If your facial skin looks like an orange peel, what should you do? Orange cheeks

Facial skin like an orange peel? Indeed, this phenomenon occurs not only on the body, but also on the face. To get rid of this problem, special attention should be paid to timely and daily cleansing of the pores. This type of skin requires individual and careful care.

Most often, the skin looks like an orange peel due to. This may occur due to hereditary predisposition or hormonal changes, poor-quality cosmetics, sun exposure, poor diet and bad habits.

You can also turn to cosmetology salons for a solution to the problem, which offer many professional techniques.

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But we should not forget about home methods solving the problem. Most often, the problem of enlarged pores occurs due to the use of low-quality cosmetics. If you allow yourself not to wash off your makeup at night and do not moisturize your skin, then you yourself are the culprit of skin problems.

Masks, infusions, compresses and herbal teas, which are aimed at normalizing fat metabolism in the skin, will help narrow the pores on the face. Remember also that folk remedies can give best effect than expensive cosmetics. At the same time, it is not necessary to go to the salon and undergo expensive procedures.

Wide pores are a problem for those with oily and combination skin. The advantages of this type of skin include the fact that it looks young and fresh longer, thanks to sebum. But the biggest and most painful problem is wide pores. Due to the increased secretion of sebum, comedones are formed on the skin, which are very noticeable on the face. In addition, clogged pores lead to the formation of blackheads and pimples. This view spoils us very much.

One of the simplest is It can be purchased at a regular pharmacy and added there essential oils.

For oily suitable for skin tea tree oil. The composition must be applied to the skin and left for several minutes (15 to 20). Then rinse the mask with water.

Facial skin like an orange peel will no longer bother you after using this mask. At any time of the year, for those with oily skin, enlarged pores are the most important problem.

Every person has pores on their skin; sweat and sebum are released through these openings. If, for some reason, the sebaceous glands begin to work with increased efficiency, and the skin does not have appropriate care, fat accumulates in the ducts. Slowly mixing with dirt, it begins to clog and then stretch the pores.

At a young age, the expansion and contraction of pores occurs “automatically”, due to the elasticity and firmness of the skin. But over the years, these properties are lost, and “orange skin” on the face becomes a real problem. Is it possible to fight this phenomenon?

Most often, in the T-zone (chin, wings of the nose, forehead), increased sebum production is observed in people with combination skin type. If this happens all over the face, this is a clear sign of oily skin. To prevent pores from stretching, they need to be cleaned regularly.

Most The best way– daily washing with a special gel. Such a preparation must contain oils and extracts of various medicinal herbs. After washing, use lotions containing hawthorn, lemon, calendula, and rosemary. If the skin on your forehead is like an orange peel, the extracts contained in the lotion will “tighten” the cleansed pores much easier.

To achieve this, the following measures are taken:

  • Use facial scrub twice every 10 days. This procedure removes dead skin particles and allows the pores to narrow on their own.
  • Make a decoction of horsetail and chamomile (in equal proportions), rinse your face with it in the morning and evening after washing. The decoction removes excess produced fat.
  • Use masks twice a week to improve skin elasticity and firmness. You can use this recipe: beat the egg white thoroughly, mix it with grated carrots. Add flour and stir until smooth. Apply the mixture to the problem area of ​​your face for 15 minutes, and then rinse off alternately with warm and cool water. Finally, wipe with ice cubes and apply moisturizer.

Preventing stretching of pores


Excessive sebum secretion in the T-zone (on the chin, wings of the nose and forehead) is indicated by combination skin. And all over the face - oily.

Therefore, cleansing products must meet the needs of these skin types. The best option is a gel for daily washing. It may contain extracts and essential oils of aloe, chamomile, basil, cloves, orange, iris, grapefruit. After the gel, you need a high-quality lotion or tonic without alcohol, containing astringents such as birch, hawthorn, calendula, lemon, rosemary extract, which will “tighten” the cleansed pores.

The most common mistake in caring for oily and combination skin is lack of hydration. And it is necessary not only for the general condition of the skin, but also to prevent stretching of pores. After all, sufficiently moisturized skin is elastic and in good shape, therefore, less susceptible to deformation.

Special program.

Use a facial scrub twice every 7-10 days. It will remove dead skin cells, thereby preventing clogged pores.

Every other day, morning and evening, rinse clean skin with a decoction of chamomile and horsetail (1:1). This will help her cope with excess fat production.

It is useful to make masks 1-2 times a week to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as well as increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. For example, this one.

– Mix grated carrots with well-beaten egg whites, grind the mixture thoroughly, adding flour to it until a homogeneous paste forms. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Then rinse off first with warm water, then with cool water. After this, wipe your face with ice and apply moisturizer to damp skin.

Facial skin like an orange peel: Video

If your face is covered with unevenness, firstly, you need to eliminate the factors that we list above:

  • improve working and living conditions;
  • cleanse the skin more thoroughly using lotions;
  • do not abuse concealers;
  • get rid of bad habits.

Secondly, you should contact a cosmetologist and together with him create an individual correction program. Such programs usually include both salon and home treatments.

Can be carried out in the salon professional course peeling, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing or darsonvalization. It makes sense to make masks and scrubs yourself. It is advisable to select their specific names and recipes together with a cosmetologist.

Below, just as an example, we name several good masks that tighten pores and tighten the skin:

  • “Pure system” by Yves Rocher;
  • gel-scrub-mask “Clean Skin” from Garnier;
  • Avon White Tea Energizing Face Mask;
  • film mask with calendula and rose hips from Green mama.

In addition to purchased products, it is advisable to experiment with coffee, lemon, cucumber, kefir and oatmeal masks.

Pores need to be treated


For already enlarged pores, more deep cleansing. For this, there are special gels containing glycolic (1-3%) and azelaic acids. Don't forget to tone your skin with a toner for your skin type. And also give your skin contrasting washes - a few seconds with warm and then cold water.

To make enlarged pores less noticeable, you should call on special cosmetical tools(creams and serums intended for skin with enlarged pores). They have a triple effect, control the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tighten pores and make the skin matte. I would like to note: the opportunity to get rid of enlarged pores once and for all with the help of such cosmetics is nothing more than a delusion.

It is impossible to return already stretched pores to their previous size. The effect of such cosmetics is similar to the effect of tights. When the tightening effect of cosmetics ends, the pores expand again. Therefore, to visually reduce pores, you will have to use special products constantly. By the way, now some tonal products have this effect.

Special program.

Be careful when choosing a peeling product. Opt for gentle scrubs with fine particles or soft and non-irritating gommage masks. Otherwise, large particles entering the pore can injure its walls and cause inflammation.

A blue clay mask will be an excellent “help” in caring for skin with enlarged pores. It absorbs the contents of pores, disinfects, and reduces sebum secretion. In addition, it removes the surface layer of dead cells and thereby helps the skin renew itself faster. Dilute powdered clay green tea to the consistency of sour cream. Apply an opaque layer to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with water room temperature. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Modern cosmetological techniques can effectively cope with the problem of increased sebum secretion and enlarged pores. You should begin developing a course of procedures only after consultation with a cosmetologist. He will conduct diagnostics, determine your skin type, and identify the causes of enlarged pores.

Before starting the treatment procedure, the pores must be cleaned. Moreover: if the skin is like an orange peel, it needs deep cleansing. You can use gels designed for this purpose, which contain azelaic and 1-3% glycolic acid. Be sure to tone your skin with a toner designed specifically for your skin. Contrast washing works very well on the skin. Alternating warm and cold water causes a sharp reaction and speeds up the metabolic process.

Ultrasonic facial skin cleansing

An alternative to mechanical facial cleansing – ultrasonic cleaning(due to exposure to high sound effects) – vacuum cleaning, lymphatic drainage (dosed, exposure to negative barometric pressure)

– disincrustation (deep cleansing of pores using galvanic current). During the procedure, superficial exfoliation of dead skin cells occurs, inflammatory elements (comedones) are removed, blood circulation is stimulated and metabolic processes in the skin, and this, in turn, leads to normalization of the sebaceous glands. Fat and dirt accumulated in the pores are softened and brought to the surface, where they can be easily removed.

An alternative to scrubs is chemical peels.

This is a procedure for removing the surface layers of the skin epithelium using weak acid solutions for the purpose of rejuvenation. Acids ensure uniform exfoliation of several layers of dead cells, which promotes skin rejuvenation, reduces oiliness, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and leads to the formation of young cells.

As a result of this stimulation, skin tone and elasticity increase. Currently, chemical peeling uses glycolic and trichloroacetic acids, as well as fruit (alpha hydroxy acids). Phenol is used for deep peeling, but its use is limited due to the high risk of scarring.

Most often, a combination of procedures is the most effective; in this case, an individual complex will be created for you. At the end of the procedures, the specialist is obliged to once again diagnose the condition of the facial skin and recommend how to maintain the achieved effect.

The skin of the face is a very sensitive and aesthetically important area, the condition of which has a direct impact on the psychological component of every woman’s life. If it is problematic and looks like an orange peel, then you have to try a lot of cosmetic methods. Why such a problem occurs and how to get rid of an unpleasant defect remains to be examined in more detail.

Causes and mechanisms

The so-called orange peel on the skin of the face is nothing more than enlarged pores. They are the efferent ducts of the sebaceous glands, the bulk of which are concentrated in three zones: forehead, nose and chin. Pore ​​enlargement occurs with increased secretion, and this is a consequence of external and internal reasons:

  • Air pollution.
  • Increased insolation.
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetics.
  • Excessive use of makeup.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Dietary errors.
  • Bad habits.
  • Digestive tract dysfunction.

Due to excessive oil production, the skin and impurities cause the pores to become clogged and enlarged. In the future, this leads to the formation of comedones and inflammatory acne. This situation is more typical for fatty and combination skin. And during the post-acne period, the effect of the so-called orange peel on the face becomes even more noticeable.

Areas on the face that look like orange peel are the result of excess oil production, enlargement and closing of pores.

Correction methods

Any cosmetic defect, especially noticeable and causing a lot of inconvenience, needs to be eliminated. You can get rid of orange peel on your face using several techniques. But which method is suitable in a particular situation, it is necessary to understand with the participation of a specialist.

Facial care

Proper facial skin care is of decisive importance in the structure of cosmetological correction. Suffering from increased fat content and a tendency to acne, you need to pay attention to a number of points:

  • Wash with special cleansing gels.
  • Use scrubs (once every 10 days).
  • Apply moisturizing creams.
  • Always remove makeup (do not leave it on overnight).
  • Do not get carried away with alcohol-containing products.

Skin care requires an integrated approach, which includes cleansing pores of fat and impurities, exfoliating the stratum corneum, and moisturizing. The selection of cosmetics must be approached very carefully, avoiding comedogenic components.

Salon treatments

When your facial skin looks like an orange peel, a specialist will tell you what to do. Besides quality care, he will recommend using salon procedures, the effect of which is perhaps the most pronounced. The following will help get rid of enlarged and clogged pores on the forehead or other areas:

  • Cleaning (mechanical, laser, ultrasonic, vacuum).
  • Peels (microdermabrasion, chemical).
  • Physiotherapy (ultraphonophoresis, darsonvalization).
  • Mesotherapy.
  • Cryotherapy, etc.

Both hardware and injection methods can be used, the effect of which is to clean the epithelium, desquamate the horny masses and narrow the pores. Along with this, other cosmetic problems can be overcome: dark spots, wrinkles, scar changes, loss of tone and elasticity.

Beauty salons or clinics offer a wide range of procedures to cleanse and improve the texture of facial skin.


If enlarged pores are a consequence of acne, even in the early stages, it is necessary to carry out drug therapy. You can normalize sebum secretion and eliminate excessive keratinization using the following local drugs:

  • Benzoyl peroxide.
  • Salicylic and azelaic acids.
  • Retinoids.

In an acute process, external therapy necessarily includes antibiotics (erythromycin, clindamycin), which suppress the proliferation of microbes in the pores. Along with this, treatment should include correction of hormonal imbalances and elimination of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Home methods

Cosmetological correction at home includes an equally extensive arsenal of products. Products based on natural ingredients will help remove so-called orange skin on the face. They are easy to prepare and made from available products, but their effectiveness can often be compared with store-bought ones. Most often, various masks are used to combat large pores:

  • Whipped egg white with chopped carrots and flour.
  • Grated potatoes or tomato paste.
  • Crushed orange pulp.
  • Lemon zest with olive oil.
  • Black bread soaked in warm water.
  • Brewed linden flowers.
  • Cosmetic clay.

The prepared mixture is applied to the face in an even layer, paying special attention to problem areas. After 15–20 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad and rinse with warm water. Next, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water to tighten the pores. A massage with ice cubes prepared from a decoction of medicinal plants tones the skin well.


To prevent the skin on your face from turning orange, it is recommended to adhere to prevention. Besides proper care behind the face, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle:

  • Healthy eating.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Complete rest.
  • Minimizing stress.

The skin is a reflection of the general condition of the body, so it is important to diagnose and treat diseases in a timely manner. internal organs. If you lead a correct lifestyle, many cosmetic problems will become less pronounced or will not appear at all.

By paying attention to preventive measures, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of enlarged pores and acne.

Wide pores and uneven terrain significantly spoil appearance. Therefore, many people with oily or combination skin want to know how to remove orange peel from their face. Exist various methods corrections, however best results will be received upon integrated approach and with the participation of a specialist.

We analyze in detail the problem of “orange peel” on the face: what are the reasons for its appearance and how to deal with it.

Enlarged pores, the appearance of bumps and inflamed areas on the skin is a fairly common problem, which is often called the orange peel effect on the face.

You will learn why it occurs and how to get rid of it by reading our article.

Reasons for appearance

“Why did my facial skin look like an orange peel?” - employees of cosmetology clinics hear this question quite often. There are a number of reasons for this problem:

  • allergic reactions;
  • improper skin care;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • poor nutrition;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, etc.

My face looks like an orange peel: what should I do?

When “orange peel” appears, the question is how to remove unpleasant symptoms.

Many people try to disguise them using Foundation. In fact, this tactic is highly undesirable, as it can lead to clogged pores and make the problem even worse.

If the skin on your face has become like an orange peel, you need to undergo a series of restorative cosmetic procedures as soon as possible. IN in this case The most effective are atraumatic facial cleansing, peelings and laser treatments.

Atraumatic facial cleansing

This procedure is a combination of soft dry cleaning and mechanical action. It allows you to eliminate acne, oily shine, inflammation, and activates regeneration processes.

Atraumatic facial cleansing has many advantages:

  • visible result after the first session;
  • no risk of skin damage;
  • the ability to treat only problem areas.

The first stage of the procedure involves the sequential application of masks to the skin glycolic acid. However, since such an effect does not eliminate all impurities, it is combined with manual peeling.

At the end of the procedure, a mask is applied to help moisturize the skin and tighten pores. In total, the session lasts about half an hour.


Peels allow you to get rid of enlarged pores, increased oiliness or excessive dryness of the skin, inflammatory processes and many other problems.

It is no coincidence that they are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.

There are chemical, mechanical and hardware peels. The first are based on the effects of chemicals (usually acids), the second - on manual application of drugs with active ingredients, and still others can be performed using laser or ultrasound.

Depending on the degree of impact, the following types of peeling are distinguished:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • deep.

Maximum penetration into the skin layers allows you to achieve the most pronounced effect, but is accompanied by increased skin trauma. That is why such procedures should be carried out exclusively in the salon.


The effect of the laser also allows you to quickly eliminate the effect of orange peel on the face. This procedure is in great demand because it acts against a number of cosmetic defects:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • wrinkles;
  • striae;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • rosacea;
  • scars.

A positive result is noticeable after the first visit to the clinic, but usually experts recommend at least 2-3 sessions.

At Novoklinik this procedure is carried out using a reliable Italian Synchro Play DEKA device equipped with a cooling system. The cosmetologist can regulate the depth of its effect, ensuring a pronounced result without unwanted side effects.

More about procedures

Prices for procedures

Cosmetology procedures contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Almost every representative of the fair sex knows what “problem” skin is. But it’s one thing when it comes to areas of the body that can be hidden under clothing from prying eyes, and another thing when it comes to the face. One of the most common problems of girls, in the fight against which not only cosmetics help, but also traditional methods, is the so-called “orange peel”. And if you have facial skin like an orange peel, we will tell you what to do in this article.

Signs of “orange peel” are not only enlarged pores, but also:

  • Increased salinity,
  • Unhealthy greasy shine.

Ways to eliminate the problem of orange peel face

And to get rid of not only external signs problems, but also from the factors that cause them, you can use popular cream recipes at home and provide your skin with appropriate care every day.

The latter include:

  1. Cleansing the skin using special facial gels. For these purposes, it is advisable to purchase cosmetics that contain not only oils, but also extracts of medicinal herbs that help cleanse and narrow enlarged pores. Subject to daily washing procedures by similar means the effect can be noticed in the near future.
  2. If your facial skin is like an orange peel, few people know what to do in such situations, other than using cleansing gels. To eliminate the “orange peel”, you need to use masks. It is best to apply masks that act in several directions at once:
  • cleansing pores;
  • their narrowing;
  • toning.
  1. For deeper cleaning of pores, peeling agents and scrubs are suitable. To increase the effect of the products, you will first need to steam your face. By first adding aromatic oils and extracts of medicinal herbs to the water, you can promote a deeper expansion of pores and at the same time saturate it with useful elements. After this, applying a scrub or peeling can achieve better results.