Round table family traditions. Every home has its own traditions (round table for parents of older preschoolers)

Hello, dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about family, family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of a child.

The moral health of a family, its spiritual values ​​and, consequently, its potential educational capabilities can be judged by the traditions established in it. Tradition means “transmission” in Latin. Tradition is something that has been passed on from one generation to another, something inherited from previous generations (views, tastes, ideas, customs).

If you say the word “childhood” and close your eyes, then along with your loved ones and your native walls, something special will appear in your mind, unique only to your family. This “something” is a family tradition. And it is remembered only because it was repeated many times, firmly settled in the child’s memory and is already inextricably linked with a certain reaction to any event. What traditions live in your home? Surely those that you remember in childhood. Here's what your children said about holidays and family traditions. They all, without exception, like to be at home, because there are a lot of toys at home, a TV, a computer, one of the respondents said that it’s quiet at home, you can relax, another said that our family is at home, it’s fun there, we play together. Do your children remember such national holidays as New Year,February 23, March 8, Easter. Among the holidays that happen in your home, they named New Year and Birthday. They love birthdays because they are given gifts, and only a few say that friends come on this day and remember the clown, cake, candles. To the question “Where do you like to go with your parents?” children answer: to the store, to the carousel, to the circus. A few said that they like to go to the theater, walk, ski, and go to the village to visit their grandmother. We invite you to remember family traditions, relax a little and play. Today we have a game waiting for us, the kids love this activity. But at the meeting our children do not play, and they give up their place to their parents.

Parents are divided into 2 teams

Warm up. Educator: I will ask you a task: try to count how many people there are in this family:

Listen, here's my family Grandpa, grandma and brother.

We have order in our house, harmony and cleanliness, but why?

We have two mothers in our house,

Two dads, two sons

Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.

And the youngest is me.

What kind of family do we have? (6 people)

Educator: For a long time, people talked about home and family with a smile and love. From this far away, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings have reached us. Let's remember them. I start, and you finish.

Task 1 "Finish the sentence"

1. Away is good, but... (at home is better).

2. The hut is not red in its corners, but... (red in its pies).

3. There is discord in the family, and at home... (not happy).

4. The family agrees that this is how things go... (great).

5. When the family is together and... (heart in the right place).

6. Family is the key to... (happiness).

Educator: If on September 1 you and your child plant a tree, or on New Year’s Eve with your children you decorate a Christmas tree, and on May 9 you specially congratulate your grandfather or neighbor, a veteran, all this strengthens family ties and helps in raising children.

Task No. 2. - From the highlighted letters on the task cards, add up words denoting traditions used in family holidays. -Read it.

























Educator: We have a tradition in kindergarten - to organize holidays for children. This is “Golden Autumn!”, “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”, “New Year”, “March 8.

Every family has a tradition: in the evenings, my child and I have intimate conversations, sit side by side and tell each other about our day, our impressions, and innovations.

Competition4 "Family Quiz"

1. As you know, the Greek goddess Athena was the goddess of wisdom, and the owl was considered her bird. But the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus, was considered the patroness of the family in general and motherhood in particular. Guess which bird was considered the “bird of Hera”? (Stork.)

2. What do they say about those who divulge internal family troubles and quarrels? (Wash dirty linen in public.)

3. Here is a Russian proverb: “To live for oneself is to smolder, for the family – ... (verb missing), and for the people – to shine.” Name the missing verb. (Burn.)

4. According to legend, Russia is guarded by three sisters: Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov and their mother. Name the mother of three sisters. (Sophia, that is, Wisdom.)

5. The first, eldest child in the family is the first-born. What was the name of the third child in a family in Rus'? And the last one? (Tretyak, scratch.)

6. What is the Russian “fruit” proverb about someone who has inherited bad, unseemly behavior from their father or mother? ("The apple never falls far from the tree".)

7. What Russian toy is this quote from the encyclopedia about: “It personifies the idea strong family, prosperity, procreation, carries the idea of ​​unity"? (About the nesting doll.)

9. In which Andersen fairy tale is the child’s right violated: “Children have the right to live with their parents, and no one is allowed to separate them”? (" The Snow Queen".From grandmother's house, the Snow Queen took little Kai to her ice palace.)

11. Name your most family-friendly geometric figure. (Circle. Close family circle, in family circle.)

12. Parental instruction in one word is... (Instruction.)

13. Which plant represents both a native and an adopted relative? (Coltsfoot.)

14. There is a letter family in which, according to numerous verses, there are “thirty-three siblings.” What kind of family is this? (Alphabet.)


Family readings, when not only parents read, but also older children and grandparents, are a great opportunity to spend a useful evening with your family, relax, chat and leave unforgettable impressions of these evenings in the child’s memory.

Competition 6 "Literary relatives"

In the names of famous works, fill in the missing words that are the names of family members.

"..." M. Gorky. ("Mother".)

Robbers", A.S. Pushkin. ("Robber Brothers") "

Karamazov", F.M. Dostoevsky. ("The Brothers Karamazov".)

"Three...", A.P. Chekhov. ("Three sisters") "

Vanya", A.P. Chekhov. ("Uncle Vanya.") "

Mazai and the Hares", N.A. Nekrasov. ("Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.") "Captain's

...", A.S. Pushkin. ("The Captain's Daughter.") "

Regiment", V.P. Kataev. ("Son of the Regiment.") "

Captain Grant", J. Vern. ("Children of Captain Grant") "

Fyodor, the hiccup dog", E. Uspensky. (“Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat.”)


Maintaining trust in the family is another good tradition. Trust is the ability to honestly and directly discuss any, even the most complex, topics with each other. Maintaining mutual trust in the family is one of the most important tasks of parents.

Competition 7 "Discussion"

Let's say that your family has gathered to spend a day off in the forest, and on this day it rains. What are you going to do?

You have come on an excursion to a natural park, but it is closed to visitors that day. What are you going to do?


For full development, a child needs a holiday like air. A holiday for a child is not the same as for us adults. A holiday is an event in a child’s life, and a child counts his days from holiday to holiday, just as we count ours from one year to the next. important event to another.

Competition 8 “Rays of Sunshine”

Take each ray of sunshine, which are prepared in advance for you and write with a pen any family tradition, and it does not have to be your family tradition. Now, voicing the tradition that you wrote, we attach our rays to the sun. Since there are families in the group that do not yet have family traditions, we will try to offer a variety of traditions.



We invite you to plunge into your childhood and remember what you dreamed of when you were children. I have a teddy bear in my hands, which each of you will pick up and tell us about your childhood dream. What do you think your children dream of? And now we will listen to you.

Educator: Family traditions are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is gathered and the festive service is taken out of the sideboard - then, after many years, elderly parents will not sit at the Sunday table alone.

You can give many examples of different family traditions. What they have in common is the reverence with which everyone remembers them, the desire to bring them into their family. If your family doesn’t have traditions, create them. It will make your life and your children's childhood much richer. We offer you a cheat sheet that we hope will help you increase the number of family traditions.

1st part

Dear parents! I am very glad that we have all gathered today, and we have gathered to talk about your families, your family traditions and their significance in the upbringing and development of your child.

According to V.I. Dahl’s definition, FAMILY is a set of close relatives living together: parents with children.”

For a long time, home and family have always been spoken of with love and respect. Legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about family have come down to us from ancient times. Who can name proverbs or sayings, let's ask the parents.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better;

Children are not a burden, but a joy;

When the family is together and the heart is in the right place

The mother feeds her children like the earth does people;

There is nothing more precious than father and mother;

Family is family.

Every family should have its own traditions, but some families do not follow traditions and do not even know what they are. Today I would like to talk about the traditions that exist in many families.

Tradition 1. Family holidays

Do you think holidays are necessary for children in the family? (answers)

Yes, a child needs a holiday like air for full development. For a child, a holiday is not the same as for us adults. A holiday is an event in a child’s life and a child counts his days from holiday to holiday, just like we do, his years from one event to another.

How do you organize children's parties in your family? (answers)

Don't forget, the holiday is not for an adult, but for a child. Sometimes a baby is bored at his birthday (everyone has forgotten about him) and, on the contrary, all the attention is on him and the child is a witness to adult conversations and a participant, then he gets used to being the center of attention, which develops immodesty and swagger in him.

A child should not be forced to perform if he does not want to. He must himself express his desire to sing or dance, if it happens to him during a game or for a forfeit.

Do you think it is necessary to decorate an apartment for the holiday? What does this give to the child? (parents' answers)

Is it important for everyone to participate, both children and adults?

Everyone loves gifts, especially children.

What gifts do you give to children? (parents' answers).

The gift should be a little extra, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the child, develop memory, thinking, attention. Develop physically: balls, jump ropes. For the development of fine motor skills - pencils, plasticine. In this case, you need to pay attention to how the child accepts the gift and how he thanks for it.

It’s good to photograph a child with his family on his birthday. Thinking over an entertainment program, purchasing various trinkets for games and attractions, the success of children's creativity depends on the imagination and imagination of adults.

Tradition 2. Family archives

It's not the past, it's always tomorrow.

The family must have its own archive: certificates of honor, medals of fathers, grandfathers, family history and surnames.

Tradition 3. Family album

This huge meaningful space of life, on the one hand, is simple and understandable to a child, on the other hand, mysterious and amazing.

When was the last time you leafed through it?

Selecting photographs, designing album pages is exactly the communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with parents.

A specific image in a photograph is associated with a particular story from the life of family members, which arouses the child’s keen interest and stimulates its memorization.

Tradition 4. Family vacation in nature

Tell me, which of you has a tradition of traveling out of town, to the dacha with your child?

Nature has a huge impact on the child on the development of the preschooler’s personality, provides the opportunity for good communication with the child, and walks in nature have a beneficial effect on human health, develops him, teaches him to take care of the surrounding nature, gets acquainted with the life of plants, animals, birds, insects.

Tradition 5. Family visits to theaters, museums, exhibitions

How many of you regularly go to museums, theaters, and exhibitions with your children?

It is always human nature to strive for beauty. Each nation has its own culture, its own customs, its own traditions. We adults must help introduce children to the large and complex world of beauty, nature, and art. Visiting museums should be a holiday for the whole family.

Tradition 6. Collecting

It is very good that there is a tradition in the family, but if not, then you can offer to collect some collections, especially after visiting the museum, a choice appears (pebbles, shells, driftwood, candy wrappers, beads, stamps). As a result, the child awakens the need for conscious activity, the ability to appreciate beauty and respect people’s work.

Our task is to help the child successfully enter the modern world and take its rightful place in the system of relationships with other people.

Tradition 7. Games with a child

Tell me, what games and how do you play with your child?

What type of activity is the leading one in preschool age?

We can confidently say that childhood is a game, a game is childhood.

Childhood is given so that we prepare the child to enter a rather complex social life, fill it with emotions, experiences, ideas, so that the spiritual life in him begins to move. Irga is the life of a child and the choice of games should become traditional in every family. There are a lot of games and toys. You should carefully select them. You need to play various games: board, active, verbal, educational.

Good games like lotto, dominoes, checkers, chess. We advise you to definitely play games with natural and waste material. For example: “guess which plant the seeds come from? ", "Who, who was? ", "What can fly? ", "Find something similar to an apple."

It is in your hands to raise children to be literate, educated, well-mannered, loving and respectful of their parents, and aware of their ancestry.

There are a lot of traditions; you can plant a tree or go out of town on New Year’s Eve to decorate a live Christmas tree. It is a tradition to visit museums, exhibitions, and theaters with your child. These are traditional hikes, walks, picnics in nature. This is the compilation of family albums, the pedigree of your family. This is reading books.

2nd part:

Dear parents! Let's look at a few real-life situations together:

SITUATION 1: The boy was punished. He received two D's. His father talked to him seriously and, as punishment, did not allow him to leave the house. Friends came and invited him to go to the cinema. The mother felt sorry for her son and began to persuade his father to let him go with his friends. There was a conflict between the parents.

What is the right thing to do to avoid conflict?

LAW: Parents must make uniform demands on their children.

SITUATION 2: Parents decided to go out of town and work in the country. Everyone found a job, except Petya. He was offered to weed the beds and bring water from the spring, but he refused all offers. He ran around the garden after butterflies, shouted, and interfered with his work. Why did this situation arise?

LAW: The foundations of hard work should be laid from childhood.

3 SITUATION: The girl really wanted to surprise her mother. She came home from school, washed the dishes, and prepared lunch. Mom came home from work. The girl rushed to her and kissed her. Mom was not in the mood and did not react to the kiss. Then the daughter invited her to the table for dinner. After dinner, mom said thank you and went to her room. What would you do in her place?

LAW: A child needs affection and praise.

4 SITUATION: Mom came home from work, her son met her at the entrance to help carry her bags to the fifth floor. At home he offers her slippers and sets the table. After dinner the boy sat down to do homework in Russian together with my mother, since I couldn’t cope on my own. Mom explained the task to him, checked the diary, praised him for the “A” and hugged him tenderly. What kind of relationships do you think have developed between the members of this family?

LAW: Respectful attitude of family members towards each other.

5 SITUATION: There are two children in a family: a brother and a sister. My brother goes to 4th grade, my sister goes to kindergarten. They pay more attention to my sister, since she is still small. They buy toys more often for her than for her brother, based on the fact that he is beyond this age. The boy is very offended, but his parents do not react to this. What should we not forget when raising children of different ages?

LAW: There must be a correct and equal distribution of material and moral resources for children in the family.

CONCLUSION: If these laws are replenished in the family, it means that the child will succeed as an individual.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution city ​​of Kogalym "Beryozka"

Outline of a round table for parents on the topic: “Family traditions in the modern world”

Prepared and conducted:

teacher of MADOOU "Beryozka"

Klimina A.A.



Family traditions in the modern world

Target: involving parents in establishing rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions in the family, that is, in the formation of family values.


  • reveal the meaning of the concept of “family traditions”;
  • determine the role of the family in the formation preschooler's values;
  • cultivate a desire to observe existing family traditions;
  • to create an increase in the status of the family in our society;
  • contribute to the establishment of friendly, good relationships in the family.


Part I introduction teacher:

Good afternoon, dear parents! Our meeting today is dedicated very current problem– the problem of family traditions in the modern world.

What is a modern family like? Do we think - modern parents– traditions are the most important means of education in the family?

Before we start our conversation, I offer you an interesting warm-up.

A game . From ancient times, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about family have come down to us. Now we will remember them, I start, and you finish. So, let's begin:

  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better);
  • He doesn’t paint the hut with corners, but (paints it with pies);
  • As it is at home, so it is (yourself);
  • Children are not a burden, but (a joy);
  • When the family is together and (the heart is in the right place);
  • Every mother has her own (the child is cute);
  • You will find everything in the world except (mother and father);
  • The mother feeds the children like (the land of people);
  • There is no kinder person (father and mother);
  • There is no dearer (father and mother);
  • Family is (seven I).

Many scientists today say that in modern family traditions have been practically lost, which negatively affects the education of the younger generation.

In preparation for this event, I had a conversation with the students on the topic: “Our family traditions.” It turned out that our children do not know that they have family traditions and each family has its own. We can conclude that parents at one time did not convey to their children the meaning of the words “FAMILY”, “FAMILY TRADITIONS”. But this is very important for a child! If a family has its own traditions, then the child will feel confident and protected in this life.

I invite you to think about what the word “tradition” means (parents’ statements). On the slide in front of you is the definition of this concept found in the dictionary. Read and analyze how much this definition coincides with your ideas about family traditions.

Definition from Dahl's dictionary: Tradition- forms of activity and behavior transmitted from generation to generation, as well as accompanying customs, rules, values, and ideas. Tradition is formed on the basis of such forms of activity that have repeatedly confirmed their significance and personal benefit. When change happens social situation In the development of a particular community, a tradition can be destroyed, transformed and replaced by a new one. Traditions serve as the most important factor in regulating people's life and form the basis of education.

And now I have a request for those who believe that preserving and passing on family traditions is necessary for raising the younger generation, raise your hand... And who thinks that today it is completely possible to do without this? Please try to argue your position.

Part II Teacher's speech:

What is it - “Family Traditions”?

These are, of course, holidays that families celebrate (birthdays, New Year, etc.). This could be a tradition of planting a tree or going out of town on New Year’s Eve to decorate a live Christmas tree. It is a tradition to visit museums, exhibitions, and theaters with your child. These are joint games, or congratulations to relatives. These are traditional walks, picnics in nature. This is the compilation of family albums, the pedigree of your family.

The game is being played "Sun rays".

Take each ray of sunshine that was prepared in advance for you and write with a marker any family tradition, and it doesn’t have to be your family tradition. Now, voicing the tradition that you wrote, we attach our rays to the sun.

Since there are families in the group that do not yet have family traditions, we will try to offer a variety of traditions.

Tradition 1. Family holidays

Do you think family holidays are necessary for children? (answers)

Of course, yes, a child simply needs a holiday for full development. For a child, a holiday is completely different from what it is for us adults. A holiday is an unforgettable event in a child's life. Every child counts the days from holiday to holiday, just like we do, our years from one event to another. “This childhood would be dull and gray if the holidays were thrown out of it” /K. Ushinsky/.

Do you organize children's parties in your family? How do you do it? (answers)

You need to remember, the holiday is not for an adult, but for a child. You can often observe the following picture: a child is bored at his birthday (everyone has forgotten about him) or, on the contrary, all the attention is on him and the child is a witness to adult conversations and a participant, then he gets used to being the center of attention, which develops immodesty and swagger in him.

Don't force your child to perform if he doesn't want to. He must express his desire to sing and recite a poem.

Do you think it is necessary to decorate an apartment for the holiday? What is it for? What does this give to the child? (parents' answers)

Is it important for everyone to participate, both children and adults?

Everyone loves to be given gifts, especially children.

Do you give your children gifts? Which? (parents' answers).

The gift should be a little extra, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the child’s memory, thinking, and attention. Develop physically: balls, jump ropes, hoops. To develop fine motor skills - pencils, plasticine. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the mood in which the child accepts the gift and how he thanks for it.

It’s good if you photograph your child with his family on his birthday. Also, think over an entertainment program, purchase various trinkets for games and attractions; the success of children's creativity depends on the imagination and imagination of adults.

Tradition 2. Pedigree

And now I offer a comic warm-up. Try to count how many people there are in the family.

"Listen, here's my family:

Grandpa, grandma and brother

We have order in the house, okay

And cleanliness, why?

We have two mothers in our house,

Two dads, two sons.

Sister, daughters-in-law, daughters

And the youngest is me.

What kind of family do we have?

(6 people, brother, sister, their parents, grandparents)

With the help of this riddle we touched upon interesting topic- family relationships.

Each of us is a successor of our kind. And the roots of each family, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. And that family is strong who remembers and protects their ancestors.

As an example, I offer a family pedigree, pay attention to the slide. Try to make your own pedigree, start with yourself (5 min task).

Who came up with your name? Where are your parents from? Grandfathers? grandmothers? Who came up with the name for your child?

It will be very cool if you start collecting a history of your kind. This will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants. This will be your family biography, which you can tell your children about simply and clearly.

Tradition 3. Family archives

It's not the past, it's always tomorrow.

A family must have its own archive: certificates, medals of fathers, grandfathers, family history and surnames.

Of course - a family album.

Tradition 4. Family album

This huge space of our life, on the one hand, is simple and understandable to a child, on the other hand, mysterious and amazing.

When was the last time you leafed through your family album?

Looking at photographs, designing album pages - this is exactly the kind of communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with his parents.

The image in the photograph is always associated with some story from the life of family members; this arouses the child’s keen interest and stimulates its memorization.

Tradition 5. Family outdoor recreation

How many of you have such a tradition - going out into nature (to the country) with your child?

Nature has a positive influence on the child. Develops the personality of a preschooler and provides the opportunity for good communication with the child. Walking in nature has a beneficial effect on human health, develops it, teaches it to take care of the surrounding nature, and gets acquainted with the life of plants, animals, birds, and insects.

Tradition 6. Family visits to theaters, museums, exhibitions

Now let’s find out which of you constantly goes to museums, theaters, and exhibitions with your children? (parents' answers)

Man at all times has a natural desire for beauty. As we know, every nation has its own culture, customs, and traditions. We adults must help introduce children to the large and complex world of beauty, nature, and art. Visiting museums should be a holiday not only for the child, but also for the whole family.

Tradition 7. Collecting

It’s very good when there is a tradition in the family. And if not, then we can offer collecting. Collect any collections together, especially after visiting the museum, a choice appears (pebbles, shells, driftwood, candy wrappers, beads, stamps). As a result of this, the child awakens the need for conscious activity, the ability to appreciate the beautiful and respect the work of people.

One of our most important tasks is to help a child successfully enter the modern world and take a worthy place there in the system of relationships with people around him.

Tradition 8. Playing together with a child

What games did you like as a child?

What games do you play with your child?

Do you know what type of activity is leading in preschool age?

We can say with confidence: “Childhood is a game, a game is childhood.”

Childhood is given in order to prepare the child for entering a rather complex social life, to be replenished with emotions and experiences. And the main task of preparing for this falls on you – the parents. Play is a child’s life and the choice of games should become traditional in every family. There are a lot of games and toys. You should carefully select them. You need to play various games: board, active, verbal, educational.

Games of this type are very good: lotto, dominoes, checkers, chess. We recommend that you definitely play games with natural and waste materials. For example: “Guess which tree the fruit comes from?”, “Who was who?”, “What can fly?”, “Find something similar to an orange.”

It is in your power to raise children to be literate, educated, well-mannered, loving and respectful of their parents, and aware of their ancestry.

Part III Summarizing:

To conclude our conversation, I suggest using the “Magic Piggy Bank” technique. Participants in the round table are invited to answer what they would like to put in their piggy bank and take with them into the future from the knowledge they have acquired.

Let's summarize this meeting. Family traditions, of course, occupy an important place in the development of a child’s personality, and we, parents and teachers, must pay due attention to this area of ​​our lives in order to raise a worthy citizen of our country. After all, it all starts with family.

Parents are given “Values” memos family education»

Raisa Marks
Family traditions. Round table for parents

Round table

« Family traditions as a way of harmonization

childish - parental family relationships"

“Happy is he who is happy

at home."

L. N. Tolstoy.

Hello, dear parents. I am glad to welcome you.

Today, during our meeting, we touch upon not a simple, but very significant topic. « Family traditions» .

And I would like to start our communication with a little warm-up. I name the word, and your task is to choose the nouns that you associate with this word. To warm up, I offer you the floor "FAMILY" (parents give their words-associations with this word)

What is family? The word is clear to everyone, like "bread" And "water". It is with each of us from the first moments of life. Family is home, dad and mom, close people. These are common concerns, joys and deeds. This is love and happiness.

What is most important in a family? (Answers parents)

It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Love? Understanding? Caring and participating? Or maybe dedication and hard work? Or compliance family traditions? What do you understand by the definition of a word? « family traditions» (slide 3?

Family traditions- These are the norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.

Traditions- these are firmly established forms of human behavior and their relationships inherited from previous generations. Family traditions and holidays give the baby a sense of stability in the world around him.

Adults and children have a strong need to feel they belong to a group. In childhood, such a group is the family. A traditions, rituals, holidays serve as a kind of "cement", bonding family members, they give a sense of unity and community (slide 4)

It is very important for a preschooler to understand how his family differs from others, and how he differs from other children. That's why family holidays are an opportunity to show the individuality of each household member and convey "spirit" specific family.

Previously, in Rus' there were many traditions passed down from generation to generation. Once traditions were an indispensable component of a close-knit family, reflecting the moral position of all its members. They were a kind of code, a set of rules family life . Now the majority family traditions lost and it’s unlikely that many of us can boast that some family tradition transmitted over 3-4 generations (slide 5)

Although some traditions we still comply since then: for example, almost all families celebrate the New Year and paint eggs for Easter and bake Easter cakes. Those who become very loved by everyone traditions, which are based on national, folk rituals. On Christmas Eve, put a candle on the window, cook and eat it juicy after the first star, on Christmas - decorate the tree with stars and angels and look for gifts from Santa Claus under it, write a letter to Santa Claus (slide 6, on Christmastide - sing carols. On Maslenitsa - bake pancakes so that what we have planned can be included tradition, without which your loved ones could no longer do without, regularity is needed (slide 7).

Formation traditions you need to start at the very beginning of creating a family, when children have not yet appeared or are still small. Traditions should be simple. Family is the closest people, and it is important to establish happy traditions, which will help the development of the child’s personality and will warm him with their warmth all his life.

Family is our fortress. Family members are connected by thousands of invisible threads. And this is not only love, support, mutual understanding. The daily life of loved ones is permeated with many intimate details, rituals, traditions, understandable only to them. Family traditions and customs are an integral attribute family happiness and prosperity. Introducing children from early childhood to family traditions instills in them the importance of family and family relationships. Family tradition is a factor, helping to maintain relationships, strengthening family relationships.

Drawing up a pedigree of your family. (Slide 8) Let's begin with family traditions Russia has never done without science genealogy: it was a shame not to know the pedigree, and the most offensive nickname was considered "Ivan, who does not remember kinship". Drawing up a detailed pedigree, your family tree, was an integral part of traditions of every family. By the way, honoring the memory of one’s relatives and remembering those who left this world are also among the original Russians. traditions, as well as ongoing care for the elderly parents.

There is also a wonderful custom of naming a child after one of the family members (there are so-called « family names» ). In addition, our unique tradition the assignment of a patronymic is considered. When a baby is born, he immediately receives part of the clan name "nickname" my father. The patronymic distinguishes a person from his namesake and sheds light on kinship (son-father) and expresses respect. Calling someone by their patronymic means being polite to them. Each of us is a successor of our own kind. The roots of each family, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. And that family is strong who remembers and protects their ancestors. It will be very good if in your family you begin to collect the history of your family. This will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants.

Old Russian tradition can be called the transfer and storage of things belonging to distant (and not really) ancestors, their descendants. For example, a great-grandmother’s box or a great-grandfather’s watch, grandfather’s field binoculars, grandmother’s homemade doll - family heirlooms, which are stored for many years and passed on to the younger generation. The history of things becomes not only the property of an individual family, but also the history of the people and the whole Motherland in general.

Simple family tradition- celebrate your birthday as the most best holiday per year. Let the baby realize his importance from childhood, and at the same time learn to receive guests. Let it go the best gift for him there will be this day itself, which will mean a cheerful noisy holiday with guests whom he himself will invite (slide 9).

Better yet, create a custom that will accompany every birthday of yours. baby: you can start an album, on each page of which you can trace a baby’s leg or arm, or you can create an annual collage of photographs; it’s good to photograph him alone on the child’s birthday.

On birthdays and holidays, it is customary to give gifts to children; they love and look forward to them. Gifts should be a little oversized, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the child’s thinking, attention, and memory. It's good to give children sports toys: balls, jumping ropes. For development fine motor skills- pencils, plasticine, legos. In this case, you should pay attention to how the child accepts the gift and how he thanks for it.

The main thing is that it brings joy to all family members.

Every family has its own established, familiar actions: the husband came home from work - kissed the children and wife, Saturday came - the whole family goes to lunch with their beloved grandmother, they give dad a gift for every birthday "models", because he collects them, every evening everyone gets together for dinner table and discussing events that happened to everyone during the day, etc. (slide 10).

It is important that family traditions established naturally and brought joy and a sense of security, and were maintained for years. Often, family traditions are installed spontaneously: for example, once the family went to the bathhouse - we liked it, we decided to go next Saturday. So gradually it grew into a habit and turned into family tradition.

Each family is individual. That's why traditions families are different.

If family customs bring joy and pleasure, it gives children a strong sense of family and strengthens their confidence in the future. Exactly at childhood that charge of optimism and inner warmth is acquired, which each of us then carries with us throughout our lives (slide 11).

Family an album is a huge meaningful space of life, on the one hand simple and understandable to a child, on the other - mysterious and amazing.

Selecting photographs and designing the pages of a photo album is exactly the communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with parents. A specific image in a photograph is associated with a particular story from the life of family members, which arouses the child’s keen interest and stimulates its memorization.

Tell us which of you in your family has tradition of going out of town, to the dacha with the child (slide 13?

It's no secret that nature has a huge impact on the development of a preschooler's personality, provides the opportunity for good communication with the child, and walks in nature have a beneficial effect on human health. How nice it is to get the whole family together on a hike, go on a picnic, or go to the country. wander around along forest paths or in a meadow, swim in the river, watch the life of insects, look at unfamiliar plants, collect natural material for crafts, it’s good to read poetic lines that suit the place, Children love to have a snack in a forest clearing. And adults must teach the child to behave correctly in nature: pick up trash after yourself, don’t make noise, don’t break bushes, etc. If such trips become tradition, then the child will wait and prepare for them, trying to spend time in nature more interesting and useful. Teach children to behave correctly in nature, to take care and protect our common home - the forest, which is the people's wealth.

Tradition In many families, it is a holiday trip with the whole family. It must be summer, summer vacation time (slide 14). This is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an opportunity to learn a lot of new things about the place where you are vacationing. If your family has the opportunity to go abroad together, then it’s definitely worth a try.

Tell me what games and how often do you play with your child (slide 15? We can confidently say: childhood ~ is a game, a game is childhood. Childhood is given so that we prepare the child to enter a rather complex social life, so that the child feels like a person among people, is filled with social emotions, experiences, ideas, so that spiritual life begins to move within him. And the game helps us with this. Play is a child's life, not preparation for life. The game must become traditional in every family. There are a lot of games and toys. You should carefully and thoughtfully approach their selection. You need to play different games: desktop, mobile, verbal, developmental. Good type games "Lotto", "Domino", "Chess". We advise you to definitely play games with natural and waste materials with your child and make various crafts. It is important that both parent took part in raising children, played with them (Lide 16).

Family reading is the most accessible and shortest way to become familiar with the life experience of our ancestors and wonderful remedy development mental abilities child (slide 17).

Home reading is one of the means of spiritual and moral education (slide 18). At the same time, it not only enriches children with knowledge about purity of relationships, obedience, conscience, good and evil, but also brings together all family members, relatives and friends of different generations and different life experiences, even if the day parents are scheduled by the minute, you need to find at least half an hour in the evening to sit by the child’s bed, talk to him, read a book (slide 19).

Family visits to theaters should become a tradition., museums, exhibitions. Who from parents constantly goes to museums and theaters with children (slide 20?

Man has always had a desire for beauty. Every nation has its own culture, its own customs, its own traditions. We, adults, must help introduce children to the large and complex world of beauty and nature. Visiting museums should be a holiday for the whole family.

Our task is to help the child successfully enter the modern world and take its rightful place in the system of relationships with other people. And here the emotional communication of the child with parents, joint games and various activities organized in the family, including collecting.

Collecting is one of the family traditions(slide 21). It's very good if there is one in the family tradition, if not, then you can offer to collect some collections at home, especially after visiting museums. As a result of this, the child awakens the need for creative activity, the ability to appreciate the beautiful and respect the work of other people. You can collect anything, the main thing is to rely on the interests of the child. A variety of collections will captivate and interest not only your child, but also other family members. You can collect cones, pebbles, shells, various beads, buttons, watches, candy wrappers, dolls, soldiers, etc. Visiting exhibitions and museums can give you an impetus in this type of activity. Then you can organize exhibitions of your collection yourself for friends and relatives. And it happens that parents They themselves have been collecting things for a long time and the child takes part in this as much as possible.

The happier we were traditions and more interesting knowledge of the world in parental family, those more joy the baby will have it in later life (slide 23). Joint trips to the theater and nature, family watching a new children's film, visiting grandma for her birthday, making gifts for her with my own hands, reading before bed, freshly baked pie on Sundays - all this creates a friendly atmosphere of comfort, stability and mutual support in the family.

At the core traditions always lies the value of family, which determines the meaning traditional behavior. If a child is raised in traditions humane attitude towards others, then he not only shows compassion, respect, goodwill in communicating with family members, but also feels the misfortune of other people, animals, literary heroes. It is in our hands, so that children grow up literate and educated, well-mannered, so that they love and respect parents, knew their ancestry.

If you decide to create a new tradition for your family, remember the main rules:

The custom should be bright, easy for the child to remember and positive; - the custom must always be observed, and not from time to time;

Create family tradition today - and who knows, maybe in a few decades your children will talk about fond memories

of your childhood, and tradition will be passed on from generation to generation.

Which family traditions exist in your families? (Experience exchange)


Thank you very much for your active participation in the work round table. We are ready to answer your questions.