October 5th. The main culprit of this event is the teacher. These include kindergarten teachers, primary and secondary school teachers, university teachers and all those people who, throughout almost their entire lives, pass on their knowledge and skills to the new generation along with a piece of their soul. This holiday is an excellent occasion for adults to return to school or university and congratulate their former teachers and say kind words to them. For children and their parents to express their gratitude.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day at school

The best congratulations on Teacher's Day are warm words of gratitude. But you can congratulate in other original ways. Students can draw a festive newspaper for Teacher's Day or organize a school concert at which they can recite poems and sing songs dedicated to this holiday. After all, it is on this day and at such moments that the teacher understands the importance and necessity of his profession. On this day it is customary to give flowers and gifts.

As you know, the best gift is a gift made with your own hands, and therefore we suggest watching a video on the topic of creating a gift for Teacher's Day with your own hands.

Gift ideas for Teacher's Day

Of course, students and parents want to congratulate their favorite teachers and give a gift, but what to give a teacher on Teacher's Day? We offer several gift ideas for inspiration.


Chocolate candies


Desk set


Sweet gift ideas for Teacher's Day

There is also a tradition according to which lessons on this day are taught by high school students, and at this time teachers throw a party where they drink tea and communicate with each other.