Comic wall newspapers for preschool worker's day. Wall newspaper template

DIY reflective poster for Teacher's Day

Autumn design at preschool educational institutions. Master class with step-by-step photos

Decor kindergarten and schools to autumn holidays

Suetova Alena Aleksandrovna, teacher additional education MADO "Kindergarten No. 114", Nizhny Novgorod
Description: the master class will be useful for employees preschool education and parents.
Purpose: Material provided for decorating a kindergarten for the autumn holidays.
Target: creating a bright greeting poster with your own hands; creating a good and joyful impression on colleagues from a professional holiday.
develop a respectful attitude towards colleagues;
cultivate perseverance, accuracy, curiosity;
develop fine motor skills, eye, spatial imagination;
strengthen skills in working with scissors;
develop Creative skills, fantasy.

Since the purpose of the poster is to attract attention, to be bright and expressive, we will need the following materials:
Colored paper
Curly scissors
Glue stick
Simple pencil
Water jar
Brush No. 4

Autumn is a wonderful time of year! Autumn is a piece of a fairy tale! It is rich in amazing colors, harvests and generous for the holidays.
How to please your colleagues on Preschool Workers' Day?
This professional holiday is celebrated annually on September 27. And how nice it will be to bring smiles to your colleagues in such a cool season. Let's create a surprise moment and make a holiday poster, conveying the warmth of human hands and thoughts through the wall newspaper.
Well, let's try, because a poster is a painstaking work that requires accuracy, perseverance, and creativity.

The first thing we need is a suitable neutral picture. I focused my attention on the image of friendly forest inhabitants - elves, in a favorable and calm green palette, in the color of nature itself.

Transfer the image to paper. We place the Whatman paper vertically, visually divide the sheet in half and draw a sketch of elves on the entire lower half of the Whatman paper. We do not draw faces and small details, as they will be covered with gouache.

Gouache Pink colour paint over areas of the characters' skin.

We paint the area of ​​the elf’s wreath with yellow, and green all other details are in both characters.

After washing and removing excess moisture from the brush, we straighten it with a fan to draw the hair. The elf's hair is brown.

Next we draw the faces: smiles, snub noses, beady eyes and freckles. Now let’s revive our elves and the contour line will help us with this. Skin contour brown, and everything else is black.

At the top of the sheet of whatman paper, the final gouache touch awaits us - the inscription. The text should be extremely concise and understandable from the first reading. The font of the text should be easy to read and consistent with the content of the poster.
For the inscription, a prominent “poster” red color and a handwritten font were chosen.

There is an empty space left in the middle of the sheet between the elves and the inscription. The space will be occupied by a congratulation in prose, framed in a beautiful natural frame that matches the theme of the poster. The congratulation is printed on a printer and glued with glue. A4 format.

To decorate the poster, we will cut out colorful flowers. Place the template on sheets of colored paper, secure the paper with paper clips and cut it out. As an addition, cut out the middle circles.

It is necessary to give volume to each petal. In this case, scissors are an assistant. Press the blade of the scissors with your finger against the petal and pull it down with an arcuate movement of the hand as shown in the photo.

And now the main highlight of the poster, what makes our poster reflective – a basket with wishes!
Each participant interacting with the poster is offered a postcard, which will create an atmosphere of favorable communication and capture an emotional uplift.
We cut out the box according to the diagram. The areas to be covered with glue are shown in blue. Square – 8x8 cm, sides – 2x2 cm. Glue.
Now you need to work with a computer.
We print out a basket of flowers on the computer and carefully cut it out. Glue the basket to the box. We will put wishes in this basket.

We find a beautiful background and in Word place the image of the background and its copies on one sheet of paper. On top of this background we put text with different wishes. The point is that when we cut them out, they fit into our box - a basket, that is, they should not exceed 8 cm in width. We print as many as we think is necessary (I made 3 wishes per employee) and cut them out using curly scissors. We place the wishes in the basket, and the basket itself between the elves.

All that remains for us is to glue the flowers and their centers. Without fail, we place flowers on the basket, the elf’s wreath and the hats of both characters. There are a few flowers near the elves' feet, which will give the impression that they are sitting in a clearing. We scatter the remaining flowers mainly in the upper part of the leaf.

Wall newspaper “Happy Holidays, beloved teachers!!!”

Description of material: The material has been prepared for parents, primary school children, and will also be useful for teachers.

Target: Uniting the teaching staff and the parent community

- Expand the knowledge and understanding of children and parents about the day preschool worker.
- Create a joyful mood, evoke an emotional uplift and create a festive atmosphere.
- Cultivation of a favorable psychological microclimate in the kindergarten group and throughout preschool institution.

September 27- Preschool worker (teacher) day. A teacher is like a second mother in a children's institution. A very important and responsible profession is nurturing children's souls. The parents of my group prepared for this special day congratulations in the form of a wall newspaper, because nothing is more expensive than simple and good wishes, sincere words and smiles.

The wall newspaper is called: “Happy holiday, beloved teachers!!!” The kids are still too small to prepare such a congratulation, so the adults got down to business and created a real work of art! Since the parents are advanced in modern technologies, the newspaper was typed on a computer - all the poems, pictures, everything was designed in a technical editor, and they inserted their own photos of the children, and then printed them out on large-format photo paper and now, the congratulations are ready! I won’t hide it , we were pleasantly surprised and delighted by such a bright and creative congratulation, as well as words coming from the heart! Thank you, dear children and parents!

And these are fragments of the wall newspaper:

Here are the congratulation poems that parents used:

Happy holiday to our beloved teachers!

Second mother for children

Kindergarten teacher.

Patient with the kids

Entertains them with games.

Day after day there is learning,

Something like an adventure

Children bloom happily

They're heading to kindergarten in droves!

Congratulations to our teachers,

We wish you endurance and patience,

We appreciate attention to our guys

You lead a whole squad

Honor and praise to you teachers,

We sincerely wish you well,

And children value and respect.

They consider you a second mother!

For your care and attention,

Give daily, without regret,

Thank you, miracle educators,

For children, you are mysterious fairies!

Because you warmed me with your warmth,

Such little children's hearts

We would like to bow to you, teachers.

And wish you endless happiness!

You magical work:

The sounds and notes have conquered you!

You can command

There are melodies in the soul.

Thank you for your songs,

And why are you dancing with us?

What is the music of all our days

Sounds more fun with you!

Little kids need care

Oksana Seifert

Very soon all kindergarten employees will celebrate their professional holiday - Day preschool worker! On that day, we accept congratulations not only from the parents of our students, but also from our colleagues work! I present to your attention wall newspaper, which I prepared for my colleagues in honor of the holiday - Day preschool worker! Currently I Working second with children junior group(I wrote about this in my previous publication, and the design of my wall newspapers reminds of this. To begin with, I took a large sheet of whatman paper in A1 format. Then I pasted funny pictures. Dolls, teddy bears, cars and balls, bunnies, trains and tumblers, and of course – a book. The book is not simple - with congratulations for colleagues. Each page has its own congratulations; I decorated the pages with funny pictures. I found the pictures on the Internet and printed them on a color printer. Background wall newspapers Colored with colored wax crayons. Like this I got the wall newspaper!

Publications on the topic:

Presenter 1: - Time passes quickly in worries, The holiday has arrived again today. And we came, leaving work, to this bright, friendly hall.

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Scenario for the holiday “Preschool Worker’s Day”“Preschool Worker's Day” Fanfare sounds. The host of the celebration comes out into the middle of the hall. Ved: Dear friends, every year in September it is celebrated.

On September 27, all preschool education workers celebrate their main professional holiday - Teacher's Day. Their contribution to the formation of the personality of preschoolers is invaluable. They lay the basics of education for children and prepare them for school. The teacher is the second mother in kindergarten. This is a very important and responsible profession. They are the ones who prepare children for the new threshold of their lives and explain the most important things. A wall newspaper would be an excellent congratulation for a teacher. The kids are still too young to make it themselves. But with the help of parents and a ready-made wall newspaper template for Teacher’s Day from the Pozdravok website, you can make a real work of art.

The main preparations for a wall newspaper for the holiday will be graphic files. There are several of them, but overall they form a large and very beautiful poster. Now there is no need to be a talented artist to draw. A few simple steps and the wall newspaper is ready.

Download fragments of the wall newspaper for Teacher's Day

How to make a wall newspaper

  1. First you need to print all the presented graphic images on a monochrome printer. They can be downloaded either from a browser or by first copying them to a computer.
  2. Then you need to arrange the printed sheets by number. The result will be a single large poster, which depicts the whole picture.
  3. Glue the resulting fragments together on the reverse side using glue or tape. In order for the work to hold tighter, it is necessary to additionally glue it with tape on the wrong side.
  4. The outlines of the image must be filled in with colored pencils. You can also use markers or paints. There is no need to paint over the “windows”.
  5. In the remaining “windows” you need to enter verses with