Saved the procedure. Types of spa treatments

SPA is a complex of health and wellness and cosmetic procedures associated with medicinal waters. Such complexes consist of balneotherapy, thalassotherapy, visits to saunas, baths, natural springs or mineral water pools, massages, mud wraps and baths, therapeutic showers. The modern concept of SPA has been expanded to include therapeutic methods that do not use water: aromatherapy, herbal medicine.
Similar services are offered not only at health resorts, but also in special SPA centers in Moscow, and SPA hotels are opening all over the world. SPA treatments are also popular in the beauty industry, promoting recovery, a healthy appearance and rejuvenation of the body. They can be prescribed by a doctor or carried out as part of prevention and strengthening of general tone.

What do spa treatments include?

The general goal of these procedures is to improve the health of the body, improve metabolism, relieve stress, and improve overall well-being. If SPA is not prescribed by a doctor, then before each procedure it is better to consult with a specialist from the center, because treatment with mineral waters, hot wraps and even salt baths have a number of contraindications.
Spa courses may include:
  • seaweed, mud and other wraps;
  • local thalasso wraps;
  • modeling, lymphatic drainage massage;
  • massage using hot stones;
  • masks and facial skin care;
  • moisturizing body treatments;
  • various baths: mud, cleopatra, aromatic, salt, etc.;
  • hydrotherapy (hydromassage, healing showers);
  • all types of baths, saunas, steam rooms;
  • swimming in mineral, medicinal waters;
  • aromatherapy with oils;
  • visiting a solarium;
  • body peelings;
  • anti-cellulite and fitness programs.

Service cost

In case of complex treatment and the preparation of a spa program by a specialist, the cost is influenced by: the place of treatment, included services, duration of the course, and the total number of procedures. The price for spa treatments in Moscow when visiting special beauty and health centers starts from 3,000 rubles for a day pass (a complex of swimming pools and steam rooms). The cost of each individual service varies. For example, the price of a massage is from 1000 rubles, peeling is from 800, a visit to the solarium is less than 30 rubles per minute.

A visit to the spa will help not only tidy up your appearance, but also relax, unwind, and support your immune system. After all, the salon offers treatments for every taste for the face, body, hair, as well as complex manipulations. There is only one problem - choosing from the many services that are available.

All manipulations available in the SPA can be divided into several groups:

  • Hair care. Includes measures to improve the condition of the scalp with peelings, moisturizing, nourishing masks. You can also restore the structure of your hair, restore its elasticity, smoothness, and density with the help of hot wraps and the application of oils. The spa has products to stimulate hair growth and protect after coloring.
  • Facial care. The salon conducts multi-stage procedures to deep cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, reducing the signs of age. For this, different cosmetical tools, hardware techniques, several types, masks.
  • Body care. Treatments may be separate for arms and legs. This different types manicure, pedicure, body wraps. Manipulations are also performed for the entire body. You can come for peeling, body wraps with cosmetics, baths with various additives, and massages.
  • Comprehensive care. Includes several manipulations at once that not only improve appearance, but also improve your health. These are the same baths, wraps, massages, masks, irrigations, smoothly replacing and complementing each other. They can be accompanied by aromatherapy, the use of healing mud, and sea water. This also includes different types of baths.

Best options

SPA treatments should be selected individually, taking into account contraindications. But their huge number will help everyone find theirs. Among the manipulations there are also those that are suitable for many people.

For face

The following will help make your facial skin fresher and more beautiful, regardless of its type and age:

  • Oxygen therapy. This is the use of O2-based cosmetics. Serums, masks, eye and face creams are used. The procedure will rid the skin of bacteria and toxins, soften it, even out its texture, make the color radiant, healthy, and wrinkles less noticeable.
  • Fortification. Cosmetics are selected in accordance with the existing problems and age of the visitor. For young people, formulations with vitamin C are suitable. problem skin you need a combination of ascorbic acid and retinol. With age, concentrates, serums, and other products with vitamin E will be more useful.
  • Clay masks. The type of main component is selected according to the needs of the skin. But usually clay contains a lot of minerals. The procedure deeply cleanses the skin, eliminating dead particles, saturates it with essential microelements, tightens and smoothes it.
  • Alginate masks. They also come in different types: for dry, aging skin, problematic, age-related, dehydrated. Masks with alginates give rest to the facial muscles, provide high-quality moisturization, eliminate fatigue, and make wrinkles less noticeable.
  • Massages. In the SPA you can make many types of them using oils, talc or special devices (ivory sticks, semi-precious stones, spoons, hot sinks). Facial massage will relieve swelling and toxins, help better absorb nutrients, increase blood supply to the skin, restore its tone, and get rid of wrinkles. With the help of some of its types, you can tighten the facial muscles and return the previous oval.
  • Peeling. During the procedure using natural substances, it is possible to deeply cleanse the skin and speed up the process of cell renewal. Peeling also evens out the relief of the epidermis and gets rid of age spots.

For body

The body needs care just as much as the face. At the spa you should try:

  • Peeling. The composition of the product used during the procedure may include sea salt, algae, honey, coffee, essential oils, citrus extracts, and medicinal herbs. Peeling will free the skin from impurities, improve blood circulation in it, and tighten it. Best result happens after salt and algae procedures.
  • Wraps. The most popular type of procedure is performed using chocolate. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, helps break down and remove excess fat, stimulates intercellular metabolism, renewing the skin. Chocolate moisturizes and nourishes it well. And its aroma has a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system, promoting the production of joy hormones.

Wraps with mineralized compounds, mud, silk and pearl are also effective.

  • Baths. Sea salt, minerals, and extracts of medicinal plants are added to the water for them. But for relaxation, restoration, improvement of skin condition, and rejuvenation, milk baths are best suited. IN in this case use essential oils (coconut, macadamia, grapefruit, lavender, etc.). Milk baths are indicated for sagging, dehydrated skin, vitamin deficiency, and stress.
  • Massage. Among its many types, Thai can be called a favorite. It affects muscles, blood vessels, skin, and joints. Therefore, the effect is to improve blood circulation and work internal organs, getting rid of swelling, relieving tension and fatigue, general renewal of the body. After a Thai massage, the skin is smoothed, scars and stretch marks look less noticeable.

For arms and legs

SPA treatments for limbs are not only a traditional manicure and pedicure. Well-groomed hands, slender, light legs and feet will remain like this for a long time, thanks to:

  • . It can be performed cold or hot. In any case, this procedure is multi-stage and includes cleansing, scrubbing the skin, and steaming. Paraffin therapy relaxes muscles, relieves fatigue and joint pain, and makes the surface of the hands and feet silky.
  • Massage. The procedure can be performed on the arms and legs. Hand massage is done using aromatic oils. It will relieve dryness, fatigue, and moisturize the skin. A lymphatic drainage massage is performed for the legs, which will remove excess fluid, restore blood circulation, relieve pain, and make you forget about rapid fatigue.
  • Skin pedicure. The procedure consists of a bath with sea salt, cleansing of the feet with a scrub, massage with essential oils, compress and nail treatment. After this, your legs will not only be well-groomed, but also rested.

To learn how a skin pedicure is performed in a spa salon, watch this video:

For hair

To keep your curls healthy, it is useful to do:

  • Wrap. Healing mixtures are applied to the hair, which are selected taking into account its condition and problems. The head is covered with film and a heated towel. During exposure, the composition restores the structure of the hair, they become thicker, and their elasticity returns.
  • Mineralization. The procedure is suitable for dry, nutrient-deprived hair. The composition is applied to them along the entire length. It envelops, nourishes and restores, relieves split ends. After the procedure, they look healthy and are easy to style.
  • Lamination. The hair is coated in three stages with products that together form a protective film on the surface. As a result, they become smooth, heavy, silky, and less susceptible to negative external influences.

What do they do with complex programs?

In addition to individual procedures, spa salons offer a set of health and care activities:

  • Thalassotherapy. During successive manipulations, sea salt, mud, water, and algae are used. During the treatment, the salon visitor has time to take a bath, do a body wrap, masks, applications, and water massage.
  • Hydrotherapy. This is a series of water procedures. It includes different types of showers, including those with essential oils, medicinal plants,... Pearl baths with sea salt and herbal extracts become an obligatory part of it.
  • Balneotherapy. It consists of baths, wraps, irrigation, hydromassage using chloride, iodine-bromine, sulfide waters, as well as radon and carbon dioxide.
  • Steaming. The procedure is carried out using a Finnish, Turkish or Russian bath. It is complemented by the use of aromatic oils, scrubs, peelings, and various types of massage.
  • SPA capsule. This is a device in which you can receive several procedures at once during a session: steaming, massage, aromatherapy, different types of showers, exposure to light, wrapping and others. The visitor simply lies down in the capsule, and the specialist sets the program.

To learn how thalassotherapy is performed in a spa salon, watch this video:

How to choose a salon

To really get quality care for your face and body, you need to go to a good spa. You can recognize this by several signs:

  • it has conditions for complex manipulations, that is, a massage room, baths, baths, steam room;
  • specialists have appropriate education, confirmed by diplomas of massage therapists, cosmetologists, trichologists;
  • procedures are carried out under sterile conditions, disposable underwear is available;
  • the range of services is quite extensive, and the prices do not differ much from those in the price lists of similar establishments;
  • the visitor is not escorted out immediately after the spa, but is given the opportunity to relax in a specially designated room.

Many salons, in addition to well-known procedures, offer something of their own and have a “zest”. Others use only care manipulations that are already known and well accepted by many. But having gotten used to a traditional spa, you shouldn’t be afraid to try something new, so that going to the salon becomes a real holiday.

Useful video

Watch this video about spa treatments for face and body:

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“Health through water” is translated from the Latin sanus per aqua (SPA). It is with the help of water that modern spa salons offer us to improve our health, relax, lose weight and become even more beautiful.

Mineral waters, sea salt and algae, therapeutic mud, special climatic conditions, massage, steam rooms... The list goes on and on. So let's look at the most popular spa treatments.


This is a set of procedures based on the effects of seafood on the human body. Thalassotherapy uses sea water, salts, mud, and algae, which contain a large number of useful microelements.

For example, sea water is used in procedures such as immersion baths, hydromassage, seaweed wraps, cosmetic masks and applications, and sea showers. In this case, sea minerals are absorbed into human skin through the pores. A mud bath is also a very intense procedure: first you spend 10 minutes in warm mud, then you wash it off, take a mineral bath and douse yourself with steam. Finally, you may be wrapped in a seaweed blanket and left to cool.

These and other thalassotherapy procedures have anti-stress, antiviral, stimulating and antibacterial effects.


Hydrotherapy is water procedures, which are carried out to correct the figure, lose weight, relax the body and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example:

  • A tropical shower is a collection of various showers that pour on a person in tiny drops. The water in them is saturated with essential oils and decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  • Hydromassage is a massage that is done under water in a special bath.
  • Pearl baths - this beautiful name actually means the following: air bubbles (pearls) are created in the bath, which mix with streams of water and massage the human body. For greater benefits, herbal infusions, essential oils, algae extracts and sea salt are added to the water.

Body peeling

Peeling is the removal of old, dead cells from the skin, as well as various impurities. It is often recommended to do it before a massage. During the procedure, the pores open and cleanse, after which cosmetics and aromatic oils are absorbed into the skin much faster.

There are many types of this SPA procedure: peeling using mineral salts, peeling with seaweed, with moisturizing grape oil, etc.


The healing power of essential oils has been known since ancient times. In modern spa salons, aromatic oils are used in conjunction with body wraps, massage, hydrotherapy, and also in individual aromatherapy sessions.

Body wrap

Body wrapping is carried out using various beneficial substances: seaweed, honey, chocolate, clay, herbs, medicinal mud, etc. This procedure can be done both in a beauty salon and at home.

This procedure can be done both in a beauty salon and at home.

Each product used for wrapping has its own characteristics and helps to achieve excellent results after a course of procedures. This is weight loss, getting rid of cellulite, body correction, absence of swelling and getting rid of stretch marks on the skin, general tone of the body and removal of toxins from it.


Any massage has a beneficial effect on our body: relaxes, relieves stress, rejuvenates, cleanses and heals. In beauty salons, clinics and massage parlors you can choose a massage session absolutely of different durations and direction.

Nowadays, stone therapy is popular - hot stone massage. The stone gives positive energy to the whole body and absorbs negative energy. In addition to complete relaxation, this type of massage activates the metabolism and all body systems begin to work better.

Aroma massage is simply an extraordinary procedure when aromatic oils and unobtrusive music give you a feeling of complete relaxation. And the goal of anti-cellulite massage is to make the skin more elastic and silky. During this procedure, honey, coffee, scrubs, sea salt and other beneficial ingredients are used.


Balneotherapy is carried out using healing substances from thermal springs. This procedure is done in a salon using peat, gas, radon, mineral and other baths. Wrapping and irrigation methods are also used.

After a course of balneotherapy, blood circulation improves and aging slows down, all vital systems of the body become toned.


Complete steaming of the body occurs due to its warming up in the well-known Russian bath, Turkish hammam, Finnish sauna, etc. As a result of going to the steam room, you can feel complete relaxation and release of muscle tension, cleanse your body of toxins and even lose weight. And if during steaming you also apply a natural scrub to the skin and drop a little aroma oil into the water, the effect will be simply amazing!

As a result of going to the steam room, you can feel complete relaxation and release of muscle tension, cleanse your body of toxins and even lose weight.

Of course, these are not all the spa treatments that can be used in modern salons. An indisputable advantage is that now it is not at all necessary to go to a health resort for this. But before you sign up for your chosen procedure, do not forget to consult a specialist about the harm and benefit to your health.

These currently popular procedures received the name SPA from the Belgian town of Spa. It was here that, back in the 16th century, many residents of Western Europe came to take advantage of the services of the local hospital. The popularity of this establishment was brought by the healing cold springs of iron-containing water, which contained slight radioactivity. Other procedures were also carried out at the hospital. Fresh and mineral water was used for baths, irrigation, washing, showering and inhalation.

Facts from history

Water has been used by humans since time immemorial not only for drinking, rituals or hygienic purposes. The water was also used for treatment. Confirmation of this can be found in the ancient Indian book “Rigveda”. In this work, written in 1500 BC, there are the first mentions of water treatment. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates also used it to heal the sick.

In the Middle Ages, hydropathic baths were created in resort areas. In addition to the city of Spa in Belgium, such health centers were located in Baden-Baden (Germany) and Bath (England). At these resorts, in addition to water treatments, it was offered to visit the steam room, swim and use the services of a massage therapist. However, after epidemics of the black plague, such places in Europe began to gradually close. It was rehabilitated only at the end of the 17th century. This was a period when doctors convincingly proved the healing effect of baths in getting rid of many diseases. Since that time, water procedures have become very popular.

At the beginning of the 20th century. The first spa opened in Manhattan. The first fitness SPA center appeared in 1974. In the late 1990s, medical SPA centers were created and gained great popularity. These establishments combined spa treatments with resort luxury and the latest medical technology.

Important Notes

Hydromassage is a type of massage performed using pressurized water jets. Due to this effect, blood circulation is stimulated, as well as many processes in the tissues of the body. Hydromassage is similar to a jacuzzi, but it is stronger. In addition, hotter water is used for hydromassage.

A rain shower is a special system in which, by dispersing falling droplets of water, an unforgettable shower effect is achieved. The smallest splashes falling on a person literally envelop the skin, creating a kind of cocoon. In this case, concentrated decoctions are added to the water. medicinal herbs, as well as essential oils. This spa treatment is a source of vigor, reviews about it are simply enthusiastic. It allows you to improve the functioning of the heart muscle, as well as normalize the nervous system. A tropical shower produces a massage effect. This allows you to tone the skin, make it tightened, relax the whole body and relieve stress. An additional benefit comes from the LED lighting that accompanies this procedure. Green light promotes relaxation, blue calms, orange invigorates, and red invigorates.

Bubble baths are also popular spa treatments. In the beauty salon, special systems are used to create air bubbles that shimmer like pearls. They mix with water jets and massage the body immersed in the bath. To make the procedure more effective, algae extracts, mineral salts, aromatic oils or herbal infusions are added to the water.


What is this spa treatment? This is a therapy carried out using various essential oils. Judging by the reviews, each of us should try treatment through various scents at least once. Due to the fact that it remarkably heals the body, it is used simultaneously with massage, wraps and other procedures.

SPA salons also offer thermal aromatherapy to their clients. During this procedure, the client's body is exposed to heat and essential oils. According to numerous reviews, after thermotherapy sessions, skin elasticity increases and stress is relieved. In addition, the body accelerates metabolic and detoxification processes. Specialists working in health centers develop an individual program for each client. They select a mixture of aromatic oils that will most effectively relieve a person of the problems accumulated in his body.


This procedure came to us from the healers of the East, who since ancient times have activated human vitality by influencing the body with acupressure. Get positive result possible only after eight to ten sessions.

In various spa salons, reflexology can be performed using both the sensitive hands of a professional and special wooden sticks, lasers, needles or electrical stimulation devices.

These procedures can eliminate headaches, disorders metabolic processes and obesity. According to reviews from clients of health centers, reflexology rejuvenates the skin and improves hair structure.


This procedure refers to anti-stress therapy. Perhaps that is why all spas offer it. There are a wide variety of types and combinations of massage. Which one is worth paying attention to?

An unusually pleasant procedure is aroma massage. This is confirmed by numerous reviews from visitors to spa salons. An amazing feeling of harmony is provided by the aromas of various essential oils, which are combined with relaxing music.

Another type of ancient healing art is stone massage. It is carried out using hot stones. During this procedure, a person’s positive energy is distributed throughout the body, and negative energy leaves it. Hot stones also promote relaxation of the body, activating the immune system, enhancing metabolism, and normalizing the functioning of the autonomic and endocrine systems.

They offer spas and use bamboo sticks and honey for it. According to customer reviews, after a series of these procedures, the skin becomes silky and more elastic.

Masters of Thai and Balinese massage will be able to add a little exoticism to the measured rhythm of family everyday life. That is why spa treatments for two have become popular recently. They will create the atmosphere of a family holiday in an exotic oriental resort and provide the couple with an unforgettable experience.

For healthy hair

Beauty salons offer their clients a wide range of different products that will improve the condition of your curls. SPA treatments for hair are usually masks and head massage. However, clients turn to salons not only to improve the appearance of their hair. Wellness centers offer comprehensive programs including scalp care treatments. The visitor can only choose one of them for himself.

The need for spa treatments for hair arises in case of flaking and itching. It is also recommended to visit a wellness center if you notice split ends. The procedures will help stop hair loss, restore it and eliminate fragility.

Choose different sessions. This could be a head massage or hair mask. However, for more effective restoration of curls, complex procedures are recommended.

Without leaving home

Do you have no free time to visit wellness centers, or are you on a budget? In this case, everyone can perform home SPA treatments. They are conventionally divided into several types. These are procedures for the neck and face, for the legs, for the body, for the hair, etc.

The simplest thing is a contrast morning shower. It perfectly tones and gives a great boost of energy for the whole day. In the evening, in your home SPA salon, you can take a warm one or with herbs, to which it is advisable to add a few drops of any essential oil. This procedure will relieve fatigue and stress, and also strengthen the immune system.

Can be done at home different kinds wraps, self-massage, aromatherapy, and much more. Of course, this is unlikely to replace a visit to the spa, but it will certainly have a beneficial effect.