Professional holidays on March 19th. Church holidays in September

All-Ukrainian Library Day
All-Ukrainian Library Day is celebrated on September 30 according to Decree of the President of Ukraine dated May 14, 1998 No. 471/98.
The first libraries in Kievan Rus began to open in churches and monasteries after the adoption of Christianity in 988. The largest and richest at that time was the library of Sophia of Kyiv, founded in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise. In general, the library contained up to 900 volumes of handwritten books - a huge number for the Middle Ages.
The books that came out of the workshops of the St. Sophia Cathedral became the basis of other libraries, in particular the huge library of the Pechersk Monastery, which from the end of the 11th century. became the largest center of cultural life of Kievan Rus.
During the Mongol-Tatar invasion, books were lost in wars and fires. From those times, only a few copies of the Sofia Library have survived. The most famous: the Rhine Gospel (which the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise Anna took to France from Kyiv). The French kings took an oath on this book, and currently the presidents of France take an oath, the Ostromir Gospel (1056–1057), two Izborniks of 1073 and 1076, the Mstislav Gospel of the 12th century.
In Western Ukraine, an active library movement began with the creation of the Galician-Volyn principality (approximately from the 13th century). At the court of Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich, a scribe and philosopher, there was a huge book workshop.
With the advent of printing in the middle of the 15th century. Great changes are taking place throughout European book publishing and, of course, librarianship. Libraries developed significantly in the 16th century; large book depositories appeared at schools in Ostrog and Lviv. In the 17th century The library of the Kyiv Academy was organized. In the 18th century Prosperous noble families, Cossack elders, bishops, monasteries, and various schools had significant libraries.
In the second half of the 19th century - at the beginning of the 20th century. in Western Ukraine, which at that time was part of Austria-Hungary, there was a network of cultural and educational cells “Prosvita”. Already in 1914, this society had 78 branches and 2,944 reading rooms throughout the region. In 1914, their own reading rooms operated in 75% of Ukrainian settlements in Galicia; in 1939, the network of branches and reading rooms of Prosvita covered 85% of Western Ukrainian lands.
In Soviet times, librarianship became part of state policy.
Today there are about 40 thousand libraries in Ukraine. Among the leading ones are the National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadsky, the National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine, the State Library of Ukraine for Children, the State Historical Library of Ukraine and others.
Today, libraries are informational, cultural, and educational institutions that make a significant contribution to the development of the state and society.
Librarians are true helpers and advisers on the path to the heights of knowledge and wisdom - faithful guardians of spiritual treasures, guides to the world of the new and unknown.

The calendar of Russian holidays in September is rich in various secular and religious, professional and regional holidays. Also this month, there are several days of military glory, which celebrate the most significant victories of Russian weapons in the entire history of our state, and sometimes even lost battles, which are still revered as landmark battles. Let's celebrate the most significant and most notable holidays that are celebrated in September 2017.

Religious holidays in September 2017

As usual, the calendar of religious holidays is most widely represented by Orthodox holidays. However, September begins with one of the central holidays among Muslims.

  • 01.09 – Kurban Bayram for Muslims.
  • 08.09 – Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • 10.09 – Discovery of the relics of St. Job of Pochaev.
  • 11.09 – Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (great holiday).
  • 11.09 – one day fast among the Orthodox in honor of the Beheading of John the Baptist.
  • 14.09 – Beginning of the indictment – ​​the church new year.
  • 18.09 – Day of the Prophet Zechariah and the Righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Baptist.
  • 21.09 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary .
  • 27.09 – Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (twelfth impermanent holiday).
  • 30.09 – Day of Remembrance of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia.

Secular holidays and memorable days in September 2017

September is the beginning of the next academic year for schoolchildren and students in our country, therefore the 1st is a traditional holiday of knowledge. In addition to this day, there will be another secular holiday and one memorable day in September. The list of professional holidays in September is below.

  • 01.09 – Day of Knowledge.
  • 03.09 – Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.
  • 30.09 – Internet Day.

Days of military glory in September 2017

Days of military glory in our country are special days that are marked in the history of the country by significant victories of Russian weapons. Those victories (or even lost battles, paradoxically) that at one time played a key role in the future fate of the Russian state.

  • 02.09 – End of World War II (1945).
  • 08.09 – Battle of Borodino between the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov and the French army (1812).
  • 11.09 – Victory of the Russian squadron under the command of F. F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790).
  • 21.09 – Victory of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke D. Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatars in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380).

Professional holidays in September 2017

As usual, the list of professional holidays for the month is the most extensive. The more complex the economy becomes, the more new professions appear. Therefore, to traditional professional holidays like Mechanical Engineer’s Day or Gunsmith’s Day, completely new ones are added, like Programmer’s Day or HR Manager’s Day.

Some of the professional holidays are celebrated on the same day year after year, some are timed to coincide with one or another weekend of the month. We have given the dates for celebrating professional holidays in September 2017.

  • 02.09 – Day of the patrol service of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  • 02.09 – Day of the Russian Guard.
  • 03.09 – .
  • 04.09 – Day of the Nuclear Support Specialist.
  • 08.09 – .
  • 09.09 – Tester's day.
  • 09.09 – Graphic Designer Day.
  • 10.09 – .
  • 11.09 – Day of the specialist of the educational bodies of the Russian Armed Forces.
  • 13.09 – .
  • 13.09 – Hairdresser's Day.
  • 15.09 – Secretary's Day.
  • 17.09 – .
  • 19.09 – Gunsmith's Day.
  • 20.09 – Recruiter's Day.
  • 20.09 – HR Manager Day.
  • 24.09 – .
  • 09/24 – System Analyst Day.
  • 27.09 – Day of the teacher and all preschool workers.
  • 28.09 – Nuclear Industry Worker's Day.
  • 28.09 – General Director’s Day.
  • 29.09 – Otolaryngologist Day.
  • 30.09 – Translator's Day.

Regional holidays in September 2017 in Russia

Finally, in addition to all-Russian holidays, there are also holidays in our country that are celebrated in individual regions. This September there will be five such days:

  • 01.09 – Statehood Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.
  • 08.09 – Day of the Novorossiysk Naval Region.
  • 10.09 – Day of Lake Baikal.
  • 15.09 – Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan.
  • 24.09 – Tiger Day in the Far East.

In addition to the listed holidays, it is also worth paying attention to. This holiday in Moscow will take place on September 9.

How many weekends are there in September 2017 in Russia?

As for the production calendar for September approved by the government of the country, everything is quite simple with this month. None of the holidays listed above is a public holiday for which additional days off are declared.

Of the 30 days in September, nine will be weekends: these are five Saturdays (2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 September) and four Sundays (3, 10, 17 and 24 September) that fall in this month. The remaining 21 days of the month are regular working days.

Despite the fact that it is already September outside the window, the sun is not yet tired of warming people with its warm rays, so the chance for a good rest is not missed.

If you are used to planning everything in advance, then you will probably pay attention to holidays and weekends in September 2017 to understand when the long-awaited vacation time falls.

Rest in September is not only necessary, but also useful, because this is the only way to find the strength for long and productive work that will last a whole year.

September calendar

  • Total number of calendar days: 30
  • Total number of working days: 21
  • Total number of holidays and weekends: 9

Standard working hours (hours)

The following working hours apply in September:

  • for a 40-hour workweek: 168
  • for a 36-hour workweek: 151.2
  • for a 24-hour workweek: 100.8

As you can see, there are not so many legal days off, and, unfortunately, no additional ones are expected. Despite the fact that there are enough holidays in September that deserve special attention, officials did not dare to make them public.

Russian holidays in September

  • 1 September is the day of knowledge
  • September 2 - Day of the Russian Guard
  • September 3 – Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism
  • September 8 - Financier's Day
  • September 8 - Day of the Battle of Borodino
  • September 13 - Hairdresser's Day
  • September 19 - Gunsmith's Day
  • September 21 - World Day of Russian Unity
  • September 27 - Day of Education and All Preschool Workers
  • September 28—Nuclear Industry Workers Day

Day of Knowledge

Many of us associate the arrival of September with the start of school, both in schools and in other educational institutions. But most of all this celebration is valued in schools. Large-scale “line-ups” are held here, with performances by students and their teachers, a timid first-grader rings the bell, and the director will delight everyone with kind words of parting words.

But if you go back a few decades, you will see that this holiday was not so significant before. What’s more, the beginning of the school year did not fall on the first of September. Only in the thirties of the 20th century was the exact date established when all students had to sit down at a school desk. In turn, in 1984, September 1 was designated as an official holiday. This is how he remains to this day.

Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism

First of all, this day calls on us all to remember the tragic events that occurred in Beslan in 2004. In that terrible year for North Ossetia, terrorists seized a school and, during the operation to free the hostages, about 300 people died, most of them children.

The Beslan tragedy left a bloody mark on the hearts of many people, and this date was set in memory of all those victims, of the courage that the most ordinary women showed in order to save the hostages.

The main task of the memorable day is to formulate among people the concept that terrorism can enter any home and it will not spare anyone. We need to fight it in every possible way and prevent it from spreading across the planet.

Terrorism must not flourish or be supported. The tragedy that happened in Beslan once again proves that a person can cause significant damage to an entire state. And the worst thing is that children are often pawns in the hands of terrorists.

World Day of Russian Unity

This relatively young holiday has not yet become a state holiday, but, according to some experts, in a few more years the government will legalize it. The main goal of the celebration is to preserve the ethnocultural identity of the Russian people, the unification of all Russian peoples, as well as a positive attitude towards all historical and ethnic values.

Church calendar for September

Any believer honors and remembers the days that are indicated in. Throughout the year, almost every day there is some kind of church celebration. September is no exception. Among all the holidays, we have identified the main ones when you can completely devote yourself to prayers and trust in the Almighty.

  • September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist
  • September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • September 27 – Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Beheading of John the Baptist

This great holiday was established by the church so that people would not forget the martyrdom and death of the predecessor of Jesus Christ. People also call this celebration Ivan Lenten, because the church prescribed adherence to a strict one-day celebration. It was forbidden to sing, dance and organize lavish celebrations. In addition, you cannot do anything that in any way can remind you of the torment of John the Baptist.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

With the advent of this great holiday, services are held in all churches, where masses of people gather, eager to listen to sacred chants. It was on this day that the Most Pure Virgin came into our world, which is why all Christians glorify and remember it. The confessors assure that today you should pray about all the worries and anxieties that lie like a heavy burden on your heart. Not a single prayer will be left unattended.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

On September 27, the entire Orthodox Church celebrates the day of the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. In 326, in the city of Jerusalem, the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified was miraculously found. On this day, the Orthodox people keep a strict fast. You cannot eat fish, meat, dairy products and eggs. Only vegetable oil is allowed to be added to food.

Regardless of whether the month includes public holidays, which bring with them an additional day off for the entire working population of the country or not, each of us can find time for proper rest. You need to be able to relax on any day, squeeze out only the positive moments from it, and push away the negative as far as possible. Only this attitude will help you move through life confidently and always achieve your goals.

The first autumn month - September - still retains echoes of summer warmth, but a light cool breeze reminds us that the time of rest has come to an end and we need to get back to work with renewed vigor. Unfortunately, the weekends in September 2017 are only calendar ones, that is, Saturday and Sunday, but there are plenty of events that perpetuate certain events.

Holidays in September 2017 in Russia

We were all once first-graders and excitedly went to school for the first time, where a lot of unknown and interesting things awaited us. And then, having already become students, they hurried to the first lecture, feeling like completely grown-ups. The first day of September is forever fused in our memory with memories of studying, because it is on this not always fine day that the Day of Knowledge is celebrated.

Everyone knows that Victory Day is in May, but not many people remember that the end of World War II actually fell in September. The second of September is considered the official end of the bloodiest war in human history.

The cascade of September holidays continues with a day dedicated to the fight against terrorism. On the third day we remember those who became victims in peacetime.

Of course, all those who like active recreation and prefer a backpack on their back to sitting in front of the TV know that their holiday is also celebrated in September. On September twenty-seventh we honor all tourists.

We also celebrate Peace Day, which serves as a reminder to everyone of how important it is to preserve everything that we have, which was paid for at the cost of the lives of our ancestors who participated in numerous battles and wars.

It is noteworthy that all these holidays are not established as official weekends in September 2017 in Russia.

Knowledge Day - September 1

Invariably associated with the beginning of the school year, both in schools and in other educational institutions. But the biggest celebration, of course, is held at school. Each student’s morning begins with a line where the director addresses them, congratulates them on the start of the school year, greets first-graders and wishes everyone success.

But if we look at history, this was not always the case. And even the school year always began on the first of September. Only in the mid-thirties of the last century was the exact start date of the school year introduced in schools, technical schools and universities. But the day became an official holiday even later - already in 1984, when it was included in the corresponding decree.

Today, Knowledge Day is celebrated throughout the CIS countries and it follows approximately the same scenario as thirty years ago - smart schoolchildren rush with bouquets of flowers to their first lesson, excited graduates anxiously cross the threshold of higher educational institutions, looking hopefully at their future. And teachers and professors greet them every year with a smile and new knowledge. This holiday in September 2017 is, first of all, for those whose goal is to receive and give away new knowledge.

Day of the end of World War II - September 2

The surrender of Germany in May 1945 put an end to the intervention and war on the territory of the European continent, but the allied forces of Japan, which supported Hitler in his war, continued the offensive from the other side. At the Potsdam and Yalta conferences, the Soviet Union promised to declare war on Japan and support the allies in the fight against the enemy.

Following this word, the USSR troops entered into battle with the Japanese army and won several crushing victories for the enemy, not only throwing them deep behind the front line, but also liberating large areas of China, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Having been defeated and deprived of its main offensive forces, Japan was forced to surrender. The act of surrender was signed on September 2, 1945 on board the ship Missouri flying the US flag in the presence of representatives of the countries of the military alliance. This finally ended the Second World War, which lasted for six long years.

According to historians, almost two billion people and millions of pieces of equipment and aircraft were involved in the battles of World War II, and therefore to this day it remains the largest military-political clash between two coalitions of countries.

In memory of those soldiers who took part in the battles with the Japanese army and showed heroism and valor in the fight against the enemy, a holiday was established - September 2. But over time, it was abolished in the USSR, and with the collapse of the country it returned to the calendar again as one of the days of military glory of Russia. However, this holiday is not included in the number of days off in September 2017.

Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism - September 3

The day is dedicated primarily to the tragic events of 2004 that occurred in North Ossetia: a school was seized in Beslan and as a result of the attack, about 300 people died, more than half of whom were children.

This tragedy left an indelible mark on everyone's hearts, and in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack and those people, men and women who died there, fulfilling their civic duty and trying to save the hostages, this day off was established in September 2017 in Russia.

The main task of this memorable day is not to let not only the victims and the horror of what is happening be forgotten, but also to formulate the idea that terrorism can and should be prevented. As a rule, educational events, memorial events and charity concerts are dedicated to this day in cities and regions.

Their goal is to show how important it is to be tolerant of others, respect each other and other people’s beliefs, views on life and show tolerance towards your neighbors, because the best way to deprive terrorists of support is to remove confrontation among people and smooth out any conflicts.

International Day of Charity - September 5

Today, new technologies are actively developing and advancing, and progress is flying forward at cosmic speed, seemingly ahead of even time. However, one of the main problems of the planet remains unresolved - poverty. Widespread poverty, regardless of the status of the country, is a real scourge of the planet.

A huge number of people, residents of completely different countries and regions, still live below the poverty line. To remind people of the need to help and support others, do good deeds and share their warmth and care, another international holiday was established in September 2017. The UN General Assembly, trying to support the initiative of several countries at once, signed a corresponding decision in December 2012.

The date of the holiday was the day of death and memory of the world famous Mother Teresa, whose charitable work was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She devoted her whole life to helping those in need: orphans, refugees, old people, the wounded and dying from epidemics became the meaning of her life. Her example should serve as a guiding star for those who decide to follow her path.

Charity is of great importance today, since several million people die every year from hunger and disease. Therefore, on this day, charity concerts, auctions, fairs and festivals are held. The proceeds from these events are sent to various funds to help orphans, hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, the Red Cross organization, etc. But it is important to remember that you need to help not just one day a year, but every time you have the opportunity, when you see someone in need.

Day of the Battle of Borodino - September 8

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, historians and participants in the battle called it the bloodiest of one-day battles. The Battle of Borodino was supposed to be decisive in Napoleon’s entire offensive campaign in 1812, however, having encountered serious resistance from Russian troops, he never achieved his goal - Russia did not capitulate and failed to dictate peace terms to it, and after the emperor Napoleon had to retreat altogether and admit defeat.

According to researchers, in twelve hours of battle, the French army lost a quarter of its strength, while the Russian army lost a third. During the battle, the French managed to push the soldiers under the leadership of Kutuzov from their positions and occupy several strategic heights. However, after that they retreated to their positions, and Kutuzov himself announced a retreat due to serious losses and the lack of reserves to repeat the battle. And yet, both commanders - Emperor Napoleon and General Kutuzov - recorded the battle of Borodino as their victories. Napoleon believed that his soldiers showed superhuman heroism and valor, but the Russians were also worthy opponents in this battle. But Kutuzov noted that the French still retreated to their positions after the battle.

Today, on this holiday in September 2017, battle reconstructions are organized in Russia over the weekend, educational events, competitions and educational events are held. History buffs and spectators gather in the museum and on the Borodino field, ready to plunge into the historical atmosphere of the great battle.

International Day of Peace - September 21

We live in a relatively peaceful country where there have been no wars or military clashes for a long time. However, outside our state there are territories and entire regions where war is a way of life and children from a young age learn to live under the whistle of bullets and the roar of explosions.

That is why the UN decided to establish Peace Day to remind everyone of the value and importance of peace. Initially, the holiday was “floating” - it did not have an exact date and was celebrated every third Tuesday in September, but in 2001 the General Assembly approved the date - September 21.

Public organizations all over the planet call on this holiday to stop military operations and shelling of territories. The main goal of the weekend in September 2017 is to attract everyone's attention to the problem of peace. For this purpose, educational lectures, educational events and flash mobs are held, as well as conferences at which they discuss the problems of peace and ways to achieve and preserve it, share experiences and call on the warring parties to stop hostilities and agree on a compromise.

Every year a specific theme is chosen for Peace Day and everyone can express their opinion, take part in discussions and conferences, since with the development of the Internet this has become available throughout the globe.

World Tourism Day - September 27

If you have at least once traveled out of town to a river or gone on a trip to another city or country, you can safely count yourself among those to whom this weekend in September 2017 is dedicated - tourists! Of course, this is also a professional day for all those involved in this field - travel agencies and their employees, hotel and museum employees. All those people who provide a comfortable stay for visiting citizens of their own and foreign countries.

The main purpose of the holiday, established by the decision of the World Tourism Organization on the date this organization adopted its Charter, is to popularize tourism, promote its development and draw attention to its importance from a cultural, economic and social point of view. Today there are several types of tourism: ecological, cultural, extreme, educational, business and entertainment. You can safely go to get acquainted with new countries and corners of nature, learn the secrets of lost and fallen civilizations, or explore mountains and caves, descend to the seabed to see the Spanish galleon with your own eyes.

And, of course, you will meet people with whom you can exchange not only your impressions, but also learn first-hand about local traditions and habits, customs and peculiarities.

For some countries, tourism is the main source of government income and a way to fill the budget, so they are ready to provide their guests with comfort at the highest level, not forgetting, of course, about safety. During the September 2017 weekend and holidays dedicated to tourism, rallies, competitions, quizzes and trips, excursions and hikes are held all over the world.

Calendar weekends and holidays in September 2017 remind us of the importance of maintaining peace, showing tolerance towards others and the need for cultural and social exchange with people of different nationalities and religions. The more we know about each other, the fewer misunderstandings can arise.

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September, like many other months of the year, is rich in events and holidays that any educated person should know. In this article, we have collected for you the main holiday dates that Russia will celebrate in September 2017.

Important holidays and dates in September 2017

1 September is the day of knowledge. It is from this day that the academic year begins in all educational institutions of our country. On Knowledge Day, it is customary for parents and students themselves, especially first-graders and graduates - for them this year is always special.

September 2 – Day of the end of World War II. This date refers to. Russians celebrate the end of one of the most brutal and bloody wars in the entire history of mankind on this date.

September 8 – Battle of Borodino. Another Day of Military Glory of Russia. The event dates back to 1812. On this day, a grandiose battle took place at Borodino, in which two armies collided: Russian and French. The latter suffered a crushing defeat, which marked the beginning of the end of the reign of the great French commander, Napoleon.

September 10 is the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism. One of the most tragic dates in the entire Russian calendar. On this day, the memory of all soldiers and ordinary citizens who died due to the fault of the German fascist movement during the Great Patriotic War is honored.

September 11 is All-Russian Day of Sobriety. This date is “living” in the calendar of Russian holidays since 1913. It was from then on that the government began to seriously worry about the problem of alcoholism among the population. On this day it is customary to abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

September 21 – Battle of Kulikovo. This event happened back in 1380. The battle took place between the Russians and the Mongol-Tatar yoke, which for many years terrorized our lands and exacted tribute from them. After the victory in this battle, a turning point occurred in Russian history, as a result of which the yoke retreated and the Russian lands were liberated.

Holiday calendar for September 2017

Church holidays in September

September 11, 2017 – Beheading of John the Baptist. Christians believe that on this day, on the orders of the tetrarch Galileo Herod, John the Baptist was executed. This event is honored with strict fasting and special worship.

September 21, 2017 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to Christian teaching, the Virgin Mary was born on this day. Her parents were the righteous Joachim and Anna. This event is one of the most revered holidays.

September 27, 2017 – Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The holiday is celebrated in honor of the discovery of the Life-Giving Cross of St. Helena with a solemn service.

Also see: all 2017, calendar of church holidays.