Step-by-step pedicure at home. Do-it-yourself pedicure at home: types of procedures, step-by-step instructions, foot care

An indispensable attribute female beauty are well-groomed hands. Manicure plays one of the leading roles in the image, and the abundance of designs and techniques does not fit into any framework. In the context of hand care, pedicure fades into the background, and many girls undeservedly forget that their feet need no less care.

How to properly do a pedicure at home? Step by step about foot skin care and what you can’t do without when creating neat nail plates.

Care to the tips of your nails

The word pedicure came into use from the French language (pédicure), although in fact it has Greek roots. It can be literally translated as “foot and cut/scissors.” Pedicure is a care procedure for the feet, similar to manicure, which is responsible for the hands. Attention is paid to toes, skin, nails, feet. You can get the service at a beauty salon or do it yourself. How to properly do a pedicure at home, and step by step photo Further.

The procedure includes the following components of healthy and beautiful legs:

  • Steam bath.
  • Removal of rough skin on the feet.
  • Cuticle treatment.
  • Shaping the nail plates.
  • Massage.
  • Decorative nail coating.

For those who want to perform a pedicure at home, which would not be inferior in quality to a professional one, we will step by step tell you about the nuances of each of the above points.

Preliminary preparation

Before you begin the main manipulations, you must definitely get rid of the previous nail polish. Give preference to liquids that do not contain acetone. Gentle removers will protect the nail plates from harmful effects.

Also at this stage, all instruments involved in the process are thoroughly disinfected: files, scissors, pumice stone, tweezers, etc.

Purity and softness

Softening the skin of the feet is an important point. Make a bath of warm water, using a container large enough for you to soak both feet at the same time. Enter a foaming ingredient (shampoo, shower gel, bubble bath). It wouldn’t hurt to add sea salt or herbs; some people prefer essential oils. The feet are immersed in the water for literally 10 minutes, after which they are wiped dry with a towel. This time is enough for dry, dead skin cells to soften and become pliable for removal.

Shape and surface

It is believed that the square shape of nails is ideal. It's not just about aesthetics, but also about comfort. By cutting the protruding part of the plate in a straight line, you prevent such a common problem as ingrowth. The cut is carefully trimmed using a file, and the ends are slightly rounded, moving from the edges to the center.

There are several ways to rid your nails of overgrown skin (cuticles). As a rule, there are classic trimmed and untrimmed European pedicures, which are more preferable for a number of good reasons (the risk of injury to the skin and the possibility of infection is minimized). Lubricate the cuticle area with a special product and wait the required time.

Then use an orange wood stick or a pusher to push away the softened area of ​​the overgrown skin.

Use a spatula to clean the area under your nails. Use a nail file to treat rough fingertips and calluses. Use a double-sided file to polish the surface of your nails until they are smooth, even and shiny. In addition, after this simple technique, the coating will last significantly longer.

"Stop!" foot problems

The feet often have excessively rough skin. Your faithful allies in the fight against such troubles are pumice stones, scrubs, peelings, masks.

Usually that ten-minute bath is enough to soften, but if you think that this is not enough, repeat the procedure again. Treat your steamed feet with pumice, especially the heel area.

For those who are familiar with corns and cracked heels, we advise you to resort to traditional methods recovery. For example, nutritional masks are effective. Before going to bed, the heels are covered with a medicinal mass, wrapped in cellophane film on top and socks are put on. In the morning, the mask is washed off and moisturizer is applied.

Home SPA resort

All the pleasures of professional care are available within the walls of your own home. For SPA care, prepare a bath of water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, be it citrus, woody or floral. Enjoy warm water and the pleasant aroma of essential oils for about half an hour, setting you up for a wave of relaxation. Using the scrub, start massaging your feet. This product effectively gets rid of rough skin, giving your legs softness and smoothness. Any cream will do for the mask, the only thing is that it must be applied in a thick layer. Next, as you already know, the feet are wrapped in plastic film, and socks are put on top. The desired duration is from a couple of hours to the whole night.

Design and decor

Decorating the legs is the last stage of the pedicure. Decorative coatings are presented wide range, so you can easily find the desired colors and shades, textures and effects. Toenails are traditionally painted in more neutral tones so that the pedicure goes with any clothing, shoes and accessories. However, this principle does not impose restrictions on you. You can afford absolutely any technique and design. We recommend paying attention to classic or colored French, plain red, ombre.

Here are the main secrets of how to properly do a pedicure at home to achieve smooth and soft heels, shiny and even nail plates. Pamper your feet once every 7-10 days, and then you will not encounter cracks, corns, ingrown nails and other eternal problems. A beautiful pedicure is the key to attractiveness. And it doesn't matter whether your feet are visible to the public or hidden under your shoes. Knowing that you are impeccable, you will radiate optimism and confidence, and a smile will certainly reign on your face.

Some women do pedicures only in the warm season, when they need to wear open shoes, and some even neglect it altogether. This is understandable, because in a salon such a procedure is quite expensive, and women do not have the time, skills, or special tools to do a pedicure at home with their own hands. Step-by-step instructions will tell you about all the nuances of the procedure and its basic rules.

The most necessary tools for pedicure include:

  • nail clippers;
  • cutters for removing burrs;
  • scissors;
  • cuticle pusher;
  • scraper for cutting dead skin;
  • nail file.

All tools should be small in size and fit comfortably in your hand. They must also be well sharpened. The best material for manicure and pedicure instruments is stainless steel.

In addition to the main tools listed, there are also auxiliary ones. These include a bath, pumice stone for treating heels, cotton pads, napkins, and moisturizing cream.

Types of pedicure

Many people do not know that there are several types of pedicure:

  1. Classic is the most popular procedure. It includes treatment of nails, coating them with varnish, as well as massage and moisturizing of the feet.
  2. Hardware pedicure is now becoming very popular in salons. Most often used for problem skin legs
  3. European. Many experts believe that this particular pedicure is most suitable for beginners, since it is almost impossible to injure yourself.
  4. Spa pedicure is an elite treatment for the skin of the feet, with which you can achieve good results even with the most problematic feet.
  5. Combined pedicure combines classic and hardware.

All treatments include nail treatment, dead skin removal and foot moisturizing. The main difference between the methods lies in the tools and cosmetics, which are used. All these procedures can be done either independently at home, if you have all the necessary tools, or in the salon. To avoid unpleasant consequences, before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with each type of procedure, its advantages and disadvantages.

Tools for classic pedicure

Girls who prefer salon services should not bother with this topic. And if the procedure is done at home yourself, then first you need to prepare the tools for the pedicure. The description and purpose of each is given below. So, to make a beautiful pedicure yourself, you will need:

  • if there is polish on the nails, then use nail polish remover;
  • bath with warm water;
  • pusher to push back the cuticle;
  • cuticle tweezers;
  • scissors and a nail file to give them the desired shape.

If you need to cover your nails, you will also need to prepare a nail buffer, colored varnishes and a degreaser (if you don’t have it, you can use alcohol).

When all necessary tools will be prepared, you can get down to business. Classic pedicure step by step:

  1. First, you need to remove old nail polish, if any, from your nails. If not, then you need to immerse your feet in a bath of water and wait a few minutes for the skin on the feet to soften.
  2. When the skin on your feet is soft, you need to move the cuticle away from the nail plate. To do this, you will need a spatula-shaped side of the pusher. The pusher gently lifts the cuticle in the area of ​​the nail hole. After this, the cuticle needs to be trimmed using tweezers.
  3. Next, you need to use a nail file to give your nails the desired shape. If necessary, you can use scissors.
  4. After the cuticles have been removed and the nails have been treated, you can begin to treat the feet. The keratinized areas should be treated with pumice. Then the treated feet should be lubricated with moisturizer.
  5. Thus, a simple pedicure at home is ready, and you can start applying varnish.

For beginners, the process may seem quite complicated, but in fact there is nothing to worry about. On average, a classic pedicure takes about 40 minutes, and to permanently maintain the result, this procedure should be done once a month.

Pros and cons of classic pedicure

The advantages of a trim pedicure include:

  • affordable price;
  • long lasting effect;
  • does not require any special devices;
  • the opportunity to do the procedure yourself.

Despite the positive aspects, edged pedicure has its disadvantages:

  • you can easily cut yourself;
  • there is a high probability of infection through a cut;
  • To get a long-lasting effect and avoid negative consequences, you need a good specialist.

Perhaps the biggest drawback here is that not all salons sterilize instruments according to all the rules, so you can easily get infected.

Do-it-yourself hardware pedicure at home: step-by-step instructions. Advantages and disadvantages of the method

This variety appeared in Russia recently. For such a procedure, you need a special machine for hardware pedicure, which has grinding attachments and various cutters. The feet are softened with the help of a special preparation, and not soaked in a bath, as is done with a classic pedicure.

Several steps of a hardware pedicure:

  1. The first step is to disinfect the feet.
  2. Next, a special preparation is applied to them for a few minutes, softening the keratinized skin.
  3. The next step is to proceed directly to the procedure. The device has various attachments that can be used to perform pedicures of any complexity: the device can remove calluses, warts, cracks on the feet, and ingrown toenails.
  4. After completing the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer or paraffin mask to your feet.

Usually, after such treatment, the result is noticeable immediately, but in advanced cases, several sessions may be required. The procedure takes approximately an hour.

The advantages of hardware pedicure include:

  • you can treat hard-to-reach places;
  • saving time by quickly cleaning the foot;
  • minimal risk of injury;
  • painless.

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • a small number of truly experienced and qualified craftsmen. Experience required for home use.

How to choose a machine for hardware pedicure

As already mentioned, a pedicure machine is quite expensive. Now there are many models, different in price, configuration and quality. For beginners who want to purchase a device, experts advise buying an inexpensive model first to try their hand at it. Before getting a pedicure, it is advisable for beginners to take several lessons from specialists or at least become familiar with the technique of performing the procedure on their own.

When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the material of the nozzles and the quality of the device itself. For professional pedicure the most the best option are devices with a vacuum cleaner. For home use, you can choose a simpler option. In a high-quality device there should be no vibration of the handle, it should be forcedly cooled and generally durable.

European pedicure: pros and cons

Advantages of the method:

  • saves time compared to other procedures;
  • there is no risk of injury or infection;
  • the end result is long lasting.

The disadvantages of this procedure include:

  • the procedure is not suitable for unkempt feet;
  • To get a good result, you need many sessions of the procedure.

European pedicure is performed without the use of tweezers or scissors. Cuticle removal occurs by applying a special cream that dissolves it. Then the skin is peeled back with a special wooden stick. With each such procedure, the cuticle becomes thinner and thinner. The skin of the feet is polished with pumice. A noticeable result from this procedure will appear after about seven procedures.

Combined and spa pedicure

Combined pedicure is a combination of hardware and classic. With this procedure, some areas are treated with a tool, and others with a device. For a comfortable feeling, the feet are first lowered into the bath, and then wiped dry, and the next stage of the procedure begins - hardware treatment of the feet and cuticles.

Experts believe that spa pedicure is the simplest method. Every girl can do it at home. Many preparations have been created specifically for spa pedicures containing natural ingredients to moisturize the skin of the feet. Such products allow you to remove dry skin without any discomfort. They usually contain essential oils and medicinal plants.

The main disadvantage of a spa pedicure is its high cost. Also, now there are very few salons and masters involved in this procedure.

In conclusion, it must be said that pedicure is of interest not only to women; men should also take care of the skin of their feet. People who for some reason do not want to visit a salon can do a pedicure at home with their own hands. The step-by-step instructions will be an excellent assistant and will familiarize you with all the nuances of the procedure.

In the summer, open shoes require well-groomed feet, and at other times of the year I visit the pool - water aerobics.

I will share with you how I do a pedicure at home.

******************************** My pedicure from A to Z ************ ************************

with the appearance of my beloved daughter in my life, doing a pedicure at home has become more and more problematic, and not only pedicures

Various steaming, healing foot baths come down to this

"Mom, I'm with you!"

You have to manage to find time)

**********************************Baths*************** *******************

If such a happy moment has arrived, then I make baths using sea salt and add essential oils according to my mood. More often tea tree oil, because it is a powerful antiseptic and antifungal agent.

I definitely do antibacterial bath using soda. This bath is very useful for those who visit the pool, which is me)))

It disinfects well, kills bacteria, and also gets rid of unpleasant odors.

and iodine bath: dissolve sea salt and add 4-5 drops of iodine

We can talk for a long time about how iodine is good for nails, but it all comes down to its unique antibacterial properties. For example, it kills bacteria - fungal pathogens that have landed on the nail, but have not yet had time to develop.

I not only do baths, but also simply smear iodine on my nails for prevention.

Bath with chamomile infusion.

I brew the bags and add the infusion to the water.

Taking a foot bath takes about 15 minutes and then you can rub the steamed feet...

No, not with pumice, I have been using a laser pedicure grater for this purpose for a long time.

**************************************Peeling*********** *************************

Foot scrub.

Its benefits are undeniable; your heels become smooth and soft.

I rarely use store-bought ones, more often I make them myself:

Sea salt scrub

3 tablespoons of fine salt, the same amount of tablespoons of coarse salt (sea), 2 tbsp. liquid soap or gel, 5 drops of essential oil.

Ground coffee, which is a blessing in our house always)

I drink coffee, and mix the coffee grounds with shower gel, or sour cream, or honey, or blue clay... basically, whatever your heart desires. You can add sea salt there too.

What about the heels... I'll scrub my whole body with a scrub made from coffee grounds!

After washing off the mask, apply nutritious cream.

************************************** Applying varnish ************** **********************

Hello, dear readers. Today I want to talk about the beauty of our legs. It's summer, it's a hot time. The time when we should look bright. After all, summer is a juicy and bright time, there should be brightness in everything. Well, well-groomed. Well-groomed arms and legs attract the attention of both men and women. And this is an indisputable fact. I recently had a pedicure, the master was wonderful, I trust the master one hundred percent. The girl is smart, so neat, she does everything with love, it’s very beautiful and I like it. Yesterday we were visiting a friend and chatting. So, she always does her own pedicure. And he says it’s easier and cheaper than in a salon. But who cares, you will agree. Sometimes it is much easier to contact a specialist.

Of course, we don’t always visit beauty salons. Sometimes you have to do a pedicure yourself at home. Home care it's always nice for your feet. Feet need to be softened, leg fatigue relieved, such procedures help you feel cozy and comfortable. It's always nice to take care of your appearance.

A big plus of foot care is that there are points on the feet that go to everyone. internal organs. Removing the stratum corneum and growths you feel great. Well, a woman absorbs energy through the earth, I learned about this in the muse course I took earlier. And a well-groomed foot, you see, is a guarantee of self-confidence.

How to do a pedicure yourself at home

Every woman can do a pedicure at home, believe me, if she wants to. If someone is more comfortable going to a beauty salon, great. I sometimes go to the salon myself, but I also do pedicures myself. Everything is very simple. For regular foot and heel care, pedicures are easy, quick and enjoyable.

In order to do a pedicure at home we will need:

  • Hot water basin
  • If desired, you can use fillers such as baking soda, liquid soap, essential oil, herbal decoction
  • You can use foot peeling
  • Scissors, nippers, files
  • Foot brush, sanding file, pumice stone
  • Pedicure separators
  • Definitely foot cream
  • If you will be painting your nails, have some nail polish ready.
  • Clean towel

And of course, as my manicurist said. It is advisable that your toenails are not short. Then you can give them a beautiful shape, and such nails look more luxurious. I always cut my toenails very short. But there is little industry before pedicure. When the nails are longer, it is easier to make them all the same and it is very beautiful.

How can you do a pedicure at home? It all depends on the condition of your feet and heels. In general, it is recommended to do a pedicure no more than once a month. This is quite enough. If the skin on your feet is thin, do not get too carried away with sanding the skin.

I really want to talk about instrument disinfection. It is important. The instrument must be treated with a disinfectant, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Or, as a last resort, wipe the instrument with alcohol.

If you do a pedicure at home, it is most convenient to do it in the bathroom. Make sure everything you need is at hand.

Pedicure rules at home

Making a foot bath

The first thing you need to start with is a foot bath. Now regarding the water. The water temperature should be hot, but not scalding. Immerse your feet in the bath and leave them for 15 minutes. I would like to note that a too hot bath is not advisable for varicose veins and pregnancy.

You can take a bath with a handful of sea salt. You can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to a handful of salt and dissolve it in water. You can add a little liquid soap.

I really like the baking soda bath. Baking soda perfectly softens the skin, then the stratum corneum of the skin is easily removed. Plus, baking soda perfectly removes foot odor and has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. I highly recommend trying to make a bath with baking soda. To do this, add a handful of baking soda to a bowl of water and lower your feet.

If your feet are in a more neglected state, it is recommended to grate them a little laundry soap and dissolve it in a basin, add soda and lower your legs.

You can prepare a decoction of herbs. Chamomile, calendula, lavender, oak bark and other herbs are perfect. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of herbs, leave to infuse, and strain. Add a glass of infusion to a bowl of water and lower your feet.

Then wipe one leg dry with a towel. The most important thing is to use a clean towel. It is advisable to have a small towel for your feet.

Cleansing feet and heels

The next thing we do is clean the heels and feet of dead skin with pumice. The most convenient way to do this is in a circular motion. Plus use fine-grained pumice.

You can use a special peeling, then rinse your feet with water. But again, my master advised me to do strawberry peeling. Mash fresh strawberries, apply to the soles and heels, and put on the balls. What other products to use at home as peeling can be read in the article ““. Then wash off the strawberry mask from your heels and feet. Clean your heels with pumice stone.

After treating your heels and feet with pumice, use a sanding file to sand the skin.

Cutting the cuticle

Now you need to carefully cut the cuticle. We cut it so as not to damage the skin; it is most convenient to do this with tweezers. If you do not know how or are unable to cut the cuticle, then simply move it aside.

Eliminating calluses and calluses

As a rule, corns and calluses are formed due to poor-quality, uncomfortable, tight shoes. In case of circulatory problems in the extremities. Of course, if you don’t know how to do everything correctly, it’s better to contact a specialist.

If you have rough skin on your feet, then I suggest you read the article ““. In the article you will find recipes and tips that will help you with this.

So we prepared one and then wiped and prepared the other leg. All that remains is to make our nails perfect and beautiful.

Making your nails beautiful

Healthy nails are perfect, pink, not wavy. The length of nails should be no more than two millimeters. You shouldn't cut your nails too short. You need to trim your nails with a nail file. Of course it’s beautiful when your nails are long.

Be sure to ensure that the cut line on the nails is slightly rounded. Give your nails a “spatula” shape.

Dirt under the nails can be removed with a wooden stick. Everything must be done carefully and very carefully so as not to damage the skin. It is correct to file the nails in one direction. File them from the edges to the center.

If your nails are yellow, you can whiten them with lemon juice. Of course, all this may indicate a lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. Therefore, pay attention to this, take a vitamin complex.

Apply coating to nails

Once your nails are prepared, you can now apply nail polish. It is more convenient to do this using separating pads. They are very comfortable. The varnish does not smear and is applied carefully. You can buy separators, if you don’t already have them, in cosmetic stores.

Apply base before applying nail polish. After which you need to carefully paint your nails with varnish. They applied shellac gel polish to me at the salon. I really like manicures with this polish. I discovered a lot of advantages for myself.

It shines and lasts for a month, even though I wash it without gloves. Nails are always in perfect condition. They shimmer and attract the attention of others. This is of course a fact, all my friends are interested in what kind of polish I have on my nails. The colors are rich and very bright.

Varnish in summer time you can use bright ones. By the way, in the summer bright colors in fashion. Summer is the time for bright colors. I like multi-colored manicures. You can draw a design on your nail if you wish.

Apply the varnish in several layers, plus a “fixer”. In summer you can paint your nails in the brightest colors and it is always beautiful.

Apply foot cream

After you have done your own pedicure at home and the polish has dried, apply a nourishing cream to your feet and heels. There are a great variety of creams on sale now; you can choose the right one in any cosmetic store.

Massage your feet and legs with cream, this is a very pleasant procedure. You will feel lightness and relaxation. Moreover, you need to lubricate your feet with cream every day. Make it a habit. In summer it is hot and the skin dries out, it is important to moisturize the skin of the feet and heels.

Lubricate your feet with cream at night after a shower. It's great to do a foot bath once a week. And also lubricate your feet and heels with a slice of lemon. Since lemon both nourishes and softens the feet. Try it again, my master advises me all this, and I’m sharing it with you.

I love you, I hug you tenderly. Have a bright summer, unforgettable impressions, emotions and good mood. Let summer give you a “sea” of joy and happiness.

Feet require care not only in summer, when open-toed shoes are worn, but also in winter. To get your feet in order, you don’t have to go to a professional salon; you can do a pedicure yourself at home if you study the technology in more detail.

Preparatory foot baths

You should always start a pedicure at home with a warm bath. It helps to steam out dead skin, soften it and facilitate the removal process. skin. Infusions of herbs, oils, and even salt with additives are often added to water to nourish the skin with beneficial elements and improve its condition. Baths can be divided into the following groups:







They are all very easy to prepare, you only need different ingredients. To make a tonic bath, you will need warm water, peppermint oil and sea salt. If you don’t have oil, you can steam the dry herb separately and add its infusion to the water.

For those who have fungal diseases, it is better to prepare yourself an antibacterial bath. It will allow you to get your feet in order after a public pool, gym, water park, and prevent infection. The best preventive remedy is the simplest baking soda. For a small bowl, 4 tablespoons are enough. The product perfectly kills bacteria and eliminates unpleasant odors.

If your feet are fine, then you can simply take a relaxing bath with calendula or chamomile. They have an additional moisturizing effect. This product is ideal for those who have to wear narrow shoes or high heels. Healing of small wounds and cracks in the heels occurs faster after a course of such baths.

Water with salt helps get rid of rough skin and microcracks; it perfectly disinfects and helps remove corns. It is not recommended to keep your feet in the water for too long; 15 minutes is enough to achieve the desired effect. Any girl can make her own bath at home. Steaming your feet with the addition of herbal extracts, salt or soda is always easier. The solution is easy and quick to prepare with your own hands; you only need dry herbs, which can be easily found in a pharmacy.

If you add a few tablespoons of vinegar, for example, apple cider vinegar, to the water, you can achieve a softening effect. But acetic acid should not be used. Steaming duration is no more than 15 minutes.

An exfoliating effect can be achieved by using table salt along with hydrogen peroxide, which is added to water in the amount of several tablespoons.

Required Tools

Hardware pedicure may not be available at home, so hydrogen peroxide becomes an excellent remedy for combating dead skin. And at home you can achieve excellent results on your own if you have everything you need on hand:

    a foot bath, which can be either plastic or ceramic;


    heel file with small abrasives;

  • spacers installed between the fingers;

    pedicure set;

    grinding apparatus;

  • cotton pads.

Stages of the procedure

Step-by-step instructions help you do it right beautiful nails on foot. If you act step by step, you can make your heels soft and attractive in just one procedure.

At the very beginning, you need to make a special bath to relax and soften the skin for further removal. Afterwards, the feet are dried with a towel and placed on a stand. Old varnish is removed using a nail polish remover. If necessary, nails are trimmed and shaped. It is worth saying that a long pedicure looks unattractive on your feet, so you should shorten the length. If the nail plate has grown too much, trim the nail, but do not file it down to the base. A file is only needed to correct the shape.

The cuticle is removed after a special product containing fruit acid is applied to it. It is distributed over the nail and side parts. Remove excess skin using a bamboo stick.

Now we move on to treating the heels. You can use a small machine that will quickly polish the leather, or you can use a regular file, pumice stone or grater. It is important to be very careful to reach the delicate layer of skin without damaging it. If you have no experience using such a pedicure technique, then it is better to take acid pedicure products that will allow you to quickly and easily remove dead skin.

Small burrs are cut off with pliers. Under no circumstances should you pull the skin, as this will cause open wounds.

It is necessary to remove a thick layer of skin not only on the heels, but also on the pads of the big toes. After completion, wipe the surrounding skin with a damp cloth and apply cream. The cuticle is removed from the middle to the edges; this is important if you do not want the process to be painful.

The edges of the toenails are made square, this is the only way to prevent them from growing into the skin. The plate itself should be coated with an antiseptic.

Foot skin treatment

Depending on the condition of the heels, you need to choose a tool for processing them. When a thick layer of keratinized skin forms, it is best to use a special grater or machine.

When buying a grater, you should look at what materials it is made of. It’s good when the handle is made of wood and the working surface is made of:

  • of stainless steel;


On good products there are two working sides - one with coarser notches, the other with fine and less traumatic ones. After steaming your feet primary processing use a coarser grater. You should move in one direction from the edges to the middle and from the back. At the second stage, the corns are removed. The foot can be immersed in hot water again and then finished with a soft grater.

More and more often, girls began to use special machines for pedicures at home. At the time of buying Special attention you need to pay attention to the material from which the blade was made. Surgical steel is always superior to other materials because it is more wear-resistant.

Before the procedure, it is better to steam your feet using useful infusions and other ingredients. Feet should be dry and movements should be easy. There is no need to press hard on the machine. More attention is paid to the rough parts; when processing with an electric file, they move from the edges to the center of the foot.

After removing the skin, the feet are again immersed in water, and after fifteen minutes they are sanded with a special file with fine abrasives. Finally, a moisturizer, antibacterial or any other cream is applied.

Working with nails

You need to work with the nail plate carefully so as not to damage it, using the necessary tools for this. Professionals discourage the use of rough-coated files during pedicures, especially those that resemble sandpaper.

If you ignore this advice, you may eventually encounter problems such as:

    peeling nails;

    unattractive appearance;

    deformation of the nail plate.

There is a special sawing technology that involves moving in one direction. It is not difficult to give the correct shape to the plate; every woman can cope with this task, but you should not experiment on your legs; it is better to leave the natural square shape. If you change it, the nail will soon begin to grow into the skin and you will need to consult a specialist. If this problem has already appeared, then your feet will need to be steamed in a solution of soda and salt.

At the second stage, a double-sided file is used. First, use a rougher surface to remove unevenness and remove any remaining varnish or gel. The second side is used for polishing; it allows you to achieve shine and smoothness.

Cuticle removal

The cuticle performs a protective function; it prevents infection from penetrating under the nail, therefore, when doing a self-pedicure, you only need to remove unnecessary skin, but in no case damage normal skin. For some, the cuticle grows greatly and it is necessary to remove it, monitor its health, and give the nails a well-groomed appearance.

The skin can be trimmed. Special devices are used for this:

They must be made of stainless steel, sharpened by hand, only in this way will the tool complete the task and not damage the nail. The legs are sure to steam. A special softening agent is applied to the area where the cuticle is located. It is kept for several minutes, then removed with a damp cloth.

Carefully lift the skin upward using a spatula from the pedicure set. It is removed with another instrument. The main thing is not to touch the nail and living tissue under the cuticle. Trim the skin at one time so as not to leave hangnails, then apply the cream to your fingers and nails.

If you can’t easily and naturally use tweezers, then you should use the innovative unedged method using keratolytics. They are necessary in order to soften the skin sufficiently and then remove it with a bamboo stick. Finally nail plate treated with special oil. One of the main advantages of this method is its safety. All dead skin is easily removed.

A hardware method is also used, which does not require steaming the legs. The whole technology is based on the use of special oil, which affects only dead skin cells.

During a pedicure, the feet are treated with special attachments and cutters; the cuticle is not cut off, so no skin injury occurs. The equipment is sold with different attachments; small ones are used to clean the space between the fingers and around the nail plate. You can use this device to treat your feet, heels and toes.

The first to use is a nozzle with a rough surface. When more dead skin has already been removed, more gentle attachments are used. On the market you can find equipment with a large number of different files and brushes that help not only keep your nails beautiful, but also remove calluses, cracks, and painlessly remove cuticles.

During the hardware pedicure process, it is important to first apply softening agents to the skin. Now it will be easy to remove the dead tissue. The cutter will quickly remove corns or old calluses and polish the cuticle. Then you will need to separately shape the nail, sand it by hand and coat it with varnish.

Many models come with a special nozzle for calluses. It allows you to quickly and delicately remove layered skin without causing harm. Moreover, such devices additionally have a massage effect. Blood circulation improves, skin color improves, it becomes softer.

Cosmetologists have proven that hardware pedicure slows down the growth of new calluses and corns, the skin remains attractive and elastic longer.

Applying varnish

The color and design of the nail plate depends on the girl’s imagination. It has become popular to do white french or simply paint your nails with gel polish of one tone. If you choose a brighter palette, for example, red nails, then you should carefully insert special separators between your fingers. Not only are they convenient for covering your nails, but the polish won’t run until it dries.

Not all girls degrease the nail plate first, although it is better to do this with a special product without acetone. If you apply a specially designed base under the varnish, then it will last much longer.

Bright shades will require several coats to completely cover the nail. Light colors can be coated once. When the coating dries, a special fixative is used.

If you want the polish to dry faster, you should not use a hair dryer, since exposure to hot air causes the opposite effect. This coating will begin to peel off the nail faster.

Modern design offers many options for pedicures. These are not only images of flowers and animals on the nails, but also special techniques. Looks very attractive moon manicure, aquarium equipment is especially popular. 3D pictures are the height of professionalism; not every woman can create such a drawing at home, but you can always try to experiment.

The black and white palette is an unchanging classic. This pedicure is suitable for special occasions and business meetings; it looks good in everyday life, regardless of the look chosen by the woman.

In summer, you should give preference to a brighter and bolder palette; in winter, a blue design using New Year's paraphernalia looks good.

Any pedicure should be completed by applying a special antiseptic or moisturizing cream. Next, you will need appropriate care - if your skin is dry, you will need to apply cream to the skin at night and wear special socks. Scrubs have a beneficial effect on your feet, but you shouldn’t overuse them.

It is useful to improve blood circulation in the feet with a massage. If your feet constantly sweat and smell unpleasant, you will need to purchase deodorant or antiseptic. When a woman constantly feels tired, you can use tonic creams or repeat baths more often.

To keep your nails beautiful, you will need to apply cuticle oil to them every day. Over time, the nail plate will become smoother, the nails will grow faster, and their thickness will increase.

If your nails are yellow, a bath of lemon juice will help, as it has a whitening effect. If you have cracked heels, you should apply Vaseline liberally to them and wear cotton socks. The difference becomes noticeable after just a few days.

Olive or almond oil, to which you can add essential oils, is great for massage.

Common mistakes

For some reason, most women think that the hotter the water in the bath, the faster and better the dead skin will come off. In fact, this is wrong - the water temperature should be no more than 30 degrees Celsius.

Under no circumstances should large calluses and corns be cut off with scissors or, especially, with a blade. All this injures the skin, making it vulnerable to fungal infections. Only a scraper or pumice will help quickly and harmlessly remove dead tissue.

The shape of your toenails should remain square, as this is the only way to prevent them from growing into the skin. The nail plate is cut correctly only in a straight line.

If you decide to skip the top base coat, the polish will not last as long as you would like on your nails. Colored varnish can change the natural shade and dry out your nails; they will become brittle without a high-quality protective layer. You cannot blow on the varnish or gel, since small air bubbles still penetrate into the coating, which then causes chips to appear.

Special requirements are placed on polishing, since if you remove the nail layer by layer, you can seriously damage it. If you have no experience, then you do not need to use electric saws. It is difficult to control the degree to which they are immersed in the nail plate, so it is better to erase the top layer manually.

The best means for removing dead skin are preparations with urea or lactic acid. With all this, they are completely harmless, but they can only be used after test use, since they sometimes cause an allergic reaction.

You should not cut your toenails too short; this not only leads to discomfort, but also causes fungal diseases, since bacteria easily penetrate through damaged skin.

You should not apply a thick layer of varnish unless an additional fixative is used, since then chips will appear faster. Bright shades look better on feet in rich colors. This can be achieved by applying the composition twice, but not once and in large quantities. In addition, the varnish will take much longer to dry this way and may leak and smear adjacent fingers.

Varnish, like any other coating, should not be applied to a damp surface, otherwise it will peel off after a few days. When painting, you should always start with the left little finger and move in order to the right. This is exactly how you will never be able to smear the applied varnish with your hand. If you follow the advice of professionals and perform a pedicure step by step, you can make your feet beautiful and attractive on your own.