Anti-acne mask made of gelatin and charcoal. Activated carbon and gelatin mask, recipe for cleansing pores

You can make your facial skin beautiful and healthy only by cleansing it. A black mask is suitable for this, the recipe of which consists of three simple ingredients. Learn how to prepare and apply a facial cleanser.

Black mask: recipe

Dirt gets on your face, mixes with oil and clogs your pores. We wash ourselves only superficially, and impurities in the form of blackheads remain in the pores of the skin.

Deep cleaning is offered by beauty salons, but such services are not affordable for everyone or are not suitable due to lack of time. Homemade face masks come to the rescue. The procedure is convenient and affordable.

A mask made of gelatin and charcoal will get rid of blackheads in just a few uses. Researcher S.Yu. Filippova notes that recently interest in enterosorption has been increasing, as new classes of sorbents appear.

The black mask consists of inexpensive components:

  • Activated carbon;
  • gelatin;
  • water.

A black mask at home is used as follows:

  1. Before making a mask, steam your face over a decoction of herbs or a bath with essential oils.
  2. Grind one tablet in a mortar activated carbon into powder.
  3. Pour 20 g of warm (30 ° C) water, or preferably milk, into a bowl and dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin.
  4. Add activated carbon, stir thoroughly.
  5. Apply the mixture to your face with your fingers or a brush.
  6. Wait until the mask turns into a film (20–30 minutes).
  7. Carefully pry the film around the edges and remove.
  8. Wash your face with cool water.

A black face mask is used once a week for 2 months.

Gelatin and charcoal mask for blackheads: benefits

A mask made of activated carbon and gelatin penetrates deep into open pores and draws impurities out. Together with the film, blackheads are removed from the face, and pimples are also cleared.

Ash from wood or coconut shells after special treatment. Here's how charcoal works on your skin:

  • removes toxins;
  • cleanses from grease and dirt;
  • regulates metabolic processes in epidermal cells;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Another natural component of the mask is gelatin. This is a storehouse of “building material” for the skin - collagen. The action of gelatin is as follows:

  • deep cleaning;
  • removal of dead skin flakes;
  • the structure of new epidermal cells;
  • saturation with microelements.

A mask for blackheads prepared with milk makes the skin soft and smooth. This component will not allow the dermis to dry out.

Black mask with charcoal and gelatin is suitable for combination, oily and dry skin. Its main effect is cleansing. The mask effectively fights blackheads and prevents inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Mask for blackheads made of gelatin and charcoal with the addition of eggs, clay, honey

Cleansing can be combined with nutrition, moisturizing and smoothing the skin. To do this, feel free to add other useful components to coal and gelatin.

Here are a few effective recipes, which perfectly cleanse and nourish the skin:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in 20 g of warm milk, add 2 tsp. liquid honey. Apply for 30 minutes and remove the film.
  2. Mix a chicken egg with a tablespoon of gelatin. Apply to face, avoiding eye area. Remove the film after 20–30 minutes.
  3. Pour 2 tsp into crushed activated carbon (2 tablets). milk and 2 tsp. honey Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash with cold water.
  4. Grind one tablet of charcoal into powder, mix it with a tablespoon of any cosmetic clay. Dilute the powder mixture with boiled water to a thick consistency. Apply for half an hour and rinse with cool water.
  5. Mix ground charcoal (3 tablets), one egg and 5 drops of lemon juice. Apply for 20 minutes, wash with cold water.

Combination masks are suitable for all skin types. Use them 1-2 times a week in courses of 2 months. After cleansing masks, it is recommended to wash your face with cold water to close the pores.

As researchers from Gomel State Medical University note, enterosorbents have been used since ancient times. And Avicenna emphasized not only their medicinal use, but also for preventive purposes. Black mask with charcoal and gelatin - effective peeling at home. At the same time, the procedure saves money and is absolutely safe.

For many people with problematic or pores that become clogged from excess sebum production, cleansing procedures are necessary to maintain good appearance. At the same time, comedones, also known as comedones, appear not only in teenagers, but also at older ages, due to hormonal imbalances, poor diet or other reasons. One of the productive methods of combating this problem is a mask made of gelatin and activated carbon.


By the nature of its action, such a mask works like strips for reading pores on the nose and forehead - it adheres tightly to the skin, and during removal it pulls out impurities from the pores. A mask made of gelatin and charcoal gives the following positive results:

  • Deep cleansing of the skin;
  • – copes with small wrinkles;
  • Redness and inflammation are reduced;
  • The skin is refreshed;
  • result (the appearance of age spots is reduced).

Each of the components included in the mask has its own healing properties:

  • Gelatin
    It is a carrier of natural collagen, which is necessary for the skin to maintain youth and firmness. Therefore, a face mask with gelatin and charcoal will be useful for older women to tighten their facial contours. It also acts as a scrub - it gets rid of dead cells, leads to skin tones and saturates with amino acids (gelatin contains almost 85% protein), which are involved in the process of cell renewal.
  • Activated carbon
    Known for its ability to absorb bacteria and toxins, therefore, as part of the mask, it relieves inflammation and soothes the skin. In addition, it has a drying effect (its absorbent property allows you to draw out excess moisture) and removes impurities that accumulate in the pores, which leads to the appearance of blackheads. It is with the help of activated carbon that the fair sex will be able to eliminate the frequent companion of oily skin - shine.
  • Milk
    Softens the skin, as well as the actions of other components - it also has a nutritional effect. Helps whiten dark spots and contributes. Milk contains not only calcium, but also vitamin E, which responds to the process of regeneration of epidermal cells and maintaining skin elasticity. Thanks to this component of the mask, the skin becomes soft and “aristocratic” in color, because milk has a brightening effect.

Terms of use

Any cosmetic procedure requires strict adherence to the instructions for preparing the mask, as well as careful handling of the skin, because a film is created on the face, which can bring unusual sensations. The main contraindication is that a mask with black charcoal and gelatin cannot be used if you have rosacea (vessels located close to the surface), and also have severe skin rashes in the areas where you want to apply the mask.

To make the beauty procedure successful, follow several rules:

  • Cook only from fresh ingredients;
  • Before applying the mask, be sure to open the pores (steam your face);
  • The composition is applied from the bottom up, and then the film is removed in the same way;
  • Do not use facial expressions or speak during the procedure;
  • The best frequency for reusing the mask is once (or twice if the sebaceous glands are strong) per week;
  • A full session is designed for 6 procedures; a new one can be performed only after a month of rest.

Mask recipe and application technology

To prepare the mask you will need the following components:

  • Black activated carbon in tablets 1 piece;
  • Instant gelatin tablespoon;
  • Milk/water (same volume as gelatin).

This amount is enough for you to treat your face, but if you plan to do it on separate areas, for example, the nose, then you can take a teaspoon of substances and half a tablet of charcoal.

A face mask with gelatin and activated carbon is prepared as follows:

  • Grind the activated carbon into powder;
  • Mix it with gelatin and liquid;
  • Place the container in a water bath or microwave and heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved (may take about 15 seconds in the microwave and a little longer on the stove);
  • Let the liquid mask cool down;
  • Proceed with application using a stiff bristled brush;
  • Move quickly, covering one layer first, and then repeating the application a few more times to ensure the mask is strong;
  • The first layer needs to be carefully “hammered” into the skin, and then you can simply spread it;
  • Keep the mask on for about 15 minutes until it dries completely, and remove it by pulling the film up.

Since the mask has a tightening effect, use a moisturizer after finishing the procedure, or you can nourishing mask from fermented milk products. If you have sensitive skin, then instead of using a brush, you can apply the composition directly with your fingers.


It is extremely important that you check your skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little mixture to your wrist, where the skin is as delicate as on your face. If you hold and remove the film, and there is no redness or burning sensation, then this mask is suitable for you, and you can safely apply it to your face. Contraindications for using the mask:

  • Skin inflammation and ulcers;
  • Cuts, wounds on the surface;
  • Individual intolerance to one of the components;
  • You cannot make a mask after recent removal.

Since activated carbon is an absorbent, it draws out both harmful substances, and useful. Therefore, you can add a few drops of essential or medicinal oil (grape seeds, peach) to the mask.

The best part is that the mask against blackheads with gelatin and charcoal acts instantly - some comedones (and other skin rashes) will be removed immediately, and with regular use you can improve the overall condition of your facial skin: cleanse the pores and establish proper “breathing” of the skin, which tones and refreshes the face, returns radiance.

Black spots on the face in the T-zone bother many who have increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. IN adolescence It is almost impossible to avoid them, but not all adults have escaped this problem either.

A nose and chin covered with a black rash do not look very aesthetically pleasing, so fighting this type of acne becomes an important part of skin care for many. However, it often ends in defeat, since even expensive means are not effective enough. But an inexpensive and easy-to-prepare face mask made of gelatin and activated carbon, as numerous reviews indicate, actually helps to cleanse the pores of impurities, and quite deeply.

Despite the noticeable effectiveness of this inexpensive home remedy to cleanse pores, not all experimenters liked it. The reason is the traumatic nature of the procedure. In order to avoid negative consequences, you need to carefully study the recommendations on how to make a gelatin mask with activated carbon for the face correctly, and make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of this product.

Recipe for making a face mask with gelatin and charcoal

For preparing small quantities gelatin mask with activated carbon you will need:
just one tablet of activated carbon;
a couple of spoons of milk (about 10 ml);
a teaspoon of gelatin.

The cooking method is as follows:

  1. First of all, you should crush the coal. The finer the coal powder, the better.
  2. In the second stage, charcoal powder should be mixed with gelatin.
  3. The third step is mixing the resulting powder with milk (you should not heat it before doing this). You need to stir well, but not until the ingredients dissolve in the milk - this goal is still unattainable.
  4. The last stage is heating the mixture. To do this, you can put it in the microwave for 15 seconds (if it is not available, you will have to heat it on the stove; the fire, of course, should be kept minimal). Stir the future mask - it will be ready when the gelatin and charcoal are completely dissolved.
  5. All you have to do is wait until the mask cools down a little so as not to burn yourself when applied, and use it as directed according to the recommendations that you will find below.

The resulting amount of product will be more than enough to treat problem areas. If a mask with gelatin and charcoal for blackheads is applied to the entire face, the amount of components indicated in the recipe must be doubled.

How the mask works

As you can see from the recipe, the miraculous face mask for blackheads with gelatin and activated carbon contains only three main components: coal, milk, gelatin. They are all quite cheap and available. Why do they help get rid of blackheads better than many commercial film masks (for example, a black mask)?

  • Let's start with gelatin. This is a product of animal origin, the content of collagen in which is simply off scale. It is perfectly absorbed by epidermal cells, and for this reason the skin acquires elasticity and firmness. Gelatin masks have a rejuvenating effect, help normalize metabolic functions in the upper layers of the epidermis and lipid balance. The film that gelatin allows you to create helps to “pull out” any impurities softened by activated carbon from the pores.
  • Activated carbon, the second component of the mask, is an effective sorbent that “magnetizes” and “binds” any contaminants. Under its influence, comedones soften and are better “pulled” out when removing the film mask. In addition, activated carbon promotes subsequent narrowing of pores and has a drying effect, thereby reducing the risk of blackheads appearing on the face again.
  • The third component, which includes a face mask with gelatin and activated carbon, the recipe for which is given above, is milk. It has a whitening effect and softens the effect of other ingredients.

Together, this unusual trio copes well with comedones, removing not only small dots on the face, but also large, most noticeable and unaesthetic.

By the way, in the fight against this disease, a face mask made from protein against blackheads is no less effective. It dries, removes oily shine, makes the skin matte and attractive.

Rules of application

A charcoal-gelatin mask will help you get rid of blackheads on your face and not create new problems if you use it correctly.

  1. Having prepared the mask, start preparing your face: steam it by bending over the steam or making a warm compress.
  2. Check how the skin reacts to the mask in an inconspicuous area, for example, on the inside of the elbow.
  3. Using a brush, apply the mask to problem areas, as if driving it into the pores. This is necessary so that the coal penetrates them and softens their contents. At the same time, make sure that the product is applied only in one direction, namely from bottom to top. Avoid contact with areas with sensitive skin, such as around the eyes, or with hair (do not apply to the area above the upper lip).
  4. Wait a couple of minutes for the first layer to dry slightly. After the required time, apply the second layer with smooth movements, trying to make it as dense as possible. The thicker the mask, the easier it will be to remove.
  5. Wait 10-20 minutes. After the mask dries and begins to tighten your face, remove it in the same direction as you applied it.
  6. Apply a soothing cream to cleansed skin to relieve irritation. Aloe gel helps a lot.
  7. You should cleanse your skin of blackheads using a gelatin mask with charcoal once a week or even twice. After 4-6 sessions, a two-month break is required.


A mask made of gelatin and activated carbon cannot be called a gentle cleanser, so it cannot be used if there are pronounced spider veins (rosacea) on the face, severe inflammation, or very sensitive skin. You need to be prepared for the fact that the mask will be removed in much the same way as wax strips for depilation, pulling out not only impurities from the pores, but also hairs.

A large amount of facial hair is also a contraindication to using a mask. So, it should not be used by teenage boys to remove blackheads on the chin. Hair in this area will not stop growing, but it may become ingrown, which can lead to even greater problems.

Even in the absence of contraindications, the product should be used carefully, without violating the rules of use.

A gelatin mask with activated carbon for the face is an effective, but quite aggressive remedy for getting rid of blackheads. If you use it correctly, you can get rid of comedones for a long time.

Activated carbon is familiar to everyone. We are used to using this cheap remedy for symptoms of poisoning or simply for preventive cleansing of the body. But its ability to absorb toxins is also useful in cosmetology. Especially if you add a natural source of collagen - gelatin - to the natural adsorbent. Simple-looking components have a complex effect on the skin of the face, eliminating dead skin cells and cleansing pores. Moreover, a mask based on them is in no way inferior in effectiveness to expensive products.

Gelatin and activated carbon in cosmetology

Edible gelatin is a gelling protein of animal origin. In other words, it is a product of collagen processing from cartilage, bones and skin. It doesn’t sound so inspiring, but still the substance is useful in its own way and has found wide application as:

  • natural thickener;
  • homemade hair lamination product;
  • rejuvenating procedures.

Transparent gelatin is considered the best; in other cases, the value of the raw material can be judged by the saturation of the shade - the brighter it is, the lower the grade

In addition to collagen itself, the substance contains starch and ash that normalize sebum secretion, as well as several other useful components: amino acids, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus. Of course, they are not able to penetrate the skin when applied, but in general they have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Minor wrinkles and irregularities are smoothed out, the face looks rested. It is believed that regular use of gelatin masks at home helps improve elasticity.

Video: Everything will be fine - we clear the nose and chin of blackheads

But do not confuse food and technical gelatin. Only the latter is used in recipes. It is available in several forms: powder, grains, granules or plates. A high-quality product has no odor and a distinct yellow-orange tint.

Adsorbents absorb toxins due to their adhesion to the surface, in in this case- activated carbon

Mask with activated carbon and gelatin is intended for oily, problem or combination skin types

The healing properties of gelatin and activated carbon

Gelatin has a double action. Firstly, it cleanses the face at the level of the upper layer of the epidermis. Secondly, it has a weak lifting effect, albeit slightly, but increasing skin tone. Its properties also include:

  • elimination of oily shine;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • stimulation of regenerative and metabolic processes- due to collagen and light microtrauma;
  • restoration of cellular respiration;
  • improvement of complexion.

The ingredients in the recipe for a mask against blackheads complement each other.

The action of charcoal is aimed at enhancing the cleansing abilities of gelatin. By opening the pores, it makes cleansing better, completely removing blackheads. Adding this component to home care products:

  • inhibits the development of infections and bacteria;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • normalizes increased sebum secretion;
  • reduces pigmentation;
  • evens out the relief of the skin.

Steamed skin is a necessary attribute of successful use of a mask

Do not believe sources that say that activated carbon tightens pores. The main point of recipes with it is to fish out the accumulated dirt from them. This means that immediately after the procedure, the pores do not narrow, but remain open, enlarged and unprotected. To solve the problem, after the main procedure it is recommended to make a restorative, moisturizing and, of course, a truly “narrowing” mask.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of products with activated carbon and gelatin

Be that as it may, the gelatin face mask for blackheads has a little more disadvantages, but most of them are related to aspects of use at home. The procedure itself takes no more than 10–30 minutes, but receiving good result impossible without steaming. And this is about another half hour of personal time. On top of that, immediately after removing the mask there is a need to apply additional products, otherwise the pores will soon become clogged again. Thus, a 10-minute procedure can take 2 or even 3 hours.

Gelatin face mask for blackheads with activated carbon

A basic course of facial cleansing with charcoal and gelatin lasts about 1–3 months, after which it is recommended to take a break of at least 14–20 days

The success of using the product depends on 2 things - the correct implementation of the procedure and the correctly prepared recipe. To avoid disappointment with the result, do not rush to immediately pour water into the dry ingredients. For the effective impact of the film mask, you will need to go through several stages:

  • Makeup removal - thorough cleansing of the face from decorative cosmetics and dirt. In addition to cleansers, it is recommended to use a soft scrub, peeling or gommage.
  • Steaming - this point is especially relevant for those who do not naturally have enlarged pores. As a rule, steam baths with various herbs are used for these purposes. But a commercial warming mask, a warm compress or taking a hot bath (shower) will do. If you go “according to the classics,” then decoctions of string, chamomile, thyme or lavender are best suited for steaming the face.
  • A film mask is the main step of applying the mixture. It is better not to prepare it in advance, as it will almost certainly harden ahead of time. But pouring water is allowed, but do not forget about the absorbency of gelatin. “Loss” of moisture does not mean that there is not enough liquid. If the mass thickens, place it in a water bath (0.5–2 minutes) or in the microwave (10–15 seconds). The final consistency will not be affected by this, and periodic stirring as the gelatin dissolves will help avoid lumps.

  • Narrowing of pores - as a final procedure, not a cream is additionally applied to the face, but a restoring and narrowing mask. Many people neglect this point, but it is necessary, because the gelatin film only removes dirt, but does not close the “door”. Regularly skipping the last stage will inevitably lead to an increase in acne and skin problems.

Video: DIY - film mask with activated carbon

Regardless of the recipe, it is recommended to apply the mask to slightly moisturized facial skin using upward movements. It is better to do this with a hard brush, gently pushing the mixture into the skin. But be careful, the gelatin mass hardens quite quickly and becomes sticky - if you act slowly, you can easily smear the perfectly applied area. Another point is that the layer must be made uniform and thin, only then will it dry in 10–20 minutes. Otherwise, gelatin may remain soft after an hour of waiting, and in general it will not be so willing to “pull out” blackheads.

It is permissible to “treat” the entire face with such a mask no more than once a month, problem areas - from 1 to 2 times a week

After the film has hardened and constrained facial expressions, it can be removed, moving from bottom to top. Carefully pry up the edge of the mask, trying to remove everything in one layer. Under no circumstances try to tug, sharply tear off or stretch the skin once again - this is unpleasant and painful.

Remains of gelatin that could not be removed are washed off with warm water. If there is dried mixture left on your working tools, pour boiling water over them for 1–2 minutes, after which they can be easily washed off.

Basic recipe for a face mask made of gelatin and activated carbon: preparation method

To prepare a traditional mask against blackheads you will need:

  • 1 tsp. gelatin;
  • 1 tablet of activated carbon;
  • 1 tsp. boiled water.

The final concentration of ingredients may vary slightly as in some cases the mixture is too thick or thin to apply. This can only be corrected by experienced selection of the optimal ratio of gelatin and water. Keep in mind that the mask should be easily distributed over the skin, without dripping or spreading across the face.

The recipe, despite its simplicity, is suitable for removing a large number of blackheads, but is not so effective for acne

You need to apply the mask while it is still hot, but no longer scalding. The recipe is suitable for preventive care oily skin, but it is advisable to treat only problem areas, avoiding sensitive areas around the lips and eyes. To obtain visible results, 1–2 applications per week for 20–40 days are sufficient.

Concentrated anti-acne mask

To obtain an intense anti-acne effect, it is necessary to increase the amount active ingredients. For this recipe you will need the same “basic” ingredients, but in different proportions:

  • 2 tsp. water;
  • 2–5 tablets of activated carbon;
  • 1 tsp. gelatin.

Otherwise, the principle is similar: grind the tablets into a fine powder, mix with gelatin, add water and heat until dissolved. Also use on areas of enlarged pores. This mask is not suitable for sensitive and dry skin types, but at the same time it can become an emergency remedy for a problem face. In addition to removing dirt, it perfectly removes oily shine and dries. In addition, a large amount of charcoal will help make freckles and other age spots less expressive.

After cleansing the pores, the face looks brighter and younger

For prevention, regular use 1-2 times a week is enough, with an intensive course - about 3-4 every 10 days, but not longer than a month. The visible effect appears after a single application and lasts up to 2 weeks. The same cannot be said about lightening, which can only be noticed after 2-3 months.

Soothing mask against blackheads with brightening effect

You can add any fermented milk products to a charcoal mask.

If you want to make the mixture more gentle on the skin, then it is enough to replace 1 ingredient. This time you will need:

  • 2 tsp. milk;
  • 1 tsp. gelatin;
  • 1 tablet of crushed coal.

This mask can be used from time to time even for dry and sensitive skin. The point is that due to the milk, the gelatin hardens less “severely,” allowing the mixture to be removed with minimal discomfort. But it is not at all necessary to dilute this product; water can be replaced with cream, kefir or whey with the same success.

Table: list of sour and dairy products added to the mask

The mask is intended for application to the T-zone. Try to distribute it evenly in 1 layer, otherwise the mixture will remain jelly-like and will not be able to draw out dirt. The frequency of use is the same as the basic recipe. This option is also suitable for those who are concerned about pigmentation on the forehead and nose - milk, like activated charcoal, promotes gentle lightening.

Whitening option for oily skin

Peroxide brightens the skin well, but at the same time dries out the skin greatly.

If the brightening, rather than cleansing, abilities of the mask are more important to you, then you can focus on them. Simply replace 1/2 of the water (or all) with a low-percentage hydrogen peroxide solution. Recipe:

  • 2–3 tablets of activated carbon;
  • 1 tsp. gelatin;
  • 2 tsp. liquids - water and 3–4% hydrogen peroxide (in a ratio of 1:1 or 0:2).

The consistency of the mask turns out to be porous, but it still copes with its task. The antiseptic not only removes age spots, but also disinfects the skin, promoting the healing of minor inflammations. To obtain a pronounced result, it is recommended to resort to home facial cleansing about 1-3 times a week for at least 2 months.

Charcoal mask for young skin

The mask has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, eliminating porosity and preventing the formation of acne.

Most often, problems with blackheads and rashes appear during adolescence. Especially for such cases, a composition with the addition of freshly squeezed juices is suitable:

  • 1 tsp. gelatin;
  • 2 tablets (capsules) of coal;
  • 3 tsp. apple juice.

A packaged product is not an option because it contains sugar and other additives. Moreover, homemade juice can be prepared without the help of a special apparatus. Simply grate a juicy apple and squeeze the puree through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. After 3 months of constant use - 1 to 3 times a week - the skin condition will noticeably improve.

Recipe with cosmetic clay

You can give the mask versatility and focus on a specific problem by enriching the basic recipe with useful components, be it replacing water with kefir or adding a new ingredient - a drop essential oil, banana pulp, etc.

The difference between the mask is that it needs to be kept on the face for no more than 10–15 minutes and removed without waiting for it to dry completely. Due to its specific composition, it most likely will not be able to transform into the same film that pulls out blackheads. To prepare you need:

  1. As always, mix the dry ingredients first. To do this, take 1 tsp. clay (preferably white, green or black) and add a pre-crushed tablet of activated carbon to it. Add 1 tsp here. gelatin powder.
  2. Dilute 1 tbsp into the mixture. l. milk. Try to keep the consistency close to homogeneous. If it seems that there is not enough liquid, then you can add, but in the end there should be no more than 2 tbsp. l., otherwise the mixture will be liquid.
  3. To melt the gelatin, place the container with the future mask in a water bath or microwave. Apply with a brush to damp skin.

Of course, such a recipe will not get rid of acne problems, but it will give your face softness and velvety. The result appears instantly, and with regular use 1-2 times a week, the mask smoothes out facial wrinkles, evens out the tone and surface of the epidermis.


The ingredients are much cheaper than professional pore cleansing products, be they special strips or industrial film masks. A blister with 10 tablets of activated carbon can be found in a pharmacy for 4–20 rubles, and a package of 50 tablets costs from 20 to 50 rubles. Edible gelatin is not much more expensive; on average, the cost of a 50 g package ranges from 20 to 80 rubles.

Activated carbon has 2 release forms: tablets and gelatin capsules with powder

Contraindications and side effects

The mask is not suitable for everyone. Those with thin, dry, sensitive or irritation-prone skin should be careful when using this product. The fact is that activated carbon dries out the epidermis. And in general, the process of removing dried gelatinous mass from the face is unlikely to seem a pleasant procedure to anyone. So much so that some people can’t stand it and wash off the remaining gelatin. For the same reason, it should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • peeling of the face;
  • dermatological problems;
  • moles, papillomas or other neoplasms;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • a large number of inflammations on the face, acne stages II–IV;
  • open injuries, scratches and postoperative sutures (fresh scars).

It is worth remembering that the main purpose of mask recipes with charcoal and gelatin is to eliminate blackheads. Yes, the product can smooth out fine wrinkles and even out the tone a little. But this is not a panacea. Therefore, it is useless to wait for a “miraculous deliverance” from all troubles.

Allergies can be recognized by persistent redness, which is accompanied by itching, swelling, red “spots” or a rash.

To avoid allergy-related problems, before first use, you should test the product on a sensitive area: behind the ear, on the inside of the elbow or wrist. Apply a small amount of the mixture in a thick layer, wait for partial drying - from 15 to 40 minutes - and remove from the skin. If there is no severe redness, rashes or itching, then the composition can be considered safe. As for others side effects, then there are few of them:

  • Immediately after the procedure, redness may be observed. Often it is insignificant and appears only in those places where the gelatin was torn off with a fight. But it also happens that the entire treated area turns into a “tomato.” This is a normal phenomenon that disappears on its own after 10–30 minutes. And if not, then the change in skin tone is a consequence of an allergic reaction.
  • The mask removes not only blackheads, but also a good portion of vellus hairs. It is useless to somehow fight this - the jelly-like consistency does not affect the fluff, but also practically does not clean the pores. This “part”, perhaps, can only be reconciled. Well, apply the mixture not to the entire face, but to problem areas: forehead, nose and chin.

At all times, women wanted to be beautiful and resorted to all sorts of beauty secrets. In 2016, the Internet literally exploded - a black mask to eliminate blackheads and pimples. Social media stars were full of photographs with a mask on their face. Yes, the mask is good, but it’s not cheap and then grandma’s recipes come to the rescue. And if there is no difference, why pay more?

And in this article we will tell you how to make a mask against blackheads at home from gelatin and charcoal.

Why is it worth making a mask for blackheads from gelatin and activated carbon?

There are many benefits to using an activated carbon mask. All ingredients are available and found in almost every home. Preparation takes little time and does not require special effort. Each ingredient has its own beneficial features, and together they give an incredible result.

Gelatin is a natural collagen, with its help the skin tightens, becomes elastic and even prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Coal acts as an absorbent agent here. It draws out impurities even from deep pores, thereby deeply cleansing the skin.

Milk helps get rid of pigmentation by moisturizing and gently cleansing the skin.

The mask is suitable for any skin type: it will not only cleanse the pores, but also even out the complexion. In addition, a face mask for blackheads with gelatin and activated carbon has a rejuvenating effect due to the properties of gelatin.

Activated carbon and gelatin mask to cleanse pores: a homemade recipe

  1. Activated carbon - 1 tablet.
  2. Edible gelatin - 1 tsp.
  3. Milk (or water) - 2 tsp.

Activated carbon and gelatin mask to cleanse pores: preparation secrets

  1. Crush the charcoal tablet into powder and add gelatin to it. Stir.
  2. Add milk or water room temperature and stir. The black mask has approximately the following consistency:

  1. Microwave for 15-20 seconds. As you can see, the consistency has changed.

  1. Apply the mask carefully (it will be hot) to problem areas, avoiding the area around the eyes. The mask instantly lies on the face and does not spread.
  1. After a while, you will feel the skin tightening - this is normal. As you can see, the mask becomes a film. After 20 minutes, carefully remove it from top to bottom.

Activated carbon and gelatin film mask: useful tips for use

  • - after using the black mask, be sure to soften the skin with a moisturizer - a regular baby cream will do.
  • - for achievement best result The skin must be steamed before applying the mask, but be sure to remove excess moisture, otherwise the mask with charcoal, gelatin and milk will not fit well.
  • — while the mask is on your face, try to avoid unnecessary facial expressions, because the film mask lies tightly on the skin and tightens it.
  • — it is better not to use the mask if your skin is very sensitive, as well as with rosacea and inflamed acne.
  • - use the mask no more than once a week, otherwise you will harm your skin.