How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the house. How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of cat urine


Our ill-mannered cat soiled the carpet under the sofa. They were about to throw out the carpet, the smell had been absorbed. Then we found the smelloff remedy, which helped very quickly.

We tried everything when we left for work and forgot to leave it open door into the bathtub where there is a tray with filler. And the cat left a puddle on the carpet, we tried a lot of things, all to no avail, the unpleasant smell remained. On the advice of friends, we tried OdorGone Gold, an excellent product! Everything was done as written in the instructions. There was not even a hint of an unpleasant smell left.

06/22/2018 06:11:54, Djoii

Good afternoon, I know this problem, I struggled with it myself, I didn’t know what to buy until a friend recommended one product, Odorgone Animal Gold, it worked immediately within a few hours, I’m very happy. That this particular method allowed me to get rid of the spots and the smell of cat urine !

03/29/2018 13:23:53, Vlad

Those who have pets have all gone through unpleasant odors, first the kitten needs to be trained to use the litter box, but in the meantime he shits anywhere, but adults often do this too. For example, my cat when he is sick (cystitis, who knows) does not go to the litter box, but walks around under the bath, the smell is indescribable. Therefore, there is no way to do without various anti-odor products, I use a product such as odorgon, I take a 5 liter canister, it lasts a long time, I just take a brush and apply it to the floor and there are no odors.

Comment on the article "How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in an apartment"

And the cat left a puddle on the carpet, we tried a lot of things, all to no avail, the unpleasant smell remained. On the advice of friends, we tried OdorGone Gold, an excellent product! Everything was done as written in the instructions.

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How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment. Contents: Why did the cat shit? How to eliminate cat odor. Section: Cats (a plot to prevent other people's cats from shitting in front of the door). How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment.

Dry cleaning or washing with Throw away will help remove the unpleasant odor. True, I think that a cat smells stronger than a person. remove cat smell. How to get rid of the smell of cat urine02/03/12, 09:27 smell, cat, cat When your cat peed on your favorite sofa or...

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine 02/03/12, 09:27 smell, cat, cat When your cat peed on your favorite sofa or marked the carpet, then I suggest to you Why does cat urine stink so much? How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment. remove cat smell.

How to remove cat urine smell from a sofa. Removing stains is permissible only when cleaning rugs, carpets, clothes, and removable insoles in shoes (for example, leather boots). at the place where the cat did some mischief. The first couple of times the smell was terrible ((I just ran to wash the cover from the nozzle!

remove cat smell. How to get rid of the smell of cat urine03.02.12, 09:27 smell, cat, cat When your cat peed on your favorite sofa or marked the carpet, then you have no time for jokes.

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Yes, the smell of cat urine is such an aromatic that it leaves no one indifferent, and there are more than enough people who want to get rid of it. But it was not there. If we talk about persistent odors, this is one of them! But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to get rid of it. Still as possible. The main thing is to know how!

What you need to know about cat urine?


First, let's talk about why the smell of cat urine is so persistent. The secret, it turns out, is in its composition.

Urine consists of urochrome, urea and uric acid.

So, it won’t be difficult for us to remove the first two components, but problems usually arise with uric acid. When dried, it forms almost imperceptible colorless crystals, which dissolve extremely poorly in water and emit that familiar unpleasant odor.

How are cats doing in the wild?

  • It has evolved so that a cat drinks very little, and this is also why its urine is more “concentrated” than that of other mammals, whose diet contains enough water. In the wild, a cat, as a rule, obtains moisture from the meat of its prey and quite rarely and little by little directly at a watering hole.
  • Also, urine in cats in the wild is an additional opportunity for communication. Animals mark their territory, and the longer this “mark” is maintained, the longer the cat’s territory will be “under control” or the longer the “message” will wait for its addressee.

Hence it turns out that our little domestic predator also drinks little and also leaves us his messages (applies to boys), and we are forced to deal with this.

What to withdraw?

First, let’s immediately distinguish between old spots and newly acquired ones. Because we will get rid of them in different ways.

Old stains

Here they will help us:

  • Hydrogen peroxide (do not use on polished surfaces or fabrics)
  • Potassium permanganate solution (do not use on fabrics)
  • Vinegar solution
  • Weak iodine solution (do not use on fabrics).

Fresh spots

We use:

  • Laundry soap (contains glycerin, which eliminates uric acid)
  • Vodka
  • Alcohol
  • Concentrated baking soda solution
  • Tea brewing

Of course, this entire set of tools should be used wisely, depending on what your cat has done. It’s probably not worth scrubbing a white item with tea leaves, for example.

You need to scrub as thoroughly as possible, since cats sense their secretions very keenly, and if they feel them not in the tray, but somewhere else, there is a high probability that the scrubbing process will have to be repeated.

How to get rid of the smell of urine in shoes?

We pre-treat fabric shoes with a solution laundry soap, and then erase in washing machine. To get rid of the smell of cat urine in leather shoes you need to treat it with a solution of iodine or potassium permanganate and dry it.

The smell of cat urine is not removed, but only intensified when using chlorine!

Well, the most important thing is not just to get rid of the smell, but to find out why the cat does not go to the litter box, otherwise you will have to repeat the procedure all over again.

If a cat, ignoring the litter box, chooses the master's bed or another unlucky place to use the toilet, it can be difficult to retrain it. One of the main difficulties is eliminating the smell of cat urine, which in itself is very persistent. Focusing on this smell, the animal again and again uses the once-loved territory as a . Often, as soon as you cross the threshold of an unfamiliar apartment, you realize that a cat lives here! Few people want their guests to be enveloped in such strong aromas. How to remove the smell of cat urine?

First of all, you should think about eliminating the reason that motivates the cat. The solution may be castration, eliminating the stress that is tormenting the animal, rearranging the interior according to the cat's safety needs... The main thing is to find out what the problem is and solve it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fight the smell, which is constantly renewed!

First of all, to eliminate the smell of urine, you need to accustom your cat to the litter box by eliminating the reasons for its behavior.

Another important aspect– do not use products containing chlorine when washing “affected” areas of the apartment. For some reason, such products are constantly used when cleaning toilets, but bleach only intensifies the smell of urine.

It is also useless to try to fight off the smell by watering the area where the cat made a puddle with perfume and deodorants, or spraying with products like “Antigadin” - most cats are indifferent to it.

In addition, it is important to know for which surfaces which odor eliminator is suitable.

Cat odor removers that are always on hand:

  1. A remedy that has become a salvation for many cat owners is vodka. Only in this case it should not be taken internally! You can wipe almost any surface with undiluted vodka, and it removes cat odors remarkably well. The only negative is that the alcoholic spirit will then have to be removed from the apartment separately, that is, all items will have to be washed a second time. Vodka fights especially well against fresh “crimes”.
  2. Another great option is potassium permanganate. You need to prepare a strong solution and wash the desecrated area with it. The main thing is to make sure that there is no sediment in the solution - it is the undissolved crystals that leave stains. It is better not to experiment with potassium permanganate on fabrics.
  3. A reliable cat odor remover is citric acid. It is necessary to dilute the juice from one lemon with 200 ml of water. You can also use undiluted juice if the surface is not too “sensitive”. The acid perfectly breaks down the elements that make up cat urine, and the remaining citrus smell also scares the cat away from this place. By the way, sometimes it is enough to place a piece of cloth soaked in the smell of lemon in a problem area so that the cat stops going there for natural needs.
  4. Ordinary vinegar is one of the leaders in the fight against the “cat spirit”. As a rule, it is diluted in a ratio of one to three. If the furniture upholstery is damaged, the solution can be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the stain, and then blotted thoroughly with a rag. To enhance the effect, after treating with vinegar, you can additionally use the baking soda method described below.
  5. At the “crime scene” left by the cat, especially if it is fresh, you need to pour baking soda and pour a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on top. At first, when the reaction begins, it will smell like ammonia, but then this smell will disappear. It is recommended to leave the soda mixture overnight and rinse the area thoroughly in the morning. Please note that baking soda can stain fabrics.


Exists big choice products specifically designed to eliminate the smell of cat urine. They are sold in both spray and granule form. Many breeders recommend, for example, products from Nature’s Miracle and DUFTAPET. Before using professional products, it is important to carefully read the instructions for use, since they are based on enzymes and require some time to completely eliminate the odor.

It is important! If the cat is not just fulfilling its natural needs, but is marking its territory, it will not be easy to cope with the smell without products containing enzymes.

It is important to wash the cat's litter box from time to time, as it can also be a source of odors, and the cat will not like going to a dirty, foul-smelling litter box.

It is imperative to eliminate the reason why the animal violates the rules you have established. You need to retrain a cat without swearing and screaming, and even more so, you don’t need to rub its nose into the committed “crime” - this usually gives the opposite effect.

We hope our tips will help you remove the smell of cat urine. And remember: it is better to prevent such situations than to waste time and energy dealing with the consequences.

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Cats are present in our lives almost constantly, bringing pleasant moments into it: this animal is a devoted friend, for some, a member of the family. But in addition to happy moments, a cat sometimes spoils its owner’s mood by making puddles in hard-to-reach and not-so-easy places. This problem becomes especially unpleasant if there is poor ventilation in the room, or the cat has “marked” furniture, shoes (or other fabric surfaces). What products besides possible washing will help? get rid of the unpleasant smell of cat urine in the house and wean the animal from this bad habit? To help a cat owner facing a problem remove cat urine odor, home remedies found in every home or special chemicals may come.

Causes of cat “marks” in the house

The question arises: why do cats (most often cats) not relieve themselves in their own litter box, but put “marks”, for example, on shoes or a sofa? In fact, there can be many reasons for this behavior. And sometimes the owner himself is to blame for not paying due attention to the cleanliness of the cat’s toilet. It should be remembered that our four-legged friends are very clean, so a dirty and bad-smelling tray forces us to look for new places for the toilet.

Often cats, sensing foreign odors on shoes or furniture, instinctively try to mark their territory. And sometimes the reason for such ugly behavior on the part of the cat is a quarrel with the owner or an insult to one of the family members. Don't forget about the love period (most often at the beginning of spring), when puddles and marks become more frequent.

Fighting the unpleasant smell of cat urine in the house

The pungent odor emanating from the puddle is caused by the uric acid contained in the urine. You need to dry the cat's urine as soon as possible with a napkin or rag, because over time it will be more difficult to get rid of the dried stain. In addition, the animal may get into the habit of making puddles in the same place in the future if the owner does not take measures to eliminate the smell.

Folk remedies to combat the smell of cat urine:

  • Soda– it can be poured directly into the cat’s litter box to absorb unpleasant odors, or mixed with water and washed the area soiled by the cat.
  • Vinegar- mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio will help cope with unpleasant amber.
  • Liquids containing alcohol(vodka, alcohol medicinal tinctures).
  • Laundry soap– grated and mixed with hot water will get rid of cat stains and odors.
  • Hydrogen peroxide– applied to the marked area will eliminate stains and odor.
  • Iodine– diluted with water (10 drops per liter of water) will also cope with the smell.
  • Citrus essential oils- unpleasant for the cat, will force the animal not to give the owner headaches in the future.
The use of these simple remedies is very convenient due to their availability in every home. But it should be remembered that many of these products can harm the surface being cleaned. Therefore, before putting things in order, you need to make sure in inconspicuous areas of furniture, carpet or linoleum that the cleaning agent will not cause harm. In addition, most of these remedies will also discourage the cat from the desire to relieve itself anywhere.

Specialized products to combat the smell of cat urine:

  • "Antigadin"- the smell of the product is unpleasant for the cat. When an animal has a favorite place for “tags” (not a tray), Antigadin comes to the rescue, according to the manufacturer, due to the enzymes contained in the spray. Safe for animals and people.
  • Odor eliminator "DezoSan"- copes with unwanted odors characteristic of animals. May have a negative effect on mucous membranes.
  • "Urine OFF Multi-Pet Stain & Odor Remover"- a stain and odor remover. Harmful to eyes, skin of humans and animals.
  • Spray "No stains and odor"» - corrects the animal’s behavior, preventing it from shitting in inappropriate places. It has a relatively low cost (about 130 rubles).
  • Brand products "Mr. Fresh" for cat litter, eliminates repulsive odor.
  • Means " True friend» - eliminates stains on carpets and cat bedding, eliminating odors.
In addition to the above products, you can use any chlorine-containing detergents, taking precautions.

What is the best choice to eliminate the unpleasant smell of cat urine?

Based on the financial capabilities of the cat owner, you can choose exactly the product that will be affordable and will get rid of cat odor and stains. For example, the Antigadin product costs about 110-120 rubles, and customer reviews about it vary - it suits some, it doesn’t suit others. There are also more expensive imported products, for example, “Urine OFF”, its price ranges from 850-1100 rubles, but it also has reviews as a good odor remover. Many people who do not trust various chemical odor eliminaters use home remedies, which they are quite happy with. But it is worth remembering that the most important point in the fight against disgusting smell of cat urine in the house is the cleanliness of the tray and timely cleaning of surfaces marked by the cat.

Having decided to get a cat, the owner must be prepared for the fact that at first, while the animal is accustomed to the tray, and sometimes later, he will have to deal with puddles and piles left around the house in the most unexpected places.

In case of such missteps, you should never scold or punish your pet, as things will only get worse. It’s better to find out in advance how to remove the smell of cat urine from upholstered furniture, clothes, shoes and floors.

Why does a cat make puddles? Why does cat urine stink so much?

Problems with puddles around the apartment are usually faced by owners who have just adopted a small kitten; he is either not accustomed to the litter box, or due to stress due to a change in environment, he must adapt to it within a few days. But it happens that an adult cat that confidently goes to the litter box suddenly also begins to shit anywhere. The reasons for this are:

  • insufficient hygiene of the tray (rarely wash, rarely change the filler)
  • using too strong-smelling household chemicals when cleaning the tray
  • uncomfortable tray
  • diseases of the urinary or musculoskeletal systems in an animal
  • stress
  • tags

You can find out more about why a cat stops peeing in the litter box and how to get him used to it again here: link

The most disgusting thing is that when a cat poops, even if you immediately wipe the puddle, a disgusting smell may remain. You only have to hear it once to realize how sickening it is. The culprit is the composition of cat urine, which includes:

  1. Uric acid. These colorless crystals are not easy to dissolve. You can't remove them with ordinary water or alcohol. You need alkaline solutions, glycerin or hot sulfuric acid.
  2. Urea is a water-soluble sticky substance.
  3. Urochrome is a bile pigment that gives cat urine its color.

The unpleasant odor is primarily due to the presence of uric acid in cat urine. If the puddle behind the animal is removed incorrectly, and soon a new one forms in its place, moisture gets in, and the stench will arise again.

IMPORTANT: The smell of cat urine is most difficult to remove from shoes, clothes, and bed, where absorbed uric acid crystals react with human sweat. It is also difficult to efficiently clean porous, loose surfaces such as plastic or wood.

The unpleasant odor of cat urine is due to the presence of uric acid, which is insoluble in water.

If you simply wipe up a puddle of cat urine with water and soap, so to speak, in a hurry, the urea and urochrome will go away, and there will be no visible traces of the animal’s sin.

But the uric acid crystals will continue to emit a disgusting odor. It is necessary to clean immediately and thoroughly, using improvised or special store-bought products. Sometimes such cleaning is carried out in 2-4 stages.

Available means that neutralize the smell of cat urine are:

  • potassium permanganate
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • baking soda
  • laundry soap
  • table vinegar
  • lemon acid

IMPORTANT: The smell from a puddle made by a cat can be dealt with using bleach, bleach, or any cleaning product containing chlorine. But it can damage the surface being treated. Also, breathing chlorine vapor is very harmful to both people and pets.

VIDEO: How to Get Rid of the Smell of Cat Urine?

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa? Vinegar and ammonia for cat urine

It is difficult to accurately answer the question of why a cat shits on the sofa. But the smell penetrates into the upholstery and foam rubber instantly. To avoid this, you need to make an effort.

You should have at hand:

  • paper napkins or towels
  • vinegar
  • brush
  • spray
  • syringe
  • vacuum cleaner

If a cat peed on the sofa, there is no need to scold him. Baking soda and vinegar will help.
  1. First, you need to remove any remaining urine from the surface of the sofa by absorbing it paper napkins. The napkins need to be changed until they are almost completely dry when blotted.
  2. The next step is to remove the visible stain from the upholstery. To do this, the area of ​​the cat's sin is soaped and rubbed with a brush dipped in water, then blotted again with napkins.
  3. Afterwards, the sofa upholstery is wiped with vinegar dissolved in water 1 to 4. Allow the vinegar solution to dry completely.
  4. Sprinkle baking soda on the stained area of ​​the upholstery. If cat urine has already been absorbed under the upholstery, dissolve soda in water, draw the solution into a syringe and use a needle to inject it inside into the foam rubber. Baking soda will react with uric acid and neutralize it.
  5. At the end of cleaning, the sofa is blown with a warm stream of a hairdryer and vacuumed.

IMPORTANT: In order not to spoil the sofa upholstery, it is advisable to test all of the listed products on an inconspicuous area.

Some people advise dealing with cat puddles using ammonia. But he's unlikely to help. Firstly, he has nothing to neutralize the components of cat urine.

Secondly, urine itself contains ammonia, and processed ammonia Because of the smell, an animal may choose this place as a toilet.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the carpet?

Carpets are not cheap, is it worth the risk of cleaning them from cat urine yourself? Indeed, dry cleaning would be the best option in case the cat walked on the carpet once. But, unfortunately, cats often choose this particular element of the interior as a place for wet things and marks. Then you won't have enough dry cleaning.

IMPORTANT: If a cat frequently shits on the carpet, it may be better to take it out of the room for a while and wait until the animal gets used to the litter box again.

An expensive carpet can be dry cleaned or treated with a hydrogen peroxide solution.

You can remove the stain and smell of cat urine from the carpet yourself in this way:

  1. Absorb remaining urine with paper napkins and toilet paper.
  2. Make an aqueous solution of perhydrol 1 to 3. Apply it first to the most inconspicuous place on the carpet to check whether it will spoil the thing. It must be remembered that hydrogen peroxide is corrosive. Then use a spray bottle to spray the solution onto the area soiled by the cat.
  3. After waiting 2 hours, treat the carpet with a special shampoo. A soap solution is also suitable.
  4. To prevent new puddles or marks, dissolve a couple of drops of citrus essential oil in 30 ml of water and spray onto the carpet.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from a mattress?

If a cat ruins the bed, this is a real disaster! Here many people forget that it is impossible to scold an animal for such sins.

  • using available means to absorb the remaining urine that has not had time to be absorbed into the mattress
  • dilute boric acid with water in a ratio of 1 to 10
  • spray the resulting solution onto the damaged area
  • as in the case of the sofa, use a syringe with a needle to inject the solution into the mattress
  • then sprinkle the dirty area thickly with salt
  • leave the mattress like this for several hours
  • wash off the salt with running water
  • Controlly wipe the mattress with a foamed solution of laundry soap
  • dry the mattress

How to remove the smell of cat urine from linoleum, wood floors, laminate?

Cat urine gets on the floor not only when the pet walks past the potty. “Wet paws” happen:

  • if the tray is with a mesh and without filler
  • little filler is poured

Then the usual wet cleaning, even with a floor cleaner, will not do. To eliminate stains and odor without damaging the floor covering, use:

  • 1 to 3 solution of table vinegar
  • citric acid (1 tbsp per 50 ml of water)

“Wet paws” and cat puddles from the floor are removed with vinegar or citric acid.

The floor should be treated with these solutions so that it remains damp, and after 30-40 minutes, rinse them thoroughly.

VIDEO: How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?

How to remove the smell of cat urine from furniture?

Furniture also suffers from cat marks. It is good to treat it with the same vinegar solution.

Another suitable solution is a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, one that has saturated color. Just before treating a large area of ​​furniture with it, you need to check whether it will be painted.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from clothes?

To remove the smell of urine or cat marks from clothes, you need to wash them in this way:

  • Soak clothes in ordinary washing powder for 1 hour.
  • hand wash and place in washing machine
  • Add vinegar and baking soda directly into the drum of the machine, at the rate of 50 ml and 3 tbsp. spoons for 5 kg of laundry.
  • wash clothes in a suitable manner.

IMPORTANT: Washing with vinegar and soda not only removes stains and odor from cat urine, but also makes natural fabrics softer and removes electrostatics. But it’s better not to wash brightly colored synthetics this way. Only dry cleaning will help.

clothes are washed with vinegar and soda.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes?

If a cat has been caught in the act, it will not be difficult to wash the shoes so that there is no smell of urine left in them.

  1. Napkins or toilet paper will absorb the fresh puddle.
  2. Laundry soap is grated. 2 tbsp. spoons of shavings are placed in 3 liters. water and foam.
  3. Wash your shoes thoroughly in this solution, and then under running water.

IMPORTANT: If a crime committed by a cat was discovered by smell, the damaged shoes should not only be washed with soap, but also thoroughly wiped with vinegar diluted in water.

And to prevent the cat from wearing these shoes again, citrus fruit is dripped onto the insoles. essential oil or put tea bags inside the shoes.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in a house or apartment?

If the smell of cat urine persists in the apartment, most likely there are unnoticed damaged areas, or cleaning after the cat is not done thoroughly enough.

Dried puddles from a cat are not always easy to find, especially if he craps behind furniture, in the pantry, or other hard-to-reach places. You'll be lucky if your sense of smell leads you to them. Otherwise, you need a black lamp.

  1. The lights in the apartment or house are turned off in the evening.
  2. Use a lamp to shine a light through the areas where the cat may have pooped.
  3. The crystals of cat urine will glow bright yellow.
  4. Treat the area with the puddle with a suitable product.
  5. To freshen the air in the room, use an aroma lamp, special deodorants or any air freshener from the store.

How to neutralize the smell of cat urine: remedies

If your budget allows for a professional cat odor remover, that's great. The problem will be solved quickly and without extra effort.

IMPORTANT: The secret component of such products is enzymes, or enzymes, that can destroy crystals of the most caustic component of cat urine - uric acid. If they are not in the composition, the product is not of high quality, it does not eliminate the stench, as stated by the manufacturer, but only neutralizes it.

When choosing a remedy for cat urine stains and odor, you need to consider the following:

  1. Some are universal and suitable for different types surfaces, for example, tiles, parquet, furniture, including soft leather. These include Urine off cat and kitten, Zoosan, Complete Pet Stain&Odor Remover, Bio-G.
  2. There are separate products for cleaning carpets from cat puddles and tags - Zoovorsin, Cleansan, and others.
  3. Each of these products comes with instructions. Cleaning must be carried out in accordance with it, otherwise the effect of the enzymes may not manifest itself.