Material for parents in the winter parent corner. Decorating a corner for parents “Winter”


    generalizing concept of “winter”;

    signs of winter;

    winter months;

    what animals do in winter.

Expanding children's vocabulary:

NOUNS : snow, ice, cold, fun, frost, blizzard, snowfall, snowdrift, wind, snowflake, piece of ice, fur coat, coat, mittens, boots, felt boots, hat, blizzard, pattern, hoarfrost, drifting snow, December, January, February.

ADJECTIVES: icy, white, light, fluffy, cold, winter, frosty, sparkling, hard, transparent, crackling, harsh.

VERBS: go, fall, fly, cover, melt, freeze, fall out, bind, twist, spin, freeze.


Winter - winter
Snow - snowball
Sleigh - sleigh
Snowman - snowman, etc.

Snow – snowball – snowy – snowman – snowflake – snowy, snowfall….
Winter - winter - wintering - wintering...
Ice - ice - ice - ice...

SELECT SIGNS: Snow is white, fluffy, soft, airy...
Winter is cold, snowy, frosty...
Snowflakes are beautiful, fluffy, light...

SELECT ACTIONS: The snow is spinning, flying...
Winter came.
The river is frozen.
The ice was frozen.

Snow slide - snow slide
Suit for winter – winter suit
Ice figure - ice figure, etc.


Behind winter has come.
The children came out
on street.
U snowman's nose is a carrot.

V M E S T E S R E B E N K O M:

    While walking, pay attention to the trees in winter, what are they like? in the snow, what is it like? what birds you will see, how people dress at this time of year, what you can do with snow in winter, etc.;


Guess who, the gray-haired mistress:

The feather dusters will shake - there will be fluff over the world?

Chernikova Nina Gennadievna,
teacher speech therapist

Find out if your child knows what time of year it is. Ask your child questions about winter and explain that you need to answer them in complete sentences. For example:

What time of year is it now?
- It's winter now.
- Why do you think so? Try to list all the signs of winter.
- It’s frosty outside, the ground is covered with snow, snow lies on tree branches and on the roofs of houses, ponds are under ice. People put on warm clothes winter clothes. Children ski, sled and skate, make snowmen and play snowballs. The bullfinches have arrived.

2. Find out if the child knows the names winter months. The following quatrain will help you remember them.

December January February
They pass in succession
With frost, with snow,
Happy Christmas star.

3. Invite your child to do the “Before - Between - After” exercise.

What month is before January?
What month is after January?
What month is between February and December?

4. Clarify with the child the meaning of the words “ice”, snowfall”, “driving snow”, “blizzard”, blizzard”.

5. Help your child choose as many adjectives as possible for each noun.

Winter (what?) is cold, frosty, snowy, long, protracted...
Snow (what?) – white, soft, clean, light, fluffy, cold.
Snowflakes (what?) – white, light, patterned, beautiful, cold, fragile.
Icicle (what?) – hard, smooth, cold, sharp, shiny.
Ice (what kind?) – smooth, shiny, cold, hard.
Weather (what?) ...

6. Help your child choose verbs for nouns.

Snowflakes in winter (what do they do?) ...
Ice in the sun (what does it do?) ...
Frost (what is it doing?) ...
Blizzard (what is it doing?) ...

7. Invite your child to play the game “Name it kindly.”

Snow - snowball.
Ice - ...
Winter - …
Freezing - …
Blizzard - …
Sun - …

8. Game “Which one is made from what?” will help train your child in the formation of quality adjectives.

A slide of snow (what kind?) - snowy.
Ice path (what?) - ...
Weather with frost (what?) - ...

9. Practice your child in selecting antonyms by inviting him to play the game “Say it the other way around.”

In summer the days are hot and in winter the days are cold.
In summer the sky is bright, and in winter...
In summer the days are long, and in winter...
In summer the sun shines brightly, and in winter...
In spring, the ice on the river is thin, and in winter -...
The snow is soft and the ice... -...
Some icicles are long, while others are...

10. Ask your child to retell the story " Winter».

The sun is shining, but it does not warm. Snowing. Blizzards are blowing. The night became long and the day short. The trees are bare, only pine and spruce remain green. The rivers were covered with ice. People put on fur coats, fur hats, warm boots, mittens. A cold and harsh winter has arrived.

11. Play the game “Fourth Odd” with your child to develop logical thinking.

Skates, jump rope, skis, sleds.
Crow, dove, sparrow, swallow.
Fox, wolf, bear, giraffe.

12. Development of fine motor skills.

Exercises for fingers. (Development of coordination of speech with movement, development of imagination)

One two three four,
(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)
You and I made a snowball,
(“they sculpt” by changing the position of the palms)
Round, strong, very smooth
(show a circle, squeezing your palms together, stroke the other with one palm)
And not at all sweet
(wagging finger)
Once - we'll throw it up
Two - we'll catch you
Three - let's drop
And... we'll break it
(Perform actions corresponding to the words)

Information for the parent stand "Winter"

Children should know:
- names of winter months;
- main signs of winter;
- about seasonal changes in nature associated with winter;
- about the life of animals in winter;
- What last month year – December;
- that in winter there are many holidays, including New Year.

Expanding children's vocabulary.

Winter, December, January, February, snow, frost, ice, hoarfrost, sky, moon, day, night, patterns, ice, fringe, stars, snowflakes, snowman, skis, sleds, skates, snowballs, birds, animals, winter hut, feeder, clothes, snowfall, drifts, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, cold, rivers, lakes, flakes, fun, cold...
Frosty, cold, harsh, fierce, blizzard, icy, light, fluffy, shiny, sparkling, loose, slippery, cheerful...
Sweeps, blows, howls, falls, flies, spins, freezes, howls, freezes, falls asleep, prowls, sculpts, rolls, cleans, rake, slides, creaks, sparkles...
Speech games.
"Call me kindly"
Snow - snowball; Frost, wind, ice, winter, blizzard, sled, cold, tree, star...
"One is many"
Snowflake - a lot of snowflakes; Ice, star, day, night, snowman, storm, blizzard, frost, cold...
"Choose a word"
Snow - snowball, snowballs, snowflake, snowy, snowy, snowfall, Snow Maiden, bullfinch... Winter, frost, ice...
“Making a sentence using supporting words”
Snowflakes, falling, light, quiet.
Frost, draw, glass, patterns.
Snow, earth, carpet, cover...

“What happens?”
Snow is white, soft, fluffy, light, shiny, sticky, cold, silver...
Winter is cold, angry, harsh, frosty, long-awaited, blizzard...

"Finish the sentence"
In winter, rivers and lakes are covered with smooth, transparent, shiny...(ice).
The earth is covered with white, fluffy...(snow).
The children made a big...(snowman).
In winter, children love to ride... (sleigh, ski, skate)...
“What are they doing?”
Snowflakes - flying, circling, falling...
“In what ways are they similar and in what ways are they different?”
ice and snow; ice and glass; ice and mirror; snow and cotton wool.
“Tell me about winter as planned”

Reading at home:
K.D. Ushinsky “The pranks of the old woman-winter”
H.-H. Andersen “The Snow Queen”
V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”
Russians folk tales“Snow Maiden”, “Morozko”, “Rukavichka”
Breathing exercises.

"Let's warm our fingers"
Children inhale, pause, then, as they exhale, “warm their fingers,” blow on them, pronouncing [w] [f] [x] for a long time.
The child holds a snowflake on a string in his hand, takes a calm breath through his nose, exhales smoothly, while the snowflake sways. Don't puff out your cheeks.

city ​​of Kropotkin.

Description of material: I bring to your attention a consultation for parents, which can be used by educators of all age groups kindergarten. And also help parents maintain and strengthen physical and mental health child.

Target: expanding the pedagogical horizons of parents.

Tasks: introduce parents to children's activities in winter period on a walk.
To increase the competence of parents in developing safe behavior skills in children when walking in the winter; to form the willingness of parents to cooperate in the development of safe behavior skills in children; help parents maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child.

Progress of the consultation:

Our windows are brushed white
Santa Claus painted.
He dressed the pole with snow,
The garden was covered in snow.

Shouldn't we get used to the snow?
Should we hide our nose in a fur coat?
As soon as we come out, we shout:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Let's ride and have fun!
Light sleds - take off!
Who will fly like a bird
Who will curl up right in the snow.

The snow is fluffy, softer than cotton wool,
Let's shake ourselves off and run.
We are funny guys
We don’t shiver from the cold.
L. Voronkova
Hello, dear parents. Today we have gathered with you to talk about walking in winter.
Interacting with your child on a walk can be a very important and productive component of his development. But for many parents, walks are simply “walking” the child, when he is given the opportunity to breathe fresh air, move around, and meet with peers. Despite the fact that it is frosty outside, you should not sit at home in front of the TV or computer. It is better to spend the already short winter days outside. So, it is useful to take a walk with your child in a snow-covered park or square, where it is especially beautiful at this time of year, to breathe fresh air, feed the birds, and build a snowman. If calm walks do not really attract the child, then sleds, skates and skis will come to the rescue. What is needed in order to winter walk was it a success? Good mood, a little imagination and... matching outfit!
So about clothes:
Some parents walk very little with their children in winter, or don’t walk at all, citing the cold weather, and if they do walk, they believe that the child should be dressed warmly, this is a misconception. Children who are wrapped up get sick more often, movements themselves warm the body, and help in overheating is unnecessary, since heat exchange in the body is disrupted, as a result, such children get sick more often; a slight draft is enough for them to catch a cold.
Clothes for walking are expected to be comfortable and practical. The baby must be “packed” so that he can move actively and not freeze. There is one simple rule: count how many layers of clothing you have on, and put the same amount on your child. If he will be running outside, remove one layer, but if he sits in the stroller for most of the walk, add one layer. To keep warm, clothes should not fit tightly to the body.
The most reliable remedy against cold is air; in order to better protect a child from low temperatures, it is necessary to create an air layer around the body, clothing should be warm and loose enough. First, you need to put a T-shirt or cotton T-shirt on the child’s body, which absorbs sweat well, then a pullover or woolen sweater, loose but tight around the neck and wrists.
You should wear woolen socks on your feet and warm boots or boots with natural fur, but not tight, but such that thumb the legs could easily move inside. Fearing that the child's ears will freeze, parents wrap his head in numerous scarves and hats, thereby causing harm; it is enough to cover the child's neck and back of the head more tightly - this is where the greatest loss of heat occurs. Oh, and please don't forget to bring a spare pair of mittens.
Many parents believe that a child with a cold should not go out. If your baby's temperature is not elevated, walks are a must!
Keeping a sick child in an apartment for weeks is not the best solution and is a misconception for parents. In the fresh air, the runny nose seems to subside, the nose clears, and begins to breathe. It’s okay if it’s frosty, make sure that the child does not breathe through his mouth, that he is not blown by the wind, that he does not sweat. You don’t need to let him move a lot, go downhill, just walk “by the hand” at a calm pace, feed the birds, watch the snow, etc.
What can you do while walking in winter?(Parents' answers)
I suggest playing the following games
One of the most favorite activities of children in winter is to sculpt from snow. This process will be more interesting and fun if you take some objects from home (carrots, buttons, scarf or broken Sunglasses) Imagine how funny the snowman will be? So that he doesn't get bored, make him a girlfriend. In general, you can make anything out of snow: a bun, a turtle, a tower, a fortress.

"Accurate shooter"
We choose a goal. We make shells out of snow. Now we aim the snowball directly at the target. After each hit, we clap our hands - it worked.

"Treasure Hunters"
Invite your child to dig the snow down to the ground and see what’s underneath. And there. a small miracle - green grass. Tell your child that the snowball covered her like a blanket and she is sleeping. And if your walk takes place in the forest, find an old rotten stump and separate a piece of bark. Under it you will see sleeping insects - they have fallen asleep for the winter. But when spring comes and the sun warms them, they will wake up again.
"Extraordinary Artists"
Drawing in the snow is so beautiful! You can use your finger, a twig, a spatula, or you can use water! We will need plastic bottle with colored water and two caps. We close the bottle with one cap to make it convenient to carry. We make a hole in the second one. We change the lids while walking. Tool for winter drawing ready!
"Getting to Know the Trees"
Tell your child what types of trees there are and how they can be distinguished from each other. It is better to start your first acquaintance with birch, rowan, spruce or pine. And to remember better, play the game: “One, two, three, run to the Christmas tree (birch, rowan)! »
Try to catch snowflakes and examine them. They are very beautiful. And note that they are not at all similar to each other. What is a snowflake? It's just a frozen drop of water. Place it on your palm, it will melt and turn into a drop again. Well, isn't it magic? And at home, when evening comes, take a piece of paper and give your baby a gift - cut out a snowflake for him that doesn’t melt.
Real scouts must walk in such a way as not to leave traces behind. How to do it? It’s very simple - you just have to follow each other. It will be more interesting if the one who walks in front (for example, dad) changes the distance between steps or makes sharp turns. The more participants, the more fun it is to play.
Finders - an educational game in unusual format. It introduces children to the world around them, develops perception, attention and visual memory. And anyway, what could it be? better games in the fresh air?
Rules of the game. Print out the form with pictures and put it in a hard folder. Now dress warmly and go with your child for a walk around the winter, New Year's Eve city. Your child will have to find everything that is shown in the pictures and mark the finds with a tick. Or you photograph all your finds together and make a detailed photo report at home.
Winter is a great time for walking. Walking in winter brings special joy to children, because only at this time of year can they go skiing, sledding, skating, go to the hill with their parents and play snowballs. But if you neglect the safety rules, then the walk may not bring joy, but unpleasant sensations associated with the injuries received. Therefore, in order to protect your children from danger, it is very important to know and follow the rules of safe walking.
Winter fun and safety.
Skiing is a fascinating activity; skiing on it can bring real pleasure to your child while strengthening his health. When choosing them in a store, make sure that they are easy to take off and put on. . Many kids love to ride “short ones”, which do not require a ski track, and, therefore, there are no special problems. Get out the door and go for a ride! The main thing you should not forget is that the only thing that can make children ski is their desire. Try to eliminate all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in an area of ​​the city where there is no traffic.
Sledding, ice-skating To go sledding, the child must be dressed warmly.
1. Before your child gets on the sled, check for any malfunctions.
2. It is not advisable to sled down the hill; it is better to go on ice skates.
3. Explain to your child in advance that discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide.
4. You need to make sure for yourself that the slide is safe, so carefully study the area before riding. The slope should not go onto the roadway, and it is better to ride kids down small, gentle snow slides, and in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.
5. You should not allow your child to sled while lying on his stomach; he may damage his teeth or head.
6. You can’t sled while standing! It is dangerous to tie sleds to each other.
7. You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a tow rope, the child must be removed. Skating. Unlike skiing, skating still involves a certain risk. Please keep the following in mind:
1. Skate on specially equipped skating rinks; skating on open water is dangerous.
2. Don’t go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people skating there. The risk of serious injury in this case is extremely high.
3. Falls cannot be ruled out, so try to ensure that the child is dressed in thick clothing.
4. Do not leave your baby a single step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.
The good thing about winter is that you don’t have to go far for fun! You just need to leave the house, breathe in the fresh frosty air and play in the snow. It always makes you laugh and lifts your spirits.
1. Children should be explained that they should not put snow and icicles in their mouth, they contain a lot of germs that can make them sick.
2. You also need to remember to explain the rules of playing snowballs, that snowballs cannot be thrown at the face and head, and should not be thrown with force.
3. Tell them that it is dangerous to lie in the snowdrifts near the house; there may be people under the snow broken glass, iron cans on which you can get hurt or tear your clothes.
4.Please remind children not to play near the road.
I would like to offer parents formulated family rules regarding daily routine, hardening, nutrition and other components healthy image life.
Family Health Code:
1. We start every day with a smile.
2. When waking up, we don’t lie in bed, but look out the window and enjoy the beauty of the winter morning.
3. We take cold water as a friend, it gives vigor and strengthening.
4. B kindergarten, to work - on foot at a fast pace.
5. Don't forget to talk about winter.
6. Let's be generous with our smiles, never lose heart!
7. On vacation and weekends - only together!

Take care of your children, strengthen them, remember that walks at any time of the year are always good and beneficial for the health of your children and yourself!

Olga Borodacheva

The winter season brings children a lot of joy, happiness and pleasure. Children enjoy riding the slide, rolling around in the snow, building snowmen, snow towers, and much more. To ensure that children's fun is not overshadowed, we parents need to remember some safe rules of behavior when walking.

Winter clothes.

Choose shoes for your child with non-slip soles; they should be the right size for the child and comfortable.

Clothes should be comfortable, warm, do not overheat children - remember children move a lot and they are warm.

Mittens and gloves need to be sewn on with an elastic band so that they do not get lost, and the child can take them off and put them on at any time.

It is advisable to have a change of clothes in the cabin: tights, mittens, a hat, since winter is a wet season and things may not dry out.

You need to remember the safety rules when going on winter fun.

Rules of behavior on slides.

Before going to the slide, make sure that the temperature outside is suitable, be sure to dress your child warmly, not forgetting mittens and an ice sled.

When you arrive at the hill, inspect the area to see if there are any dangerous objects, glass fragments, etc., the main thing is that it is safe.

Explain to children that they need to climb the slide only by steps, observing personal caution and discipline, and teach them to respect other participants in winter fun.

On the slide, wait your turn and slide down; after sliding down, immediately move to the side so as not to get hit.

Pay special attention to children that they should not pull or hold each other by the scarf, this is dangerous.

Ride the slide only while sitting on the ice, never standing or on your stomach, as this can damage your face.

Explain to your child that you should not throw snowballs at other children’s faces or heads.

Do not let children go into snowdrifts; there may be sharp fragments and sticks that can cause injury.

Bring home snow from the street and show your child that when it melts it will become dirty, this way it is easier to explain to the child that snow and icicles cannot be eaten, it is dirty, and cold can make you sick.

Rules of behavior on the road.

You need to remember that in winter there is often ice, so you need to repeat a few rules with your child.

Cross the road only with your parents, do not play near the road, do not slide down the slides near the road, as drivers will not have time to stop in time.

You need to walk carefully, looking at your feet.

Explain to your child how to fall correctly, preferably on the side with your knees bent.

Do not walk near buildings; there may be snow or icicles hanging there that could fall.

Do not allow children to walk near bodies of water; at any moment there is a danger of falling through the ice.

Ice skating, skiing.

Before going to the skating rink, check that your skates and skis are in good working order, and your clothing should be warm and appropriate for the temperature.

Inspect the area and do not leave your child unattended.

Ice skating with children should be carried out only on special platforms, and in no case on the river.

Be sure to explain to your child how to fall correctly when sliding.

Dear adults, remember, today you are walking with a child, his safety depends on you, you must teach your child to exercise personal caution and be attentive. Active repetition of the rules of behavior is the key to success and the path to health. Try to discuss the rules of behavior with your child more often, give him the opportunity to express his opinion, so that he can see in practice what is good and what is bad!

Publications on the topic:

According to statistics, about 1.5 thousand children die on Russian roads every day; 24 thousand are injured. Often caused by road traffic accidents.

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