Winter calendar. Calendar and thematic planning in the preparatory group "hello winter - winter"

Deadline for the topic: 04.12 – 08.12.

Topic of the week: Hello Zimushka - Winter!

Target: 1. Enriching children’s knowledge about the characteristics of winter nature (frost, hoarfrost, frost, snowstorm, etc.), the characteristics of people’s activities in the city and countryside; about safe behavior in winter.

2. Continued acquaintance with winter sports (biathlon, alpine skiing, speed skating, cross-country skiing, figure skating, bobsleigh, snowboarding, short track, freestyle, hockey).

3. Formation of ideas about the characteristics of winter in different latitudes and different hemispheres of the Earth.

Final event: View the presentation “Winter Sports”

Date of the final event: 08.12. 2017

Responsible for the final event: Nesterchuk N.A.

Day of week 1

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Group, subgroup


reception and examination of pupils






Morning exercises.

Conversation with children “What interesting things did you notice on the way to the kindergarten?” Goal: to teach to encourage children to share their impressions, to monitor the construction of sentences. Looking at illustrations and photos of a winter landscape.

P/I “Small Birds”

D/I “When does this happen?” Goal: to consolidate the signs of the seasons, to determine the signs of the beginning of winter.

D/I “One – many” Purpose: to exercise in the education of plurality. noun names (crow - crows)

Physical development(pool). According to the swimming instructor's plan. 1 and 2 subgroups.

Artistic and aesthetic development (Drawing). Subject: "Frosty patterns" (decorative drawing) Literature: "Fine and constructive - modeling activities" O.V. PavlovaPage 28. Goal: teach children to draw Frost patterns in lace style; expand and diversify the figurative range (creating a situation for the free, creative use of various decorative elements - dot, circle, curl, leaf, trefoil, etc.); improve the technique of drawing with the end of a brush.

Games, preparation for a walk.






December. Walk No. 1. Purpose: To form an idea of ​​the changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night increases and the day decreases); learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, recognize their signs in poems.Labor on the site - hanging bird feeders, pouring food. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help birds during the cold season. independent play activities on the site. Exercise children in throwing a large ball at a vertical target(Ind. work. Diana B., Denis B., Arkady)

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed



2. Reading fiction: V. Bianki “Sinichka calendar.





- Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.

Walking along massage paths.

Unlearn finger gymnastics“Counting book for crows” Purpose: to learn to coordinate movements with the text, to develop hand motor skills.

Printed board game “Seasons” (lotto) Purpose: to teach how to play according to the rules.

D/I “Come up with a riddle” Purpose: to train children in coming up with riddles.

Work on the instructions of a speech therapist (Egor R., Ulyana O.)

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, Board games, illustrations of birds. Independent play activities in employment centers.

Organized educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development (Musical).


Card file of walks, card No. 1.Observing clouds and clouds in the evening sky. Goal: to teach children to identify snow clouds. P/I “Wind, ice and frost”

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Individual conversations at the request of parents.

Making recommendations on the topic in the parent corner.

Day of week 2

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Cooperative activity adults and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Subject development organization - spatial environment to support children's initiative

(independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality


reception and examination of pupils






Morning exercises. Conversation with children “How winter surprises us” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about winter.

Round dance game “Like thin ice”

Printed board game “Cut pictures. Bird" goal: continue to practice the ability to assemble puzzles.

Involve children in the design of the three-dimensional panel “Wintering Birds” Purpose: to exercise the ability to cut out silhouettes, consolidate knowledge about wintering birds

D/I “Winter months” Goal: to learn the winter months with children (Matvey, Diana G., Gleb)

- Submission of material on the topic of the week.

- Looking at books and albums about winter sports.

Purpose: to clarify ideas about different types sports, the concept of “sport”, why people engage in physical education and sports; develop speech.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP) Subject: “Measurement” by V.P. Novikov "Mathematics in kindergarten» page 58. Goal: Continue to teach how to measure bulk quantities, monitor the completeness of the measure, understand that the result of the measurement depends on this; consolidate the ability to reduce numbers by 1 within 10; introduce the minus sign “-”

Artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting) Subject: “My favorite fairy-tale characters” Literature: “Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn p. 272. Goal: To consolidate the skills of coherent speech, the ability to convey summary literary work; consolidate the ability to independently outline the content of the sculpt, carefully finish the shape of the figure, achieving expressiveness of the conceived image.

Physical development in the air (a set of outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity (planned and carried out by the teacher)

Games, preparation for a walk.






Observing a birch tree in winter. To develop knowledge about the characteristics of the life of trees in winter, to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants. Hood. word: “There is a birch tree in a cape”, “White birch” - S. Yesenin.P/n: “Polar bears” - practice running. “Who needs the flag?” - practice jumping while moving forward. D/i: “Guess the riddle” - guessing riddles on winter theme. Goal: Develop logical thinking. Basics of life safety: exercise “Breathe through the nose.” Goal: to teach children to breathe properly through their nose in winter. Main types of movements: exercises in rolling, throwing, catching, throwing.

Game exercise "Penguins". Involve Denis, Daria, Marina. Goal: waddle like penguins.

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed



1. Education of cultural and hygienic skills and abilities: Continue to teach children to undress consistently and carefully put things in their locker.

2. Reading poems on a winter theme: “The Magic Sundress”; “In winter” - S. Drozhzhin, “About winter”, “Winter has come” - V. Fetisov.





- Health-improving work, hardening activities; Reading the story “December” by V. Bianchi - a conversation based on content.

D/i: “Around and around” - develop visual perception, attention, learn to use prepositions correctly.

P/n: “Find what I’ll hide” - to develop the ability to navigate in space.

S/r game: “Family” - “We’re going to winter walk" Goal: Develop and enrich the plot of the game, consolidate the name of the details winter clothes. Continue to develop the skills to keep your closet clean and tidy on your own.

Engine work center (offer to independently choose equipment, exercises and games with it).

Ex. “Say the word.” Objectives: teach to listen to the sound of words, develop a sense of rhyme, speech hearing, sound culture of speech (Egor T., Yaroslav)

Preparation for the s/r game “Family”.

Objectives: develop gaming activities.

Builder games. Objectives: learn to carry out spatial analysis of a building, independently find ways to implement it.

Organized educational activities

Formation complete picture peace. Subject: "Winter. Winter items." Literature:“Formation of a holistic picture of the world” O.N. Kaushkal page 55 Goal: to systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge about winter, about winter natural phenomena. Introduce children to the periods of winter and winter months.



Card index of walks, card No. 5 Ind. Job. Egor R., Ksenia, Denis O.

Interaction with families of pupils

Recommend to parents: observe the winter landscape with their children on the way to and from kindergarten; behind the trees in winter, helping children write a story, come up with sentences, and admire the beauty of nature together.

Invite parents to take part in the design of the photo exhibition: “Winter - Winter!”

Day of week 3

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative

(independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality


reception and examination of pupils






Morning exercises. According to the plan of the physical education instructor.

D/i: “Who spends the winter?” Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge of how wild animals and birds winter.

P/n: “Blizzard.” Goal: Learn to perform movements according to the text. Continue to improve your skills: wash your face quickly and accurately; keep the washroom tidy. Reading the poem by I. Nikitin “Hello, Guest - Winter!”

Practice composing a story based on a series of plot paintings.(Marina, Daniil, Gleb)

Games in the experimentation corner.Looking at pebbles through a magnifying glass. “Who sees what” (crystals, cracks, patterns, etc.)

Organized educational activities

Speech development. Subject: Comparative - descriptive story "Winter Evening" Literature:« Complex classes» N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova page 176

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) Subject: "Winter evening. Landscape" Literature:“Complex classes” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova page 169

Games, preparation for a walk.





ID / SKR ;

Card file of walks, card No. 4 “Targeted walk in the winter park” Purpose: To examine and draw attention to the beauty of winter nature. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, love for Russian nature. Poem: “This time of year...” Purpose: To develop observation skills. Love for nature. Learn to express your opinion. P/n: “Two Frosts”, “We are funny guys” Goal: Learn to clearly pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game. D/n: “When does this happen?” Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features, to develop connected speech, attention, and resourcefulness.Exercise children: Polina, Nikita, Daniil, Daria in running and dodging. A/u: “Catch up with the couple”

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed



Situational conversation about food culture

Goal: continue to teach children how to behave correctly at the table while eating (sit up straight, don’t sway in the chair, don’t rush and don’t talk with your mouth full); cultivate cultural behavior at the table, neatness.

- Reading the poem by I. Nikitin “Hello, Guest - Winter!”





1. Gymnastics waking up after sleep (card file, card No.)

2. Theater production activities

Acting out the situation “I don’t want semolina!”

Goal: to learn to pronounce phrases with intonation and expressiveness.

Children are divided into pairs. One of them will be mothers or fathers, the other will be children. Mom or dad should insist that the child eat semolina porridge (rolled oats, buckwheat...), giving various reasons. But the child cannot stand this dish. Let the children try to act out two versions of the conversation. In one case, the child is capricious, which annoys the parents. In another case, the child speaks so politely and softly that the parents give in to him.

The same situation can be played out with other characters, for example: the sparrow and the little sparrow, but with the condition that they must communicate only by tweeting; cat and kitten - meowing; frog and little frog - croaking.

Reading the story “December” by V. Bianchi - a conversation based on content. D/i: “Around and around” - develop visual perception, attention, learn to use prepositions correctly.

Did. game “What from what” (Ksyusha, Ulyana, Matvey)

Goal: to consolidate the ability to determine what material objects are made of.

Games in a corner of nature with natural material: pebbles, shells, cones.

Target:develop cognitive interest and imagination.

Organized educational activities

Physical development. According to the plan of the physical education instructor.



Card file of walks, card No. 5Observing the weather Purpose: to develop observation skills. Reinforce the signs of winter. Pay attention to changes occurring in nature.

Ind. Job. Nikita, Daria, Sasha.

Interaction with families of pupils

Day of week 4

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative

(independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality






December 7 Thursday


reception and examination of pupils






- Conversation: “Safety rules in winter time of the year" Goal: To consolidate safety rules in the winter season.

- D/n: “Who spends the winter?” Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge of how wild animals and birds winter.

- P/n: “Blizzard.” Goal: Learn to perform movements according to the text.

- Continue to improve your skills: wash your face quickly and accurately; keep the washroom tidy.

- Reading the poem by I. Nikitin “Hello, Guest - Winter!”

- Working with the observation calendar

Fix the pronunciation of the sound [H] in syllables, words and sentences(Polina, Ulyana)

Select illustrations of paintings about the rules of behavior on the street in winter: “How to avoid troubles.” Games at the request of children. Select samples of snowflakes.

Invite children to depict snowflakes using paints.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP) Topic “Composition of the number 8” Literature: V.P. Novikov “Mathematics in kindergarten” p.60. Goal: To teach children to make the number 8 from two smaller numbers; name the “neighbors” of the named number

Physical development. According to the plan of the additional education teacher.

Games, preparation for a walk.






Card file of walks, card No. 6 Walk on the theme: “Frosty sunny day.” Goal: to form children’s idea of ​​winter. Hood. the word “The days have become shorter, the sun shines little, now the frosts have come and winter has come.” I. Surikov; riddles about the sun. Goal: develop the ability to solve riddles. Invite children to build a slide - foster friendly relationships. P/n: “Lifesavers” - teach you to run quickly in different directions without colliding with each other; learn a little counting rhyme. D/i: “What first, what then?” - display in order of the seasons, to consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons.

Senyu, Danila in the correct pronunciation of the tongue twister

Returning from a walk , KGN,dinner , work before bed



- Conversation with elements of reasoning on the topic: “Sleep for a person” - to contribute to the formation of ideas about what can and cannot be done before bedtime; learn to take care of your health.

- Reading the poem by I. Tokmakova “Where does the fish sleep?” .





Health-improving and hardening activities

- Reading the story by V. Arkhangelsky: “Snow fluffs are flying” - a conversation on the content of the story.

- D/i: “Name the action” - know winter phenomena, be able to finish the teacher’s sentence by choosing the appropriate verb.

- Theatrical game “Mitten”. Goal 6: to teach children to use expressive language.

-P/n: “Listen-dance” development of dance movements.

- S/r game: “On a visit to winter” - be able to imagine different signs of winter and depict them, using pantomime, to expressively convey the content of the poem.

Practice a subgroup of children in snake walking. Goal: consolidate motor skills. Exercise Denis, Danil, Ksenia and Daria in the “boat” and “side gallop” dance movements.

For viewing, an album with color illustrations “Seasons”; Color illustrations and diagrams “Human Mood”; Printed board games, lotto.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (construction/cognitive-research) Subject: "By design."

Literature:“Notes of comprehensive thematic classes” N.S. Golitsyn p. 315. Goal: Continue to teach how to create structures from building materials, varying and replacing parts; consolidate the ability to work in a team, listen to the opinions of others, help each other in realizing their plans; encourage you to tell your version of the idea of ​​the work in detail; promote collective vision; develop imagination and fantasy.



Card file of walks, card No. 7 Observation of footprints in the snow. Goal: to develop observation skills, determine the size of the animal and its direction by the size of the track. Riddle: “Soft paws, but there are scratches in the paws.” Clear the area of ​​snow and paths to bird feeders. P/n: “ Winter fun» - develop coordination of speech with movements, general speech skills. D/n: “Whose traces?” - formation of possessive adjectives.

Ind. Job. Denis B., Diana B., Alyosha V.


Interaction with families of pupils

Set up an information stand: “Advice to parents in winter period" Recommend to parents: teach their children to write a story about winter based on the plan: Winter months, Signs of winter, Animals in winter, Birds in winter, Winter fun for children, A person's concern for his health in winter.

Day of week 5

Regime moments

HP and CP, respectively.

with OO

Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization.

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative

(independent activity corners)

Educational activities during regime moments.

Group, subgroup

Supporting the student's individuality






December 8 Friday


reception and examination of pupils






- Morning exercises. Conversation with children “How winter surprises us” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about winter.

- Round dance game “Like thin ice”

- D/I “What the proverb tells us” Goal: to develop children’s ability to understand the meaning folk proverbs and a saying.

- Learn finger gymnastics “Feeder”

How many birds toThey clench and unclench their fists rhythmically.
flew to our feeder?
We'll tell you.
Two tits, a sparrow,
Six goldfinches and pigeons,
Woodpecker with mottled wings.
There were enough grains for everyone.

Nishcheva N.

D/I “Say the other way around” Purpose: to train children in selecting antonym words.

Carrying out speech therapist tasks.

(Arseny, Marina, Egor R.).

Watch the cartoon on DVD - fairy tale " The Snow Queen».

Coloring pages

Valentina Pankratova
Calendar- thematic planning in the pre-school group. Theme of the week: “Winter-winter”

Target: Systematize children's knowledge about winter.


To form generalized ideas about winter as a season, the adaptability of plants to changes in nature, and the interconnection of natural phenomena.

To consolidate knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature during the winter.

Develop the ability to observe, peer, listen to natural phenomena and objects, and notice their changes.

Develop the ability to reflect your impressions in different types of activities.

Develop the ability to make assumptions, suggest ways to test them, and draw conclusions

Introduce to Russian national culture

Cultivate a sense of empathy for native nature.

Final event: Vernissage « Winter's Tale» (making crafts, drawings, collages).


Communication game "I'm here, hello!" C: to form friendly relationships, develop coherent speech, contribute to the unity of the children's team.

View the presentation "Artists paint nature" C: show children the beauty of the Russian winter, introduce them to the works of I. I. Levitan, A. K. Savrasov, V. Ivanov, A. Meshchersky, etc.) motivate them to activity.

Individual work

With Maxim B., Zhenya “We make a snowflake from plasticine using flagella” (development of fine motor skills).

HELLO WORLD! « Zimushka-winter» Ts.: summarize and systematize children's ideas about the characteristic signs of winter. Continue to teach how to find them on your own, to establish connections between seasonal changes in nature and lifestyle.

DRAWING "Snowflakes-ballerinas" C: Continue teaching children to draw patterned snowflakes and independently select materials and tools for their drawing. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Cultivate the ability to admire the beauty of nature.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION (according to physical plan. instructor.

"Lessons of Good" C: teach children to analyze their own behavior and the actions of others.

Solving riddles about winter natural phenomena. C: teach children to solve riddles based on description and comparison, develop memory and thinking.

Didactic game "Snowflakes" C: introduce children to the variety of shapes of snowflakes and their symbols.

Individual work

With Roma I. - lay out a pattern of caps according to the diagram (development of imaginative thinking).

Reviewing TA "Types of Snowflakes", Modeling snowflakes from salt dough.

Making a moving folder "Outdoor games in winter".

A moment of safety “How to provide first aid in winter”

Training "Candle" C: Relaxation, emotionally positive attitude, talking about your feelings and emotions.

Didactic game "The Whole Year" C: fix the sequence of seasons, months, days weeks, parts of the day.

Individual work

With Dima B. - D/i “Far and close, high and low (develop spatial orientation).

MATHEMATICS"Number 9. Number 9" C: Introduce children to the clock dial, form an idea of ​​​​telling time by clock. Keep the score within 9.

APPLICATION Cutting out snowflakes for a theatrical game. C: Create interest in creating snowflakes for further use in gaming activities. Learn to cut out snowflakes clearly along the outlined contour. Develop a sense of form and composition. Develop the ability to work together.

MUSICAL. D-TH (By plan musical director.)

Watching a cartoon "Twelve months" C: to convey to children the inextricable interconnection of the seasons.

Di "What would happen if." C: solving non-standard situations, life safety in speech development, thinking, imagination)

P/I "Two Frosts" C: continue to teach how to run in a column, without interfering with each other.

Individual work

With Milana N., Zhenya M. - work in the workbook, finish what they didn’t have time to do in NNOD.

Independent activities of children

Making Christmas trees, snowflakes using the origami method, theatrical play - 12 months.

Interaction with families of pupils

Involving parents in replenishing the RPPS (attributes for director's and role-playing games).

Conversation "Like animals in the forest spend the winter» C: consolidate ideas about in different ways adaptation of animals to winter conditions, fostering a love of nature.

Reading and discussing proverbs and sayings about winter. C: teach children to understand the meaning of proverbs, be able to give an example from life.

Individual work

Alena K., Milena G. (telling pure sayings with sounds "B" And "P").

ON THE ROAD TO ABC « Sounds B-P, B-P" C: improve the ability to differentiate consonants, carry out sound analysis of words, the ability to transform words by adding and replacing sounds and syllables. Develop thinking, memory, attention. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully.

MODELING collective "Sorceress Winter" C: improve the technique of relief modeling when creating a winter composition, develop compositional skills and the ability to perceive and embody the image of a winter tree. Develop the ability to work together and negotiate work.

OUTDOOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION (By physical plan. instructor).

VALEOLOGY "Carefully! Winter injuries" C: prevention of childhood injuries.

Experiments with water, starch and flour C: cultivate accuracy, ability to use equipment and follow safety rules.

Didactic game “A moment of safety is my safe way home” C: consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules, develop attention, and the ability to behave confidently on the street.

Individual work

With Kira and Arina - teach jumping rope.

Independent activities of children

Didactic game "Sounding box" (definition and comparison by ear of different cereals)

Learning the poem by K Balmont "Snowflakes" according to mnemonic tables.

Interaction with families of pupils

Consultations for parents on issues that interest them.

Didactic game “What first, what then?” C: consolidation of knowledge about the sequence and change of seasons, their distinctive features, seasonal changes.

Communication game “It’s me, recognize me!” C: relieving emotional tension, creating group emotional and positive climate.

Sedentary game "Shoe Salad" C: the ability to identify your shoes by touch.

Individual work

With Alena B., Nastya S. - learn to hit the ball off the floor

MATHEMATICS« "Number 9. Number 9" C: To consolidate counting within 9, knowledge about the composition of the number, the relationship of the whole and parts.

CONSTRUCTION "Winter's Tale" (planar design from counting sticks) C: develop fine motor skills, imagination, the ability to express what is planned in a drawing, orientation on a plane, a sense of symmetry, develop the sound side of speech and memory.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY D-TH (By physical plan. instructor).

S/r game "Library" C: continue to teach how to take on roles, follow the plot, play together, use substitute objects.

Conversation "Why I like winter" C: Development of monologue speech, the ability to build a beautiful story.

Individual work

With Danil K., Roma D/i "Cheerful mathematics» (to consolidate the ability to compare numbers within 9).

Independent activities of children

Experimental activities at the center C: continue to get acquainted with the properties of water.

Interaction with families of pupils

Didactic game "Guess what the patterns on the windows look like" C:, consolidating the skills of writing a story using descriptive adjectives, finding similarities and differences, developing attention, imagination, and speech.

Outdoor game "Needle, thread, knot" C: teach to run and walk, changing direction in a column one at a time, play together.

Individual work

With Pasha B. D/i "Find differences". C develop attention, memory, thinking.

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT “Reading a fairy tale by V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" C: To teach children to feel and understand the appropriateness of using expressive and visual means in a literary work, to enrich speech with phraseological units, and to develop the ability to understand their figurative meaning.

DRAWING “Frost draws us fairy tales on glass” C: teach children to draw decorative plant elements used in lace making (wavy lines, curls, snowflakes). Encourage them to come up with patterns on their own. To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards the beauty of nature.

MUSICAL ACTIVITY (By plan musical director.).

Vernissage "Winter's Tale" C: Teach children to present, present their work, increase children’s self-esteem, unite the children’s team.

Individual work

Kostya, Ilya, Arina - experimenting with plasticine" (reinforce sculpting techniques).

Independent activities of children

"Merry Fingers"- work in copybooks (to strengthen the skills of shading, tracing along the contour).

Interaction with families of pupils

Registration of information "Winter Injuries".


Walk “How people began to dress”

C: continue to form ideas about seasonal clothing, clarify the names of parts of clothing, the name of the material from which it is made.

Artistic word

Learn Russian folk nursery rhyme:

Our Masha is small.

She is wearing a scarlet fur coat.

beaver edge,

Masha is black-browed.

Work: Help each other clear the snow from their clothes.

C: Develop a caring attitude towards peers.

P/n "Frost-red nose". C: develop in children the ability to act on a signal, practice running.

"Grandma the Hedgehog" C: Exercise children in running with dodging, jumping on one leg, and the ability to play together.

Theme of the week: “Zimushka - winter.”
Age group: preparatory
Final event: Physical education “Winter-winter”

Day of the week

Educational activities
in critical moments


Cognitive - research

Integration educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “ Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development."
The theme is “Winter - winter”.
1. “Cognitive development”
To form ideas about the seasons, the cyclical nature of natural phenomena, and the distinctive features of winter. Strengthening the ability to generalize ideas about the seasons.
2. “Speech development”
Develop conversational speech, vocabulary, the ability to draw conclusions, answer questions, construct sentences correctly, listen to your interlocutor
3. “Artistic and aesthetic development.”
Improve your drawing skills from memory.
Methods and techniques:
- practical: drawing, conducting experiments, game movements
- visual: cards, winter landscapes in pictures

Materials and equipment: winter landscapes, cards depicting natural phenomena, objects of all seasons, transparent cellophane film, scissors, a dark bowl, a large piece of ice, a sheet of album, colored pencils.
(Note No. 23)

2. Fine (applique)
Integration s.r.o. “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social - communication development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development".
Theme “Spruce forest in winter”

Fix the technique of cutting out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half. Develop a sense of composition: beautifully arrange figures on a sheet of paper of a format corresponding to the proportions of the depicted objects.

Develop Creative skills children.
3. "Cognitive development"
Introduce children to the natural features of winter.
4. “Speech development”
Develop the construction of statements, help children more accurately characterize an object, and express their thoughts clearly for others.
Methods and techniques:
- practical: cutting, gluing
- visual: picture “Snowy Christmas trees”
- verbal: reading a poem, riddle, conversation, explanation
Materials and equipment: scissors, glue, white and colored paper, colored cardboard.
picture “Snowy Christmas trees”.
Logic of educational activities
(Note No. 24)

3. Motor
Integration of educational areas: “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”.

1. “Physical development”
Exercise children in walking with different positions of the hands, in running in all directions; in maintaining balance when walking in a difficult situation (sideways with an extended step, with stepping over). Develop dexterity in ball exercises.

Methods and techniques:

Materials and equipment: cubes, 3 balls, skittles, sandbags

Logic of educational activities
(L.I. Penzulaeva, lesson 1, pp. 39-40, pre-gr.)

- Individual work on speech development with Makar and Misha Nikitin. Goal: to practice composing independently short stories about winter.
Conversation “What do you know about winter? What winter is it like? Goal: to develop coherent speech, sensitivity to living and non-living nature in winter.
Examination of the painting “Good in Winter.” Goal: to develop the ability to look at illustrations independently.

Mind games“Puzzles”, “The Fourth Wheel” Goal: to strengthen the ability to play together with children.
KGN. While washing, improve your ability to soap your hands.

Walk 1
Helicopter surveillance
Objectives: consolidate knowledge about air transport; develop interest in the pilot profession.
Progress of observation
The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer questions.
Without acceleration it will fly up
Reminds me of a dragonfly.
Takes flight
Our Russian... (helicopter).
-What does a helicopter look like? (Large, with a large screw on top.)
-How is a helicopter similar to a dragonfly? (Appearance.)
-What types of helicopters are there? (Sanitary rescue, military, cargo.)
-What is the profession of a person flying a helicopter? (Pilot.)
-What other types of transport do you know? (Land, water, underwater.)
-What are the differences between a helicopter and an airplane? (An airplane has more speed than a helicopter; a helicopter can hover in the air, but an airplane cannot; an airplane needs a runway to take off, but a helicopter can take off.)
Individual work with boys. Exercise “Cross the river.”
Goal: practice walking on a bench straight and sideways.
Games with external material
Outdoor games "Airplanes". Goal: practice running with words.
"Blind Man's Bluff." Goal: learn to navigate in space with your eyes closed
-Conversation about snow on the questions “What kind of snow?” Why do we need snow in winter?” Goal: to develop cognitive interest in snow.
-Research activities“What is snow made of?” Goal: talk about what changes in nature depend on.
-Sedentary game “Remember the movement”.
Goals: to develop visual-motor memory, attention.

Walk 2
Monitoring the weather (it gets dark quickly in the evening and gets colder). Ts.: the ability to compare daytime and evening weather.
Ind. work on physical development with Vanya T. Game exercise “Who can run to the flag faster.” Goal: consolidate running from object to object.
P/n “Who will do fewer jumps?” Ts.: to develop the ability to jump with gymnastic steps.

Contribute the painting “Good in Winter”

Games "Puzzles", "Four Wheel"

Shovels, buckets for playing with snow.

Invite parents to make winter crafts at home with their children.

Day of the week
Direct educational activities
Educational activities
in critical moments
subject-spatial development educational environment For independent activity children and support for children's initiative
Involving families in educational activities


Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Physical development”.

Topic: "Winter".
1. “Speech development”
Improve speech as a means of communication, help master the expressive means of language.
2. “Social and communicative development”
Develop emotional responsiveness, empathy, and the ability to evaluate each other’s stories.
3. "Cognitive development"
Show creativity in coming up with stories.
4. “Physical development”

Methods and techniques:
- practical: motor exercises
- visual: pictures
- verbal: reading, conversation, story
Materials and equipment: pictures “The Beginning of Winter”

Logic of educational activities
(POOD technical map No. 2, December-February preparation group, p. 5-6)


“Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”.

1. “Artistic and aesthetic development”

2. “Social and communicative development”

3. "Cognitive development"

Methods and techniques:

Logic of educational activities

3. Fine (drawing)

Integration oo: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”.
Theme: “Dymkovo toys. The horses are walking." Objectives: 1. “Artistic and aesthetic development” Develop the ability to examine Dymkovo toys, highlighting the details of the pattern. Practice the method of drawing a figure with a solid line from life; continue to develop freedom and at the same time accuracy of hand movements under visual control, their smoothness and rhythm.
2. “Social and communicative development” To form in children the desire to complete the work they have started
3. “Cognitive development” Introduce the details of the Dymkovo pattern
Methods and techniques:
- practical: motor exercises, drawing patterns on templates
- visual: Dymkovo toys
- verbal: conversation, discussion
Materials and equipment: paints, brushes, glasses of water, napkins; recording of Russian music; templates Dymkovo toys(horse), cut out from a landscape sheet for each child; Dymkovo toys.

Logic of educational activities
(POOD technical map No. 3, December-February preparation group, pp. 7-8)

- Individual work on speech development with Arina T. and Yulia E. “What TV shows do you like. Why?" Goal: to consolidate coherent speech.
Conversation “Why is it cold in winter? What signs of winter do you know? How does winter nature differ from autumn nature? Goal: to develop coherent speech.
D/i “When it happens” Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish and name the seasons.
Walk 1
Monitoring seasonal changes
Objectives: to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night becomes longer and the day decreases); learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, recognize them in poems.
Progress of observation
The beauty of winter morning. The days are unspeakable, At least lend the snow to all the other snowless winters...
N. Aseev
December, the first winter month, has arrived. The sun rarely peeks through the low gray clouds, which is why people call December “gloomy” - a gloomy, sunless month, the days are short, the nights are long, it gets dark early. At night in December, the frost crackles and builds ice bridges on rivers, ponds and lakes.
-Which month is December?
-What has changed at the kindergarten site compared to November?
-What has changed in people’s clothing compared to autumn?
-What are the protective properties of snow?
-Find signs of winter in our area.
Individual work: Development of movements.
Purpose: to teach self-insurance when performing balance movements
Games with external material
Outdoor games: Snowball fight.
Goal: to consolidate skills in throwing objects.
Jumping on one leg.
Goal: to develop a sense of balance.
Getting to know the signs: in winter the sun sets in the clouds - it means snowfall; the sun rises red - on a snowstorm.

D/i “Say the opposite.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about seasonal clothing.
D/i "Nature and Man". Goal: to consolidate and systematize knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.
Individual work on FEMP with Sergei P. - to form an idea of ​​the properties of objects: color, shape, size.
Walk 2
Observing the length of the day. Goal: to form elementary representations about changes in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun.
Ind. physical development work. Throwing objects at a horizontal target with Danila V.
P/i “Sly Fox” - continue to develop the ability to run in different directions and navigate in space.

Pictures of winter nature and autumn

Enter subject pictures depicting the seasons

Bring out shovels and buckets for playing with snow.

Geometric figures

Day of the week
Direct educational activities
Educational activities
in critical moments
subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative
Involving families in educational activities

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”, “Speech development”.

Theme "Picture of Dunno".

1. “Cognitive development”
To develop the ability to navigate in a limited area (sheet of paper, blackboard, notebook, books, etc.), to place objects and their images in the indicated direction.
2. “Social and communicative development”
Accept own solutions, relying on their knowledge and skills in various types activities.
3. “Physical development”
Practice performing movements according to the text of the physical education lesson
4. “Speech development”
Activate the dictionary with the words: above, below, above, below, left, right, left, right, in the upper left (lower right) corner, before, behind, between, next to, etc.
Methods and techniques:
- practical: laying out pictures from geometric shapes, work in notebooks
- visual: board, picture of Dunno.
-verbal: answers to questions
Materials and equipment: a board, a sheet of paper with a circle drawn in the middle and squares on the sides, notebooks, felt-tip pens, object templates, a triangular roof, a pipe, a window for the house, two clouds, the sun, birds, two trees, flowers), a parcel post with a picture Dunno.

Logic of educational activities
(POOD December-February, preparation group, technical map 7, pp. 14-15)


Topic: Exercises with a ball, balance. Tasks:
1. “Physical development”
Exercise children in walking with different positions of the hands, in running in all directions; in maintaining balance when walking in a difficult situation (by squatting in the middle of a bench). Develop dexterity in ball exercises.
2. “Social and communicative development”
Obey different rules and social norms.

Methods and techniques:
- practical: exercises, games
- visual: showing how to perform exercises and ATS
- verbal: instructions, explanation
Materials and equipment: 2 cords, 5 balls, gymnastic bench.

Logic of educational activities
(L.I. Penzulaeva, lesson 2, p. 40, pre-gr.)

3. Design

Topic: “Bullfinches” origami.
1. "Artistic"
· aesthetic development"
Develop the ability to create an origami “bullfinch” image from dictation
2. “Cognitive development”
Strengthen the ability to fold a square in different directions, bend corners different sizes and make a fold.
3. “Speech development”
Develop the ability to conduct a conversation and reason; do vocabulary work: origami, bullfinch, feeder, care, caring for birds.
4. “Social and communicative development”
Cultivate a love for birds and a desire to help them in difficult conditions.
5. “Physical development”
Cultivate a sense of joy from movement.
To form in children the need for healthy way life.
Methods and techniques:
- practical: folding a bullfinch out of paper, performing physical education exercises
- visual: illustrations depicting bullfinches, showing folding
- verbal: story, conversation, questions and answers, artistic expression, explanations.
Materials and equipment: feeder, flannelgraph, squares with black and red sides measuring 20 by 20 cm, glue, scissors, illustrations of bullfinches, grains, seeds and cereals.

Logic of educational activities
(Note No. 21)
Ind. work with Yulia E., Sabrina S. on the topic “Why it gets dark early in winter.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the time of day.

Conversation “How people dress in winter.” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how to consistently dress for a walk in winter.
D/i “Arrange in groups.” Purpose: to teach how to group clothes in the wardrobe: clothes, shoes, hats
KGN. While washing, continue to develop children’s ability to use soap correctly, wipe themselves dry after washing, and hang the towel in place.
Walk 1
Observing the work of a janitor
Goal: continue to monitor the work of the janitor; contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary; cultivate love and respect for the work of a janitor; instill a love of nature and a caring attitude towards the environment.
Progress of observation

-What does a janitor do in winter on the territory of a kindergarten?
-What tools does he use for work?
-How can a janitor help trees withstand cold and frost?
-Is the work of a janitor necessary for people and nature?

Construction of a snow slide for dolls.
Goal: to teach to work together, to cultivate diligence.
-Individual work with Misha A.
Development of movements.
Goal: continue to practice the standing long jump technique; use visual cues.

Games with external material
Outdoor games
“Two Frosts”, “Burners”.
Goal: exercise in running; strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game.
Reading the fairy tale “Twelve Months” by S.Ya. Marshak.
Individual work by Vadim Zverev and Makar Malanin D/i “Puzzles”. Goal: to get a big whole picture from small pieces.
Examination of V. Tokarev’s painting “Winter – Winter”. Target:
clarify the signs of winter, practice writing sentences and stories. Activate the dictionary on this topic.
-Telling children riddles about winter months, about winter.
Walk 2
Weather observation. Goal: to clarify and concretize the idea of ​​winter (the most short days, the most long nights, a lot of snow, various precipitation falls; and deepen your understanding of winter phenomena).
Individual work with boys. “Who will reach the flag faster?” Goal: consolidate running from object to object.

P/i “Frost - red nose” (OD - running) learning, developing dexterity, speed of movement.

Pictures with clothes

Small shoulder blades for children

Small shoulder blades for children


Painting "Winter - Winter".

Invite the parents of Vanya T., Makara M. to reinforce the sequence of dressing in winter with their children.

Day of the week
Direct educational activities

Educational activities
in critical moments
subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative
Involving families in educational activities


Cognitive - research
Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”,
"Speech development"
Topic "Sequence of numbers"
1. “Cognitive development”
Continue to develop children's understanding of number sequences; develop an understanding of the reciprocal relationships between numbers within 10; train children in mentally combining objects into groups based on identified features.
2. “Social and communicative development”
Actively interact with peers and adults, participate in teamwork.
3. “Speech development”
Encourage reasoning, answer questions; activate the dictionary with words: before, after
Methods and techniques:
- practical: laying out circles on cards
- visual: table, cards
- verbal: counting, explanation
Materials and equipment: typesetting canvas with a “number ladder”; a table showing mixed vegetables and fruits; cards with 4 free stripes, boxes with circles (25 pieces each).
Logic of educational activities
(L.S. Metlina, pp. 151-152, lesson 22)

Integration o. about “Artistic and aesthetic development”,
“Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”, “Speech development”.
The topic is “Preparing for Winter Gatherings.”
1. “Artistic and aesthetic development”
Introduce children to folk culture
2. “Social and communicative development”
Strengthen practical skills in expressive performance of songs and dances
3. "Cognitive development"
Improve your singing voice and vocal-auditory coordination
Methods and techniques:
- practical: music game, dancing
- visual: musical instrument
- verbal: explanation of dance movements
Materials and equipment: CD with music recordings, instrument

Logic of educational activities

3. Fine (drawing)
Integration o.o.: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”
Topic: “Drawing by design.”
1. “Artistic and aesthetic development”
To develop children’s ability to conceive the content of their drawing and bring the idea to completion
2. “Social and communicative development”
Show independence in choosing a color scheme.
3. “Cognitive development”
Develop observation skills and the ability to notice characteristics items.
4. “Speech development”
Improve the ability to clearly pronounce the text of a physical education lesson
5. “Physical development”
Develop agility and speed in the game
Methods and techniques:
- practical: exercise, drawing, game
- visual: book
- verbal: conversation
Materials and equipment: paper, paints, brushes, cups of water, napkins.
Logic of educational activities
(Art in kindergarten, T.S. Komarova, senior group, p. 55)

-Individual work with Danil V.
D/ and “Patterns”. Goal: to strengthen the ability to assemble patterns from Lego sets
Conversation “What safety rules should be followed in winter? What can happen if you don’t follow them” Goal: consolidate the rules fire safety, to form an idea about the inadmissibility of pranks with fire, about the dangerous consequences of fires in the house; learn to take part in discussions.
Reading of A. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”. Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about winter.
-D/i “Washing procedure”.
Goal: consolidation of knowledge of personal hygiene rules.

Walk 1
Ravine observation
Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the landscape; cultivate love and respect for nature.
Progress of observation
The teacher asks the children questions.
How has the ravine changed with the arrival of winter? (It became covered with snow and became not very steep.)
-Where is there more snow at the top or bottom of the ravine? (You need to measure with a snowmeter.)
-Why is there more snow below? (Gusts of wind blow away the snow, carrying it down into the ravine.)
-Where in the spring will the soil be drier at the top or at the bottom of the ravine? (More snow means more water; at the top the sand quickly allows water to pass through, but at the bottom it doesn’t, because there is clay there.)
-What does snow do for herbs? (A blanket that covers you from frost and wind.)
Research activities
Make a cut with a shovel. Why can't we cut the soil? (The soil is frozen from severe frosts.)

Individual work
Performing exercises to maintain balance.
Goal: to develop endurance.

Games with external material
Outdoor games "Homeless Hare".
Goal: to teach how to act on a signal from the teacher, following the rules of the game.
Goal: to develop attention and observation.
Role-playing game “Let’s treat the guests to tea.” Goal: to contribute to the development of the game plot, to develop the ability to fulfill the role to the end.
Experienced – experimental activities: “Fluidity of water”, “Coloring of water”, “How to push water out?”
Goal: to introduce children to some properties of water

Walk 2
Watching snowflakes
Introduce children to the beauty of nature.
Ind. work with Katya D., Varya G. Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to jump over a snow ditch on two legs (width 50 cm)
P/i “Ball for the driver”
Goal: develop the ability to throw and catch a ball.
P/i “Frost - red nose” (OD – running) Goal: to develop agility and speed of movement.

Lego - constructor

album "Safety at Home"

Shovel for the teacher

Spatulas and molds

Toys needed for play: dolls, furniture, dishes.

Glasses of water, paints, pebbles

Day of the week
Direct educational activities
Educational activities
in critical moments
subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative
Involving families in educational activities

Perception of fiction and folklore
Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”.
The theme is “Winter-Winter”.
1. “Speech development”
Create interest and need for reading; replenish your literary baggage with fairy tales; develop the ability to understand well oral speech and express your thoughts and desires.
2. “Physical development”
Develop motor skills in physical education.
3. “Social and communicative development”
Create a joyful mood. Develop a sense of humor in children
Methods and techniques:
- practical: exercise
- visual: a book with a fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”
- verbal: riddle, reading, retelling
Materials and equipment: illustrations for the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”
Logic of educational activities
(POOD technical card No. 1, p. 4-5")

2. Motor
Integration s.r.o.: “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”

Topic "Game exercises"
1. “Physical development”
Repeat walking in a column one at a time, stopping at the teacher’s signal; repeat exercises in balance, jumping, with a ball; train children to run for a long time
2. “Social and communicative development”
Develop the ability to comply with rules and social norms.
Methods and techniques:
- practical: game exercises
- visual: showing exercises
- verbal: instructions
Materials and equipment: gym, 2 balls, 8 skittles.
Logic of educational activities
(L.I. Penzulaeva, lesson 3, pp. 40-41, pre-gr.)

- Individual work with Polina Kornilova. Goal: to consolidate the signs of winter.
Examine with children objects decorated different patterns. Pay attention to the shape and color of patterns Goal: develop compositional skills, color perception, consolidate the shape (circle, square, triangle).
Board and printed game “When does this happen?” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the parts of the day, to cultivate attention.

Ball games “Who knows more winter words”
Goals: expanding vocabulary, developing attention and memory.

Walk 1
Snow and Ice Observation
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water.
Progress of observation
The teacher asks the children questions.
-What does ice consist of?
-What properties of ice (snow) are you familiar with?
-How are snowflakes formed?
Ice is frozen solid water; as soon as you warm a piece of ice in your palm, it will immediately flow from your fingers in a thin stream. Signs of ice: shine, smoothness, hardness, fragility. Pat the surface to determine smoothness. Impact to detect strength and fragility.
Water evaporates from the seas and oceans. Water vapor rises high above the ground, where it is always very cold. There, at altitude, the steam freezes into tiny ice crystals. The crystals join together to form stars-snowflakes.
-What is snow like in warm weather? (Sticky, heavy, wet, damp.)
-What is snow like in frosty weather? (Dry, fluffy, light, crumbles.)
Individual work with three boys on climbing.
Goal: develop coordination of movements; cultivate courage and determination.
Games with external material
Outdoor game. "Frost is a red nose." Ts.: to develop the ability to deftly and quickly run across the court.
P/n. "Walk in a circle." Ts.: walk a full circle around the kindergarten and return to the flag.
Free activity under the supervision of a teacher.

- Physical education “Winter-winter”
Goal: creation cheerful mood, cultivate a sense of teamwork, develop agility, endurance, speed, and accuracy in completing tasks; develop the ability to navigate in space.
Materials and equipment: ice cave (labyrinth, white canvas, baskets with snowballs, sleds, envelope with map.

Walk 2
Watching the snow in evening time(selection of the correct adjectives and definitions). Ts.: mastery of knowledge that allows you to determine the state of snow in the evening.
Ind. work on physical development with Vanya Trifonov. Ts.: consolidate running with high knees.

Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat". Ts.: not to fall into the hands of a wolf, the ability to dodge.
Situational conversation about why the change of day and night occurs.

Pictures with different objects

game "When does this happen?"

Shovels and molds for snow pies

white canvas, baskets with snowballs, sleighs, an envelope with a map.

Invite parents to find pictures of wintering birds

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 315

Cuisiner sticks,

Educational games by B.P. Nikitin, “Fold the pattern”

"Montessori frames and inserts"


V.V. Voskobovich, “Miracle Flower”, “Igrovisor”, “Miracle Honeycomb”, “Miracle Crosses”,

“Cord-entertainer”, “Logo molds”

Dienesha blocks

D/i “Find identical snowflakes”

Ts.: develop visual perception.

D/i "Seasons"

Ts.: consolidate knowledge about the seasons.

D/i "Find the differences"

Ts.: develop visual perception, counting, voluntary attention.


Ts.: orientation on a sheet of paper.

D/i “What first, what then”

Ts.: distinguish between the concepts of today, tomorrow, yesterday.


“Winter covers the fields with snow, in winter the earth rests and sleeps” (to the park).

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter (cold, frosty, there is snow everywhere, the sun is not warm, the wind is cold, prickly; grass, bushes, trees are covered with snow; people are dressed warmly, helping plants and birds survive in winter). To consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds (sparrow, crow, magpie), about the peculiarities of their behavior in winter.

“Our river is like in a fairy tale...” (to the river). See book. “A leaf on the palm”, p. thirty.

Goal: Continue to become familiar with the properties of snow and ice. Examine the bizarre snowdrifts, measure the thickness of the snow cover on the river. Please note that the water is not visible, as the ice is very thick due to severe frosts.

Observing snowfall, looking at snowflakes, determining shape, counting rays.

Goal: Getting to know the natural phenomenon - snowfall

Elementary search activity:

Introducing children to the properties of snow: cold, crumbly, sticky, white, dirty.

Purpose: To introduce the properties of snow, the dependence of the properties of snow on temperature.

Determine what weather the snow creaks in.

Goal: to identify the properties of snow depending on air temperature.

Watching the thaw, looking at icicles

Goal: To get acquainted with the natural phenomenon - the thaw.

“Why is snow sticky?”, “Colored ice floes”

"Transforming water into ice and back again"

Purpose: to show the transformation of water into ice and back depending on air temperature.

Listening to classical music “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi.

Didactic games: “When does this happen?” See book. “Welcome to ecology” O.A. Voronkevich, s. 132 Goal: consolidation of seasonal phenomena.

“What is the weather like?”

Goal: to teach how to correlate the seasons with the weather conditions.

Games with snow:

“Snow buildings”: sculpting a Snow Maiden, slides for dolls.

“Ice blocks” - freezing water in different molds and decorating snow buildings with them.

View presentations "Seasons".

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about natural phenomena and seasonal changes.

Topic of the week: “Winter – winter”

Final event: " »

Day of the week


Educational activities

in critical moments


Interaction with parents

Monday, 12/08/14.

Literacy training

Vowel sound [ya], letter Ya.

“Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”, “Physical development”.

Tasks: introduce children to the sound [ya], the letter I, teach children to transform words, to compose small sentences with these words.

Methods and techniques:

verbal – game “Read quickly, don’t make a mistake”, “Find the right word”

(T.M. Bondarenko “Complex classes in preparatory group» page 60)

Natural world

"How to recognize winter"

Integration of educational areas:

"Physical development".


generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about typical winter phenomena in inanimate nature; consolidate knowledge about plants and animals in winter. Methods and techniques:

practical – physical education minute,

Wood, glass, plastic.

verbal questions and answers.

Musical activities


Perception of music - distinguish the character of the piece

Singing activity is to consolidate the words of a new song, instill a love for lyrical songs.

Musical and rhythmic activity

Monitor movement coordination while dancing

Playing musical instruments

Practice a clear rhythm of the piece


Conversation“What do you know about winter? What winter is it like? - develop connected speech, sensitivity to living and non-living nature in winter

Mind games"Puzzles". “The fourth wheel” is to strengthen the ability to play together with children.

Ind. Job with Yulia Z., Anton.K., Ruslan L. Application “Winter-Winter” - to consolidate the ability to work with scissors.

KGN. While washing, improve your ability to soap your hands.

Walk 1

Sky watching - continue to watch the winter sky. Encourage children to verbally describe the sky

Getting to know the signs: if it’s warm in winter, it’s cold in summer; winter is frosty - summer is hot.

Ind. Job with Ruslan Kh., Kirill Kh., Nastya T. - “Who will quickly reach the flag” - strengthen the run from object to object.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow to tree roots. - cultivate a desire to provide assistance to living objects.

P/n“The snow is spinning” - correlate the action with the text.


Ind. Job with Artyom N., Vlad B., Anya G.. – consolidate the ability to turn clothes inside out.

Conversation about snow based on the questions “What kind of snow?” Why do we need snow in winter?” - develop a cognitive interest in snow.

Research activity “What is snow made of” - talk about what changes in nature depend on.

Walk 2

Observation behind the moon - to continue to expand knowledge about inanimate nature.

Ind. Job with Katya K., Artyom N., Dima. D. – fix the parts of the day.

Construction of a snow fortress.

Playing off the building.

Sliding on icy paths.

Introduce the painting “It’s good in winter” - develop the ability to look at the illustrations yourself.

Introduce Lego constructors to develop perseverance and imagination in children

Invite parents to make winter crafts at home with their children.

Day of the week


Direct educational activities

Educational activities

in critical moments

Creation RPPS for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Tuesday, 12/09/14.

Speech development


Integration of educational areas:

“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”,


generalize and systematize knowledge about winter, the signs of winter;

develop the ability to give detailed answers;

practice in the formation of diminutive forms of nouns;

activate the dictionary on this topic; cultivate interest in studying nature, love for it.

Methods and techniques:

practical – action with tools, physical education,

visual – viewing story pictures;

verbal – questions, answers

Materials and equipment:

photo illustrations of winter landscapes,

snowflakes white and silver


Integration of educational areas:


ensure memorization, sculpt the Christmas tree in a modular way, flatten the balls into disks according to a certain size. Place discs one at a time.

Methods and techniques:

practical – physical education minute,

visual – showing and viewing

verbal questions and answers.

(Working programm teacher in the “Childhood” program (preparatory group)


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

Conversation“Why is it cold in winter? What signs of winter do you know? How does winter nature differ from autumn nature” - develop related speech.

D/i “When it happens” - teach to distinguish and name the seasons.

Ind. Job with Yulia Z., Anton. K., Ruslan L. – did. game “What TV shows do you like. Why" - consolidate coherent speech.

While on duty consolidate the ability to lay out spoons, forks, place napkin holders, glasses - cultivate a desire to help adults

Walk 1

Observation according to the length of the day- form elementary ideas about changes in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun.

Reading the poem “Winter” by Y. Kupala

Ind. Job with Ruslan Kh., Kirill, Kh., Nastya T. - “Guess whose trace”

Getting to know the signs: in winter, the sun setting in the clouds means snowfall; the sun rises red on a snowstorm.

Labor activity

Clearing snow from feeders, pouring food for birds.



Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Ind. Job with Katya K., Alyosha N, Dima D. – d/i “Say the opposite” - consolidating knowledge about seasonal clothing

Di“Nature and Man” - to consolidate and systematize knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Walk 2

Observation beyond the stars – continue to introduce the phenomena inanimate nature.

Ind. Job with Katya K., Artyom N., Dima. D,.d/i “Find your place - teach children to count objects and relate their quantity to a number.


Enter subject pictures depicting winter nature.

Bring out shovels and buckets for playing with snow.

Add attributes to the role-playing game.

Day of the week


Direct educational activities

Educational activities

in critical moments

Creation RPPS for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Wednesday, 12/10/14.

Development math. submissions

“Put the number correctly”

Integration of educational areas:

“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”,


teach children to solve problems, consolidate knowledge about winter, winter months, numbers.

Methods and techniques:

practical – physical education minute,

visual – showing and viewing

verbal – questions, answers

(T.M. Bondarenko “Complex classes in the preparatory group” p.)



Integration of educational areas:

“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “ Artistic and aesthetic».


continue to strengthen paper skills, develop creative thinking; cultivate love for all living things.

Methods and techniques:

practical – physical education minute,

visual – showing and viewing

verbal questions and answers.

(Teacher’s work program for the “Childhood” program (preparatory group)

Musical activities

Perception of music - distinguish the nature of the mood

Singing activity - repeat a song with individual children with Anya G., Lisa S., Matvey O

Music and rhythm work to instill a love for round dances

Playing musical instruments – consolidate the ability to play musical instruments.


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

Conversation“How people dress in winter” - consolidate children’s knowledge about how to consistently dress for a walk in winter.

D/i “Arrange into groups"- learn to group clothes in the wardrobe: clothes, shoes, hats

Ind. Job with Yulia Z., Anton. K., Ruslan L. – conversation “Why it gets dark early in winter” - to consolidate knowledge about the time of day.

KGN. While washing, continue to develop children’s ability to use soap correctly, wipe themselves dry after washing, and hang the towel in place.

Walk 1

Observation for the weather -

clarify and concretize the idea of ​​winter (the shortest days, the longest nights, a lot of snow, varied precipitation and deepen the understanding of winter phenomena.

Ind. Job with Ruslan Kh., Kirill Kh., Nastya T. - telling children riddles about the winter months, about winter.

Labor activity

Removing snow on the site - instilling a desire to work in a team.

P/n“Frost - red nose” (OD - running) learning

Develop agility and speed of movement.

P/n“Fishermen and Fishes” (OD – running) learning

Develop attention and reaction speed. Evening

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Ind. Job with Masha F., Lisa S., Alyosha N. – d/i “Puzzles” - get a big whole picture from small pieces.

Looking at a painting by V. Tokarev"Zimushka - winter" -

clarify the signs of winter. practice composing sentences, stories, activate vocabulary on this topic.

Walk 2

Observation following bird tracks in the snow.

Ind. Job with Anton K., Lisa S., Ruslanrm X – consolidate the ability to throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

P/n“Drive the ice into the hole” - continue to develop the ability to navigate in space.

Bring in the album “Winter” and look at it with the children

Bring out shovels and buckets for playing with snow.

Introduce V. Tokarev’s painting “Winter – Winter”

Take out the sleds and skis - create a joyful mood, develop motor activity

Invite the parents of Vicky F., Kirill Kh., Styopa B. to reinforce the sequence of dressing in winter with their children.

Day of the week


Direct educational activities

Educational activities

in critical moments

Creation RPPS for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents



Speech development

Narration based on the painting “That’s how I rode”Integration of educational areas:

“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”,


clarify children's knowledge about winter

develop short writing skills descriptive story using reference diagrams; cultivate interest in painting. Methods and techniques:

practical – physical education minute,

visual – showing and viewing

verbal – questions, answers

(Teacher’s work program for the “Childhood” program (preparatory group)


"Frost patterns «

Integration of educational areas:

“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic”.


draw frosty patterns in the style of lace; expand and diversify the figurative range. bring up aesthetic taste.

Methods and techniques:

practical – physical education minute,

visual – showing and viewing

verbal questions and answers.

(Teacher’s work program for the “Childhood” program (preparatory group)

(Physical Culture s m (see plan).


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

Conversation“What safety rules should you follow in winter? What can happen if you don’t follow them” - reinforce fire safety rules, formulate the idea that pranks with fire are unacceptable. b the dangerous consequences of fires in the house; learn to take part in discussions.

Reading of A. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”- consolidate children's knowledge about winter.

Ind. Job with Yulia Z., Anton. K., Ruslan L.– D/i“Patterns” (Lego - constructor) - consolidate the ability to assemble patterns from Lego - constructor

KGN. During breakfast, strengthen the ability to use a napkin.

Walk 1

Observation for snowflakes

Introduce children to the beauty of nature.

Ind. Job with Katya K., Ruslan R., Dima D. – strengthen children’s ability to jump over a snow ditch on two legs (width 50 cm)

Labor activity

Decorating the site with snow buildings.

P/n"Ball for the driver"

Develop the ability to throw and catch a ball.

P/n“Frost - red nose” (OD - running) - develop agility and speed of movement.


Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Ind. Job with Vlad B., Alyosha N., Ruslan Kh – consolidate the ability to consolidate the ability to fasten buttons..

Role-playing game“Let’s treat the guests to tea” - contribute to the development of the game plot, develop the ability to fulfill the role to the end.

Walk 2

Round dance game " New Year»

Ind. Job with Anton K., Lisa S., Ruslanrm X “Tell without words” - talk about the expressive means of music

Getting to know the signs: snow flakes have become large - which means wait for a thaw; The first dry snow promises a warm summer.

P/n“Fox in the hen house” - fasten and jump off gently, bending your knees; run without touching each other, dodge the catcher.

Introduce the album “Safety at Home” into the group and review it with the children.

Bring out shovels and buckets for playing with snow.

Enter attributes for role-playing game..

Bring out the sticks and ball for the game “Hockey”

Day of the week


Direct educational activities

Educational activities

in critical moments

Creation RPPS for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents



Reading literature

Lyrical poems about nature

“First Snow” by I. Bunin

Integration of educational areas:

“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”,

"Physical development"


ensure memorization of poetic works of a different nature,

develop the ability to analyze artistic text.

Methods and techniques:

practical – physical education minute,

visual – showing and viewing

verbal – questions, answers

(Teacher’s work program for the “Childhood” program (preparatory group)

Physical Culture on air

Integration of educational areas:

“Physical development”, “Health”, Safety”


Repeat walking while performing tasks for the arms,

Practice standing long jumps

Develop dexterity in exercises with the ball and crawling on the bench.

Outdoor game "Owl"

18* - spend game exercise“The Snow Queen”, exercises with hockey elements, a game exercise with throwing objects into the distance, a game exercise with jumping “Jolly Sparrows”.


Reception and examination of children, morning exercises

Examine with children objects decorated with different patterns. Pay attention to the shape and color of patterns - develop compositional skills, color perception, fix the shape (circle, square, triangle).

Board-print game“When does this happen?” - consolidate children’s knowledge about the parts of the day, cultivate attention.

Ind. Job with Anton K., Stepan B., Lisa S. – consolidate the signs of winter.

KGN. During lunch, strengthen the ability to hold a spoon correctly.

Walk 1

Observation for the tit – continue to arouse interest in birds; introduce the tit, its habits, habitat, features appearance.

Ind. Job with Ruslan Kh., Kirill Kh., Nastya T. – consolidate the ability to jump high, develop strength and agility.

Labor activity

Removing snow from benches, paths, verandas.

P/n“Sly Fox” - continue to develop the ability to run in different directions and navigate in space.

P/n“Migration of birds” - practice climbing, jumping from stairs


Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep

Physical education “Winter-winter” develop children's coordination of movements, memory, attention, intelligence.

Who will name more winter species sports

Build a snowman

Clear the snow block

Agile hockey players

Walk 2

Observation behind snowfall - consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon of snowfall.

Ind. Job with Vika F., Nastya R., Dasha S. - practice naming birds by description.

Games with external material

P/n“Santa Claus”, “Snow is whirling” - continue to develop the ability to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game

Insert an album depicting winter landscapes.

Take out bird feeders and food.

Bring in skittles, hoops, and jump ropes for physical education.

Bring out shovels and buckets for playing with snow.

Invite parents to find pictures of wintering birds.

Pushchienko Natalya Valerievna