Lesson summary on the topic spring. Lesson summary “Spring has come” lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) on the topic

Theme: "Spring"

Target: clarify the characteristic signs of Spring, identify the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.
- learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
- continue to learn how to compose sentences based on pictures - symbols.
- enrich your vocabulary.
- teach to perceive the beauty of nature, notice the expressiveness of the image, mood.
- consolidate the ability to perceive the image of spring in music, poetry, drawings
- enrich children’s speech with nouns and adjectives
- develop observation, interest in the surrounding nature, activity, attention
- develop visual perception, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills
- develop an aesthetic perception of the beauty of nature.
- expand and enrich children’s knowledge about spring changes in nature
- contribute to the formation of children’s interest in nature.
- to instill in children feelings of love and respect for nature
- cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the stories of your comrades and complement the answers.
- bring children joy and satisfaction from the activity.


loose snow
Melts in the sun
The breeze plays in the branches,
Louder bird voices
Spring has come to us...
(Vesna, the teacher, enters.)

TEACHER: children, now I saw that a magpie flew to the window, knocked on the window, and chattered joyfully and loudly. I wonder what she wanted to tell us? She left us a note: “winter doesn’t want to go north, it wants to continue to rule over us. But this cannot be allowed, because animals, people, plants are waiting for spring.”
Vosp: Guys, how can we defeat winter? Need to come up with something……

Vosp: And I know that winter is afraid! Solar warmth, beauty and delicate spring colors.
And I also know who is not afraid of winter, cold snow and wind. Guess the riddle.
To the snowy meadow,
Warmed in the spring
A piece of the sky fell -
The forest flower has bloomed!
Vosp: The bravest and true snowdrop. It appears with the warmth of the sun, it is beautiful and the most delicate color.

Get ready soon
On an unusual trip.
Forest secrets await us,
The path calls to the forest.

Speechless children:
solve riddles and give the answer using
paint over the sign of spring named by the teacher
yourself in the drawing
find a given object on the stencil
trace a given object using a stencil
matched with the circled color picture
stencil silhouette
objects are laid out according to characteristics in two lines
in winter and spring.
Speechless children: Complete the teacher’s sentence using picture words.
Speechless children:
make sentences using picture words and pictures
make up a sentence according to a diagram using words and pictures
select pictures for two subject paintings “Winter” and

And now we will play the game “Match the picture with the word.” The first task is to select a picture for the word “spring” (stream, rain, garden), clearly name what happened and attach it under a similar combination of words. (gives an example.) To the word “spring” (water, puddle, drops, thawed patch). To the word “spring” (cloud, sun, sky, mood). Let's say again that there is spring, spring? What can we say “spring”? Now we will continue our walk.

But before you go into the forest, you need to answer my questions with a sentence, starting with the words “Spring or in the spring.”

After what time of year does spring begin? (Spring comes after winter.)
- What month does spring begin? (Spring starts in March)
- What happens in nature in spring? (In spring, the sun shines brightly, the days become longer, streams run, snow melts, the sky has become higher and bluer, etc.)

Spring, yes, guys, the snow is melting from the good rays of the sun, streams are flowing, and the cheerful voices of birds are heard. Nature awakens.

Q: Please tell me what time of year it is now?
D.: Spring! (Choral response)
V.: That’s right my dears, winter has been replaced by spring. Drops are ringing merrily, streams are flowing. Everyone around is happy spring sun. Let us pretend to go to the spring forest.
D.: Let's do it!
V.: Get ready for the forest soon
Dress up quickly.
Yes, hit the road.
Here we are ready!
How can we get to the forest?
Maybe on these balloons?
What are they? What colour?
D.: Multicolored (Individual and choral responses).
Q: What can children say about the balls?
D.: Big and small (Individual and choral answers).
Q: What color are the big balls? What color are the little ones? (Individual and choral responses).
V.: Girls take small balls, and boys take big ones. (Children sort out the balls)
V.: Everyone is ready, then let’s go! (The music of Shainsky’s “Cloud” sounds; children run in circles on tiptoes, simulating balloon flight).
V.: Here we are in the spring forest. Place yours air balloons in a vase
(Collects the balls and puts them in a vase.)
V.: Children, you feel how easy it is to breathe in the spring forest. Take a deep breath and let it out. You feel how clean the air is in the spring forest. Nature wakes up after winter sleep. And here are the first snowdrops. They are called that because they are the first to peek out from under the snow. Here they are, look how tender and touching they are. (Draws attention to the snowdrops).
V.: Look at the snowdrops in the clearing. What are they happy about?
D.: Sunshine, warmth, spring!
V.: That's right, they are happy about the gentle sun, spring, warmth. Let's look at them, what color are they?
D: Blue and yellow?
V.: Well done, they are yellow and blue. Do you want to play?
D.: Yes!!!
V.: Then put hats - flowers on your head.
Turn left - turn right,
And turn into a snowdrop.
(Children squat down. The poems are accompanied by movements that the children perform together with the teacher).
V.: Here the snowdrops woke up (get up, rub their eyes), smiled (smile), stretched (stretched), with dew they washed themselves (wash themselves), two - gracefully circled (circled), three - bent down and crouched (bend and crouch) , and four flew (run), five they stopped (stop) and quietly sank (squat).
V.: Well done, you were real snowdrop flowers. Now we need to turn back into children. Turn left - right, and turn into children (children return flowers - hats under the tree).

Hello forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, don’t hide it,
You see, we are our own!
Here we are in the forest. Sit down, guys, on the log.

TEACHER: Everyone is enjoying the sun and our fingers too. We'll play with them.
(Finger gymnastics)

Girls and boys, where are your fingers (hid behind your back)
Let's go fingers in the morning (move)
Visiting the aunt of the prank (clap your hands)
They sat on a bench ((alternately sit on the thumb)
We've had some tea, I'll play a prank (alternate between clapping and showing the thumb)
The sun was given a little palm
They raised their fingers and became rays.

And now we will draw something funny, gentle sunshine. We will draw with our fingers.

(Finger drawing.)
You've created some wonderful sunshine.
Physical exercise.
We'll take a little rest
Let's stand up and take a deep breath.
Hands to the sides, forward
Children walked through the forest
Nature was observed.
We looked up at the sun -
The rays immediately warmed everyone
Miracles in our world:
The children became dwarfs.
And then everyone stood up together,
We have become giants.
Let's clap and stamp our feet!
We had a good walk and are a little tired!
Creative practical activities of students
The teacher has only an indirect influence on drawing. Monitors the sequence of work. Reminds you if required.

Spring. Now let's continue our walk through the spring forest. (They approach the “snowdrift.”) What is this? (the children lift the fabric, look under it and find a toy bear lying on its side.) Isn’t it time for you, little bear, to wake up? Let's say the truth first quietly, then loudly, maybe the bear will wake up.

Na-na-na - spring has come.
But, but, but - let's open the window.
No, no, no, we are glad for spring.

Vosp: Well, while the bear wakes up after a long winter hibernation, you and I will play.

Physical education lesson “We came to the spring forest.”

We have arrived in the spring forest!
There are so many miracles around here!
On the right, the birch tree makes noise with its branches.
On the left - the Christmas tree is looking at us!
A bunny is jumping at the edge of the forest.
Like a white soft ball.
One jump and two jumps -
So our friend disappeared!
The gray one is prowling in the clearing.
He's looking for prey
We'll all hide now
Then he won't find us.
The bear crawled out of the den,
I looked around on the threshold.
He stretched out of sleep:
Spring has come to us again.
Leaned back and forth.
Here he is walking through the forest.
The bear is looking for roots
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae - vitamins for the bear.
Finally the bear had his fill
And he sat down on a log.
General relaxation.
I.P.: standing “Sun”.
Teacher: Close your eyes, stretch out your arms. Imagine that you have little suns on your palms. Through the fingers, like rays of the sun, warmth flows throughout the hand. Let's put our hands down, now they can rest with us. Let's turn our attention to the legs. sun rays warms the feet and toes. Fatigue goes away, muscles relax. Smile, say kind words to each other.

How warm it became in the forest! The snow has melted, the birds are singing. Thank you guys. Finally, spring has come to my forest!

Educator: - Spring has sent you a gift. Let's open it.

V.: Please come to me. Did you like the spring forest?
D.: I liked it!
V.: It’s sad, but it’s time for us to say goodbye to the spring forest and return to kindergarten, sort out your balls. Who will fly on which one, girls on which balloons? What about the boys? (Children sort out the balls).
V.: Check, everyone took the balls. Very good. Let's fly. (Children run on their toes in a circle to the music of Shainsky’s “Cloud” and sit on their chairs)
V.: Our unusual lesson is over.
Summarizing. Mark active.

Abstract complex lesson"Hello Spring!"

Goal: To clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring changes in nature.


    Physical development

Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health children.

Consolidating the pupils’ need for physical activity;

Formation and development of physical qualities (coordination) in children.

    Communicative and personal development

Formation of cultural behavior in children, the ability to act on command;

Encouraging children to participate in joint games;

Development of curiosity;

Development of independence;

Formation of the ability to expressively perform short poems, performing skills.

    Speech development

Development of free communication with adults and children;

Expanding children's vocabulary;

Development of all components oral speech;

    Artistic and aesthetic development

Formation of necessary skills and abilities in various types activities (applique, modeling).

Developing children's interest in music.

    Cognitive development

Development of interest in cognitive and research activities;

Expanding children's understanding of spring changes in nature.

Consolidating the names of colors (red, blue, yellow, etc.) and the ability to make choices based on a pattern;

Development of perception, the ability to identify various properties and relationships of objects (color, shape, size).

Development of the volume of visual perception.

Equipment and attributes.

Poems about spring, riddles about the sun, audio recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”; illustrations depicting spring, pictures of birds.

Progress of the lesson.

Music is playing from the album P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” (“Spring”). Children and teacher enter.

Children, please look at how many guests we have. Let's say hello to the guests.

Today is an unusual day,
I want to surprise you.
On a big trip
We'll recover now.

Listen to the poem and guess who we are going to visit:

It gets light early in the morning,
Thaws here and there.
The stream roars like a waterfall.
Starlings fly to the birdhouse.
Drops are ringing under the roofs.
The bear got up from the spruce tree.
The sun caresses everyone warmly.
Who knows this time of year?

Children- It is spring.

Teacher: Today we will go to visit spring.

What other seasons do you know?

What time of year is on the screen?

Teacher: - what spring months do you know? (March, April, May - don't forget them)

Who's birthday is in the spring?

How old are you?

What is greater than 6 or 7?

How did you guess? What signs of spring do you know?

(-the sun shines brighter, warms warmer

The wind blows warm

The sky is blue and clear

The ice on the river is cracking

Icicles appear on the roofs of houses

Happy drops

The days are getting shorter

Birds arrive from warm countries

Snowdrops appear)

Fizminutka: "snowdrops are waking up"Teacher:

Turn left and right and turn into a snowdrop! (Sat down, eyes closed) Now the snowdrops woke up, (Standed up, rubbed their eyes) Smiled, stretched. Once - they washed themselves with dew, (they wiped their cheeks with their hands) Two - they twirled gracefully,

Three - bent down and crouched

And they looked at the sun.

Turn left or right and turn into a kid.

Teacher : Do you know the difference between winter and spring?

Game: “I’ll start, you continue”

In winter the sun shines, and in spring it warms

Winter is gone, but spring (has come)

In winter the days are short, and in spring (long)

Winter is cold and spring (warm)

In winter it snows, and in spring (rain)

In winter the snowdrifts are high, and in spring they are low.

In winter they wear fur coats, and in spring (jackets)

Teacher: What poems about spring do you know?

1.In a clearing near the path

Blades of grass are breaking through.

A stream runs from a hillock,

And there is snow under the tree.

2. The snow is already melting, the streams are running.

There was a breath of spring through the window.

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be clothed with leaves. (as you understand that the forest will be covered with leaves)

3. Spring is coming towards us with quick steps.

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches are visible in the fields,

It’s true that spring has very warm feet. (How do you understand the word thawed patches?)

Teacher: - Let's select signs for the word spring.

(early, ringing, warm, friendly, cheerful, beautiful, blooming, long-awaited)

Let's read the words: winter, (make a sentence with the word WINTER), frost, spring (make a sentence with the word SPRING), water, puddle, puddles, rain, river, forest.

Game "Say kindly."

The game is played in a circle with a ball.

In the spring I just want to talk sweet words. I will say the sun, and you affectionately - sun, branch - twig, leaf - leaf, stream - stream, puddle - puddle, flower - flower, cloud - cloud, tree - tree, cloud - cloud, water - water.

Physical education lesson “VESNYANKA”

Sunshine, sunshine,

Golden bottom,

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

A stream ran in the garden,

A hundred rooks have arrived,

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

And the flowers are growing.

If there are streams running on the street, then the children launch boats. Guys, do you like to launch boats? (Children's answer). How many of you have learned to make an origami boat yourself?


Hold hands, and I will stand at the beginning of the stream. Our stream ran and began to gurgle.

Educator. Streams flow in spring. Let's draw streams and do finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics “Rucheek”

The sun laughs tenderly,

(we draw a circle in the air with our index fingers)

Shines brighter, hotter,

(show open palms)

It pours loudly from the hillock

(we run the index finger of our right hand along the palm of our left)

Talkative stream.

(we run the index finger of our left hand along the palm of our right)

I'm babbling, babbling, babbling,

(palms forward, wiggling fingers)

I sharpen the stones smoothly,

(rubbing palms together)

I'll run away like a blue ribbon,

(“snake” with palms)

I'll pour myself into the river full.

(connect palms separated to the sides)

My water is good

(we massage all the others with our thumb)

Lean over to get drunk.

(tilt, hands in a “handful”)

The river stirs the grass,

(we move our fingers)

The stream is calling me.

(smooth movements of palms from side to side)

Work on pieces of paper. Preparing your hand for writing (circle a stream, a boat).

Teacher: Why do streams flow? (snow is melting)

Why is the snow melting? (the sun is shining). That's right. People always look forward to the sun. It gives everyone warmth and light. And this makes you and I feel joyful, cheerful, and festive. What riddles about the sun do you know?


A golden apple is rolling on a blue saucer.

A red girl walks across the sky.

We cry without him, but when he appears, we hide from him.

There will be no knocking on the door or window,

And it will rise and wake everyone up.

Well done. You told interesting and beautiful riddles about the sun.

Now we will draw a portrait of the sun. We will draw using a thread and counting sticks.

Children, what color is the sun?

Each of you has a yellow thread.

What will you make from the string?

(We will make a circle from a string).

What will you make from counting sticks?

(We will make rays from sticks).

Well done. Let's get to work. Make a circle. Place the stick up, down, left, right, and the rest between the rays.

(Children do the work. A calm melody sounds)

The portraits are ready. This is how they attract the eye. Guests will look at your work. Tell me how sunny it is.

Game “What a sunshine”

(Children talk about the sun. Bright, golden, hot, warm, spring, affectionate, radiant, kind).

What is the shape of the sun?

Which geometric figures do you know?

What's in between...

What's behind the square?

What figure is in front of the triangle? Etc.

What is the third figure?

What is the oval? Etc.

Close your eyes. What shape did I add? (polygon)

How many rays does the sun have in our portrait? (8)

How can you get the number 8?

When counting, what number comes before the number 8?

What number comes after the number 8 when counting?

Show the neighbors of the number 8.

Which number is greater than 8 or 9? Make up an expression. How do you determine that this sign is “greater than” or “less than”?

Work based on the painting “Spring”.

- what time of year is it in the picture?

What colors did the artist use?

Who is missing from the picture? (birds)

What birds come to us in the spring? (showing pictures of birds)

What are they called? (migratory)

Why are they called migratory? (in the fall they fly to warmer climes and return in the spring)

Teacher. Guys, an icicle came to visit us.

/children gather around the teacher/

What is its shape? Touch her, what is she like?

Children's answers. Slippery, smooth, cold, wet, sharp...

What color is it?

Transparent, shiny.

What happens if you hit it? (She will crack).

So what is she like? (fragile).

What will happen to the icicle if you keep it in the room longer? (It will melt and turn into water.)

Why will this happen? (Because the room is warm).


Guys, I’ll now read you a poem about an icicle.

Under the very eaves,

Right above the window

Caught in icicles

Spring sun.

Sparkling, tears run down the icicles...

And the icicles melt - funny pieces of ice.

Spring came. Streams are running.

They hum, laugh, are cheerful.

And their sharp noses

Icicles hung from the roof.

But here they hang very

They suffer, they suffer.

They only have it in the evening and at night

The runny nose stops.

And in the daytime my nose is in trouble again.

Merging with the street noise,

Not just water dripping -

The icicle life is passing away.

Game for attention:

Palms up! Clap! Clap!

On the knees - slap, slap!

Now give me a pat on the shoulders!

Slap yourself on the sides!

We can clap behind our backs!

Let's clap for ourselves!

We can go to the right! We can go left!

Let's sit at the desk and put our hands together!

Riddle about the lark.

The earliest bird to rise,
Sings a song to the sun,
Raises all living things
What's that bird's name?

About the holiday "Larks"

The merry Maslenitsa died down, the people spent the winter and began to wait for spring. But the news does not come immediately, not suddenly. According to the folk calendar, spring is celebrated three times. We will talk about this later today. And now I want to say that March 22 is a holiday. Larks. Since ancient times in Rus' they have been baking them from bread dough. These birds were given raisin eyes. Loving grandmothers They gave “larks” as gifts to their grandchildren, and they ran out into the street, put the larks on sticks and began to call out to spring.

First meeting spring falls on February 15th - this is CANDLE. “At Candlemas, winter and spring meet for the first time,” people said. But the first month of spring stands at the crossroads between winter and spring. They say about him that March is not spring, but spring. March - winter forest, thawed grass, rookery, berezozol.

In March, it’s dripping from the roof, and it catches your nose” “Martok - you’ll pull on seven trousers.”

But then comes March 22, the day of the vernal equinox. And in Rus' this day was called SOROKA.

Second meeting of spring. “Forty birds fly to forty martyrs, forty birds make their way to Rus'” - the arrival of larks. There are as many thawed patches as there are larks. They say that “forty martyrs - forty matinees” (forty frosts are coming).

How many of you have seen a lark?

The poem “Lark” is read by Nikita Baimurzaev.

Modeling larks from plasticine.

Show phased implementation. Children's work. Exhibition of crafts.

Reflection. If you were interested in the lesson, raise a red circle; if you were not interested, raise a black square.

Psycho-gymnastics. Let's hold hands, smile at each other, transfer all the warmth of our souls to each other.

Lesson plan on the topic: “Spring has come”

Lesson objectives:

Teach children to recognize changes in nature with the arrival of spring; introduce folk signs, spring holidays; develop attentiveness, observation and interest in learning new things; expand your vocabulary using epithets to describe the beauty of spring nature; introduce children to the works of I. Levitan; cultivate love and respect for nature.

Planned results:

Learn to find spring changes in nature, learn folk signs and holidays; competently and concisely describe the beauty of spring nature and works of art, observe the weather.

Equipment: painting by I. Levitan (1st image), posters with a list of holidays, crossword puzzle.

Preliminary work: draw a crossword puzzle on the board, hang reproductions and posters.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of covered material.

III. Getting to know new topic.

IV. Learning new material.

V. Physical exercise.

VI. Consolidation.

VII. Summing up.

VIII. Homework.

* In the image there is a painting by I. Levitan “The Last Snow”

During the classes

I. Organizing time. Greetings.

II. Repetition of previously studied material is checked accordingly homework.

III. Introducing children to a new topic and upcoming tasks.

Spring came

The lesson begins with the teacher reading the poem “Spring” by K. Kubilinskas

Spring has arrived in the snow,
On a damp carpet,
Scattered snowdrops,
I sowed grass.
Badger families due
I picked it up from my holes,
Birch sap
I gave it to the guys.
I looked into the den:
- Well, get up, bear! -
She breathed on the branches -
It's time to go green!
Now spring is beautiful
Calling from all over
Geese, swifts and storks,
Cuckoos and starlings.

So, as you may have guessed, the topic of today’s lesson is “Spring”. Today you will find out what gifts she pampers us with, what changes she brings to the lives of people, animals, plants, let’s remember the spring months and holidays that we love to celebrate at this wonderful time of year.

IV. Learning new material

Children are invited to look at Isaac Levitan's painting "The Last Snow". The teacher asks leading questions: What season did the artist depict? What month of spring exactly? What helped you determine? What feeling does the painting evoke? Who knows when the first meeting of spring is celebrated in the folk calendar (February 15) that’s right, guys, winter has not yet receded, but spring is already reminding itself and warm days are already coming in February (they are also called February windows). Children take turns trying to describe what they saw, using epithets and comparative phrases. Next, the children list how nature and life around them change with the arrival of spring days (the days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter and warmer, the snow is melting, the grass is turning green, the first flowers appear in the clearings, migratory birds are returning, the winter crops are rising and turning green in the fields , buds swell on the trees and the first leaves appear, the birch gives tasty sap, many insects wake up, changes occur in the lives of animals, and so on). Then the teacher asks the children if they know what folk sign, what is it for, can anyone give an example? (Discuss each sign with the children, give an example from life)

If the water stagnates in the field, the cattle will be well fed.
You can’t work hard in the spring - it’s a hungry year.
The bird returns in a flock - a friendly spring.
The bird builds a nest on the sunny side - cold summer.
To meet a hare in a white fur coat in the spring means there will still be snow.
Offensive early spring- a sign of a long summer.
If the snow melts early, there will be a long thaw.
The snow is melting quickly - it will be a rainy summer.
A fluffy comb appeared on the willow - and spring arrived.
In April there is grass, in May there is grass.
Warm April and wet May - may everyone have a good harvest.
If the bee takes off early, there will be a bright spring.
Next, children can list which migratory birds return to your native land in the spring (starlings, cranes, ducks), what are the first flowers to grow? (crocus, snowdrop, lily of the valley, tulip, daffodil, coltsfoot, scilla)

Spring months


The teacher reads a riddle poem to the children:

A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month?
Who will know? (March). Children are asked to remember what holidays are celebrated this month. (a list of holidays is posted on the board)


The river roars furiously and breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us? (April).


The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings,
IN White color the garden is dressed,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles.
Guess what month this is? (May). Well done guys, now let's rest a little.

V. Physical exercise. Children stand one after another and repeat the exercises after the teacher.

The wind is blowing in our faces. (They wave their hands in our faces)
The tree swayed. (Raise your hands up and shake)
The wind is getting quieter and quieter. (sit down)
The tree is getting higher and higher (stand up and stretch high)
If desired, you can repeat it, only the student can act as a leader.

VI. Fixing the material.

The teacher asks the student to repeat the spring month. After completing the lesson, solve a crossword puzzle as a reinforcement, using words from the lesson topic.

1) The strongest insect (ant);
2) Second spring month (April);
3) Migratory bird (Starling);
4) First spring Flower(snowdrop);
5) A tree that produces tasty sap (birch);
6) Who is the artist of the painting we examined (Levitan);
7) Spring flood of rivers (flood);
8) Forest fragrant flower (lily of the valley);
9) In what month is International Women's Day celebrated? (March);

VII. The results are summed up and the teacher finds out whether the students liked the lesson. Next, the children are assessed. Submitting grades in journals and diaries.

VIII. Homework is assigned. Children need to draw spring, namely the spring month that they liked the most, with its distinctive features. Prepare a beautiful story for illustration.

Eliza Asanova
Lesson summary on the topic “Spring”

Lesson summary on the topic: « Spring» .

Goals:1. Activate children's speech, teach children to form words with the same root using diminutives suffixes.

2. Develop children's associative thinking.

3. Teach children to pronounce phrases with a given intonation.

4. Develop children's interest and love for native nature, introduce the signs of early spring, consolidate the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish simple connections between them.

Equipment and materials: costume spring, bear costume, pictures for d/i "Say kindly", whatman paper blue, cut out flowers, pebbles, clouds, sun, leaves, birds, trees, etc. for d/i "Draw a portrait spring» .

Progress of the lesson

1. Guessing the riddle.

I open my buds

green leaves,

I water the trees

There is a lot of movement.

My name is …. (spring)

2. Reading a poem by F.I. Tyutcheva:

Winter is not angry for nothing,

Its time has passed

And he drives him out of the yard.

And everything started to fuss,

everything is pushing winter away.

And larks in the sky

The ringing bell has already been raised.

Winter is still busy

And on spring grumbles,

She laughs in her eyes

And it just makes more noise.

The evil witch went crazy

And, capturing the snow,

She took off, running away,

To a beautiful child.

Spring and grief are not enough -

Washed in the snow

And only became blusher

Against the enemy.

3. Conversation on issues.

What month does it start spring?

Why snow melts in spring?

Where do streams come from?

Why spring called long-awaited?

What a sun in the spring?

What kind of snow?

Wind cold or warm in spring?

What's happening to the trees?

How is the earth changing?

What flowers appear in the spring?

What kind of clothes do people wear?

4. Physical exercise "The bear crawled out of the den"

The bear crawled out of the den. (Turns left and right)

Looked around on the threshold

He stretched out of sleep: (Stretching - arms up)

She came to us again spring. (Rotate your head.)

To quickly gain strength,

The bear's head was twisting.

Leaned back and forth (Bends forward and backward).

He is walking through the forest. (Tilts: touch with your right hand)

The bear is looking for roots (left foot, then vice versa).

And rotten stumps.

Finally the bear had his fill (Children sit down).

And he sat down on a log.

5. Didactic game "Say kindly"

in spring I just want to say kind words!

I’ll say sunshine, and you say sweetly, sunshine.

Branch - twig, tree - tree, leaf - leaf,

Stream - stream, grass - grass, puddle - puddle, cloud - cloud, etc.

6. Role reading of a poem "Conversation with in the spring»

Leading. Well spring, How are you?

Spring. I have cleaning to do.

Leading. What do you need a broom for?

Spring. Sweep the snow off the hill.

Leading. What do you need streams for?

Spring. Wash debris from paths.

Leading. What do you need rays for?

Spring. For cleaning too.

I'll wash everything, dry it,

I will invite you to the holiday! (O. Vygotskaya)

7. Didactic game "Draw a portrait spring» .

To a quiet melody "Sounds of nature". The teacher invites the children to draw up a portrait on a blue sheet of Whatman paper, using previously cut out flowers, clouds, sun, streams, leaves, birds, etc. spring. Tell me how you turned out spring. 2-3 stories are heard.

8. Results classes.

To form in children an idea of ​​the characteristic signs of spring



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature;

Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature;

Develop curiosity, memory, sustained attention.


Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.

Artistic creativity:

Develop imagination;

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop skills of accuracy when performing work.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, thematic conversations, looking at pictures and photographs, listening to songs, observing natural phenomena, listening to poetry, didactic games.

Direction: cognitive - creative.

Educational area: cognition.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, motor, productive.

Form of organization of children: group

Integration of areas: cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization.

Equipment: thematic pictures with signs of spring, cards with images of birds, pictures with images of primrose flowers, cut-out pictures, a ball, drawing paper, watercolors, brushes, a jar for water.



MBDOU – kindergarten No. 501


Larionova Maria Vladimirovna

Senior group

Conducted: March 23, 2015

Summary of educational activities

in the senior group

"Spring came"

Target joint activities teacher with pupils

To form in children an idea of ​​the characteristic signs of spring



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature;

Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature;

Develop curiosity, memory,sustained attention.


Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.

Artistic creativity:

Develop imagination;

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop skills of accuracy when performing work.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, thematic conversations, looking at pictures and photographs, listening to songs, observing natural phenomena, listening to poetry, didactic games.

Direction: cognitive - creative.

Educational area: cognition.

Activities:cognitive, communicative, motor, productive.

Form of organization of children: group

Integration of areas:cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization.

Equipment: thematic pictures with signs of spring, cards with images of birds, pictures with images of primrose flowers, cut-out pictures, a ball, drawing paper, watercolors, brushes, a jar for water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, you can name our guest yourself if you guess the riddle:

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen?

Spring is a wonderful and wonderful time of year, when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long sleep. No wonder poets call spring “the morning of the year.” Are you excited for spring? We have been waiting for spring for a long time, so what kind of spring is it? (Long awaited).

I suggest you guys listen to a fairy tale. How do all fairy tales begin? (Once upon a time, there were). So our fairy tale begins with the words once upon a time - there was a family: a father and four daughters. The father's name was Year, and his daughters' names were Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. The father loved his daughters very much, even though they were different. The time has come and sister Spring warmed me with the sun and melted the snow. Streams ran, drops rang! Water leaked into the bear’s den, the clubfoot woke up and crawled out of the den to warm up. The birds that flew away from us for the winter have returned. Name them? (rooks, starlings, swallows, cuckoos, geese, swans, nightingales).

Do you want to be in the world of spring? Then close your eyes, spin around...you will find yourself in the world of spring! Imagine yourself in a sunny spring meadow. And here are the signs of spring.

Children find pictures with signs of spring, the teacher hangs them on the board.

Conversation about spring.

What signs of spring are depicted in the paintings?

(The snow melts, the sun shines brighter, icicles appear, birds fly in, streams flow, animals give birth to babies, the first flowers bloom). Children tell stories in a chain based on simple plot pictures.

What other signs of early spring have you observed?

(The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, the first migratory birds, a warm wind is blowing, it has become warmer.)

Name the spring months.

March April May -

Don't forget them!

People call the month of March protalnik. Do you know why they call it that? (Children's answers). Thawed patches are where the snow melted and the first islands of land appeared. In the thawed areas, the first flowers appear from under the snow. What is the name of the first spring flower? (Children's answers). Why is it called that? (Children's answers). And April has long been popularly called ice breaker and snow blower. Why? (Children's answers). And May is called pollen. Why do you think? (Children's answers).

D/Game “Say kindly.”

D/The game is played in a circle with a ball.

In spring, you want to speak only kind words. I will say the sun, and you affectionately - sun, branch - twig, leaf - leaf, stream - stream, puddle - puddle, flower - flower, cloud - cloud, tree - tree, cloud - cloud, water - water.

D/Game “Name the signs.”

Select signs for the word spring. What's spring like? (early, ringing, warm, friendly, cheerful, beautiful, blooming, long-awaited).

Didactic game "Fourth odd".

Educator. Look at the birds. Which one do you think is the odd one out and why?

Children . Extra sparrow. He is a wintering bird, and all other birds are migratory.

Guys, why are they called birds? (the body is covered with feathers, two wings, they can fly, they have a beak, two legs, and a tail).

Which birds arrive first? (rooks).

What are the birds doing? (a picture is displayed - hint: a tree with nests.) (birds make nests).

Why do birds nest and build nests? (in order to hatch chicks).

Sister Spring continues her work on earthorder direct. She decorated everything with flowers, the first tender, green grass.

Why are the flowers that appear in spring called primroses? (because they are the first).

Which flowers bloom first? (snowdrop, mother and stepmother).

How has the life of plants changed with the arrival of spring? (they woke up, young, green leaves appeared on the trees and bushes, the grass turned green).

Guys, tell me, what does spring smell like? (freshness).

Children, we remembered the signs of spring, then you can easily guess all the riddles. Ready?

The snow turns black in the clearing,
The weather is getting warmer every day.
Time to put the sled in the closet.
What a time of year it is.
- spring -


In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.
- stream -


Housewarming party at the starling's
He rejoices endlessly.
So that a mockingbird lives with us,
We made...
- birdhouse -

There's someone's house on a branch here
There are no doors or windows in it,
But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.
This house is called...
- nest -

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
Sparrow is happy about the weather
- Visited us for a month...
- March -

The bear crawled out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
A lark trills in the sky
- He came to visit us...
- April -


The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet,
Our land is dressed in greenery
- We are greeted warmly...
- May -

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small.
- snowdrop -

On a green fragile leg
The ball grew near the path.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.
- dandelion -

White peas
On a green leg.
- lily of the valley -

There is a curl in the garden
- White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?
- chamomile -

Guys, you guessed the riddles about spring signs, showed how Spring is coming how the flowers grow, we remembered the names of spring flowers, we collected the pictures, and now let’s draw together the “Coltsfoot Clearing.”