Methodology “Parent essay about your child. Creative essay “my child” consultation on the topic Essay on the topic “my child is happy at home”

The most valuable and precious thing in life is our children. What a joy it is to be a mother!

I can’t even believe that I’ve been a mother for ten years already. My daughter was born. And when everyone said at that time, it’s good that my daughter, my assistant, I didn’t understand this. But years later you understand the meaning of these words. like no one else. And I can proudly say: “My daughter is the best in the world!”

After all, she sings well, dances well, and draws well. Always helps with cleaning the house: wiping dust, washing floors, washing dishes. Likes to play with younger brother. My daughter is not cruel, she will always respond

Unfortunately. will not betray his comrades. Shy, a rarity these days. She is the best at sweeping the street. She, like no one else, will support me in a difficult situation: she will cheer me up, take me away from gloomy thoughts. Her smile makes my heart warmer. Violet is like the sun peeking out from behind the clouds.

My daughter loves animals very much. Her dream is rabbits and hamsters. She has been asking for a divorce for a long time. I promise you, daughter, by summer you will have them. She is responsible for her lessons and always completes them. overcoming all difficulties. She also has a lot of patience. Like no one else he sees deceitful, hypocritical people. I am very lucky with my daughter.

I know that she will not change, will not become bad, but will be even better. Like any mother, she wants happiness for her children. I also want to wish my daughter to remain like this. continued to love her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, friends and all people. Be more confident in everything you do.

This is what my daughter is like. I am proud of her! My child is the best.

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Essays on topics:

  1. When Katyusha entered kindergarten, I (and all the other new parents) were asked to write an essay about their child. Thus the methodologist...
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Education is a difficult business

and improving its conditions is one of the sacred

responsibilities of every person

because there is nothing more important,

as education for yourself and your loved ones.




Childhood is the summer wind

the sail of the sky and the crystal ringing of winter.

Childhood means children!

Children - that means us!

R. Rozhdestvensky

Childhood is a bright, unique page in the life of every child. Just recently my son Dima was born. This is not the first child in our family, but still very long-awaited and beloved. WITH great love all family members relate to him - after all, he is the smallest, still the most helpless and requiring a lot of attention. Like all children, Dima loves to play pranks, run around, play tricks with his older brother - but all this is just a game.

When evening comes, my son sits on my lap, looks into my eyes, strokes my shoulders, head, smiles and wishes Good night. Then he goes to his dad and brother and with the same tenderness says goodbye to them until the morning.

By nature, Dmitry is a soft, simple-minded child, but he really doesn’t like it when his peace is disturbed, they try to prevent him from building his own, he doesn’t care for anyone. known world, my a wonderful fairy tale in which he resides. My son is growing up as an inquisitive, inquisitive child and always tries to be in the center of all events.

With great joy, he goes with us to visit his grandmothers in the village. This is where freedom is for him! Runs, jumps, tumbles, communicates with village children, rides a bicycle. He also manages to make faces at all the village inhabitants: poultry, cats, tease dogs and puppies, grab a small kitten by the tail, pinch the ears of rabbits. The only person Dima is afraid of so far is our cow Nochka. For him, she is very large, stern, and formidable, so he does not come into contact with her.

In the summer, Dimka loves to build castles, houses, sand cars, and roads leading to friends. He loves to swim, dive, clap his palms in the water so that the splashes fly in all directions and drench everyone from head to toe. My son also enjoys watching insects: he lies down on his tummy and puts his hands under his cheeks, he records every movement of spiders, beetles, ladybugs, sometimes even tries to put someone in his toy house. In winter, the whole family and I often go to the forest. It’s so nice to look at the rosy cheeks of your sons, their joyful smile, to hear their cheerful laughter; watch them race on a sled down a hill; They listen to a woodpecker knocking on a tree, looking for the one who shook the snow off a branch on them.

My child really likes to always have a lot of people around him, be it adults or children - he doesn’t care. The most important thing for a boy is to communicate, to splash out his energy, feelings, love for the whole world around him.

Dima loves looking at pictures in books, listening and watching fairy tales - he simply cannot do a day without them. That's why our apartment looks like a bookstore. My son portrays fairy tale heroes, imitates their movements, tries to sing and dance like them. All this turns out ineptly, clumsily and we all laugh at him, which makes him even more fun.

In order for a child to grow up smart, intelligent, cultured, well-mannered, we try to explain everything to him, show him by personal example, work with him, offer educational games and exercises, discuss good and bad deeds, and do not follow his lead.

IN kindergarten Dimka walks with great pleasure. He really likes the teachers and the kids. The boy experiences joy from communicating with peers, from the home environment in the group, the child is in kindergarten all day, and this is a second home.

You can talk and write a lot about your children. Raising a child is difficult. I would really like my son Dmitry to grow up to be a man with a capital M: honest, fair, open, true friend, a good father and husband, and most importantly, that he learns to respect and care not only for his loved ones, but also for all the people around him.

I dug up my husband and I’s essay)) B kindergarten They gave the parents an assignment to write an essay on this topic. Well, we wrote it))) So I came across it.

An essay about:

“My child, Daniil Dmitrievich Fedkov,

and him individual characteristics»

Who has 10 legs, 10 arms

For whom a hundred kilometers is not a detour

My best friend- spiderman

Who is the candidate of wall climbing sciences?

My best friend is spiderman

This is not a terminator or a physical trainer

My best friend is spiderman

Slot - Spider-Man

Fedkov Daniil, best child in the world, beautiful, smart, strong, kind, beloved and loving. This is subjective, of course, otherwise the essay could be finished. It will be more objective later.

Spider-Man and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were left behind, leaving behind broken parts, the ability to jump well from frightening heights and wear heroic masks with capes. Now we have new stage, Daniil loves to color pictures (coloring books), build houses from construction sets, play on the street with or without children (but in In most cases, he prefers to play more than one), watch cartoons and listen to fairy tales. He is active, loves to run and frolic. He does not like to collect toys, but loves when his actions are approved and praised, through which he tries to be better.

Danya is a determined child, sets a goal and is guided by it in his activities and achieves results, but does not know how to restrain his emotions and immediate desires. If he comes up with something, he tries to do it here and now, without putting it off for later. If the adults are against it, then he gets his way for a long time until he convinces him or comes up with something new.

Easily adapts to new conditions.

Very sociable (varied and rich in facial expressions), easily makes contact with completely unfamiliar children, making friends himself or agreeing to a proposal. The age of the children does not matter. Sometimes he is shy with adults, but more often he starts the conversation himself.

We play on the playground at the entrance of a five-story building, people come into the house and Daniil starts a dialogue with everyone: “Hello!”, “How are you?”, “Where are you going?”

Favorite hobby on this moment, these are coloring books. He became interested in it at about 3.2 years old. It all started with kuli-muli and krakozyabr, but seeing how his parents drew, every day he asked to teach him, sat and watched. Now, after two months, he colors without stepping over the black lines, he has become good at understanding colors, and can correct his parents if they chose the wrong color. The passion for coloring quickly ends, he never finishes the whole page, but he happily takes on a new one.

One of the abilities that can be traced so far is the ability to get anything from dad, several times a day J Of the less pronounced ones, the technical ability to design is more likely; he likes to build houses, cities, repair, break, score, alone or with his parents.

Usually the child’s condition is changeable and, as a rule, depends on the environment in which he is located and the people around him. Emotions arise quickly and change easily. Easily moves from tears to joy and vice versa, although a good mood usually prevails, since the child experiences failures relatively painlessly and quickly and cannot be depressed. The child is active, nimble, quite hardy and tireless in the activities that captivate him, loves active games - hide and seek, catch-up, dancing. He is indifferent to singing and children's musical instruments, although he loves to listen to the music itself and dance to it.

In fact, he rarely cries only if we punish him for serious incidents. He often likes to pretend to cry while getting his way.

Daniel falls asleep within half an hour to an hour, listening to fairy tales being told and together with his parents (or one of them). He sleeps 1-2 hours during the day, 9-10 hours at night, sometimes waking up to use the toilet. In the morning he gets up on his own, around 7:00 am.

She rarely gets tired; if she gets tired, it is usually associated with illness, fever or tummy.

He usually reacts to punishment with resentment, sulks and says “I’m not friends with you,” “I’m offended by you,” adding the title “mama, daddy, grandma, auntie.” He moves away quickly if you distract him with something, or try to make peace with your fingers: “Make up, make up and don’t fight anymore.” He either accepts the comments, ignores them, or calls them just invented gibberish.

Daniil is a very independent and “adult” child. He likes to do everything himself, even if he doesn’t know how. But if things are already familiar, food, familiar games, you don’t mind giving orders and getting something ready.

He behaves on an equal footing with his peers, easily accepting both leading and follower roles. He comes up with games himself or joins others if he likes.

IN overall child purely positive and normal, easily shares treats with children, often thinks about other children, taking coloring books or candy for everyone to kindergarten. Treats animals well and tries not to kill insects. I felt very deeply and had compassion to the point of tears for cartoon characters like: “Mother for a Baby Mammoth”, “Gray Neck”, “ Naughty kitten” and similar cartoons, but as a rule, after watching such cartoons 2-3 times, the tears went away, only slight tension remained.

Capable of defending his opinion among peers, but prefers to be friends. He treats the baby with reverence and patronage. At home he likes to brag about what he can do that his younger cousin can’t do.

With this we end our essay, with respect, the Fedkov family.

Essay on the topic “What is a happy family.”

What is family? You can find different definitions for this seemingly simple word, but each person understands it in his own way. And I have my own idea of ​​family. I believe that not every group of people living together and related by kinship can be called a family. In my opinion, a family is people who are close not only by blood, but also by spirit, who love and respect each other, who unselfishly give care, warmth and affection from their hearts. In my opinion, family members should consider their needs a little less important and always be ready to compromise, because it is in the family that a person should find support and support.

I wonder how many people think about this when deciding to start their own family? Unfortunately, not all of them. Maybe that’s why there are so many “unsettled” families, in which each person’s own interests come first, there is a clash of opinions, misunderstandings, and a reluctance to give in leads to quarrels and hatred. Can such people be called family? I think not. Although, who knows?

The British have a proverb: “My home is my castle.” I think it can be paraphrased as follows: “My family is my castle.” Why is this so? Because the modern world is to some extent cruel and even merciless. You need to literally defend your rights every day, not be offended, defend yourself, achieve your goals and at the same time remain an honest, decent person. All this requires great physical and emotional strength. How can they be replenished?

It’s clear that they will help restore physical fitness healthy image life, proper nutrition and playing sports. But what about mental fatigue? I would not belittle its importance (sometimes depression has quite serious consequences). This is where a person will be helped not by warm tea (as with a cold), but by a warm attitude, kind word, understanding, advice from a loved one. It seems to me that all this can only be achieved in the family. Maybe that's why each of us wants to have a strong, friendly family, which will be his fortress.

The thought often comes to my mind that family is the most amazing, most magical and most beautiful thing that humanity has created! It reminds me of a mechanism in which every detail is important because it performs its function, without which the full operation of the entire mechanism is impossible. Of course, this is a figurative comparison. But, you see, it’s very bright! It’s so good when mom cooks delicious food, dad makes sure that everything in the house works properly, and grandparents give good advice. In such a family, everyone feels good and comfortable, especially children. They are the most defenseless because they are completely dependent on family circumstances.

Many parents mistakenly believe that the most important thing in raising a child is material wealth, so they spend most of their time at work. They get so tired, earning money for newfangled toys and expensive clothes that they completely forget about the main thing: the most important thing for a child is love, care, understanding. I think some children feel lonely even with the most expensive toy. Nothing can replace the joy of communicating with mom and dad. This, in my opinion, is a very important problem - you need to devote as much time as possible to children so that they always feel that they are loved.

But there is another problem, much more serious. This is a problem for children who have no family. I feel very sorry for them. These children are different from children born in good families: They have a different idea about life and family. For some reason it seems to me that such children adult life will strive to create the family they were deprived of and about which they so dreamed. But it is possible that they will choose a different path in life, following in the footsteps of their parents. Then there will be even more crippled lives and destinies, and this is very sad. But there are people who are ready to devote their lives to other people's children, giving them the love they so need. I admire those orphanage teachers who have enough warmth not only for their own children, but also for strangers, as well as people who give children a family.
I consider myself very lucky with my family. And I really want every child to have a friendly, good, in a word, a real family. I am sure that in my village and in my country there are many happy families and that their number will grow every year!


"How to raise a happy child"

It's so nice when all children have dads,
It’s so good that your soul doesn’t hurt.
It's great that dad loves mom
Everything else is just vanity

We'll buy everything else if we have money,
If they don’t exist, we’ll create them with our own hands.
But it is very important that children live in happiness.
And they grew up to be normal people.

From the Internet

Why did I become a teacher? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. If you say that you approached this purposefully, without a grain of doubt, it means lying to yourself and everyone. As the English writer and publicist D. Swift said: “He who begins to walk with confidence will end with doubts, and he who begins his journey with doubts will end with confidence.” So I doubted my choice future profession. Only after a while I realized that being a teacher is my calling. Having become a teacher, I learned to share love with children and not get burned by it, but become better and richer in soul; Having fallen in love with your profession, devote yourself entirely to it. The teaching profession helped me find my path in life. I am glad that life connected me with a great and wonderful task - raising children.

The talent of education should be inherent in every teacher. My main task is not just to raise children, but to raise them happy. « You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can educate him soIt’s possible to make him happy,” he wrote. A. S. Makarenko. So how to raise a happy child? To understand a child, you need to be him! I decided to conduct an experiment and plunge into childhood for a while. For this, I remember myself as a child. I sit down... I close my eyes... Two images appear in front of me: - this is the image of my parents and the image of my family. So this is what childhood means to a child!It is in the family that the child receives his first impressions and acquires his first basic knowledge.Ushinsky believed that the most natural environment for the upbringing and education of preschoolers is still the family. In it, children get their first impressions, acquire basic knowledge, skills and habits, and develop their inclinations. Parents and educators, their example of life and behavior play a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child’s personality. The main thing is that this example is positive.It is a pity that not all people understand what a blessing it is to have children. Children are the most valuable thing in life. This is a piece of you, your soul. And I don't understand how some parents can abuse their children by using force. I immediately have a question. “Do they really think that the child will be diligent and well-mannered after this?” Cruelty begets cruelty. He will simply be afraid of his parents and take a bad example from them. Isn’t it better, on the contrary, to show your child a good, positive example that will become a support for him in the formation of his personality?Families in which there are constant quarrels and abuse cannot have a beneficial effect on the development of the child.

Don't scold them for their pranks.

The evil of your bad days

Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them

Even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more expensive than tears

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

Nowadays, unfortunately, many people forget that children need to be given as much attention and love as possible...Parents work day and night, thinking that by earning more money they are doing better for their children. Parents stop! Come to your senses!Of course, I am not advocating quitting your job and staying at home. No!. Of course, we need to work. But work so that children do not feel the lack of parents, love and affection, and then our children will be happy. « Yes, many mothers will say, we agree with this, but how to raise a child happy? And most importantly - where to find time,era, when scientific progress does not stand still, when many women have to work to provide their child with a decent life?!”

The child will go V preschool, where he will be warmly greeted by the children's team and, of course, the teacher. So what qualities should a real teacher have to make a child happy? For me, this is, first of all, love.Expressing the general opinion of all nations who sacredly love children, the proverb states: “He who does not love children does not love anyone.”Therefore, in the first days of a child’s stay in kindergarten, the main task of the teacher is to love the baby as his own and make every effort to ensure that the child in the group feels comfortable and calm, just like in his own home next to his mother. Secondly,I try to show care, kindness and attention. The child reacts positively to any praise and will try to behave appropriately next time.
As for punishments, children should be punished within reason. Any negative act should not go unnoticed, otherwise the child will develop a feeling of permissiveness and impunity. First, it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to speak so that he can explain his action. If this does not work, it is necessary to clearly explain what was done wrong and how to do the right thing.

Children are not worried about banal everyday problems. They live for today. Their world is a world of magic, in which there are only good fairy tales and the warmth of their parents’ home, where only they are alone with their fantasies. Children do not yet understand all the difficulties of life, but the moment will come when they will understand it all. So let it not be so soon. Let our children remain sweet and cheerful longer.. And we, adults, will try to make their childhood world unforgettable. I dream, I want all children to be happy, so that there are no orphans on Earth!

Leafing through well-known volumes,
We teach you to live with hearts and words,
We know you need our help,
Guys with curious eyes.
And every hour and every minute
Eternal concern about someone's destinies,
Giving a piece of your heart to someone
This, brother, is our job!