Christmas puppet show “The best gift. Script for the play A Christmas Tale Script for the play The Christmas Star












Hotel owner




Scene 1

The leading boy and girl (on both sides) enter the stage

Girl: Hello!

Boy: Hello!

D: Merry Christmas!

There are Christmas trees in the windows again, the tinsel is shining,

Santa Claus in bright clothes...

Children are looking forward to Christmas.

And fun and sweet gifts.

It is not for nothing that this holiday has come into common use.

People have been meeting him for a long time.

But people don’t remember behind the noisy fun,

What does this holiday mean for us?

M: Really, what does it mean?

D: On this day baby Jesus was born.

M: Jesus?

D: Shepherds and wise men came to Him to worship. They were led by a star...

M: Wait, why worship some baby? And who are the Magi? How did the star guide them? I don't understand anything.

D: Yes, you can’t tell everything at once. If only I could see everything with my own eyes.

Suddenly the lights go out both in the hall and on the stage.

M: Oh, what is this?!

D: So dark!

M: What's going on!

D: Look, there seems to be a light over there, let’s go there.

(The presenters go down from the stage to the front door)

Scene 2

The stage lights come on (not the spotlights). Maria comes out and sits on the banquette.

The presenters quietly approach the stage and speak in a whisper into the microphone.

M: Who is this? Her clothes are strange.

D: This is probably Maria.

M: Who is she? And where are we anyway?

D: We probably traveled back in time to 2012 years ago.

And according to all earthly laws, the contract was sealed.

Engaged Maria sews a wedding outfit

But her holy dreams fly to heaven.

Her life is blessed, the wedding feast awaits,

But in prayers he invariably asks for the people.

Maria: Lord! With your goodness and mercy you do not leave our land

Wonderful roses opened in the valleys, a bountiful harvest in the fields.

The riches and delights of the promised land are innumerable!

Our people have been chosen by You from ancient times.

You didn't leave us, we moved away.

Let us know Your incorruptible kingdom. Send us a king from heaven.

So that everyone who is tired and captivated by darkness can recognize joy.

An angel appears.

Angel: Rejoice, full of grace!

The secret of the incarnation is unknown.

The Holy Spirit will come, Mary, believe!

Your firstborn, beloved son

He will become the Son of God now.

The Power of the Almighty Sovereign

Will illuminate the earthly nature...

And forever a great sacrament

Illuminated Christmas!

The angel leaves, followed by Mary.

M: Look, she's leaving!

D: Let's follow her quietly.

(The presenters follow Maria across the stage and appear at the door and stand there)

Scene 3

Among the pagans, Giveria gave the strictest law to all:

List people, awards, take into account the greatness of the country.

From now on, all generations and births must go where they were born.

(Mary and Joseph enter from the far door and walk down the hall)

From Nazareth to Little Bethlehem

A stream of people began to attend the census.

Joseph and Mary, like everyone else, were in a hurry to walk the difficult path,

So that childbirth does not find them on the way.

(The curtain opens, a stable is depicted on the wall. The Innkeeper enters the stage)

HG: Phew, today turned out to be a good day.

The wallet is tightly stuffed with coins.

How many people spend the night in my tavern?

Rich, respectable and important guests!

All rooms are occupied until the morning.

And it’s time for me to get ready for retirement.

(Goes to bed. Knock on the door)

Who else is there? It's already night outside

I'm sleeping! Do not disturb me! Go away!

(Knock on the door again)

Tell me, what a persistent beggar!

Well, just wait a minute, I’ll dare you with a stick.

(Goes to the door)

Joseph: Listen, master, my wife is with me

She is due to give birth to a child soon.

Let us in vain fall into anger.

HG: Wait a minute, the barn remains unoccupied.

It is clear that the beggars are there at the gate,

But still, a penny saves the ruble.

Will they at least pay something for an overnight stay?

(Opens the door)

OK! I'm a kind person.

All rooms are occupied. Pay a drachma -

And you and your wife can go to my stable.

Yes, be careful if you come.

After all, I have a bull and a donkey there.

Joseph: Thank you, master. Maria, let's go.

The Lord gives us a house to stay for the night.

(M and I come to the barn and sit down next to each other)

HG (speaks to the audience): Wonderful as is! Completely impoverished

And they go to my stable like kings to a palace.

Plus they still say thank you

Why should I?

The richer you are, the happier you are.

The curtain closes, the boy and girl go off stage.

Scene 4

The curtain is decorated with stars. Shepherds come out in front of the stage (holding a lamb in their hands) and sit by the fire.

1Shepherd: We are shepherds, we tend the flock.

2 Shepherd: The night is cold, I’m completely chilled.

1 Shepherd: Yes, that’s right, we need to warm up.

Now, let's light the fire.

A Girl and a Boy come out.

D: I'm so cold.

M: Let's go to the fire and warm ourselves up.

(Children approach the shepherds)

M: Hello! We were very cold. Can we warm ourselves by your fire?

1Shepherd: Of course, children, come in and warm yourself.

2 Shepherd: Here, eat, you hungry ones, I suppose.

(Hands a piece of bread to the children, then throws clothes on them.)

2 Shepherd: Well, now you’ll warm up faster.

1 Shepherd: What a night! How quiet and wonderful.

How brightly the stars twinkle in the sky.

Do you know, Thaddeus, recently appeared

This star is the brightest and brightest of all.

Perhaps the heavenly body announces

About something very important and wonderful for people.

2 Shepherd: Yes, yes, this is not the first time I have looked at the sky.

But I haven’t seen this star yet.

Perhaps God is already on earth

Has He sent down His Mission to us?

An angel comes out, parting the curtain.

Angel: Children of God, do not fear me!

The Lord sent me to say,

From now on, everyone who called to Him,

There will be grace in Jesus.

You will find Him sleeping in the stable.

Go to the city of Bethlehem,

And on the way you talk

This is good news to everyone!

(The angel disappears behind the curtain.)

1 Shepherd: Friends! Let's go to Bethlehem quickly!

What are you worth?! King of Kings

Born to us and all people!

2 Shepherd: Let it be as you said.

Let's go to Christ who was born

Let us fall at our feet with humility.

The curtain opens. The shepherds leave the fire, take the lamb and go up to the stage.

Maria: Joseph, it seems like someone is coming there!

Joseph (approaching the edge of the stage): The shepherds have arrived and are standing at the gate.

(Invites you to enter)God help you, friends, come quickly!

1 Shepherd: Where is the newborn King of all kings?

We guarded our flock yesterday,

Suddenly an angel appears to us at the fire,

And we hear the news that the Mission is born -

The leader of Israel and the salvation of the tribes.

And each of us was dumb with joy.

And then we went to Bethlehem,

Where did they meet you in this poor corner?

Please accept our humble praise...

2Shepherd: We are the best Son of the Lord of the earth

They brought a lamb with them as a gift.

Let the lamb grow along with the baby.

Only the meek Messiah will save Israel.

We wish Him to overcome all troubles.

Maria: Thank you, friends! God bless you!

The curtain closes.

Scene 5

And now the forests turned green, the Jordan turned silver.

Here are the towers of the walls of Jerusalem, the vastness of temples and palaces.

But the heavenly light inexorably calls the sages further and further.

(The sages approach the stage. The curtain opens. There is a throne on the stage.)

1 Sage: We are astrologers, we are seers, We are all privy to secrets

We each come from our own country to worship the Child.

2 Sage: A bright star leads us according to the voice of God.

Through deserts and villages, through forests and cities.

We are driven by insight in everything, we bring gifts to the Baby.

1 Sage: He is the King of kings, which means you need to bring Him gold as a gift.

And now it burns like heat. The first gift to the Divine Child.

2 Sage: But I am carrying something completely different - a fragrant vessel.

There is myrrh here. Myrrh and scarlet will be poured at the burial.

Alas! I know in advance, the Savior will die for people.

But lies and malice will be put to shame and He will rise from the grave.

3 Sage: He is Deity. And that’s why I carry incense for Him.

After all, incense is burned for the glory of God, it is a fragrant resin.

1Sage: Look! It seems that we are on our way to new town brought.

2 Sage: The star is out of place!

3 Sage: So here! Let them open the doors for us.

1 Sage: Let's go to the ruler of the country.

And so as not to waste time

About the residence of the Tsar

We'll ask the ruler.

(The sages rise to the stage. A warrior comes out to meet them)

Warrior: Who are you? And what do you need?

Did you come from far away or where?

And what do you want to say to Herod?

2 Sage: We want to ask Herod

Where is the king who was born here?

From the east we came to worship the Child.

Warrior: Has the king really got an heir?

What a news!

Well then come in!

Herod comes out. The sages bow to him.

1 Sage: We greet you, ruler.

We are the sages of the far east,

Seeing a star and counting the beginning of the term

Birth of the King of Kings

They came to Him in Jerusalem.

We want to worship Him

And humble your heart before Him.

We want to know where He was born.

Herod: So, the King of the earth was born.

And where is the Savior now?

1 Sage: O King Herod, we do not know

Where the Savior is waiting for us.

But the light of a star through darkness and darkness

He leads us all to Him.

Herod: And so I wait, so I wait for the Creator,

I will bow to him.

And I will be faithful to the end,

I will repent and humble myself.

When you find out where He is,

Come back right away

Discover the place where you were born

And I will reward you.

1 Sage: We will not come for a reward.

We are glad tidings

We will bring peace to all people.

Let's not drink or eat.

The sages go through the first door, walk around the corridor and enter the last door.

Herod: Fools! He doesn't deserve fame.

What Savior?! The power is mine!

He will not take it away for the people

And I have crumbs of bread.

What do people matter to me? Let him die

At least all of him. I won't be sorry.

And in this limitless world

I will be the sovereign king!

I came up with a great plan

Let only the wise men tell

Where can I find that Baby?

I will not send Him gifts,

And a knife stuck straight into the heart.

The curtain closes.

Scene 6

Herod became completely angry at these words.

The wise men had to leave without an answer.

Find where the Baby was born.

The curtain opens. There is a stable on stage. Mary and Joseph are sitting. The sages approach the stage.

1 Sage: My friends! The star stopped.

How great and wonderful is God's mercy!

We walked for a long time, and a star led us,

And finally, God brought us here.

2 Sage: But this is not a royal place...

3 Sage: But still there is a star above us.

After all, God's providence

We can never be deceived.

And if our path ends here,

This means that the king was born in this place.

My friend! But why are you so embarrassed?

2 Sage: This dilapidated house is too modest...

Will we really find the King of kings in him?

1 Sage: Let's see if he's here.

Knock quickly!

They knock.

Mary: Joseph, who is that knocking at the door?

1 Sage: We welcome you. ( bow)

Joseph: Oh, guests, come in.

1 Sage: I told you, here he is the King, look!

Holy Child. His gaze is so bright...

3 Sage: I have never seen such children in the world!

The star told us that he was born,

And we came to worship the Child.

3 Sage: Oh, it was not in vain that we traveled a long way,

Let the King accept from us the gifts of the East.

1 Sage: We brought gold with us.

3 Sage: And myrrh with the aromas of the earth.

2 Sage: And there is incense for the great King.

Maria: Oh, I thank you for the gifts.

Joseph: We believe that the Lord sent you to us...

1 Sage: The Great God gave us the Child.

Jon will bless the Child.

And the great King will grow,

Protected by the Lord, the saint will complete the work.

2 Sage: And we, friends, will go home.

The sages step aside.

1 Sage: Well, let’s rest a little now.

There is an errand for tomorrow

2 Sage: The road leads us to Herod.

An angel appears.

Angel: Don't believe Herod, go

To your home by a different route.

And bring good news

To all people about that birth,

The one we've been waiting for so long.

The angel leaves.

1 Sage: Was it a dream? It was as if we were sleeping.

2 Sage: But the Angel spoke truly,

After all, Herod outwitted us.

3 Sage: Let's go home another way,

Let us forget about him in joy.

The sages leave. An Angel appears on the scene and addresses Mary and Joseph.

Angel: Mary, Joseph! Anxiety, trouble!

Herod's minions are riding here.

Take the Baby, run quickly!

The villain has planned a terrible thing:

He gave the order to kill Jesus.

In the valleys of Egypt you will live,

Until the tyrant dies, and then

Return back to your abandoned home.

Mary and Joseph take the Baby and leave the stage down the stairs. Herod comes out.

Scene 7

Herod: I can’t trust anyone anymore.

At every step I have an enemy.

Enemies in the palace and enemies around the corner,

Enemies under the bed, enemies under the table.

But I remain vigilant.

I'll catch them all! I will execute them all!

An angel appears.

Angel: Your hour has already struck!

Repent, villain

Because you executed and tortured people!

Because you wanted to kill the Messiah

And replace God with yourself on earth!

Herod: Perish! Disappear! Scatter into dust!

Herod rushes at the angel, but runs into an invisible wall. Falls dead.

Angel: Unhappy murderer, you are your own enemy!

You lived on earth without loving anyone,

And with his malice he killed himself!

The warrior drags Herod backstage. The angel remains on stage.

Because he himself wished for death

Scenario "A Christmas Tale"

(There is a hut and an old woman on stage)

Slide No. 1 in the background

Grandmother: Christmas is approaching. There's a lot of snow! And there is warmth in the heart! On such a holiday, you want to do something nice. Let me pamper my grandchildren with pies, and not simple ones, I’ll bake Kolobok. Let it be like in a fairy tale! Only it will be Christmas!..

Music No. 1 sounds

(grandmother seems to be doing something with her hands on the table. A bun appears from behind the table)

Slide No. 2 in the background

Grandmother: What a handsome man he turned out - Kolobok - ruddy side!

Kolobok: Hello, grandma! You said I was Christmassy, ​​but what is Christmas? What holiday is it?

Grandmother: Come with me, I’ll tell you everything now!

(they walk across the stage and leave, another action begins)

Slide No. 3 in the background

Voice behind the scene: (Virgin Mary appears on stage, then Joseph)Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. In the small town of Bethlehem, not far from Jerusalem, the Virgin Mary was born into a family of pious parents. From the age of three she was raised in the temple. After leaving the temple at the age of 14, she promised never to marry and to serve only God. The priests entrusted her to the 80-year-old elder Joseph from Nazareth, who had adult children, and Mary took the place of her father. Soon an angel appeared at Joseph’s house, where Mary lived...

Music number 2 sounds

Slide No. 4 in the background

(Mary sings the song “My Guardian Angel”; an angel appears during the song)

Slide No. 5 in the background

Music number 3 sounds

After the song the angel says : Mary, you will give birth to a son and name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him a throne...

Slide No. 6 in the background

Voice behind the scene: The country of Judea was then ruled by King Herod, subject to Rome. By decree of the Roman Emperor Augustus, a population census began in Judea, and everyone had to take the census where his ancestors lived. So Joseph and Mary left Nazareth for Bethlehem.(action on stage, Mary and Joseph in a cave with a baby)

Due to the large crowd of people who arrived in the town, they were forced to take refuge outside the city in a cave where shepherds kept their cattle in inclement weather. At night, the Virgin Mary gave birth to a baby - the Son of God. Mary swaddled him and put him in the manger.

The Bethlehem shepherds were the first to know about the birth of the Savior of the world. In the field where they grazed their flocks, the brightest star lit up in the sky!..

Slide No. 7 in the background

Music number 4 sounds

(Star Dance)

Slide No. 8 in the background

(on stage the action shows how the shepherds came with a star and bowed to the baby)

Music number 5 sounds

In the background slide No. 9, 10, 11 (in turn)

The shepherds found a cave and bowed to the baby lying in the manger, and then joyfully returned to their flocks. On the eighth day after the baby was born, Joseph and Mary gave him the name Jesus, which means “Savior.”

(Granny and Kolobok come out)

Slide No. 12 in the background

Grandmother: (addressing the kolobok)Before Christmas, the house is always thoroughly cleaned, a Christmas tree is put up and decorated, like ours(points to the Christmas tree)Preparations are underway for the Christmas table. The entire Christmas week is festive and all children are given gifts.


I now understand

Christmas, Christmas is a wonderful holiday for children and adults,

It brought peace and joy

Jesus Christ Christmas!

On this day Christ was born

He brought salvation to all people.

There was less grief and tears,

There was more love and light

Christmas means joy

Christmas means peace!

Christmas means it's necessary

Forgive everyone, as Jesus forgave!!!

Grandma, how is Christmas celebrated now?

Call sign. Leading exit.

№ dance ANGELS

The angels dance away. 2 angels “return” to the stage
1st plan
Angel 1 Listen, did no one notice that we were behind?

Angel 2 It seems not. Come on! Now they will play hide and seek in the clouds again.

Angel 1 Yeah. And we have something more important to do -...

Angel 2...after all, the Fairy herself made an appointment for us!

A Fairy appears on stage with with a magic wand and a flower

Angel 1 Oh look, there she is!

Angel 2 Hello Fairy!

Fairy Hello my Angels.

Angel 1 Why did you call us?

Fairy I have important business for you. This Christmas flower bloomed in my garden just in time for the holiday.

Angel 2 Oh, how beautiful... Why did you pick it?

Fairy And then, that this flower is magical. He fulfills wishes. Hold it.

Angel 1 Great! For example, I want...

Fairy Stop, stop, stop! The flower will not fulfill your wishes.

Angel 2 Why did you give it to us then?

Fairy And then, so that you go on a great journey with him and help everyone who meets on your way.

Angel 1 Do you know who we will meet?

Fairy I know. But this is a secret.

Angel 2 Well, if it's a secret, don't tell it. We will go?

Fairy Stop! You don't know how to use this flower.

Angel 1 Are there any instructions for it?

Fairy There are three conditions. First, for a wish to come true, you need to tear off one petal

Angel 2 Well it's simple
Fairy The second condition is that you must say the words: “”
Angels Petal, fly, fly, as soon as you touch the ground, order it to be our way!

Fairy The third condition is these magic words All the guys should speak with you. Guys, let's try it! (rehearsing). Well done!

Angel 2 And when our wish comes true, will everyone say “thank you” to us?

Fairy Unfortunately, no... You are Angels, you cannot be seen. But is this really so important for those who do good deeds? It is so? (Angels, nod)

Angel 1 What happens then when all the petals are gone?

Fairy And then a surprise awaits you

Angel 2 And what surprise is it also a secret?...

Fairy Certainly. Well, that's it, don't waste time, hit the road. (Angels leave)
Fairy And I’ll ask you guys to help all the heroes. Agreed? (YES!) Well, the fairy tale begins! (waves his wand and leaves)

Song No. - TALE


1st plan
Kikimora comes out, shaking from the cold

Kikimora Oh, and winter this year! Minus forty! This is necessary! And we, Kikimoras, are unaccustomed to such cold... Oh... Wow... Aren't you guys cold? And why? Why-why? (...) Have you done your exercises? So what helps? Well, I also know how to do exercises. Will you help me? (YES!) Then everyone stand up. (...) get ready, let's start!


Kikimora shows the movements, all children perform
Kikimora That's a completely different matter! I've warmed up a little... (Angels appear at the back of the stage, watching) Oh, it's cold again! Oh...Uh... Well, what should I do now - do exercises all day? I would like to go to the sea right now... By the way, Koschey is now resting in Cuba, a traitor. Warms your bones. And I? Why didn't you take me with you? And he’s also called a friend... Oh... my leg is frozen... oh, the other one... (trying to lift his legs off the floor)

2nd plan
Angel 2 Let's do something, now Kikimora will turn into ice!

Angel 1 Let's! And what?

Angel 2 Let's have a bonfire!

Angel 1 And when it burns out, it will freeze again. Let's better go to Cuba, we'll send her to Koshchei!

Angel 2 Exactly! Guys, say the magic words with us!

ALL Petal, fly, fly, as soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way!

Angel 1 We want Kikimora to end up in Cuba!

No. CUBAN dance

During the dance, Kikimora freezes and dances.
After the dance Koschey appears

1st plan
Koschey Kikimora, dear, what fate?

Kikimora I don’t know myself... I just thought about you... and immediately found myself here! It's hot here! (fans himself with a fan) Now we’ll relax together!

Koschey It won't work out. My trip has expired. The plane is in half an hour. We have to go back.

Kikimora But I don’t want to go back! It's cold there!

Koschey Do not be afraid! We're coming straight from the airport to visit Baba Yaga. It's warm, the stove is on.

Kikimora Will she let us in?

Koschey Still would! (dials a number on the phone) He’ll be so happy that he’ll cook his signature soup for us! (into the phone) Hello, Yagusya, hello! Happy holiday to you! Which? - Christmas! So I say - we need to meet. Yeah. Only Kikimora will still be with me. Well, wait. (Kikimore) You see, everything is “perfectamente”

Kikimora What, what?

Koschey“Per-fek-ta-men-te.” This is “excellent” in local terms. Eh, the darkness of the forest... let's go... (leave)

No. dance “Fly agarics” (fragment)

During the dance, Baba Yaga comes out in an apron, with a pot and a ladle, “cooking” the stew

1st plan

Baba Yaga Come on, shoot! Look, they're dancing! Otherwise I’ll quickly throw it into the pot! (fly agarics run away) So... well, it seems that my signature stew is ready! (tastes) (Angels appear) Oh... something doesn’t taste right... I need to look at the recipe... (opens the scroll) Soooo... I put in the eyes of frogs, dried spider legs too, cut up toadstools, added wolf berries... What a garden head! I forgot the bay leaf! Where is it for me? (looks) no... Well, what are you going to do! But you need not a simple leaf, but a golden one, it only grows in Greece! While I’m rattling on the stupa to Greece, Koschey and Kikimora will already be here! Do not have time! What to do... (walks, thinks, searches, rereads)

2nd plan

Angel 1 Let's help Baba Yaga, we'll deliver a golden bay leaf from Greece!

Angel 2 Are you offering to help evildoers?

Angel 1 Or maybe she will become kinder after this?

Angel 2 Maybe it will. Let's consult with the guys

Angel 1 Guys, let's help Baba Yaga? (YES!)

Angel 2 You see, the majority agrees. Guys, remember the magic words? (YES!)

Angel 1 Three four!

ALL Petal, fly, fly, as soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way!

Angel 2 We want Baba Yaga to have a golden bay leaf!

No. dance "SIRTAKI"

Baba Yaga collects bay leaves

1st plan

Baba Yaga Oh, killer whales, where did you come from? Just some kind of miracles... Yes, a lot of laurel trees! Enough for a whole century! Soooo, I add it to the stew, stir it... That's it, it's ready! (Koschei and Kikimora enter) And here come our dear guests! Come in, come in, help yourself to my stew! (gives spoons)

Koschey (trying) I recognize the hand! Good stew!

Kikimora(tastes) Delicious!

Baba Yaga Yes, I tried...

Koschey Mmmm, finger lickin' good!

Kikimora Yeah, it's like swallowing a spoon

Baba Yaga This is all laurel, golden... (Angels appear)

Koschey Oh, I fed...

Kikimora Until the end...

Baba Yaga Now you can have some fun!

Koschey How are we going to have fun?

Kikimora As always - commit evil deeds

Koschey Or maybe we can come up with something for a change?

Baba Yaga What? Shall we dance to the balalaika?

Kikimora Great idea!

Baba Yaga But there’s no balalaika!

Koschey Well then, only evil deeds remain (calls to him, whispers, talks, leaves)

2nd plan

Angel 2 Well, did you help Baba Yaga? Has she gotten better? Now they’ll start doing nasty things... You see, let’s go to a meeting.

Angel 1 We need to fix this urgently! Did you hear them talking about the balalaika? We'll get them a balalaika now. And so that they dance without stopping!

Angel 2 Right! And then they will forget about evil deeds. Guys, do you agree? (YES!)

Angel 1 Then we say the magic words!

ALL Petal, fly, fly, as soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way!

Angel 2 We want a magical balalaika to appear!

No. dance “BALALAIKA”

1st plan

One balalaika remains on stage. Kikimora, Baba Yaga and Koschey come out

Koschey In general, we are doing everything as agreed...

Kikimora Oh, what is this?

Baba Yaga What-what, balalaika!

Koschey She is the most... (takes) Well, the evil thing can wait... Shall we dance?

Baba Yaga Well, I don’t mind

Kikimora And I!

Koschey begins to play, Baba Yaga and Kikimora dance

Baba Yaga(dancing) Well, that's enough!

Kikimora Yeah, otherwise my legs are already falling off!
(Koschei shows free hands) Yes, I don’t play anymore - she does it herself!

Baba Yaga So what should I do?

Koschey Dance!

Kikimora And how long to dance?

Koschey Until the balalaika stops talking! (leave dancing)

Angel 1 See how great it is! Now they will definitely not commit any evil deed

Angel 2 Yes, they will dance like that - there will be no strength left for anything!

Angel 1 Look, you and I have already done three good deeds.

Angel 2 Who else would you like to help?...

Angel 1 And there goes Elka. Maybe she needs help? Let's watch!

Angel 2 Let's!



1st plan

Christmas tree Hello guys! You recognized me? Who am I? That's right, Elka. But not a simple one - Christmas. Look - how slim I am, what beautiful branches I have, what... what... and where are my toys? There are no toys! And I got together with the Snowman for the holiday with the guys... He has been waiting for me for a long time... How can I look like this now... I’ll have to not go anywhere... And the guys will celebrate Christmas without a tree (cries)

2nd plan

Angel 2 So, you can’t leave children without a Christmas tree!

Angel 1 We need to think about who we can get toys from...

Angel 2 At Princess Nesmeyana's! They say she has the most toys!

Angel 1 So, we urgently need to get into her fairy tale!

Angel 2 Guys, are you ready? (YES!)

ALL Petal, fly, fly, as soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way!

Angel 1 We want the Christmas tree to go to Nesmeyana!

1st plan

(Nesmeyana comes out to the crying Elka, also cries, meets)

Christmas tree Hello, Nesmeyana

Nesmeyana Hello Elka. How did you get here?

Christmas tree I don’t know... Some kind of miracles... Why are you crying?

Nesmeyana And according to the fairy tale, I’m supposed to cry. Why are you crying?

Christmas tree And I’m getting ready for the kids’ Christmas tree, but I don’t have any toys on me...

Nesmeyana Do you want me to give you toys?

Christmas tree Want!

Nesmeyana You're the only one who made me laugh.

Christmas tree It's very simple! I know a wonderful game! And we can play it right now. I just need your help, guys. Can you help? Great!


Nesmeyana starts laughing in the game

Christmas tree Well, did I make you laugh?

Nesmeyana Made me laugh! I'll give you some toys. (gives)

Christmas tree Thank you, Nesmeyana. That's it, I'll run, otherwise the Snowman has been waiting for me. (Leaves)

Nesmeyana It’s thanks to you that I’m now in a real Christmas mood! (leaves)

1st plan

Snowman comes out

Snowman Where is Elka? Guys, have you seen the Christmas tree? And where? Was she at Nesmeyana’s? What was she doing there? Did you go for toys? And Nesmeyana gave them to her? I see... Why has she been gone for so long?.. We're late!

A decorated Christmas tree is coming out

Christmas tree Snowman, hello, sorry for being late. I forgot to dress up, I had to go to Nesmeyana...

Snowman I know, I know, the guys told me everything. Well, let's go, otherwise we'll be late! (Angels appear)

Christmas tree Wait, there's something wrong with you...

Snowman What's wrong with me?

Christmas tree I don’t understand... but something is wrong... Exactly! You don't have carrots!

Snowman How is it not? And the truth is no... What to do? I won’t go to the guys like that - they’ll laugh!

Christmas tree We need to think... (they think, exchange opinions...)

2nd plan

Angel 2 What's going on? The Christmas tree forgot about the toys, the Snowman forgot about his nose!

Angel 1 It doesn't happen to anyone... We need to help the Snowman.

Angel 2 Necessary. Soooo, where can you get carrots in winter?

Angel 1 Of course the hares!

Angel 2 Exactly! Guys, get ready...

ALL Petal, fly, fly, as soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way!

Angel 1 We want the hares to be right here!

Angel 2 With carrots!


Snowman dancing with them???

1st plan

Snowman Bunnies, bunnies, don't run away! Give me a carrot, I've lost mine

Hares give away their carrots

Christmas tree Wow, so many carrots!

Snowman Nothing, the reserve is not enough for the pocket. Well, now we can go to the guys

Christmas tree Let's go to! (leave)

1st plan

Angel 1 Well, everything is fine with the Christmas tree and the Snowman

Angel 2 And we have 2 petals left. So, two more good deeds.

Angel 1 Hear the music? This is Little Red Riding Hood. What if she needs help too?

Angel 2 Let's take a look. (leave)



The Wolf comes out in the Snow Maiden's fur coat

Wolf Hello, Little Red Riding Hood... Little Red Riding Hood... and another Little Red Riding Hood... Are there three of you?

KrSh 1 Three. I am French - Chaperon rouge. Charles Perrault wrote about me

KrSh 2 I am a German Rotkäppchen. The Brothers Grimm wrote about me

KrSh 3 And I am the Russian Little Red Riding Hood. My author is Evgeny Schwartz.

KrSh 1 Who are you?

Wolf Stupid people, they didn’t recognize it! I am the Snow Maiden!

KrSh 2 You don’t really look like the Snow Maiden...

Wolf It’s just that you haven’t seen the Snow Maiden for a long time. I see you are bringing pies to grandmas.

KrSh 1 Yes. I have pies with jam

KrSh 2 I have it with cabbage

KrSh 3 And for me - with meat

Wolf And my grandfather - Grandfather Frost - cannot get out of bed - he is sick.

KrSh 3 But how to cure it?

Wolf(Angels appear) Pies! Your pies! My grandfather will eat them, get better immediately, and go give the kids gifts. Poor guys, they have been waiting for him for so long, but apparently they won’t wait...

KrSh 1 Snow Maiden, don’t be upset, take my pies

KrSh 2 And mine too

KrSh 3 And mine

Wolf(takes all the baskets) Thank you, Little Red Riding Hoods, thank you! I’ll definitely tell grandpa who helped him, and he’ll give you gifts (runs away)

KrSh 1 Still, some strange Snow Maiden...

KrSh 2 The ears are big...

KrSh 3 The eyes are huge...

KrSh 1 And fangs... Yes, it was a Wolf!

KrSh 2 Exactly Wolf!

KrSh 3 And we gave him all the pies, stupid ones.

KrSh 1 What are we going to bring to our grandmothers now? (discussing)

2nd plan

Angel 2 You see, our help will be needed here too.

Angel 1 We need to think about who we can get some pies from.

Angel 2 And I know - at the Stove!

Angel 1 Right! Guys, let's call Pechka? (YES!)

Angel 2 You are ready? (YES!)

ALL Petal, fly, fly, as soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way!

Angel 1 We want the Stove itself to come to us!

1st plan

KrSh 1 Hello, Pechka!

KrSh 2 We are so glad to see you!

Stove And I’m glad... I’ve never been in your fairy tale...

KrSh 3 Oven, could you help us?

Stove With pleasure! And what?

KrSh 1 The Wolf took our pies by trickery

KrSh 2 And we took them to the grandmothers

KrSh 3 Could you treat us to some of your pies?
Stove Of course of course! Now I'll call my cooks. Hey cooks! Come on, bring the pies here! (the cooks bring out pies in bundles) Here, my dears, here you go. (Angels appear)

KrSh 1 Thank you, Pechka!

KrSh 2 You helped us out a lot.

KrSh 3 Now we can go to our grandmothers (leave)

Stove Go, my dears, go. And say hi to your grandmas! (leaves)


2nd plan

Angel 1 How nice it is to do good deeds!

Angel 2 Yes... Look, we only have one petal left

Angel 1 And what to do with it? There seems to be no one in sight who needs help.

Angel 2(Fairy comes out)

Angel 1 And there comes the Fairy. Let's ask her.

1st plan

Fairy How are you, dears? Are you coping?

Angel 1 Yes. We only have one left, the seventh petal.

Angel 2 But we don't know who else to help

Fairy I must tell you that you completed my task perfectly!

Angel 1 But what about...

Fairy Seventh petal? Did I promise you a surprise? This petal is yours.

Angel 2 But we can’t fulfill our desires

Fairy And you give it to me. And together with the guys we will say the magic words once again (tears off)

ALL Petal, fly, fly, as soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way!

Fairy I want everyone who was helped by the Angels to see them!
(all heroes come out)

Nesmeyana Oh, Angels!

Stove So beautiful!

Fairy They helped you today and did good deeds for you.

Baba Yaga So I said right away - some miracles...

Kikimora And I noticed too

Snowman I also realized that today could not have happened without magic.

Christmas tree We all want to thank you for your help.

Angel 1 And we want to thank all the guys in the hall

Angel 2 Without your support, we couldn't do anything.

Fairy And now I want to give the guys a task: do good deeds!

Koschey It's so great when someone helps you.

Wolf And for this it is not at all necessary to have a magic flower

Snowman After all, you can do so much yourself!

Angels And we will always be by your side!


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And we are robbers, robbers... The robbers are sitting in the forest and waiting for their next victim. It happens on Christmas Eve. So in their conversation the thieves mention the birth of Jesus. Suddenly a lone traveler appears, whom they try to rob. He found nothing valuable except a piece of paper with a song. When the stranger sings his song to the robbers, they think about their lives.

God is closer than you think One man did not believe in God. The Lord appeared to him in the form of a passerby when he was hit by a car. The man heard two voices. Someone was talking about him. He is given one last chance - he needs to find a person who will agree to die for him. Thanks to his believing wife, the main character learns that Jesus died for him. It happens around Christmas.

God's Messenger for Christmas One person tells a boy from a poor family about the Savior at Christmas. The boy tells his mother that the Lord has come to people. Mom doesn’t believe that God cares about them, because on their table there is only black bread and water. But then God’s messenger comes - a rich gentleman with gifts.

The Savior came into the world This performance tells the events of Christmas in an accessible form for children. The shepherds, the wise men, Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus are shown.

At Christmas everyone is a little wise man The Magi see a new star in the sky and rush to bow to the king. In the following scenes they meet with Herod and the shepherds. The performance is structured in such a way that children take part in it from time to time: they recite poems, sing songs and receive gifts.

What is Christmas all about? The TV show host asks his guests what Christmas is all about. Everyone has their own opinion.

Great Commission The main character of this scene is Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. At first, viewers see her as a little girl, dreaming that God would perform His miracles through her. Then on the stage is Mary the Bride, to whom an angel appears and announces the great commission of God. But it turns out that it is not so easy to implement.

Bethlehem (Christmas scene for children) Children (snowflake girls) participate in this small scene. The angel tells the snowflakes how he announced the good news of the birth of the Savior to the shepherds, and how the wise men went to worship Jesus.

Star of Bethlehem (children's Christmas party) A beautiful scene for children in verse. It is the Star of Bethlehem that tells the children the events of Christmas: about the wise men, the shepherds and Herod. At the end she leads everyone to Bethlehem. As the scenario progresses, children are asked biblical riddles.

Bethlehem night In the center of events is a small hotel in the city of Bethlehem, its owners and inhabitants. As a result of the census declared by Caesar, there were no vacancies left in the hotel. And one married couple allowed to spend the night in the barn...

Christmas influence At the beginning of the scene it is shown modern family. Mom, dad and their children are preparing for Christmas - buying gifts. At the same time, they swear and quarrel all the time. The girl turns to God asking for help, she wants to find out what Christmas really means. An angel appears to her and her brother, and then there are scenes of the Nativity.

Meeting at Christmas A small scene in which three girls or three teenage girls play. Two of them go to church for a Christmas service and are joined by their non-believing friend. The girls tell her why Christ was born and what He did for us.

Gifts of Artaban Artabanus is one of the wise men (magi) discussed in the Bible. The wise men, seeing a new star in the sky, went to Judea to worship the born King. Artaban fell behind his comrades and continued on his own. On the way, he squandered all his treasures, which he was going to give to the Child, helping some people. He saw Jesus only on the cross. The Lord consoled him: “Everything you did for these people, you did for Me.”

The Little Match Girl (Christmas performance) This performance is based on the fairy tale of the same name by H.H. Andersen. A little girl tries to sell matches to passers-by. The girl is hungry and very cold. But people are like blank walls - no one pays attention to the poor girl. Other children, from rich families, leave the toy store with their parents - something our girl can only dream about. Giving up hope of selling matches, the chilled girl sits on the ground in some nook and starts lighting matches to warm up. At the same time, she sees what she is deprived of, what she dreams of: delicious food, a sleigh drawn by three horses, her beloved home and her grandmother, who has already died. The girl burns the remaining matches, trying to prolong the moments of vision of happiness... And so, the grandmother appears, gently takes the girl and goes with her to celebrate Christmas in heaven...

Merry Christmas indeed One woman could not understand the meaning of Jesus' birth. One Christmas day she saw a parrot freezing and tried to catch it to take it into the house. But the bird didn't give in. “If I could turn into a little bird, I would tell him how good and warm it is in my house,” our heroine thinks. - I understood! This is probably why Jesus became the same as us, to show us the way to heaven, to the Heavenly Father. And I understood! Jesus was born for me!

Birthday without a birthday boy The scene shows modern Christmas, when people celebrate it, completely forgetting about the Birthday Boy.

Children's Christmas production "Gift to the Savior" A short children's skit. Two boys invite two girls to Jesus' birthday party. What to give him, the children think. Obedient heart!

Children's holiday program "Christmas Miracle"

Why did Christ come? In the days of December, one studio is preparing to shoot a film about Christ. A discussion begins about what Jesus was like and why He came.

Good Shepherd (Christmas program for children)

If animals could speak This Christmas scenario is intended for children and includes their participation. The scene is played by animal actors who seem to have witnessed Christmas.

If Christ had not come One person wonders what would have happened if Christ had not come. What our world would look like, what laws there would be in society. He is having a dream.

If Christ had not come-2 If Christ had not come

If Christ had not come-3 Slightly revised production script If Christ had not come

Animals at the Christmas Bonfire On Christmas Day, animals gather around the fire. They remember Bible stories. For example, about how David took his sheep from the lion, or how the rooster crowed three times before Peter’s denial. But the most important Christmas story is told by a sheep. A skit for young children.

Jehovah Jireh“Jehovah Jireh” means “God will provide.” This is what Abraham said to his son when he asked where the lamb was for sacrifice. This scene shows an analogy between the sacrifice of Old Testament times and the perfect sacrifice of Christ.

Jesus and the President The main theme of this Christmas scene: Our Lord Jesus came to simple poor people and was available to them. Unlike our earthly rulers, who are sometimes difficult to reach, the King of kings always hears us and knows our needs. The scene takes place at Christmas.

Jesus Comes to Visit (Christmas Movie Script) In this production (it could be made into a film), the actors are mostly teenagers. Three children are waiting for Jesus to visit them for Christmas, as He Himself promised them this. But instead of Jesus, the heroes of the film encounter people in need, to whom I provide my help.

Birthday boy A person's birthday is coming. His friends come, but for some reason they don’t pay any attention to him and even give gifts not to him, but... to each other. This is what happens at Christmas. People forget who the birthday boy really is and who needs to be remembered on Christmas day.

The story of one guy (performance for children from orphanages) This is a story about one young man, who grew up in an orphanage. One day a Bible came into his hands, a gift from orphanage group of Christians at Christmas.

Who sleeps in the manger? (Christmas recitation for children 3-6 years old) This short recitation skit is designed for the youngest actors (children 3-6 years old). Children depict animals in a stable and stars. They talk about the Baby Jesus.

Star Boy The script is based on the fairy tale of the same name. The action takes place during Christmas, and the play includes a Nativity scene with Joseph and Mary.

Wise Men from the East The scene shows the wise men from the East (magi) before they set off on their journey to retrieve the Christmas star.

Museum of Christmas Stories (children's matinee) A very original Christmas party. The hall of the room where the matinee takes place is divided into two parts: the Museum and the Show. Children take turns going to one or the other room. In the museum hall they see mini-scenes with the participation of Biblical heroes (the Magi, Herod and his family, shepherds), and in the Show hall the children participate in various competitions (reciting poems, answering questions).

Musical card (Christmas script for church and guests) Two young people (Lena and Max) accidentally meet on the Internet and start talking about Christmas. The skit explains the meaning of the Christmas holiday, the meaning of the name Jesus Christ and other topics. The performance can be periodically interrupted for the performance of other numbers (chants, poems, etc.).

Musketeer of Jesus Christ (Christmas scene with children) Children and teenagers play in the skit. It begins with two musketeers fighting with swords. Each of them defends their worldview (one believes in God, the second does not). Unexpectedly, it is a star. She tells them about the birth of Jesus. Forest animals everyone repeats as one about God's love and care.

Nadezhda Afanasia Main character in this production - a slave named Athanasius. It turns out that he goes to herd sheep with other shepherds. And on Christmas night an angel appears to them and tells them the good news.

The sheep didn't listen (Christmas scene for kids) This short sketch was written specifically for kids. Both older children and adults dressed in sheep costumes can play sheep. The story begins with a sheep going off on its own and being rescued by a shepherd. After this, the Christmas shepherds and Joseph and Mary appear on the stage.

The Night After Christmas (Animals Testify) The animals in the barn remember the events of Christmas. The scene takes place in the days when Herod ordered the killing of all the babies in Bethlehem.

Sheep celebrate Christmas (Christmas holiday scenario for children from 3 to 7 years old) This is a morning party script with games for preschoolers. the main idea: We are all God’s sheep, and the Lord is our Shepherd.

He came as a stranger Russian Tsar Alexander ends up in a small town disguised as a simple person. His goal is to see how the Russian people live and how they celebrate Christmas. They did not recognize the Tsar - he came to his own people, and his own people did not accept him, just as they once did not accept Christ the Lord.

Gift to Jesus Children are preparing gifts for Christmas. The girl Anya wants to give a gift to Jesus. Her sister and other guys join her. It turns out that the guys give all the gifts to the poor old lady living next door.

Helpers (children's Christmas scene) The Angel of God is looking among the animals for those worthy to serve the Baby Jesus.

Joy First, the presenter asks people what joy is. There are many joyful people, but it turns out that for everyone, joy is a passing phenomenon. And only the joy of Christmas is eternal.

Real Christmas At the beginning of the scene our real time is shown. The church is preparing for Christmas. One boy gets the role of a shepherd. He's not happy. The boy falls asleep and has a dream where he is a real shepherd on the birthday of the Messiah.

Christmas tree The legend of why the Christmas tree is decorated at Christmas.

Christmas night The scene shows us the times of the birth of Jesus Christ. A teacher in a synagogue gives his students a task - to calculate the time of birth of the promised Messiah. The boy Salmon calculated that the Messiah would be born this year. And soon he and his sister witness amazing events. There are many psalms in the scene. Words and notes are included.

Christmas Night (based on V. Hugo) This play is based on the book Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. The main character is a girl (according to Hugo - Cosette), who was left without a mother and lives in someone else's house, doing backbreaking work. A stranger who comes to this house on Christmas Day gives her a gorgeous doll and then takes her with him.

Christmas program for children “Journey to the Heavenly Country”

Christmas play Grandmother and grandson talking about Christmas. “Do you know what the first and most important gift was?” - asks the grandmother. The grandson doesn't know. Then scenes of the Nativity are shown (Mary, Joseph, shepherds, Herod, wise men).

Christmas Santa Two girls fall into a well and end up with Father Christmas, just like in Morozko’s fairy tale. He promises to give them gifts. Only these gifts must be earned. In addition to the fairy tale, the performance includes Christmas scenes.

Christmas performance for children in Ukrainian “A Gift for Jesus”

Christmas Journey Teenage friends get together to watch The Chronicles of Narnia, but instead end up in another world and become dolls. It turns out that in the world of dolls they also celebrate Christmas. But the meaning of Christmas is different for everyone. The characters in the scene learn the biblical story of Christmas.

Christmas cards (recitation for kids) The kids look like postcards (we need to make them costumes like this). Each “card” congratulates you on Christmas (tells a rhyme).

Christmas (skit + songs) A classic Christmas production, accompanied by three songs performed wonderfully by a children's choir (the song of the angels, Mary and the final Christmas song).

Christmas (sketch for young children) In this scene, along with the actors, dolls play. The main characters of the sketch are boys and girls who do not believe that the Nativity of Jesus Christ really happened.

Christmas in the barn Animals gather in the stable: Bull, Donkey, Sheep, Lion and Jackal. The Donkey tells the Bull that his mistress is about to have a baby, all in anticipation of a great event.

Grandpa Nicholas's Christmas Jesus Christ Himself must come to old man Nicholas on Christmas Eve. He begins to prepare to welcome his dear Guest. But He still doesn’t come. But people in need of warmth, food and shelter ask to come to his house...

ROSE OF THE SHEEP I VISLYUCHKA (Christmas script in Ukrainian for children)

Pink snowflake (Christmas party for children)

Santa Claus (Christmas skit for children) The legend of where Santa Claus came from. Klaus was the name of a grumpy man who repaired shoes. He had a wife and children, but they died. Klaus hardened his heart. But one day the Lord shed His light on Him, and the old man began to see the needs of others. And he decided to do good to people and began giving poor children gifts for Christmas.

Fulfilled prophecies A short play that can be performed in church at Christmas. The main idea: there were prophecies about the birth of Jesus for 700 years. And so, they were fulfilled. At the end, an excerpt from the film “Jesus” about the birth of Christ is shown.

Light of Christmas (Three Angels of Christmas) A stingy man named Scrooge Ebenezer doesn't like Christmas. On Christmas night, three angels appear to him and show him pictures from his past and possible future. Scrooge regrets his stinginess and decides to change and do good to people.

The tailor's secret This performance tells the legend of how Santa Claus came to be. Klaus, an old tailor who lost his family, grieved for a long time and did not see the needs of others. But when he wanted to help poor children, the Lord gave him a different heart. On Christmas night, children from poor families received wonderful gifts that old man Klaus secretly brought to them and left at their door.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth! (Christmas scene for children) The beginning shows scenes of unfriendly relationships between a cat and a dog and between children in the same family. Nativity scenes follow. This sketch focuses on the peace of God that comes into human hearts.

Dream before Christmas A good, serious performance that can be shown to both believers and non-believers. A girl prays for her atheist grandmother. The Lord sends the grandmother an unusual dream in which she sees people awaiting the Last Judgment. Grandmother repents of her sins. The angel tells her the events of Christmas.

Christmas Events Quite a serious classic production about the events of Christmas. It starts with showing King Herod, then we see Joseph and Mary knocking on the houses of Bethlehem, shepherds, and finally Herod again, ordering the extermination of all the babies in Bethlehem.

Advice from the Good Shepherd (Christmas holiday scenario for children 7-12 years old) This is a matinee script with games for primary schoolchildren. The main hosts of the matinee are the Farmer and the Shepherd, who has no experience at all, but he is helped by wise advice from the Bible.

Old Shoes (Christmas production) One girl found old shoes. Being a Christian since childhood, the heroine was confident in her righteousness and spirituality. But the old shoes helped her make a journey into her own heart and see what reigns in it.

Chest of Offenses (Christmas play for children)

Scenario for Christmas “Treasure Hunt”

Scenario for New Year and Christmas parties for children This script is good for showing in a shelter or other children's institution, where children are not familiar with the essence of the Christmas holiday. The matinee begins with the arrival of Santa Claus and other characters. Then Little Star tells the children the story of Christmas and shows how much better Jesus is than Santa Claus. The scenario contains several games and competitions.

Happy Star Do you know why the top of the Christmas tree is decorated with a star? This is in memory of the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the wise men the way to the Baby Jesus. The boy Kolya learns about this from a village boy. Kolya wants to see Star of Bethlehem on Christmas night. The sketch is based on the film of the same name.

Happiness The main characters of the scene are several people. Each of them finds their own happiness in something. But it is easy to take away and destroy. The meaning is that happiness can only be with God. The skit uses excerpts from the Jesus movie or slides.

Three trees and four gifts Grandmother and granddaughter packing gifts for Christmas. The granddaughter finds four unusual boxes, inside of which are a manger, a boat, a cross and...). Grandmother tells her the story of three trees, each of which had its own dream. It turned out that they all served Jesus. What's in the fourth box?

What is Christmas to you (recitation)

What happened, shepherds? The shepherds, to whom the angel announced the birth of the Savior, come to the village and tell people about what they saw.

What is Christmas? The boy asks his mother, father and grandmother what Christmas is. But none of them can explain it to him. On the street, a boy meets children who sing Christmas songs to him.

CHARACTERS: Simon, innkeeper; Martha, his wife; Sarah, Simon's niece, an orphan; Dealer precious stones; Driving from Damascus; 1st shepherd; 2nd shepherd; 3rd shepherd.

The scene depicts the courtyard of a hotel. There is a bench and a small table in front. Sarah sweeps the yard. He hums a song, then sighs tiredly and sits down on the bench.

Martha: (enters and speaks angrily) Sarah! You're messing around again!

Sarah: Sorry, Aunt Martha. I just sat down to rest. Tired... I worked all day...

Marfa: It’s okay, you won’t break! Stop sweeping and quickly go peel the vegetables! There were a lot of guests - wow! There is no end in sight to the work. Hurry up.

Sarah: Now, Aunt Martha.

Martha: Did you take water to the woman from Damascus who recently arrived?

Sarah: (embarrassed) I don’t remember...

Marfa: Here you go! How can you not remember this? What a lazy girl! All day long you only hear complaints from guests about you!

Sarah: Yes, aunt, there are so many guests, and I’m alone! This has never happened before - all the rooms are occupied.

Marfa: (satisfied) It's true! There is not a single free room left. Everything is an order from Caesar to rewrite the people. So many people gathered in our Bethlehem that it was impossible to count.

(There is a knock on the door. A merchant enters with a rich casket in his hands.)

Merchant: Good evening, hostess! Do you have a free room to spend the night?

Martha: What are you talking about, sir! Everything is busy, sorry.

Merchant: I came to Bethlehem because of the census: my family comes from Bethlehem. I trade in precious stones myself. We, merchants, cannot waste time in any way: time is money. I just need to spend the night, I'll pay well.

Marfa: Sorry, sir - everything is busy. Feeding is possible. You'll have a rest from the road.

Merchant: (sits on the bench, puts the casket on the table) It’s a pity, it’s a pity... I wouldn’t stand behind the payment. (Opens the casket, takes out the necklace) Maybe you, hostess, will like some of my goods? Look - a royal necklace! The stones are burning, the frame is golden. A?

Marfa: Oh, what a beauty! Just a sight for sore eyes!

(Sarah stops retaliating and looks over Martha’s shoulder at the necklace.)

Marfa: (angrily) What are you looking at? Sweep faster!

Merchant: (rummaging in the casket) And I have some for your daughter too.

Marfa: What a daughter she is to me! Orphan. Husband's niece. We regretted it. It's of little use.

(A passing guest appears at the door)

Passing by: I asked you to bring me some water. Almost a whole hour has passed, and no one is talking!

Martha: Sarah! (addresses the merchant) You see what kind of girl this is! He forgets everything! What a fool! (says to Sarah) Run for water now! And remember, until you do everything, you won’t have lunch. It's clear? (Sarah takes the jug and leaves. Martha addresses the passerby) Excuse me. We have never had such a crowd before. My head is just spinning!

Merchant: Well, if you, mistress, don’t like the necklace, then goodbye - I’ll go.

Passing by: (looking at the necklace) Oh, what delicate work. And what stones!

Merchant: That's what I say - a royal necklace. I'm ready to give it up for a room. There is nowhere to sleep. At least spend the night in the field! (Gathers things in a chest) I’ll go, maybe I’ll find it in another hotel...

Marfa: Wait, merchant. It seems we have a small room. This girl. She can sleep in a stable too. Nothing will be done to her.

Merchant: I just wish I could spend the night peacefully in bed.

Marfa: I'll take you, let's go.

Merchant: (pulls out the necklace again) Thank you! Take it for the room.

(The hostess accepts the necklace from him. She leaves.)

Passing by: But the hostess is not stupid! I earned this necklace!

(Exits. Simon enters and sits on the bench.)

Simon: Eww! Tired. What a day! There are so many guests that I don’t know what to do!

(Sarah runs in.)

Sarah: Uncle Simon! My dear uncle!

Simon: What is it, girl?

Sarah: Promise that you can! Please!

Simon: What - is it possible? What are you talking about, honey?

Sarah: There two came from Nazareth. He is old, and She is young. And so tired.

Simon: All the visitors are tired, my girl. Because of this census, people from all over the earth come here - the entire family of King David. Just tell them, honey, that we don't have any more room.

Sarah: Uncle, I’ll give them my closet! Can? I'm in a cave, I'll spend the night in a stable.

Simon: My poor thing kind girl, because you are tired, you need to rest.

Sarah: Uncle Simon, please! They are so tired, so tired. Let me help them!

Simon: Well, God bless you, take them to your closet.

Sarah: Thank you, uncle, thank you. Don’t worry, I’ll do my job: I’ll sweep the yard, clean the vegetables, and bring water. I'll do everything.

(Martha enters. She has a necklace around her neck.)

Martha: Did you bring water? (Sits down and begins to peel vegetables.)

Sarah: I’m now... I’ll just take two travelers into my closet - Uncle Simon allowed...

Marfa: In the closet?!

Sarah: I’m in a cave, in a stable, I’ll sleep on straw. And they are so tired...

Marfa: You will sleep there anyway, but don’t control your place! Crappy girl!

Simon: That's enough for you, Martha!

Marfa: Don't interfere! I have already handed over her closet to the merchant.

Sarah: (crying) They are so tired, so good...

Marfa: And I don’t want to listen. Do your job! And hurry up! (Martha leaves).

Simon: Don't cry, honey, don't cry. (Puts his hand on Sarah's shoulder.) We'll arrange it somehow. Do not Cry!

Sarah: I can’t, uncle, leave them! She smiled at me like she was my mother! They are kind, poor... Maybe they will spend the night with me in the cave, huh?

Simon: They probably won’t want to.

Sarah: I’ll ask, can I?

Simon: Well, run. If they agree, let them spend the night in a cave.

(Sarah runs away, Simon takes a broom and begins to sweep the yard. Behind the stage one can hear singing “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace...” Simon stops and listens. Someone knocks on the door. Three shepherds enter.)

1st shepherd: Are you the owner of this hotel?

Simon: Me, what do you want?

2nd shepherd: We are looking for the Baby who was born today.

Simon: The hotel is full of people, but no one was born here.

3rd shepherd: Not at the hotel!

Simon: I spend all day dealing with visitors. Maybe someone was born in the city. Only I didn’t hear something.

1st shepherd: We are looking for a baby born in a cave, in a stable.

2nd shepherd: And this Baby is the Savior of the world.

Simon: Stop making jokes! How can the Savior of the world be born in a stable?!

3rd shepherd: You better listen. We're not joking at all.

1st shepherd: Today in the field where we were tending the flock, an angel appeared to us. And he told us: “Do not be afraid. I bring you great joy, great joy for all people. Today the Savior, Christ the Lord, was born in the city of King David.”

Simon: Well, run and look for houses in Bethlehem!

2nd shepherd: No. The angel said: “Here is a sign for you - you will find the Child in a stable, in a manger.”

Simon: (thoughtfully) In the manger?

(Martha enters).

Marfa: Guests complain that you make a lot of noise here. Come on in, come on in, there's no point in standing here!

Simon: Martha, an angel appeared to them. He said that the Savior of the world was born today. In the manger lies...

Marfa: What nonsense! The savior of the world is in a stable? They'll come up with something like this! Go, go, there's no point in chatting here.

Simon: No, just wait. After all, people are spending the night in our cave where the cattle are.

Marfa: What-o-o? What people? It's all Sarah's stuff! I'll go and kick them out of there. Ugliness! (Martha leaves)

3rd shepherd: We have been waiting for the Savior for a long time.

1st Shepherd: We saw Angels in the sky. They sang “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace...”

Simon: (to himself) I should give them my room! And I'm taking them to the barn!

(Martha and Sarah return)

Martha: Simon, the Baby lies in the manger. (Sits on the bench, thinks, fingering the necklace.)

Sarah: Oh, Uncle Simon! You should have looked at the Baby! He is such a...!

Martha: (as if to herself) It’s strange, when I looked at Him, my soul became so quiet, so calm!

Sarah: And when He looks, it’s as if He sees your soul!

2nd shepherd: This is probably He - the Baby we are looking for.

Simon: Martha, He should have been born among us... But we... we didn’t let him in.

Marfa: (covers her face with her hands and cries) I know, I know...

Sarah: (hugs Martha) Don't cry, Aunt Martha, don't cry...

Martha: (holds Sarah close to her) After all, I took your room away from them. And all because of this necklace...

Sarah: But you didn’t know... You didn’t know that the Child...

Marfa: I didn’t know, it’s true. But you didn’t know either, but you felt sorry for them. And I didn’t want to listen. I was going to kick you out. (Rises from the bench, takes off the necklace from his neck and gives it to Sarah.) Take the necklace to them, daughter. They are poor. You never know what they will need for the Baby.

(Sarah leaves with the necklace.)

Simon: You see, Martha, you helped them too.

Martha: I'm ashamed, Simon. I'm ashamed of my evil greed. A necklace won’t make up for this guilt... (thinks). Are we going to give them our room?

Simon: It's too late now.

Martha: No, Simon, it’s never too late to atone for your sin. You know what: let’s always begin to give one room to the poor for the rest of our lives. Not for money, but as a gift to the Baby and His Mother, for our guilt.

Simon: That's good. This means that we will bring Him a gift.

(Sarah returns).

3rd shepherd: Well, let's go and worship Him.

Simon: (opens the window shutters): Look!

(From the window in the background you can see the image of the Mother of God with the Baby in a manger. All the characters are grouped at the window on their knees and sing the Christmas carol “Nativity of Christ, an Angel has flown”, or another suitable Christmas song).