How to draw eyebrow shape. How to paint eyebrows with a pencil: step-by-step instructions

To look perfect, you need to know how to apply makeup. Therefore, it is important to know how to draw eyebrows with a pencil correctly. After all, the whole image as a whole depends on this. If you choose the right color, tone and shape of the eyebrow arches, your appearance will be transformed and become ideal and complete. First you need to choose the right tool for painting.

Choosing a pencil

It is very important to choose a quality pencil with suitable shade. You can’t just fill in your eyebrows with a regular black pencil and expect a stunning effect from this.

Selecting the right cosmetic product:

  • shade;
  • lead hardness;
  • quality.

The choice of shade must be approached with all responsibility. There should not be a strong difference between the natural color of the hair strips and the shade of the instrument:

  • blondes should give preference to a beige color palette, which will be lighter than the eyelashes;
  • fair-haired people should choose their tone among dark brown or gray-brown colors;
  • ladies with red hair can choose a pencil from a palette of brown-red shades.

Black is not a universal color at all. in this case. Not everyone can wear it, and it won’t be appropriate everywhere.

The color of the pencil should be one tone darker than your hair color and slightly lighter than your eyelashes. It is imperative to choose the right rod hardness. Don't buy a soft lead. You can use this, but then the makeup will be rich and overly bright. It is better to give preference to hard and sharp rods. They are easier to sharpen, and the eyebrow will look neater. Only with this tool can you learn to draw beautiful curves.

For sparse hair, it is better to choose a soft stylus; it will paint over the voids of the skin well. The main thing is to create the appearance of hairs.

It is advisable to purchase professional brands. They have a hard texture. These products are easy and convenient to use. Price is not always synonymous with quality. It is important that you can easily correct the bend with strokes using a pencil. Makeup experts say the best wand shape is a paddle or pointed end.

Deciding on the form

Before you decide to learn how to paint your eyebrows yourself, you need to know how to give them a suitable shape and neat appearance. The arcs must be symmetrical and even. A beautiful eyebrow line is easily created using tweezers. Before plucking, you need to thoroughly steam your face. Such manipulations are also performed in beauty salons.

The shape of the eyebrows is selected based on the oval of the face. The eyebrow should start as a thick line, curve in the middle, and taper towards the tip. To determine the main points that form the correct bend, you need to take a long pencil or brush. One end of the handle should be applied to the wing of the nose, the other end should be turned towards the inner corner of the eye. At the intersection of the eyebrow and the brush stick, its beginning is formed. Then, without taking your eyes off the nostril, you need to turn the stick to the side of the outer corner of the eye. This place will mark the end of the arc line.

Painting procedure

We begin step-by-step coloring:

  1. First, degrease the entire face well with lotion or tonic.
  2. Then we use foundation or foundation.
  3. With a pencil you need to apply a couple of strokes at the base of the line and at the end. This is how boundaries are defined.
  4. Using a special brush, comb the eyebrows well along the hair growth. An old mascara brush works well for these purposes.
  5. Now you can paint over the entire hairy area with neat, precise strokes. It is necessary to make stitches as similar as possible to real hairs, thin and parallel to the hair. It’s better to start from the bottom, smoothly moving up.
  6. Where there are slightly fewer hairs and there is an unpainted area left, you need to carefully shade the line. This will visually create the effect of thick eyebrows.
  7. Finally, all that remains is to comb the hairs again to remove excess product and straighten the line.
  8. If there are noticeably protruding hairs somewhere, you can use a special gel to fix them. Gel is also used to make the paint last longer.
  9. If the eyebrows do not need correction, but they need thickness and brightness, you first need to comb the hairs down, paint at the roots and return them to their original position.

Don't put too much pressure on the pencil, it may start to crumble and then your makeup will be ruined. Movements should be weightless and smooth.

Do not forget that eyebrows need to be drawn at different frequencies: at the base of the arch you need to lightly tint, since the beginning of the bend should begin smoothly and softly. To do this, you can use two pencils of similar shades at the same time. With one we paint the entire hairline, with the other just the beginning. It’s worth drawing more intensely in the middle, and highlighting the tip with a few thin stitches.

Learning to draw eyebrows is quite easy. The main thing to remember is the rule: it is better to underpaint than to overpaint and make yourself look unnatural. You need to feel in moderation in everything.

  1. The eyebrow will become clearer if you lighten the area around it with a special beige pencil that matches your skin tone. You can replace it with beige shadows or powder.
  2. The pencil should always be pointed. To make it easy to sharpen, you need to put it in the freezer for a while.
  3. Eyebrows are painted only after applying foundation. Otherwise, the paint won’t last long or it won’t adhere properly.
  4. If you want the lines above the eyes to look as natural as possible, then you need to dark shade paint the lower part of the hairline, and the remaining gaps with a lighter tone.

How to avoid mistakes

Dyeing your eyebrows with a pencil is not such an easy task. Many girls often make mistakes after they have already learned how to apply makeup to their eyebrows. Let's look at which ones:

  1. There is no need to completely pluck or shave the hairs in order to then draw curves of any shape with a pencil. This method will not only not decorate, but will make the image artificial.
  2. Eyebrow pencil and eyeliner are completely different things. You can only draw a straight line with eyeliner, and this will look ugly. The product was created to highlight the eye line, but not at all for the eyebrows.
  3. Painting the curve with one continuous line is not difficult. But you still need to paint over it with strokes of varying intensity in different parts of the eyebrow. This will make it more natural look.
  4. The drawing should emphasize the shape, but not create a new one. If, during the drawing process, the pencil goes far beyond the line of the hairline or the tip becomes too bright, then you will definitely not get beautiful and elegant makeup.
  5. If the hairs are drawn too boldly, you can ruffle them a little with a cotton swab. It will take away some of the paint. And then just lay them down by combing them with a brush.

Don't be too upset if you didn't succeed in filling in your eyebrows the first time. All comes with experience. The skill can be developed. The main thing is patience.

Making high-quality makeup at home is quite difficult. This is influenced by many factors, including the shape of the eyebrows. It is important for any woman to first choose the shade and shape of her eyebrows individually so that they fit perfectly with her face type. Eyebrows need daily care and systematic correction using tweezers. During the procedure, you need to adjust the width. They will help give them a shade cosmetical tools. How to draw eyebrows with a pencil correctly? Below are ways to perform makeup.

Pencil makeup technique - what is it and why is it needed?

Who needs to do eyebrow makeup with a pencil? This type of makeup is most relevant:

  • women with blond hair and white skin to highlight eyebrows;
  • persons wishing to correct the shape of their eyebrows;
  • girls with sparse hair;
  • to complement special makeup when the stylist focuses on the eyes;
  • to disguise balding eyebrows.

Selection of eyebrow pencil

Manufacturers produce eye pencils that are too soft. They are not suitable for eyebrow makeup. You should purchase a special pencil, following the recommendations of a specialist:

  • Softness indicator. Too soft cosmetics are quite easy to apply to the hairs, but after that they look too bright.
  • Mechanics or a sharpened pencil - which is better, everyone chooses for themselves, but it is worth remembering that the first type of product has a short service life. Sharpened pencils that are too soft are not particularly easy to apply. It is best to leave them for 20 minutes before using them. take to a cool place.
  • Experts recommend purchasing pencils with a brush for combing.

Pencil color selection

Not every color will look equally impressive in makeup. To choose the perfect shade, it is recommended to purchase a color range that is one shade darker than the color of your eyelashes. Also, when choosing, it is important to consider that the shade of the cosmetic product matches the color of your hair and eyebrows.

  • Black tones are suitable for girls going to a photo shoot or a themed party. For a business meeting, this shade is unacceptable.
  • Light brown and ashy shades Ideal for women with light curls.
  • Dark brown and dark gray colors will highlight the beauty of brunettes and brown-haired women.
  • For red-haired girls, golden and terracotta tones are recommended. If desired, you can mix both shades.
  • For gray-haired ladies, pencils in gray and graphite tones are suitable.

Note! For those with fair skin, natural brown colors are ideal. Any flaws or imperfections that occur during application will not be clearly visible.

How to draw eyebrows correctly and beautifully with a pencil at home

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil? The first step is to prepare everything for makeup. To do this you will need:

  • Correct the shape of the eyebrows by removing unnecessary hairs with tweezers. It is unacceptable to ignore this recommendation. The eyebrows should be wide near the bridge of the nose, raised in the middle and tapered towards the end.
  • Apply a layer of foundation or powder to the skin.

For your information! Too long eyebrow lines like a thread add a couple of extra years to a woman.

How to draw eyebrows step by step with a pencil:

Draw eyebrows correctly and beautifully

  1. You should not immediately make a thick line with a pencil. You need to draw, painting over each individual hair.
  2. If makeup requires lengthening of the eyebrows, experts recommend moving in the direction of hair growth. The strokes should be applied quite small.
  3. If you want to make your eyebrows bright, you will need to comb the hairs downwards with a thin comb. Using a pencil, draw on the eyebrows in the direction of hair growth. After this, the hairs are quickly combed back into place.

How to draw with a pencil wide eyebrows? You cannot achieve the desired result with just a pencil. To achieve this, you will need to use two, one of which will be the same shade as the eyebrows, and the second will be slightly lighter. All eyebrows are painted in small strokes with a lighter cosmetic product. After this, the same thing is repeated with a dark pencil only in the lower part. In the end, all that remains is to carefully comb the hairs with a special brush.

Eyebrow correction

How to make the correction yourself?

Note! Any beginner can not only draw eyebrows with a pencil, but also correct them.

Thanks to this procedure, the eyebrows will acquire a natural appearance and smooth outline. Using a pencil you can slightly correct the natural shape of the hairs.

Step-by-step pencil correction

  1. The first step is to determine the desired eyebrow shape and the shade of the cosmetic product.
  2. Excess hairs are removed with tweezers.
  3. The hair line becomes clearer.
  4. Using a pencil, the shape is adjusted.
  5. Then the shade of the eyebrows is emphasized, the shape of the brow ridge is corrected, and the lines are made as natural as possible. In the end, all that remains is to apply the shadows.

The difference between correction and drawing eyebrows with a pencil is that the lines are less noticeable. The main shade of the hair remains.

Important! To add brightness and expressiveness to your eyebrows, it is better to use light pink shades of cosmetics. You should start by tinting the part located under the base of the eyebrow and blending it slightly. If you don’t have a soft pink pencil, you can use white eyeshadow to add shine and shine to your look.

  • Daily care. For these purposes, you can use eyebrow gel or wax. You should use high quality cosmetics to prevent an allergic reaction.
  • Choose a suitable eyebrow shape and adhere to its outline during correction. Excess hairs can be removed with tweezers; too long hairs can be trimmed with scissors.
  • It is unacceptable to shave your eyebrows and pluck out more than half of the hairs to prevent weakening of the hair follicles and slowing down their growth.
  • To moisturize and accelerate the growth of hair follicles, it is recommended to use special oils designed for eyebrow care. It is also useful to massage your eyebrows in the morning with a brush and a small amount of almond and peach oil. Circular movements are done without pressure or squeezing. Skin covering should not blush during massage movements.
  • Eyebrows should be cleaned with scrubs monthly (up to 13 times a year). The keratinized layers of skin under the hairs are removed, which improves blood flow to the hair follicles.

  • Sharp lines. When filling in the gaps with a pencil, you should make small strokes that will look as natural as possible until shaded. It is not recommended to draw a thick line along the entire length, as it will look completely unaesthetic.
  • Insufficient shading with a brush. Drawing eyebrows with a pencil requires careful shading using a clean brush or cotton swab.
  • The sharpness of the pencil. It is more convenient to draw smooth lines with a slightly dull pencil. Done with a sharp pencil, they will catch the eye.
  • Too much darkening is unlikely to add attractiveness to the image. It is best to avoid excessive contrast, which will soften facial features and give expressiveness to the look. It is advisable to use pencil shades in makeup that are a couple of tones darker than the natural shade of the hair on your head.
  • Incomplete set of tools. When doing makeup, it is important to arm yourself with the necessary arsenal of cosmetics. Achieve the best best result You can draw the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil, covering the skin under the hairs with powder. You can use a transparent or tinted gel to fix the result.

For creating beautiful image Cosmetic products that match the color should be used. For help you can use step by step video pencil drawings. Under no circumstances should you rush when creating your makeup! Learning how to draw eyebrows with a pencil can only be done through trial and error. If you don’t want to learn how to draw them yourself, you can use the services of tattooing. However, they are not cheap.

Eyebrows play an important role in a person's look, because they are responsible for the expression, brightness and style of the face. Completely unsightly or too voluminous shaggy eyebrow arches can be corrected using various techniques. For this purpose, shadows, henna, tattooing and special lipsticks are used. The only condition that must be taken into account when drawing is naturalness and naturalness. The eyebrows should ultimately not become too plucked and thin.

Over time, the fashion for the shape of eyebrows has gradually changed and is still changing. In the 60s, women wore thin and elegant arches, remember the main character of “Office Romance” or the famous Soviet star Lyubov Orlova. Although “thread eyebrows” opened the eyes of famous actresses, they played a cruel joke on many women: adding ten years to their appearance and making their eyelids swollen.

Then they were replaced by “house” eyebrows, which made the faces of fashionistas a little distracted and surprised.

A little later, naturalness came into fashion, when the shape of the eyebrows was not changed, but only the thickness was adjusted. This type of eyebrow arch was also called “boyish”.

Today, wide eyebrows with a clear border at the top are popular. They are naturally tinted, and excess hairs are always plucked out.

Each face has its own eyebrow shape:

  • For a woman with large features, a wide shape is suitable, but shaggy, thick eyebrows will make her look gloomy.
  • Sharp facial features will be softened by arched eyebrows.
  • The narrow shape is suitable for skinny people. It will visually expand the face and smooth out the sharpness of the chin.

How to Draw Eyebrow Shape

Of course, you can give your eyebrows the ideal shape in a beauty salon, but self-correction is quite possible and accessible if done using a ready-made template. Plastic stencils with ready-made holes of popular shapes are available for sale.

A special template is placed over the eyebrow, the inner contour is transferred with cosmetic powder, excess hair is removed and the arch is drawn with a pencil or paint.
You can make a “pattern” of such a template yourself; just download and print a stencil from the Internet, and then transfer it to plastic. Using nail scissors, carefully cut out smooth lines. Before self-correction, eyebrows are initially covered with powder. This gives clarity and expressiveness.

Sometimes the shape of the eyebrows is given using a spoon or fork, and it is corrected thick cream or special paste.

How to draw eyebrows beautifully, eyebrow shape

A beautiful contour of the eyebrow arches will be applied by specialists in a beauty salon. They will also provide comprehensive advice regarding changes. appearance. You can make a beautiful frame for your eyes yourself using tweezers/wax and paint. Before starting the procedure, you should evaluate the natural characteristics of the eyebrows and outline further adjustment steps.
It is advisable to leave the space between the eyebrow arches clean, but everything should be within reasonable limits. The harmony of the face is disrupted by the eyebrows “plucked” on the bridge of the nose. The brow ridges, which are very distant from each other, lengthen the nose and make the look “out of this world.” A striking example is the heroine of a famous film.

Smoothly rounded eyebrows are considered the classic shape. It is precisely these eyebrow arches that do not change the expression at all and are in harmony with any appearance. They “lift” the eyelid and rejuvenate the face.

It is prohibited to cut or shave hair. This not only speeds up their growth, but also changes their direction. Cowlicks and stray hairs may form.

The general position of eyebrow formation is based on three lines drawn from the corner of the nose:

  • the first will determine the beginning of the arc;
  • the second, passing through the pupil, will mark the highest point;
  • the third will pass through the outer point of the eye and show the end of the arc.

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step

The most popular means of eyebrow correction is considered to be a pencil, especially for asymmetry and sparse ends. It also makes an excellent base for eyeshadow.

For correction you will need:

  • tweezers;
  • small cosmetic scissors;
  • brushes;
  • pencil;
  • powder;
  • Foundation.

  1. Everyone's cooking necessary tools to complete the procedure.
  2. Use tweezers to remove excess hairs that do not match the chosen shape. The eyebrows should have a good curve, as in picture No. 2. In addition, too long hairs are trimmed with scissors. The arc is powdered and combed.
  3. Correction begins from the bottom of the eyebrow, making not too straight curves.
  4. A line is drawn on the top part, which is smoothly connected to the bottom.
  5. Carefully shade the voids with a pencil.
  6. Use a brush to comb the arc and, if the color is too saturated, remove it slightly.
  7. Apply foundation according to the shape of the eyebrows to highlight the area.
  8. Perform similar actions with the other side.

Drawing eyebrows with shadows photo

Eyebrow correction with shadows has a number of advantages. The arches are painted with a dry texture from the inside, without taking away the natural beauty of the eyebrows.

It is easy to work with the material, because the shadows do not crack, wash off well and fit perfectly onto the gel. When choosing a color, the paint is mixed, producing unexpected results.

The accuracy of applying shadows also depends on the choice of a suitable brush for a particular type of eyebrows. There are three types of tools: beveled hard, soft rounded for sensitive skin and a universal soft brush.

How to draw eyebrows with shadows step by step

Drawing eyebrows with a dry texture can be done in one or more colors, as well as with partial filling.

  1. Before adjusting with shadows, the eyebrows are moisturized and foundation is applied.
  2. Then the correct arc is formed by combing the hairs with a stiff brush.
  3. Whatever application technique is chosen, the material is distributed from the center, moving towards the end. When combining two shades, adjustments begin with more light color. Partial application is done from the bottom row, gradually shading the paint upward.
  4. At the end, the dry texture is fixed with a wax pencil or gel wax.

Video drawing eyebrows

How to draw eyebrows with henna

The most affordable way to give your eyebrows the desired shape is through coloring. Biotattooing with henna is a very popular technique among modern women. It is chosen due to the naturalness and safety of the paint. Henna not only colors hair, but also strengthens hair follicles, corrects contour and controls the intensity of coloring.
Biotattooing can be done at home, and it begins by disinfecting the skin with alcohol. Then the hairs themselves are cleaned with a scrub so that the henna lasts.

For classic coloring, henna and basma are mixed in different proportions:

  • 2 parts basma and 1 part henna will give a black color;
  • a dark brown shade is obtained from a 1:1 combination of components;
  • 2 parts henna and 1 part basma will give a bronze color.

The “holding” time of the paint depends on the desired final shade.

Today there is a special henna that does not stain your hands, as it is enclosed in capsules.

How to draw eyebrows tattoo

Competent permanent eyebrow correction will be done only in a trusted salon. The specialist will tell you which form to choose, based on individual characteristics oval of the face, eye shape and structure upper eyelid. How dangerous is the procedure? Permanent correction does not pose any particular danger, and its effect is quite long-lasting. One session is enough for one and a half years.

The artistic procedure is performed using the following techniques:

  • The natural effect of eyebrows is achieved using the powder technique. The master creates shadow and penumbra in shading using a special machine. This type of tattoo is the most natural and suitable for all skin types.

  • Microblading (hair tattooing) is indicated for problems with hair growth. The pigment is applied with a special apparatus with needles through hair incisions. The procedure is contraindicated for oily and combination skin.
  • With a mixed form, the hairs are first drawn and then shaded. It includes the two previous techniques, so its cost is the highest.

Skin restoration after permanent correction lasts up to two weeks. The disadvantage of the procedure can also be considered its durability, because tattoo can be removed only with a laser.

How to Draw Eyebrows with Eyebrow Pomade

In the beauty industry, the concept of eyebrow pomade appeared only a couple of years ago. Usually a creamy texture with rich pigments is placed in a plastic stick or round jar. Fondant is chosen for its durability and versatility, because it replaces eye shadow, base and eyeliner. The cream product is applied with an angled brush in several layers, which gives the eyebrows the missing volume and fixation. Even naturally thin eyebrows with noticeable voids become more voluminous.
It is advisable to carry out shading immediately, because... the product sets quickly. The excess from the brush should also be removed so that the lipstick goes on more evenly.

The best way to draw eyebrows

It is impossible to say unequivocally which product is most suitable for drawing eyebrows. This is influenced by the shape and thickness of the eyebrow arches, the type of appearance and individual preferences. Blondes are better off giving up pencils and paint and using shadows for correction. An important role is played by the application technique itself, and not the type of material. Even with an ordinary pencil you can ruin your appearance by placing an unnatural emphasis on your eyebrows.
If you compare shadows and pencils, the crumbly material is easy to apply, but they cannot change the shape of the arcs. A pencil is used to make corrective clear lines, but with such a tool it is important to guess the desired color. It is advisable that the shade is not brighter than the natural tone. Solid and thick lines are not drawn with a pencil, but rather the work is done with dashed movements.
Gel mascara, in addition to coloring the hairs, paints over the skin, so the excess has to be removed with a cotton swab.

When choosing between dye and henna, it is better to choose the first dye. Due to its naturalness, it can be used without fear by nursing mothers, teenagers and allergy sufferers. The color lasts on the hairs for up to two weeks. Henna makes eyebrows elastic and shiny. Any flaws in the work can be well painted over with shadows or a pencil. The downside of the product can be considered the duration of the painting itself, because the work takes at least an hour.
The dye lasts much longer than henna, but sometimes causes all sorts of redness. Chemical permanent, unlike henna, does not have strengthening and thickening properties.

Excessive brightness or blackness of the eyebrows will not make the appearance more feminine. Do not forget that there should be moderation in everything. Each woman chooses the method of eyebrow correction individually. The main thing is that it be systematic and gentle.

Proper application of makeup helps hide skin imperfections and highlight facial features. Having figured out how to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step, there will be no questions left for beginners.

  • Quick navigation through the article:
  • How to choose your eyebrow shape
  • Pencil selection
  • Pencil color selection
  • Step by step guide
  • Eyebrow correction
  • Newbie mistakes
  • Stylist tips
  • Reviews

The correct shape and straight lines will give the image laconicism and effectiveness. Only through practice can you learn to draw an even, beautiful outline, emphasizing the beauty of your eyebrows.

How to choose your eyebrow shape

Each girl is individual, therefore, in order to understand how to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step for beginners, first determine the correct shape. It is important to take into account the structure and location of the eyes, nose, and corners of the mouth.

To find out the required length, take any pencil, pen or long, even stick, press it to the edge of the nose with one end, and to the inner corner of the eye with the other. The intersection is the beginning of the edge. The middle passes through the eye pupil, and the end through the outer corner of the eye. So, by combining all three points, we determine the length of the eyebrows.

The shape determined using this method will look harmonious on the face. Use a mirror with a magnifying effect, it is more convenient.

You can draw eyebrows step by step with a pencil, either along certain lines or intuitively, but the method is not suitable for beginners to master the technique. The width is determined independently, or contact a cosmetologist.

The shape is selected individually for each girl’s FACE TYPE

There are several face shapes in nature.

There are several classic eyebrow shapes:

  1. The broken shape looks good on a round face. It is distinguished by a thin tip, a high rise, and a soft bend.
  2. The straight shape is suitable for an oval face. It is allowed to slightly round the tip of the eyebrow.
  3. The arched shape emphasizes the beauty of the square type. Makes the shape softer.
  4. Rising eyebrows are an excellent solution for those with a triangular face.

Do you know: How to make perfect eyebrows depending on face type

Pencil selection

It is quite difficult for a beginner to decide which pencil to choose to draw eyebrows. A high-quality pencil is the key to durability and natural lines throughout the day. The pencil is easy to use, any wrong stroke can be erased.

  1. The pencil is sharpened sharply. Wooden pencil Before sharpening, it is recommended to slightly freeze it in the freezer, then the tip will be sharp and will not break when sharpened. Choose hard pencils so that the line remains smooth throughout the day and does not spread.
  2. Do not use eye or lip pencil when drawing eyebrows.
  3. The color is selected a couple of shades darker than the hairs. When using black, you need to draw the line carefully.
  4. Most often, the pencil is made in a wooden shell. This is the most popular type. A pencil in a plastic case is not inferior in quality to a wooden one. The only downside to mechanical pencils is that they run out quickly.
  5. Buy specially made professional pencils. The beauty of eyebrows depends on the quality of cosmetics.
  6. If your eyebrows are thick, a pencil will not work. It is better to use shadows or special eyebrow dye.

Pencil color selection

For beginners, it is not immediately clear how to draw eyebrows step by step and with what pencil, but there is no need to buy all the colors and shades at once. Just look at the color of the eyebrow hairs and choose a color a little darker.

The shade of the pencil should be one tone different from the eyelashes.

The color of the pencil is selected according to the colors of the hair and eyebrows

The color is selected not only by the shade of the eyebrow hairs, but also by the color of the girl’s hair:

  1. Black the shade will suit only for photo shoots or themed parties. This color is strictly not recommended for daily use.
  2. Light brown and ash suit fair-haired girls.
  3. Dark brown, dark gray are ideal for brown-haired women.
  4. Red-haired girls are suitable for colors from golden to terracotta. You can mix two or three different shades to get what you need.
  5. Elderly women with gray hair A gray graphite pencil is suitable.

Note! For light, transparent skin tones, a natural brown pencil color is suitable. This way, the flaws and shortcomings made when drawing the outline will not be visible. Dark colors pencils will make the skin against the eyebrows duller.

How to Draw Eyebrows with a Pencil: Step-by-Step Guide

Instructions on how to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step for beginners will help a beginner gradually master the technique.

Determining the correct eyebrow shape

Will be needed pencils in two shades, eyebrow brush, light, white eye shadow, moisturizer.

Main stages:

Step-by-step drawing of eyebrows with a pencil

For beginners, to draw eyebrows with a pencil, they have come up with special stencils that make the process easier. They can be purchased at a cosmetic store or made yourself.

Interesting fact! Each eyebrow hair “lives” no more than four months. But if you shave them yourself, the recovery time increases to a year, as the hair follicles are destroyed.

Read another popular article in the category: Step-by-step instructions: How to dye your eyebrows with henna at home

Eyebrow correction

With the help of a pencil, beginners can not only draw eyebrows step by step, but also correct them. This procedure helps eyebrows look smoother, but at the same time natural. Without drawing the eyebrow line, the pencil will slightly correct the natural shape.

Eyebrow correction involves determining the shape and plucking out excess hairs with tweezers

Stages of eyebrow correction with a pencil:

  • Look in the mirror and determine the required shape and color of the pencil;
  • Remove excess hairs using tweezers. Making the line clearer;
  • We adjust the shape with a pencil, barely touching the skin. Since this is a correction, you only need to emphasize the shade;
  • We correct the shape above the eyebrow arch, making the line as natural as possible.
  • Correction differs from eyebrow drawing in that it is less noticeable. The hair color remains natural.

Important to remember! You can add brightness and expressiveness to your eyebrows using a light pink pencil. They tint it under the base of the eyebrows and lightly shade it. Instead of a pencil of this shade, you can use white shadows or highlighter powder, they will add radiance and shine to your look.

Common mistakes made by newbies

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step for beginners, and not make a lot of mistakes?

Eyebrows should be drawn with a sharp pencil

It is enough to study the advice of cosmetologists who have empirically identified most common mistakes:

  • You can't completely remove your eyebrows. Drawn lines look very ugly and unnatural;
  • The line is smooth, slightly broken, not making the eyebrow heavier;
  • The line is of medium thickness and shades well;
  • Try not to make the corner of the eyebrow arched or too bright, this will give the look a stern and gloomy look;
  • Choose your pencil color carefully. If the tone is not suitable, the eyebrow will turn out ugly;
  • Buy a pencil designed for eyebrows.

If you have little experience, you can visit a cosmetologist for the first time. Eyebrows drawn by a specialist can be used as a sample.

Eyebrows can increase or decrease the shape of the eyes, add shine and expressiveness. To make your eyebrows beautiful, Stylists recommend adhering to the following rules:

Stylists advise using special oils to care for eyebrows.
  • Daily care. Use eyebrow gel or wax. Comb your eyebrows morning and evening. Choose only high-quality cosmetics, this will avoid allergic reactions. By the way, to learn how to care for your eyebrows after microblading, follow this link;
  • Find the desired eyebrow shape and maintain it. Remove excess hair with tweezers. It is recommended to carefully trim protruding hairs with scissors;
  • Don't pluck too many hairs. Never shave your eyebrows. This leads to weakening of hair follicles and slows down growth;
  • For hydration and growth, use specially formulated eyebrow care oils;
  • Eyebrow massage helps accelerate growth and strengthen hair follicles. It is done with an eyebrow brush with the addition of almond and peach oils. Make circular movements without pressure so that the skin does not redden;
  • Cleanse your eyebrows with a scrub every two weeks. The keratinized layer of skin under the hairs will be removed, improving blood flow to the hair follicles.

It can be difficult for beginners to draw their own eyebrows beautifully and accurately. Applying cosmetics requires practice. After the first attempts by a beginner to draw eyebrows on his own, the line will become smoother, clearer, and the color transition will not be visible. The result will definitely please girls who want to learn how to draw eyebrows with a pencil at home step by step.

Good luck and health to you, dear women!

Everything you didn’t know about eyebrow makeup - correction, coloring, pencil design - you will see in this video:

An interesting and useful video tutorial on how to draw eyebrows correctly:

You will learn how to make beautiful and perfect eyebrows at home by watching the following video.

Twenty years ago, girls only had to pluck thin threads. The main attention was paid to adding languor to the eyes and sensuality to the lips using mascara and lipstick. Today, the emphasis has shifted towards natural makeup, with eyebrows becoming the main trend. You can purchase all the arch makeup products, but the desired result will not be achieved. In this article we will tell you how to properly do eyebrow correction and makeup at home and how to draw eyebrows with a pencil or eye shadow step by step with photos for beginners.

Types of home correction

Simple methods will help you achieve professional results. It is important to decide on the desired shape and choose the most suitable method to obtain perfect arches.

Eyebrow correction at home usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Removing hairs with tweezers or thread. Salons often offer sugaring as a less painful procedure, but if you do it yourself at home, you can disrupt the shape of the arches. Before plucking, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to the eyebrows for a few minutes, and then treat with an antiseptic. This will help relieve painful sensitivity.
  2. Tinting your eyebrows with dye is a practical method, the results of which last from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the manufacturer of the product. Using a special brush, the paint is distributed on the arches and washed off after 10-20 minutes. As a result, the hairs and the area of ​​skin between them are colored. The optimal method for those with light, sparse hair.
  3. Drawing eyebrows with a pencil helps to adjust the shape and increase the intensity of the tone. The technique requires some experience to perform. One wrong stroke and the shape can be distorted.
  4. Eyebrow correction with shadows is an easier method for beginners; it is also often chosen by professionals. It is possible to achieve a more natural look, and it is convenient to regulate the intensity of the applied pigment.

Eyebrow makeup step by step

An important task is to choose the right shade; it must match the hairs. If your eyebrows are naturally black, using a brown pigment will ruin your entire makeup. You should also choose a correction tool - mascara, pencil or shadow. For beginners and girls with light curls and expressionless eyebrows, it is better to stick to shadows and mascara. For hot brunettes and brown-haired women, a pencil will be the optimal solution.

Step-by-step eyebrow correction at home looks like this:

  • you need to comb your eyebrows with a special brush, this will help you determine the areas that need correction;
  • use a pencil to outline the shape, remove excess hairs with tweezers;
  • then wipe the arches with micellar water or alcohol-free toner to wash away pencil residue and soothe irritated skin;
  • then apply the pigment using the chosen tool - eye shadow, pencil, mascara, gel, and brush again to distribute the paint evenly.

To highlight the smooth line You can also use highlighter. Draw a parallel line under the eyebrows, the effect will add expressiveness to the look.

How to highlight your eyebrows with highlighter

Watch a video on how to do simple eyebrow makeup step by step:

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Before drawing your eyebrows with a pencil, you should decide on the tone and tool. Ideal if the color of the pencil and hairs match. It is quite difficult for blondes, fair-haired and red-haired girls to choose a suitable palette. In this case, you should focus on the color type - warm, cold. When choosing a pencil, you should pay attention to its pigmentation; matte ones are suitable, without shine or shine.

Read how to choose an eyebrow shape based on your face type.

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step on the face:

  1. Before doing makeup, the pencil should be sharpened. This will not only allow you to achieve better results, but is a hygienic norm.
  2. Combing the hairs thoroughly with a brush will help you determine which areas need to be filled.
  3. Technique: strokes in the direction of hair growth. An area is drawn along the bottom edge and center, starting from the widest part.
  4. When correcting your eyebrows with a pencil, you will notice that the strokes are applied very often. Visual volume and density are created.
  5. After pigmentation is complete, comb the hairs again with a brush to evenly distribute the shade.

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step on the face

Correction with a pencil is carried out after covering the face foundation or powder. For creating natural makeup eyebrows, choose appropriate lighting. For daytime makeup- natural, for evening - artificial.

Watch a video on how to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step for beginners:

How to draw eyebrows with shadows

Manufacturers offer special eyebrow shadow palettes. They do not contain shimmer particles, the structure is dense enough to maintain makeup throughout the day. Knowing how to draw eyebrows with shadows can help you achieve a more natural-looking arch. It is also convenient to adjust the intensity of pigmentation and easily change the shape.
Eyebrow correction with shadows at home step-by-step instruction:

  • using a brush, comb the hairs against the growth direction, this will allow you to determine the areas to fill with pigment;
  • scoop up a small amount of selected shadows with a small angled brush;
  • paint over the space with light strokes in the direction of hair growth, moving from the wide part to the narrow part;
  • Apply along the bottom of the eyebrow and in the center;
  • comb with a brush in the direction of hair growth;
  • If the set contains wax for fixing, scoop it up with an angled brush and draw it from the wide part of the arch to the narrow part.

How to draw eyebrows with shadows, step by step

How to pluck eyebrows correctly

Before you begin correction, you need to decide on the shape. It is selected according to the type of face - round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular. Cosmetic stores sell special stencils, but they are not always applicable due to the natural asymmetry of the eyebrows.

Step-by-step eyebrow correction with tweezers at home is done as follows:

  1. White cosmetic pencil outline the shape. The beginning of the eyebrows can be determined by placing a pencil vertically to the wings of the nose. The end is a line from the nostril of the nose, passing along the outer corner of the eye.
  2. Comb the hairs with a brush in the direction of growth.
  3. Pluck along the bottom edge, moving from the wide part to the narrow part.
  4. Grab one hair at a time and then carefully examine the result in the mirror. If you remove entire beams, it is easy to distort the shape and disrupt the desired symmetry of the arches.
  5. Then apply a cold compress or rub with ice cups. To prevent the development of infection, treat with alcohol.

Successfully performing eyebrow makeup at home is easy by following step-by-step recommendations stylists with photos:

  • the correct shape is determined by 3 points - the beginning of growth, the end, and the top of the bend;

Eyebrow stencils

  • if sensitivity is painful, you can apply ice to the area under the eyebrow arches for a couple of seconds to reduce discomfort during correction;
  • removal and staining should be carried out only in good lighting;
  • the upper hairs, as well as those growing at the widest part near the bridge of the nose, are not plucked, so as not to irreparably spoil the shape;
  • Thick eyebrows can be easily adjusted using nail scissors, combing and trimming the ends along the bottom edge.

Performing eyebrow correction at home will not cause difficulties if you follow simple rules. You need to decide on the shape, color, and method of painting. Thanks to step-by-step makeup, it is possible to achieve the desired results.