Musically rhythmic exercise on the topic of clothing. Synopsis of a frontal lesson on the development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech with elements of logorhythmics for children in the preparatory group with OHP III round "Clothing"

1. Exercise for the development of facial muscles on the topic “Berries”.

Children change their facial expressions according to drawn pictograms depicting different emotions.

There are sweet berries - strawberries, blackberries.

There are also sour ones - cranberries, lingonberries.

And there are very useful ones - blueberries.

2. Finger game for the topic “Vegetables”.

Hey guys! Hey hey!

Cleaning vegetables for cabbage soup! Children clap their hands.

We cut cabbage. Place your palms parallel to each other, fingers straightened.

Alternately raise and lower your palms.

The soup will be delicious.

We peel potatoes, stroke the back of the hand with our fingers

We clean very cleverly

We will grate the carrots. Bend your arms at the elbows, clench your fingers into fists and raise them to your shoulders.

They lower and raise their arms at the same time.

And then, then they tap on the palm with the edge of the other palm

We'll chop the tomato

And the head of an onion,

And a clove of garlic.

We will salt the soup. Finely finger it with your fingers, gathered into a pinch.

Try it, my dear! Extend both palms forward.

3. Finger game for the topic “Vegetables”.

Oh-oh-oh – peas are the best.

Children rhythmically connect their thumb and index fingers.

Ha-ha-ha - this is nonsense! They clap their hands.

Or-or-or - all the tastiest tomatoes are hit on the knees with their fists.

Ov-ov-ov - sweet carrots clap their palms on their knees

La-la-la - delicious beets rhythmically clench their fingers into fists.

Oop-op-op - the fragrant dill is rhythmically clenched and unclenched with the fingers, raising the arms up.

4.Motor exercise for the topic “Wild Animals”.

Oh, manners are deceptive, children walk on their toes

Black Panther Predator

Everyone is running away, as if they were running from a fire easily on their toes.

The spots saw the jaguar

They walk through the thickets on their entire foot

A fat elephant was walking through the jungle.

This mane of anger is terrible,

The king of beasts, of course, are left-footed from the toe, moving their arms back and stretching their neck

He walks importantly, like a count,

Our giraffe with a long neck

5. “Leaf fall” for the theme “Autumn.”

Need tree leaves

Leaf fall, leaf fall is spinning, depicting leaves

Yellow leaves are flying, throwing leaves up

Underfoot they rustle, rustle, walk on leaves

The garden will soon become bare. They lie down on the floor and listen to music.

6.Motor exercise for the topic “Mushrooms”.

When traveling on an electric train, children stand one after another and follow the leading stomping step, speeding up and slowing down in accordance with the tempo of the music and speech.

Volnushki and chanterelles

With girlfriends and friends,

Milk mushrooms.

Wheels with diligence

They rumble along the rails,

Delivery on schedule

The company again.

7. Finger games for the theme “Trees”.

The wind was flying through the forest, the children made smooth movements with their hands forward - towards the chest.

The wind counted the leaves:

Here is an oak one, one by one bending the fingers on the hand.

Here's a maple one,

Here is a carved rowan tree,

Here from the birch tree - golden,

Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree

The wind blew it onto the path. Shake your hands.

8. Finger game for the topic “Vegetables”.

Little girl Zinochka has Vegetables in a basket: Children make their hands into a “basket”.

Here's a pot-bellied zucchini

Placed it on the side

Pepper and carrot

She laid it down deftly,

Tomato and cucumber. Bend your fingers, starting with the big one.

Our Zina is great! Show thumb.

9. Finger game for the theme “Fruit”.

Like our Zina’s Fruits in a basket: Children make their palms into a “basket”.

Apples and pears

So that the guys eat

Peaches and plums

How beautiful! Bend your fingers, starting with the little finger.

There is no tastier fruit than ours!

Stroking the belly.

10. “Fruit palm.”

This finger is an orange

He is, of course, not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot,

Grew high on a branch.

This finger is a pear

He asks: “Come on, eat it!”

This finger is a pineapple

Alternately extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the big one.

Fruit for you and for us. They point with their palms around and towards themselves.

11. Finger game for the theme “Mushrooms”.

I'm taking a basket to the forest,

I'll pick mushrooms there.

My friend is surprised:

“How many mushrooms are there around here?” They show surprise by spreading their arms to the sides.

Boletus, oiler,

boletus, honey fungus,

Boletus, chanterelle, milk mushroom -

Let them not play hide and seek!

saffron milk caps, volushki

I'll find you at the edge of the forest

I'm returning home

I take all the mushrooms with me.

Alternately bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger of the right hand.

I won't carry the fly agaric.

Let him stay in the forest! The thumb of the left hand is held back and threatened.

12. Finger game for the theme “Berries”.

The berries are gooseberries,

Cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries,

Raspberries, strawberries, rose hips,

Currants and strawberries. The index finger of one hand is used to count, bending, the fingers on the other hand.

I finally remembered the berries.

What does it mean? They raise their shoulders and are surprised.

I'm done! The thumb is pulled forward.

13. Finger game “Athletes”.

So as not to be afraid of diseases

It is necessary to engage in sports. Raise your arms to your shoulders, shoulders, to the sides.

Tennis player playing tennis

He is an athlete, not an artist

A football player plays football

A hockey player plays hockey

In volleyball - volleyball player,

In basketball - a basketball player.

14. Finger game for the development of word formation.

This house is one-story.

This house is two-story.

But this one is three-story.

This house is the most important:

We have a five-story building.

15. Finger game for the theme “Furniture”.

Chair, table, sofa, bed,

Shelf, bedside table, buffet,

Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.

The fingers of both hands are alternately clenched into fists.

He named a lot of furniture - he pinched ten fingers!

Raise your clenched fists up.

16. Finger game for the theme “Dishes”. On word formation.

The girl Irinka was putting things in order. Show thumbs up.

The girl Irinka said to the doll:

“Napkins should be in a napkin holder,

There should be oil in the oil can,

There should be some bread in the bread bin,

What about salt? Well, of course, in a salt shaker!”

Alternately connect the thumb with the rest, starting with the index finger.

17. Finger game for the theme “Dishes”.

Our Antoshka washes the dishes.

Rubbing their palms together

Washes fork, cup, spoon.

I washed the saucer and glass,

Extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger.

And he closed the tap tighter.

Perform a simulating movement.

18. Finger game for the theme “Transport”.

All cars in order

Arriving at a gas station:

Both hands “turn the steering wheel” in front of you.

Fuel truck, garbage truck,

A milk truck with milk,

A bread truck with fresh bread.

And a heavy timber truck.

Fingers alternately, starting with the little finger, touch the palm.

19. Finger game for the theme “Cubs of wild animals.”

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel,

This is a little fox, this is a wolf cub,

Bend your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.

And this one is in a hurry, hobbling sleepily

Brown, furry, funny bear cub.

Rotate with your thumb.

20. Finger game for the theme “Insects”.

We count our fingers together -

We call them insects.

They clench and unclench their fingers.

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly,

This is a beetle with a green belly.

Bend your fingers one by one into a fist, starting with the thumb.

Who's calling here? Oh, a mosquito is flying here!

Rotate the little finger.


They hide their hands behind their backs.

21. Finger game for the topic “Food”.

Baker, baker, from flour

Bake us some koloboks,

Perform circular movements with the palms - imitation of rolling a bun.

Yes drying - Vanyushka,

Yes, bagels - Tanya,

Yes bagels - Mishka,

Yes, rolls - for Marishka.

Alternately connect the thumbs of both hands with the remaining fingers - the “rings” exercise.

22. Finger game for the theme “Dishes”.

Children make movements corresponding to the text.

One two three four -

We washed the dishes.

Cup, teapot, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

We washed the dishes

We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken,

We broke the spoon a little.

This is how we helped mom!

23. Finger game for children early age"Body parts".

Game "Birds"

Found your “magic fingers”

Let's look at them

So beautiful,

Let's blow on them softly, and the fingers move a little,

Let's blow harder, our fingers move more,

The birds flew in and chirped (the fingers are folded into one point, creating the birds’ beaks)

- "chirp, chirp"

Let's feed the birds (pigeons - "goo, goo", ducks - "goo, goo", chickens - "chick, chick").

The birds have arrived, pecking the grains,

Did you peck everything?

And they flew, they flew, they flew and landed on their heads,

They sat on the cheeks, on the forehead, on the eyebrows, on the chin, on the elbows, on the knees, on the waist, on the back, on the tummy, on the palm of the hand and sang “Magpie”.

24. Topic “Parts of the body”.

One two three four five!

We can show you everything!

These are elbows - let's touch them.

To the right, to the left we will swing,

These are the shoulders - let's touch them.

To the right, to the left we will swing.

If we move forward,

Then we will touch our knees.

One two three four five!

We can show you everything!

They clap their hands rhythmically.

Clasp both elbows with your palms.

Place your hands on your shoulders,

Perform tilts to the right and left.

Bend forward and touch your knees.

They clap their hands rhythmically.

Used Books:

1. Artsishevskaya I.L. Psychologist's work with hyperactive children in kindergarten. – M., “Knigolyub”, 2003. – 56 p.

2.Borisova E.A. Finger games for children 4-5 years old // Speech therapist. - No. 1. – 2006. pp. 65-74.

3. Pilipenko L.V. Food. // Speech therapist. - No. 1. – 2006. p. 78.

4. Strelnikova S.I. Dishes. // Speech therapist. - No. 1. – 2006. p. 81.

These developments present a variety of games and exercises that allow not only to develop general and fine motor skills, motor coordination, stimulate the motor activity of children with musculoskeletal disorders, but also correct mental processes, develop all aspects of speech in this category of children. Games, exercises and visualization correspond to the lexical topic being studied.



Date_______ / Month__ January _____

Lexical topic of the week: “Shoes.”

1. Finger gymnastics.

Goal: development of mobility and strength of the fingers, accuracy of their movements.

Exercise “Like on our legs...”:

Like our cat has boots on her feet.

Like our pig has boots on his feet.

And the dog has blue slippers on his paws.

And the little goat puts on felt boots.

And son Vovka - new sneakers.

(bend fingers in turn on both hands)

2. Speech with movement.

Goal: to learn to coordinate speech with movement, vary the strength of the voice, the tempo of speech, depending on the context, convey narrative and exclamatory intonations, automate the sound of Ch.

Exercise “Chok - chok, heel!”:

Chock - chock, heel,


Ran into a twig

(jumping in place)

It came off, broke -

(raise your legs one at a time)

Chock - chock, heel.

(rising on your toes, lowering on your heels)

An old man at the fence -

(bend over, hunch over)

I gave him a heel:

(spread your arms to the sides)

Old man, old man,

(head tilts)

Fix my heel!

(extend arms forward)

Goal: to work on the intonation expressiveness of children’s speech, teach to vary the tempo and strength of the voice depending on the context, automate the sound Ш, teach children to convey narrative intonation.

Nursery rhyme:

And our Natka

Slippers on the feet.

And our Lesha

Galoshes on my feet.

4. Correction of speech breathing.

Goal: development of speech breathing, the ability to pronounce a phrase increasing in the number of words in one exhalation, consolidation of a subject vocabulary on lexical topics.

Exercise “Five Names”:

As instructed by the teacher, children list, based on a picture or based on an idea, five names of some objects.

For example, a child takes the first short breath and says: “I know five names for shoes,” and continues after a pause and a second breath: “Sneakers, boots, shoes, boots, slippers.”

If a child names shoes from a picture, he should point to them with his index finger, but if the listing is from memory, then with his right hand he should bend the fingers on his left.

5. Work on the tempo of speech.

Goal: to develop in children the ability to change the tempo of speech in accordance with the tempo of the movement performed, development auditory attention.

Exercise " Big feet walked along the road":

To the words of the teacher: “Big legs walked along the road...” the children slowly walk in place, raising their legs high, and slowly say: “Top - top.” To the words: “Little legs ran along the path,” the children run in place in small steps and quickly say: “Top - top - top - top.”

In the future, the exercise can be performed to music.

Date________ / Month_ January _______

Lexical topic of the week: “Clothing. Hats".

1. Finger gymnastics.

Goal: development of mobility, coordination of movements of the fingers, development of rhythmic perception.

Exercise “Washing”:

I can't play now -

(“lanterns” above)

Clothes need to be washed:

(rubbing palms)

Your dresses and socks,

Skirts, trousers and stockings,

Sweater, mittens, jacket,

A hat and a colored beret.

(bend fingers in turn on both hands at the same time)

I’ll pour a little water into the basin

(tapping knees with index fingers)

And I'll pour the powder,

(“sprinkle” with fingers)

I'll whip up the snow foam,

(“lanterns” below)

And I'll start washing.

2. Speech with movement.

Goal: to learn to correlate speech with movement, to accurately and correctly perform demonstration movements.

Exercise “Mom’s Helpers”:

Together we help mothers:

We wash it ourselves in a basin.

And shirts and socks

For my son and daughter.


We'll stretch across the yard deftly

Three ropes for clothes.

(stretch, arms to the sides)

The sun is shining - chamomile,

(cross your arms above your head)

The shirt will dry soon.

(hands down to the sides)

3. Work on intonation expressiveness of speech.

Goal: to work on the intonation expressiveness of children’s speech, teach them to vary the tempo and strength of the voice depending on the context, automate the sounds S, Sh, and differentiate them from each other.

Pure saying (choose one from two):

I sewed a fur coat - I sewed a skirt,

I sewed a hat and sewed a slipper.

Hat and fur coat -

That's all Mishutka is.

(Slowly - faster - quickly; quietly - louder - loudly; narrative - exclamatory - interrogative intonation; chant - syllable by syllable - whole words).

4. Speech game with the ball “Clothes or headdress.”

Goal: to activate the dictionary on a lexical topic, teach classification, develop voluntary attention, memory, develop phonemic and syllabic analysis of words.

Game (standing in a circle):

The teacher, standing in the center of the circle, names a general concept and throws the ball to the child. He, in turn, names the specific concept corresponding to it and throws the ball back. The game continues until all children name two specific concepts. At the same time, you can complicate the game by giving children additional tasks (the preparatory group highlights the first or last sound in a word, and the older group divides the word into syllables in any way, naming their number).

Svetlana Georgievna Maksimova
Lesson on speech development using logorhythmics in senior group children with speech disorders on the topic “Clothing. Shoes"

Target: expand and consolidate knowledge children about clothes, shoes, exercise children in the selection of adjectives, in the use of antonyms, develop coherent speech, activate the dictionary on the topic « Cloth, shoes» , strengthen the ability to perform logorhythmic exercises, coordinate movements with speech, develop small and gross motor skills, cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and kindness.

Equipment: mirrors, backpack, zipper, 2 buttons, collar, illustrations clothes, shoes, ball, d\i "Doshey dress"

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, come to us today class Dasha, the traveler, has arrived. Let's see what she brought in her backpack.

/Children take out a zipper, 2 buttons - large and small, and a collar from the backpack/

These items will help us perform tongue exercises.

Articulation gymnastics.

1. Imagine that your lips are a zipper on a handbag, and we will unzip and fasten it.

Exercise “Zipping and unzipping” - smile, close your lips tightly, hold them in this position for the count of three (zipped up). Open your lips (unzipped).

2. Before us are large and small buttons. First we choose the big ones, then the small ones.

“Exercise “Large and small buttons” - round your lips as much as possible (large button, extend your lips like a tube) (small button).

3. We will sew on buttons with this thin and sharp needle.

"Exercise "Needle" - pull the "sharp" tongue out of the mouth as far as possible and hold it in this position (counting to five or six)

4. We have collars with wide and sharp edges.

“Exercise “Collar with wide and narrow edges” alternate the positions of the “wide” and “narrow” tongue. Place the “wide” tongue on the lower lip ("round collar"). Pull out the "sharp" tongue ("collar with sharp edges").

5. We will sew on the collars using sewing machines.

Exercise “Sewing on different sewing machines” Open your mouth wide. Lift the tongue by the upper teeth, press the side edges against the molars. and say "D-d-d".

6. The line should be thin and even.

Exercise “Stitch”: the tip of the tongue “needle” rhythmically touches the upper lip starting from the corner of the mouth.

Didactic game "Give me a word"

For Katya's birthday

Mom sewed it. / dress/

Mom bought it for her daughter

striped. /socks/

Gave it to Lyubochka

Little blue one. /skirt/

You're wearing the wrong thing

You don't need a fur coat, but... /coat/

I sewed a shirt for a bear,

I'll sew it for him. /pants/

D/game "The Fourth Wheel"

/dress, trousers, boots, skirt/

Finger gymnastics

Let's count for the first time

How many shoes from us:

Shoes, slippers, boots

For Natasha and Seryozha

Yes, even boots

For our Valentine.

- Clothes sewn from different fabrics.

Di "Pick up a definition"

Leather jacket - leather jacket

Silk dress - silk dress

Wool suit - wool suit

Chintz sundress - chintz sundress

Fur coat - fur coat

Which shoes worn in winter?

Physical exercise to music. accompaniment "Felt boots"

Di "Vice versa"

Dress long - short,

wide - narrow skirt,

socks white - black,

T-shirt is clean - dirty,

ironed shirt - wrinkled.

You are so smart and neat today.

Dasha wanted to sew herself an elegant dress, but the trouble was, she was too hasty.

Speaking tongue twisters:

“Dasha was in a hurry, sewing a dress,

Yes, I was in a hurry, I didn’t finish the sleeve.”

Let's help Dasha finish her dress.

Di "Doshey dress"

/Children add details to the dress - sleeves, flounce, belt, collar/


Mom sewed it for her daughter / turns the body to the right, left /

Blue dress

Blue dress /spin/

With white border

How elegant /jumping in place/

Fun to watch

I need this dress

Wear for the holiday. / spinning /

Children stand in a circle.

Let's find out whether your mood depends on what you're wearing.

Di "My mood"

Try to show how you feel when you are wearing it. beautiful sundress or summer suit, tight, small cloth, soft, fluffy fur coat, wrinkled blouse and skirt or trousers, ball gown, evening suit.

Ball game "Tell me about your beloved clothes»

You roll, funny ball,

Quickly, quickly, hands over.

Who has a funny ball?

All about your beloved clothes

He'll tell us quickly.

One, two, three - speak!

Miniature stories children about their favorite clothes.

Bottom line classes.

Target. Develop phonemic hearing, visual attention, memory, general and fine motor skills, imagination. Expand your vocabulary. Develop accuracy of speech movements of the articulatory apparatus.

Material. Showcase. Toy car, bear, locomotive, monkey. Matryoshka, doll, Vanka-Vstanka, soldiers, top, ball.

Speech therapist. Guys, do you want to go to the toy store? This is not an ordinary store, but a magical one: toys can come to life, and customers can briefly turn into toys.

Look in the store

All toys on display:

Groovy bunnies,

Dolls and balls,

Fluffy kittens,

Matryoshka dolls, bear cubs.

Everyone is sitting on the shelves,

They want to play with us.

In our store, each toy has its own song.

A set of general developmental exercises.

The speech therapist removes toys from the display case and reads poetry about each one. Children say or sing the last line and do the exercise.

Speech therapist.

Here are the soldiers standing

The parade begins.

One two three four five -

We begin to walk.

(They march.)

Here are the cars running,

They rustle with their tires.

Yellow and red -

Everyone is so different.

Sh – sh – sh...

(They move with the flood.)

The little bear took the accordion,

I decided to play a little.

(They spread their arms to the sides, imitating playing the harmonica.)

One, two! Turn…

He dances and sings.

(They spin around, performing the “spring” movement.)

Here are the nesting dolls - crumbs,

colorful clothes,

Bright scarves,

Rosy cheeks.

(Perform a “spring” with a wave of the hand up.)

Hey, hurry up and take a look!

The dolls went dancing.

Legs are exposed

You are invited to visit.

(They put one or the other foot on the heel, raising their arms bent at the elbows up, fingers straight - a clockwork doll.)

This is such a funny ball

It keeps jumping and jumping like that!

I wish I could catch him quickly

To play again.

(They jump on two legs and squat at the end of the phrase.)

Vanka-stand, Vanka-stand,

Squat - ka, squat - ka.

How naughty you are!

We can't handle you!

(Lean to the right - left, perform half squats, shake your index finger.)

The most beautiful locomotive of all:

Two pipes and a hundred wheels.

Well, there are toys in it -

Dolls, bunnies, parsley.

(Move in fractional steps, working with arms bent at the elbows)

Continuing to move, they perform the song “Steam Locomotive” (music by Z. Kampaneyts, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya).

Speech therapist.

Here's a funny monkey

The monkey is a naughty girl.

One two three four five,

Wants to play with you!

Massage of biologically active points “Monkey Chi - chi - chi”.Children sit in Turkish style.

Speech therapist.

Monkey Chi-chi-chi

She sold bricks.

(Run your palms along the neck from the back of the head to the base of the throat.)

A little bunny ran up to her:

Would you like to sell a brick?

(Run the index and middle fingers along the wings of the nose.)

No! - said Chi-chi-chi. –

I sell bricks.

(Run the fingers of both hands from the middle of the forehead to the temples.)

Know it, little bunny!

There is no word "brick"!

(Spread the index and middle fingers of both hands, place them in front and behind the ear and vigorously rub the skin near the ears.)

How beautiful the store is!

But the toys on display

It became boring to stand like that,

I wanted to play.

Game "Shop" with improvised singing and movements.

Children (move in a round dance and sing).

We are opening a store.

Come in, come in,

Buy what you want!

Doll (the child goes into a circle and sings).

Look at me

And take it to your home.

I will love and listen to you.

And my name is Katyusha.

Speech therapist.

Who buys the toy

And takes it with him?

First child. I'm buying a toy.


Before you pick me up

You must catch me!


I am a jumper, a happy ball.

I don't like anyone who cries

I don't like anyone who cries

And I love the one who jumps!

Speech therapist.

Who buys the toy

And takes it with him?

Second child. I'm buying a toy!

Before you pick me up

You must catch me!

The child catches the toy and stands in a circle with it. Children move in a circle in a round dance and sing “Ding - ding - ding, ding - ding - ding...”

Skate(the child goes into a circle and sings).

I am not an easy horse,

I am a groovy horse.

Top - top, clop - clop,

Take me, buddy!

Speech therapist.

Who buys the toy

And they take it with them?

Third child. I'm buying a toy!


Before you pick me up

You must catch me!

The child catches the toy and stands in a circle with it. Children move in a circle in a round dance and sing “Ding - ding - ding, ding - ding - ding...”.

cat(the child goes into a circle and sings).

I am a kitty cat,

I'm good at catching mice.

I sing a song to the children:

“Meow, bayushki - bayu!”

Speech therapist.

Who buys the toy

And takes it with him?

Fourth child. I'm buying a toy!


Before you pick me up

You must catch me!

The child catches the toy and stands in a circle with it.

All children.

Ding - ding - ding, ding - ding - ding,

We are closing the store!

Speech therapist.

The doll invites you to visit,

Treats sweet tea to:

“Come, all the toys!

There will be cake and buns for you."

Articulation gymnastics.

  • Exercise “Delicious jam”. The mouth is open. The lips are parted in a smile. With the wide front edge of the tongue, children lick the upper lip, making a movement from top to bottom, then draw the tongue into the mouth, towards the center of the palate.

The speech therapist makes sure that the tongue does not narrow; when retracted, its side edges slide over the molars, and the tip of the tongue is raised; so that the lips do not stretch over the teeth and the lower jaw does not “pull” the tongue upward.

  • Exercise “Blow on tea.” Children place their wide tongue on their lower lip and exhale onto the tip of their tongue.
  • Exercise “Roll a candy in your mouth.” Mouth closed. The tip of the tongue rests on the cheek and moves up and down. The speech therapist makes sure that the jaw does not move.

Speech therapist.

Teddy bear drinks hot tea

And sucks the candy.

Don't get wet by accident

Tie a napkin.

Mimic exercise. Children show with the help of facial expressions how a bear eats a lemon, pickled cucumber, candy, cake, etc.

Speech therapist. Our bear became sad for some reason: he probably ate a lot of chocolate.

Breathing exercise “Let’s feel sorry for the bear.” Children blow into their palms for as long as possible, trying to ensure that the air comes out in a uniform stream.

Speech therapist.

Our bear is completely healthy -

I'm even ready to dance.

Well, the doll and the bear have fun -

They dance the polka without a break.

Children perform the dance “A bear and a doll are dancing a poleka” (music by M. Starokadomsky).

Speech therapist.(takes a top from the display case).

Chok - chok - chok -

Our top began to spin.

He hums, hums, sings,

He invites the boys to play.

Outdoor game "Top" (M. Kartushina).

Children sit freely around the hall, placing their hands on their belts.

Speech therapist.

The top is spinning and spinning.

He can't sit still.

(They spin on their toes, slowly at first, then faster and faster.)

Spun, buzzed,

He got tired and... fell.

(Slow down the spinning.)


(They squat.)

Let's do it in the yard

Houses made of sand.

Things are moving quickly

The doll's house is under construction.

Finger game.

Speech therapist.

Everything we want

We will make it out of sand.

(Clap their hands.)

Gosha makes a bun,

(“Make” a bun)

And Albina’s little mansion,

(Place palms together above head - roof.)

Lyuba sculpts different fish,

(Press palms one against the other and move them right - left.)

Well, Dasha is a white mushroom.

(One hand is clenched into a fist, covered on top with the palm of the other hand - a mushroom cap.)

Speech therapist.

Bom - bom! Bim-bang!

We are closing the store!

Summary of logorhythmic lesson in preparatory group on the topic “Let’s help forest animals get dressed” (Clothes. Shoes. Hats)

Tasks of a speech therapist:

1. Development of coordination of movements with changes in tempo depending on the tempo of the music.

2. Clarification of the active and enrichment of the passive vocabulary on the topic: “Clothing. Shoes".

3. Formation of adjectives from nouns.

4. Formation of the form of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

5. Dividing words into syllables.

6. Development of the ability to coordinate a noun with a pronoun.

7. Work on improving coordination of speech with movement.

8. Development of strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

9. Development of auditory and visual attention, memory.

Tasks of the music director:

1. Teach various types walking, running, jumping in accordance with the tempo and rhythm of the music.

2. Development of vocal and singing skills.

3. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music of various types.

4. Learn to correlate speech with movement in accordance with music.

Educatorconducts preparatory work on a lexical topic on the instructions of a speech therapist, memorizes the speech material of poems for speech with movement. On physical education classes learns outdoor games, practices the accuracy of performing movements that are speech therapy rhythm performed to music.

I . Organizing time.

Speech therapist:Guys, today I found a letter from a fox in my mailbox. Let's see what she wrote to us... (Speech therapist opens the letter)

“Dear children, girls and boys, it’s good for you in kindergarten, it’s warm, but in our forest it’s cold. The hare has a new coat, but I’m freezing, a moth has eaten my coat. Save, help! »

Speech therapist:How can we help the fox? (to give a new fur coat) Oh, there’s something else written here in small handwriting, bunny, I think he added it.

“Dear guys, I have a new fur coat, warm, white and beautiful, and no one notices me in the snow, a fox runs past. But my paws are cold. Help me!"

Speech therapist:What can we give to a bunny so that his paws don’t freeze? (Shoes).

This means we’ll have to go to the forest, but it’s cold in the forest, we need to get dressed! What are we wearing? What are we wearing? (Clothes, shoes, hats)

· Development of the ability to coordinate a noun with a pronoun “My, mine, mine” .

The speech therapist names the clothes and throws the ball. The child repeats the name of the clothing with the corresponding pronoun (T-shirt - my T-shirt, tights - my tights., returns the ball.

II . Introductory exercise:

Speech therapist:We got dressed, put on our shoes - now we go into the forest.

We'll go to the forest to see the animals

And we'll save you from the cold

Normal walking

So as not to get stuck in the snow -

You need to raise your legs up.

Walking with a high hip lift

"Horses" of music. Kraseva M.

Let's kick the snowball with our heels

And we'll go faster.

Walking on your heels

music Russian traditional

We ran on our toes

And not at all tired.

Running on your toes

Oh, the paths are confused -

You won't get lost, legs.

Walking along landmarks with a cross step

III .Main part:

1. Development of motor skills. Coordination of speech with movement.

Speech therapist:Our hands are frozen without gloves, we need to put them on quickly.

We put on our mittens


Look at us:

point at each other and then at themselves

In our new mittens

We'll start a merry dance

hands on the belt, spinning

We'll clap our hands


We'll stomp a little


Let's shake off the mittens

Sliding claps

And we'll start dancing again.


2. Development of strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles. (Breathing exercise “Breeze”)

Speech therapist:Oh, and the cold wind is blowing.

3. Development of auditory attention, representation and memory. Fixing the names of items of clothing, shoes and hats. Game "Coat hanger"

Children move around the hall to the music. When the speech therapist names an item of clothing, they stop, spread their arms to the sides, when they hear the name of the headdress, they put their hands on their head, shoes - they stomp their foot (heel).

4. Listening“Put on your felt boots” by Stepanov

5. Singing“Put on your felt boots” by Stepanov (in a round dance)

6. Consolidation and activation of vocabulary on a lexical topic. Dividing words into syllables (tapping with cubes) Game "Clap the Words"

Speech therapist:What did we want to give to the bunny (fox)? (Shoes (clothes))

Speech therapist:What kind of shoes (clothes) do you know? Please remember that words are divided into parts. We will separate them with the help of claps. How many times we clap our hands - there are so many syllables in a word.

Children take turns naming items of footwear (clothing), clapping the words with their hands, syllable by syllable.

Children give gifts (a fur coat, shoes) to the fox and the hare and say goodbye to them.

IV. Final part :

Speech therapist:Guys, we helped the animals, took a walk, played, and now it’s time for us to return home.

Children lie on the carpet on their backs and listen to the music of “November” “On the Troika” album “Seasons” by Tchaikovsky.