Swearing poems about maxim. Congratulations on the name Maxim

Meaning and origin of the name Maxim:"Greatest" (lat.)
Patron saints and name day dates: St. Maxim the Greek (name day February 3), St. Maxim the Confessor (name day August 26), Blessed Maxim of Moscow (name day August 26, November 24) and others.

A. Maksakova

Maksimka and I went into the forest.
But my grandson suddenly disappeared.
I found mushrooms on a stump.
And he left his grandmother.

Grandma searched for a long time.
I didn’t pick mushrooms.
And the prankster under the bush.
There he found a mouse's house.

A cat came running into our house
We felt sorry for the cat.
We thought a little
And we still have a cat.
A cat and a cat are getting along in the house
A little cat came running.
Like a black coal.
Like a frightened animal.
We thought about the Duma a little
What should we do? There's a crumb left.
Live in the house: cat and cats
Maxim feeds them from a spoon.
He puts them on the bed to sleep.
To scratch behind the ear.
In gratitude Vaska the cat
Lay down on your stomach first
And then it turned over
And Maxim smiled.

M. Bazhanova

Maxim has a hobby,
He has been a fisherman since birth.
Fishing with dad
He leaves early.
He carries the fishing rod himself,
There is no hassle with him.
He goes to dig for worms himself,
He doesn't like to sleep for a long time.
The water splashes quietly,
Things are stacked in the boat...
Line, fishing rod, hook,
And, of course, the float.
And... he has been dreaming for a long time,
He will catch a pike in the river.
When fishing - don't yawn,
There will be overflowing fish!!!
To be Maxim a sailor,
At the same time, go swimming.
To visit distant countries,
Lots of new things to learn...
He has been a FISHERMAN since birth,
He's a sailor, no doubt!

Our Maksimka is a restless person,
Braggart, picky!
There is noise and din in the house,
How can we calm our son down!?
When it starts making noise, jumping,
It's hard for us to calm him down.
It hums like a steam locomotive,
The cat's tail will crush him,
Then he will start playing war games,
Scatters all the toys...
We know the only remedy -
He loves to watch movies.
And, especially, cartoons
About the Elephant, about Cheburashka,
There is peace and grace in the house,
And you can’t hear your little son.
Our Maksimka - higher, higher
With Carlson he flies over the roof.
All the animals are resting,
Bears and kittens...
He will seat everyone in their places,
Quiets himself with them -
These are the MIRACLES -
Happening before our eyes.
Everyone is happy with the break
My son is also resting,
To make a fuss later,
Drive us around the house.


The sun extended a ray
Maxik's nose was touched.
And on Maksyushka’s nose
Two freckles appeared.

Max, Maxim, Maximka.
Brave? Let's see!

Poem about Maxim's birthday


It's Maksimka's birthday!
I send congratulations to Maksimka!
Look at Maximka -
After all, he is three today!
Happy Valentine's Day!
And with all my heart I wish,
So that you grow up big,
Smart, strong - that's what it is!
Be healthy and beautiful,
Be cheerful and happy!
Okay, Maksimka, eat,
Listen to mom, listen to dad!

I send you a big hello!

I give you a kilogram of sweets!
I also give it to the boy
These colorful books!
Well, kiss you, goodbye!
Be healthy!
Sister Anya.

E. Kryukov

For Maksimka - an eye and an eye.
He strives to find out everything.
Nothing Maksimka is ours
He's not afraid at home.
Grow up, hero,
Gain strength.
A bottle of semolina porridge,
Try to eat.
Mom and dad with all my heart
They feel sorry for Maxik
So that Max grows up big,
To be healthier!
Well, what about grandmother and grandfather?
The sun is greeted.
They send a big greeting to their grandson,
They miss you.

Lira Eroshevskaya

Maksim! Majestic name
Luck doesn't pass you by
Because he strives for her,
Just like Napoleon once did.
He imitates Gorbachev,
And Yeltsin and Kuklachev
He speaks in their voices
It's hard to believe that they didn't do it themselves.
Leads the lucky program:
How to make a million without shame.
All work is in the direct concept
Show off your remarkable mind.

Agniya Barto


Maxim scolded himself:
"You, Maxim, are unbearable!
You're being rude to your parents!"
- It's decided! - said Maxim. -
I'll become a tamer!

Enough self-will!
Even if it's a lion
Words can work
Even more so for me!

He didn't work with lions,
He did not enlighten the panthers -
No, in harsh words
He tamed himself:

Does your sister have a flashlight under her eye?
Whoever is guilty is punished!
What to do? Solved:
You won't go to the cinema, Maxim!

The Tamer is merciless:
"Be on guard all the time!"
He'll pick on the notebooks,
Then to something else.

He will say as if by chance:
- Stop your self-will! -
And he will add sadly: -
Don't turn on the TV
Without football you will drink tea.

How wise the boy has become! -
People gasped
And Maxim ate calmly
Cranberries in sugar.

For taming myself
He gave out treats.

Maxim is in grief today
He lost his swimming trunks at sea
Hiding everything in a big fist
Somehow he runs out.

Maxim is strong and strong,
Maxim is passionate about sports.
Roller skates, bicycle
Maxim has been in love since childhood.

Minimum weak - crybaby,
And excellent students are fine...
How much do I love you, Max?
Absolutely maximum!

Maxim doesn't have to
Swear in your own name.
Maxima is with him without interference
Maximum success awaits.

Will quickly become famous -
Be it an artist or a bandit.
If he takes up music -
Mozart will also be jealous.

God forbid, war comes -
He will immediately become a marshal.
Complete scientific work -
They'll give you the Nobel right away.

With such a wonderful name
You, Maxim, are invincible.
So go through life -
Don't let your name down.

Cool congratulations for Maxim

Maxim didn’t feed the dog for three days,
He didn’t let me drink and didn’t take me for walks,
The school director should come to them,
He can't escape the dog alive!

In Latin - the most, the most,
Maximum and big.
First name luggage
Let it serve well.
They say for our lives
All names have an effect.
Congratulations and best wishes
Be worthy of the title
Maybe about the birthday!
It’s Maxim’s name day,
We congratulate Maxim!
Be happy, we love people,
We keep you as our angel.
Like Maxim Perepelitsa,
Be savvy - it will come in handy
To get ahead
And reach great heights!

Walks hand in hand with mommy
Boy to the store
In shorts and a hat
Little boy Maxim.
Maxim really wants
Grow up quickly
By the hand and in a panama hat
Take the children for a walk.
Suddenly they meet on the way
Tall-eyed gentleman,
And mom leans over
And he says: “Maxim!
This is how you will become an adult -
Tall and big
Simply the greatest
With your name!

Well, Maxim, Maximka, Max,
Happy birthday – a bright one!
The age of fights and blots is over...
And when? - did not you notice!

A great life has begun:
Plunge into study, into service...
So, Maxim, hold on.
For our male friendship!

Don't catch fleas on ladies
(And especially naked ones!)...
In general, always be good -
In cities and in distant villages!

Daddy walked around the whole plane,
I couldn’t find my son Maxim anywhere.
Mom hurries to reassure her husband:
“It probably fell over Kaluga.”

With a Roman name,
Take a closer look around:
Before our eyes we see your minimum
He has simply grown MAXIMUM!

Master, hands are where they need to be,
Athletically built
As the guys would say,
Super cool companion!

The boy Maxim was walking on the roof.
The roof ended and Maksik fell.
He did a beautiful somersault in the air...
It took a long time to scrape it off the asphalt.

Has a strong will
Staten, courageous, strong.
He is as powerful as the wind in the field
And also smart.

He always goes forward
Never slows down.
And problems and worries
He will only make stern threats.

There is no one more reliable than you, Maxim.
We wish you to stay
Always so determined
And achieve your goals.

The boy Maksimka found three kopecks,
This was noticed by a man in a padded jacket,
The crowbar whistled like Chingachgook's spear,
No, the grandmother will not wait for her grandson.

Maxim scolded himself:
“You, Maxim, are unbearable!
You're being rude to your parents!"
- It's decided! - said Maxim. -
I'll become a tamer!

Enough self-will!
Even if it's a lion
Words can work
Even more so for me!

He didn't work with lions,
He did not enlighten the panthers -
No, in harsh words
He tamed himself:

Does your sister have a flashlight under her eye?
Whoever is guilty is punished!
What to do? Solved:
You won't go to the cinema, Maxim!

The Tamer is merciless:
“Be on guard all the time!”
He'll pick on the notebooks,
Then to something else.

He will say as if by chance:
- Stop your self-will! -
And he will add sadly: -
Don't turn on the TV
Without football you will drink tea.

How wise the boy has become! -
People gasped
And Maxim ate calmly
Cranberries in sugar.

For taming myself
He gave out treats.

If your name is Maxim, it is also necessary.
Our dear friend Maxim,
Always be invincible!
We wish you with all our hearts:
Be the strongest and big in everything!

Max was infuriated by the teacher’s appearance:
He bit Marivanna on the nose.
Now he walks around school like a hero,
Proud of his nickname “Chekatilo second.”

Maksimka and I went into the forest.
But my grandson suddenly disappeared.
I found mushrooms on a stump.
And he left his grandmother.

Grandma searched for a long time.
I didn’t pick mushrooms.
And the prankster under the bush.
There he found a mouse's house.

Maxim ate an orange
And then I went to the store...

You are MAXIMUM created for a family,
But in unmarried life you also feel the smack.
But if your hesitation continues,
You will end up, at MAXIMUM, like an old bachelor.

It's school time... Change... Boys fly out of the classroom, make funny faces and pull the girls' pigtails. There are many ditties written about schoolchildren. Let's remember some of them.

(Performed by girls).

There is silence in the lesson,
He has his own game.
If the number is not heard -
Dima will say: “Repeat!”
We have a silent Artemka:
Kind, affectionate, like a hamster,
But he doesn’t hide it in reserve,
He will give away all the last.
How Danil has been spinning all day,
It's like someone changed it.
He's so handsome at home
At school he looks like a rocket.
The third quarter is already in full swing
The clock ticked.
And the boys dream:
It would be vacation again
Our Vitalya is like a clown,
He makes scary faces.
Looks like he's watching a lot
The horrors are terrible.
Who started up and rushed off
Like a fast plane?
This is Petya in our class
Marathon running is failing.
Don't look how fragile I am
Skinny and small.
It’s not for nothing that I’m standing at the gate,
Clever and attentive.
Shurik, Shurik - little laugher -
Everyone laughs out of place,
Bursting with ringing laughter,
Everyone in class.
There is silence in the lesson,
Only Maxim always shouts:
“Wait, don’t rush!
I haven't finished writing it yet!
Tell me where to read it!
I’ve fallen behind you again!”
And Andryusha is the most serious of all.
He's a good gentleman
Both well-mannered and modest.
We must follow his example.
Our Dima is good to everyone,
He just hits whoever he wants.
It hits, without aiming, right in the eye.
The whole class is running from him.
Our Alyosha is a master of words
Make up stories
He told me how he took Kazan,
History teacher.
What about you, Pasha - our grief,
Weak and frail?
Learn karate
You will become the strongest.
Everyone laughs during change
And they choke from laughter.
These are Vanya jokes
Poisons without fatigue.
Maxim has everything on shelves
My head is decomposed.
He will tell everything with feeling and sense.
Even about ice cream.
The bell rang again -
The radio turns on.
Artem has the whole lesson
The mouth doesn't close.
Fat Pasha on the sofa
I lay on my sides until the pit.
This is true. All day
He feels lazy.
Dima loves to play,
Run fast and scream.
Energy flows from Dima,
It gives him no peace.
Radik wants to become "cool"
Prepared carefully:
When he starts waving his arms -
It won't stop!
We are ready to be friends with Igor,
He is a diligent student
Doesn't make noise during recess
He won't loosen his tongue.
And Mishka has bullies
The mouth is parted to the ears.
No matter what you do, do it all with a smile,
At least sew on the ties.

Our Vasily karateka,
He is strong and brave
Change for him
To run crazy!
Many cats were hurt
From Valerka's heel.
As soon as they see it, they go to the basements
All the cats run away.
Our Nikita is more than anyone,
Loves the surroundings
But he won't turn
This makes me arrogant!
Who, tell me, loves twos,
Everything is buzzing in class,
Without giving the historian
Present your material.
Petya, Petya Samoletov,
The guy is what you need
The fact that he is in our class,
We are incredibly happy!
Dima Karpov is a big guy,
Like a bull in a field.
He's a wimp in class,
It's like a slave in captivity.
Kolya is studying for five,
Knows mathematics
He will solve the problem at once,
On any topic.
We also have Varvara.
There is no one more curious than her.
This is our Petya, like a woman,
He always sticks his nose in everywhere.
And our Roman
There is a beloved friend.
That's for sure, he's a great friend
Our Romance with mobile!
Our Vitalya all advertisements
Knows inside and out.
“Viscos, Lotus, Calvet ketchup...” -
Repeats for a whole year.

Answered by Andrey lesson
The teacher fainted.
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.
And our Nikita is calm,
Like a boa constrictor in Africa.
Everyone is pushing, fighting,
And he doesn’t give a damn.
Our Vityunya, although modest,
But with a beautiful soul,
Why are you so not brave?
Maybe we are to blame?
Our Alyosha is a master of words
Make up stories
Our ears even swell
In the classroom.
Yarik shook his backpack for a long time,
To find notebooks,
But notebooks every time
They played hide and seek with him.
If Tim you then
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
Terrible compromising evidence!!!
It's a pity, Sashenka Petrov,
That you are not a giraffe.
I could write it off then
You're from the other row.
The school year has begun
The clock beeped.
Volodya has a question
- “Where are the holidays again?!”

We don't know Misha yet.
Shall we test it? Let's test
Come on, Mishka, don’t try,
Score a goal for your opponent!

Dima, come on, try,
Surprise your comrades!
Don't make faces in class
Get serious, get busy!
Yura jerks girls
For braids with ribbons.
Would treat us better
A box of sweets.
In our class you sometimes
Sasha is the most crazy.
Now you jump, now you cry,
How can we be friends with you?
There is a story with Dunno
Boy Znayka is a smart dandy.
And we have a know-it-all too,
Our Kirill knows everything himself.
We your face forgot.
How do you look, Zhenek?
At least show up at the tournament
You do it one more time.
Vitalik is fine
Both the figure and the notebooks.
The mood is just great
Loves school and all of us!