Use of cryotherapy for speech development in preschool children. Master class “Cryotherapy or exciting games with ice”

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Every year the number of children with various speech disorders increases, which are a consequence of the underdevelopment of such an integrative quality as “mastering the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers”: the child does not speak dialogic speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults (not knows how to negotiate, exchange objects, distribute actions in cooperation). Parents and educators are usually given advice: talk to your child as much as possible. Parents try to talk with the baby at every opportunity, but he continues to express himself more often with gestures. Working with children, I noticed that children whose speech is not sufficiently developed almost always suffer from fine motor skills, and they cope worse with figurative speech tasks. What is the connection between the development of a child’s speech and his success in visual arts?

During human evolution, the movements of the hand, its finger, were closely associated with speech function. At first, communication took place using gestures. Gradually, gestures began to be combined with exclamations and shouts. Millennia passed before verbal speech developed, but for a long time it was associated with gestural activity. The movements of the fingers gradually improved from generation to generation, and man performed increasingly delicate work with his hands. In this regard, the projection of the hand in the human brain increased. Thus, the development of the functions of the hand and speech in humans proceeded in parallel. The nature of speech development in a child is approximately the same. First, movements of the fingers develop. When they achieve sufficient accuracy, intensive speech development begins.

Working with children in compensatory groups and encountering their difficulties in visual arts, I decided to try an unconventional technique in my practice - cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy– contrast therapy.

This is the effect on the hands of cold and heat alternately. Cold causes muscle contraction, and heat causes relaxation. The contractility of the small muscles of the hand increases. Movements of the fingers begin to develop in a larger volume, impulses improve, directed signals are sent to the cerebral cortex, as a result of which the motor zone develops better.

All this contributes to the improvement of more subtle movements of the hand, leads to the implementation of clear movements in the process of artistic activity and, as a result, improves the process of speech development.

Methods of cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy does not require special equipment. To carry it out, you need pieces of ice, which are prepared in advance.

Cryotherapy is carried out in three stages.

1. Pour ice into a large bowl. Children stand around the table and move their hands through the ice (start with 10–15 seconds). Then warm up your hands on a hot heating pad (a basin with warm water or plastic bottles with hot water). They put their hands in the ice again. Cryocontrast is performed three times. Then wipe your hands dry with a towel.

2. After cryocontrast, stretches are performed with each finger of the right and left hand (adduction of the thumb is associated with the thinking zone). Then any finger gymnastics.

3. Development of tactile sensitivity: – rubbing cones, balls, corks from plastic bottles. Collect the cones in one bowl, the balls in another, etc.

It is also necessary to remember contraindications.

Cryotherapy should not be performed with children:
– episyndrome;
– myopathy (hereditary disease);
– very flexible children.

Use cryotherapy with caution with:
– children who are sick for a long time and often;
– hyperexcitable children.

Cryotherapy can be performed both in free time and before direct educational activities.

Using cryotherapy techniques in working with children with speech disorders

teacher-speech therapist MADO " Kindergarten No. 000 combined type"

Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa, Republic of Belarus

Timely and complete speech development of preschool children has a huge impact on the formation of all mental processes and, in particular, on the overall development of the child’s personality as a whole. Peculiarities speech activity are reflected in the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres.

A large number of authors (and others) indicate that in children with speech disorders, in addition to specific disorders of speech activity, insufficient stability of attention, features of its distribution and switching from one type of activity to another are revealed; with relatively intact speech-auditory perception, verbal memory is reduced, the volume decreases and the productivity of memorization suffers, which in turn affects mnestic activity: in children of this category there is a lag in the development of visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking, at the stage schooling- verbal-logical. Preschoolers with speech impairments have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

E. M Mastyukova. et al. noted the slow development of locomotor functions: insufficient mobility of articulatory motor skills, manipulative activity of fine motor skills, discoordination of general motor skills.

Also in children with various speech disorders deviations in the emotional-volitional sphere are noted: difficulties in the formation of self-regulation and self-control, instability and reduced ability to observe, decreased motivation for verbal communication and productive activity, negativism, increased irritability, sometimes aggressiveness and touchiness, difficulties in communicating with others and peers.

Currently, the problem of timely overcoming the above-mentioned developmental features of preschool children with speech disorders is quite relevant, since the uniqueness of the combination of primary and secondary disorders in the general structure of children’s speech defect determines the need to select more optimal and effective methods and speech therapy techniques. In this regard, there is a need to use non-traditional techniques to develop fine motor skills in the hands of children with speech impairments, which in turn, according to data, will contribute to the improvement of fine motor skills and their speech development.

Today, cryotherapy is one of the most modern non-traditional technologies of correctional pedagogy, which involves the use of games with ice in order to develop tactile sensitivity and stimulate the innervation of fine motor muscles. Thus, secondary compensation and development of the motor centers of the cerebral cortex occur indirectly. In this regard, it improves articulatory motor skills, children’s pronunciation skills and, in general, the state of their independent expression.

The dosed effect of cold on the nerve endings of the fingers has certain properties. The effect is based on a change in vascular activity - the initial spasm of small arteries is accompanied by their pronounced expansion, which significantly increases blood flow to the site of exposure, resulting in improved nutrition of nerve and muscle tissue. Exposing the hands to cold and heat alternately leads to alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles. All this contributes to the improvement of more subtle movements of the hand, leads to the implementation of clear movements in the process of visual activity and, as a result, improves the process of speech development.

During the examination of children, it was decided to conduct a study. Children attending senior speech therapy group, divided into 2 groups – experimental and control. The work used game methods and techniques with moderate low temperatures:

· games with ice (“Melting ice”, “Ice figures”, laying out ice in stencils, etc.);

hand massage with ice cubes;

· applying cold bandages to hands;

The duration of the hardening procedure was worked out taking into account the age of the children and their reaction to cold and is justified by the fact that less than 7 seconds - there is no effect, and after 20 seconds the manifestation of undesirable reactions to cold is possible. Carrying out procedures every other day is necessary for children’s bodies to adapt to cold exposure.

Cryotherapy does not require special equipment. To carry it out, you need pieces of ice, which are prepared in advance.

Cryotherapy was carried out in three stages.

1. Pour ice into a large bowl. Children stand around the table and move their hands through the ice (start with 10–15 seconds). Then warm up your hands on a hot heating pad (in a bowl of warm water or holding plastic bottles with hot water). They put their hands in the ice again. Cryocontrast is performed three times. Then wipe your hands dry with a towel.

2. After cryocontrast, stretches are performed with each finger of the right and left hand. Then any finger exercises are performed.

3. Development of tactile sensitivity: rubbing cones, balls, plastic bottle caps in your hands, collecting cones in one bowl, and balls in another, etc.

According to the developed method, cryomassage of the plantar areas of the child’s feet was carried out. Movements are carried out in a circle, clockwise. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every other day, each lasting from 7 to 20 seconds. The course includes 10-12 procedures during autumn, winter and spring. Cryomassage normalizes the child’s nervous system, improves appetite, sleep, mood and general condition. The child's body becomes more resistant to diseases.

Cryotherapy was carried out both during group and individual lessons, and in free time.

At the end school year A repeated diagnosis of children in the experimental and control groups was carried out, containing the same tasks as in the first stage of the study.

Table 1

The ratio of the levels of development of fine motor skills of the hands of the experimental and control groups at the preparatory and final stages of the study:

When re-diagnosing the level of development of children's speech, it was revealed that the speech of preschoolers has improved - the vocabulary has been enriched, sound pronunciation has significantly improved, the ability to answer in classes with a full sentence has developed, their stories have become detailed and meaningful.

It follows from this that application in experimental group techniques and methods of cryotherapy had a beneficial effect on the development of motor centers of the cerebral cortex. In this regard, articulatory motor skills, children’s pronunciation skills, and, in general, the state of their independent expression have improved.

When using cryotherapy techniques, it is necessary to remember about contraindications. Cryotherapy cannot be performed with children with episyndrome and myopathy; use cryotherapy with caution with long-term and frequently ill children; hyperexcitable children. Cryotherapy is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to the procedure (cold intolerance), if there is a febrile state (fever, elevated temperature body), with exacerbation of respiratory diseases, including viral ones (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, etc.).


1. , Scammers with cold. – M.: April, 2000. – 160 p.

2. Gvozdeva studying children’s speech / – M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, 1961. – T.1. – 472s.

3. Rudenkov. A practical guide for speech therapists, students and parents. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix Publishing House, 2006.

Cryotherapy in speech therapy is used in preschool, school educational institutions for the development of children with speech and language delays motor function. The technique is very popular among speech therapists and is highly effective. The therapy is used in kindergartens, elementary and high schools. It can also be done at home on the recommendation of a speech therapist.

Causes and features of speech dysfunction in children

Speech dysfunction in children preschool age has several provoking factors. Speech delay can be caused by cerebral hypoxia during gestation. Hypoxic damage to the baby's brain tissue often causes increased uterine tone. With constant uterine tone during childbirth, blood flow in the vessels of the placenta decreases. Because of this, the brain receives little blood. Foci of hypoxic damage form in the brain, which after birth are clearly visible during neurosonography.

Hypoxia in utero can be caused by placental abruption or fetoplacental insufficiency (FPI). FPN is manifested by a decrease in the speed of blood flow in the placental vessels, which also leads to circulatory deficiency. Stages 2 and 3 of FPN are very dangerous for the fetus.

Hypoxic damage to brain tissue is provoked by intrauterine infection, especially viral infection. The virus causes damage to the walls of blood vessels in the placenta, which also causes FPN. Damage to brain structures can occur during asphyxia amniotic fluid during long labor. Prolonged labor leads to prolonged waterless period, during which the child experiences severe hypoxia.

Delay speech development can be observed when a pregnant patient uses drugs, alcohol, and also when smoking. When smoking a cigarette, the baby's brain also experiences oxygen starvation due to the increased content of carbon dioxide in the mother's blood. Cigarette tar damages fetal nerve cells.

If there is speech dysfunction in a child, a number of other manifestations are observed. The child does not sleep well, refuses to eat, and is often capricious. The attention of such children is reduced. They are easily distracted by other stimuli, which slows down the learning process. Children with speech dysfunction have very poor memory. It is difficult for them to memorize poems and retell fairy tales. In patients, thought processes, comparative and analytical functions of the brain slow down.

Underdevelopment of speech interferes with the normal development of motor coordination. Patients with speech impairment experience aggression, anxiety, frequent mood swings, and depression. They have difficulty communicating with other children. Such patients are often uncommunicative and try to stay separate from the bulk of children.

The concept of cryotherapy, effects on the body, research on the effectiveness of treatment

Cryotherapy is a technique that uses exposure to cold (“cryo” means cold). In speech therapy techniques, ice is used for therapy. When exposed to cold in the area of ​​contact with the skin (arms, legs), the receptor apparatus begins to activate. At the initial stage of exposure, blood vessels in the skin and tissues narrow. Over time, the walls of the vascular bed expand, which increases local blood flow. Increased blood flow promotes stimulation fine motor skills(if the ice came into contact with the patient’s hands).

The developing fine motor activity of a child’s hands helps activate areas of the brain responsible for speech functions. IN speech center New neural connections begin to form, and the speed of nerve impulses along the axons increases. Such processes lead to improved speech and improved pronunciation quality. In addition to speech function, the child’s memory, attention, thinking improves, and hand motor skills improve. The technique helps improve the memorization of new information.

For patients with cerebral palsy, cryotherapy can increase sensitivity in the skin and nerve endings in the extremities. With regular exercise, patients begin to activate dormant areas in the brain. Children begin to hold a spoon and pen better, and grip objects more firmly. If the degree of the disease is mild, then they begin to pronounce words. If there is a speech delay in patients with cerebral palsy, the technique can improve the pronunciation of words.

The method of cryotherapy in speech therapy is used not only in preschool institutions, but also in schools. If high school students have unclear pronunciation of words, stuttering, or a lisp, cryotherapy helps improve speech functions. During therapy, children begin to remember material better and their attention increases. Cryotherapy for preschool children not only stimulates brain function, but also helps reduce the aggressiveness of adolescents, stop frequent mood swings, neurasthenic conditions, and symptoms of autonomic dysfunction.

Regarding the effectiveness of the technique, studies have been conducted on children with delayed speech development. Two groups of patients were selected: control and study. One group of patients received cryotherapy, the other received standard speech therapy techniques. The treatment lasted for a year. At the end of the project, the results were analyzed.

In the study group of patients, speech quality improved significantly. The children began to express their thoughts well and their vocabulary expanded. They retold information they read or heard more fully and answered questions clearly. asked question. The patients' articulation during speech improved, and hand movements became more dexterous. During treatment, memorization increased significantly and interest in learning appeared. In the control group, the indicators were also good, but slightly lower than those of the test group.

Indications and limitations for the use of cryotherapy in children with developmental delays

Cryotherapy has its own indications and limitations for use. In speech therapy, any methods are prescribed individually so as not to harm the patient. The doctor must take into account the indications and limitations when using cryotherapy.

The technique is indicated for cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism, delayed speech development due to stressful situations. Treatment is used in patients with hypoxic brain damage, hyperactivity syndrome, severe irritability, and neurosis-like conditions. Therapy is practiced in kindergartens and schools for general development children. The goals of cryotherapy are: stimulation of hand motor skills, improvement of speech function, social adaptation (for cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome).

Restrictions on prescribing cryotherapy in speech therapy:

  • Presence of epileptic syndrome.
  • Myopathy.
  • Cold intolerance.
  • Hyperthermic state (low-grade fever, temperature more than 38°C).
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  • Infectious diseases (viral, bacterial).

The technique is used carefully in frequently ill patients, patients with severe hyperactivity syndrome.

It is allowed to use cryotherapy in patients with mild hyperactivity and attention deficit. In frequently ill children, treatment is carried out during remission (in the absence of chronic and acute diseases).

Rules for speech therapy cryotherapy

Cryotherapy in speech therapy is carried out in preschool and school institutions. It does not require special devices. Ice figures and cubes are used for classes. To prepare various shaped ice figures, speech therapists use special freezing molds. Standard square compartments, candy molds, baking molds (bunnies, bears, circles, flowers, crescents and others) are used as molds.

To make ice, experts pour water into molds. Before freezing, you can pour a little paint, put colored paper or a small figurine. This will increase interest in therapy. Treatment is carried out in the form of a game.

Preschoolers and school-age children are offered different types games. The main ones include: “Ice is melting”, “Ice figures”, laying out ice figures in stencils that suit the shape. With colored pieces of ice, children lay out various figures or build chains by color.

Use ice to massage your fingers. The massage session lasts 7-20 seconds, after which they take a break. 3-5 such approaches are done per procedure, depending on the child’s reaction to the cold. Hands are placed in warm water and brought to a heating pad. The number of sessions is 10-12.

In addition to the massage, ice packs are applied to the child’s hands. You need to hold them for no more than 7-20 seconds. After this, the bandage is removed and the hands are warmed.

Children are also offered group ice games. The guys stand around the table. A large bowl with ice cubes is placed on the table. Children put their hands in the bowl for 7-20 seconds. After this, the hands are pulled out of the bowl and warmed with a heating pad or warm water. This technique refers to hardening. After their hands have warmed up a little, the children lower them into the ice again. About 3 approaches are required. After such a game, you can do a finger massage or gymnastics.

You can perform cryomassage of the plantar surfaces of the feet using ice. To do this, rub an ice cube along the sole for 7-20 seconds. The course of therapy consists of 10-12 physiotherapy procedures. Treatment is carried out every other day. Courses must be conducted 3 times a year.

The treatment does not require special equipment. You can do it yourself at home. Before performing cryotherapy, you should consult a doctor to clarify the presence of contraindications.

Work is underway to train parents. Speech therapists conduct parenting days, meetings, conduct master classes, tell how to properly carry out treatment, what games can be offered to children. This allows parents to do cryotherapy on their own without causing complications.


Cryotherapy in speech therapy is very effective. The treatment does not require special devices, which makes it easier to carry out physiotherapy at home. During cryotherapy, children's speech clarity improves and their vocabulary increases. After treatment, patients express their thoughts better and quickly remember new information. The therapy is actively used for Down syndrome, autism, and cerebral palsy. Proper treatment increases the chances of rehabilitation and social adaptation in this group of patients.

Topic: “Cryotherapy as one of the effective means development of grapho-motor skills of children of senior preschool age with speech impairments.”

Kurmanova Z.V.

Teacher-speech therapist of MDOU d/s No. 172 of general developmental type, Yaroslavl

The issue of preparing preschoolers to master writing is part of the problem of preparing for schooling, which every year, in the light of changes in content school programs, is becoming more and more relevant.

The relevance of the presented topic is due to the fact that the motor act of writing requires fine coordination of movements, long-term fixation of joints, and, in addition, is associated with a significant static load due to a fixed posture when writing. Imperfect nervous regulation of movements, poor development of small muscles of the hand, low endurance in relation to static loads in children of this age determine the extreme difficulty of mastering the skill of writing.

Therefore, it is very important for teachers to constantly search and find objectively existing points of contact between different areas of knowledge, on this basis to develop a unified mechanism for the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, development of abilities, to actively influence students by means specific to each discipline in order to create a broad and solid base , on which educational tasks can be solved.

Cryotherapy or contrast therapy is one of these methods that allows the hands to be exposed to cold and heat alternately. Cold causes muscle contraction, and heat causes relaxation. The contractility of the small muscles of the hand increases. The movements of the fingers begin to form in larger volume, impulses improve, directed signals are sent to the cerebral cortex, as a result of which the motor zone develops better. All this helps to improve finer movements of the hand, leads to the activation of fine motor skills and, as a result, improves the process of mastering handwriting graphics, and at the same time promotes the development of speech.

Speaking about the formation of grapho-motor skills in children of senior preschool age with speech impairments using the cryotherapy method, it should be noted that cryotherapy does not require special equipment, which is quite convenient and valuable in a preschool setting.

To carry it out, you need pieces of ice, which are prepared in advance in “checkers”, special silicone containers for freezing, or simply in chocolate holders.

To make it more interesting for children to manipulate ice cubes, you can give them colors, different shapes, or simply place the “secret” in a frozen piece of ice.

Classes using the cryotherapy method are conducted every 1-2 days throughout the month. The duration of interaction and manipulation with ice increases from time to time from 5-8 seconds in the first lesson and is increased to 1 minute in the final stages, which allows you to increase the sensitivity of your fingertips, the speed of reaction and the speed of completing tasks from time to time.

Classes using the cryotherapy method are carried out in several stages:

Stage 1 – alternating warm and cold procedures.

This stage includes games that can be divided according to duration into 4 categories:

Immerse your fingers in a pool of ice balls (game “Get the toy”) for 5-8 seconds.

Laying out different colored ice cubes according to color. The time of interaction with ice increases to 10-15 seconds.

Laying out a mosaic pattern from ice cubes. The time of interaction with ice and cold is up to 25-30 seconds.

Laying out castles from ice cubes. The longest interaction and manipulation with ice is from 30 to 60 seconds.

Stage 2 – stretching the fingers followed by finger exercises.

After cryocontrast three times, stretches are performed with each finger of the right and left hand. At the same time, much attention is paid thumb each of the hands, because this element is associated with the thinking zone of the brain and its activation directly affects the mental activity of a preschooler.

After stretching, any finger gymnastics follows, corresponding to a specific lexical topic or sound with which the work takes place. correctional classes teacher

Stage 3 - development of tactile sensitivity, including rubbing cones, balls, caps from plastic bottles in the hands; stroking cards covered with materials of different quality (silk, wool, chintz, boucle fabric, coarse emery); development of tactile sensitivity using a brush with hard bristles.

After the correctional work was carried out, an experimental study was organized to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed system of measures for the development of grapho-motor skills using the cryotherapy method, which showed that the use of this innovative and non-traditional method in correctional speech therapy activities contributes to the successful formation of grapho-motor skills in this category of children and allows them to subsequently successfully master writing graphics.

Therefore, if in correctional work with children with speech impairments, purposefully use the cryotherapy method in combination with special exercises and tasks, this will contribute to the development of grapho-motor skills in these children and will affect the success of their subsequent mastery of writing graphics.

Olga Kodenko
Cryotherapy as a means of developing fine motor skills in children with disabilities

One of the most important tasks of correctional pedagogy is to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical influence on children with special educational needs, optimal development potential capabilities of their cognitive and speech activity, preparation for independent life and inclusion in social Wednesday full members of society.

Pointing out the importance of learning and improving motor sphere at children who need special correctional training, L. S. Vygotsky (1983) wrote that, being relatively independent, independent of higher intellectual functions and easily exercised, motor the sphere provides the richest opportunity to compensate for an intellectual defect.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers, “The hand is the instrument of all instruments,” Aristotle concluded. “The hand is a kind of external brain,” wrote Kant.

These findings are not accidental. Indeed, the hand has a large “representation” in the cerebral cortex, therefore development of fine motor skills is of great importance for child development.

Developing fine motor skills, not only manual dexterity and accuracy are improved, but also baby's brain develops, Creative skills, fantasy and speech. The main goal development of fine motor skills is the development relationships between the hemispheres of the brain and synchronization of their work. In the right hemisphere of the brain, images of objects and phenomena arise, and in the left hemisphere they are verbalized, that is, they find verbal expression. And this process occurs thanks to the “bridge” between the right and left hemispheres. The stronger this bridge, scientists believe, the faster and more often nerve impulses travel along it, the more active the thought processes, more precisely the attention, the higher the abilities. Thus, developing motor skills, we create the prerequisites for development higher mental functions.

There are a large number of traditional methods development of fine motor skills: finger games, self-massage of hands and fingers, graphic exercises, games on development tactile perception. These methods have been studied in detail and are widely presented in the pedagogical literature and are actively used in correctional development work. It became interesting for me to pay attention to non-traditional methods, which are less common.

Today I will introduce you to one of unconventional methods development of fine motor skills, which I actively use in my work. This - cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy(from Latin " cryo" - cold and "therapy" - treatment, influence). This method came to correctional pedagogy from medicine, which successfully uses it in treatment and recovery.

Cryotherapy- one of the modern non-traditional methods of correctional pedagogy, which consists in the use of games with ice. The dosed effect of cold on nerve endings has beneficial properties. The effect is based on a change in vascular activity - initial spasm small arteries is replaced by a pronounced expansion, which significantly increases blood flow to the site of exposure, resulting in increased contractility small muscles of the hand. Movements of the fingers begin to form in a larger volume, impulses improve, directed signals are sent to the cerebral cortex, as a result of which, better motor area develops. This has an impact both on the overall health of the body and on development of fine motor skills.

Why exactly cryotherapy? Using this method promotes: development tactile sensitivity, activation of innervation of the small muscles motor skills, and motor development centers of the cerebral cortex. It allows me, as a defectologist, to solve a number of problems correctionally - developmental education, and most importantly, its implementation does not require special equipment, which is quite convenient and valuable in a preschool setting.

To carry it out, you need pieces of ice, which are prepared in advance in "checkers", special silicone containers for freezing or simply in chocolate holders.

To make it more interesting for children to manipulate ice cubes, you can give them colors, different shapes, or simply place "secret" into a frozen piece of ice. I made my ice cubes reusable, filled the small balls with water, and now after class the balls go back to freezing, which makes further preparation easier.

Elements cryotherapy I started using it in my work with children last school year; we tried drawing with colored ice floes. The guys showed great interest, and having studied it in detail, starting this school year, I began to actively use cryotherapy in my classes.

In its classic performance, cryotherapy involves simple manipulations with ice cubes with a gradual increase in exposure time from 10 to 60 seconds. I was faced with the task of ensuring that while working with ice, a teaching function was carried out. I developed a card index of games that took into account the main learning objectives children with disabilities.

Using ice games reinforces and expands sensory concepts children. Through games “Follow the example”, "Sort by color", "Color experiment" The children gain knowledge about primary colors and their shades. "Find a house", "Ice construction", "Ice Necklace" reinforce ideas about shape and size. These games also teach you to follow a model and act according to verbal instructions.

The kids and I reinforce spatial concepts by playing games. "Pool", "Put it right", "Ice Canvas". To consolidate knowledge on lexical topics, I suggest coloring an object picture on the topic with colored pieces of ice or laying it out along the outline, and the children do this with great pleasure. Games "Continue the series", "Correct the mistake" “Follow the example” and others contribute development higher mental functions.

Very interesting and unusual for children is painting with colored ice floes, finger painting on an ice canvas, which promotes development of imagination, consolidation of ideas about the properties of objects, development visual activities. Making buildings from ice cubes, are developing constructive abilities, when building according to a model or by imitation, the child learns to perceive and reproduce the spatial relationships of structural elements.

Has a beneficial effect cryotherapy and emotional sphere: y children the emotional background is stabilized, psycho-emotional stress is weakened, and a positive attitude towards the lesson is formed.

Method cryotherapy promotes the development of not only fine motor skills, but also the intellectual sphere children. By playing games with ice, children learn to follow multi-step instructions, develops voluntary regulation increases cognitive activity and interest in activities, and the body’s healing occurs.

From practice, I can say that classes in which games with ice are used are more productive and the material is absorbed better and faster, and the children remain interested until the end of the lesson. Despite my limited experience, I recommend that you use cryotherapy at work, and you can see for yourself its limitless possibilities.

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