Preschool education in modern Russia: problems and development prospects. Current problems of preschool education Problems in the field of preschool education

Completed by a 1st year master's student

correspondence courses

areas of training

44.04.01 “Pedagogical education”

training profile "Management

preschool education"

groups 17.1-629

Shpurova G.D.

senior teacher of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 107"

combined type" Moskovsky district of Kazan


Preschool education, like education in general, is a constantly changing and transforming process. In each time period there are a number of problems and priorities. In kindergarten, work is carried out with preschoolers, which is an important stage in a child’s life. During this period, the basic characteristics of the individual are laid down and the quality of his further physical and mental development. Lack of proper development entails a number of problems at school age. However, currently there are a number of problems in the preschool educational system.

One of the problems is the number of groups. In municipal preschool institutions, groups are usually overcrowded and exceed the number of children. It follows that kindergarten teachers devote less time to each child than they should. main feature child development in an institution, this is socialization, that is, interaction with peers, comparison of oneself with others, the possibility of adequate solutions to various situations. A child can learn this only through interaction with peers. The kindergarten acts as an organization that prevents “pedagogical neglect of the child,” because children come from different social families. A “pedagogically neglected child” actually has little chance of getting a good school education.

The next problem is teaching staff. The figure of the teacher is central to variable and diverse education. But in order to realize his right to academic freedom, he must have the appropriate competencies and must understand exactly how to build the educational process in conditions of variability. A teacher needs to know not only educational methods, but also understand various fields of medicine, defectology, oligophrenopedagogy, deaf pedagogy, and typhlopedagogy. Also actively participate in the life of the kindergarten and city events, despite the fact that the teachers work three people per two groups. Because of this, teaching burnout and stressful situations can occur, which negatively affect the health of the teacher. And the salary level preschool workers does not in any way correspond to the highest responsibility for the fate of the child. Many teachers are not ready for innovative methods; they work using the methods of past years, which is unacceptable for modern children. During innovative education there is a fusion of cross-subject content, which makes it possible to create new forms of integrated pedagogical process. Taking into account the individual characteristics of children, preschool education must be built through partnership between a child and an adult. According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, a teacher implementing the Program must have developed basic competencies to create a situation for the development of preschool children in accordance with age characteristics. These competencies enable the child to feel emotional well-being, support for individuality, initiative, interaction in different situations, and involvement in the educational process. A major role in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is played by the subject-spatial environment, which should be transformable, publicly accessible, multifunctional, variable, and content-rich. In this aspect, age characteristics, the child’s satisfaction in sensory development, taking into account psycho-physiological characteristics, satisfying the needs of immediate development. A child should feel comfortable in a kindergarten group. There is a problem of lack of an appropriate educational environment that meets the standards. The state does not allocate adequate funding for this aspect. Teachers are not always able to correctly fill out the documents when parents donate toys to the kindergarten free of charge to the group where their child is. The acquisition of didactic and educational materials by teachers is also poorly financed. methodological literature which is necessary for working with children. Therefore, specialists must purchase at their own expense, and their cost is not low.

One of the most alarming trends of the 21st century has been the steadily increasing number of children with health problems, including children with disabilities. The problems of education of these children in our country are very relevant. Currently, the leading direction in the training and education of children with disabilities is inclusive education. The inclusive education model involves creating a barrier-free learning environment for children with special needs, adapting the educational environment to their needs and providing the necessary support in the process of joint learning with healthy peers.

Inclusion (from inclusion) is the process of real inclusion of people with disabilities in active public life. Inclusion involves the development and application of specific solutions that will allow every person to participate equally in public life.

According to SanPin, children should be in the fresh air every day. In kindergarten, walks are made in designated areas that need to be landscaped and put in order, and at this point funding is also needed.

One of the main tasks of the state in the field preschool education– ensuring its general availability – still remains unresolved in full. There are many reasons that give rise to this situation: a shortage of available places in preschool institutions, the desire of parents to raise a child at home, the parents’ inability to pay for kindergarten, the presence of dysfunctional families and educationally neglected children, the presence of children with poor health, with chronic diseases that are contraindicated preschool mode. As a result, children come to school with different levels of development of personality traits necessary for successful adaptation to school. Therefore, children's institutions with short-term stays, partial stays in kindergartens and groups are needed.

Today there are a large number of single-parent families, and sometimes a parent has no time to take care of his child. The child is left to his own devices. The parent does not have the time and energy to play with the child, and it is play in the preschool level that plays a key role. After all, it is in play that a child learns rules of behavior, social roles, methods, develops his communicative side, shows creativity, initiative, and develops. different kinds activities. Some parents do not want to cooperate with educational institutions, and teachers cannot always find the right words to convey information. Without cooperation, the full development of a child is impossible.

One of the tasks of general secondary education in Russia is the development of a network of educational institutions for children with disabilities and those in need of psychological and pedagogical correction. The trend of increasing the number of disabled children in our country, the insufficiency of existing forms of education and upbringing that meet the needs and abilities of children in this category, numerous problems of their adaptation and social integration into society (as a consequence of defective secondary socialization) allow us to conclude that social and educational policies are imperfect in relation to children with developmental disorders. Until now, the dominant educational policy of the Russian state has been the traditional education of disabled children in specialized educational institutions. In developed Western countries, a course has been taken towards inclusive education of children with disabilities in a mainstream school together with their healthy peers, which gives top scores in preparing children for later life and their inclusion in society.

The development of inclusive education in Russia is the call of the times and a duty social state, which, as a member of the UN, has undertaken a number of obligations in relation to children with disabilities. The success of implementing these obligations depends not only on the state, but also on the position of society towards persons with disabilities in general and towards the education of these disabled children in particular. The idea of ​​joint education and upbringing of disabled and healthy children meets with objections citing the lack of conditions for their implementation: material, organizational, financial, mentality of the population and teaching staff.

The next problem is the lack of coordination between preschool education and school. School teachers do not accept the play form of learning, which prevails among first-grade children. This entails a stressful situation for the first-grader, concomitant diseases, imbalance in learning, and, as a rule, reluctance to attend school.

Thus, we can conclude that at the moment the main task of the development of the preschool education system is to create a child’s stay preschool age in a system that optimally meets his interests, the interests of the family, in the relationship between the child-family-teacher.


    Grebeshova S.V. Current problems of modern preschool education // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 13.3. - pp. 29-30.

    Lashkov L.L. Problems and prospects for the development of the preschool education system//Concept-2013-Special issue No. 6.-ART13556/-0.4p.l-URL: htt://e-concept. ru/2013/13556. htm.-State reg.ElNo.FS7749965.-ISSNo. 2304-120X.

    Marina Lemutkina Newspaper headline: Take a break from childhood. Published in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" No. 26958 dated November 9, 2015 Tags: School, Children, Society, Power Places: Russia, Moscow

    PROBLEMS AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF MODERN PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION E. S. Popova Preschool Children's Education Center "Azino", Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

As a result of the analysis of articles from the journal “Preschool Education”, a reference diagram is drawn up that reflects main directions humanization of pedagogical work in preschool educational institutions:

    changes in forms of communication with children (transition from authoritarian forms of interaction to person-oriented communication);

    rejection of excessive ideologization of educational work in preschool educational institutions, changing the forms and organization of training sessions, reducing their number;

    saturating children's lives with classical and modern music, works of fine art, using the best examples of children's literature;

    changing the organization of the subject environment and living space in the group room in order to ensure free independent activity and creativity of children.

3. Comparative analysis of educational programs.

When completing this task, students prepare a presentation of one of the educational programs. The message should include:

    theoretical foundations (conceptual provisions) of the program being studied. Development objectives, education and training of preschool children;

    principles of program construction;

    structure of the program, characteristics of its main components.

    methodological support of the program, its characteristics;

    distinctive features of the program being studied;

    subjective assessment of the merits and controversial positions of the program.

Complex and partial programs used in the practice of preschool educational institutions are analyzed.

4. Essay on the topic “The problem of personnel training and ways to solve them.” List of additional literature

    Concept preschool education// Preschool education. - 1989. - No. 5.

    Model regulations on preschool educational institutions / Preschool education in Russia. - M., 1997. - P. 148-155.

    Sample charter of a preschool educational institution / Preschool education in Russia. - M., 1997. - P. 156-168.

    Model agreement between preschool educational institution and parents / Preschool education in Russia. - M., 1997. - P. 168-172.

    Mikhailenko, N. Preschool education: guidelines and requirements for updating the content / N. Mikhailenko, N. Korotkova // Preschool education. - 1992. - No. 5-6.

    Mikhailenko, N. Model of organizing the educational process in senior groups of kindergarten / N. Mikhailenko // Preschool education. - 1995. - No. 9.

    Andreeva, V. Problems of updating the preschool education system at the present stage / V. Andreeva, R. Sterkina // Preschool education. -1991. - No. 11.

    Modern educational programs for preschool institutions / ed. T. I. Erofeva. - M., 1999.

Topic: “The role of the family in the socialization of the child”


1. Types of families and the child’s comfort in them

Subjective assessment of a child’s comfort in different types of families. Determination of the main components of comfort:

    respect for the child’s personality;

    accounting of individual and age characteristics child;

    full communication with adults.

    organization of the subject-spatial environment of a child’s life;

2. Functions of a modern family

Based on literature and one’s own experience, it is necessary to identify the problems of the modern family and show the interconnection of the functions it performs.

3. Discussion “Problems of orphanages, abandoned children, children from disadvantaged families and ways to solve them”

When preparing a debate, students need to study the literature on the problem, prepare short reports on various issues of the socio-demographic situation in the Russian Federation. The debate is held in the form of a “round table”, where each participant speaks on the topic and suggests ways to solve a particular problem.

4. Factors that determine the nature and duration of children’s adaptation to new conditions . Prepare abstracts of a report for parents of children entering preschool educational institutions:

    organization of the child’s life in the family during the period of his adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution;

    unity of requirements for the child from teachers and parents, etc.

Listening and discussing reports that help parents facilitate the process of adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution. The reports are prepared as material for the “Parents’ Corner”.


Relevance. Modern scientific research increasingly notes a tendency to increase the duration of childhood. This phenomenon is explained by the need for childhood to prepare a person for entering complex social life - gaining experience, mastering social emotions, ideas, different types activities.

The child is socialized in the process of various activities, mastering an extensive fund of cultural information, skills and abilities, developing integrative qualities; in the process of communicating with people of different ages; within various social groups, expanding the system of social connections and relationships, assimilating social symbols, attitudes, values; in the process of performing various social tasks, learning behavioral patterns. That is why, as N.F. notes. Golovanov, to master social experience means not just to assimilate the sum of information, knowledge, skills, but to master the method of activity and communication, the result of which it is.

The main integrative component of the mechanism for the formation of social experience is activity. Moreover, the accumulation of social experience is possible only in those types of activities that correspond to certain pedagogical conditions:

1) reproduce life situations, rely on childhood impressions of everyday life;

2) arouse the child’s personal interest and his understanding of the social significance of the results of his activities;

3) offer the child active action related to planning and discussion various options participation, with responsibility, self-control and evaluation;

4) assume mutual assistance, create a need for cooperation.

It is this aspect that is decisive in identifying the degree of relevance of the topic being studied - the topic is “alive” and is actively developing.

Activities that meet these conditions should become a system-forming factor of integration educational process at the preschool educational institution.

Goal of the work: the role of integrative qualities in the development of a preschooler and how didactic games influence their formation.

Objectives of the work are:

· consider the preschool education system as a whole;

· study the problems of preschool education at the present stage;

· consider new requirements for the process of preschool education;

· identify the role didactic game in the process of development of integrative qualities of preschool children.

Work structure corresponds to the objectives and consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.


Problems of preschool education at the present stage

The changes that have occurred in the field of preschool education over the past 15-20 years have become extensive and largely irreversible. It can be stated that all this has not yet led to the structuring of the preschool education system, to its reasonable reorganization into new system preschool education.

Changing the status of preschool education is a global trend. Russia has the advantage here that preschool institutions, with the exception of institutions for children from 2 months to 3 years, have been under the jurisdiction of educational authorities for several decades, and not social protection or health authorities.

Today, an attempt is being made to transform the once unified system of “public preschool education,” which has turned into a loose collection of preschool educational institutions with many equally loose forms educational activities, into a genuine preschool education system as a full and integral stage general education. This means the actual recognition that a preschool child needs not only care and guardianship, but also education, training, and development.

To ensure the quality of preschool education provided in state and municipal educational institutions implementing the basic general education program of preschool education, it is important to develop uniform requirements for the living conditions of children, as well as uniform requirements for the organization and content of the educational process.

The main task and, accordingly, the main subject of discussion at the current stage of development of Russian preschool education is experience in the field of management of preschool educational institutions from the standpoint of quality and accessibility.

The problem of universal accessibility of preschool education is being solved today through the use of internal reserves of the education system, development various forms preschool education, as well as a more flexible system of modes of stay for children in preschool educational institutions.

There are many problems in a modern preschool educational institution.

The huge educational resource that early and preschool childhood carries with it is currently used only to a small extent, however, any attempts to take this redoubt “at once” bring nothing but harm and disappointment.

A frivolous attitude towards preschool age results in children, at best, irretrievably lost opportunities, and at worst, a deformation of the logic of their entire subsequent life path. The latter option, in particular, inevitably occurs in cases of transfer of school teaching methods to preschool institutions. Unfortunately, in our reality, developmental deformations are so frequent that ordinary consciousness is already perceived as individual variations of the norm.

Preschool age is a period for the formation in the process of play forms of activity of such abilities as imagination, communication, self-organization, which are so necessary for further education at school.

It is well known in psychology and pedagogy that preschool childhood is not a preparatory stage for school life, but a valuable age period in its own right. During this period, the foundations of the human in man are laid - such universal abilities and properties as creative imagination, imaginative thinking, orientation to the position of another person, the ability to manage one’s behavior, “social” emotions and many others. The development of abilities takes place within the framework of specifically “preschool” activities - games, active perception of fairy tales, various forms artistic creativity, design, etc. The replacement of “preschool” types of activities with “school” ones can result in underdevelopment of these abilities and properties, the place of which will be taken by reading, writing and counting skills.

A preschooler can acquire quite complex knowledge, skills and abilities. But often this happens outside and apart from educational activities and therefore does not characterize its features in any way. School life is not limited to mastering educational content. It involves the child entering a new system of relationships with other people - teachers and peers, which are built on special laws. School readiness should be understood not only as the child achieving a certain level of intellectual development, but also as acquiring a broad and meaningful orientation in a new social situation development taking place within educational activities. For this, the necessary prerequisites must be created, which arise in “preschool” activities.

In reforming domestic education, it is important to have an adequate understanding of its background and current state. Otherwise, it is easy to repeat, as happens among us, old mistakes, mistaking them for new revelations. Let's try to outline its outline.

After October revolution preschool education became part of the state public education system. In the 20s In the last century, there were three types of preschool institutions in the USSR - orphanages for orphans, children's centers serving the children of factory workers, and kindergartens. Preschool institutions accepted children from 3 to 8 years old. The goal of preschool institutions was declared to be to prepare the child to master a materialistic worldview, as well as to develop collectivist skills. Much attention was paid to free children's play with the guiding role of the teacher.

In 1927-28 For the first time, the question of establishing unity in the work of all preschool institutions was raised. The objectives of preschool education are the formation of emotions and behavior in accordance with the requirements of communist morality, instilling work skills, strengthening the health of children, as well as their acquisition of some basic knowledge. These requirements were reflected in the first program of 1932.

In 1936 After sharp criticism from the party of the work of preschool institutions, accused of overestimating the role of the environment in the upbringing of children, the task was set to make the teacher a central figure in the preschool institution. It was this line, which resulted in a limitation of the child’s initiative and independence, recorded in the “program of education in kindergarten” (1962), which received the main development in the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, in which activities not only a child, but also a teacher. The core of the process was the training program, and the kindergarten, in its fundamental orientation in its work, approached the school, which was fundamentally contrary to the nature and tasks of preschool age. The situation was partly mitigated by psychologists, under whose influence the ideology of development and protection of mental health gradually took possession of the consciousness of educators.

In the 1990s coverage of children by public preschool education institutions in Russian Federation was approximately 70%. At the same time, about 1 million applications from parents for admission of children to preschool institutions were not satisfied. In addition, a powerful infrastructure was created in the form of an industry that produced children's clothing, books, toys and other necessary equipment. And, what is very important, serious scientific (medical, pedagogical and psychological) support for preschool education was established. All these factors played a decisive role during the period of the beginning of perestroika, when domestic education, in principle, turned out to be quite ready for a meaningful implementation of the long-overdue reform.

In 1989 The “Concept of Preschool Education” was created, which identified the key positions for updating the kindergarten. The implementation of this concept required the creation of a legal framework. In 1996 a “temporary regulation on preschool institutions” was adopted, which defined as the main functions of a preschool institution the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their intellectual and personal development, caring for the emotional well-being of each child. Accepted in 1992 The law of the Russian Federation "On Education" determined legal status preschool educational institutions, their functions and responsibilities .

Today, the main shift that developed countries are making in the field of early, preschool and school education is associated with the idea of ​​its humanization. A similar process, launched in the 90s in our country, today threatens to choke. And this despite the fact that in foreign scientific and methodological literature on this issue it is difficult to find a serious publication in which, among the main premises, the works of the founder of the domestic psychological and pedagogical school L.S. Vygotsky, published in the 20-30s of the last century.

Today, preschool psychology and developmental pedagogy have come close to a milestone beyond which significant opportunities for further advancement open up. For domestic science, they are associated, first of all, with studies of personality, communication and objective action, which are carried out in the context of a deeper understanding of the age-related rhythms of development. The results of ongoing research already allow us to count on a tangible increase in the efficiency of the preschool educational process while simultaneously reducing those negative trends in the field of physical and mental health of children that have been observed recently.

LLC Forensic Laboratory "Information and Control Bureau"
In some regions of the country, there is still an acute problem of lack of places in kindergartens. Moreover, according to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273, which came into force on September 1, 2013, children aged 3 to 7 years can count on studying in a preschool institution! The result: most mothers cannot get out maternity leave ahead of schedule to help the family financially during this economically difficult time.

It turned out that the nursery groups were not cancelled, they simply stopped enrolling children. This happened after amendments were made to the Law “On Education”, according to which kindergartens received a single organizational and legal form - a preschool educational organization.

According to the amendments made, the term “preschool education for children from 2 months to 3 years”, in other words, “nursery”, was replaced by “ preschool development" Previously, kindergartens were divided into nurseries and kindergartens and were required to provide preschool education to children from the age of two months. Since November 2, 2013, all kindergartens in Russia, regardless of their organizational and legal form, operate according to the same rules. According to the new order, a child up to three years Kindergartens will not provide preschool education, but will only provide child development.

It seems that nothing has changed; the child, as before, can be sent to kindergarten. But in accordance with paragraph 29 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011 No. 2562 “On approval of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution”, “quantity and ratio age groups children in a preschool educational institution is determined by the founder.” This means that the founder, represented by the municipality (city authorities), has the right to decide who to take to the kindergarten and nursery and who not to take. Despite the fact that the document does not say anywhere that nursery places need to be reduced, nursery groups are being reduced locally. At first they simply stopped being staffed, and then they gradually disappeared.

While on parental leave, parents receive a meager allowance, which can be a nice addition to something, but is hardly an independent income that allows them to provide themselves and their child with everything they need. So it turns out that placing a child in kindergarten is sometimes the only real opportunity for mothers to continue their careers and contribute to the family budget. For most average parents, this income is an absolute necessity. With the law coming into force, about 2 million families are doomed to struggle to make ends meet.

However, representatives of various departments advise seriously thinking about a nanny if the child is not yet three years old. But again the question comes down to money. Where can I get them from, since babysitting services cost an average of 200 rubles per hour. With an 8-hour working day, even not counting travel time, the cost per day is already 1,600 rubles, and per month more than 30,000 rubles. Of course, depending on the region and the age of the children, prices may be different, but the essence does not change.

In the Russian Empire, nurseries appeared soon after the opening of the first kindergartens. The name itself, “Kindergarten,” came from Germany and was invented in 1837 by the teacher Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. He came up with the name “Kindergarten” from the consideration that children are the flowers of life, requiring skillful and careful care and they should be raised by gardeners.

In 1837, daytime children's rooms were opened in Kolomna - the first kindergarten. Initially, 6 boys and 11 girls received guardianship here; a year later the number of children increased to 112. This was done at the request of working mothers in order to “provide poor free women with ways to produce handicrafts, through which they could honestly and usefully in a way to earn support for themselves and their families.” In Russia, the education of minors for a long time was carried out only in private and parochial institutions. primary schools and in certain charitable institutions.

The popularity of the first kindergarten in Russian history was so great that a year after its opening, in 1838, the government established a special Committee for the Main Guardianship of Children's Shelters. The committee was led by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna herself. The Committee prepared a special Regulation on the work of children's shelters. On December 27, 1839 it was approved by the highest. According to this Regulation, shelters in Russia were to be created mainly with funds from public and private charity. The state only monitored the educational process and moral education of children in them. The committee appealed to provincial authorities to help poor children and their parents.

The system of preschool educational institutions was actively developing, and after three decades several dozen kindergartens appeared in Russia: paid and free, for nobles and intelligentsia, workers, as well as orphanages.

At this time, educational courses for educators began to be organized, lectures and “trainings” were held, and relevant literature was published.

In the 1890-1900s, kindergartens of various types, as well as nurseries (sometimes these concepts were not separated), became widespread in St. Petersburg. They operated at gymnasiums with pedagogical classes, in parishes of Orthodox and non-Orthodox churches, and were often set up by factory workers at industrial enterprises.

In 1898, a free public kindergarten was opened on Golodai Island, and with it an “Agricultural Shelter”. The orphanage-nursery was the most popular institution among those run by city trustees for the poor classes. The purpose of creating such shelters was to provide assistance to young children who were left all day without proper supervision with their mothers - factory workers or day laborers, who were absent from home from morning to evening due to work. Such nursery shelters were open from 6-7 am to 7-8 pm every day, except holidays. In addition to the shelter itself, the children also received food and clothing there; the children were under the constant supervision of the employees on duty, and sometimes a special caretaker. In addition, the goal was to isolate children at least during the day from the harmful influence of their environment, their religious and moral education. In some city guardianships there were two departments: one for younger children under six years old, and the other for children from six to nine years old. In other guardianships, these departments were independent institutions: nurseries and day care (kindergarten).

Of course, you can’t compare the first kindergartens with today’s ones. And the point is not only that today we live in a century of fast technologies, informatization and computerization of society, “advanced” children. The fact is that today one of the main functions of kindergartens is preparing children for school, whereas previously the focus was Creative skills the child, his interests and himself. Children were raised in the spirit of patriotism and moral values ​​were instilled in them from childhood.

Over the past quarter century, the number of preschool institutions has almost halved - from 76 thousand to 45 thousand. The lack of kindergartens creates conditions under which parents are happy to go anywhere, which affects the quality of services provided. Thus, the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education in its annual rating of kindergartens for several years in a row has not given the mark “excellent” to any region of Russia; the general conclusion of the rating is that preschool education is best in the rich oil regions of Siberia and the South of the country, and in in many other regions it does not even reach the minimum standards.

Another problem is the teaching staff. IN modern education Based on variability and diversity, the figure of the teacher becomes central. But in order to realize his right to academic freedom, he must have the appropriate competencies and must understand exactly how to build the educational process in conditions of variability. And in our kindergartens, the report notes, “usually people work who are trained according to an outdated model or who have no professional training at all. The social status of the profession is still low. And the level of salaries of preschool teachers, which are the lowest in education, in no way corresponds to the highest responsibility for the fate of the child.”

In 2017, in the villages of the country, the average salary of a teacher does not exceed 10,000 rubles. The salary of an assistant teacher is lower. In particular, in the Moscow kindergarten it ranges from 5,500 to 18,000 rubles. A nanny in the Kirov region receives 5,500 rubles.

According to statistics, in 2016 the salary of university teachers was 55 thousand rubles, and general education teachers now receive more than 33 thousand rubles. At least that's what the statistics say.

It turns out that the people to whom we entrust our children at a helpless age, who should become an example for them and monitor their safety, the development of abilities, and interests, receive the smallest wages. But the child’s future largely depends on them, since it is at this age that the children’s character and future personality are formed. It is probably no coincidence that they say that a teacher is not a profession, but a state of mind, because otherwise it is very difficult to understand how people can give their all and enjoy their work for a few pennies.

2018–2027 will become the Decade of Childhood in Russia. This project will be a natural continuation of the National Strategy for Action for Children, which is being completed this year.

Child protection is a priority for any state, not only from a humanitarian point of view, but also from the point of view of investment in the future: sooner or later, today's children will become the pillar of economic growth, the sources of which the Russian authorities are now looking for.

We really hope that the data below will soon begin to change for the better:

In Russia, at least 4.5 million children live below the poverty line, and the economic crisis continues to increase this number.

54.2% of Russian older children do not have the opportunity to leave home on vacation for a week for a year or more. The most common reason is the difficult financial situation of the parents.

31% of children do not have equipment for outdoor activities (bicycles, roller skates, etc.).

According to the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, “60%, or even 70% of the poor are families with children.”

There are two thousand orphanages in Russia and 67,000 of their children. 90-95% of orphans have living parents, another 27 thousand children study in 150 boarding schools. Ten percent of orphanages and boarding schools do not have basic conditions, 48% require major repairs, and 5 are in disrepair. 40% of orphanage graduates become alcoholics, 40% end up in prison, 10% commit suicide and only 10% are able to get settled in life.

Children in early childhood are defenseless, susceptible and innocent. At this age, they need care, attention, love, and guardianship more than ever. A child's environment greatly influences his future. He remembers and subsequently copies adult behavior patterns. Therefore, it is so important that the child has loving parents at home, professionals in their field in kindergarten, and the state, in turn, should provide an opportunity for the decent development of children. After all, the main thing is that the children are happy!

  • 1. Considering the gradually improving demographic situation in the country, the demand for kindergarten services is constantly growing. In large cities of Russia there is a shortage of preschool educational institutions. There are not enough places in preschool educational institutions. Parents enroll their child in kindergarten immediately after birth, and this is not always a guarantee that he will get there. Currently in Russia, 400 thousand children are waiting in line to be admitted to kindergarten. The state, first of all, faces the task of making preschool education accessible to all segments of the population.
  • 2. The need of preschool educational institutions for qualified teaching staff. The administration of preschool educational institutions is forced to reduce the requirements for staff in terms of their professional training and experience working with children.
  • 3. Currently in the Russian Federation there is an increase in the number of children with disabilities: twice as much as in 2002. “Children with special educational needs” should not be isolated in society, hence the need for inclusive education.
  • 4. The features of the sociocultural environment of modern society are changing - these are multiculturalism, multinationality, multiethnicity. Therefore, it is necessary to build a multicultural educational preschool environment, creation of a multicultural educational space; It is necessary to look for new technologies for the upbringing and development of children, including for children who do not speak Russian well enough.
  • 5. The need for a sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, educational services and approaches to their implementation in order to satisfy the diverse and diverse requests of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.
  • 6. Transition of the majority of preschool educational institutions from the operating mode in the search mode and into the development mode. The need to improve the methodological competence of preschool teachers and students of pedagogical educational institutions.
  • 7. Currently, the social order of parents and their requirements for services provided by preschool institutions are changing. While for many decades health care and childcare were considered by many parents to be the main areas of work for kindergartens, today more and more demands are placed on educational programs basic and additional education.
  • 8. Continuity between preschool and primary school age is often determined by the presence or absence of certain knowledge in academic subjects. This leads to early learning for children. It must be admitted that this is precisely the approach - it can be conditionally described as narrowly pragmatic, focused on the needs of the system, and not the child himself.
  • 9. Teachers are confused by the lack of strict subject matter and the need for integration educational areas. But only in integrated content are preschool children free to make a wide choice and express their as yet unstructured interests and creative abilities.
  • 10. In domestic pedagogy, a strong emphasis was usually placed on game forms and methods of teaching children, rather than free play. However, for development it is very important that it is the child who plays, and not the adult. So that it is a game, and not an imitation of it.
  • 11. Informatization of preschool education is an objective and inevitable process. A new educational environment, high-tech information tools for the training and development of preschool children are appearing, and the interest of teachers and preschool education specialists in these technologies and the possibilities of using them in their professional activities is growing. However, not all teachers are proficient in ICT. This makes it difficult to use ICT in working with children or makes it impossible to have a modern channel of communication with parents and other members of the teaching community.