Shaggy Dog (middle group). Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog" Game "Shaggy Dog"

Features of the game and its educational significance. This game is a story-based game: it creates an image that needs to be feared. The child’s task is to meet this danger and even touch it, but not to run away until a certain signal (the last word of the text). Thus, the game teaches children to manage their behavior, overcome fear and not give in to difficulties. Its figurative nature contributes to the development of imagination, and joint activities help to bring children closer together and unite.
Description of the game and methods of its implementation. The teacher draws a circle on the ground. This is the home of the shaggy dog. At a distance of 2-3 steps from him, he draws a line that the children must reach. From this line, at a distance of 15-20 steps, a second line is drawn, where the children will escape from the shaggy dog. This preparation attracts the attention of children. Taking advantage of this,
the adult sets them up for the game and explains its rules.
Initially, the teacher takes on the role of the shaggy dog. According to his instructions, all the children approach the line marking their home,
they join hands and line up. One of them (the smartest) is in the center. He will direct the children's movement and set its pace. To show how this should be done, the teacher first leads the line and says the following words, which the children repeat with him:
Here lies a shaggy dog,
With your nose buried in your paws.
Quietly, quietly he lies,
Either dozing or sleeping.
Let's go up to him, wake him up and see if something happens!?
Hand in hand, the children sneak up to the line. When the last words are spoken, they touch the dog, who, sitting with eyes closed, allows himself to be stroked and caressed. hSuddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, the dog opens his eyes and barks,
and the kids run away to their house (beyond the line).
The dog runs after the children, barks at them and returns to his house again. The game starts over. Each dog performs its role twice.
Rules of the game.
1. Do not touch the dog until the text ends.
2. The dog does not move and does not open his eyes until he is touched.
3. You can run to your house and escape from the dog only after he barks.
Tips for the teacher. Try to create an expressive image of a shaggy dog ​​with a good-natured character. And he gets angry because he is being disturbed from sleeping. The dog does not harm anyone and does not even catch children, but only drives them away with a loud bark. This role requires expressive movements: the dog walks around his house, climbs into it, makes himself comfortable (the actor squats down, hides his nose in his hands, closes his eyes).
When explaining this role, it should be emphasized that the dog does not move when children touch him, but they should not push or pull him, because he may become angry.
It is important that the dog barks unexpectedly for everyone. An adult can prompt this moment by touching the child with his hand or giving him a signal.
In this game the dog does not catch children. In order for the kids to have time to rest from running, the dog must move around in free space for some time, bark, etc., before taking its place again or before another role player is chosen.
To wake up the dog, children walk in an even line, coordinating their steps with the rhythm of the text. You need to keep an eye on this when repeating the game.
Usually children are most attracted to the role of a shaggy dog.
Everyone strives to get it and expresses their impatience.
To ensure that all participants in the game are satisfied, you can choose not only a dog, but also two puppies that will act together with him.

APPENDIX 6 GAMES (moving, didactic, role-playing, finger games)


Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest”

Tasks: Teach children to alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

Game description: The bear's den (at the end of the site) and the children's house at the other are identified. Children go for a walk in the forest and perform movements according to the verse, which they recite in chorus:

By the bear in the forest,

I take mushrooms and berries,

But the bear doesn't sleep

And he growls at us.

As soon as the children finished saying the poem, the bear gets up with a growl and catches the children, they run home.

Outdoor game “Crested Hen”

Tasks. Train children to quickly respond to a signal, run and dodge.

Equipment: chair.

Description of the game. The teacher plays the role of a chicken, the children act as chickens. One child (more active) is a cat. The cat sits on a chair to the side. The teacher walks with the children around the entire playground and says:

The crested hen came out,

There are yellow chickens with her,

The chicken clucks: “Ko-ko,

Don't go far."

Approaching the cat, the teacher says:

On a bench by the path

The cat has settled down and is dozing...

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens catch up.

The cat opens its eyes, meows and runs after the chickens; they run away to the opposite side of the room, where their home is marked with a line. The cat doesn't catch chickens. The teacher protects them, spreads his arms to the sides and says: “Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens.” Then a new cat is assigned and the game is repeated.

Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car”

Tasks: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

Game description: Children - “sparrows” sit on a bench - “nests”. The teacher depicts a “car”. After the teacher says: “Let’s fly, little sparrows, onto the path,” the children get up and run around the playground, waving their arms—“wings.” At the teacher’s signal: “The car is moving - fly, little sparrows, to your nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, the “sparrows” fly into the “nests” (sit on benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".

Outdoor game "Bubble"

Tasks. To strengthen in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it.

Description of the game. The children and the teacher join hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other, then say:

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up, big one,

Stay like this

Don't burst out.

At the same time, everyone gradually expands the circle and holds hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children release their hands and squat down, saying: “Clap.” After the words “the bubble burst,” you can invite the children, still holding hands, to move to the center of the circle, saying: “sh-sh-sh.” The kids inflate the bubble again, move back, forming a large circle.

The text must be pronounced slowly, clearly, involving children in repeating the words after the teacher. Instead of a quatrain, you can make sounds that imitate inflating a balloon: “pf-pf-pf.” When the balloon bursts, clap your hands and sit down.

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

Tasks. To develop in children the ability to run in loose areas without bumping into each other, and to quickly respond to a signal.

Equipment: chairs or gymnastic bench, umbrella.

Description of the game. At first, when you get acquainted with the game, a simplified version is given. Children sit on chairs or a gymnastic bench. At the teacher’s signal “sunny”, everyone goes for a walk, run, play, etc. At the signal “rain” they quickly return to their places.

You can use an umbrella in the game; the teacher opens it at the second signal - “rain”. Children run to the teacher to hide under an umbrella.

After repeated repetition, the game can be complicated: chairs are placed at some distance from the edge of the playground or the wall of the room, the children squat down at the back and look out the window (into the hole in the back), the teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." The kids run all over the playground. At the signal “it’s raining, hurry home,” they run to their seats and sit behind the chairs. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk!” The game repeats itself.

Outdoor game “Birds in Nests”

Tasks. Exercise children in running in different directions, in the ability to hear the teacher’s signal, and navigate in space.

Equipment: hoops

Description of the game. On one side of the playground or room, hoops are laid out freely according to the number of children. Each child stands in his own hoop - this is a nest, a bird lives in it. At a signal, the birds fly out of their nests and scatter throughout the area. The teacher feeds the birds, first at one end, then at the other: the children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips - they peck at the food. “The birds have flown to their nests!” - says the teacher, the children run to the hoops and stand in any free hoop. The game repeats itself.

When the game is mastered by the children, you can introduce new rules - lay out 3-4 large hoops - “several birds live in a nest.” At the signal “the birds have flown to their nests,” children run, 2-3 kids stand in each hoop. The teacher makes sure that they do not push each other, but help each other to get into the hoop, and use the entire area allocated for the game.

Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

Tasks. Teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

Equipment: chair.

Description of the game. The child pretends to be a dog, he sits on a chair at one end of the area and pretends to be sleeping. The rest of the children are at the other end of the room beyond the line - this is the house. They quietly approach the dog, and the teacher says:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And we'll see if something happens.

The dog wakes up, gets up and starts barking. The children run into the house and stand over the line. Then the role of the dog is assigned to another child. The game repeats itself.


“Whoever is named, catch it!”

Target: formation of attention, development of reaction speed.

Equipment: big ball.

Description: Each child, moving freely around the playground and hearing his name, must run up, catch the ball, throw it up, while calling the name of one of the players.

Instructions:“Now we will play the game “Whoever is named, catch it!” I have a big beautiful ball in my hands. As long as I hold it in my hands, I can run, jump, and walk around the playground. As soon as I throw the ball up and call the name of one of you, the one whose name I call must run up to the ball as quickly as possible, catch it and throw it up again, while calling the name of the other player. The game continues like this for a long time. Let's start playing."

"Edible - inedible"

Target: formation of attention, development of the ability to highlight the main, essential features of objects.

Equipment: list of item names.

Description. The child must respond and perform movements in accordance with the words of the adult.

Instructions:"Attention! Now we will find out who (what) can fly and who (what) cannot. I will ask, and you answer immediately. If I name something or someone capable of flying, for example a dragonfly, answer: “It flies” - and show how it does it - spread your arms to the sides, like wings. If I ask you: “Does the pig fly?”, be silent and do not raise your hands.”

Note. List: eagle, snake, sofa, butterfly, chafer, chair, ram, swallow, plane, tree, seagull, house, sparrow, ant, mosquito, boat, iron, fly, table, dog, helicopter,

The game can be played with one child or with a group of children.

"Choose by color"


1. Strengthen the ability to group homogeneous objects by color;

2. Reinforce the idea of ​​the four primary colors (red, yellow, blue, green);

3. Teach children to highlight colors, distracting from other characteristics of objects (shape, size).


Each child has a plastic cup of a certain color; cut out cardboard circles of four primary colors (red, yellow, blue, green).

Progress of the game.

Educator: Children, we will play the game “Match by color.”

You have multi-colored cups. Look what we have in our basket. What is this? (Shows a blue circle.) That's right, a circle. And what's that? (Shows red) That's right, also a circle. How are they different? (Keeps the circles nearby.) “If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps.

“Are they exactly the same? What’s the difference? That’s right, one of them is blue and the other is red, they differ in color.” The colors of the remaining circles are also determined.

“Now match the color of the circles to each glass, put the circle in a glass so that it hides in it. If the circle is a different color, it will be visible.” Places the red circle on the red and blue cups one by one, and asks the children which of them the circle is “hidden” on. He does the same with the blue circle.

Children complete the task, the teacher checks and evaluates the result of the work.

“Let’s dress the doll for a walk”

Target: Develop the skill of consistent actions of dressing for a walk.

Continue to teach children to remember and name items of winter (demi-season) clothing, to know their purpose.

Cultivate neatness and respect for clothing; desire to take care of the doll.

Material: a set of doll clothes; doll.

Progress of the game.

1. The teacher informs the children that the doll Katya has already had breakfast and wants to go for a walk. Leads the children to the conclusion: “We need to dress the doll for a walk.”

Educator. It's autumn now. It's cold outside. Doll Katya needs to be dressed warmly. What clothes should the doll wear? (Warm, autumn.)

2. Showing and examining clothes.

The teacher shows the children items of autumn clothing, names them, talks about the color, the material from which the clothes are made, pays attention to the details of the clothes (pockets, sleeves, collar, trim). Emphasizes that Autumn clothes warm because it is cold in autumn.

3. Cooperative activity: sequentially dressing the doll for a walk.

Educator. Kolya puts pants on the doll. What did Kolya put on Katya? Now you need to put on a warm jacket and fasten all the buttons. Where is the button on the jacket? And this is a loop. Masha, Zhenya, Alina, show me where the noose is? Here is a button on a jacket, and this is a loop. You need to fasten the button into a loop. Like this (shows and explains several times). What did Masha wear?

In conclusion, the teacher evaluates how the children dressed the doll.

"Let's give the doll some tea"

Target: introduce the child to the purpose of dishes, teach them to perform object-based play actions (arrange cups, saucers, arrange spoons).

Equipment: doll, children's furniture and dishes (cup, saucer, spoon, teapot).

Progress of the game.

The teacher tells the children: “A doll came to visit us, we need to sit her at the table and treat her to tea. Let's put out a cup and saucer. Now put the spoon to the cup. Let's pour tea into a cup. Give our guest some tea.” If children have difficulties, show them how to act. At the end of the game, the teacher summarizes: “We poured tea into a cup, the doll drank tea,” and says a nursery rhyme:

We'll put the kettle on the table,

Saucers, we will put a cup,

We will welcome the guest,

Treat the doll to tea!


1. "Shop"

Seller, buyer, cashier.

Tasks: Teach children to verbally indicate the theme of the game, their role, the role of other children, and the game actions performed. Develop the ability to use role speech, establish role relationships, and conduct role dialogue. Foster positive relationships between children.

Leadership Techniques: distribution of roles, communication.

2. "Hospital"

Doctor, patient.

Tasks: Learn to create a game environment using real objects and their substitutes. Develop the ability to enter into role-playing interactions with peers (build role-playing dialogue, the ability to negotiate with each other in the game). Foster friendly relationships between children.

Leadership Techniques: distribution of roles, communication.

3. "Barbershop"

Hairdresser, clients.

Tasks: Continue to teach how to reflect the various work activities of people in the game. Develop the ability to engage in role interaction - build role dialogue. To develop the ability to follow the rules of cultural behavior and communication in the game.

Leadership Techniques: activation of role dialogue, polite communication.


1. “We chop and chop cabbage”

We chop and chop cabbage.

We three, three carrots.

We salt the cabbage, salt it.

We mash the cabbage and mash it.

(Let's try cabbage. They over-salted! Ugh! We still need to chop).

2. "Fingers in the Forest"

3. "Little Man"

(The index and middle fingers “walk” along the table)

Little feet walk along the path

And big legs walk along the path.

Children, together with the teacher, make movements with their fingers - first small “steps”, and then large ones.

4. "Magpie - white-sided"

Magpie - white-sided,

She cooked porridge and fed the children.

She gave it to Tanya, she gave it to Sveta,

I gave it to Igor, I gave it to Dima,

But she didn’t give it to this.

He didn't chop wood

He didn't light the stove

One of the children portrays the dog, the rest walk around him and say:

Here lies a shaggy dog, he buried his nose in his paws. Quietly, quietly he lies, either dozing or sleeping. Let's go up to him, wake him up and see if something happens...

The dog wakes up and catches the running children.

3. Game "Multi-colored rug for a puppy."

Goal: teach children to distinguish colors.

Educator (spreads a multi-colored rug on the table). Who slept on this rug? (Puppy.) What a beautiful rug! Multicolored! Tell me which rug. (Beautiful, colorful.) What's on the rug? (Children show and call: “Flowers, leaves, butterflies.”) Show me the leaves. What leaves? (Show; “Green leaves.”) What's this? (Flowers.) Which flowers? (The flowers are red and yellow.) Who else is on the mat? (Butterflies.) What kind of butterflies? (White.) Olya, show me the yellow flower on the rug. (The girl shows.) Vanya, show me the red flower on the rug. (The boy shows.) Sasha, show me the sheet. What leaf? (The boy shows and names the color.)

Dasha, show me the butterfly. What butterfly? (The girl shows and names the color.)


Children play with toys (rooster, puppy, cat, mouse, dog) and imitate their voices.


Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational and research, musical and artistic, productive, perception of fiction.

Goals: introduce the work of G. Sapgir “Cat”, teach how to play with toys, using different forms and contents of address; learn to hold a pencil correctly, practice circular movements of the hands; use pencils of different colors; learn to recognize familiar melodies, understand the content of a song, sing along with musical phrases; consolidate knowledge about color, the ability to convey a certain shape in a drawing.

Planned results: participates in observing the kitten, expresses emotional responsiveness to G. Sapgir’s poem “Cat”, is active when performing the song “Kitty” (music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by N. Naydenova); masters the basic movements when performing the “Airplane” exercise, takes an active part in productive activities (drawing rings).

Materials and equipment: illustrations for the work, a cat toy, a sheet of paper, colored pencils, rings from a pyramid.

Organizing time.

Educator. Today he came to our class...

The muzzle is mustachioed, the fur coat is striped, it washes itself often, but it doesn’t know how to handle water.

Have you guessed who it is? (Shows the children a toy kitten.) Of course it's a kitten. He is still very small. Therefore, today we will teach him to talk like a cat. But first, listen to how the big cats talk.

Main part. Reading a poem.

The teacher reads G. Sapgir’s poem “Cat”.

Cat, what's your name?

Are you looking after the mouse here?

Meow, do you want some milk? - Meow.

How about a puppy as a friend? -Frr!

The teacher shows the children illustrations for the poem and asks them to tell what is drawn on them.

Educator. What is the cat's name? (Children's answers.) How does a cat answer questions? (Children's answers.) This is how cats talk, it turns out.

3. Performing a song.

The teacher sings the song “Kitty”, music. V. Vitlina, ate. N. Naydenova, inviting the children to sing along.

Educator. Where was the mother cat? (Children's answers.) Who was the cat calling? (Children's answers.) I have several cats. What cat was this song about?

The teacher displays toy cats different color(gray, black, red). If the children cannot complete the task, you can first ask them to name the color of each cat, and then sing the song again.

Physical education lesson “Airplane”

The teacher invites the children to imagine themselves as airplanes, reads a poem, shows movements, children repeat:

They flew, they flew, they twirled their arms forward. And then vice versa - the plane rushed back.

Children rotate with straight arms forward and backward.

4. Drawing rings.

Educator. Kittens love to play. They play with balls of yarn when grandma knits, with balls, even with a simple crumpled piece of paper, they will come up with a game for themselves. Today we will draw rings for our kitten. (Shows the ring from the pyramid and options for playing with it: rolls it along the floor, rotates it, etc.) This is how you can play with such a ring. I think the kitten will really like our gift. Now let’s look at the ring carefully and trace its outline with our finger. (Children complete the task.) What shape does the ring have? The ring is round. How are we going to draw it? Show. (Children draw a circle with their finger in the air, first with their right hand, and then with their left.) Our rings will be multi-colored, so each of you will choose the pencil whose color you like best. Tell me what color do you like? (Children's answers.) Now look what rings I will draw for the kitten. (Draws small and large rings on the easel, saying: “Here big ring. And this ring is small.") These are the rings I will give to the kitten so that he can play with them with pleasure. What kind of rings will you draw?

The teacher invites the children to choose the color of the pencil, then, during the drawing process, controls the working methods and helps children who have difficulty completing the task.

5. Reflection.

Children's drawings are displayed on a stand in front of the kitten.

Educator. Look, the kitten probably likes your drawings! Hear him purr: “Purr, purr!” So he likes our gifts.

Physical Culture January

Lesson 17

Tasks. Repeat walking while completing the task; practice maintaining balance on a limited area of ​​support; jumping on two legs, moving forward.

Part 1. Walking in a column one at a time. At the teacher’s signal: “Giants!” – children walk on their toes, arms straight up, switch to normal walking, then run in a column one at a time, turning in the other direction. Walking and running in alternation.

Part 2. General developmentexercises with handkerchiefs.

1. I. p. – legs at the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands near the chest. Straighten your arms forward - show the handkerchief, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

2. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in both hands below. Bend over and wave the handkerchief to the right - left, straighten up, return to the starting position (5 times).

3. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, handkerchief in both hands below. Sit down and bring the handkerchief forward. Rise, return to starting position (4-5 times).

4. I. p. – legs slightly apart, handkerchief in the right hand. Jumping on two legs, waving a handkerchief over your head (to the teacher's count or musical accompaniment), alternating with walking in place.

Main types of movements.

Balance "Walk - don't fall." Children walk in two columns on a board (15 cm wide) at a moderate pace, freely balancing with their hands (2-3 times). The teacher makes sure that the children keep their heads and backs straight and look forward, and provides insurance (Fig. 12).

Jumping "From hole to hole". Flat hoops (made of thick cardboard) are laid out parallel in two rows (5-6 pieces each, at a distance of 40 cm from each other) - these are “pits”.

Children line up in two columns and perform jumps on two legs from hole to hole (without stopping or with a short pause before the hole), landing on bent legs (2-3 times).

Outdoor game "Kite and chickens". On one side of the hall there is a cord - behind it are the “chickens” - this is their “house”. On a chair at the side of the house there is a “kite” - the driver, who is appointed by the teacher. Children-"chickens" run around the hall - the "yard", sit down - "collect grains", wave their "wings". At the teacher’s signal: “Kite, fly!” – “chickens” run away into the “house” (by the cord), and the “kite” tries to catch (touch) them. When the game is repeated, the role of the kite is played by another child (but not from among those caught).

Lesson 18

Tasks. Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions; jumping on two legs between objects; in rolling the ball, developing dexterity and eye.

Part 1. Game exercise "In the clearing". Children walk around the perimeter of the hall (for reference, you can place cubes or skittles in the corners) - along the “edge of the clearing.” At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to walk in all directions throughout the “clearing” and run in all directions, trying not to touch each other.

Part 2. General developmentexercises with a hoop.

1. I. p. - legs hip-width apart, hoop in bent arms near the chest. Raise the hoop up, arms straight. Lower the hoop and return to the starting position (5 times).

2. I. p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hoop in bent arms near the chest. Lean forward and touch the rim of the hoop to the floor. Straighten up and return to the starting position (4–5 times).

3. I. p. - feet at the width of the foot, hoop in both hands below. Sit down and bring the hoop forward. Stand up, straighten up, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

4. I.p. – standing in a hoop, legs slightly apart. Jumping on two legs in place with a short pause between series of jumps (2-3 times).

5. Walking in a column one at a time (hoop in the right hand).

Main types of movements.

Jumping "Bunnies - jumpers". The teacher places 4-5 cubes or medicine balls in two lines, at a distance of 50 cm from one another - “stumps”.

Children-"bunnies" perform jumps on two legs-"paws" between the "stumps", vigorously pushing off the floor with their feet and waving their arms. The teacher monitors the coordination of movements of the legs and arms (2-3 times). After performing the jumps, the children line up in a column one at a time, and, passing by the basket, each takes one ball (a large diameter ball). Formation in two columns, after demonstration and explanation, children perform an exercise - rolling a ball between objects. Having completed the task, straighten up, raise the ball above your head and return to your column.

Outdoor game "Bird and chicks".

3rd part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Lesson 20

Tasks. Repeat walking while completing tasks. Practice crawling under an arc without touching the floor with your hands; maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area.

Part 1."Frogs and Butterflies" Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s signal: “Frogs” - the children stop, squat, put their hands on their knees (you can say “kva-kva-kva”). Get up and continue normal walking. On the signal: "Butterflies!" – the children stop and wave their arms “like wings.” Run in a column, one in both directions.

Part 2. General developmentexercises.

1. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, arms in front of the chest bent at the elbows, fingers clenched into a fist. Circular movements hands in front of the chest, one hand rotates around the other (5 times).

2. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands. Rise up, put your hands behind your back. Return to starting position (4–5 times).

3. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, hands on the belt. Arms to the sides, lean forward, touch your toes with your hands. Straighten up, arms to the sides, return to the starting position (4 times).

4. I. p. - sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind. Bend your right (left) leg, lower it, return to the starting position (4 times).

5. I. p. – legs slightly apart, arms along the body at random. Jumping on two legs in place, alternating with a short pause. Performed at the expense of the teacher or hitting a tambourine, musical accompaniment.

Main types of movements.

Crawling under an arc without touching the floor with your hands (Fig. 14). Along the hall the teacher places two lines of 3-4 arcs. Gives a demonstration and explanation of the exercise: “You need to approach the arc, sit down, form into a ball “like a sparrow” and walk under the arc without touching the floor with your hands. Then approach the next arc and so on. The exercise is performed in two columns.

Balance "Along the Path". Two boards (20 cm wide) lie parallel to each other on the floor at a distance of 1–1.5 m. Children walk in two columns along the “path” boards, balancing freely with their hands. The teacher reminds them that they must keep their back and head straight (Fig. 15).

Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog".

One child portrays a dog. It is located in the center of the hall - lies on the floor (preferably on soft mat) and rests his head on his outstretched arms. The rest of the players are located throughout the hall and, at the teacher’s signal, quietly approach the “dog” as the following text is pronounced:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws.

Rice. 14

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Either he's dozing or he's sleeping

Let's go to him and wake him up.

And let's see if something happens

Children begin to wake up the “dog”, lean towards him, say his name (Sharik), clap their hands, and wave their arms. Suddenly the “dog” gets up and barks loudly. The children run away, the “dog” chases after them, trying to catch (tick) someone. When all the children run away and hide in their “house” (behind the line marked on the floor), the “dog” returns to its place. The game repeats itself.

3rd part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Material to repeat

1st week. Game exercises: crawling without touching the floor with your hands (height 40–50 cm) - “the mice crawled out of the hole”, “the puppies crawled under the fence”; walking on a plank (width 15–20 cm), along a snow bank; rolling balls to each other in a straight direction; jumping over a cord, from hoop to hoop. Outdoor games with running and jumping.

2nd week. Exercises: walking on a plank, jumping off a bench, jumping in place. With the ball - skating into the goal; in a straight direction, around objects (skittles, cubes, chairs). Outdoor games: “Mother Hen and Chicks”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Find Your House”.

3rd week. Game exercises: jumping moving forward; bench jumping; jumping around objects. Game exercises with a ball - rolling between objects, around objects. Outdoor games: “Find your color”, “Sparrows and the cat”, “Bubble”.

Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

"Music", "Health".


To develop children’s ability to act together at a certain pace (“Physical Education”, “Socialization”);

Stimulate the development of thinking, memory, hearing, vocal, and physical abilities(“Music”; “Cognition”, “Physical Education”)


Develop artistry, imagination, expressiveness of musical intonation (“Socialization”, “Music”, “Cognition”);

Cultivate interest and good attitude towards each other (“Socialization”);


The ability to distinguish between domestic and wild animals (“Cognition”, “Communication”);

Perform physical exercises, together with figurative representation and imagination (“Physical culture”, “Cognition”).

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"The outdoor game "Shaggy Dog""

Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

Integrated educational areas:

“Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Physical Education”,

"Music", "Health".


To develop children’s ability to act together at a certain pace (“Physical Education”, “Socialization”);

Stimulate the development of thinking, memory, hearing, vocal, and physical abilities (“Music”; “Cognition”, “Physical Education”)


Develop artistry, imagination, expressiveness of musical intonation (“Socialization”, “Music”, “Cognition”);

Cultivate interest and good attitude towards each other (“Socialization”);


The ability to distinguish between domestic and wild animals (“Cognition”, “Communication”);

Perform physical exercises, together with figurative representation and imagination (“Physical culture”, “Cognition”).

Goal: activation speech activity, development of memory and reaction speed, formation of the ability to imitate animals (dog).

Number of players: 8-12 people.

Instructions. A “dog” is chosen from among the players. He sits on the side. Other children slowly walk towards him, saying:

Here is a shaggy dog ​​sitting with his nose buried in his paws.

Quietly, peacefully he sits, either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go up to him, wake him up and take a look.

What will happen?

The children quietly come up and clap their hands. The dog jumps up, growls, barks and catches the children. The caught player becomes the leading "dog".

Guidelines. This game is very intense, so care must be taken to ensure that children do not become overexcited.