Congratulations on the man's 75th birthday. Funny happy birthday poems for a woman

» Happy birthday greetings to a man on his 75th birthday

Congratulations on the 75th anniversary of a man

You are dear to us and we love you so much,
Please us longer with your presence,
I always need your advice and affectionate look,
Your experience is always rich in it.
Dear dad, accept congratulations,
On my 75th anniversary,
We wish you joy and good mood,
May everything be fine in your destiny.

Grandfather, on your 75th birthday,
We wish you joy, smiles and goodness,
So that life is fun,
So that the disease does not torment you.
Let there be a young soul,
Always in a great mood
Cheerfulness to you, movement, warmth,
We wish you many more birthdays.

Today you are seventy-five!
Hooray! And there is something to be proud of!
But business is calling you again -
You can't hide behind an anniversary...
Your life experience is rich,
But the ardor of aspirations has not faded!
And today we have a round date
We sincerely congratulate you!
The years fly by - life is like this,
There's no need to worry about that
No wonder the words were said:
"My years are my wealth."
Raising our glasses together,
Let's drink this glorious medicine,
And without forgetting past years,
Let's increase our main wealth!

75 years... Anniversary.. No longer a boy,
But you can’t be called elderly!
You know how to live without falsehood
And give youth a head start,
I wish you on your birthday
Health, joy, victories,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Live for many, many years!

A wonderful age. You are -75.
I want to wish you health
Reap your benefits

You are valued and loved - know this.

Happy 75th birthday to you today
I want to congratulate you with all my heart!
I wish you Siberian health,
So that you and the whole family don’t get sick.
May life give you bright colors
To brighten up the monotony of days,
And your life will always be wonderful,
And there will be only prosperity in it!

Happy Birthday to you!
You are 75 years old!
There is enough inspiration for deeds,
And you know the secret of wisdom!
There’s still a lot in the world you can control,
Let your health help you with this!
Love and happiness shine clearly in the soul,
Never came to be sad!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you!
Happy anniversary - you are 75!
I wish you unlimited happiness!
May your home be very rich!
Let your family be friendly
And a cozy and warm hearth!
And health, to congratulate again
We could have you 200 times!

I congratulate you on your 75th birthday!
You are a respected and nice person!
Together with the guests we will drink to your health
And we wish you to live 300 years!
Let goodness and peace, comfort reign in the house!
There will never be a place for sadness!
Let dear people be nearby,
Luck always favors you!

Seventy-five is a magical holiday,
This is the triumph of your soul.
He's coloring you today
And don't look at age.
May the moments make you happy.
And every day of your destiny
It only brings inspiration.
Be the brightest of people.
May life give you everything in full:
Love, attention, success,
We wish you joy and warmth.
Be an example for everyone.

"Half" round again
The date overtook you like a bullet in a field:
You are only seventy-five years old -
Almost childhood for the soldier!
But you are doubly younger than these years,
Yes, in a tunic, trousers are molded tightly,
Because we fought in the war
And they remained to live for themselves and their friends,
So, gray-haired fighter, still hold on -
A soldier's heart must beat for a long time!..
May life be peaceful and happy,
Peace may not even be a dream for now!

SMS congratulations on your 75th anniversary in verse

“You are seventy-five!”
You are seventy-five - heartfelt congratulations,
I want to wish you the happiest years.
May your health be excellent and eternal,
Fate will save you from sadness and troubles.
Let the heart beat evenly and for a long time,
And let him make you happy every morning.
Let any road lead to success,
And all life will be so similar to heaven. “We can’t call you elderly!”
75...No longer a boy,
But you can’t be called elderly!
You know how to live without falsehood
And give youth a head start,
I wish you on your birthday
Health, joy, victories,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Live for many, many years! "Wise Age"
Wise age. You are -75.
I want to wish you health
Reap your benefits
May the Lord protect you from harm.
May happiness always live in your heart,
Thoughts will be a flight of wisdom.
Help your loved ones with advice,
They value you and love you - know this! “Today’s anniversary is glorious”
Today is a glorious anniversary -
75 happy years!
And there are so many important events,
The answer to any question is
There was everything. And on this date
Loud and so enviable
Let it reflect richly
Joy and success are solid! “Down with sadness, away!”
More than one milestone -
What a joy it is to live!
You only dream of peace -
Everyone loves to talk.
That's why life is good
What moves forward.
Restless Soul
Calls to beauty.
We wish you on your way
Don't be sad about the past
New, fresh
See the big world.
Down with sadness, away!
Good health!
It's not night yet,
You are protected by love! "Three quarters of a hundred..."
Three quarters of a hundred in one breath,
You are healthy, cheerful, stay strong!
May God help you, say firmly - no!
You are old and sad, healthy for a hundred years! “Silver path to the century...”
The silver path remains for centuries,
His fate is destined to pass,
You can do it, no one doubted it
You will overcome the paths with laughter! “You are 75!”
Who would believe -
You are 75!
We believe in your strength!
Let's congratulate!
Good health,
Be energetic
We want today
Give you happiness! “I congratulate you on your anniversary!”
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
You just turned 75!

Giving youth and strength to the soul!

To tell the world about yourself! “You have turned exactly seventy-five”
You have turned exactly seventy-five,
And all I want to wish you is
Don’t lose your health for many more years,
The tasks were always within my reach.
Always supported by a loved one,
And the soul was warmed with simple happiness.
Trouble and disease have evaporated forever,
And life would become, like a dream, good. "Work colleague"
Colleague seventy plus five:
I hasten to wish you health,
Good luck to everyone in their endeavors,
More success in the most important things,
And there is a lot of happiness and victories,
And there are wonderful years ahead,
I want to see a plus in everything -
After all, this is the surest course! “Over the years a woman becomes wiser”
There are no miracles in the world,
And youth cannot be returned back.
And the years, like pieces of ice, are melting,
But is it worth sighing about them?
Over the years, a woman becomes wiser,
And there is another beauty in her,
And proud gait and stateliness
Full of charm.
To keep it longer,
I wish you to live happily,
Don't worry, don't be sad...
And give joy every day. “Happy wonderful anniversary!”
You are 75! Happy anniversary!
I want to wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!
May life bring you many gifts!
I wish you no sad moments!
I wish you good health and long life!
Have a cozy home, warmth and kindness!
May every day be the best
And the path was illuminated by a good luck star! "May the soul be forever young"
75 have already passed behind us!
What a long journey you have come!
I wish you another year to live
And never grow old again.
May your soul be forever young,
She's beautiful and good.
Pack your health in your luggage,
And may everything be fine for you! “Today is your anniversary”
Today is your anniversary,
And I want to wish you,
So that more sincere people
They could surround you!
Today you are 75,
You are very young!
I wish you no problems
Neither with body nor with soul! "You are a wise man"
You are a wise man
And you are 75.
I sincerely want
I wish you good health,
Good luck and goodness,
Patience and strength,
So that from any evil
The Lord has always protected! “Every age has its own charm”
Don't be sad that you're no longer 17,
Every age has its own charm.
It is important in life to be able to smile,
So that friends surround you.
Let only warm words await you in life,
And my heart will never cry in pain,
And let your head spin
From happiness, from love and from luck. “Your wisdom is compressed in them”
Three quarters of a hundred years
You live in the world!
Please accept my sincere greetings,
Health, don't get sick!
You are still strong and strong,
There is a soldier's bearing,
Doesn't spoil the appearance of gray hair,
Your wisdom is compressed in them! " and next to five"
You are already seven and close to five,
And together - only twelve,
We wish you happiness, keep it up
Five more times twenty! "Today you are 75"
Today you are 75.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
We wish you not to be discouraged,
Let the children warm you with warmth,
May your grandchildren always make you happy,
Let life go calmly, quietly,
Let trouble not touch you
Let there be no trouble in life! “Let family happiness warm”
Today I congratulate you on your anniversary
I am you: You are 75 years old!
May your health be strong,
And life does not bring you any evil or troubles!
Let family happiness warm
And fills your life with happiness,
And bright moments inspire you,
Instilling joy and optimism in you! “Let your loved ones stay close”
75th birthday
He is in a hurry to burst into your life.
I wish to mark myself as the lucky ones,
And live brightly and with pleasure.
Let your family stay close
Warming you with love.
Everything that needs to come true comes true
May every hour be joyful.

75 years old

The best congratulations on your 75th anniversary

You are seventy-five today!
Such an anniversary! Such a date!
Let me wish you happiness
And wrap me in your arms!

And let the years fly forward
But every year you become wiser.
And only he will understand wisdom
Who doesn’t regret the past!

Let everyone be next to you,
The ones you love and are waiting for,
Who is important to you in your destiny,
You will find joy and happiness in them.

Beautiful congratulations on your 75th anniversary

Seventy-five is now the heyday,
Previously, they tried to call them elderly,
Well, now, at this age, no
Previous hints of old age will take
Those that, of course, were wrong.

Seventy-five is the time to fly,
Books to read that are collecting dust on the shelf,
Travel the world, dream, explore,
There is no time to lie on the sofa!

Clarity of thoughts and freshness of strength,
Let there be many pleasant minutes,
So that enthusiasm lives in a fiery heart,
To make life in the world interesting!

Let there be meetings with friends more often,
Let the grandchildren be close, and the great-grandchildren sweeter,
So that children can call tirelessly,
May the world be interesting for you!

A short congratulations on your 75th anniversary

I wish you a lot of health,
Luck was waiting at the doorstep,
To make your dream come true sooner,
May there always be joy in your heart!

I congratulate you on your 75th birthday!
And I’ll leave my wish,
So that for many more years,
Your eyes shone with happiness!

Good congratulations on your 75th anniversary

SMS congratulations on your 75th anniversary

At my beloved grandmother's
Today is the anniversary,
Caring, beautiful
And my affectionate one,

At seventy-five I wish,
So that you smile,
And performed more often
Cherished dreams!

Congratulations on your 75th anniversary in verse

We congratulate you on your anniversary!
After all, on such a date it is impossible to remain silent.
Congratulations, 75 is not the limit.
The one who is happy, the one who is brave, wins.

Congratulations, may you always have good luck.
Let the bitterness become alien.
Maybe - and the clouds sometimes seem
Something bright, bursting into a thunderstorm.

New congratulations on your 75th anniversary

Life didn't smile often
There were storms, hurricanes,
Bleeding wounds.
Everything is left behind
There will be joy ahead
There will be sunshine, there will be happiness,
Bad weather will not come again!
And health - no matter where,
They won't take you for years!

Touching congratulations on your 75th anniversary

Happy anniversary,
You are seventy-five today!
We wish you much health,
To celebrate another hundred years!
Let life be full of love,
Warmth, care, sunshine,
Hopes, plans and dreams,
Let your grandchildren and children make you happy,
Let your heart beat joyfully
The soul sings in spite of bad weather,
And every day, and every moment
May you be full of happiness!

Congratulations on your 75th anniversary

What a wonderful anniversary!
75 years is a great holiday!
We wish you health, happiness,
And bright, kind, bright days!

May your family be with you
They give affection and warmth,
More often they give you gifts,
It's so easy!

Funny congratulations on your 75th birthday

At 75 it’s nice to remember
How playful youth passed.
Fill life with pleasure -
Freedom has risen like a star!
Let contemplation and joy
They will give you meaning and happiness!
Let only charm, taste and sweetness
Feelings and words will decorate!
Let diseases not visit you,
Relatives love, people honor!
Let nature dedicate to you
Your amazing outfit!

Short congratulations on your 75th anniversary

75 years... Anniversary.. No longer a boy,
But you can’t be called elderly!
You know how to live without falsehood
And give youth a head start,

I wish you on your birthday
Health, joy, victories,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Live for many, many years!

Cool congratulations on your 75th anniversary

Seventy and five more!
We would like to wish you:
First, be healthy
Don't forget about the diet
Secondly - forget about everyone,
Think about yourself more often.
Thirdly, we would like to wish
So that peace reigns in the family,
So that you are able
Make everyone's wishes come true!

Comic congratulations on your 75th anniversary

75 beautiful springs,
75 wonderful years!
If autumn comes knocking,
You tell her firmly: “No!”
You are not old at all!
Cheerful, strong, full of strength,
Decorates you with gray hair,
You've maintained your optimism!
Congratulations to the hero of the day!
Let's face it, it's no wonder
You have lived these years
He decided his own destiny!

Anniversary 75 years

Seventy-five is the date.
Many paths have been passed.
Life is colorful, rich,
Lots of good people...
Many wonderful events
You managed to survive:
There was both grief and happiness.
Everything we wanted came true!
May there be joy ahead
God gives you health
Both pleasure and sweetness.
Let spring bloom in your heart!

What time do you like, what year?
Never getting old
Welcoming guests again
You are on your 75th anniversary.
Fun again, friendly laughter.
You are a great example for everyone.
Just smile with you,
You are worth admiring.
You are the soul of your family,
You are caring and wise.
We respect you very much
And today we congratulate you.
You are forever, forever
In our heart. Forever!

Congratulations on your three-quarter century anniversary! They say that 75 is the age of wisdom, honor, respect and glory. And we wish that for you it will also be an age of good health, vigor, joy, prosperity and family warmth!

Anniversary is a beautiful date:
Achievements, successes, victories.
This wonderful age is a reward
And protection from all sorts of troubles.
Congratulations on this anniversary
And we wish you only the best,
Seventy-five is such a date -
It's time for peace and joy!
We sincerely congratulate you
We wish you warm, bright days.
Good health without end
On a beautiful day, the day is your anniversary!

The years go by, you can’t turn them back:
Sometimes the dates are round, sometimes they aren’t.
Today is a solid "seventy-five"
The wedding of the past years.
May your heart always be at peace.
May this big anniversary
Will never let you doubt yourself,
And it will only make you wiser.
We want to wish you both love and goodness.
And peace and joyful eyes.
A solid seventy-five today
Let them be memorable for us.
And we certainly want to say:
Let time fly by
Today you are in these seventy-five
Let the world illuminate with love.

A little more and we'll be the hundredth
We are celebrating your anniversary,
There is only so little left -
Live only 25.
What can you wish for? Let a quarter of a century
It will pass in fun and love.
Let your health not diminish,
So that you can dance at a hundred.

We came for the anniversary.
Celebrate seventy-five.
Pour your glasses fuller -
We begin to congratulate.
Age is not a barrier
Keep up with everything in the world.
How do you manage this
We'd like to find out.
You are cheerful in soul and body.
There are just a ton of plans.
And an epiphany in between
You revealed yours to us:
“To work as long as you are healthy,
Keep the customs of friendship.
And strive for new knowledge.
To love and to be loved!”

Big anniversary today
The date of wisdom is great.
I wish you at 75
Live with a young soul.
Draw strength from your children
They are your pride.
Well, let the grandchildren decorate
Your bright days.
I wish you health,
Live in harmony with yourself.
And let it play in your eyes
The little spark is mischievous.

Numbers "7" and "5" on the cake,
But you have no time to be bored.
Birthday in comfort
We wish you to celebrate!
We wish you good health
And don’t grow old with your soul,
Happiness without end and edge,
And don’t regret the past!
Respecting your years,
We sincerely want to say:
We are with you - into fire and into water,
We'll even fly into space.

Behind seventy-five
Very bright springs.
You are a sight for sore eyes again,
Let's even ask jokingly:
Is it true that so many years
Isn't it eighteen?
What is the secret?
Oh, we want to confess:
The beauty of your soul are very rich.
Happy, bright days to you!
Smile! Happy date!

Although youth remains far away,
The journey of life has not yet been completed.
Drive away your fatigue
Activity is the essence of health.
May the anniversary add strength
The character is solid and fighting.
Seventy-five are unique,
They have a thirst for life and fire!

Congratulations on your 75th anniversary

IN Is your loved one seventy-five years old? This is a wonderful anniversary to celebrate warm congratulations. For them, go to the desired section of our website. Try to decide what the hero of the day will like best? Maybe he is an incorrigible romantic? Or a constant comedian and joker? Or maybe your birthday person appreciates solemnity and seriousness? Who is he to you? Are you grandchildren or children of the hero of the day? Maybe friends? Or maybe your significant other is celebrating a birthday? Or were you lucky enough to live to see your son or daughter's seventy-fifth birthday? Either way you will find wonderful congratulations we have!

On this holiday,
As you celebrate your 75th birthday,
We sincerely congratulate you,
We sincerely wish you goodness and happiness.
Let worries pass you by,
May the Lord give you happiness along the way,
May the road be bright and joyful,
May all your dreams come true.

The years fly by without looking back,
The sun is shining and the snow is blowing,
75 is already on the threshold,
Today is your anniversary.
Let the sorrows fly by
Always be healthy, take care of yourself,
Let life be beautiful and happy,
May a good angel protect you.

On the field of life, like fragrant mint,
Your anniversary has blossomed,
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
We wish you health, goodness and longevity.
Let life flow like a full river,
May your birthday come again and again,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
May fate give you prosperity and love.

“But living life is not a field to cross.”
And you knew this firsthand.
And on the difficult path of life
There was everything: happiness and many obstacles.
And now you are already 75
But you are still full of hopes and plans.
I want to wish you, dear,
Live a hundred years without storms and hurricanes!

My dad celebrates 75 today
Children and grandchildren sit at the table, as always,
A black jacket, and a shirt, and a fashionable hat,
Strict and stylish - without this he would be nowhere.
You were a wonderful example for us to follow,
You taught us how to go through life.
May all your wishes come true, dad,
May you never be lonely on the road!

Seventy-five is not just an event,
Such a significant day is worth a lot,
Life gives discoveries every day,
He teaches no worse than a strict teacher.
You passed your exams with flying colors -
Not everyone can achieve so much.
Let good things happen again
Let all the most important things be with you!

Exactly a quarter to a hundred years left!
Life didn't smile often
There were storms, hurricanes,
Bleeding wounds.
Everything is left behind
There will be joy ahead
There will be sunshine, there will be happiness,
Bad weather will not come again!
And health - no matter where,
They won't take you for years!

I congratulate you on your anniversary!
You just turned 75!
Let happiness come again soon,
So that, like in my youth, I can fly again!
May health follow you forever,
Giving youth and strength to the soul!
To love again just as carelessly,
To tell the world about yourself!

Three quarters of a hundred years
You live in the world!
Please accept my sincere greetings,
Health, don't get sick!
You are still strong and strong,
There is a soldier's bearing,
Doesn't spoil the appearance of gray hair,
Your wisdom is compressed in them!

It flaunts on the festive cake
Today the number is seventy-five!
Everyone sincerely admires you,
We hasten to wish you happiness!
So let it be sunny and joyful
Fate will always remain for you,
More sweet moments for you,
May people sincerely love you!

Happy Birthday today
I hasten to congratulate you -
After all, you are 75 years old today!
I want to wish you good health,
And only a joyful life, without troubles!
Let your family bring you a sense of optimism
And your relatives visit you more often,
I wish you to enjoy life,
Don't be upset for a single day!

Congratulations on your 75th birthday in prose - congratulations in your own words

We congratulate you on your holiday, your anniversary, because 75 years is an important and simply interesting date. Let all the achievements that you have made over the past decades now be remembered only with pride and joy, and the future prepares only wonderful moments and good surprises. May dark streaks never appear in your life.

It is foolish to think that age only brings weakness and takes away beauty. Age is wisdom and understanding, it is its own mature beauty. A woman should not be ashamed of her age. You are 75 years old and this is the greatest achievement and time when your inner beauty and your wisdom turn into the greatest gift in this world.

Throughout your life, you have become an example of a man for many boys. You may not have suspected it yourself, but it’s true. Happy Birthday, because today you are 75 and this is a significant day in your life. May he, and all the following days, be happy for you. Happy holiday.

Dear grandma! Congratulations on your 75th birthday. You, more than anyone, deserve the highest praise and attention that you showed us daily and nightly. Our wonderful parents did not always cope with us, since vanity and work often took them away from us. But you never made us feel alone. We will carry your love, care, and affection throughout our lives and give them to our children. Grandma, we ask you to always be healthy, full of vitality and joy.

My dear and beloved grandmother, I congratulate you on your holiday, your birthday and anniversary. For seventy-five years now, this world has known about you, and you yourself live in it, filling it with your talents and warmth of your soul. May today's holiday be happy for you!

Happy Birthday, seventy-fifth anniversary! For all of us, you are a beauty such as the world has never seen, but don’t trust mirrors - they lie. May this holiday, like all subsequent days, be filled with light and joy. Congratulations.

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Receive your godfather quickly
Forty years is hard to believe
Don't change tracks!
As you plowed, so you plow,
Children, house, everything is on you,
I want to wish you happiness
In your difficult fate!
Let luck with luck,
They will find shelter in you,
There will be good health
And in the soul, comfort, coziness!

Let them not celebrate forty years,
But they don’t get bored on their birthday!
We will set the table slowly,
First, let's have a light drink,

And after eating a piece of cake,
Let us read you our congratulations.
Turning 40 is the color of life,
And the time of joyful victories,

There is no tiredness from life,
And there is only the light of the sun.
So, happy 40th birthday to you!
Live in the world for another hundred years!

Happy birthday, godfather,
My beauty - congratulations.
To be smart, sorceress,
I wish you with all my heart.

My godmother, I love you, dear!
Today is your birthday.
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
There is nothing closer or dearer to me

Congratulations on the anniversary,
Beloved godfather,
Be smarter and wiser
Drive men crazy.

I definitely wish you
Find happiness in life
And, of course, every day
Become prettier and flourish!

You are more than a friend to me
My dear godmother.
For my child before God,
You took responsibility.

And today congratulations,
I want to tell you,
What kind of godmother is this?
We are grateful to fate.

Be happy and healthy
And beautiful as always.
May there be prosperity in the family,
Peace, harmony always.

Congratulations on the 40th anniversary of the godfather

Dear godfather, congratulations
Happy anniversary to you.
Of course, I wish you happiness,
To your big heart
They were not torn apart by pain or grief,
May it continue to knock
With love and it was calm.
Let it be in life now
Everything is just as you imagine
As your soul desires.
Let your wishes come true
And everything comes easy.

My dear godfather,
You drive men crazy!
Good, slim, beautiful,
And you are smart - just amazing!
Happy Birthday, dear!
Today I wish
Much joy to you,
May you always be lucky in fate!

Wonderful holiday- 40 years!
And our congratulations are flying to you!
May the light never dim!
Let the world be at your feet!

May there be joy without end,
Let the soul not know worries!
Let it near your porch
The flower dance is growing!

Let it be a festive outfit!
Let your eyes shine with happiness!

Forty years are already behind us,
More to come!
You have achievements
And skill and patience!

Age middle-young,
We are all proud of you
Beauty and figure
And with the most pleasant nature!

We wish you a lot of happiness,
Less sad bad weather!
Life is beautiful, just know that
Receive your congratulations!

Today is the anniversary of the dear godmother.
And now all congratulations and compliments go to her!
Be cheerful as before for at least another hundred years.
And may fate protect you from difficulties and troubles.
In the family - prosperity, success only - in work.
And I wish you immense happiness!

You are certainly a super godfather
And your bright mind
It just amazes us all
Makes you admire
And today is my birthday
We wish you inspiration
Joy and laughter
And great success
Our dear gossip
And of course naughty
Always be cheerful
And trouble will bypass you!!!

Happy birthday greetings to godfather 40 years old

I'll say my heartfelt greetings,
On this day - to my godfather,
So that she stays for two hundred years,
You're on a warhorse!
Oh, what our years,
Forty years is funny to say
But I want happiness,
I wish you in life!
To shine and sparkle,
To be healthy
That solved all the problems
And urgent matters!
Your years are your pride
And remember this,
So let's have a drink with you,
May your dreams come true!

Forty years - almost half a century
Behind the man's back
I've seen a lot in my life,
And maybe lost

There's no time for sadness
Better listen to the congratulations:
Take care of your friends, family,
After all, your support is in them,

And love and respect
We wish on your birthday,
Find happiness in life
Carry your head proudly!

May the sun shine brighter for you,
Your children will be strong and healthy,
Happiness comes into the house every day,
To make it cozy and sincere!

Life will become a wonderful wonderful fairy tale,
Bright, like a children's coloring book,
Warm, like days are in summer,
Illuminated by the Lord's good light!

Precious godfather,
There are tons of treasures in you!
Drive men crazy
Don't teach you, godfather,
And to match you, godfather,
Dear Terema!
What do you wish, godfather?
You can tell me yourself.
Let your dreams come true -
Everything will be as you want!

Let's have a glass of wine
Be healthy to us, godfather,
To a new feast.

What would lard with cucumber be?
And tuna salad,
So that the whole crowd
I was at this holiday.

Happy Birthday dear,
Congratulations to the whole crowd!

Birthday is a childhood holiday,
A holiday of happiness and goodness!
If only I could find such a remedy,
To turn back the years!

May you always be beautiful
Be fresh and cheerful!
I still feel great with you,
My dear gossip!

Words of congratulations on the 40th anniversary of godfather

You are smart and patient
And, of course, beautiful
Our dear godfather
Full of positivity
It's your birthday
All the words I love you
You are such a bright person
We managed to meet
Since then there has been no need to separate
We are very glad that we have
Kuma is good now
We congratulate you on the holiday
You are a miracle - we honestly declare!!!

For me, my godfather is always -
This is the embodiment of the mind.
She is cheerful, simple, kind,
Both beautiful and generous!
We do not have our soul in you,
Good angel of our entire family!
Let them come true, dear,
All your cherished desires!

I'm going crazy with love
I cry and melt with delight.
Dear godfather,
Happy birthday to you!
Let your life go without tears
Among flowers, bird songs and rainbows,
Let there be no unfulfilled dreams,
May joy always shine in your eyes.
Let fate not lie to you,
Opening all the doors for you,
May the Lord protect you
And in love, and in hope, and in faith.

My dear godfather,
You drive men crazy!
Good, slim, beautiful,
And you are smart - just amazing!
Happy Birthday, dear!
Today I wish
Much joy to you,
May you always be lucky in fate!

Dear, beloved godfather,
You are our cheerful hero of the day.
Happy Birthday, I congratulate you,
I want to wish you so much!
My child's godmother
I wish you have everything you need.
Everything I wanted and wondered about,
So that it certainly, definitely comes true.
I am happy that my daughter has such an example,
Not every godfather gives herself this way
And I want your son to
There was the same godfather!

I'm shopping in the morning
Ran a marathon
After all, today is the name day,
At Kumasi my dear.

Well, guys, let's pour it,
We charge the gramophone.
A glass of tea, a sandwich,
People are having fun.

Well, godfather, I say hello,
And this fiery bouquet,
My dear little man,
Be happy for a hundred years!

Congratulations on the 40th anniversary of your beloved godfather

Happy anniversary.
And with all my heart I wish:
Lots of money and health
So that everything is crowned with love,
So that they give you flowers,
There were compliments.
Let spring bloom in your soul.
Happy holiday to you, godfather!

Congratulations to the gossip on her super anniversary,
After all, the years don’t make you old, your heart gets younger!
Stay young, always be beautiful,
The main thing is to be healthy and happy!

A person cannot live without love,
I wish my godfather to love me more than anyone else!
Just so that the blood boils mutually.
Let love accompany every step!

Also career growth, and peace of mind.
Gossip and insults, let them go!
Stay smart, slim, as you are now,
So let's have a drink in this finest hour!

Always be so mischievous
Laugh loudly, joke.
Kuma, dear, let him be with you
It will be a pleasure to walk next to you.
Let warm memories
They remain in your big heart,
Life will erase the bad, but leave it behind
A lot of joy, kindness and light.
I want to bloom, show off,
Will fill you with sensations
Only good ones and be inspired
For madness, also accomplishments.

Congratulations on the anniversary
Dear godfather!
I wish you a lot of affection
Bouquet of kisses!
So that luck is nearby,
And there was spring in my soul.
So that you are like a dandelion
And like an apple tree, it blossomed!

Let's sit, godfather
Let's drink for fifty dollars.
And then we will remember,
Who is the birthday boy here?
We wish you
Good health
So rich on the table
Nice feast!
You are wise for your age
It's like a century has passed.
And the world has never seen such people,
You will answer any question.

Kuma's birthday,
We'll be drunk by the evening:
From fun, dancing, jokes,
Competitions and jokes.

You, godfather, are unique:
Cheerful, smart, beautiful,
I won't get bored with you
You rest with all your heart.

Who would believe -
You are 75!
We believe in your strength!
Let's congratulate!

Good health,
Be energetic
We want today
Give you happiness!

Today is your anniversary,
And I want to wish you,
So that more sincere people
They could surround you!

Today you are 75,
You are very young!
I wish you no problems
Neither with body nor with soul!

I congratulate you on your 75th birthday!

And we wish you to live 300 years!

75 - how many years behind you!
But we like life even more!
After all, you understand its taste over the years
And you begin to appreciate the minutes.

Be happy and your birthday
Let it be a bright and colorful day!
A sea of ​​champagne, laughter and fun,
Let this house be full of guests!

75 No longer a boy,
But you can’t be called elderly!
You know how to live without falsehood
And give youth a head start,

I wish you on your birthday
Health, joy, victories,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Live for many, many years!

Venerable anniversary - three quarters of a century,
And I have never met a younger person!
The ebullient soul of the young is not in danger of peace,
You were restless, and still are!
I want to congratulate you, wish you health,
Let life be bright and interesting!
You are young, at heart you are only 35,
You look absolutely wonderful!

Seventy-five is a big date,
She's serious like a man
Rich in the attention of relatives,
Having accumulated life experience,

We wish the hero of the day
So that every day is happy,
Health to you and those closest to you,
Success, joy, love!

Three quarters of a hundred years
You live in the world!
Please accept my sincere greetings,
Health, don't get sick!

You are still strong and strong,
There is a soldier's bearing,
Doesn't spoil the appearance of gray hair,
Your wisdom is compressed in them!

75 No longer a boy,
But you can’t be called elderly!
You know how to live without falsehood
And give youth a head start!

I wish you on your birthday
Health, joy, victories!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Live for many, many years!

Who would believe
You are 75!
We believe in your strength!
Let's congratulate!

I sincerely wish you, my friend
Be young and hot at heart!
May God count down many years to you!
Strength and health to you, dear!

Three twenty and fifteen
They counted the whole crowd,
So many numbers in your date,
Only you are young!
You have two hundred years of health,
The mood is top class.
Rejoice with you together
We will be successful more than once.

You have entered a venerable age!
Today you are 75!
Of course, we haven’t forgotten about this!
And on your anniversary we would like to wish you:
May the autumn of life be golden!
Let the clouds not block the light of the sun!
And may fate deal you a generous hand
It will take more than a dozen years!

Today is a glorious anniversary -
75 happy years!
And there are so many important events,
The answer to any question is

There was everything. And on this date
Loud and so enviable
Let it reflect richly
Joy and success are solid!

At 75, I congratulate you,
And a lot of happiness with all my heart
Today I sincerely wish
Let troubles go by
Let all good things happen
I wish you not to lose heart,
And at any age strive
Win your victories!

At 75 years old man
I wish you a sea of ​​strength,
Success and recognition,
And mutual understanding
I wish you on your anniversary,
So that your eyes don't cry,
So that on this holiday
There was a fair wind,
To have a beautiful anniversary
Love was unique
So that your loved ones adore you
And they amazed me with their affection!

I wish, my dear,
So that you remain yourself,
So that the sun shines
Only through your window,
To make the house cozy
Someone needs you,
I wish that constantly
The man revealed secrets,
To smile at 75 years old
And never give up,
To appreciate this day
And so that the shadow of problems melts away!

My good friend! I won't hide it at all
How much I would like to wish
To you, my light! My dear!
Decorate this day with a smile!

Be happy forever! Beloved forever!
Let things go smoothly!
Dear ones, faith gives strength!
Life, glowing white,

He will only confirm you and instruct you!
Laugh back at her more often!
Let sadness and longing leave you,
And there will be many bright years!

Happy anniversary, happy anniversary,
You are exactly 75 today.
Today we are all done with work,
We will gladly congratulate you.

Let them bring you congratulations
Charges of vigor, love and happiness.
It’s nice to say words of respect to us,
Let sorrows and bad weather pass you by

Even though gray hair has been coloring your whiskey for a long time
Taking medication has become a habit
But as the immortal classic said
"My years are my wealth."

Health so that the supply does not run out
And the mind was always pure and bright.
They propose a toast to you
All grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children!

I wish my dad to be healthy
After all, this is the main thing in life now.
And I want to smile again
After all, 75 only happens once!

Let the decades fly forward,
And you, beloved dad, be happy,
Having stepped over a whole century,
Don't forget to live a long time.

Don’t you dare grow old with your soul,
And don’t feel sorry for yourself!
You are the best grandfather in the world,
And you are no more cheerful!

Who played football with me?
Did you dig the beds in the field?
Who read the book to their grandchildren?
And did you give commands?

So grandpa, hold on now
Don't be proud of your anniversary!
How old are you now?
Something's missing from the calendar!

Do you know how to achieve success?
How to raise grateful children
And age is not a hindrance to you,
So that you can nurse the grandchildren you want.

I wish you unlimited happiness!

And a cozy and warm hearth!

We could have you 200 times!

You turned 75, so what?
At this joyful, solemn hour,
You are younger than all of us at heart,
And much wiser than all of us.
Let your health not let you down,
Let sorrows and troubles go away forever,
Be strong and patient
Cheerful and happy.

Today is your bright holiday,
75th anniversary,
With all our hearts we wish you happiness,
And surrounded by true friends.
Let there be toasts in your honor,
We cannot count your merits,
You are wise, honest, fair,
You deserve to bear the title of a real man.

The years have flown by,
There were joys, there were also hardships,
But you overcame all the obstacles,
And 75 is far from the limit.
Please accept congratulations on your anniversary,
Live in joy and happiness for up to a hundred years,
Always make us happy with your presence,
May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil.

Today is the anniversary of an enviable man.
He is 75, still quite a youth.
There is no reason for sadness in life,
He is a thief of women's hearts.

And to him today, on this holiday,
I wish you all the best,
So that every day is only bright,
And any illness was avoided.

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we wish to remember everything again.
7 tens cannot be the edge,
And especially seventy-five!

Enjoy, love, dream,
And you don’t need to look at your passport.
You are a gorgeous man, and know:
Celebrate your anniversary a hundred times!

75 years old. Anniversary.. No longer a boy,
But you can’t be called elderly!
You know how to live without falsehood
And give youth a head start,
I wish you on your birthday
Health, joy, victories,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Live for many, many years!

Happy 75th birthday to you today
I want to congratulate you with all my heart!
I wish you Siberian health,
So that you and the whole family don’t get sick.
May life give you bright colors
To brighten up the monotony of days,
And your life will always be wonderful,
And there will be only prosperity in it!

You are 75 years old!

And you know the secret of wisdom!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you!
Happy anniversary - you are 75!
I wish you unlimited happiness!
May your home be very rich!
Let your family be friendly
And a cozy and warm hearth!
And health, to congratulate again
We could have you 200 times!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you!
Happy anniversary - you are seventy-five!
I wish you unlimited happiness!
May your home be very rich!
Let your family be friendly
And a cozy and warm hearth!
And health, to congratulate again
We could have you 200 times!

An anniversary like this is not old age,
But in fact - joy,
What a good time you lived,
We are not friends with what is harmful!
And now you're in good spirits
With good fine hearing,
And with cheerfulness for now,
Let's dance the hopaka!
We want to live to be a hundred years old,
Don't moan or strain!
Live brightly and smile,
Enjoy your congratulations!

Happy Birthday to you!
You are seventy-five years old!
There is enough inspiration for deeds,
And you know the secret of wisdom!
There’s still a lot in the world you can control,
Let your health help you with this!
Love and happiness shine clearly in the soul,
Never came to be sad!

Don't worry about mistakes
Don't look back in years -
Let there still be a smile
There's a light in your eyes.

Never mind that the years are skipping by
They run in a row,
But unexpectedly for the people
You maintain your enthusiasm.

You are young - we know for sure
Energetic, although gray.
We wish you good health
Live to be a hundred or more years old.

Twenty-five to you three times -
What a lovely anniversary.
Let happiness and health immediately
They will soon enter your destiny.

May your wishes come true
And youth glows in the eyes.
Efforts will lead to success,
And the angel is watching over you.

Behind – 75,
I want to wish you
Never be discouraged
And protect yourself

Think, feel with your soul,
On this holiday, on this big day.
Let good things come
And good luck always awaits!

Half and quarter
You have lived for centuries,
And without any weakness
You have conquered this age.

The anniversary is very honorable,
Gathered a lot of friends
And will keep them until the night,
He will be the most cheerful of all.

You are 75 today
Beloved, dear man!
On your anniversary I want to say,
To be one with happiness!

May your dreams come true
Love, success, hope, faith,
To give beauty,
May you always walk through life boldly!

You are seventy-five today!
Such an anniversary! Such a date!
Let me wish you happiness
And wrap me in your arms!

And let the years fly forward
But every year you become wiser.
And only he will understand wisdom
Who doesn’t regret the past!

Let everyone be next to you,
The ones you love and are waiting for,
Who is important to you in your destiny,
You will find joy and happiness in them.

Clarity of thoughts and freshness of strength,
Let there be many pleasant minutes,
So that enthusiasm lives in a fiery heart,
To make life in the world interesting!

Let there be meetings with friends more often,
Let the grandchildren be close, and the great-grandchildren sweeter,
So that children can call tirelessly,
May the world be interesting for you!

I wish you a lot of health,
Luck was waiting at the doorstep,
To make your dream come true sooner,
May there always be joy in your heart!

I congratulate you on your 75th birthday!
And I’ll leave my wish,
So that for many more years,
Your eyes shone with happiness!

Seventy-five is not just an event,
Such a significant day is worth a lot,
Life gives discoveries every day,
He teaches no worse than a strict teacher.
You passed your exams with flying colors -
Not everyone can achieve so much.
Let good things happen again
Let all the most important things be with you!

At my beloved grandmother's
Today is the anniversary,
Caring, beautiful
And my affectionate one,

At seventy-five I wish,
So that you smile,
And performed more often
Cherished dreams!

We congratulate you on your anniversary!
After all, on such a date it is impossible to remain silent.
Congratulations, 75 is not the limit.
The one who is happy, the one who is brave, wins.

Congratulations, may you always have good luck.
Let the bitterness become alien.
Maybe - and the clouds sometimes seem
Something bright, bursting into a thunderstorm.

Exactly a quarter to a hundred years left!
Life didn't smile often
There were storms, hurricanes,
Bleeding wounds.
Everything is left behind
There will be joy ahead
There will be sunshine, there will be happiness,
Bad weather will not come again!
And health - no matter where,
They won't take you for years!

What a wonderful anniversary!
75 years is a great holiday!
We wish you health, happiness,
And bright, kind, bright days!

75 years anniversary.. No longer a boy,
But you can’t be called elderly!
You know how to live without falsehood
And give youth a head start,

Seventy and five more!
We would like to wish you:
First, be healthy
Don't forget about the diet
Secondly - forget about everyone,
Think about yourself more often.
Thirdly, we would like to wish
So that peace reigns in the family,
So that you are able
Make everyone's wishes come true!

75 beautiful springs,
75 wonderful years!
If autumn comes knocking,
You tell her firmly: “No!”
You are not old at all!
Cheerful, strong, full of strength,
Decorates you with gray hair,
You've maintained your optimism!
Congratulations to the hero of the day!
Let's face it, it's no wonder
You have lived these years
He decided his own destiny!

You are dear to us and we love you so much,
Please us longer with your presence,
I always need your advice and affectionate look,
Your experience is always rich in it.
Dear dad, accept congratulations,
On my 75th anniversary,
We wish you joy and good mood,
May everything be fine in your destiny.

Grandfather, on your 75th birthday,
We wish you joy, smiles and goodness,
So that life is fun,
So that the disease does not torment you.
Let there be a young soul,
Always in a great mood
Cheerfulness to you, movement, warmth,
We wish you many more birthdays.

I congratulate you on your 75th birthday!
You are a respected and nice person!
Together with the guests we will drink to your health
And we wish you to live 300 years!
Let goodness and peace, comfort reign in the house!
There will never be a place for sadness!
Let dear people be nearby,
Luck always favors you!

Today is your anniversary - your heart smiles,
And sorrows and anxieties dissolve in happiness.
Your soul becomes brighter and lighter with loved ones,
And everything they wish will come true at that very moment.

For a man, “75” is a small date,
And you can achieve success as before.
May your health not go away, may your shoulders not droop,
In a heart that is always young, flowers will bloom again!

After a drop of drops, life measures out loudly,
At 75, life is rich and good.
Autumn leaves are spinning, turning everything around,
Days filled with happiness flow slowly.

Let the snowstorms ring and spring bloom,
And the green leaves rustle above you.
The soul will be bright and love will not get tired,
May your home be filled with the laughter of your grandchildren.

The shoulder that served as a support will be strong
and helped out relatives, protecting them from troubles.
Joy, like a carousel, has spun your life,
We sincerely wish you new victories!

Happy anniversary, strongest one,
The best of men!
We don’t regret your wishes
And we won’t keep silent about them.

Be hope and support,
Find the answer to everything.
Don't be sad, you won't get old soon -
75 - men of color!

May fun and good luck
They will be nearby forever.
Be healthy, wise, strong
Many more years to come! We know for sure, over a man
Age will not take over.
At 75 you are full of strength,
May your life be to your fullest.

Even if it rains,
The cold is ringing outside the window,
The warmth of your family will warm you,
It will instantly ignite the soul.

You're not afraid of change
And the wrinkles around the eyes
A new day is quickly approaching,
Let him make you happy!

Celebrating 75 today,
You, as before, admire yourself.
We congratulate you with all our hearts and soul,
May good luck, happiness and peace

Warms your heart every moment
And may your health grow stronger.
Only the right decisions will be made
And sadness and sorrow pass over you.

Today is the anniversary of an enviable man.
He is 75, still quite a youth.
There is no reason for sadness in life,
He is a thief of women's hearts.

And to him today, on this holiday,
I wish you all the best,
So that every day is only bright,
And any illness was avoided.

You are a wise man
And you are 75.
I sincerely want
I wish you good health,
Good luck and goodness,
Patience and strength,
So that from any evil
The Lord has always protected!

Don't be sad that you're no longer 17,
Every age has its own charm.
It is important in life to be able to smile,
So that friends surround you.
Let only warm words await you in life,
And my heart will never cry in pain,
And let your head spin
From happiness, from love and from luck.

Three quarters of a hundred years
You live in the world!
Please accept my sincere greetings,
Health, don't get sick!
You are still strong and strong,
There is a soldier's bearing,
Doesn't spoil the appearance of gray hair,
Your wisdom is compressed in them!

Beautiful congratulations on the 75th anniversary of a man

You are already seven and close to five,
And together - only twelve,
We wish you happiness, keep it up
Five more times twenty!

Today you are 75.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
We wish you not to be discouraged,
Let the children warm you with warmth,
May your grandchildren always make you happy,
Let life go calmly, quietly,
Let trouble not touch you
Let there be no trouble in life!

Today I congratulate you on your anniversary
I am you: You are 75 years old!
May your health be strong,
And life does not bring you any evil or troubles!
Let family happiness warm
And fills your life with happiness,
And bright moments inspire you,
Instilling joy and optimism in you!

75th birthday
He is in a hurry to burst into your life.
I wish to mark myself as the lucky ones,
And live brightly and with pleasure.
Let your family stay close
Warming you with love.
Everything that needs to come true comes true
May every hour be joyful.

Everyone shows respect
You are 75 - a very honorable age,
But you are still on a cheerful streak,
And youth gives its bright cry!

I wish you health, strong strength,
So that they last you two hundred years,
May God take illness away from you,
And let joy sing its songs to you!

Seventy-five is a big date,
She's serious like a man
Rich in the attention of relatives,
Having accumulated life experience,

We wish the hero of the day
So that every day is happy,
Health to you and those closest to you,
Success, joy, love!

Happy 75th birthday to you today

To brighten up the monotony of days,

And there will be only prosperity in it!

Half and quarter
You have lived for centuries,
And without any weakness
You have conquered this age.
It's not just children at the table,
But there will all be grandchildren,
Cake, champagne, sweets
They will really like it.
The anniversary is very honorable,
Gathered a lot of friends
And will keep them until the night,
He will be the most cheerful of all.

Today you are seventy-five!
Relatives will congratulate you.
Wish you more health
And the grandchildren will kiss you.
We've lived our lives and have something to remember,
Pass on the experience to the kids.
May you live another two hundred years like this
And great-grandchildren to see!

75 years... Anniversary.. No longer a boy,
But you can’t be called elderly!
You know how to live without falsehood
And give youth a head start,
I wish you on your birthday
Health, joy, victories,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Live for many, many years!

Congratulating a man on his 75th birthday is beautiful

A wonderful age. You are -75.
I want to wish you health
Reap your benefits
May the Lord protect you from harm.
May happiness always live in your heart,
Thoughts will be a flight of wisdom.
Help your loved ones with advice,
You are valued and loved - know this.

Happy 75th birthday to you today
I want to congratulate you with all my heart!
I wish you Siberian health,
So that you and the whole family don’t get sick.
May life give you bright colors
To brighten up the monotony of days,
And your life will always be wonderful,
And there will be only prosperity in it!

Happy Birthday to you!
You are 75 years old!
There is enough inspiration for deeds,
And you know the secret of wisdom!
There’s still a lot in the world you can control,
Let your health help you with this!
Love and happiness shine clearly in the soul,
Never came to be sad!

Today is your anniversary,
And I want to wish you,
So that more sincere people
They could surround you!

Today you are 75,
You are very young!
I wish you no problems
Neither with body nor with soul!

I congratulate you on your 75th birthday!
You are a respected and nice person!
Together with the guests we will drink to your health
And we wish you to live 300 years!

Let goodness and peace, comfort reign in the house!
There will never be a place for sadness!
Let dear people be nearby,
Luck always favors you!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you!
Happy anniversary - you are seventy-five!
I wish you unlimited happiness!
May your home be very rich!
Let your family be friendly
And a cozy and warm hearth!
And health, to congratulate again
We could have you 200 times!

Happy 75th birthday to you today
I want to congratulate you with all my heart!
I wish you Siberian health,
So that you and the whole family don’t get sick.
May life give you bright colors
To brighten up the monotony of days,
And your life will always be wonderful,
And there will be only prosperity in it!

An anniversary like this is not old age,
But in fact - joy,
What a good time you lived,
We are not friends with what is harmful!
And now you're in good spirits
With good fine hearing,
And with cheerfulness for now,
Let's dance the hopaka!
We want to live to be a hundred years old,
Don't moan or strain!
Live brightly and smile,
Enjoy your congratulations!

75 years is a magical holiday,
This is the triumph of your soul.
He's coloring you today
And don't look at age.
May the moments make you happy.
And every day of your destiny
It only brings inspiration.
Be the brightest of people.
May life give you everything in full:
Love, attention, success,
We wish you joy and warmth.
Be an example for everyone.

Seventy-five is not a century.
Only a mature person
And old age is still alien to you,
May it never come.
Year after year, years go by,
They run tirelessly
The years are always in a hurry, out of spite,
But let them pass by for you.
Argue zealously with them,
Live longer, don't grow old.
And in defiance of all enemies
Take medications as little as possible.

What are the numbers seven and five?
We would like to know
Maybe it's multiplication
Or maybe addition.
This is a significant number
It has seen a lot -
You just can’t count everything -
Respect and honor
To such a birthday boy
We wish you only health,
And a calm, peaceful life,
Enviable grandchildren, great-grandchildren,
Let there be only fun in life
Please accept my congratulations!

Happy Birthday to you!
You are seventy-five years old!
There is enough inspiration for deeds,
And you know the secret of wisdom!
There’s still a lot in the world you can control,
Let your health help you with this!
Love and happiness shine clearly in the soul,
Never came to be sad!