Vintage women's things. Everything for the ball

Recently, balls have come back into fashion. These are special evenings associated with the fairy tale about Cinderella, where exquisite outfits and accessories reign, hair is styled in high hairstyles, satin gloves fit women's hands, and elegant handbags hide powder and. But since such events in real life are not held every day, then upon receiving an invitation a completely reasonable question may arise: how to dress for a ball so that the created image perfectly matches the festive atmosphere?

First of all, you should ask in advance what type of dress code is expected for the participants of the event. This is a very important question, since your choice of dress, accessories and other components of a ball gown directly depends on the answer to it. And now about the details.

Opera ball - a world of luxury and sophistication

A constant companion of such an evening is the strictest of all formal dress codes, the so-called white tie. According to his requirements, the lady must wear a floor-length dress made of expensive and high-quality fabric. It can be satin, multi-layer crepe de Chine or natural silk.

For ease of movement during the dance, the skirt should be wide enough. The style of the dress is allowed low-necked, with bare shoulders or with a high waist under the chest, like Natasha Rostova. The neckline depends on the age and status of the lady: for unmarried and young ladies it has a modest depth, while married women can more boldly show off their charms. But the main thing is not to overdo it.

Dresses are chosen to be plain. Light shades of white, milky, and vanilla are preferred. The color of the decor matches the tone of the main outfit. Prints and designs are completely excluded; you should limit yourself to decorations.

It is important to remember that the outfit should give the impression of sophistication and luxury, but at the same time be quite restrained, without excesses. Trying to outshine your rivals is inappropriate here.

Costume ball – a journey into the past with a taste of elegance

For such an event, you should choose an outfit that matches the stated theme of the evening, as well as the image you have in mind of a historical figure or a titled and noble person. Under no circumstances should you settle for formal wear.

Dress styles can be chosen from those that were fashionable in a certain historical era. Most often, they prefer the 19th century, which corresponds to: translucent puffed sleeves, light drapery, dress length to the middle of the ankle. You can also choose long evening or ball gowns with full skirts.

The colors of ladies' attire are allowed to be saturated, in shades of noble burgundy, dark blue, emerald, sky blue. Drawings and ornaments are possible.

How to dress for a masquerade ball?

Such an event is a type of costume ball, but it also has some differences from it. Thus, the outfits strictly correspond to the theme announced by the organizers: vampires, fairy-tale heroes or New Year. The costume is distinguished by the presence of notes of comedy and eccentricity, brighter colors and a variety of styles, the presence of patterns and ornaments. And a mandatory component is a mask.

Of particular note is the Venetian-style masquerade ball. This is a spectacular show where the main characters are not people at all, but comedy characters. It is for them that luxurious costumes are selected: Harlequin, Pantalone, Columbine... Choose anyone! Masks for such a ball are chic and incredibly original. Each of them is individual. The main and striking difference between the costumes for the Venetian masquerade is the abundance of fluffy skirts, lace, multi-colored feathers, flowers made of luxurious brocade, and the presence of decor made of gold braid, precious stones and ceramics.

Clothing for masquerade celebrations is selected to match the specific image of the hero, and its color must be fully consistent with the character and appearance of this character. It is important that the entire outfit creates the impression of a single whole, and not a single detail stands out in either style or shade.

Reception ball: characteristic differences

For such an event, you should choose more formal evening dresses, but appropriate ones. Excesses and excessive boldness in outfits are inappropriate here. Long dresses, as well as up to the middle of the knee, with asymmetry, a high waist and a cutout at the back are trendy; slits on the skirt and neckline are possible, but within the bounds of decency.

The color of the outfit should not be too bright and colorful, because this is a social celebration. Plain dresses or a combination of two colors are preferred. Classic combinations of white or red with or gray are suitable.

Hairstyles and accessories

Since the ball is a ceremonial event, high or fashionable evening hairstyles are preferred. Letting your hair down is not recommended. The only exceptions are the official reception and some of the characters at the costume ball.

Since the outfit in most cases obeys strict rules and does not tolerate pretentiousness, the finishing touches and bright accents will help to place well-chosen accessories. In this case, it is worth wearing jewelry made of precious metals or jewelry imitating them. According to the long-established rule of social celebrations, carefully selected earrings, a necklace, a bracelet and a ring are preferred, which are perfectly combined with each other, but are not a single set. Note that for a costume ball and masquerade, accessories that are associated with the selected historical era or complete the chosen image are relevant.

The color of the shoes should be in harmony with one of the shades present in the clothing. The same applies to a handbag and. The exception is a masquerade, where all accessories match the character.

If the ball is held in the cool season, then you should take care of a stylish blouse made of fine wool or an elegant bolero with sleeves. But the most optimal solution to complement any of the outfits would be a color-matched fur coat or cape.

Bal When the first stage - the squeals of delight - subsides, the next stage sets in - panic: “What should I wear?!” You're moving in in the right direction, dear: an impeccable ball gown is a woman's armor, literally a couture Kevlar vest. When you are confident that you are dressed impeccably, you feel bulletproof from all life's adversities.

Ballroom fashion 1940-60s; “Don’t say yes and no, don’t wear black and white” - this legendary children’s rhyme answers the main questions about the ballroom dress code. White is the color of young debutantes, and if you are not one of them, it is better to choose an outfit of a different color. Black, despite all fashion trends, is a mourning color for a women's ball gown. You still have a choice from the rest of the rainbow spectrum, but for now I’ll tell you about the canonical style of the ball dress.

Jean Harlow Cross pants and even the smartest pantsuits off your list right away. To the ball you can wear only a floor-length dress or a set of something elegant on top and a floor-length skirt.

For such occasions, it’s worth getting an evening version of the classic women's suit - fitted jacket combined with a long straight skirt. It may look a little boring, but if you don’t plan to dance the mazurka all evening, and your figure is far from model standards, then such an outfit will make your look appropriate.

Princess Grace of Monaco The main thing in such a costume is to choose the right material. I recommend dense, well-kept comb and brocade in rich noble shades - burgundy, emerald green, golden bronze, sapphire blue. The best decor for such an outfit is first-class fur, for example, sable cuffs and collar. A mink stole will also work.

Jacqueline Kennedy and designer Oleg Cassini If your build and age allow you to choose something lighter and airier, be careful with full skirts and ruffled necklines, choose a dress of the simplest style and a minimum of cutouts in the front. Bare shoulders or back - this is the choice of adults and confident women! Also, remember: at any formal event, the more conservatively you dress, the better you look. This is a commandment that has been tested for centuries.

King Farukh of Egypt and Queen Farida with their family at the palace ball. Well, as for the foolish girls who received an invitation to the ball, they have every right to go all out and realize their childhood fantasies about the Beautiful Princess - numerous petticoats, corsets, frills and white gloves to the elbow.

Sophia Loren; Norma Shearer dressed as Marie Antoinette But that's all pleasant words, and now I come to the harsh reality. The ability to wear a ball gown is an art. To walk, dance, sit beautifully, not to mention walk down the stairs in long skirt, without lifting it up to the ears - you need experience. If you think that I am too pessimistic about life, then take a walk to any registry office on Saturday, and you will burst out laughing!.. In other words, when dressing up for the ball, soberly assess your capabilities. To begin with, at least shorten your skirt - to the ankles - this will allow you not to step on the hem every second, and in the saddest prospect - to trip over it and collapse in front of the amazed ballroom audience.

Princess Grace of Monaco at the masquerade ball But even the dress is a minor matter. Of course, it’s good if you have a couture or vintage ball gown hanging in your closet, but, as a last resort, visiting a large shopping mall, a long evening dress can be bought quite quickly. But what exactly causes a lot of trouble and at the same time creates a full-fledged ballroom look is accessories. Shoes, handbag, fur stole or boa and, of course, jewelry.

I think you will somehow figure out for yourself that it is not appropriate to come to the ball with an office bag, and fashionable shoes with ten-centimeter stiletto heels will not allow you to dance until the morning. I'll tell you a little about jewelry, which form an important part of the ballroom dress code.

Mona Williams, Ben Ali Haggin and Cecil Beaton at the ball; Heiress Doris Duke with Gold-Diamonds escort even more clearly than expensive clothing, they will tell everything about you. A couple of small elegant decorations that only hint at their presence have never harmed anyone. If your appearance and means allow you to wear gems, then don’t waste your time on trifles: buy the most worthy ones - without defects, with a first-class cut and in an elegant frame.

What should you do if you received an invitation not to a classical ball, but to a masquerade ball? Correct answer: “Find out the dress code and who is invited.”

Masquerade at the New York Cotton Club A masquerade can be themed - this is when guests must dress up in the same style, for example, as the heroes of a film or characters from a certain historical period. A classic masquerade - when each guest chooses a historical, cinematic or mythical outfit according to his own taste. In any case, there is only one way for you - to the theater costume store.

Princess Grace of Monaco at a masquerade ball But before you figure out how much the image of Marie Antoinette will cost you, get a list of guests to this masquerade ball. If most guests are widely known for not bothering with choosing a costume, at best they just put on masks, then you shouldn’t fuss, so as not to look like a dressed-up black sheep in their company. A bright evening dress and a shiny half mask are more than enough.

Sophia Loren; Norma Shearer dressed as Marie Antoinette

And in conclusion: the eternal feminine headache, associated with the choice of attire for the ball, in our time has only intensified with concern for the appearance of the companion. Today, gentlemen and those who pretend to be them can dress in the most fantastic attire, without even warning their companion about such a “surprise.” Therefore, directly ask the man who intends to accompany you to the ball (and especially to the masquerade ball) what exactly he is going to wear (and in detail!). This doesn't mean you have to dress the same. The main thing is not to be like people you accidentally bumped into on the street a couple of minutes ago.

December 3, 2015

What exactly do you associate with a masquerade ball? With something mysterious and romantic or mysterious and ancient?

Unsolved mysteries of masks and silhouettes in the twilight, stunning images and songs that penetrate straight to the heart - all this is a masquerade ball for adults! Only here can every guest feel like an aristocrat of the Middle Ages, feel the full depth of colorful colors and costumes in the MardiGras style, an exquisite carnival in Venice, a noble ball in the palace of Louis XIV or a Victorian operetta.

All these ideas can be brought to life at a birthday party, corporate event, High school prom, New Year, Halloween, wedding or just a meeting of good old friends. A masquerade ball is a holiday where old traditions and modernity harmoniously combine.

The essence of a masquerade ball

Masquerades originate from ancient Greece, where noisy holidays were held with dressing up and processions in masks accompanied by music, singing and fiery dancing in honor of the god Dionysus. IN medieval Europe Masquerades became very popular in aristocratic circles starting in the 14th century. By changing into a different costume or putting on a mask, a person went beyond the norm and was transported into a world of prohibitions, harmony, and otherworldly power. Feeling like someone else, at least for one evening, people took a break from the daily hustle and bustle and were distracted from the harsh reality of the world. Soon the mask began to symbolize equality between different segments of the population; it did not divide people by their religion or status.

The masquerade was an ideal event for weaving intrigues, gossip, unbridled fun, and, of course, forbidden love. Everyone who was wearing a mask could pretend to be a different person for the evening, show a different side of themselves, which had a positive effect on the fight against their own complexes. The true “I” of each person was lost at the ball, in the twilight of the masquerade a new personality was born, with its own mystical story...

What kind of story you write depends on how the party is organized correctly.

Defining the topic

A masquerade ball can have different themes, and depends on the preferences and imagination of the organizers, as well as the general vision of the holiday. Let's consider the most striking topics for the event:

  • MardiGras is a holiday for lovers of rich colors, unusual images and unbridled fun.
  • The Phantom of the Opera is a Victorian party set to classical music.
  • An aristocratic party in the spirit of 18th-century France - a celebration of luxury, pompous outfits, expensive jewelry and gourmet food.
  • Old Hollywood is an event dedicated to glamor and high life, all guests of the event coquettishly hide their faces behind exquisite masks.
  • Movie-cartoon masquerade is a celebration of the heroes of your favorite cartoons and movies, suitable for both children's and adult parties.

Important factors when determining the theme of the party are the allocated budget and the location of the holiday. Some masquerade balls are relatively budget-friendly, such as the Old Hollywood themed party, while MardiGras requires you to shell out quite a bit for the ballroom and costumes.

Invitations to a masquerade ball

After determining the theme of the masquerade, you need to organize invitations for guests. The main symbol of such celebrations is a mask, so it is not surprising that invitations are most often made in its style. The front side can be decorated like a Venetian boudoir, that is, covered with elegant fabric, painted with gold paints and sparkles.

You can do more simple options, for example, cut out a mask from cardboard, paint it with glitter glue, paints, markers or confetti.

The text of the invitation may be different, but it is important to indicate the date, location of the event, theme, and dress code. Each guest can come up with a name for themselves in accordance with the theme of the holiday. For example, if the party is in the style of the French aristocracy of the 18th century, then the guests can become Josephines, Constances, Jacques, Louis, etc. This will be interesting and at the same time piquant.

Masquerade outfits

Attire is very important for theme party, and it’s bad if some guests ignore the line warning about the theme of the evening. To avoid embarrassment, you need to introduce several rules:

  • Invitations are given to guests of the event at least 2 weeks before the masquerade.
  • The dress code is required to be discussed with each guest.
  • You need to have a few extra masks for those who still do not properly prepare for the holiday.

A costume for a masquerade ball should be thought out to the smallest detail and extremely luxurious, with notes of sexuality and humor. He must show all the mystery of the image.

There are many places in cities where costumes, wigs and necessary accessories are rented; you just need to provide the phone number to the guests. The suit can also be made to order or by hand if you have the skills of a seamstress.

For the holiday, girls can dress up as a queen, lady, movie diva of the 20s, or Princess Elsa from the cartoon “Frozen.” For men, suits in the style of a count, baron, Zorro, or even the image of Marlon Brando are perfect - a black tailcoat with a bow tie will always be in place.

Party masks

It is worth mentioning separately masquerade mask, as a symbol of this holiday. Even an ordinary tailcoat or small black dress together with an elegant mask will look harmonious at the ball. The ideal plaster mask can be easily prepared at home. You will need some equipment and the skills of a decorative artist. For preparation you need:

  • 20 strips of medical plaster based on gauze, measuring 2.5 cm by 4 cm.
  • Cream.

The face is smeared with cream, and plaster strips soaked in water are applied to it. After drying on the face, the impression is taken and given the desired shape using sharp knife. Then everything depends solely on will and imagination. The mask can be painted, decorated in different styles, decorate different materials, stones, threads, sequins, etc.

It is much easier to make a fabric goggle mask at home. Pearls, guipure, sequins are a small part of what can bring notes of mystery and perfection to the look of a woman in a mask.

The most affordable accessory for a party will be a blindfold mask. Its presence will make a woman’s look full of charisma, expression and mystery.

Room decoration

The atmosphere at a holiday of this type simply must be mysterious and unusual for all guests, otherwise the whole meaning will be lost.

If you are planning a large party, you can order the services of special agencies for decoration banquet halls. If the masquerade will take place in an apartment or private house, then the organizers themselves should take care of decorating the rooms.

The main decorative elements for a festive room will be beads, feathers, candles, and mirrors. Well, masks, they should be everywhere. On the walls you can hang thematic posters depicting Venice, French balls of the 18th century, paintings by famous artists of that time, tapestries and candelabra.

Interesting and practical idea will decorate the room in one color scheme. This will significantly reduce the problems of choosing matching colors and save money.

The walls of the room can be draped with burgundy, green and blue fabrics. Garlands will perfectly complement the decor of the room; these can be pendants made of flowers and butterflies.

If the party is planned in a fun and modern movie-cartoon style, then you can decorate the walls with posters of your favorite cartoon and movie characters, install several funny tantamares (decorations with holes for faces for photography), and scatter confetti and streamers around the rooms. Gold, silver, yellow, red, blue air balloons and electric garlands are also used as decorations for masquerade balls.

Musical arrangement

If the party is organized in the style of a masquerade ball from the Middle Ages, then the best music will be classics: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and other masterpieces. Eternal music, like no other, will fill the evening with a pleasant atmosphere, encourage the guests' imagination, and invite them to talk about important topics or just have a good time with friends.

If the party is organized in a movie-cartoon style, then the musical accompaniment can be modern hits, songs that remind friends of a fun time in their youth, or any other fun music.

Entertainment at the ball

Undoubtedly, the main type of entertainment at the ball is dancing: classical, Latin or modern.

At the masquerade ball of the times of Louis XIV, dance cards were in circulation; each lady was awarded a certain gentleman with whom she was obliged to dance the entire evening. A similar practice can be offered to single guests at your masquerade. The ladies themselves will draw a card with the gentleman's name, and maybe by the end of the evening several more strong couples will be organized among your friends.

At such a themed holiday, you can conduct the following entertainment.


The guests are divided into two groups. One is interesting and funny scenario, and the other person embodies it on an improvised stage under the clear guidance of the “director” from the first group. The team's script could be a parody of everyone's favorite movie, theatrical performance, or fairy tale.

"Competition for the best image"

A traditional competition at almost all events. It is important that participants carefully prepare for it and think through their image to the smallest detail. The participant who receives the most applause for their costume wins.

"Queen of the Masquerade Ball"

Girls are simply in awe of various beauty contests. The most beautiful, mysterious, sophisticated, sexy and at the same time interesting lady becomes the queen of the masquerade ball. The winner will wear the crown all evening and be surrounded by all sorts of honors.


Holding an auction is an aristocratic occupation. An unusual mask can be used as lots self made, a bottle of rare wine, a shoe from the queen of the evening, etc. Important feature This game is based on the sense of humor of the presenter, who is able to conduct the auction in a positive and cheerful atmosphere.

At the very beginning, a minimum bid per lot is set; it can be a coin of a designated denomination or a small bill.

"Themed photo shoot"

Who wouldn’t want to get a photo as a souvenir, and in such a chic look? Therefore, an interesting and positive photo session of holiday guests will give everyone present a great mood.

"Dress-Up Competition"

In the company of your best friends, you can be a little frivolous and, for example, dress up in a costume of the opposite sex. Ladies will become gentlemen and vice versa. After a fun dressing up and applying make-up on the newly minted “young ladies”, you can hold a competition where participants will compete for the title “Mrs Gentleman” and “Mr Lady”.

"Roomy petticoat"

Such a competition is only suitable for a party in the style of Europe of the 18th century, since it requires ladies in dresses with full skirts. The essence of the competition: two girls in dresses and a team of guys choose, the more gentlemen each can fit under their skirt, the team wins. hide under fluffy dress You need it completely, no peeking arms or legs. Fun is guaranteed for all guests of the holiday.

Another version of this competition: one of the girls has a gentleman hiding under her skirt. Guests must guess which of them is hiding the lucky one.

Gifts and prizes

Beautiful masks, hair accessories, pendants with keys, butterflies under an elegant tailcoat, or comic prizes can be used as gifts and prizes at a masquerade ball. For example, a bandage on a leg, a mustache on a stick, a mask with a nose or a funny shape.

Treats and table setting

The idea of ​​a classic masquerade ball does not provide for a standard feast. Guests of the party are treated to a buffet. Ideally, hire waiters, but if this is not possible, then you can simply organize the delivery of snacks and drinks yourself.

The evening's treats may include beef medallions, mussel or shrimp salad, rosemary chicken, French bread, sesame buns, etc. Cognac, red or white dry wines, and champagne are perfect drinks.

Dessert can consist of “mask” cookies, strawberries, grapes, cakes decorated with lace chocolate patterns, and, of course, a cake decorated according to the theme of the holiday.
The masquerade ball is a fun and original event, the relevance of which has not been lost for centuries. Each guest of the evening can feel like an aristocrat of the 19th century, an actor from the era of the 20s, or partners Bonnie and Clyde, by trying on the appropriate image. The main thing is that it is fun, interesting and unusual.

A masquerade is a place where time periods intersect, the past becomes the present so that a beautiful and bright future can take place.

First, let's understand the terms:

Ball- a meeting of a large society of people of both sexes for dancing. Balls differ from ordinary dances or discotheques in increased solemnity, stricter etiquette and a classic set of dances, following in a predetermined order.

Wedding- a solemn ceremony dedicated to the marriage between two people.

Masquerade- a ball at which those present are dressed in various characteristic, national, historical or fantastic costumes, mostly with masks on their faces. Masquerades originated in Italy, and from there spread to other countries.

(Adapted from Wikipedia®)

So, if you are going to the ball, You should remember that the clothes of the ball participants should be elegant: ladies in evening dresses, gentlemen in suits, in addition, it is recommended to wear gloves in order to avoid various awkward situations, be it sweaty palms from excitement or accidentally catching a dress with a fingernail. Gentlemen should remember that ladies should be greeted at the ball with a bow and should not be embarrassed to kiss a lady’s hand extended as a sign of greeting. At the ball, politeness, gallantry, and courtesy are encouraged, but on the contrary, loud, harsh conversation is unacceptable, the use of profanity is prohibited, and active gestures and loud laughter are also not encouraged. At the ball it is important not only to dance beautifully, but also to walk and stand gracefully. Avoid leaning against walls and columns. Gentlemen should not keep their hands in their pockets. Ladies, just like gentlemen, should not refuse each other to dance.

When choosing an outfit for a ball, you should carefully consider the choice of image. Ladies, when choosing an evening dress, you need to take into account the characteristics of your figure, your color type, and you should also not take too much long dress, if you don’t have much experience in ballroom dancing. In addition, an evening dress should be accompanied by elegant accessories, if desired, a hat, which should gracefully complete your look. You should not wear a dress that is too short or revealing to the ball. The gentleman should choose a formal suit for himself, emphasizing the features of his figure; it must be remembered that the sleeve of the shirt should peek out slightly from under the sleeve of the jacket, and the length of the trousers should be up to half the heel of your shoes.

Getting ready for a wedding as a guest, you should remember that the main characters on whom all eyes will be drawn are undoubtedly the newlyweds, but despite this, you should also look appropriate for the bride and groom. A girl invited to a wedding must wear an evening dress to the wedding; vulgar outfits, mini skirts and other things that you might wear, say, to a party or a masquerade are not allowed. The guy invited to the wedding should not be in sportswear. After all, you will all be captured in the family album, those wonderful people, whose wedding you were invited to. Every young couple wants to see neat guests at their celebration! You should remember this. In addition, girls going to a wedding should also take care of their makeup, since the wedding will most likely involve wedding photo shoot, and you probably don’t want to look pale on wedding photos girlfriends.

If you have many girlfriends and friends, and all of them as one decided to get married. You can save your money on purchasing evening dresses by using the evening dress rental services in the Cotillion online wardrobe.

You are planning masquerade, do not forget to prepare your suit in a timely manner. A masquerade costume should be selected taking into account the theme of the upcoming masquerade. Why you should choose a costume for a masquerade in advance. The fact is that the themes of masquerades lately have been very different, and in some cases you may need to individually develop a costume, and this may take a decent amount of time. After all, a fancy dress costume, as a rule, is not only an evening dress or a tuxedo, it is something more, it is an image of some historical character or a fantastic image. To achieve this look, an evening dress or tuxedo is no longer enough. This look can combine a wig, mask, extensions and other things that highlight the chosen look.

Have you been invited to a wedding or are you going to a ball, or maybe your friends are having a masquerade party?

The online carnival wardrobe "Cotillion" invites you to plunge into the world of celebration, smiles and good mood in magnificent outfits, evening dresses and carnival costumes. Any event in your life can be truly beautiful and solemn; for this you just need to be confident in yourself, in your appearance and in his charm. After all, each of us has charm, we just need to emphasize it to our advantage!

By contacting the qualified specialists of the Cotillion online carnival wardrobe, you can be sure that qualified specialists will help you choose the best outfit for you, taking into account all the nuances of your appearance and the characteristics of your color type, as well as taking into account the class of responsibility of your upcoming celebration.