Methods of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners: step-by-step instructions, master class, photos, videos. Basket, box, vase, box made of newspaper tubes: technique, weaving patterns, folding and patterns for beginners

How to learn to weave from newspaper tubes? Patterns, techniques and master classes for weaving from newspaper tubes. The most beautiful crafts from newspaper tubes.

The talent and skills of some people are sometimes simply amazing. It would seem that what can be made from an ordinary newspaper? Well, a cap, well, an airplane, well, what else? But no, there are masters of their craft who manage to create not just a work of art, but a whole masterpiece from old newspapers.

Ideas for boxes, crafts, vases, baskets, boxes made from newspaper tubes: photos of the most beautiful products

Just look at these wonderful crafts made from ordinary newspaper tubes. Their beauty is simply breathtaking!

Unusual vases made from newspaper tubes

How to make, twist newspaper tubes from newspapers and paint?

We twist tubes from newspapers

For those needlewomen who are taking on the process of twisting newspaper tubes for the first time, this task may seem very difficult and almost impossible. But over time, having trained your hand, you can achieve quite good results, when the newspapers seem to roll up into tubes themselves.

So, here is a list of materials needed for rolling newspaper tubes:

  • Newspapers
  • PVA glue or stationery glue stick
  • Knife, stationery knife or scissors (whichever is more convenient)
  • Thin knitting needle 0.5-1 mm or skewer

Algorithm for rolling newspapers into tubes:

  • Take a newspaper or a stack of newspapers.
  • We fold all the pages so that they lie clearly under each other.
  • Fold the newspaper in half.
  • Again, make sure that the edges of the newspaper do not extend beyond each other.
  • Cut the folded newspaper in half.
  • We fold the resulting halves of the newspaper in half again.
  • Cut the newspaper halves along the new fold.
  • We sort the resulting newspaper quarters into two piles.
  • We put strips of newspaper with white edges in one pile - the tubes twisted from them will be clean white.
  • In another pile we put the strips with letters - the tubes twisted from them will be with a seal.
  • We take one of the newspaper strips.
  • We place the knitting needle in its lower right corner.
  • The knitting needle is placed at an angle of 25-30 degrees.
  • Holding the tip of the newspaper, we begin to twist the knitting needle, winding the paper around it.
  • We try to roll the newspaper as tightly as possible.
  • Having twisted almost the entire tube, coat its edge with glue and glue it to the tube.
  • We take out the knitting needle.
  • Allow the finished tube to dry for 15-20 minutes.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the final version of the finished tube will have two ends of different thicknesses - on one side the tube will be thicker and on the other thinner. This structure of the tubes is necessary in order to “build up” them. “Extension” is a procedure based on the creation of long tubes. It consists in the fact that the thinner end of another tube is “screwed” into the thicker end of one tube and “glued” into place. This way you get one long newspaper tube.

Instructions for rolling tubes from newspapers: Video

You can paint the newspaper tubes after the fact - when the product is completely ready. However, this option is only suitable for cases when the craft is done in one color. If the product is designed in different colors, then it is advisable to paint the tubes in advance.
You can paint newspaper tubes with any coloring substances:

  1. watercolor
  2. gouache
  3. acrylic paints
  4. aerosol cans
  5. stain (the letters will show through)
  6. food colorings
  7. eyebrow and hair dye
  8. brilliant green
  9. Basma
  10. wood paint
  11. colorless paint with added color (this way you can do it on
  12. several colors based on one paint different shades paints)

How to paint newspaper tubes: Video

  • It is immediately worth highlighting two types of dyes, which are the most popular among masters of weaving from newspaper tubes - these are acrylic paints and stain on water based. Both of these water-based dyes produce a thorough, dense coloring of paper. At the same time, during weaving, no paint remains on the hands and surface, which is important in this process.
  • In order to make the product more durable and water-resistant, it is advisable to varnish it at the tube stage. The ideal option is when the varnish is applied in 2 layers.
  • By the way, in the case of varnish, you can save on paint - color can be added directly to the varnish.
  • Painted tubes must be dried thoroughly in the oven, in the sun or in front of the stove.

How and where to start weaving from newspaper tubes?

  • Often the design of newspaper crafts consists of a bottom, guides and woven tubes.
  • Several tubes of the required length are used in the form of guides - the length directly depends on the height of the craft.
  • There can be several tubes for weaving - for beginners it is better to start with one tube.
  • It is advisable to make the bottom of the craft wicker - this way the product will look more attractive. With this type of weaving, the core of the bottom is first made, the ends of which will later become the racks of the craft, and then tubes are braided around it, creating a round (or other shaped) bottom.
  • But you can also make a solid bottom - it is created from two circles cut out of thick cardboard. The vertical posts of the craft are glued to the bottom circle (they need to be slightly flattened at the attachment point), and they are fixed on top with another circle using glue.
  • As the base of the craft, you can use a jar, vase, glass or other container of suitable size. The base is installed on the bottom, and the racks are fixed in its upper part with clothespins to ensure the evenness of the product.
  • When the bottom, base and guides are in place, you can begin to braid them with paper vine.

Methods of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners: step-by-step instructions, master class

For beginning needlewomen, the simplest method of weaving from newspaper wicker is suitable - single with a solid bottom:

  • We take the finished frame of the future craft.
  • We flatten one of the tubes, which will act as a vine, a little at the end.
  • Glue the flattened end of the vine to the bottom of the craft.
  • We lead the vine behind the nearest guide (with this type of weaving there should be an odd number of them) from the outside.
  • We bring the vine inside the craft.
  • We braid the next guide from the inside.
  • We bring the vine outside the craft and wrap it around the next guide from the outside.
  • Thus we continue in a circle along the entire height of the craft.
  • As we work, the vine will run out, so we build it up as we go.
  • We make sure that the vine lies tightly and the racks stand straight.
  • Having filled your hand a little, you can try to weave several vines at once (2-3).

Types of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners - simple, double, rod, complex, braid, lazy, isid, volumetric bending: weaving pattern for beginners, photo

Weaving pattern using the three-rod rod technique

Pattern of weaving from newspaper tubes using the "izida" technique

Weaving pattern from newspaper tubes “double fold”

Complex bending - diagram

Lazy braid braiding pattern

The bottom of newspaper tubes is square, rectangular, round, oval: how to weave for beginners?

How to weave a simple round bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a square bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave an oval bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a rectangular bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave handles for a basket from newspaper tubes: patterns for beginners

Twisted handle for a basket made of newspaper tubes: Video

Handle for a basket made of newspaper tubes: Video

How to finish weaving from newspaper tubes?

The simplest folds from newspaper tubes: Video

Basket made of newspaper tubes: technique, weaving patterns

Scheme of weaving a box from newspaper tubes

Weaving patterns from newspaper tubes for beginners

To summarize, it’s worth saying that you shouldn’t be afraid to start something new. Even the most famous needlewomen were once beginners. They also didn’t succeed at everything right away, they also got upset and intended to give up their hobby. But nevertheless, over time, everything fell into place - the tubes began to roll up faster, the patterns became more complex and ornate, and the crafts became simply mesmerizing. So, dear readers, go ahead, study, get better, and mastery will definitely overtake you!

How to weave a box from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a lid for a box from newspaper tubes: Video

tray made of newspaper tubes

For work we will need:

newspaper tubes;


Double-sided tape;

While roaming the expanses of the country of masters, I came across a very helpful advice: When constructing the base for the woven bottom, you can use double-sided tape. This greatly simplifies getting started, namely securing the main tubes

I just cut a small piece of tape and stick it on the tubes. Then I glue the second pair of stands onto this piece of tape. And so on each row until the required number of base posts.


The adhesive tape is invisible, the tubes stick and won’t go anywhere from their designated place. I really liked this technique, and I began to use double-sided tape in other situations.

There are several options for how to start weaving a round bottom, but this is how I start: I choose a pair of posts from which to start weaving. I glue two working tubes to them with double-sided tape. Next, I braid an ordinary braid (rope) in a circle. (The black in the photo is a camera lanyard, don’t pay attention)

Starting weaving in this way, the transition to the next row will be invisible. I definitely need to mark the post from which I start weaving (usually I put on a rubber band), this way I can control the number of rows.

Another little trick. I periodically moisten the working tubes with water. It is much easier to weave with a damp “vine”, the rows are smooth, and the weaving itself is neat and dense.

It is important to wet only the middle of the tubes. If you wet the edges of the rhinestone, you may encounter a problem when adding extensions (the new tube does not fit well into the previous one).

And during the weaving process, I lightly moisten the extension area with a spray bottle, placing a cloth so that the main posts do not get wet.

Next I change the color of the tubes. On a white background I plan to make decoupage from napkins with the selected pattern.

After I wove about 10-12 rows, the distance between the posts became approximately 2 cm. To prevent the weaving from being loose, you need to reduce the distance between the posts. Using a knitting needle, I prepare a place for an additional stand and insert a tube there without any problems. There is no need to strengthen it with glue, since if the weaving is sufficiently dense, the racks will hold securely.

I continue to weave with white tubes, spreading the stands and evenly distributing the distance between them.

This is what it looks like during the weaving process.

After the width of the white stripe has become the same as the fragment of the pattern on the decoupage napkin, I again change the color of the tubes to the main one. When the bottom diameter is the same as I planned, I lift the racks up.

I like to decorate the walls of the tray with a rope of three tubes. I start, as usual, by placing or gluing a tube behind the counter.

This is what it looks like up close. Depending on the diameter of the tray itself, I determine by eye the height of the side, and accordingly the number of rows. This particular tray is 35 cm in diameter, and the height of the wall is approximately 3-4 cm, i.e. 4 rows of rope from 3 tubes.

I finish it simply, without unnecessary bends, cutting the posts tightly to the weave.

Here the tray is ready.


Newspaper tubes are an affordable and functional material for creativity, which is easy and pleasant to work with. Today we will tell you about another accessory that can be made from them. From this article you will learn how to weave from newspaper tubes round tray for the home with your own hands. This is a simple master class that even beginners can handle.

Previously, we told you what can be made from newspaper tubes. We were talking about baskets and even houses for cats. Today we will go a little beyond the usual boundaries and talk about creating an accessory, when you look at it you wouldn’t think that the basis for its manufacture was an ordinary newspaper.

What do we need?

  • newspaper
  • paints
  • craft varnish (non-toxic)

If you don't know how to make newspaper tubes, take a look at where we talk about this technique in detail. Prepare long straws - the number depends on how large you need the tray.

How to weave a tray?

Take the first 20 tubes and fold them crosswise into 10 pieces. Next, take the next tube and fold it in half. Grab the tubes that are on top.

Intertwine the ends, and then bring the bottom one up and the top one down. Loop the bottom layer of ten newspaper tubes around both sides and weave the ends again.

Repeat the procedure with the next side face. We do this until our newspaper tube runs out.

When the newspaper tube runs out, we weave a new one. Well, the central tubes need to gradually continue to split.

When you have woven the desired size of the tray, you need to start lifting the protruding tubes (central) to the top. To do this, we need to intertwine them with each other - neighboring with neighboring.

Then we braid them as usual using three or four additional newspaper tubes. Next, we will finish the product with a braid. To do this, we need to intertwine the tubes sticking up in the same pattern - adjacent to adjacent (two pieces each). The remaining ends need to be hidden down.

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Newspaper tubes, painted in Brown color, are practically indistinguishable in appearance from wooden products. The technique of weaving from newspapers allows you to reuse unnecessary materials and also helps to preserve nature. The edges of such a thing make various shapes, they are bent in different ways and formed into unusual patterns, using the expertise of specialists in weaving wicker baskets.

Features of working with newspaper tubes

The main difference between the technology of weaving trays from newspaper tubes and twigs is that working with wood materials requires a special attitude and certain knowledge. You need to be able to properly prepare, process and store them. To bleach the vine and give it shape, you will need a lot of free space and sunlight - such conditions are difficult to provide in an ordinary apartment. Newspaper crafts look like wood, but they are much easier to make. There is no need to prepare the material for a long time - just cut the paper into strips of the required length and width, twist them and paint them in the color you like.

Products from newspapers

Products come in different shapes and sizes and are created for a variety of purposes. You can place Easter cake and eggs on a wide Easter tray made of newspaper tubes or present it as a gift to loved ones. A deep tray with handles is used to bring coffee to a loved one and wickerwork adds an ethnic touch to the interior and fills the space with coziness. In addition, this is a simple and economical way to make various beautiful containers for storing small items, decorating them to your taste.

Weaving options for beginners

For beginners who have recently learned about this technique, simple products are better suited. Options for weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners, described step by step in simple language, most often relate to making vases or decorating bottles, because it is easier to shape the product. The hardest part is making the bottom of the craft. There are several ways to make it, but for beginners it will be easier to start by creating a basket, where you can use a regular cardboard box as a frame. Weaving them from newspaper tubes for beginners is described step by step in various master classes. Having mastered the main ones, you can start creating a tray. Try making a deep tray with handles with your own hands, in which you can place a cup of strong coffee with something sweet and bring it to your significant other in the morning, giving her a charge of vigor and good mood.

Tray made from newspaper tubes: master class

To work you need to prepare:

  • 2 sheets of thick cardboard,
  • clear acrylic varnish,
  • white water-based paint,
  • gouache,
  • water,
  • pencil,
  • brush,
  • PVA glue,
  • ruler,
  • scissors,
  • regular A4 sheet,
  • sharp stationery knife,
  • knitting needle 35 cm long,
  • a thick book or other object that can be used as a press,
  • newspapers.

To make a tray, start with a cardboard base: mark and cut out two rectangles measuring 15x20 cm. Place one of the shapes in the center of the A4 sheet and circle it to understand where to apply the glue. Then, using a brush, apply a thin layer of glue inside the rectangular base and place the cardboard on top. Cut off the corners of the sheet using a ruler and a utility knife. Apply glue to the edges of the paper and fold it, pressing it tightly against the cardboard. Make another one of the same detail. Place both blanks for the bottom under the press until the glue dries.

Making straws

At the next stage of the master class “Tray of newspaper tubes”, you need to mark the bottoms with a pencil and a ruler, putting marks on all sides at a distance of 2.5 cm. Now you need to make tubes from newspapers: the frame will be made from them. For work you will need newspapers, a stationery knife and a knitting needle.

  1. Cut a sheet of newspaper folded in half into 4 equal parts along the short side, and then divide the fold line. You should get strips approximately 5.5 cm wide. You will need 80-100 of these strips. You can also use office paper to create a frame.
  2. Take one of the strips and apply a thin layer of glue to the long side. Wind the strip tightly onto the knitting needle, starting at the corner opposite to where the glue was applied.
  3. Press the corner so that the tube does not unwind, remove the knitting needle and wait until the glue dries completely. Make 30 pcs.
  4. Squeeze the sharp end of the tube and coat one side with glue.

Now glue the tubes along the marks to the bottom of the tray, pressing them well. Then, having filled the entire perimeter, apply glue to the bottom, carefully coating the places where the tubes are attached. Attach another cardboard piece on top and place the piece under the press for at least six hours.

Assembling the tray

The next step in the master class “Tray from newspaper tubes” will be assembling the product. While the workpiece is drying, make about 50 more tubes.

  1. Glue two newspaper tubes together lengthwise. Bend this piece to make two equal parts and start braiding the posts from the corner.
  2. Extend the tubes as needed and continue to weave around the tray, moving in a circle.
  3. At the end of the third row, fix, glue and cut off the ends of the braiding tube.
  4. Cover the next one in the row with a stand and bend it up. Continue in a circle until you reach the last tube.
  5. Insert the last post of the row into the loop from below formed by the first post and bring it up.
  6. Start braiding the posts with a double tube from one of the corners. At the end of the fourth row, fix, glue and cut off the end of the braiding tube.
  7. Bend the post to the right, up to the next post, and then lower it down. Cut the end, stepping back two centimeters from the fold, coat it with glue and tuck it into the weaving on top.
  8. Continue in a circle.

Tray handles

Handles for a tray can be made like this: insert two glue-coated tubes in the corners on the narrow side and bend two tubes towards each other, making a loop. Leave 5 cm from the fold and cut off the ends. Coat the edges with glue and insert into the base of the tray. Start wrapping the newspaper tube tightly around the handle. On the horizontal part, braid each two tubes separately with a figure eight, then secure the ends with glue. Repeat all steps on the opposite side of the product.

Product design

All that remains is to prime and paint the tray in the color you like. For the primer, mix equal parts water, glue and white water-based paint, and then apply this composition with a brush over the entire surface of the product. Then add gouache to the primer and paint all surfaces except the bottom. When the paint is dry, coat your creation with two layers. acrylic varnish so that it can be washed. The master class “Tray of newspaper tubes” is finished. Use the product, delighting yourself and your loved ones with a beautiful and practical thing made by yourself.

Wickerwork made from wicker adds a cozy natural touch to any interior and is slightly reminiscent of hippie style. But vine is a complex material that requires special long-term harvesting. But there is a decent stack of old newspapers in every home. A tray made from newspaper tubes in the shape of a Yin-Yang sign looks almost the same as a wicker tray, but it’s easy and simple to make!

Making straws

To prepare material for weaving a tray from newspaper tubes, choose a printed publication with high-quality thin and smooth paper (usually newspapers with economic and business news are published on this paper). We have already talked about how to twist tubes: divide a sheet of newspaper into 4 strips and twist it diagonally onto a knitting needle. secure the tip with glue. For this tray you will need about 50 straws.

If you are starting to weave tubes for the first time, we recommend that you first choose more simple model and with its help master it from newspaper tubes. If you have a couple of completed jobs on your account, the tray - a good choice for a new stage.

We weave the bottom of the tray

To start weaving a tray from newspaper tubes, cross 4 bundles of 5 tubes each in a checkerboard pattern. Level the intersection thoroughly with a heavy object or rolling pin. To prevent the tubes from moving, glue them together with PVA glue.

The main technique used to weave this tray is called “rope”. Fold the first working tube in half and braid it around the base tubes, three at a time. From the 2nd to the 5th row, braid every 2 tubes. Next, continue braiding each base tube until you reach the desired diameter of the tray.

When the working tube comes to an end, it needs to be extended. To do this, flatten the end of the working tube and put a new one on it. The joint can be strengthened with glue, but you will have to stop working until it dries.

We weave the sides of the tray

To start weaving the sides, you need to connect the base tubes clockwise one after another, as in the photo. This way they will become vertical. Next, continue weaving the “rope” pattern with the working tubes to the desired wall height.

With the last row, bend the tubes one after another and tuck them inside the weave parallel to the base.

We weave the inner side

Mark a line on the tray for the future inner edge. For the base, bend the tubes in half and insert them through the bottom along the marking line at a distance of 2-3 cm from one another. Using a working tube, weave a “rope” pattern at the junction with the side of the tray, thread the tubes through. The last row close it the same way.

The final stage: painting and strengthening

If you did not paint them with wood stain before weaving a tray from newspaper tubes, you can do this after completing the work. Then the tray must be completely covered with PVA glue and allowed to dry. The wet tray will be very soft, but once dry this treatment will give it the necessary rigidity. Coat the finished tray of newspaper tubes with varnish in 2 or 3 layers.