Christmas tree signs for the New Year. How to properly prepare for the New Year: folk signs

Everywhere they write about how to prepare for the arrival of 2020: what list of holiday dishes to make, a dress to buy, how to decorate the Christmas tree and the house... But how you spend the first of January 2020 is no less important.

Here you can find both folk signs and advice from astrologers. Charge yourself with positivity for the whole next year!

Right after the chiming clock, 2020 officially begins. Which means on New Year's Eve All signs regarding January 1 apply.

While sitting at the table, be sure to drink champagne (with the cork popping) and make wishes for the whole year. You can go outside and take a walk - below you will find out how you can tell fortunes during such a promenade.

Esotericists also advise listening to conversations behind festive table. The first word you hear after the 12th chime will become a symbol of the entire year 2020.

On this night you cannot:

  • wash dirty dishes;
  • throw food in the trash, even bitten pieces of sausage or bread (it is better to collect them in a separate bag and take them to the trash cans during the day, making homeless animals happy);
  • break plates, glasses, even empty bottles “for good luck” (the symbol of 2020 - the Rat - is very afraid of noise, don’t scare it away);
  • quarrel (especially while sitting at the festive table), refuse to receive guests or kick them out of your home;
  • do not set the holiday table at all (if the Rat gets hungry, the whole of 2020 will be hungry and spent in poverty).

And most importantly: as you head into 2020, don’t take last year’s sadness with you. Leave all the bad thoughts behind last year, and enter the new one in a great mood and with a bright smile.

In the morning (while in the house) be sure to...

  • Kiss your loved one. From the very morning (or when you wake up on January 1st), before you even get out of bed. This kiss will be the key to your mutual love for the entire 2020.
  • Rest! Yes, the apartment may be destroyed after the celebration. But cleaning is the last thing you need to do on January 1st. Let the vacuum cleaner and broom wait until the next day (or at least until the evening). Lie down, finish your salads, watch a movie. If you want, you can go visit.

At work

Unfortunately, there are no signs about every profession - there are only about trade. Namely: give the first buyer a substantial discount. This way you will attract trading luck for the whole year.

But you can't do this

  • Don't take anything outside! Don’t throw away the Christmas tree (although we only get rid of it in mid-January, after the Old New Year), even leave the trash to wait for its “finest” hour near the inside of the door. It is believed that on the 1st, everything that spent the night in your house should “forward” here and spend the next night here too. Thanks to this, good luck and happiness will accompany you and your home throughout 2020.
  • Do not sweep the house or wash the floors until lunchtime (vacuum cleaning is also prohibited). If you disobey this sign, you can sweep away or wash away your own happiness for the whole next year.

Going out (or at least looking) outside on January 1...

Single girls (and even unmarried women) should look around and notice where the first guy or man they meet will come from. On the other hand, you can expect the arrival of your betrothed in the future.

Remember who you meet first on the street on January 1st. If it's a man, he smiles at you good omen(especially in terms of love and relationships). If you meet a woman (of any age), things are bad; in 2020 you may begin to have health problems.

You can also guess by the first living creature that you meet on the street on January 1st. A cat will “promise” a stormy relationship with guys or girls, a dog will promise many good friends.

Throughout its existence, New Year's holidays have been overgrown with an incredible number of signs and good omens. Some people believe that if you make a wish at exactly 12 o'clock in the morning from December 31 to January 1, it will come true. And some people are very skeptical about this custom.

One way or another, most nations have their own signs for the New Year. 2020 is no exception, and therefore for some it is important to find out what needs to be done to have money in the house and prepare for the holiday in advance.

How to celebrate the New Year so that you always have money

According to signs, the correct and all preparatory moments for this event. In order for money to be kept in the house, several rules must be followed.

What you need to pay attention to and what to do before the celebration:

  1. Enter the New Year 2020 debt-free. In December, try to pay off your obligations as much as possible. If you have loans, then do not delay.
  2. When preparing a festive table, you should not spend money “cleanly”; there must be bills left in your wallet, and the card should not be empty either.
  3. The New Year's mood should not be spoiled by various business issues, so complete your work to have a fun holiday.
  4. Remember that the house should be clean and bright for the New Year. Don’t be lazy to do some general cleaning and clean up.
  5. Under no circumstances, even your loved ones, try not to lend money before the holidays.
  6. Money to money. This means that money loves those who know how to handle it and know how to create a harmonious space around themselves. Decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house and show money that you are a good owner and are ready to accept financial flows to turn them into good.

It is important! Remember that money always comes only to those who know the rules for handling it and know how to save it. On a holiday, there should be money in the house - do not spend your last funds on preparing the celebrations. There should always be some reserve in the piggy bank and your pockets are literally not empty.

    Do you believe in omens?

How to decorate a New Year's tree and prepare a feast

The Christmas tree is one of the main attributes of the celebration and its decoration must be approached with all seriousness. The richer her outfit, the more money she will attract into the house. Hang coins, sweets and gold-colored jewelry on branches as toys.

You can use a combination of red and gold shades. Such decorations are sure to attract wealth in the New Year.

By tradition, all housewives strive to prepare the most delicious and delicious dishes for the New Year's feast. There must be natural meat, fried and in large pieces - this is always a symbol of prosperity and health.

The tablecloth, frage and accessories to attract money can be used in a golden shade or with a golden ornament. You can put coins underneath so that you don’t lose financial success in the New Year.

The most popular folk signs about money

To increase wealth and new sources of income, there are many signs for the New Year. By adhering to them, you can achieve the required level of well-being.

The most effective folk signs for keeping money in the house, time-tested (which must be done with the onset of 2020):

  1. People have long noticed that anyone who accidentally falls asleep on New Year's Eve when it is 12 o'clock will certainly gain financial well-being next year. This amazing fact will only work if you don’t fall asleep on purpose.
  2. When preparing holiday food, it is necessary to cut the bread into portions strictly before the sun sets.
  3. When cleaning the house and apartment, take out all the rubbish only in the light of day, under no circumstances in the dark, otherwise your luck will run out.
  4. If someone receives a sudden gift on January 1, then in the coming weeks you can expect unexpected profits and financial benefits.
  5. Light 7 green candles and place them on the dining table. They should burn until the end of the holiday and go out on their own.
  6. When preparing a holiday menu, you can think of 12 interesting dishes that will symbolize the 12 months of the next year. The more richly the dishes are decorated, the better the year will go.
  7. Wear your best and preferably new clothes so that the year goes well.
  8. Do not pick up crumbs from the table with your hands; use clean napkins or a towel.
  9. You can hide a coin under a doormat or threshold.
  10. Don't forget about your innermost desire, write it on a small piece of paper. When the clock strikes, quickly burn the note and drink it with champagne or wine. Many people note that their wish comes true.
  11. As soon as the chimes strike midnight, take a large bill and run it over your face and clothes several times, as if you were washing your face. It has been verified that money will increase in the New Year.
  12. As soon as the guests have left, you need to take the tablecloth from the table and shake it out either outside or out the window. This will attract good luck and money for the whole year.
  13. The main thing in observing signs is to sincerely believe that your wishes will come true.

Feng Shui and attracting wealth for the New Year

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui helps to arrange living space so that people can live comfortably and happily. There are many money signs in this philosophy that help not only to maintain wealth, but also tell you how to get more money.

To keep money in the house, such signs can also be used to prepare for New Year's celebrations.

What do we have to do:

  1. In the East, cleanliness in the house has always been respected; the less old, broken things and dirt there are, the freer the flow of life energy Qi moves. That’s why it’s worth cleaning the house before the New Year 2020.
  2. When cleaning, pay attention to the cleanliness and serviceability of the windows - it is through this path that beneficial energy will attract cash flow into the apartment or house.
  3. When decorating the Christmas tree, use toys and garlands of bright red and gold colors. According to Eastern beliefs, these shades love money.
  4. If possible, before the New Year buy a small aquarium with gold, yellow or orange flowers in the amount of 5 or 7 pieces, and let one of the fish be black - this will balance the yin-yang energies. It is also good to install a small artificial fountain.
  5. Install a Christmas tree in the southeast. This is the zone of money and financial well-being.
  6. Remember that the money area of ​​the house should always be clean and comfortable.

In the teaching to keep money in the house, a lot of importance is attached to mental attitude and visualization practices. You need to imagine that you are already rich, with money, gold bars in your wallet and in your hands, and your house is filled with expensive things.

It is worth eliminating negative thoughts and trying to think only about the right goals and pleasant things.

Put your problems aside for the New Year 2020, have fun and see how things will get better next year and money will flow into your hands. Many signs of what you need to do for wealth in the future come true if you perform one or another ritual correctly.


  1. In order to have money in the house, it is worth performing some rituals before the New Year, and some with its onset (with the chiming clock).
  2. It is necessary to enter the New Year without debt, this is the main thing, and also to complete all matters at work and in business.
  3. There are also signs according to the teachings of Feng Shui, which are also important to take into account: cleanliness and order everywhere, as well as the correct arrangement of New Year’s decorations.
  4. Both home decoration and table setting should be impeccable, with natural products and meat.

There are many interesting and important traditions associated with the New Year that must be observed. Don't lose sight of the signs that will help you avoid troubles and troubles next year.

It's hard to argue with the fact that New Year is special holiday, because it is for this event that we begin to prepare for several weeks in advance. ToNew year's nighthas become unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. Every year we decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house and remember recipes for New Year's dishes. These efforts do not cause us unnecessary discomfort, because over many years this has become a real tradition.

Do not forget that many miracles happen at this time, and some accidents may warn us about important events that will soon happen in life. The website team will tell you about New Year's traditions and signs that are important for everyone to know.

New Year traditions

New Year has been celebrated since ancient times, but the date of the holiday was different. Only in 1700 Peter I issued a special decree, which stated that the holiday was officially moved to January 1. Since then, many wonderful traditions associated with this magical event have appeared.

Despite the fact that in the modern world we often celebrate the New Year with friends, it is still customary to celebrate this holiday with family. As the chimes strike, you need to congratulate your loved ones and thank them for everything they have done for you in the past year.

Think about your New Year's menu in advance, as there should be... big variety dishes. Guests must leave well-fed, otherwise poverty will inevitably happen next year.

Every year there are more and more recipes for New Year's dishes, but do not forget the traditions: “Olivier”, “Herring under a fur coat” and jellied fish must be present on your table.

Stillmain drink There is champagne on the New Year's table. Peter I introduced the tradition of drinking alcohol on New Year's Eve. At the time of the holiday, many guests came to the king, but not everyone could withstand such a feast with a lot of alcohol.

It is on December 31 that we begin to actively prepare for the New Year. On this day it is necessary to get rid of old things, prepare New Year's table and, of course, congratulate all your loved ones and give them gifts.

Now we can no longer imagine the New Year without a Christmas tree. The tree must be purchased in advance anddecorate itvarious toys, tinsel or rain. To give your Christmas tree a more natural look, use pine cones or berries as decorations.

The chimes are a truly magical moment. It is in these seconds that you must have time to make a wish and be sure to believe that it will come true.

Since ancient times it was believed that if the chimes strikewrite your wish on a piece of paper, burn it and mix it in a glass of champagne, and then drink it all, it will definitely come true.

In Rus', at the end of the festive feast, unmarried girls collected the remains of dinner, wrapped them in white fabric, put it under the pillow and invited the betrothed. After this, the future groom was supposed to appear in their dreams.

After a fun New Year's Eve, it is very difficult to wake up early. However, it is believed that the earlier you wake up on January 1, the happier you will be in the new year.

If you had a good dream on New Year’s Eve, then after waking up say “it will come true,” and then next year it will definitely come true.

New Year's signs

Very often people do not pay attention to what is happening around them. You may not believe omens, but many of them are indeed true signs of fate.

On New Year's Eve, there should not be a single thing in your house with which you have bad memories, otherwise you will have a lot of trouble next year.

Having a baby on January 1 is a good sign. In order for his fate to be happy, on the same day one of the baby’s close relatives needs to go to the temple and pray for the newborn, and then feed the poor.

If you wear an outfit with pockets on New Year's Eve, they should not be empty, otherwise you will face financial difficulties next year.

Toavoid lack of money , try to pay off your debts before the New Year. And ask debtors to do the same.

If you find a toy on the street on New Year's Eve, then next year expect a new addition to your family.

Even if unexpected guests come to you during the holiday, greet them cordially. In this way you will attract wealth to your home, and the next year will be comfortable for you.

If you don’t want to face financial problems next year, then this holiday is your appearance must be neat. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, choose the best outfit from your wardrobe and celebrate the New Year in it.

It is believed that if you accidentally tear your festive outfit at the very moment of the holiday, this promises a passionate but fleeting romance.

If you have planned a haircut on December 31, it is better to cancel it. It is believed that otherwise the hair will be sparse, and new hairstyle won't make you happy.

During the holiday, you should not quarrel with your loved ones, otherwise in the future there will be a strong discord in the family.

A few minutes before the chimes, pour water into a mug and wash your face, and then leave it in the yard or on the balcony. If on the morning of January 1st the mug has a smooth surface, expect good luck. If there is a crack on it, difficulties may arise.

On New Year's Eve, knock on the table with a spoon and say: “Just as there is a lot of food on the table, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet.” Then all year long youlive in abundance .

If you saw your enemy before the New Year, it means that next year you will have a new enemy.

Sometimes we are so carried away by New Year's troubles that we may even forget to congratulate our loved ones. If this happens to you, a traitor will appear among your friends. To avoid this problem, call your loved ones and congratulate them.

If you meet a blind man on the street on December 31, expect global changes. You may look at life differently and want to change jobs or move.

Even on New Year's Eve, little troubles can happen to us. For example, if a toy suddenly fell from your Christmas tree and broke, it means that in the new year you will haveconflicts with a loved one .

Many people prefer to celebrate New Year in the company of friends. If next year you want to improve your personal life, then the first person you talk to after the chimes strike should be of the opposite sex.

A candle must be lit on the New Year's table, and then in the future harmony will always reign in your home.

So that in the New Year you have a stable financial situation, hang some bills on the tree and put coins under it.

On the morning of January 1, collect clean snow and bring it home. In the evening, wash your face with melt water. It is believed that after such a ritual a person will definitely not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex.

Couples in love must kiss during the chiming clock, and then in the future the love union will become even stronger.

Before the holiday, congratulate all your neighbors so you never quarrel with them.

Every person dreams of gaining wealth and finding love. You will be able to do this in the near future if you put the Christmas tree incertain sector of your home .

We wish you good luck and happiness in your personal life!

New Year is not only a fun holiday, but also a little mystical. After all, we really believe that our lives will change for the better, so we make our deepest wishes during the chimes or tell fortunes for love/money/luck. Signs on New Year's Eve are also quite popular, the most famous of which I suggest you consider in this article.

At the end of December, it is customary to sum up the results of the passing year, leave all the difficulties and troubles behind, tuning in that the New Year will certainly be better than the previous one. To do this, show him, the long-awaited guest of 2020, all your hospitality, paying attention to the following recommendations:

  1. On the eve of the holiday, be sure to repay any, even the most insignificant debts (this can be not only money, but also things that you took but for some reason did not return on time, promises thrown to the wind, and so on). Let them stop hanging on you like an energetic burden.
  2. Let any quarrels and disagreements remain in the outgoing year, so you need to make peace with everyone with whom you are in conflict, ask for forgiveness from the bottom of your heart and sincerely forgive the offenders yourself.
  3. General cleaning of the house is important. Get rid of all unnecessary things that you have not taken from the shelves for more than 1 year - it is unlikely that you will need them again. It’s better to collect them and take them to an organization helping low-income people.
  4. On the eve of the holiday, eat well, do not try to keep the best goodies for the feast, because then your table will be filled with delicious food all year.
  5. Write a list of the results of the old year: how it went for you personally, what successes you achieved, what you understood, what you came to and what plans for the future you have.
  6. Make a plan of goals for the New Year: perhaps you dream of enrolling in a course or learning how to cook many new dishes, or going to travel the world, or perhaps your main goal is a new little person. Write down everything you strive for and want to accomplish in the next 12 months.

Signs on the eve of the holiday

In addition to the signs of New Year's Eve, there are also pre-New Year's signs that cannot be ignored:

  • the day before, do not lend money to anyone, do not lend things for temporary use - otherwise in the New Year you risk suffering from financial difficulties, there will be very few purchases;
  • clean not on December 31, but on December 30. If you can’t do otherwise and have to clean up on the last day of the year, then be sure to finish cleaning before sunset. In the evening, you cannot sweep the floor and throw out garbage, otherwise you can throw away your New Year's happiness;
  • pay great attention to night visions seen a couple of days before the holiday, because they may contain messages from Higher powers;
  • It is best to celebrate the New Year with relatives - to strengthen family ties;
  • Esotericists advise if you want money to love your home next year, for decoration Christmas tree use not only toys, but also hang coins with banknotes rolled into a tube on it;
  • to protect the house from evil spirits on New Year's Eve, you need to set off fireworks and fireworks;
  • when choosing a gift for family and friends, focus on products from natural materials. Our ancestors believed that then selfish and mercantile people would not be attracted to them;
  • The best New Year's talisman is a living spruce. Some peoples believe that a good spirit lives in its branches, which will protect against various troubles, attracting streams of joy and happiness into the home. Therefore, if you are used to installing an artificial tree, then purchase at least a couple of natural pine or spruce branches.

Signs for New Year's Eve

Since ancient times, people believed that the signs of the New Year have great importance and have strong positive energy. But what can we talk about here - in our collective consciousness, from birth, the attitude has been firmly ingrained that “as you celebrate the New Year, so it will pass.” And she is already on her own and acts first New Year's omen. Let's consider other versions of beliefs:

  • wishing to do it often in the New Year pleasant shopping, the celebration should be celebrated in new clothes. At least one wardrobe item must be purchased specifically for the celebration;
  • to harmonize the atmosphere of the house, each table leg is tied with a rope;
  • to attract money luck put a large denomination banknote in the pockets of your clothes for the celebration. The more monetary energy you have on the festive night of the year, the greater the chances of financial success in the next 12 months;
  • if you break dishes at a holiday, this foreshadows many quarrels in the New Year. To neutralize the sign, it is necessary to bury the fragments in the ground;
  • Crockery with cracks should not be placed on the table so that family life did not begin to “burst at the seams”;
  • if there is a pregnant woman at the festive table, then she should start the meal first so that the birth takes place quickly and without complications;
  • It’s a bad omen to tear or stain your New Year’s outfit;
  • if you want to live the whole year in profit and prosperity, prepare a lot of different delicious treats for the New Year’s table;
  • purchase a natural tablecloth to cover the table; in 2020, it should be white, gray, silver or golden colors– favorite shades of the animal totem of the year;
  • be sure to put on the table a roll, bread or pie that was baked with your own hands and salt - they symbolize protection from dark forces, attract good luck and prosperity;
  • Place a saucer in the center of the table, where you pour grains and coins - for financial success in the New Year;
  • the one on whom the bottle of champagne runs out makes a wish, blows into the neck and must sit in the farthest corner for some time for the wish to come true;
  • When the festive meal is over and the guests have gone home, you cannot completely remove all the food from the table. Remove only empty plates, but try to leave at least a couple of dishes left overnight that won't spoil. room temperature. At a minimum, let it be a bowl of fruit, a box of chocolates and a teapot. Then all year your table will be bursting with food;
  • If there is any waste left after the New Year's dinner, then do not throw it in the trash - collect it and feed the homeless animals. With such actions you express gratitude to fate for its favor towards you and at the same time do a good deed.

Rituals for happiness and good luck on New Year's Eve 2020

Let's talk about what actions will need to be taken directly on New Year's night in order to avoid troubles all year and feel like Fortune's favorite? Some of the rituals given below have come down to us since the time of our ancestors.

  • when the clock begins to strike twelve, make one or more of your deepest wishes, the first of which should be for the health of you, your relatives and loved ones;
  • so that you don’t experience need for the entire next year, live in complete prosperity and abundance, knock on the table with a spoon, saying the following words: “The table is set, there is plenty of everything, let it be like this for the whole year”;
  • for profit in the New Year, take a new coin and squeeze it tightly in your hand when the chimes strike 12 times. Then put it in your wallet and don’t spend it;
  • when the clock has finished striking, open the window slightly or front door not for long - so good luck and happiness will come into your home;
  • Some peoples of the world believe that if a person slept through the entire New Year celebration, it means that for all 12 months he will be the darling of fate.

May your deepest dreams come true in the New Year 2020, and may life present only pleasant surprises!

New Year is like new life. Is it really possible if there are “tails” left behind? Of course, it will definitely not be possible to implement everything planned, but some things must be done.

One of the main signs is to pay off debts. But this concerns not only the material issue. Debts can be different. Perhaps you have long promised your parents to change the faucet in the bathroom, or you have planned something for yourself, but constantly put it off until later. This is what needs to be done first. And you also need to make peace with everyone. Even if you feel you are right, go to the meeting and apologize first.

It is very important to leave behind everything old in the past year. Look through your things, clothes, toys, if you don’t use them, give them to those in need. This will not only help you clean up your home. There will be more space in it, and this always opens the way to new clean energy. Get rid of broken items. If these are dear trinkets that are associated with Nice memories, don't throw them away. Take it to the garage or shed, take it to the dacha. But there is no place for broken and broken things in a residential building.

It wouldn't hurt to update the decor. It is not necessary to undertake a global renovation. But rearranging the furniture, gluing up wallpaper, buying a new painting or a beautiful blanket will always come in handy.