Final reporting lesson in 2nd junior. Topic: “Journey through the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Prepared by teacher of MKDOU No. 346

Barabanova Elena Borisovna

Novosibirsk 2016

Summary of the comprehensive final lesson in the second younger group"Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"

Educational goal:

Recall the content of Russian folk tales “Three Bears”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”; develop coherent speech;

Strengthen your ability to distinguish geometric figures: square, triangle, circle; consolidate the concepts of “big” and “small”

Strengthen the signs of spring; concept of fruits and vegetables;

Clarify children’s ideas about young wild and domestic animals;

Continue to strengthen children’s ability to form nouns using diminutive suffixes;

Developmental goal:

Activate memory, attention, thinking

Activate children's vocabulary;

Educational goal:

Develop the ability to listen to the teacher,

Develop communication skills,

Teach children to work together as a team.

Be careful when working with dough;

Materials and equipment: posters with images of the fairy tales “Three Bears”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”; a train with images of geometric shapes; toy teddy bear and bun; baskets (blue and pink); dummies of fruits and vegetables; salty dough for modeling; boards for modeling.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello to them!

Educator: Well done! I invite you to stand in a circle and say hello to each other! (Children stand in a circle).

The children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes

Educator: What fairy tales do you know?

Children: “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Masha and the Bear”, etc.

Educator: then I suggest you go on a journey to the land where fairy tales live! You and I will be traveling on this little train! But our locomotive was broken by you. I suggest you fix it!!!

(Children choose geometric shapes for the train.)

Educator: guys, what geometric shapes did you use to fix the train?

Children: circle, square, triangle.

Educator: what colors are they?

Children: red, blue, yellow, white, green

Educator: Well, our little train is ready, then let's hit the road.

(Music sounds, children cling to the train. Walk around the group.)

Educator: So you and I have arrived at the first fairy tale. Guys, do you know what kind of fairy tale this is?

Children: Three Bears

Educator: Do you know the names of the heroes in this fairy tale?

Children: Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka, Masha

Educator: guys, look, little bear wrote us a letter. Let's read it!

(The teacher reads the letter:)

“Dear guys, the inhabitants of our forest have completely forgotten what time of year it is now. We wanted to ask you to help us!”

Educator: guys, do you know what time of year it is now?

Children: spring

Educator: how did you determine?

Children: the snow has melted, the leaves are blooming, green grass has appeared, the first flowers are blooming.

Educator: what first flowers do you know?

Children: snowdrops, tulips, dandelions, etc.

Educator: guys, what is the sun like in spring?

Children: bright, warm, etc.

Educator: guys, please tell me, is the bear a wild animal or a domestic animal?

Children: wild because he lives in the forest

Educator: oh, do you know what baby forest animals are called?

Children: Yes

(Pictures depicting adult animals and their cubs are shown. You need to combine them into pairs. (bear - bear cub, wolf-cub, fox-fox, hare-hare, squirrel-cub)

Educator: guys, let's remember the finger game about a squirrel

Finger game“A squirrel is sitting on a cart...”

Educator: Well guys, let's hit the road! And let's say goodbye to the hero of the fairy tale!

(Children say goodbye, say goodbye, cling to the train, walk around the circle in a group and approach the next easel, where the fairy tale “Turnip” is depicted)

Educator: guys, do you know what fairy tale we found ourselves in?

Children: turnip

Educator: do you know who planted the turnip?

Children: grandfather

Educator: Who helped pull out the turnip?

Educator: Guys, tell me, is a turnip a vegetable or a fruit?

Children: vegetable.

Educator: Guys, look at this basket, it contains fruits and vegetables. Place the fruits in the red basket and the vegetables in the blue one. . (Game “fruits and vegetables”).

Educator: Well guys, let's hit the road! And let's say goodbye to the hero from the fairy tale!

(Children say goodbye, say goodbye, cling to the train, walk around the circle in a group and approach the next easel, where the fairy tale “Kolobok” is depicted).

Educator: guys, do you know what fairy tale this is?

Children: Kolobok

Educator: guys, what kind of bun?

Children: round, ruddy, etc.

Educator: Guys, in the fairy tale the bun traveled for a very long time and was a little tired. Let's take a little rest together with the kolobok.


Kolobok, kolobok, warm and rosy. (tilts to the right, left)

Jump and jump, jump and jump, our friend has started, (jumping, running in place)

He turned right, then he turned left, (turns right and left)

Then it spun with a leaf (rotate 360 ​​degrees)

then he became friends with the little squirrel. (squat)

Rolled along the path (running in a group)

and fell into my palms. (children run up to the teacher)

Educator: Guys, the bun has prepared a letter for you and me.

The teacher reads the letter:

“My dear guys,

I'm a bun ruddy side,

I left my grandmother

And he left his grandfather,

And I want to run away from the fox

Help me prepare a treat

For a cunning cheat!

Educator: Well, guys, let’s help the bun prepare a treat for the fox and all the heroes of the fairy tale?

Children: Yes

Educator: and let us make bagels and bagels for the fox and all the heroes of the fairy tale. Then come and sit at the tables and listen carefully. And today we will sculpt from salt dough.

I take the dough in my hands, roll it forward and back, it turns out to be a sausage. I'll connect the ends and get a steering wheel. If I want a bagel, I’ll roll it narrower. And now let’s get down to business – making bagels and bagels.

(Children sculpt, the teacher prompts them individually).

Educator: guys, everyone did their best today. Let's show bagels and bagels to our guests

Tsapko Olga
Final open lesson in the second junior group “Visiting Grandma Arina”

"IN guests to grandma Arina» .

Target: show the level of assimilation of the program by children.


1. Strengthen children’s ability to classify objects according to basic characteristics (vegetables - fruits, wild - domestic animals)

2. Will strengthen children’s ability to relate and name wild animals and their young.

3. To strengthen children’s knowledge of fairy tales they know and the desire to tell them.

4. Strengthen children’s ability to compose descriptive story according to the picture.

5. Strengthen children’s ability to distinguish geometric shapes and make a structure out of them.

6. Strengthen children’s ability to compose an image from ready-made shapes, arrange it in a free form, and carefully glue it.

7. Develop fine motor skills fingers

8. Develop children's attention and thinking.

9. Develop the desire of children to help each other.

10. Cultivate friendly relationships between children.

11. Develop the ability to listen to the teacher.

Preliminary work:

1. Learning poems and nursery rhymes.

2. Examination of illustrations for fairy tales.

3. d/i “Whose baby?”

4. d/i "Vegetables and fruits"

5. d/i “What grows in the garden and garden?”

6. d/i "Geometric Lotto"

7. d/i "Fold the picture"

Equipment: building blocks, pictures of animals and their babies, toys: vegetables, fruits, pots, 3 bears, screens with a background for fairy tales, a bridge, musical accompaniment: song of a steam locomotive, stream, music from a fairy tale "three Bears".

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys! Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other, conveying our good mood.

Our ears hear everything

Our eyes see everything

We inhale the scent of flowers!

Guys, let's share our mood with our guests(we come to guests, we touch palms to palms, conveying the mood).

Educator: Look guys, a crow flew to us, what does it have in its beak? (read the letter).


Hello dear guys!

I Grandma Arina, I'm really looking forward to seeing you in guests. My house is located behind the forest. You can get there by train, there are tickets in the envelope. Take your seats quickly and hit the road.

Grandma Arina.

Educator: Well, guys, let's go to visiting grandma?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then take your seats on the train. (train song sounds).

Educator: Look guys, we have arrived in the spring forest. Who can we meet in the forest?

In winter he sleeps in a den

And he snores a little.

And if he wakes up, let’s roar,

And his name is... (Bear).

Who is it in the cold autumn

Does he always walk around angry and hungry? (Wolf).

Under the pines, under the fir trees

There is a bag of needles. (hedgehog).

The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens from the village. (Fox)

Fluffy and red

Lives on a tree.

Strong teeth

He gnaws all the nuts. (Squirrel).

(Show pictures of animals, tell what it is like, where it lives, what the cub’s name is).

Look guys, is there someone's house in the forest? Who do you think lives there? (Three Bears).

Fizminutka "Three Bears".

Three bears were walking home

Dad was big, big

Mom is shorter with him,

Well, my son is just a little baby!

He was very small

Walked around with rattles

Ding, la-la, ding, la-la!

Educator: What is Papa Bear's name?

What is the bear's name?

What is the little bear's name?

Nastasya Petrovna really likes to cook borscht soup and compote. But the fruits and vegetables are all mixed up in the basket, let’s help, put them in different saucepans.

Educator: What do we put in the soup pot? (cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, potatoes).

Educator: What should we put in for compote? (apple, orange, banana).

Educator: Well done boys! Look at the clearing there are a lot of animals, they are lost and don’t know where to go, can we help them find their home? (there are Christmas trees and a house in different directions). What animals did you place in the forest and why? Which ones to go into the house and why? (they are wild and domestic).

Educator: Look guys, what kind of house? (small) There is not enough space for all the animals. Let's help them and build a lot of houses? What figures do we need for this? (cubes and triangles).

Educator: Well done guys, we helped the animals with you. Are we heading further?

Children: Yes!

Educator: and you and I didn’t even notice how we got to grandmother's village. The only problem is there is a stream, how to get across it? You can't jump over, you can't get around.

Children: swim across.

Educator: What can you use to cross the stream?

Children: on a boat!

Educator: Well done boys! We will make boats with you and swim across. Here on the table there is everything you need to make a boat.

Let's refresh ourselves so that we have the strength to work, but what can we do to help? Of course porridge: (finger gymnastics)

The porridge grew in the field,

Came to our plate,

We will invite all our friends,

We'll give you a plate:

Little fox - sister, sparrow, titmouse,

We'll give each one a spoon to the cat and the matryoshka.

Let's get started! (first we show how to correctly post a picture, then we remember the rules for using glue, the rules of work).

Educator: here we come to visit grandma Arina!

It turns out grandmother.

Arina: I'm so glad to see you! Was it difficult for you to get there? Who did you meet along the way? Who did you help? And I have prepared a treat for you, please bring it to the table!

Publications on the topic:

Area: "Communication" Section: English language Topic: At the circus Purpose: To activate children's vocabulary on the topic of animals.

Final integrated lesson in the second junior group “Travel with the grasshopper Kuzya” Final integrated lesson in the second junior group “Travel with Kuzya” Goal: to summarize children’s knowledge in cognitive areas.

Final lesson in the second junior group Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about pets. Develop children's vocal apparatus: teach them to speak loudly, quietly, calmly. Develop.

Abstract physical education class(plot) in the 2nd junior group No. 10. “Cat and Mice Goals: - continue to teach children to walk on their toes and heels.

Summary of the integrated final lesson in the 2nd junior group

"Journey to a fairy forest."

Program content:

Continue to teach children to count objects, naming the total number; consolidate quantitative counting skills within 3. Develop skills in comparing several objects (up to 3) different sizes, arranging them in ascending and descending order, indicating the order with the words “high”, “lower”, “lowest”. Expand knowledge about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Continue to teach children to perceive and understand speech in the state language.
R- expand your understanding of the world around you, seasonal changes in nature. Strengthen the ability to combine in design different material. Develop memory, logical thinking, speech, imagination, creativity.
IN- educate children friendly relations, desire to learn something new, ability to work in a team.

Material for the lesson:

an envelope with a letter, trees of different sizes, a set of geometric shapes for each child, a set of numbers from 1 to 3, pictures with the seasons, a screen, kinder surprises, plasticine, napkins, oilcloths. Musical accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group.

Guys, let's greet our guests and give them our smiles and good mood for the whole day.

Guys, this morning I came to kindergarten and found an envelope with a letter. Three little pigs wrote us a letter. There was a strong wind in their forest and everything was confused. Let's help our piglets? And for this we need to go to the fairy forest.

But first I will say magic words. - One, two, turn around. Children in fairy forest find yourself

Musical accompaniment sounds.

Look, guys, here we are in a fairytale forest. But we have something wrong here, all our trees have fallen and are tangled. We need to arrange all the trees from high to low.

Children complete the task. After completing the task, the teacher asks several children individually about the order in which they arranged the trees (high, medium, low).

Well done guys, you completed the task. But it's time for us to move on. Children approach the magic screen, which shows us what is happening in the forest. Let's take a look and count how many forest dwellers live in the forest.

Children sit on chairs.

On the screen is a picture of forest inhabitants.

How many squirrels do you see in the picture? (One)

How many hedgehogs? (Two)

How many bunnies? (Two)

How many piglets? (Three)

How many wolves? (One)

The children completed the task. +baby animals

Who is called the most cunning in the forest? (fox cubs)

Who carries needles all their life? (hedgehog)

What animal sleeps all winter? (bear cubs

Who is called the longest-eared in the forest? (hare - hares)

Physical education minute “The bunny went out for a walk”

The bunny went out for a walk
The wind began to subside.

(walking in place)
Here he is jumping down the hill,
The green one runs into the forest.
And rushes between the trunks,
Among the grass, flowers, bushes.
(jumping in place)
The little bunny is tired
Wants to hide in the bushes
(walking in place)
The bunny froze in the grass,
And now we too will freeze.
(children sit on chairs)

The seasons are mixed up in the forest and the piglets do not know what will come after winter, after which summer will come. We need to put everything in order. I will ask you riddles, and you tell me when this happens. If we answer correctly, a picture will appear on the magic screen.

The cold has arrived
The water turned into ice,
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen? (winter)

The streams rang and the rooks flew in.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen? (spring)

The meadows are turning green,
There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.
The lake is warmed by the sun,
He invites everyone to swim... (summer)

The leaves are still flying
There are bright leaves in the garden,
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen? (autumn)

A picture of a winter landscape appears.

Well done guys, we completed this task. They brought order to the forest, but what about our piglets? After all, their houses were broken down. Let's help the piglets and build new houses.

Children sit at tables and build houses for piglets from geometric shapes. As the task is completed, the teacher asks the children from what geometric shapes this or that child built the house, and what color the parts are.

The teacher thanks the children. Music is heard, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that someone is in a hurry to see them. A pig from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” appears. Piglet thanks the children for their help and gives them gifts, and the children give him a tea set.

Well done guys, you did a good job today, you were smart and quick-witted. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

One, two, turn around, you’ll find yourself back in the kindergarten.

Well here we are kindergarten.

guys, where have we been?

who did we help? What they were doing?

Educator: -

You did such a great job today, you helped the piglets so much, you solved all the riddles. And what beautiful houses you have turned out to be. I really liked you today.

Ladeyshchikova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Svetlana Radionova

Integrated final lesson in the second junior group"A" « New adventures of Kolobok»

Target: summarize, consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge acquired during the year.


1. Speech development:

Remember the content of Russian folk tale « Kolobok» . Offer to children new version of the tale's ending;

Develop coherent speech;

Continue to strengthen children’s ability to form nouns using diminutive suffixes;

Improve the ability to use nouns with prepositions in speech (in, on, under, behind, near) ;

2. Familiarization with your surroundings:

Reinforce general concepts (fruits, vegetables, wild and domestic animals);

Fix with children the names of adult animals and their cubs, their habitat (mother bear cub, she-wolf cub, fox cub, hedgehog - hedgehog, squirrel - cub)

3. Mathematics:

Strengthen knowledge about the relationships of objects according to quantity: “how much”, “so much”, “equally”;

Strengthen knowledge of geometric figures: rectangle, circle, square;

Exercise in comparing objects by height (high - low, by width (wide - narrow);

Develop fine motor skills;

Promote emotional bonding between children;

Give children joy and pleasure from joint activities.

Equipment: toy- bun; theatrical dolls: bear, wolf, hare, fox; demonstration and handout material - (flowers and butterflies,

illustrations for a fairy tale « Kolobok» , 3 boxes different color, 3 sets of cubes of different sizes, domestic and wild animals, vegetables and fruits, paper house from geometric shapes with a rectangular cutout for a door and three doors, one of which will exactly close the opening, and the other two are lower and higher; salty dough.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment.

Let's say hello to you.

Hello pens: clap - clap - clap.

Hello legs: top - top - top.

Hello ears: uh - uh - uh.

Hello cheeks: splash - splash - splash.

Hello sponges: smack - smack - smack.

Hello teeth: click - click - click.

Hello my little nose: beep - beep - beep.

Hello, guests!

2. Main part.

My dear children, you love to listen to fairy tales. I also really love fairy tales. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we will play a fairy tale.

Guess which fairy tale we'll be in play:

It was baked from flour, mixed with sour cream,

He chilled at the window, rolled along the path,

Was he cheerful, was he brave, and did he sing a song on the way?

Who is this? (bun)

We're in a fairy tale" Kolobok" (picture)

Children notice someone crying kolobok and ask: « Kolobok, why are you crying?" (Take a toy - kolobok)

Kolobok: Yes, because I was lost... I left my Grandfather and Grandmother and got lost. Guys, please help me get home!

Educator: Well, let's help kolobok get home? Grandfather and grandmother will be very happy when bun will return home with his friends. Is it possible to do this now? Children answer: “Of course you can, because spring has come”

Educator: Guys, what happens in the spring? How has nature changed? When answering a question, start the sentence with the word "spring".

Sample answers from children:

In spring the snow melts and streams flow;

In spring the sun is bright and warm;

In the spring, insects appear;

Birds arrive in spring;

In spring the first flowers appear,

In spring the leaves bloom;

In spring the grass turns green;

In spring, people change from warm clothes to lighter ones;

Educator: Right, but what comes instead of snow in the spring? (rain)

Kolobok: Well? Are we heading out? (Yes)

Rolling, rolling bun, and towards him...

1. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

I sucked a brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to roar.

This forest animal is…. (bear)

- The bear says: « Kolobok, bun! If you can’t cope with my task, then I’ll eat you!” Kolobok got scared, he didn’t go to kindergarten, he didn’t know how to solve problems, and he started crying. Maybe we can help him? (Yes)

The bear decided to clean the house and asked the little bear to put the toys into boxes so that one box contained small cubes, the second one is bigger, and in the third - the largest. And he was in such a hurry to go for a walk that he threw all the toys into one box. Children are given independence. After the cubes have been arranged boxes:

What cubes did you put in the green box? (Children's answers)

And the red cubes were put in which box, why? (Children's answers)

Cubes of blue color put it in which box? (Children's answers)

Well done boys! Bear let go of the bun. The bun rolled on.

We follow each other

Forest and green meadow.

Motley wings flicker

Butterflies flutter in the forest.

1-2-3-4-5 butterflies will flutter and pollinate flowers.

(Music is the sound of birds singing, a bee, children listening)

Look how beautiful the flower meadow is! Let's stop and admire (the children go to the tables; there is a demonstration on the canvas material: 3 flowers and 2 butterflies, the same handouts on the table for each child)

What do you see (flowers and butterflies)

Guys, what are more flowers or butterflies? (flowers)

How did you know (attached)

Who will show?

That more? (flowers) and what is less? (butterflies)

Guys, what needs to be done to make it equal? (add butterfly)

Now what do you say (Equally as many flowers as there are butterflies)

Kolobok: Oh, now I'm drowning! I can't swim.

Educator: Do not worry, bun, the guys will tell you how to get across (build a bridge across the river from bricks, from pyramid rings). Let's cross it to the other side of the river.

Everyone gets to the other side together "rivers", and there a wolf is waiting for them.

3. Who is cold in winter?

Is there an angry, hungry wandering around the forest? (wolf)

- Wolf: Hello kids, girls and boys! Go your way, I won't touch you, but I'll eat the bun.

Children: Don't eat it wolf! We all go together to visit our grandparents.

Wolf: On a visit... I'll let you go Kolobok if you can complete the task.

I keep order in the forest, but in our forest someone dumped all the pictures in a pile, put everything in its place. First you need specify: what are the animals that live in the forest called? (wild) Why are they called wild? What animals do you know?

What can you call the animals that live next to humans? (pets that live with their owners)

Did. a game: "Find a house" (classification of animals)

How we affectionately address a fox (a fox, and a little... fox

Hare, and little... (little bunny)

Wolf, and little... (wolf cub)

Bear, and little... (little bear)

Squirrel (little squirrel)

- hedgehog (hedgehog)

Let's kindly ask the wolf to let go kolobok.

Little wolf, don't eat and let me go, please. kolobok.

-The wolf became kind: - Well done guys, you did a good job. I'll have to let you go kolobok.

4. He is afraid of everyone forest:

Wolf, eagle owl, fox.

Runs from them, escaping,

With long ears... (hare)

Smart Aunt Owl gave me a task, but I can’t cope with it. Guys, help me put vegetables and fruits into different baskets. Let's remember, guys, where fruits grow (in the garden, on a tree); vegetables (in the garden, on a bush)

Did. game "Arrange vegetables and fruits in baskets correctly"

Let's play with the bunny.

Phys. just a minute

Gray bunny sitting (squat)

and wiggles his ears (show ears).

That's it, that's how he moves his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit (rubbing hands)

I need to warm my paws (stroke the back of the hand with the palm)

That's it, that's how you need to warm your little paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand (get up)

The bunny needs to jump (jump)

That's it, that's how the bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny (cotton)

The bunny jumped and ran away (sit down)

IN: The fox scared the Bunny and he hid in his house. He asks to be saved from Chanterelle - to close the doors so that she cannot enter the house.

(Children select the right height door and apply to the doorway in the picture)

(What geometric shapes does the house consist of, what color)

Thank you, the bunny says and lets go kolobok.

Cunning cheat, red head,

The fluffy tail is a beauty. Who is this? (fox)

Fox: Which tasty little cone. Kolobok, bun, I will eat you!

Children: Don't eat it fox! We all go together to visit our grandparents.

Fox: Well, okay, I’ll let you go if you do what I ask. exercise: picture for orientation space: The bunnies hid from me, tell me where they are. I want to be friends with them!

Where is one bunny? (behind the birch)

Where is the second bunny(on a stump)

Where is the third bunny? (behind the stump)

Where is the fourth bunny? (under the mushroom)

Children: Fox let us go kolobok?

And the fox is crying loudly, now she has to let go kolobok, but she doesn't want to.

Fox: No, I won’t let you go! I'm bored here. AND I won't let go of the bun. And I’ll leave you all with me.

Children: We can’t stay with you. We need kolobok to see my grandparents, they have been there for a long time Kolobok is waiting at home. And we will make dough for you koloboks. (The guys come up to the table on which the dough lies. They take a piece and mold kolobok, put on one dish)

Okay, I’ve persuaded you, I’ll let you go and Kolobok and all of you. I liked you, such smart and friendly guys.

Look, guys, here is grandpa and grandma's house.

Grandfather and grandmother: Oh, cone! Where have you been? We lost you!

Kolobok: Forgive me, I ran away from home and got lost, and the guys helped me find my way home.

Grandfather and grandmother: Oh, what smart, quick-witted guys! Thank you for saving our kolobok, and for this we want to treat you.

Dear Guys! Was it a long road for you? What did you see? Who did you meet? What they were doing? (Children's answers)

Great, now you have Kolobok even more friends appeared.


Summarize preschoolers' knowledge about wild animals who live in the forest, about their habitat and nutrition (in winter).

Clarify children's knowledge about geometric shapes; their characteristics, consolidate the ability to find objects in everyday life that are similar to these geometric figures; comparing the sizes of objects (long-short).

Create a desire to sculpt gifts for “forest animals”, strengthen the ability to roll a lump of plasticine between your palms in a circular motion hands, giving it a rounded shape; roll out a piece of plasticine and process it with your fingers.

To develop children's attention, creative imagination, memory, thinking.

Develop coherent speech in preschoolers.

Develop the ability to actively cooperate with each other and with the teacher.

Material: images of wild animals, geometric shapes: circles, squares, triangles; two ribbons (for each child), plasticine, boards, napkins.

Progress of classes in the junior group of kindergarten:

1. Organization of children.

Children, look what beautiful snowflake flew to us! What season do you think it might bring? (Winter).

What time of year is it now? (Winter)

Why do you think so? (Children's answers)

What kind of snow? (Cold, white, wet)

Didactic game"Yes or no"

(The teacher names the sentences, and the children answer yes or no)

For example: “In winter, people tan in the sun. Yes or no?"

2. Surprise moment

(Bunny came to visit)

Good afternoon, Bunny! Children, we must find out where the bunny lives by solving the riddle:


The house is open on all sides,

Covered with a blue roof,

In the green house here

Different animals live (Forest).

What animals live in the forest? (Children's answers)

Didactic game “Who lives in the forest?”

(Select a picture depicting only those animals that live in the forest and tell about their habitat)

(I post pictures of wild animals + several pictures of domestic animals).

For example: This is a squirrel, she lives in a hollow.

Children, which of these animals cannot be found in the forest in winter? (Bear, hedgehog) Why? (Children's answers)

3. Didactic game “Name the animal affectionately”

For example: Squirrel - squirrel,

Hare-bunny, bunny


Wolf- ............ ..

Fox- ..........

4. Educator. - More forest friends came to visit us - bunnies and squirrels.

How many bunnies? (3 bunnies) How many squirrels? (3 squirrels) What can I say, how many bunnies and squirrels? (Equally)

(I hide one bunny) How many bunnies can you count? (2) How many squirrels? (3) Who has more squirrels or bunnies? What needs to be done to make it equal? (Children's answers)

5. The bunny went to the Forest School and learned a lot there. He has numbers. This is a number... Oh, woe! The bunny forgot what this number was. Shall we help him? (Children call numbers 1, 2, 3)


Educator. - Our Bunny is sad for some reason. He needs to go home, because guests are coming to him soon, but he doesn’t know which way to go. Shall we help the Bunny? We need to go and sit at the tables, but on the way we have many obstacles, we need to crawl under a bush (arc) and jump over the river over stones (hoops).

Working with children at tables.

Here are our 2 paths and we need to figure out which one is short and which one is long. What needs to be done for this? (Children's answers) Well done!

6. Because you helped the Bunny find his way home, he wants to play with you, and the game is called “Find Your Home”

7. Modeling from plasticine with children

Everything is fine, but Bunny needs to treat his friends, who will come any minute, with something. What to do, how can we help? Tell me (we need to sculpt) But before we sculpt, what do we need to do for our fingers so that they work well?

Finger gymnastics.

8. Independent work of children.

9. Job analysis

(we collect the treats in the basket, the Bunny will take it away to the animals). He hasn’t forgotten about you either, he has prepared a surprise for you. And now he says goodbye to you. See you!

10. Summary of the lesson.