Educational game for National Unity Day. Scenario of the holiday "in the friendship of peoples - the unity of Russia" methodological development on the theme "Sorcerer" Ukrainian folk game

Sections: Working with preschoolers , Patriotic education

Target: instilling in children a sense of friendship, patriotism, and pride in their homeland.

Tasks: expand children's ideas about the Motherland, about the peoples living in Russia, about friendship and peace throughout the world. Demonstrating to children the importance of cohesion in the life of an individual and an entire nation.

Children, to the music of the song “Where the Motherland Begins,” enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Slide 1

Presenter: Guys, on November 4 our entire country celebrates National Unity Day. And today we will remember what kind of holiday this is. At all times, Russian people loved their Motherland, were friends, helped each other, united when trouble threatened their Motherland, and together defended it from enemies.

What do we call Motherland?
The land in which we grow
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.
(V. Stepanov)

Ah, my Russia, where can I find words?
To tell about you in my song:
About daisies, lakes, endless forests,
About fields, about open spaces, about bright dreams!
And about how it was strengthened while the trouble was
And about how proud I was of my sons always.
Sound like this, my song, sound quickly,
About Russia, about my dear Motherland!

Song "My Russia", music. G. Struve

Slide 2

You won't find that house on the world map,
in which you live
And we won’t even find our native street on that map.
But we will always find it
Our country is our common home.

Slide 3: Russian flag.

Presenter: Like all countries in the world, all states existing on earth, Russia has its own flag. What do you associate the colors on the flag with?


White birches, white snow,
The white clouds in the sky are melting,
White mists and a blooming garden,
White cranes are flying above us.

Blue lakes, chains of blue mountains
A carpet of cornflowers was spread in the field.
The sun is shining in blue skies,
And Russian women have blue eyes.

Red rowan grows under the window,
The girl is walking in a red sundress,
And in the white winter, look,
Red bullfinch birds on the branches.

Relay race: "Who can deliver the flag the fastest."

(The group is divided into two teams: girls “Russians”, boys “Russians”. Participants in the relay race with a flag in their hands must run along the bumps to a certain place, put a flag and shout: “Russia is my Motherland!” and return to their team. Whose team completes the task faster, she is the winner.)

Slide 4: Coat of arms of Russia.

Russia has a majestic
The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,
So that to the west, to the east
He could have looked right away.
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is Russia's free spirit.

Game "Fold the coat of arms of Russia"

Presenter: Guys, do you know that each state has not only a coat of arms and a flag, but also the main music of the country? .

What is it called? That's right - this is the Russian Anthem!

Do you know how to listen to the anthem? Let's stand up. Let one verse of the Anthem of our Great Power—Russia—sound for us now!

The "Anthem" sounds Russian Federation" - verse 1

Children and adults listen to him while standing. Then they sit down

Different people live in Russia
Peoples since ancient times.
Some people like the taiga,
For others, the expanse of the steppe.
Jew and Tuvan, Buryat and Udmurt,
Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Yakut.
Different nations big family,
And we, friends, should be proud of this,
Our common home is called Russia,
Let everyone feel comfortable in it!

Presenter: We live with you in Russia, the largest country on Earth. Russia is inhabited by people of different nationalities, but everyone is united by the language of communication - Russian. The capital of Russia is the city of Moscow. Moscow is Red Square. Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin. Moscow is the heart of Russia, which loves you.

Motherland and Unity... Just think about these words. Russia has been tested many times, and has more than once experienced difficult, turbulent times, times of war and hostility. There was a terrible hunger, and first one king, then another, came to the throne.

Gone to history of the year,
Kings and peoples changed,
But times are troubled, adversity
Rus' will never forget!

Kuzma Minin lived in the city of Novgorod at that time. A lot of people gathered in the square, and he told the people: “...Our Fatherland is perishing, but we can save it. We will not spare our lives to deliver Russia.” And Prince Pozharsky led the army. And the war for Moscow began.

No enemy force could stop them.

There were battles on the streets of Moscow, the city was burning. But the warriors of Minin and Pozharsky fought to win. And we won!

All of Russia thanked Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. It was possible to defeat the enemy only by uniting the entire people of Russia.

Villages, villages, cities.
With bow to the Russian people.
Today celebrates freedom.
And Unity Day forever!

And now it’s time for us kids to play and show off the heroic strength.

Games for children: "Rope", "Builders", "Friendly couples"

Presenter: The army carried the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Before the decisive battle, the soldiers prayed for help for three days in front of her miraculous icon.

And Rus' rose from its knees.
In hands with an icon before the battle,
Blessed by prayer.
To the sound of coming changes.

Presenter: A monument has also been erected on Red Square, on which is written “Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. Grateful Russia.”

The government of the country is located in the capital. The President and Prime Minister live and work here

Presenter: Russia - united, powerful, endless, hospitable - extends the hand of friendship and opens its arms to all peoples and neighbors, to everyone who wants to live peacefully on earth! And people can be happy only when peace and friendship reign in their land.

Our friendship, our faith will be with us forever,
Our strength, our will. Will never die!

Beautiful things will come true for you dancing

Dance "Colorful Game"

Dance "Top-top"

Friendship unites people and nations. They live happily together, and true friendship, as the song says, has no days off.

Photo slides on the theme "Friendship"

Presenter: Dear friends! Our holiday program has come to an end. We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity. Once again, happy holiday - Happy National Unity Day.

Presenter: We are all united by Russia, and may our love for the Fatherland serve the common good! We wish everyone good health, happiness, success in business. Happy holiday!

Children give guests hand-made Russian flags

To the music of the song "My Russia", music. G. Struve children leave the hall

The hall is decorated balloons in the colors of the Russian flag, the flag of Russia, on the side wall there is an exhibition of dolls in national costumes.

The song “In My Russia” is playing in the recording - minus (music by G. Struve).

Children in Russian folk costumes enter the hall and sit in a semicircle on chairs, facing the central wall.

Presenter. Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! November 4th, all of Russia will celebrate the Day national unity. This is a holiday of patriotism, mutual assistance and unity of all Russian peoples, this is the day of saving Russia from the greatest danger that has ever threatened it.

Guys, how do you understand what unity is? (Unity is when all people are together.)

Who are the patriots? (These are people who love their Motherland and are always ready to defend it.)

Two children come out and read the poem “Day of National Unity” by N. Maidanik.

Children (one by one). They don’t argue with history, they live with history,

It unites for heroism and work.

There is one state when there is one people,

When with great power he moves forward.

He defeats the enemy, standing up as one to fight,

And Rus' liberates and sacrifices itself.

For the glory of those heroes we live by the same destiny,

Today we celebrate Unity Day with you.

Presenter. Please listen to what beautiful lines Yulia Drunina wrote about Russia:

Oh, Russia!

A country with a difficult fate...

I have you, Russia,

Like a heart, alone.

I'll tell my friend too

I will tell the enemy too -

Without you,

Like without a heart

I can't live...

“At my Russia”, music. G. Struve lyrics N. Solovyova/DeraskinaL.

Presenter. Guys, love for Russia for everyone and for us begins with love for the places where you were born and live. Please tell me what ours is called small homeland?


What is our city famous for?

You and I were on a sightseeing tour of the city, saw its sights, visited museums, the Khokhloma Painting factory, met talented people of our region, poetess Natalya Ostafeychuk, young singer Alexey Zadorin, artist mother came to visit us Sonya Sokolova. We invited WWII veterans - defenders of our homeland - to our meetings, we got acquainted with the work of Boris Kornilov, learned songs by local authors: “My Semyonov” by N. Senkova, “Semyonov Waltz” by I. Shesterikov.

Poem about Semenov

Children stand scattered in the center of the hall and sing a song

"Semyonovsky Waltz", music. I. Shesterikova

Child: If they say the word “Motherland”, it immediately comes to mind

an old house, there are currants in the garden, a thick poplar at the gate,

By the river there is a modest birch tree and a daisy hillock.

Or the steppe red with poppies, virgin soil golden...

Homeland can be different, but everyone has the same one! (3.Alexandrova)

Presenter: Guys, what is the name of the country in which we live? (Russia.) Please name the main city of our country, the capital of Russia (Moscow)

Clip “Moscow, the bells are ringing”

Presenter: What a beautiful capital our homeland has!

Like all countries in the world that exist on earth, Russia has its own flag and coat of arms. (shows)

White color- birch.

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

The country's coat of arms is a double-headed eagle

Proudly spread his wings,

Holds the scepter and the orb,

He saved Russia

Confirms the ancient coat of arms

Country independence

For the peoples of all Russia

Our symbols are important.

The national flag is raised during ceremonial events and holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds. Today is the holiday of our state, let us also listen to the solemn anthem of our Russia!

The anthem of the Russian Federation is played

A Russian folk melody (dudka-pyzhatka) sounds in the recording.

Performed by the ensemble of ancient Russian music "Rusichi"

Alena and Kuzma enter the hall wearing Russian folk costumes.

Alyona. A long time ago, in ancient centuries, in ancient times, there lived on earth Russians, skilled craftsmen and craftswomen, hardworking farmers, brave, strong, noble warriors. They lived honestly and gloriously, built churches and towers, raised children and composed songs for the glory of the Fatherland.

Kuzma. But then a bad day and hour came, misfortunes and misfortunes fell upon the Russian land. A crop failure came, and behind it came a severe famine. Out of hunger and sadness, quarrels and discord began between people.

Alyona. And at this time a new trouble came. The enemies noticed that Rus' had weakened from strife and hunger, they were happy and set out on a campaign against Moscow. They planned to fight by deception - they brought the self-proclaimed king with them. The deceived peasants and townspeople willingly joined the army of the self-proclaimed tsar and opened their gates to him, as if before the real Russian tsar.

Kuzma. However, the impostor did not even think of protecting or saving the Russian people! Having seized Moscow, power, the throne and the royal crown, he began to feast and have fun! Mortal danger loomed over the Russian land - discord and desolation, grief and despair reigned everywhere!

Alyona. But on Russian soil, in the region of Nizhny Novgorod, a daring hero, a good fellow, Kozma Minin, was found. And he was not of heroic stature, but he had the fortitude of a real hero, an ardent heart and a sharp mind. The people of Nizhny Novgorod chose Kozma as their headman. Minin realized that he must not hide from adversity, but stand up for himself and his native land, and oppose the Pretender.

Kuzma. Kozma Minin began to collect forces and funds for the liberation of the Fatherland. The people of Nizhny Novgorod realized that they were all tightly bound by a single misfortune, a single hope. They gathered in the square in front of the holy church and began to give everything that they had accumulated during their lives to the militia.

Alena and Kuzma show the painting “Minin’s Appeal” by Makovsky (Minin on Nizhny Novgorod Square, calling on people to donate)

The children discuss what they saw.

Raising money is not the main thing. The main thing is to find warriors for the army and a worthy commander. The residents of Nizhny Novgorod chose Prince Dmitry Pozharsky - he had a good reputation throughout Rus'. The prince agreed to lead the army.

Kuzma. The governor has been found, and the army from all over Rus' has been assembled; all that remains is to arm it as it should be. Whether long or short, Nizhny Novgorod craftsmen made weapons and armor.

Slide show about heroic armor

Chain mail (shows) - ancient military armor in the form of a shirt made of metal rings.

Helmet (shows) - an ancient metal protective military headdress.

The sword (shows) is an ancient edged weapon with a long straight blade.

Alyona. And the people kept arriving in Nizhny Novgorod to defend Holy Rus'!

Kuzma. And then the day came when Nizhny saw off the warriors to battle. The brass bells rang out.

(A bell rings in the recording)

Kuzma. Cannons struck from the walls, the princely banner of Dmitry Pozharsky turned around and fluttered in the wind. And so the opponents came together in a terrible battle. The earth groaned from a thousand hooves, swords rang, shots crackled.

The recording of the song “Our Heroic Strength” sounds

(music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov)

Alyona. It was hard for the Russian soldiers; the siege of the Moscow Kremlin lasted several days. Finally, the enemies became exhausted and surrendered to the army of Minin and Pozharsky. The people praised the liberators of the Russian land.

A fragment of the choir “Glory” sounds in the recording

From the opera “Ivan Susanin” by M. Glinka

Alena. And most often the names of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kozma Minin were heard. Years pass, centuries flow, and each one brings forward its own heroes, but there are pages of history that cannot be crossed out or forgotten, just as one cannot forget the people who exalted their native land with their lives. This is how Dmitry Pozharsky and Kozma Minin were, and this is how they remained for centuries.

Six children come out and read a poem

“Our people will not forget the valor of our governors” N. Konchalovskaya.

1. A good monument has been erected

To two heroes throughout the country

As a sign that he was delivered

From dishonor the native land.

2. It is marked by year, day,

And inscribed on it:

"To Citizen Minin

And to Prince Pozharsky -

Grateful Russia."

3. From the overthrow of the royal power

So many years in a row

Minin and Pozharsky are watching

To the ceremonial parade.

4. Pointing with a cast hand

To the majestic view

And to the young tribe,

Minin seems to say:

5. “Admire now, prince,

To the native country of business.

We couldn't even think

So that Rus' could be like this!

6. Marvel at their military

Extraordinary strength

And listen to these songs

And look at the faces...

Their deeds are even more wonderful

They are waiting ahead!

Kuzma. So we told you what happened in Rus' almost four hundred years ago, about how unity helped the Russians cope with the insidious enemy and get rid of the Polish invasion. Now you understand the name of the holiday - Russian Unity Day.

Presenter. Guys, who is a patriot? (He who loves his homeland protects it from enemies.)

Who glorified the land of Nizhny Novgorod? (Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin.)

What helped defeat the enemy? (Unity of the people.)

So how do you understand what unity is?

Child. Unity is all together

This means that everyone is as one.

This means we are all for our Russia

Like a family: some are daughters, some are sons.

And our family is very big,

And forever breathed freedom -

We must live in harmony and peace!

Presenter: And now I invite you, Alena and Kuzma, our guests, all the guys to stand up and hold hands tightly. (Everyone stands up and joins hands)

Dear friends, we are all united by a sense of pride in our country, in its glorious history.

And on this holiday we feel with particular strength that we are a united and mighty Russian people, and we have one Fatherland - Russia.

The presenter reads the poem, and everyone else picks up its “key words” in chorus. The main thing is together,

The main thing is to be friendly!

The main thing is to have a warm heart in your chest!

Don't we need indifferent people?

No need!

Drive away anger and resentment! (Everyone sit down)

Remember, guys, this feeling of unity and keep it for life. Be worthy of your ancestors.

Round dance "Rosinochka-Russia"

Three children come out and

Reading the poem “Me and We” by V. Orlov.

There are a lot of words in the world,

Like snowflakes in winter.

But let's take these for example:

The word "I" and the word "We".

“I” am lonely in the world,

There is not much use in "I".

One or one

It's hard to cope with adversity.

The word “We” is stronger than “I”.

We are family and we are friends.

We are the people, and we are united.

Together we are invincible.

Children sing the song “Big Round Dance” and sit down.

Presenter. People of other nationalities live on Russian territory. You and I have already talked about this in class, got acquainted with their national clothes and customs.

Child. How lucky you and I are:

We were born in such a country

Where all the people are - she is family:

Everywhere you look there are friends all around!

Child. Peoples are like one family,

Although their language is different,

All are daughters and sons

Your beautiful country!

Presenter. We are all different: we speak different languages, sing different songs, we have different national cultures and traditions, but we equally love the land on which we live, and for all of us Russia is the Motherland. We are all Russians.

Alyona. Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia,

Take care of her peace and quiet,

This is the sky and the sun

This bread is on the table

And the dear window

In a forgotten village...

Kuzma. Take care of Russia,

We can't live without her.

Take care of her

To be her forever

With our truth and strength,

With all our destiny.

Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia.

Presenter. Dear friends! Our holiday is ending.

Alyona. We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity.

Kuzma. Once again, happy holiday to you - National Unity Day!

Alena and Kuzma give gifts to children (small flags - copies of the Russian flag)

Artemyeva Tatyana Vladimirovna,

Head of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Kolosok" village of Kaluga, Fedorovsky district, Saratov region

Scenario sports festival dedicated to National Unity Day

Scenario of a sports festival dedicated to National Unity Day

Tatyana Artemyeva

Scenario of the sports festival “We are united and this is our strength!”


Strengthen children's health, maintain a positive emotional state during physical activity.

Tasks :

Developmental: develop children's coordination of movements, endurance, speed of reaction, dexterity, attention, speed of thinking.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, attention to other children, to form a respectful attitude towards the state symbols of Russia.

Educational: summarize children’s knowledge about the state symbols of Russia - the flag, anthem, coat of arms. Consolidate knowledge about "Day national unity» .

Form of conduct:

sports festival.


kindergarten gym.

people of different nationalities and their customs.

Educational area « Physical Culture»

Strengthen the ability to participate in a variety of outdoor games.


Team emblems;

Team names;

Jumping bags - 2 pcs. ;

- “bumps” - 4 pcs. ;

Jump ropes - 2 pcs. ;

Fitballs - 2 pcs. ;

Tapes - 2 pcs. ;

Flags are white, blue and red according to the number of participants;

- “tunnels” - 2 pcs. ;

Landmarks - 2 pcs.

1. We celebrate Unity Day,

Russia's young holiday,

And we wish everyone

Be loyal to the country with all your heart!

2. Our strength is in unity and brotherhood,

And the enemy cannot defeat us!

So let it become more and more beautiful

The country where we happened to live!

3. A great power is strong

Their sons, their daughters.

Russia's glory will not fade,

While we are together and united!

4. Our Mother Russia

She will become strong as before.

The holiday is the day of patriotism,

Glory, proud Fatherland!

Ved: From time immemorial, the Russian people have been famous for their strength, daring, and brave dexterity. And there have always been heroes in Rus' - such strong men with a kind heart and a pure soul. Our heroes today gathered at the sports competition “In Unity is Our Strength” and we will now find out which team is the strongest, most resilient, and persistent. clever and the most friendly.

Command representation:

1. "Oak Tree"

Motto: The main thing is together!

The main thing is to be friendly!

The main thing is with a heart burning in your chest!

We don't need indifference!

Live in peace and harmony with everyone!

2. "Rowanushka"

Motto: Good in the world

If the sun is shining.

Good in the world

If we are all together.

Ved. Attention! Attention! The most dexterous, brave and fast children have gathered here.

The competition begins!

Now for a little warm-up!

I do exercises every morning!

We really like to do everything in order:

Have fun walking (marching)

Raise your arms (exercises for arms)

Squat and stand up (squat)

Jump and jump (jump)

Health is fine - thanks to exercise!

1st relay: “JUMP TOGETHER - JUMP FRIENDLY”(jumping in bags.)

Children in pairs put on a bag and jump to a landmark and back. Pass the bag to the next pair. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

2nd relay race “THE MOST AGILITY”.(Who will go over the bumps faster).

The child stands on one “bump,” puts a second “bump” in front of him, moves onto it, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Two braids, two sisters

They fly up like birds.

With a jump rope in the morning -

The game begins.

3 relay race with skipping ropes “MOVE YOUR COMRADE”

Participate in pairs, the skipping rope is used as reins. One runs to one side as a horse, and the other runs back. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

We'll play together

Run, jump and gallop.

To make it more fun,

We'll take the ball quickly.

4th relay race “RIDERS”.

At the signal, the first member of each team sits on the fitball and jumps on it, holding the horns, to the pins and back and passes the fitball to the next participant, and he goes to the end of the column.. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Ved. In the meantime, our esteemed jury is summing up the results, the guys will perform the song “Russian Flag”. Summing up the results of 4 relay races.

Song "Russian Flag"

5th relay race “WHITE, BLUE, RED”

Children take turns hanging flags on the ribbon, passing the baton to a friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

6th relay race "FRIENDLY TEAM"

The child holds his friend by the legs, and he reaches the landmark in his arms. They come back running, holding hands. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

7th relay race “THE BRAVE”(tunnel)

The child crawls through the tunnel, returns to the team, and passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Ved. Guys, our competition is over. Let us ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results.

On Unity Day we will be close,

We'll be together forever

All nationalities of Russia

In distant villages and cities!

Live, work, build together,

Sowing grain, raising children,

Create, love and argue,

Protect people's peace.

To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts,

To fill your life with happiness,

To sleep under a peaceful sky!

Ved: Russia is strong only when it is united! Russia - united, powerful, endless, hospitable - extends the hand of friendship and opens its arms to all fraternal peoples and good neighbors, to everyone who wants to live peacefully on earth.

Song “Native Side” Music by I. Tikhomirova, lyrics by V. Bredis

1. Developing among schoolchildren an interest in studying the history of their homeland.

2. Education creativity students through performing arts.

3. Improving skills and abilities of collective activities.


  1. The name of the educational game is “Wheel of History”.
  2. Stand “National Unity Day”.
  3. Symbols of Russia.


  1. Handouts (texts with test answers, cards with poem texts).
  2. Signs with team names.
  3. Tokens of three colors.
  4. Costumes.

Preparatory work:

  1. Rehearsal of scenes with participants of the historical circle.
  2. Design of the “National Unity Day” stand.
  3. Division into three teams, choice of captains.
  4. Preparation of certificates and prizes for the winners and participants of the event.

Rules of the game:

  1. The game consists of three rounds, in each of which teams gain a certain number of versts (for each correct answer - 10 versts).
  2. Before the start of each round, teams take turns drawing a token. If the color of the drawn token matches the color of the team, then an additional 10 miles are added to the team’s account.
  3. After each round there is a game with spectators - fans. Fans can bring their team 10 miles during the game by answering a question correctly.
  4. The game ends by counting the teams' miles. The team that accumulates the most miles wins.

Progress of the event

1. Introduction.

For the first time in our country since 2005, November 4 is celebrated as National Unity Day. The Day of National Unity also coincides in time with one of the most revered holidays by the Russian Orthodox Church - the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, with whose intercession tradition links the expulsion of the interventionists.

Saint Innocent of Kherson called the Kazan icon “Russian veil”. The autumn celebration of the Most Holy Theotokos, in honor of Her icon, called “Kazan”, was established in gratitude for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the invasion of the Poles in 1612. It was a terrible and troubled time. The question was about the very existence of our Fatherland! During this troubled period, the country was left without a king and without a royal dynasty, which for a long time united the people into a state, a power. Anarchy reigned everywhere, more terrible for both the nobility and the common people than the most cruel government. The Poles, having captured Moscow by deception, mocked the Orthodox faith. It seemed that the Russian state was lost, that Russia would not be able to rise from its knees and would never regain its former power. And then, at the call of Patriarch Hermogenes, the entire Russian people stood up to defend their Motherland. A miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary was sent from Kazan to the militia, which was led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the Nizhny Novgorod merchant Kuzma Minin. “Let us stand as one for Rus', for the House of the Most Holy Theotokos!” - the people exclaimed.

And a great miracle happened: by the representation of the Mother of God, God’s judgment on our Fatherland was turned over to mercy! Russian troops liberated Moscow from enemies! Soon the entire Russian land was cleared of foreign invaders.

  • It’s warmer overseas, but it’s nicer here.
  • On the other side, the Motherland is doubly sweeter.
  • Where someone was born, that’s where they came in handy.

Here are some proverbs about the Motherland that the Russian people have composed. A Russian person is always ready to give his life, devotion, love to his Motherland, his people. Such a person is called a patriot of his Fatherland.

Glory to our side!
Glory to our antiquity!
We will turn the wheel of history
And let's start telling,
So that people can know
About the affairs of our native land!

On our quiz “Wheel of History” there are three squads: red, green and blue. Let's start the game.

2. Main part

I round
Scene 1.

A messenger arrived to the Kyiv prince Mstislav Romanovich.

Messenger: Grand Duke! A terrible disaster is coming - nomads. We need to arm ourselves!

Prince: How many are there?

Messenger: Darkness of warriors, prince! Their army stretched out for three days on horseback!

QUESTION. What does the word “darkness” mean at that time?

  1. 1000.
  2. 10000.
  3. 100000.

A beggar sits and asks for alms; a gentleman and a lady pass by.

Beggar: Give it, good gentlemen, for Christ's sake.

Lady (to gentleman): Give the poor one food.

Gentleman (to the lady): Stop it. There is not enough money for everyone.

Beggar: Oooh, damned world-eaters.

QUESTION. Many people know that the word “myroed” is an offensive nickname. What meaning did this word have in the 18th century?

  1. Kurkul, a rich man;
  2. An old man living off the community;
  3. A person who robs others.

A gentleman enters the tavern and encounters a poor cockroach.

Master (gives the poor man a slap on the head): Oh, you unwashed mug, spinning under your feet. Don't you see, the master is coming.

Poor man (bowing): I beg your pardon, master (Runs away).

Master: Oh, you scoundrel! They have spread darkness here among the infidels and foreigners!

QUESTION. In the Russian Empire there was a term “foreigner”. Who was called that?

  1. Living on the outskirts of the country, people of a different religion;
  2. Residents of Siberia;
  3. Foreigners.

On stage, a poorly dressed young man is reading a book. Two kids enter.

1st boy: Vasya! Hey, what kind of kid is this?

2nd boy: Ahhh... This one. He came from Kholmogory with a fish train. I decided to study.

1st: Oh, how old is he?

2nd: There will be twenty years.

The boys laugh and tease the young man.

1st: Hey, kid! What a fool. At the age of twenty I came to study Latin!

2nd: Taviva gaza! A clean slate is an empty head!

Young man: Tsits, fools! I will learn Latin and other sciences, for it is said: “Through thorns to the stars!”

QUESTION. Who was this man who wanted to learn Latin?

  1. Peter I;
  2. Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich;
  3. Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich.

The king sits, a slave beats his forehead at his feet.

Tsar: And put this slave in a smoke hut for bread and kvass, so that he will forever remember how to contradict his sovereign. Remove it!

QUESTION. What kind of room is the “smoking hut” that existed in Rus' until the 19th century?

    1. a peasant hut, heated in black - without a chimney;
    2. a hut where chickens were kept;
    3. prison cell.

MOVING. Teams draw tokens.

Questions for viewers:

  1. How tall was Peter I? (2 meters 4 centimeters).
  2. Name the first printed book in Rus' (Apostle, I. Fedorov. 16th century).
  3. Which prince was nicknamed “the money bag”? (Ivan Kalita, XIV century).

2nd round
“Answer with the words of a poet”

1. And ahead, on the ringing ice floes,
Rattling with heavy scales,
The Livonians ride in a formidable wedge,
Pig's iron head.
The first onslaught of the Germans was terrible
To the Russian infantry at an angle
Two rows of horse towers
They went straight ahead.

2. How do I feel about the Battle of the Don?
Should I continue my story?
I will not deceive the reader,
Having spoken about that battle,
That there hasn't been one like this before.
And at least ask anyone -
The Great Massacre
Everyone knows in Rus'!…
There was such a great groan,
There was a battle with such blood,
That the Don was painted crimson
To the very bottom...
And Prince Dmitry Donskoy
Since then the people have nicknamed
And good glory is behind him
He lives to this day.

3. When dawn broke in the east,
The veil of fog has thinned,
On the other bank I suddenly saw Akhmat
The army of Moscow Prince Ivan...
The Emperor read and, calm and stern,
Turned to the Akhmatov people,
Threw the label on the ground under his morocco boot
And he said: “We will not pay tribute!”
From then on, the Horde did not dare to rob us,
The heavy yoke has been thrown off,
And in the Horde, disagreement and enmity began,
And the Tatar power collapsed.

(Standing on the Ugra River - 1480)

4. Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke
The French moved like clouds
And everything is at our redoubt.
Lancers with colorful badges,
Dragoons with ponytails
Everyone flashed before us,
Everyone has been here.
You will never see such battles!…
Banners were worn like shadows,
The fire sparkled in the smoke,
Damask steel sounded, buckshot screamed,
The soldiers' hands are tired of stabbing,
And prevented the cannonballs from flying
A mountain of bloody bodies.
The enemy experienced quite a lot that day,
What does Russian bloody battle mean?
Our hand-to-hand combat!..

5. The call comes from Muscovites...
The call has reached Nizhny,
To the elder, to the man,
That his name was Minin-Sukhoruk.
He gathered all the people around...
Minin collected the Volga region,
He gathered the militia,
Dressed everyone, put shoes on everyone,
Fed, watered and equipped,
And he armed everyone.
And this army in the foggy darkness
On unplowed land,
Where the ear has not bloomed for a long time,
He led to Moscow, to the capital.
That army from each village
Everything came and grew.
Prince Pozharsky came here,
A river of people flowed behind him,
And, teaming up with Minin,
Russian troops rallied.
A good monument has been erected
To two heroes throughout the country
As a sign that he was delivered
From dishonor the native land.

(Liberation of Moscow from the invaders by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky - 1612)

6. The regiments closed their ranks.
Arrows scattered in the bushes.
Cannonballs roll, bullets whistle;
Cold bayonets hung down.
Sons beloved victories,
The Swedes are rushing through the fire of the trenches;
Worried, the cavalry flies;
The infantry moves behind her
And with its heavy firmness
Her desire is in full swing.
And the battlefield is fatal
It thunders and burns here and there,
But clearly the happiness is fighting
It's starting to serve us.

7. Not measured lengthwise and not passed in breadth,
Covered with impassable taiga,
Siberia spreads out under our feet
Shaggy bear skin.
Fur in Siberian forests is good
And red fish in the streams of the Irtysh!
We can own this rich land,
Dividing her like brothers.
It’s time for me to put on Kuchumov’s bars
And become an Ostyak prince.

(Development of Siberia under the leadership of Ermak - 1581 - 1585)

8. On the shore of desert waves
He stood there, full of great thoughts,
And he looked into the distance. And he thought:
From here we will threaten the Swede,
The city will be founded here
To spite an arrogant neighbor.
Nature destined us here
Open a window to Europe,
Stand with a firm foot by the sea.

(Foundation of St. Petersburg - 1703)

9. Never any troops
We haven't walked these paths yet.
All of Europe is looking at them.
In all corners of the continent
They guess, argue and gossip:
They will pass or they will not pass,
What awaits them - death or surrender?
Let them guess! Only here,
Among hardships and suffering,
Among the stones and snow piles,
The soldiers knew without guessing
That the Russians will always get through.

(Suvorov's Swiss campaign through the Alps - 1799)

10. That is the glow of Russian freedom
It flared up around -
Against the power of the sovereign
The cities suddenly rebelled.
Victorious glory of the Cossack
Now I've gone across Rus',
There are poor people in every house
They opened the door for Stenka.
And short roads
From the Don to the Volga, across the steppes,
In equipment and with boats
Stepan led his army.

(Revolt of Stepan Razin - 1667 - 1671)

MOVING. Teams draw tokens.

Questions for viewers:

  1. What is the weight of the Tsar Cannon? (40 tons)
  2. Which Russian city had an “evil character”? (Kozelsk)
  3. What was the name of the third of the brothers who founded Kyiv? The first two are Cue, Cheek. (Horeb)

III round

1. The king is sitting on the throne, thinking.

Tsar or not Tsar!
Pardon or execute...
Decide or wait...
Eh! You are heavy, Monomakh’s hat...

QUESTION: Why is “Monomakh’s hat” heavy?

  1. There were many decorations on the crown;
  2. The king decides many state issues;
  3. It's a dangerous job to be a king.

2. At the Novgorod veche, the boyars discuss the question: who should be invited to lead the army to fight the German knights. The mayor invited to call Alexander Yaroslavovich, although not a young, but very experienced commander. The veche supported the mayor's proposal.

QUESTION: Who is a posadnik?

  1. A man who put people in jail;
  2. A person who plants plants;
  3. The man who led the city.

3. During the reign of Peter I, a civil calendar was issued.

QUESTION: What was the first time printed in a calendar?

  1. Romanov family tree;
  2. notes about Europe;
  3. astrological forecast.

4. Many ancient noble noble and princely families traced their lineage back to Rurik.

QUESTION: Who is Rurik?

  1. Prince of the Varangians;
  2. First Moscow prince;
  3. Founder of Kyiv.

5. “Wherever you go, here are the streets. Wherever it turns - with alleys...

QUESTION: Who was Ilya Muromets?

  1. Prince;
  2. Peasant son;
  3. Druzhinnik.

6. One of the most important acts of Peter I was the creation of the Russian fleet.

QUESTION: Which city is considered the birthplace of the Russian fleet?

  1. Saint Petersburg;
  2. Arkhangelsk;
  3. Voronezh.

7. In pre-Christian Rus', old people prophesied that the Snake would be killed by a young man.

QUESTION: What was the name of the snake fighter?

  1. Alesha Popovich;
  2. Nikitich;
  3. Ilya Muromets.

3.Final part

It is planned to assign an informal name to this holiday in our country - Day of Good Deeds. This will attract public attention to issues of charitable activities, serving the interests of society, will contribute to the development of traditions of mercy, volunteerism, various forms self-organization and self-government.

Musical director Olga Nikolaevna Mikryukova, physical education instructor Lyudmila Ryzhova

Goal: To cultivate interest in the history of your country through the example of historical events and personalities.

Educational area "Cognition"
1. Expand children’s understanding of their native country and public holidays.
2. Give basic information about the history of Russia.
3. Deepen and clarify ideas about the Motherland - Russia.
4. Consolidate knowledge about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia.
5. Expand ideas about Moscow - the main city, the capital of Russia.
6. Develop interest in folk games.

Educational field "Socialization"
1. Maintain children’s interest in events taking place in the country and cultivate a sense of pride in its achievements.
2. Foster respect for people of different nationalities and their customs.
Educational field "Physical education"
Strengthen the ability to participate in a variety of outdoor games.
Educational field "Communication"
1. Improve speech as a means of communication.
2. Continue work to enrich the social science vocabulary.
Educational area "Reading" fiction»
Replenish your literary baggage with poems about Russia.
Integrative qualities:
To develop in children activity, curiosity, responsiveness, and the ability to manage their behavior in a team.
Progress of the event
The "Anthem of the Russian Federation" is played.

I love you, Russia,
Our dear Rus'.
Unspent power
Unsolved sadness.
You are immense in scope,
There is no end to anything for you.
You have been incomprehensible for centuries
To foreign sages.

You have been tortured many times
To be Russia or not to be,
Many times they tried in you
Kill the Russian soul,
But you can't, I know
Neither break nor intimidate.
You are my dear homeland,
Free will the road.

Why do we all love our Motherland - Russia,

Because there is no more beautiful homeland anywhere.

I love you, my Russia,

For the clear light of your eyes,

Russia is like a word from a song -

Birch young foliage.

There are forests, fields and rivers all around,

Razdolie is the Russian soul.

Multimedia show “Our Motherland – Russia”.

On November 4, all of Russia celebrates National Unity Day. This day holds a special place among public holidays modern Russia. It is connected with the feat of our ancestors back in 1612, who rallied in the name of freedom and independence of the Motherland from their enemies - the Poles. This is a holiday of mutual assistance and unity.

If you forget about small grievances,

About the difference in views on faith and life,

Let's all unite together - the enemies will be beaten!

The earth will tremble from the power of unity!

Homeland and Unity - these concepts are inseparable. At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. They composed songs, proverbs and poems about her, and performed feats in the name of their native land.

Unfortunately, throughout history, Russia has been tested many times for its strength, and has more than once experienced times when its unity was violated, when hostility and hunger reigned in the country.

Russia did not immediately become a strong state. The power of the country gradually increased. The peoples of Russia did not always live in unity. There have been times in the history of Russia when people lost faith and reason, they could not distinguish good from evil, truth from lies: enmity and mutual insults blinded people’s eyes. The enemies of our Motherland took advantage of this. Then a troubled time, a bloody time, was coming for Russia. Our story today is about one of these pages of history.

There was a terrible famine in the country, and first one king or another came to the throne.

Gone into the history of the year

Kings and peoples changed,

But times are troubled, adversity

Rus' will never forget!

Our Russian land was attacked by enemies - the Poles. It seemed that the Russian state was lost and would never regain strength, would not regain its former power. But the Russian people could not and did not want to accept the death of their state.

Kuzma Minin lived in Nizhny Novgorod at that time. On the square Minin said to the people: “Friends and brothers! Holy Rus' is perishing! Let us help, brothers, the holy homeland!”

The Russian army was commanded by the best military leader of that time - the brave and honest Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky.

For almost a whole year, the Russian people gathered their forces, and finally, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky marched on Moscow. The battle for the capital was stubborn and bloody. With the oath “We will die for Holy Rus'!” The militia fought bravely and won. This glorious victory made the day of November 4 forever unforgettable for us.

All of Russia thanked Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who gathered people from all over the country to defeat the Troubles and defeat the Polish enemies. And it was possible to defeat the enemy only by uniting the people of Russia.

Villages, villages, cities.

With bow to the Russian people.

Russia celebrates freedom.

And Unity Day forever!

A monument was also erected on Red Square, on which it is written “Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. Grateful Russia." SLIDE

We must not forget the lessons of history: Russia is strong only when it is united! Separately, alone, you cannot do what you can do together. That is why in our country there is such important holiday— Day of National Unity.

We sing songs about our Motherland.

Because there is no more wonderful homeland anywhere.

The song “Song of the Motherland” is performed

/What do we call Motherland?/

Children read the poem “DAY OF NATIONAL UNITY”

There's no arguing with history

Live with history

She unites

For feat and for work.

One state

When the people are united

When great power

He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy

United in battle,

And Rus' liberates

And sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes

We live by one destiny,

Today is Unity Day

We celebrate with you!

Friendship unites people and nations. Together they live happily.

And we are in ours kindergarten“Zhuravlyonka” we live together and now the friendly guys will perform a dance to the song “It’s fun to walk together.”

Children perform the circle dance “It’s fun to walk together” by muses. V. Shainsky.

I propose to conduct a short quiz and write down the most important words for us on the board.

So, what is the name of the country we live in? That's right, Russia. This is our Motherland. We call it HOMELAND because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us.

We call Russia FATHERLAND because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. And MOTHER because she fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, taught us her language, like a mother protects us from all enemies!

Ah, my Russia, where can I find words?

To tell about you in my song:

About daisies, lakes, endless forests,

About fields, about open spaces, about bright dreams!

And about how it was fastened while the trouble

And about how proud I was of my sons always.

Sound like this, my song, sound quickly,

About Russia, about my dear Motherland.

The song “My Russia” performed by our guys will be performed for you.

Let's continue our quiz.

Name the main city of our Motherland? That's right, Moscow. This is the capital of our Motherland.

What is the most important thing on earth? (World)

What is the name of our region? (Yes, Ural)

I suggest you, the Ural guys, start a “Ural Round Dance”.

Children perform “Ural Round Dance” by A. Filippenko

Russia is a large multinational state where different peoples live in peace and harmony.

On Unity Day we will be close,

We'll be together forever

All nationalities of Russia.

In distant villages and cities!

Live, work, build together,

Sowing grain, raising children,

Create, love and argue,

Protect people's peace!

To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts,

To fill your life with happiness,

To sleep under a peaceful sky!

Peoples of different nationalities live on our Ural land: Tatars, Bashkirs, Nagaibaks. They live very friendly. Each nation has its own national language: Tatar, Bashkir, but everyone also knows Russian. Every nation has its own folk songs, fairy tales, and games. Let's play the Tatar folk game "Knot".

Children play the Tatar outdoor game “Knot”.

I know that for our holiday you learned proverbs about peace, about the Motherland, about friendship. Tell me, please.