Old Sultan. Children's stories online

One peasant had a faithful dog; his name was Sultan. Now he had grown old, his teeth had fallen out, and now he had nothing with which to bite. Once a peasant stood with his wife at the threshold and said:

And tomorrow I’m going to shoot old Sultan, he’s become no good anymore.

And the wife regretted faithful dog and says:

But he served us honestly for so many years, and we should now feed him out of mercy.

“Eh, what are you saying,” said the husband, “it’s clear you don’t have enough intelligence.” He doesn’t even have teeth, not a single thief is afraid of him; He has already served his service, he can clean up for himself. When he served us, we fed him well.

And at that time the poor dog lay stretched out in the sun, and heard all this, and he became sad that tomorrow his last day was coming. And he had a good friend, and it was a wolf. So the dog snuck into the forest in the evening and began to complain about his fate.

“Listen, kumanek,” the wolf told him, “calm down, I’ll get you out of trouble.” I've thought of something. Tomorrow at dawn your master and his wife will go to mow hay, and since there will be no one to stay at home, they will take their little child with them. While working, they always place the child in the shade behind the bushes. And you lie down next to him, as if you are going to guard him. I will come out of the forest and drag the child away; and you rush after me as if you want to take him away from me. I’ll drop the child, and you’ll bring him back to his parents, and they’ll think that you saved him, and they’ll be so grateful to you that it’s not like they’ll do anything bad to you, but on the contrary, you’ll be in their great favor, and From then on you will not be denied anything.

The dog liked this advice; planned - done.

When the father saw that the wolf had dragged the child away and was running with him across the field, he began to scream; but when the old Sultan brought him back, he began to stroke the dog and said:

Now I won’t let you offend, you will feed from me out of mercy until your death.

And he says to his wife:

Go home quickly and make the old Sultan some delicious stew, because it’s hard for him to bite, and take the pillow from my bed, I give it to the Sultan, let him sleep on it.

And from that time on, the old Sultan began to live so well that there was nothing better to wish for.

Soon after, the wolf came to visit him, and he was glad that everything had turned out so well.

Well, kumanek,” he says, “you’ll have to pretend once that you don’t see anything, and I’ll find an opportunity and steal your owner’s fat sheep.” If we live on our own these days, we'll have a hard time.

“No, don’t count on that,” the dog answered, “I will remain faithful to my master, I don’t agree to such a thing.”

The wolf thought that he was just saying that, and crept up at night to drag away the sheep. But the faithful Sultan divulged to the owner about the wolf’s plan, and he lay in wait for him and seriously crushed his sides with a flail. But the wolf managed to escape, and he shouted to the dog:

Just wait, bad comrade, you will regret this!

The next morning the wolf sent a wild pig and ordered her to call the dog into the forest to settle the matter there. And the old Sultan did not find anyone to help him, except for the cat, and even that one was missing one leg. So they went out together, and the poor cat hobbled into the forest and raised her tail up in pain.

And the wolf and his friend were already there. They saw that the opponents were coming towards them, and it seemed to them that the dog was carrying a saber with him - they mistook the raised tail of the cat for a saber. And the unfortunate cat hobbled on three legs, and they thought that it was she who was lifting a stone every time to throw at them. And they became scared: a wild pig climbed into the leaves, and a wolf jumped onto a tree.

A dog and a cat came up, saw that no one was there, and they were very surprised. But the wild pig could not hide all in the foliage - her ears stuck out. The cat looked around carefully, and then the pig suddenly moved its ears. The cat thought that the mouse was moving and how it would jump on her, and she bit her very, very hard. The pig got up with a great howl, ran as fast as he could and shouted:

The culprit behind the whole affair is sitting on the tree over there!

The cat and the dog looked up and saw a wolf there, and he felt ashamed that he had shown himself to be such a coward, and then he made peace with the dog.

Dear friend, we want to believe that reading the fairy tale “The Old Sultan” by the Brothers Grimm will be interesting and exciting for you. The story takes place in distant times or “A long time ago” as people say, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. The works often use diminutive descriptions of nature, thereby making the picture presented even more intense. The dialogues of the characters are often touching; they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages one to rethink oneself, was crowned with success. It is amazing that with empathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. An important role for children’s perception is played by visual images, of which this work abounds, quite successfully. The fairy tale “The Old Sultan” by the Brothers Grimm is worth reading for free online for everyone; there is deep wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of the plot with a good ending.

One peasant had a faithful dog; his name was Sultan. Now he had grown old, his teeth had fallen out, and now he had nothing with which to bite. Once a peasant stood with his wife at the threshold and said:

And tomorrow I’m going to shoot old Sultan, he’s become no good anymore.

And the wife took pity on the faithful dog and said:

But he served us honestly for so many years, and we should now feed him out of mercy.

“Eh, what are you saying,” said the husband, “it’s clear you don’t have enough intelligence.” He doesn’t even have teeth, not a single thief is afraid of him; He has already served his service, he can clean up for himself. When he served us, we fed him well.

And at that time the poor dog lay stretched out in the sun, and heard all this, and he became sad that tomorrow his last day was coming. And he had a good friend, and it was a wolf. So the dog snuck into the forest in the evening and began to complain about his fate.

“Listen, kumanek,” the wolf told him, “calm down, I’ll get you out of trouble.” I've thought of something. Tomorrow at dawn your master and his wife will go to mow hay, and since there will be no one to stay at home, they will take their little child with them. While working, they always place the child in the shade behind the bushes. And you lie down next to him, as if you are going to guard him. I will come out of the forest and drag the child away; and you rush after me as if you want to take him away from me. I’ll drop the child, and you’ll bring him back to his parents, and they’ll think that you saved him, and they’ll be so grateful to you that it’s not like they’ll do anything bad to you, but on the contrary, you’ll be in their great favor, and From then on you will not be denied anything.

The dog liked this advice; planned - done.

When the father saw that the wolf had dragged the child away and was running with him across the field, he began to scream; but when the old Sultan brought him back, he began to stroke the dog and said:

Now I won’t let you offend, you will feed from me out of mercy until your death.

And he says to his wife:

Go home quickly and make the old Sultan some delicious stew, because it’s hard for him to bite, and take the pillow from my bed, I give it to the Sultan, let him sleep on it.

And from that time on, the old Sultan began to live so well that there was nothing better to wish for.

Soon after, the wolf came to visit him, and he was glad that everything had turned out so well.

Well, kumanek,” he says, “you’ll have to pretend once that you don’t see anything, and I’ll find an opportunity and steal your owner’s fat sheep.” If we live on our own these days, we'll have a hard time.

“No, don’t count on that,” the dog answered, “I will remain faithful to my master, I don’t agree to such a thing.”

The wolf thought that he was just saying that, and crept up at night to drag away the sheep. But the faithful Sultan divulged to the owner about the wolf’s plan, and he lay in wait for him and seriously crushed his sides with a flail. But the wolf managed to escape, and he shouted to the dog:

Just wait, bad comrade, you will regret this!

The next morning the wolf sent a wild pig and ordered her to call the dog into the forest to settle the matter there. And the old Sultan did not find anyone to help him, except for the cat, and even that one was missing one leg. So they went out together, and the poor cat hobbled into the forest and raised her tail up in pain.

And the wolf and his friend were already there. They saw that the opponents were coming towards them, and it seemed to them that the dog was carrying a saber with him - they mistook the raised tail of the cat for a saber. And the unfortunate cat hobbled on three legs, and they thought that it was she who was lifting a stone every time to throw at them. And they became scared: a wild pig climbed into the leaves, and a wolf jumped onto a tree.

A dog and a cat came up, saw that no one was there, and they were very surprised. But the wild pig could not hide all in the foliage - her ears stuck out. The cat looked around carefully, and then the pig suddenly moved its ears. The cat thought that the mouse was moving and how it would jump on her, and she bit her very, very hard. The pig got up with a great howl, ran as fast as he could and screamed.

One peasant had a faithful dog; his name was Sultan. Now he had grown old, his teeth had fallen out, and now he had nothing with which to bite. Once a peasant stood with his wife at the threshold and said:

And tomorrow I’m going to shoot old Sultan, he’s become no good anymore.

And the wife took pity on the faithful dog and said:

But he served us honestly for so many years, and we should now feed him out of mercy.

“Eh, what are you saying,” said the husband, “it’s clear you don’t have enough intelligence.” He doesn’t even have teeth, not a single thief is afraid of him; He has already served his service, he can clean up for himself. When he served us, we fed him well.

And at that time the poor dog lay stretched out in the sun, and heard all this, and he became sad that tomorrow his last day was coming. And he had a good friend, and it was a wolf. So the dog snuck into the forest in the evening and began to complain about his fate.

“Listen, kumanek,” the wolf told him, “calm down, I’ll get you out of trouble.” I've thought of something. Tomorrow at dawn your master and his wife will go to mow hay, and since there will be no one to stay at home, they will take their little child with them. While working, they always place the child in the shade behind the bushes. And you lie down next to him, as if you are going to guard him. I will come out of the forest and drag the child away; and you rush after me as if you want to take him away from me. I’ll drop the child, and you’ll bring him back to his parents, and they’ll think that you saved him, and they’ll be so grateful to you that it’s not like they’ll do anything bad to you, but on the contrary, you’ll be in their great favor, and From then on you will not be denied anything.

The dog liked this advice; planned - done.

When the father saw that the wolf had dragged the child away and was running with him across the field, he began to scream; but when the old Sultan brought him back, he began to stroke the dog and said:

Now I won’t let you offend, you will feed from me out of mercy until your death.

And he says to his wife:

Go home quickly and make the old Sultan some delicious stew, because it’s hard for him to bite, and take the pillow from my bed, I give it to the Sultan, let him sleep on it.

And from that time on, the old Sultan began to live so well that there was nothing better to wish for.

Soon after, the wolf came to visit him, and he was glad that everything had turned out so well.

Well, kumanek,” he says, “you’ll have to pretend once that you don’t see anything, and I’ll find an opportunity and steal your owner’s fat sheep.” If we live on our own these days, we'll have a hard time.

“No, don’t count on that,” the dog answered, “I will remain faithful to my master, I don’t agree to such a thing.”

The wolf thought that he was just saying that, and crept up at night to drag away the sheep. But the faithful Sultan divulged to the owner about the wolf’s plan, and he lay in wait for him and seriously crushed his sides with a flail. But the wolf managed to escape, and he shouted to the dog:

Just wait, bad comrade, you will regret this!

The next morning the wolf sent a wild pig and ordered her to call the dog into the forest to settle the matter there. And the old Sultan did not find anyone to help him, except for the cat, and even that one was missing one leg. So they went out together, and the poor cat hobbled into the forest and raised her tail up in pain.

And the wolf and his friend were already there. They saw that the opponents were coming towards them, and it seemed to them that the dog was carrying a saber with him - they mistook the raised tail of the cat for a saber. And the unfortunate cat hobbled on three legs, and they thought that it was she who was lifting a stone every time to throw at them. And they became scared: a wild pig climbed into the leaves, and a wolf jumped onto a tree.

A dog and a cat came up, saw that no one was there, and they were very surprised. But the wild pig could not hide all in the foliage - her ears stuck out. The cat looked around carefully, and then the pig suddenly moved its ears. The cat thought that the mouse was moving and how it would jump on her, and she bit her very, very hard. The pig got up with a great howl, ran as fast as he could and shouted:

The culprit behind the whole affair is sitting on the tree over there!

The cat and the dog looked up and saw a wolf there, and he felt ashamed that he had shown himself to be such a coward, and then he made peace with the dog.

One peasant had a faithful dog; his name was Sultan. Now he had grown old, his teeth had fallen out, and now he had nothing with which to bite. Once a peasant stood with his wife at the threshold and said:

“And tomorrow I’m going to shoot the old Sultan, he’s become no good anymore.”

And the wife took pity on the faithful dog and said:

“But he served us honestly for so many years, and we should feed him now out of mercy.”

“Eh, what are you saying,” said the husband, “it’s clear you don’t have enough intelligence.” He doesn’t even have teeth, not a single thief is afraid of him; He has already served his service, he can clean up for himself. When he served us, we fed him well.

And at that time the poor dog lay stretched out in the sun, and heard all this, and he became sad that tomorrow his last day was coming. And he had a good friend, and it was a wolf. So the dog snuck into the forest in the evening and began to complain about his fate.

“Listen, kumanek,” the wolf told him, “calm down, I’ll get you out of trouble.” I've thought of something. Tomorrow at dawn your master and his wife will go to mow hay, and since there will be no one to stay at home, they will take their little child with them. While working, they always place the child in the shade behind the bushes. And you lie down next to him, as if you are going to guard him. I will come out of the forest and drag the child away; and you rush after me as if you want to take him away from me. I’ll drop the child, and you’ll bring him back to his parents, and they’ll think that you saved him, and they’ll be so grateful to you that it’s not like they’ll do anything bad to you, but on the contrary, you’ll be in their great favor, and From then on you will not be denied anything.

The dog liked this advice; planned - done.

When the father saw that the wolf had dragged the child away and was running with him across the field, he began to scream; but when the old Sultan brought him back, he began to stroke the dog and said:

“Now I won’t let you offend, you will feed from me out of mercy until your death.”

And he says to his wife:

“Go home quickly and make the old Sultan some tasty stew, because it’s hard for him to bite, and take the pillow from my bed, I’ll give it to the Sultan, let him sleep on it.”

And from that time on, the old Sultan began to live so well that there was nothing better to wish for.

Soon after, the wolf came to visit him, and he was glad that everything had turned out so well.

“Well, kumanek,” he says, “you’ll have to pretend once that you don’t see anything, and I’ll find an opportunity and steal your owner’s fat sheep.” If we live on our own these days, we'll have a hard time.

“No, don’t count on that,” answered the dog, “I will remain faithful to my master, I don’t agree to such a thing.”

The wolf thought that he was just saying that, and crept up at night to drag away the sheep. But the faithful Sultan divulged to the owner about the wolf’s plan, and he lay in wait for him and seriously crushed his sides with a flail. But the wolf managed to escape, and he shouted to the dog:

“Wait, bad comrade, you’ll repent of this!”

The next morning the wolf sent a wild pig and ordered her to call the dog into the forest to settle the matter there. And the old Sultan did not find anyone to help him, except for the cat, and even that one was missing one leg. So they went out together, and the poor cat hobbled into the forest and raised her tail up in pain.

And the wolf and his friend were already there. They saw that the opponents were coming towards them, and it seemed to them that the dog was carrying a saber with him - they mistook the raised tail of the cat for a saber. And the unfortunate cat hobbled on three legs, and they thought that it was she who was lifting a stone every time to throw at them. And they became scared: a wild pig climbed into the leaves, and a wolf jumped onto a tree.

A dog and a cat came up and saw that no one was there, and they were very surprised. But the wild pig could not hide all in the foliage - her ears stuck out. The cat looked around carefully, and then the pig suddenly moved its ears. The cat thought that the mouse was moving and how it would jump on her, and she bit her very, very hard. The pig got up with a great howl, ran as fast as he could and shouted:

- The culprit behind the whole affair is sitting on the tree over there!

The cat and the dog looked up and saw a wolf there, and he felt ashamed that he had shown himself to be such a coward, and then he made peace with the dog.

The owner had a faithful dog named Sultan. The Sultan grew old, all his teeth fell out, he couldn’t gnaw his bones. The owner sits at the gate and says to his wife:

And tomorrow I will shoot the Sultan; he is of no use to us anymore.

The owner felt sorry for the faithful dog, and she said:

For how many years he served us honestly and faithfully! He deserves, it seems, to receive alms from us in his old age.

Look what you came up with, woman! - the man shouted. - You seem to be crazy! Don't you see that all his teeth have fallen out, so that not a single thief is afraid of him now? Why are we going to keep him now? If he served us, then he received food for it.

Poor Sultan lay not far from there, basking in the sun, and heard every word. It was hard for him to think that tomorrow would be his last day. He had an old wolf friend; It was he who sneaked into the forest in the evening to tell him about his grief.

Stop grieving, little bastard! - said the wolf. - Have fun again, I will help your grief. Listen to what I have in mind for you. Tomorrow early in the morning your master and mistress will leave for haymaking, and they will take the child with them, because there is no one to leave him at home. As usual, they will sit the child under a bush, in the shade. Well, you lie down next to the child, as if you want to guard him, and I will run out of the forest and drag the child away; Don’t yawn and quickly run after me to catch up and take the child away from me. I'll leave him - well, you take him quickly to your parents. They will think that you saved the child, and they will be so grateful to you that not only will they not kill you, but you will again come into their favor, and they will be happy to give you plenty of everything.

As said, so done. The father gasped when he saw a wolf with a child in its teeth; but when the old Sultan brought the child back to him, then, unconscious of joy, the man stroked him and said:

No, Sultan, I won’t let anyone touch you! Eat as much as you want for your health: you have earned your food.

And, besides, he immediately said to his wife:

Listen, wife, go home now and cook some gruel for our good Sultan; You don’t need teeth for it, and take the pillow from my bed, I’m giving it to an old friend instead of a bed.

From that time on, the old dog lived well, so well that there was no need to wish for better. Soon after this, the Kumanek came to visit him and was glad that everything had worked out so well.

However, kumanek,” the wolf said immediately, “you will probably close your eyes well when, at the right opportunity, I steal a fat sheep from your owner.” Really, these are such difficult times, everything is so expensive.

“Well, we need to think about it,” he objected. faithful dog, - I will remain an honest servant of my master and cannot agree to your proposal.

And the wolf thought that the dog was joking, and crept to the house at night, hoping to drag away the ram. But the faithful forest warned the owner about the wolf’s evil intentions, so the man was ready and with iron flails he severely swollen the old thief’s sides. The wolf ran away as fast as he could, but managed to shout to the dog:

Wait a minute, traitor, you’ll pay me for this!

The next day the wolf sent a wild pig to the dog and ordered it to be called into the forest to settle accounts. The old Sultan found no one to be his second, except a cat with three legs. They went into the forest. The poor cat limped, jumped up and raised her tail up in pain.

The wolf and his second were already in place, and when they saw their enemy, the faithful Sultan, from afar, they thought that he had taken the saber with him: they mistook the cat’s tail for a saber. And every time the poor animal fell on the side where it had no legs, then they thought that it was picking up a stone and wanting to throw it at them. Fear has big eyes: the wild pig hid under the bushes, and the wolf jumped onto a tree.

The dog and cat arrived at the appointed place and were surprised that there was no one there. But the wild pig did not know how to hide well: its ears stuck out from under the leaves. The cat looked around carefully, at this time the pig flapped its ears, and the cat thought it was a mouse. She rushed and bit her painfully: then she forgot about her lameness. The pig squealed wildly and rushed to run without looking back, while she screamed:

There is a guilty person sitting on a tree, and I have nothing to do with it!

As the cat and the dog looked up, they saw a wolf. And the wolf felt so ashamed, and he showed himself to be such a coward, that he immediately went down and offered to make peace.