An individual educational route for the development of fine motor skills in a middle-aged child. Individual educational route for the development of fine motor skills in a middle-aged child Development and adoption of IOM

Municipal educational institution "Kindergarten No. 341 of the Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd"

SUBJECT: "Individual educational route for the development fine motor skills a child in the middle age group"

Completed by: E.V. Nikitina


Explanatory note:

One of the aspects of a preschooler’s development is the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements. Scientists have proven that the development of the hand is closely related to the development of speech and thinking of the child.

The relevance of work on the development of fine motor skills in middle-aged children is due to the age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of children: average During preschool age, the structures and functions of the child’s brain intensively develop, which expands his capabilities in understanding the world around him. Comprehensive understanding of the environment objective world a person cannot develop without tactile-motor perception, since it underlies sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile-motor perception that the first impressions of the shape, size of objects, and their location in space are formed. In preschool age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills.

Requirements for the development of fine motor skills of middle-aged children (4-5 years old).

The development of motor skills in children 4-5 years old must meet the following regulatory requirements:

Knocks object against object;

Takes a bead or crumb of bread (any round small part) with two fingers, and these should be the thumb and forefinger;

He takes out small objects from a transparent jar and tries to draw a vertical line: the error should not exceed 30°.

Redraws a cross, circle, square.

It is precisely these standards that the development of fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old should strive for: if the child has mastered most of the skills from this list, the formation of his thinking and motor abilities does not require correction.

When there is a partial delay (and even advance) in 1 or 2 indicators, they speak of inharmonious dynamics of the functions of thinking, speech and fine motor skills.

In the case where the child has not mastered most of the listed skills, more accurate diagnosis to lag to one degree or another.


for the 2017 - 2018 academic year

Last name, first name of the child:Kirill K, age 4-5.

Problem: Insufficient level of development of fine motor skills, which does not correspond to the age norm.

Target: Improving hand-eye coordination and developing fine motor skills.

Main areas of development work:Learn to hold scissors correctly, cut with them in a straight line, diagonally (square and rectangle); cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cut and round the corners. Formation of interest in constructive activity, including paper crafts.

Date of compilation: 09.25.2017

Educator: Nikitina E.V.

Agreed: with the senior teacher

Planning individual lessons for October.

1 Week




Lesson 1

Improving coordination of movements, fine motor skills, development of tactile sensitivity.

Finger Theater "Tales on Fingers"



Lesson 2

Improving coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions, correction of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Exercise “Fluffy paths”



2 week





Lesson 1

Develop the level of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.

Tear a sheet of paper into small pieces.



Lesson 2

Develop the ability to color in one direction without going beyond the outline.

Working with stencils “Trace and color geometric shapes”








Lesson 1

Develop the ability to squeeze and unclench a clothespin, determine the areas where the clothespin is attached, perform correlative actions, and coordinate small hand movements.

D/i "Skillful clothespins"



Lesson 2

Develop the ability to work with scissors, develop the ability to cut diagonally.

Trace the triangle according to the stencil and cut it out.








Lesson 1

Develop the ability to perform movements of unscrewing and tightening lids of different sizes, and coordinate small hand movements.

D/i "Funny Traffic Jams"



Lesson 2

Increased mobility of fingers.

Finger gymnastics“A cat sat on your palm”



Planning individual lessons November.

1 Week


Task, didactic game, exercise



Lesson 1

“Little constructor” - laying out from geometric shapes animals.



Lesson 2

Improve graphic skills and abilities, consolidate the ability to outline a drawing with dots and hatch with small strokes.

Circle the kitten by dots and hatch with small strokes.



2 week





Lesson 1

Continue to work on developing visual-motor functions. Continue learning how to use scissors.

Game “Who Lives Where?” Trace the stencil of the animal, cut it out and place it where it lives.



Lesson 2

Finger gymnastics “Fingers are friends.”








Lesson 1

Develop fine motor skills of fingers and tactile sensitivity.

Rolling a ribbed pencil between the palms (massage).



Lesson 2

Develop graphic skills.

“Train Rails” - drawing straight lines.








Lesson 1

Develop tactile sensitivity.

“Help the cook separate the beans from the peas.”



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills. Develop the ability to work with scissors, develop the ability to cut in a straight line.

Trace the square according to the stencil and cut it out.



Planning individual lessons December.

1 Week


Task, didactic game, exercise



Lesson 1

Finger gymnastics “Like we have a big family.”



Lesson 2

Continue to develop graphic skills.

Circle the picture with dots and color it.



2 week





Lesson 1

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills.

Self-massage of palms.




Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills.

“Let’s help grandma untie the knots in the rope.”









Lesson 1

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills.

"Fun lacing"



Lesson 2

Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Game "What is this?" Identify flat toys by touch: cube, ball, pyramid.








Lesson 1

Develop hand-eye coordination and finger motor skills.

We draw a car with our fingers on the rump.



Lesson 2

Continue learning how to fold paper shapes.

Origami "Boat"



Planning individual lessons January.






Lesson 1

Develop skills in cutting a circle from a square.

Cutting a circle from a square.



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills.

Lay out “Winter Forest” on a stencil of sandpaper using white threads.








Lesson 1

Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Modeling “Brush of grapes” using the molding method.



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills.

Development of coordination and accuracy of movements.

Application “New Year's branch”, rolling balls from napkins.



Planning individual lessons February.

1 Week


Task, didactic game, exercise



Lesson 1

Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Finger game "Bullfinches".



Lesson 2

Practice drawing lines without taking your eyes off the paper, strengthen your shading skills in different ways.

“Bird” - outlining the stencil, shading to show in different directions



2 week





Lesson 1

Develop skills in cutting an oval from a rectangle. Consolidating skills to smoothly cut and secure corners.



Lesson 2








Lesson 1

Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Reinforce techniques for using scissors.

Application “Pattern on a handkerchief”



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing visual-motor functions.

Develop tactile sensitivity.

“Hedgehog and Hedgehogs”: sticking matches into a plasticine lump.








Lesson 1

Continue learning how to roll napkins into balls.

"Cheerful Snowman" Applique of lumps made from napkins.



Lesson 2

Learn to act according to verbal instructions.

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills.

Finger gymnastics “Sun”.



Planning individual lessons March.

1 Week


Task, didactic game, exercise



Lesson 1

Continue to develop visual-motor functions.

Lay out the fireworks from the rice along the drawn outline.



Lesson 2

Learn to stroke in different directions.

Hatching “Vegetables and fruits”.



2 week





Lesson 1

D/exercise “Circle the dots.”



Lesson 2

Development of fine movements of the fingers, their motor activity.

"Living room furniture." Laying out sticks from a cabinet, sofa.








Lesson 1

Develop fine motor skills.

We tie a bow on the gift.



Lesson 2

Develop fine motor skills.

Wind up a ball for grandma.








Lesson 1

D/exercise "Circle the dots"



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills and coordination.

Laying out silhouettes of dishes (cups, pans, etc.) from buttons.




Planning individual lessons April.

1 Week


Task, didactic game, exercise



Lesson 1

Improving the skills of cutting an oval from a rectangle. Consolidating skills to smoothly cut and secure corners.

Cutting an oval from a rectangle.



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills and coordination. Learn to work with cereals.

Millet applique “Sun”.



2 week





Lesson 1

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills and coordination of movements.

Laying out items from counting sticks according to a pattern.



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills and coordination.

Picking a flower along the contour.








Lesson 1

Improving the skills of cutting a circle from a square.Consolidating skills to smoothly cut and secure corners.

Cutting a circle from a square.



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills.

Plasticineography “Fish in an aquarium”.








Lesson 1

Practice laying out figures from counting sticks.

“House for the starling” - laying out sticks according to the “well” principle.



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills and coordination.

D/exercise “Circle the dots.”



Planning individual lessons May.

1 Week


Task, didactic game, exercise



Lesson 1

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, learn to lay out a figure along the contour.

Place peas along the drawn outline (berries).



Lesson 2

Continue learning to smear pieces of plasticine, filling the space inside.

Plasticineography “Strawberry”.



2 week





Lesson 1

Strengthen your ability to work with origami techniques.

Origami "Airplane".



Lesson 2

Continue to work on developing fine motor skills and coordination.

Finger game "Rain".








Lesson 1

Strengthen the ability to work with the sticking technique.

Plasticineography “Sun”.



Lesson 2

Activate hand motor skills, develop the ability to control your movements.

"Who is this?" assembling a human figure from geometric shapes according to a pattern.








Lesson 1

Strengthening the skills of cutting a circle from a square.Consolidating skills to smoothly cut and secure corners.

Cutting a circle from a square.



Lesson 2

Strengthening the skills of cutting an oval from a rectangle. Consolidating skills to smoothly cut and secure corners.

Cutting an oval from a rectangle.



Dynamics of achievements: As a result of the classes, positive dynamics are observed: the child holds the scissors correctly, cuts with them in a straight line, diagonally, cuts a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cuts and rounds the corners. Development of fine motor skills corresponds to age norms

Irina Masakova
Individual educational route for a 3–4 year old preschooler in five educational areas

Introduction of the Federal State Educational The standard allows us to talk today about the formation new system preschool education, where one of the key points is the need to use all pedagogical resources for effective development child. Priority direction in the organization educational process preschool institutions should become individual approach to the child. Principle individualization is a fundamental principle of the Federal State Educational Standard. We find confirmation of this in paragraphs Standard:

P. 1.6 (tasks of the standard)– creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual the characteristics and inclinations of developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other people, adults and the world; formation of a sociocultural environment appropriate for age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

P. 1.4 (principles of the standard)individualization of preschool education;

Clause 2.10.2 (content)– methods and directions of children’s initiative;

Clause 3.2.1 – use in educational activities, forms and methods of working with children, appropriate to their age and individual characteristics;

Clause 3.2.3 – individualization of education(including supporting the child, building his educational trajectories or professional correction of developmental characteristics);

P. 3.2.5 – building a developmental education, focused on the zone of proximal development of each student.

Principle of pedagogy individual approach is not to change the content of education in the interests of a particular child, but to adapt pedagogical methods and techniques to his personal characteristics. To process education was successful, it is necessary to take into account the difficulties that the child experiences, the pace at which he acquires knowledge, skills and abilities. IN in this case a model of fruitful partnership between a child and a teacher is being implemented, since the child and parents retain the right to choose the most suitable educational methods from those, which will be proposed by specialists. This approach, which forms the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, is based on ensuring compliance educational activities according to the age of the pupils, their individual characteristics, provides diversity of individual educational trajectories and individual development of every child (including gifted children and children with disabilities) disabilities health, ensures the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms educational cooperation and expansion of the zone of proximal development. The task of the preschool teacher is to reorient from mass frontal work to group, pair, individual according to individual development trajectory of students, taking into account their abilities and capabilities. One solution in this situation is to draw up and implement individual educational route(IOM).

I suggest sample IOM for preschoolers 3-4 years old in 5 educational areas.

Map "Speech development"

Child's full name


Tasks educational

Problem: Quickly distracted when listening to a literary text, poorly remembers it

The child learns the content of the listened works from the illustrations,

responds emotionally to it. During the month, fostering interest in folklore and literary texts and a desire to listen to them. 1. Consulting: “Using a tabletop theater at home”

2. Newsletter: "Features of development cognitive processes for a 3-4 year old child"

3. Home game library: "Place the heroes in order", "Let's describe the hero", "Cut pictures", "Labyrinths"

1. Conversations about what you read

2. Acting out what you read using finger puppets and tabletop theater characters

3. Dramatize what you read

4. Acting out episodes using objects as decorations and attributes - deputies: shreds, boxes, pieces of paper, etc.


2. Milana S.


Does not show initiative in communicating with adults and peers.

Doesn't respond to appeal to all children in the group and understands speech,

addressed only to him. The child enjoys verbal communication with friends

adults: understands speech addressed to him

Within 3 months Mastering the skills of dialogical speeches: answer questions and appeals

adult; report your impressions and desires; ask questions in conditions

a clearly presented communication situation (who is this? What is his name? (and so on.). 1. Parent essay "Portrait of my child"

2. Consulting: "Crisis of 3 years"

3. Playing out various communication situations with children and modeling ways out of them. 1. Round dance games that unite children and adults: “Who is good and who is handsome?”, “Come out, Vova, into the circle, take Vova’s flag.”

2. Imaginative simulation games: "Cheerful bunnies", "The Hen and the Chicks", “Ring the bell and say your name”

3. Practical situations: “Show Lyosha how to start the car”, “Teach Leroux to build sand figures”

4. Joint and collective creativity Consultation with a teacher-psychologist, speech therapist Positive dynamics in development are observed


Does not use basic forms of polite verbal communication.

Shows verbal activity when communicating with peers; says hello and

says goodbye to the teacher and children, thanks for lunch, expresses a request. Within 3 weeks Mastering and using basic forms of speech etiquette in situations

communication: greeting, request, gratitude, introduction, distinguish between forms

appeals for adults and children (hello - hello); call children in

group by name, use of affectionate forms of names. 1. Speech exercises "Call me kindly", "Children of our group"

2. Games with family: "Who better to praise", "Visiting the doll Tanya" 1. Joint leisure: "A Journey to the World of Kind Words"

2. Gaming educational situations: "Goodbye toys", "Meeting the doll Katya"

3. Reading a poem "Important Words" V. Kudlacheva Consultation with an educational psychologist Developing the skill of using forms of polite verbal communication

4. Ksyusha H.


Refuses to retell, does not know a single poem by heart. Answers questions with a separate word; Together with an adult, retells familiar fairy tales, reads short ones.

poetry. Based on the questions, he composes a story from the picture in 3-4 simple sentences. Within 2 months Mastering monologue skills speeches: on questions from the teacher, draw up

a story based on a picture of 3-4 sentences; retell together with the teacher

well-known fairy tales; with the help of a teacher

build complex sentences. 1. Information for parents: "Games for speech development"

2. Joint learning of poems

1. Conversations about what you read

2. Compiling stories from pictures

3. Memorizing poetry

4. D. games for enrichment dictionary: “Who will see and name more”, "Tell me which one", "Who better to praise"

5. D. games for the development of communication speeches: “The doll is happy and sad”, "Compare the bears", Lay out the pictures" Individual classes with a speech therapist There is a positive trend in the development of speech skills

5. Alyosha M.


Does not answer questions regarding immediate surroundings

Names objects and objects in the immediate environment. The child enjoys verbal communication with friends

adults: Within 3 months Proficiency in speech as a means of communication and culture:

Mastering skills: at the initiative of an adult, name members of your family,

familiar literary characters and their actions in pictures, talk about loved ones

toys. Enrichment of the active dictionary

Use in speech: names of objects and objects in the immediate environment, their

purpose, parts and properties, actions with them 1. Consultations “Games for developing a child’s communication skills”

2. Joint production of crafts, drawings, applications 1. D. games to identify properties and qualities items: "Contrasts", "Associations", "Colors", "Pick a Pair"

2. Looking at family photographs and illustrations in books

3. Creation of games situations: “Our family is going to the dacha”, “Show Lena how to start the car” Individual classes with an educational psychologist There is a positive trend in the development of speech skills

Map individual educational route for a preschool child 3-4 years old in educational institutions"Cognitive Development"

Child's full name

Goals-results from OOP Time period Objectives educational interactions in kindergarten

Tasks educational family interactions Used educational technologies, techniques, methods and techniques Opportunity to work with other specialists Determination of ways to evaluate success

1. Seryozha I.


Does not take into account the sensory attributes of objects in practical activities. Inactive in


Independently finds an object based on specified characteristics, distinguishes

shape, color, size of objects and objects, has several actions

examinations. During

3 months Distinguishing colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue,

purple, black, white, mastering 2-4 words denoting color. Mastery

grouping according to a given subject according to the sample and

word (by color, shape, size, material). 1. Recommendations for selecting board games

2. Newsletter: « Logic games for the development of cognitive interests of children 3-4 years old"

1. Research observations.

2. Didactic games for color recognition spectrum: "Miracle Tree", "Contrasts", "Aircraft", "Who is faster"

3. Experimentation

4. Game "Denesh Blocks", "Cuisenaire's Sticks" Consultation with an educational psychologist Positive dynamics in development are observed

2. Artyom Sh.


Finds it difficult to distinguish people by gender, age, etc. real life, So

and in the illustrations. Shows no interest in people and their actions. Knows his first and last name, gender, age. Asks questions about people and their actions. Distinguishes people by gender, age

(children, adults, elderly) both in real life and in illustrations. Within 3 months Showing interest in the activities of children and adults. Distinguishing between children and adults

in life and in pictures by age, gender, appearance, clothing. Development

ability to find common and different in the appearance of different adults and children

age. Mastering words that mean various adult activities. 1. Individual counseling: “What to do with your child at home”

2. Games for the family: "Professions", "Family", "Find a Pair" 1. Looking at family and group photos

2. Role-playing games

3. Playing out situations

Consultation with an educational psychologist Positive dynamics in development are observed

3. Marina Ts.


Carelessly appeals with objects and objects of the environment peace: breaks,

throws, plucks plants.

Enjoys participating in experimentation activities,

organized by an adult.

Shows emotions of joyful surprise and verbal activity in the process

knowledge of the properties and qualities of objects. Within 6 months Mastering ideas about objects and phenomena inanimate nature. Distinguishing plants of the immediate natural environment by single bright

signs (color, size) their names. Understanding that a person cares for animals and plants shows

emotions and feelings. 1. Manufacturing instructions crafts: “We create, we change, transform»

2. Ind. conversation about the need to participate with the child in creative competitions

3. Conversation: "We educate with kindness" 1. Experimentation and experiments with objects

2. Games-traveling into the past of objects

3. Design from natural materials Consultation with an educational psychologist Positive dynamics in development are observed

Map individual educational route for a preschool child 3-4 years old in educational institutions"Social and communicative development"

Child's full name

Goals-results from OOP Time period Objectives educational interactions in kindergarten

Tasks educational interactions in the family Pedagogical technologies, methods, methods and techniques used Ability to work with other specialists Determination of ways to assess success


The desire for independence in self-care is not expressed, it awaits

constant help from an adult, even in mastered actions, is not pays attention to

your appearance: dirty hands, soiled dress, etc.

Shows independence in self-care

washes, eats, dresses with a little help from an adult. During

4 months Mastering individual actions, then processes

self-care related to dressing, washing, caring for one’s appearance

appearance, behavior at the table during meals. Accustoming to compliance

order 1. Newsletters "Health Secrets"

2. Watching a cartoon "Moidodyr" 1. Reading a poem by Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

2. Looking at illustrations

3. Educational situations : "We're going to the theater", "We are neat"

4. Acting out "Water-water", "Grow your braid to your waist", “We must, we must wash ourselves”

2. Kirill S.


Child's mood is unstable: a calm state alternates with

tearfulness, negative behavior towards peers, or

adults. There are some negative reactions to requests adults:

stubbornness, whims, unmotivated demands. The child is friendly with others and shows interest in words and actions.

adults, willingly attends kindergarten. The child is friendly, plays calmly next to children, enters into

communication about toys, play activities. Within 6 months Mastering simple ways communication and interactions:

address children by name, agree on joint actions

engage in pair communication.

Participation in joint play and household activities with the teacher, readiness

answer his questions, act in concert, take into account advice and suggestions


1. Consultations: "Secrets of good manners preschoolers» , “Rules of behavior at home and in kindergarten”; "What is good and what is bad"

2. Conversation "We educate with kindness"

1. Role-playing games with a problem situation

2. Playing out problematic situations

3. Watching cartoons

4. Collaborative creativity Consultation with an educational psychologist Positive dynamics in development are observed

3. Arina M.


The child does not show interest in the work of adults, does not understand the connection between the goal and the result of work; finds it difficult to name labor actions, material, from

which the item is made, its purpose. The child watches with interest the labor actions of adults

creation or transformation of objects, connects the goal and the result of work; calls

labor actions, tools, some materials from which objects are made.

Within 4 months Initial ideas that objects are made by people. Together with

adults establish rapport "goal - result" in labor. Formation of initial ideas about

household work of adults at home and in kindergarten. 1. Conversation “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

2. Making a photo album “What do my parents do?” 1. Game situation "The Work of a Cook", "Let's help the janitor" and etc.

2. Empathy games "Cooking soup", "Ironing clothes", "Washing the dishes" and etc.

3. Didactic games for classifying objects

4. Conversation "Who are your parents" Consultation with a teacher-psychologist, speech therapist Positive dynamics in development are observed

Map individual educational route for a preschool child 3-4 years old in educational institutions"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Child's full name

Goals-results from OOP Time period Objectives educational interactions in kindergarten

Tasks educational interactions in the family Pedagogical technologies, methods, methods and techniques used Ability to work with other specialists Determination of ways to assess success


Doesn't feel like drawing

Creates protozoa Images based on simple forms; conveys resemblance

with real items During

4 months Development of skills to rhythmically apply lines, strokes, spots.

Getting to know the methods images of simple objects, drawing different straight lines in different directions; ways of creating objects of different shapes, combinations of different shapes and lines. Creation methods Images: arc based,

image toys based on round and elongated shapes 1. Consultations: "Meaning fine art activities in the development of the child’s personality preschooler», “Development of fine motor skills with a brush and pencil”;

2. Thematic competitions – “Children and parents draw”;

1. Examination of illustrations for children's books by artists (Yu. Vasnetsov, Yu. Korovin, E. Charushin)

2. Review various types equipment for unconventional drawing (pokes, seals, sponge, sticks, etc.)

3. Collaborative drawing

Consultation with a senior teacher Positive dynamics in development are observed fine arts


Refuses to talk about the content of the work or in one word

answers questions only after personal an adult addressing him.

Actively empathizes with the characters of the work, responds emotionally to

active empathy depicted characters and events. Understanding the content

works and sequence of events in the text, identifying the most striking

actions and actions of the heroes, the desire to give them a basic assessment. 1. Recommendations for creating conditions for productive reading at home;

1. Playing out plots

2. The use of various types of theaters as accompaniment when reading fiction. works

3. Looking at book illustrations

4. Sketch of what you read Consultation with a senior teacher Positive dynamics in development are observed

6. Timur M.


The child finds it difficult to reproduce the rhythmic pattern of music, not

rhythmic. During movements, does not respond to changes in music, continues

perform previous movements Shows emotional responsiveness, initial

judgments about the mood of music.

Distinguishes between dance, song, marching meter rhythm, transmits them to

movement. Within 5 months Discrimination of some properties of musical sound (high - low, loud -

quiet). Experimenting with sounds on your own

in different types of activities, research into the quality of musical sound: height, length. Distinguishing the elementary character of music, understanding the simplest

musical images. 1. Recommendations for selecting music. works for listening

2. Consultation “Learning to distinguish the rhythmic pattern of music”

1. Expressing your emotions using simple musical instruments without using speech, including on a specific topic

2. Movements in a circle to music

3. Moving around a strictly defined room way with musical accompaniment Consultation with a music director Positive dynamics in the development of musical skills are observed

Map individual educational route for a preschool child 3-4 years old in educational institutions"Physical development"

Child's full name

Goals-results from OOP Time period Objectives educational interactions in kindergarten

Tasks educational interactions in the family Pedagogical technologies, methods, methods and techniques used Ability to work with other specialists Determination of ways to assess success


It is difficult to act according to the instructions of the teacher, to coordinate his

movements with the movements of other children; lags behind the overall pace of execution

exercises. When performing exercises, demonstrates sufficient compliance with

age-related abilities coordination of movements, mobility in joints, quickly

responds to signals, switches from one movement to another. Confidently completes tasks, acts at a common pace for everyone; easily

finds its place in joint formations and games.


6 months General developmental exercises. Traditional two-part general developmental exercises with

simultaneous and unidirectional movements of the arms and legs, maintaining

correct body position, with and without objects in various positions

(standing, sitting, lying down). Start and end of exercises on signal. 1. Memo: "Outdoor games with a child at home"

2. Consultations: "Games in our yard", “Sedentary games to develop motor coordination” 1. Physical education minutes

2. Individual work on developing movements while walking

3. Outdoor games

4. Morning exercises

5. Alternating tension and relaxation with counting, metronome, music. Consultations with a physical education instructor. There is a positive trend in the development of physical qualities

8. Andrey A.


Is unfamiliar or has limited understanding of personal hygiene rules,

the need to adhere to a daily routine, about healthy lifestyle.

Experiences difficulty in independently performing washing processes,

nutrition, dressing, basic care of one’s appearance, in use

handkerchief, constantly waiting for help from an adult. He uses cultural and hygienic skills with pleasure and enjoys his

independence and results.

He listens with interest to poems and nursery rhymes about the processes of washing and bathing.

Within 3 months Formation of healthy values ​​in children lifestyle, mastering it

basic rules and regulations

Basic personal hygiene skills (washing, dressing, bathing,

eating, cleaning, etc. skills that help maintain, strengthen and

maintaining health; basic knowledge about the daily routine, about situations that threaten

health. Basic algorithms for performing cultural and hygienic procedures. 1. Newsletter "Health Secrets"

2. Memo “We teach preschooler to independence» 1. Looking at illustrations

3. Playing with various hygiene processes

4. Educational games

Consultation with a senior teacher There is a positive trend in the development of hygiene skills

Ekaterina Kulikanova (Sorvacheva)
Map of an individual educational route for a preschool child (for children 3–4 years old)

Map of an individual educational route for a preschool child(For children 3 – 4 years old)

Educational areas Objectives, tasks Tasks educational interactions in kindergarten Tasks educational interaction with the family Pedagogical technologies and techniques used, methods, techniques Ability to work with other specialists

Speech development

Problem: The activity of verbal communication is reduced, shy. Target: formation of interest and need for perception oral speech during the reading process.

Tasks: organization of space and forms in which the perception of the text would be available to kid; supporting active attention to the text being read with praise and simple questions related to what was read; Personal development baby; implementation of full socialization child with peers; providing assistance and support to parents, counseling on issues of education and development baby. Help parents understand the essence baby, identify and understand strengths and weaknesses baby. Together with the child, analyze the results of the activity in detail, identify what is not working, at what stage of the work it is difficult, and what needs to be corrected. Give the child a task not in the form of an explanation, but by showing how to complete the task. educational psychologist, speech therapist.

Social and communicative development

Problem: not developed perseverance, ability to overcome difficulties, when paired with another child doesn't know how to complete tasks.

Target: development of social interaction skills.

Tasks: development of gaming skills, formation of a number of accessible joint games and playing them;

familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral);

Providing training children skills and abilities to complete tasks, ways of acquiring knowledge, time management, socialization child among peers. Invite parents to praise their child for good deeds. Games, exercises and trainings that promote the development of emotional, personal and behavioral spheres(development of communication skills and improvement of relationships with others, relieving fears and increasing self-confidence, reducing aggression and weakening negative emotions). Game technologies, cooperation pedagogy technology, Method projects: Children's - adult project "My Moods", implementation educational project"We are different, but we are together". Creating games with a problem situation; simulation games, depicting any social process; interactive games – games for interaction; socio-behavioural.

Playing out conflict situations and modeling ways out of them. Psycho-gymnastics.

educational psychologist, teacher

Artistic and aesthetic development


mostly uses one color, paints it impetuously, without interest.

Target: development of creative abilities in productive activity (drawing, modeling, appliqué, artistic design and labor).

Tasks: organizing games according to the rules using tools; improvement of sensory experience baby; education of emotional responsiveness. Enriching children's ideas with vivid impressions through fiction, musical and theatrical activities, and the perception of a work of art. Formation of emotional responsiveness, desire to perform imitative actions. Mastering a skill depict objects with straight and rounded lines. Consult on topics: « Unconventional techniques drawing".

"Skillful use of scissors".

Take part in all creative competitions.

Nod - journey "Meeting with music and palette".

Entertainment "Merry notes".

Creative tasks: "Warm - cold", "Two Carpets", "Nonexistent Animal", "Draw Music", "Revived Objects". educational psychologist, music director, teacher.

Cognitive development

Problem: partially copes with software tasks; there is no interest in cognitive activity while working in a team.

Target: development of cognitive interests, intellectual development.

Tasks: sensory development; development of cognitive, research and productive (constructive) activities; formation of elementary mathematical concepts; formation of a holistic pictures of the world, broadening your horizons.

Mastering geometric figures and shapes of objects, grouping them by color, size, shape. Identification of relationships between groups of objects by quantity and number. Establishing the relationship between qualitative and quantitative characteristics of objects. Recommendation of games for developing attention "Find differences", "Find a Pair".

Interest child's games"Magic Table", "Make an object", "Unicube", "Mosaic", "Fold the pattern", “When does this happen?” Teacher – psychologist, educator

Physical development

Problem: does not have the skill of hitting the ball on the floor.

Target: formation of interest and value attitude towards physical development classes, harmonious physical development baby.

Tasks: development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination); accumulation and enrichment of motor experience (mastery of basic movements); formation of the need for physical activity and physical improvement. Development of the eye, dexterity, ability to act together, in general, at all paces in the process of performing entertaining physical exercises; following the rules in outdoor games. Consultations for parents on the development of skills and abilities baby. Individual sessions , conversations, thematic parenting meetings. Ball games "Throw it further", "Catch the Ball". Movable games:

« Shaggy dog» , "My funny ringing ball", "By the Bear in the Forest". physical development instructor.

Publications on the topic:

Relevance. The development of Russian society in the coming decades largely depends on the quality of education. Level of social adaptation.

Child's individual development map Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kirillovsky kindergarten No. 36 Map of a child’s individual development route.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten№ 22 "Dove" Tuapse

Individual educational routes for children

junior group "KAPITOSHKI"

(3-4 years)

Explanatory note

Development and implementation of an individual educational route for a preschooler

In practice, the process of training and education is mainly focused on average level child development, therefore not every pupil can fully realize their potential. This poses the task for educators, speech therapists, and psychologists of preschool educational institutions to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the preparation and implementation of an individual educational route (hereinafter referred to as IOM).

An individual educational route is a personal way to realize the personal potential of a child (pupil) in education and training.

The main goal of drawing up an individual educational route (IER):

This is the creation in kindergarten of conditions conducive to the positive socialization of preschool children and their social and personal development.

Social tasks personal development child:

Create a favorable subject-development environment for the social development of the child;

Organize a unified system of work for the administration, teaching staff, medical staff of preschool educational institutions and parents on the social and personal development of the child;

Improve the style of communication between the teacher and the child: adhere to a psychologically correct style of communication, achieve the respect and trust of the student;

Create conditions for the development of a child’s positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, and the communicative and social competence of children;

Develop in the child a sense of self-esteem, awareness of his rights and freedoms (the right to have his own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal belongings, use personal time at his own discretion)

The individual educational route is determined by:

government order;

the needs and requests of parents;

individual functional capabilities and level of development of pupils;

possibilities of the preschool educational institution;

Individual educational routes are developed:

For children who do not master the basic general education program of preschool education;

For children with disabilities, disabled children.

For children with high intellectual development.

An individual educational route includes the main directions:

Development of general and fine motor skills;

Development of cultural-hygienic and communicative-social skills;

Formation of the child’s activities (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, objective-practical, playful, productive), which include modeling, appliqué, drawing) and other types of productive activities.

Speech development (formation of the sensory basis of speech, sensorimotor mechanism, speech functions);

Formation of ideas about the environment (the objective world and social relations);

Formation of ideas about space and time

Methods used in the work:

Conversations, games, activities, reading fiction, sketches aimed at getting to know various emotions and feelings, with “magic” means of understanding;

Games, exercises and trainings that promote the development of emotional, personal and behavioral spheres (developing communication skills and improving relationships with others, relieving fears and increasing self-confidence, reducing aggression and weakening negative emotions)

Activities, games and exercises for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination);

Art therapy techniques (puppet therapy, isotherapy, fairy tale therapy);

Relaxation psycho-gymnastic exercises (relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck, torso, arms, legs, etc.)

When developing an individual route, we rely on the following principles:

The principle of relying on the child’s learning ability,

Level correlation principle current development and zones of proximal development.

The principle of respecting the interests of the child. Another name for it is “on the child’s side.” Those educators must treat the child and his problems objectively! Always be on the child's side!

The principle of close interaction and coordination of the work of a “team” of specialists in the course of studying the level of development of a child (phenomenon, situation);

The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem.

The principle of refusal of average rationing. The implementation of this principle involves avoiding a direct assessment approach when diagnostic examination level of child development.

The principle of relying on children's subculture. Each child, enriching himself with traditions, norms and methods developed by the children's community, lives a full-fledged childhood experience.

Based on the analysis of the literature we studied, several stages of constructing an individual educational route were identified.

Novikov Nikita Andreevich

Last name, first name of the child: Novikov Nikita

Age: 3 years



A week

Regime moments

Interaction with parents


1 Week


2 week

Did. Game “Who Screams How”

3 week

Finger game "Hide and Seek"

4 week

Did. Game “Who Screams How”


1 Week


“What has changed on the site”

Game "Visit us."

2 week

3 week

Ex. For lips “Needle”

4 week

"What is missing?"

Game for attention

"What is missing?"


1 Week

2 week

3 week

Tour of the kindergarten

Did. Game "Toys"

4 week

Expected result

Individual educational route for a child

Ivanov Denis Alexandrovich

Last name, first name of the child: Ivanov Denis

Age: 3.3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Difficulties: Speech delays, communication problems


A week

Regime moments

Didactic games, direct educational activities

Joint activities with a teacher

Interaction with parents


1 Week


Help the teacher choose a book to read

Working with plasticine "Kolobok"

Go out with the teacher to the reception area and find your locker

Finger gymnastics “Finger - boy”

2 week

3 week

Name the items needed for GCD drawing.

Palm drawing “Beautiful flower”

Finger game “Palms - palms”

4 week

Prepare yourself for bed and find your crib

Did. Game “Who Screams How”

Exercise “Show how a kitten laps milk”

Game "Visit us"


1 Week


“What has changed on the site”

Display of the poster “Pets”

Exercise for the articulatory apparatus “The bubble burst”

Exercise for the articulatory apparatus “The bubble burst”

2 week

Put the scattered toys back in their places.

Learning the poem by A. Barto “Dropped the bear on the floor” using facial and body expressions

Communication game “Tender Name”

Repeating a poem learned in kindergarten...

3 week

Reciting A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly” in front of the whole group

Ex. For lips “Needle”

Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

Repeat lip exercise “Needle”

4 week

Tidy up the drawing corner

Working with visual material

"What is missing?"

Did. Game "Buttons and Bows"

Game for attention

"What is missing?"


1 Week

Learn to collect toys while walking

Finger painting “Clouds”

Did. Sensory game “Wonderful bag”

Consultation " Correct speech parents both in the family and outside the home"

2 week

Finger gymnastics “Fingers”

Didactic game “Toys”

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

3 week

Tour of the kindergarten

Drawing “Flowers” ​​(with pokes)

Articulation gymnastics “Frog”

Let’s draw together “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”

4 week

We use cutlery correctly: we learn to hold a spoon correctly.

Did. Game "Profession"

Plasticineography " Tender sun»

Repetition of different professions

Expected result

1. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

2. Improving the child’s oral speech, the ability to pronounce words correctly.

3. Development of communication skills.

4. Development of sensory perception of the surrounding world.

Individual educational route for a child

Malinko Matvey Andreevich

Last name, first name of the child: Malinko Matvey

Age: 3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”


A week

Regime moments

Didactic games, direct educational activities

Joint activities with a teacher

Interaction with parents


1 Week

Did. Game "Come to me."

2 week

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

Game "Centipede".

Consultation “Here I come!”

3 week

Outdoor game "Parvoz"

4 week

Game "Collect toys."


1 Week


Game "Pass the bell".

2 week

Put the scattered toys back in their places.

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

4 week

Little night grey.

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”


1 Week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

2 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

4 week

Ritual of farewell

Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

Individual educational route for a child

Povazhny Timofey Nikolaevich

Last name, first name of the child: Povazhny Timofey

Age: 3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.


A week

Regime moments

Didactic games, direct educational activities

Joint activities with a teacher

Interaction with parents


1 Week The reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons”

Getting to know the group on your own.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game “Away at Lyalya’s”

Exercise "Let's get to know each other"

Consultation “Here I come!”

2 week

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Getting to know the group on your own.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov's fairy tale Bedtime Tale 7,

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist."

Game "Centipede".

Consultation “Friendly family”

3 week

Reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”

Get to know your area on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”.

Game "Collect toys."

Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

4 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own.

Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”.

Outdoor game "Parvoz"

Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”


1 Week


“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone".

Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”.

Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

2 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade”

We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places.

Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game "Pass the bell".

Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade”

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Who Sings What?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”.

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

4 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart,Little night grey.

Tidy up the board game corner

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala’s bow”.

Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.


1 Week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime

Did. game “Who came to visit us?”

Game "Doll Katya sings and dances."

Game "Come and visit us"

2 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Tidy up the board game corner

Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Mishka”

Lesson with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”)

Homework: create an autumn composition at home.

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Instilling the skills of dressing after sleep.

Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep”

Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

4 week

Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables.

Did. Game "Riding a doll in a car"

Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”,

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have

Ritual of farewell

Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

  • Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions
  • Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period
  • Improving the mental and physical level of children
  • Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Individual educational route for a child

Bondar Polina Andreevna

Last name, first name of the child: Bondar Polina

Age: 3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Difficulties: Speech development delays, communication problems.


A week

Regime moments

Didactic games, direct educational activities

Joint activities with a teacher

Interaction with parents


1 Week


“What has changed on the street with the arrival of autumn”

Presentation about animals "Who's Who"

Exercise “Show how a kitten laps milk”

Game "Visit us."

2 week

Put the scattered toys back in their places.

Did. Game “Who Screams How”

Go out with the teacher to the reception area and find your locker

Finger gymnastics “My Family”

3 week

Reciting A. Barto's poem "Bull" in front of the whole group

Did. Game “Who Screams How”

Finger game "Hide and Seek"

4 week

Prepare yourself for bed and find your crib

Palm drawing “Funny octopuses”

Exercise for the articulatory apparatus “The bubble burst”, “The bunny was mistaken for a wolf”

Exercise for the articulatory apparatus “The bubble burst”


1 Week


Help the teacher choose a book to read

Working with plasticine “Octopuses”

2 week

Assignment: Find your own shoes in the waiting room before going out.

Learning the poem by A. Barto “Dropped the bear on the floor” using facial and body expressions

Communication game “Tender Name”

Repeating a poem learned in kindergarten...

3 week

Name the items needed for GCD drawing.

Ex. For lips “Needle”

Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

4 week

Tidy up the drawing corner

Working with visual material

"What is missing?"

Did. Game "Buttons and Bows"

Game for attention

"What is missing?"


1 Week

Learn to collect toys while walking

Finger painting “Tender sun”

Did. Sensory game “Wonderful bag”

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

2 week

Finger gymnastics “Fingers”

Articulation gymnastics “Frog”

Consultation “Correct speech of parents both in the family and outside the home”

3 week

Tour of the kindergarten

Drawing “Flowers” ​​(tamponing)

Did. Game "Toys"

Let’s draw together “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”

4 week

We use cutlery correctly: we learn to hold a spoon correctly.

Did. Game “Profession”, Articulation gymnastics “Proboscis”

Plasticineography “Tender Sun”

No. 40"

Individual educational route for a child

Markin Mikhail

Last name, first name of the child: Markin Mikhail

Age: 3 years

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.


A week

Regime moments

Didactic games, direct educational activities

Joint activities with a teacher

Interaction with parents


1 Week The reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons”

Getting to know the group on your own.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist."

Exercise "Let's get to know each other"

Consultation “Friendly family”

2 week

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Getting to know the group on your own.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 7, 8

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

Game "Centipede".

Consultation “Here I come!”

3 week

Reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”

Get to know your area on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”.

Outdoor game "Parvoz"

Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

4 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own.

Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”.

Game "Collect toys."

Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”


1 Week


“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone".

Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game "Pass the bell".

Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

2 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade”

We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places.

Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”.

Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade”

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala’s bow”.

Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

4 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart,Little night grey.

Tidy up the board game corner

Games “Who Sings What?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”.

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”


1 Week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime

Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Mishka”

Lesson with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”)

Homework: create an autumn composition at home.

2 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Did. game “Who came to visit us?”

Game "Doll Katya sings and dances."

Game "Come and visit us"

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Instilling the skills of dressing after sleep.

Did. Game "Riding a doll in a car"

Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”,

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have.

Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

4 week

Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables.

Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep”

Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Ritual of farewell

Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

  • Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions
  • Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period
  • Improving the mental and physical level of children
  • Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 40"

Oktyabrsky district of Saratov

Individual educational route for a child

Odinokova Daria Alexandrovna

Last name, first name of the child: Daria Odinokova

Age: 3 years

Group: 2nd junior group “Cloud”

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.


A week

Regime moments

Didactic games, direct educational activities

Joint activities with a teacher

Interaction with parents

1 WeekThe reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons”

Getting to know the group on your own.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist."

Exercise "Let's get to know each other"

Consultation “Friendly family”

2 week

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Getting to know the group on your own.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 7, 8

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

.Game "Centipede".

Consultation “Here I come!”

3 week

Reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”

.Getting to know your property on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”.

Outdoor game "Parvoz"

. Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

4 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own.

Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”.

Game "Collect toys."

Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

1 Week


“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone".

Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game "Pass the bell".

Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

2 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade”

We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places.

Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”.

Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade”

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala’s bow”.

Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

4 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart,Little night grey.

Tidy up the board game corner

Games “Who Sings What?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”.

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

1 Week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime

Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Mishka”

Lesson with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”)

Homework: create an autumn composition at home.

2 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Did. game “Who came to visit us?”

Game "Doll Katya sings and dances."

Game "Come and visit us"

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Instilling the skills of dressing after sleep.

Did. Game "Riding a doll in a car"

Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”,

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have.

Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

4 week

Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables.

Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep”

Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Ritual of farewell

Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

  • Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions
  • Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period
  • Improving the mental and physical level of children
  • Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten40"

Individual educational route for a child

Lunev Makar Dmitrievich

Last name, first name of the child: Lunev Makar

Age: 3 years

Group: 2nd junior group “Cloud”

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.


A week

Regime moments

Didactic games, direct educational activities

Joint activities with a teacher

Interaction with parents

1 WeekThe reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons”

Getting to know the group on your own.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist."

Exercise "Let's get to know each other"

Consultation “Friendly family”

2 week

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Getting to know the group on your own.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 7, 8

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

.Game "Centipede".

Consultation “Here I come!”

3 week

Reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”

.Getting to know your property on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”.

Outdoor game "Parvoz"

. Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

4 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own.

Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”.

Game "Collect toys."

Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

1 Week


“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone".

Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game "Pass the bell".

Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

2 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade”

We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places.

Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”.

Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade”

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala’s bow”.

Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

4 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart,Little night grey.

Tidy up the board game corner

Games “Who Sings What?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”.

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

1 Week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime

Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Mishka”

Lesson with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”)

Homework: create an autumn composition at home.

2 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Did. game “Who came to visit us?”

Game "Doll Katya sings and dances."

Game "Come and visit us"

3 week

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Instilling the skills of dressing after sleep.

Did. Game "Riding a doll in a car"

Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”,

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have.

Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

4 week

Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables.

Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep”

Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Ritual of farewell

Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

  • Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions
  • Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period
  • Improving the mental and physical level of children
  • Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten40"

Individual educational route for a child

Molchanov Grigory

Last name, first name of the child: Molchanov Grigory

Age:3 years

Group: 2nd junior group “Cloud”

Difficulties:Speech development delays, communication problems.


A week

Regime moments

Didactic games, direct educational activities

Joint activities with a teacher

Interaction with parents

1 Week


Help the teacher choose a book to read

Work with salt dough"Octopuses"

Go out with the teacher to the reception area and find your locker

Finger gymnastics “My Family”

2 week

Instructed to: Find your own shoes in the reception area before your walk.

Did. Game “Who Screams How”

3 week

Name the items needed for GCD drawing.

Palm drawing “Funny octopuses”

Finger game "Hide and Seek"

4 week

Prepare yourself for bed and find your crib

Did. Game “Who Screams How”

Exercise for the articulatory apparatus “The bubble burst”, “The bunny was mistaken for a wolf”

Exercise for the articulatory apparatus “The bubble burst”

1 Week


“What has changed on the site”

Presentation about animals "Who's Who"

Exercise “Show how a kitten laps milk”

Game "Visit us."

2 week

Put the scattered toys back in their places.

Learning the poem by A. Barto “Dropped the bear on the floor” using facial and body expressions

Communication game “Tender Name”

Repeating a poem learned in kindergarten...

3 week

Reciting A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly” in front of the whole group

Ex. For lips “Needle”

Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

4 week

Tidy up the drawing corner

Working with visual material

"What is missing?"

Did. Game "Buttons and Bows"

Game for attention

"What is missing?"

1 Week

Learn to collect toys while walking

Finger painting “Tender sun”

Did. Sensory game “Wonderful bag”

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

2 week

Finger gymnastics “Fingers”

Articulation gymnastics “Frog”

Consultation “Correct speech of parents both in the family and outside the home”

3 week

Tour of the kindergarten

Drawing “Flowers” ​​(tamponing)

Did. Game "Toys"

Let’s draw together “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”

4 week

We use cutlery correctly: we learn to hold a spoon correctly.

Did. Game “Profession”, Articulation gymnastics “Proboscis”

Plasticineography “Tender Sun”

Expected result

1. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

2. Improving the child’s oral speech, the ability to pronounce words correctly.

3. Development of communication skills.

4. Development of sensory perception of the surrounding world

Common data:
Date of Birth
Family information:

Teachers (full name):
Educational psychologist
Teacher speech therapist
Instructor physical culture

Health group
Conclusion of the PMPC
PMPC recommendations

Relevance: low level of mastery of the program in the field of “Socio-communicative development”
Target: provide an individual trajectory of complex development, taking into account the existing speech, psychological, physical health.
development of gaming activities;
familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;
formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the global community, maintaining and strengthening physical and mental health;
development of free communication with adults and children;
education of cultural and hygienic skills;
formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Situational conversations, conversations: (“ Friendly family», « Magic words" – about friendly relations between people, etc.)
Didactic games of choice, different types of construction sets
Outdoor games “Hares and Carrots”, “Put on the Cap”, etc. (to encourage the initiative to take a leading role in the games)
Positive dynamics in development are observed. He began to show interest in the world around him.
Perseverance appeared. Can do things with peers
He began to take part in gymnastics and outdoor games more often.

Periodicity-In one day
Recommendations and forms of working with a child:
Solving logical problems.
Game situations “Teach a friend to play the game” “Check your friend’s work”
Friendly conversations with peers on topics suggested by the child.
Reading literary works, learning poetry, sayings. Compiling a story from pictures. Word games“Good - bad, Call me kindly,” “Who called?”
The level of aggression towards peers has decreased.
The child began to show interest in fiction. Favorite fairy tales appeared. I started bringing books to kindergarten for my peers to read from home.

Periodicity-2 times per week
Recommendations and forms of working with a child:
Labor activity.
Role-playing games and group games
(“Sailors”, “S.T.O”, Supermarket”, “Away”)
Construction from period material, paper.
Follows instructions from an adult and tries to finish what he has started.
Began to take on the role. Reacts calmly to suggestions from peers during the game.

: observation

Recommendations for working with parents:
Individual conversations
Consultations “We educate with kindness” “Features of development of a 4-5 year old child”
Joint participation with your child in creative competitions
Recommendations for visiting the swimming section
Consultation with a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution
Consultations with a teacher-speech therapist at a preschool educational institution

Svetlana Parkhomenko
Individual educational route for a preschooler

Individual educational route for a preschooler (IOM) is a mandatory element of the effectiveness of every modern educator.

The essence of IOM preschooler Federal State Educational Standard determines new approach To preschool education . One of the main requirements for it is effective application all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum results in the education and development of future schoolchildren. Considering that the program is aimed at the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones may not learn it well enough, and the most capable ones may lose motivation to learn. That is why individual IOM provides an approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics preschooler. By it is meant educational program, which is aimed at teaching a specific child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

Purpose and directions of IOM Individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, aimed at solving specific problems.

Purpose of development and implementation in the training program educational route– this is the formation in kindergarten of factors that will be aimed at positive socialization and social and personal development of pupils. The latter includes the basic processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

The main problem that it solves individual educational route for a preschooler - development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated at open classes. Areas of work educational route is as follows:

– formation of movement, which includes improving motor skills;

– the opportunity to engage in different fields of activity;

– improving speech skills;

– development of ideas about the surrounding world of objects and social relations;

– development of ideas about time and space.

Example individual educational route for a preschooler presupposes preliminary research activities before recording the child’s results and is mandatory, including the following actions:

1. Drawing up a profile of the child. This document must indicate the pupil’s visits to other preschool institutions and breaks between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, a thorough study of his family is necessary, followed by drawing up its characteristics. In this case it is worth reverse attention to the relationship between the child and parents, since excessive care can cause suppression of the pupil.

4. Determination of the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of his progress;

5. It is also necessary to identify the child’s propensity for specific types of activities in order to help in development through such games. Decor educational program Example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the extent to which it is necessary to carefully study all areas of the life of each individual child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher begins to compile individual route, which includes the following sections:

– general information about preschooler;

– appearance features preschooler;

– cognitive sphere preschooler;

– level of knowledge by sections of the program;

– level of speech development;

– attitude to classes;

– presence of difficulties in communication;

individual characteristics;

– additional information about preschooler.

This in-depth analysis allows us to build individual work with a preschooler quite effective.

Individual educational route Individual educational route according to O.O. “Teaching literacy” for a pupil senior group. Name of company:.

Individual educational route for children with FNR, ONR Individual plan correctional work For the 2017-2018 academic year F. Child's I.: Log. conclusion: 1. Preparatory stage Purpose: thorough.

Individual educational route for a 3-4 year old preschooler in five educational areas The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows us to talk today about the formation of a new system of preschool education.

Individual educational route for a child of the senior group Educational area“Socio-communicative development” Socialization, development of communication, moral education Relevance of the problem:.

Individual educational route for a student with disabilities Individual educational route for a student/pupil with disabilities Department of State Budgetary Educational Institution School No. 1373.

Individual educational route for speech development 6–7 years old Individual educational route for a child of a preparatory group in the section of the “Speech Development” program Goal: Development of all components.

Individual educational route for a child's development Individual educational route for a child's development. Petrov Vanya, middle group. Educational field “Speech development” Problem:.

To understand how to do it, an example of an individual child development route in dhow example, to solve this, we involved our experts with extensive experience, and here are some other options for solving this issue that we managed to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

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Map of an individual educational route for a preschool child

Map of an individual educational route for a preschool child

The task of the kindergarten is to equip parents with pedagogical knowledge, in particular with specific knowledge on methods of speech development through the use of traditional and non-traditional forms of work:

Individual conversations,
Consultations on the problem,
Visibility - (moving folders, reminders, methodological literature);
open individual lessons with a child for a parent ( legal representative)
joint events: organizing a toy library with parents, creating a speech album “Piggy Bank”
words and sounds”, individual consultations with a speech therapist and audiologist.

  • Distinguishes between types visual arts: painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied and folk art.
  • Names the main means of expression of works of art.


  • Creates individual and collective drawings, decorative, subject and subject compositions on themes of the surrounding life and literary works.
  • Uses different materials and methods of creating images.
  • Sculpts various objects, conveying their shape, proportions, poses and movements; creates story compositions from 2-3 or more images,
  • Creates decorative compositions using molding and relief methods.
  • Paints sculpted items based on folk art.


  • Creates images of various objects using paper of different textures and cutting and tearing methods
  • Creates plot and decorative compositions.
  • Recognizes the melody of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation.
  • Determines the genre of the piece listened to (march, song, dance) and the instrument on which it is performed.
  • Determines the general mood and character of a piece of music.
  • Distinguishes between parts of a musical work (introduction, conclusion, chorus, chorus).
  • Can sing songs in a comfortable range, performing them expressively, conveying the melody correctly (speeding up, slowing down, strengthening and weakening the sound).
  • Can sing individually and collectively, with or without accompaniment.
  • Able to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the varied nature of music and musical images; convey a simple musical rhythmic pattern.
  • Knows how to perform dance movements (step with stomp, side step with squat, spring step, side gallop, variable step).
  • Dramatizes game songs, comes up with options for figurative movements in games and round dances.

Performs simple songs and melodies solo and in an ensemble on percussion and high-pitched children's musical instruments.

  • Making items for games, educational and research activities; creating layouts, collections and their design, making decorations for group rooms for holidays, souvenirs; decoration of items for personal use;
  • designing exhibitions of works by folk artists, works of decorative and applied art, books with illustrations, reproductions of paintings, etc.; thematic exhibitions (based on seasons, mood, etc.), exhibitions children's creativity, corners of nature;
  • listening and discussing folk, classical, children's music, didactic games related to the perception of music;
  • playing along with musical instruments, orchestra of children's musical instruments;
  • singing, singing together, exercises to develop the vocal apparatus, articulation, singing voice, conversations on the content of the song (answering questions), dramatization of songs;
  • dancing, showing adults dance and musical-rhythmic movements, showing children dance movements, joint actions of children, joint composing of dances to folk melodies, round dances;

Current objectives of the direction: · increase the competence of parents in matters of artistic, aesthetic, and musical and aesthetic development of a preschool child.

Application gaming technologies for the artistic and aesthetic development of children and non-traditional methods of drawing and listening to musical works.
A week open doors, exhibitions and participation in city competitions.

The task of the kindergarten is to equip parents with pedagogical knowledge, in particular specific knowledge in the field cognitive development, give concepts of planned intermediate results, how to achieve them.

Open demonstrations of the educational process, consultations, reminders, information letters, participation in various educational events.

Physical development:
Problem: “Development of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere”

  • Performs all types of basic movements correctly (walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing).
  • Can jump onto soft surfaces from a height of up to 40 cm; land softly, long jump from a place to a distance of at least 100 cm, from a run - 180 cm; in height from the run - at least 50 cm; jump over a short and long rope in different ways.
  • Can throw medicine balls (weight 1 kg), throw objects at a target from different starting positions, hit a vertical and horizontal target from a distance of 4-5 m, throw objects with the right and left hand at a distance of 5-12 m, throw objects at a moving target .
  • Able to change into 3-4 columns, 2-3 circles on the move, into two ranks after calculating “first-second,” and maintain intervals while moving.
  • Performs physical exercises from different starting positions clearly and rhythmically, at a given pace, to music, according to verbal instructions.
  • Ensures correct posture.
  • He skis in alternating sliding steps over a distance of 3 km, climbs and descends a hill, and brakes when descending.
  • Participates in games with elements of sports (small towns, badminton, basketball, football, hockey, table tennis).
  • Learned basic cultural and hygienic skills (washes himself quickly and correctly, wipes himself dry using only an individual towel, brushes his teeth, rinses his mouth after eating, washes his feet before bed, correctly uses a handkerchief and comb, takes care of his appearance, quickly undresses and dresses , hangs clothes in a certain order, keeps clothes and shoes clean).
  • Has formed ideas about a healthy lifestyle (about the structural features and functions of the human body, about the importance of following a daily routine, about rational nutrition, about the importance of physical activity in human life, about the benefits and types of hardening procedures, about the role of sunlight, air and water in human life and their impact on health).

Physical education classes are game-based, plot-based, thematic (with one type of physical exercise), complex (with elements of developed speech, mathematics, design), control and diagnostic, educational and training in nature, physical education minutes; games and exercises to the texts of poems, nursery rhymes, folk songs, original poems, counting rhymes; plot physical education classes on the topics of read fairy tales, nursery rhymes; rhythmic gymnastics, games and exercises to music, playful conversations with elements of movement.

Increasing the competence of parents in the physical development and upbringing of the child,
involving parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work,
the concept and acceptance of the child’s individuality, trust and respect for him as a unique person.

Using health-saving technologies in physical education classes and regime moments.
The use of gaming technologies in the form of outdoor games of varying intensity and competitive sports games.

To understand how to make an example of an individual route for the development of a child in a preschool, we involved our experts with extensive experience in solving this problem, and here are some other options for solving this issue we were able to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

Ready-made individual route for the development of a child in kindergarten sample

Individual educational route for a child’s speech development

Individual educational route

child's speech development

F.I. child: _____________, _______________ (date and year of birth).

Speech therapy conclusion: ______________________.

He understands spoken speech.

Polymorphic disorder of the sound pronunciation of whistling sounds (_______________)); sonorous sounds (________________), etc.

The syllabic structure of complex words is disrupted (rearrangement, omission of syllables).

Phonemic hearing is impaired.

Phonemic functions are not formed.

Confuses the concepts of sound and syllable. Doesn't always highlight the first sound in a word, rarely the last one.

Cannot determine the sequence of sounds in a word / the number of sounds in a word.

7. Coherent speech is poorly formed.

Experiences difficulties in composing a story based on a series of plot pictures. Can't post pictures that make sense. Composes a story of 2 or 3 sentences based on leading questions.

The story contains agrammatisms.

Based on the diagnostic results, the following individual development route was determined:

Gololobova Maria Alexandrovna,

GBDOU No. 26, St. Petersburg

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Examples of individual educational routes for preschoolers

The paper presents examples of compiled individual routes for preschoolers experiencing different types developmental difficulties.

Individual routes for the development of a child in a preschool age according to the Federal State Educational Standards sample table

Individual routes for the development of a child in a preschool age according to the Federal State Educational Standards sample table

Individual development route for a child of middle preschool age in the “Speech Development” section of the program.

To understand how to make an example of an individual route for the development of a child in a preschool, we involved our experts with extensive experience in solving this problem, and here are some other options for solving this issue we were able to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

An example of creating an individual educational route

Individual educational route for a preschool student

Group_____________ Date of birth_________ Age_______ Date of preparation of the route sheet _______________

Results of pedagogical diagnostics:

Frequency of individual lessons______________________________________________________________________________

Duration of individual lessons________________________________________________________________

Working with parents_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Didactic game “The numbers got lost”

Strengthen the skill of forming subsequent numbers by counting 1.

Learn to form the previous number by counting 1.

Learn to solve examples of adding and subtracting the number 1 within 10.

Learn to count the number 2.

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To understand how to make an example of an individual route for the development of a child in a preschool, we involved our experts with extensive experience in solving this problem, and here are some other options for solving this issue we were able to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

Individual educational route for a child’s development.

Individual educational route for the development of a child for the first half of the 2014-2015 academic year

Khabarov Zakhar Alekseevich

Family information:

Mother (full name, education, place of work)

Full family, 2 children.

Father (full name, education, place of work)

Kazantseva E.N., Shustova E.A.

Senior nurse:

Regime of a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution

Relevance: Has a low level of mastery of the program in the following areas: “Labor”, “Hood creativity”

Target: developing a positive attitude towards work

development of labor activity;

fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results;

formation primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person.

development of children's productive activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué, artistic work);

introduction to the fine arts.

Implementation of an individual route:

Outdoor games: (“Shaggy Dog”, “Mousetrap” and other group games)

Positive dynamics in development are observed.

Participates in games and gymnastics.

At the middle of the school year, he has an average level of development in artistic creativity. Zakhar began to carefully draw, diligently, tries to accurately convey objects, compose a composition of the drawing, but not enough for a high level.

Experiences difficulties with neatly cutting out various parts and patterns for appliqué.

Role-playing games (“Research Medical Center”, “Shop”, “Barbershop”)

2 times per week

Drawing with chalk on a blackboard, fingers, foam rubber.

2 times per week

Modeling from clay, plasticine, plastic mass.

2 times per week

Design from natural materials, paper.

Board games (small construction set).

Didactic games of choice.

Methods for assessing the success of a preschooler: Diagnostics, test tasks (see the manual for teachers “Tasks for children in the preparatory group for school”), observation.

*Consultation “Non-traditional drawing techniques”.

*Consultation “Skillful use of scissors”

Take part in all creative competitions. *Consultation “Developmental features of a 6-7 year old child”

2.Individual educational route for the development of a child for the first half of the 2014-2015 academic year

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#1 Eremenko Elena Vladimirovna 27.09.2016 21:25

Thank you, very useful material

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