"Spring flowers". Lesson summary for children of senior preschool age

Victoria Kosteniuk
Summary of an integrated drawing lesson in senior group"Spring came"

Summary of an integrated drawing lesson in the senior group« Spring came» .

Kosteniuk Victoria Alexandrovna.

Subject classes: « Spring came» senior group.

Direction: cognitive development.

Integration educational regions: speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Type classes: reinforcement and creative application.

Target: consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about spring.



Expand and generalize preschoolers’ ideas about spring changes in nature;

Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena

Systematize children's knowledge about insects, migratory birds, and wild animals.


Develop cognitive children's interest;

Develop the ability to generalize and analyze;

Develop fine motor skills hands;


Foster a caring attitude towards nature;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other

Organizing time.

The game is a greeting. "Good morning"

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds,

Let's also enjoy smiling faces

And to everyone who lives on this planet,

"Good morning!" We'll say it together.

2. Problem situation.

Look at the screen. To us it's arrived unusual email video letter.

Text of the letter: Hello guys! We are kids from kindergarten "Palmachka" in our homeland, in Africa, at any time of the year hot: There is no snow in winter, leaves do not fall from trees in autumn. The teacher told us that you too spring, but not the same as ours. Help us figure this out...

Educator: How can we help the guys? How do you think? How do we tell the guys about spring, they are in Africa, and we are here? (children's answers)

Children: You can send a letter.

Educator: You can tell in a letter, but we also need to show.

Children: Record on a digital video camera.

Educator: That's right, I suggest we make a video for the guys about what we know about spring to a digital video camera and send the video by email. Do you agree? I'm installing a digital camera in our boys' play center.

Educator: First we will tell the guys about the signs of our spring, according to our table.

Signs spring: mnemonic table, table attached to an easel.

Educator: shows pictures in order, children name signs.

1. The sun shines brightly in spring. It not only shines, but also warms.

2. The snow is melting in the forest, streams are running, drops are ringing.

3. Thawed patches appear.

4. Snowdrops are blooming.

5. The buds on the trees are swelling.

6. Birds return from the south and sing their songs.

7. in spring wild animals wake up after hibernation (bear, hedgehog, badger)

8. Wild animals shed. (MOLT). The hare and the squirrel change the color of their coats.

9. in spring wild animals have young, and birds have chicks.

Let's continue our story about signs spring in our centers in cognitive and speech.

3. Independent work in the centers.

Educator: Each center has prepared games for you about spring.

Now divide into 2 teams of 5 people. Choose cards with the image of the center in which you will work (children draw out cards with the image of the center.)

Each team go to their center, don’t touch anything, listen to my instructions. Now I will explain to you the tasks that you will perform.

At the educational center: you need to divide the insects into subgroups fly, jumping, crawling. Pay attention to the symbols. be careful

At the speech center: You need to select only migratory birds from all the birds and attach them to the easel. The task is clear to everyone. As soon as you hear the sound of the metallophone, you need to line up near your centers. Let's get started.

The sound of a xylophone. Let's finish.

Educator: Now guys with educational activities come to speech center? Tell us what you did? We chose migratory birds. Name these birds.

I suggest you play the game "What bird"

If a bird has a long tail, what is it like? (children's answer) long-tailed.

If the bird has a long neck? – long-necked.

If a bird has long legs? - long-legged.

If a bird has a sharp beak? - sharp-beaked

If a bird can swim? - what is it like? - waterfowl.

Well done guys. We told the children about migratory birds.

Now let's go to educational center. Tell us what insects jump, fly, crawl. Why didn't you stick the spider? Why are insects called insects? (they have notches). How many insects protect themselves from predators.

What are they doing? (disguised). What is the scientific name for this ability: MIMICRY?

EXPERIENCE: We'll check it now. Let's go to the educational center and take a sheet of paper with the outline of a grasshopper and green plastic. Are we seeing a grasshopper now? Children: Yes. Take the green plastic and cover the grasshopper. Can you see him? Children: No. What did he do? Children: disguised. This is how many insects camouflage themselves from predators.

Educator: Now we will dance to a cheerful spring song and show the guys how glad we are to come spring. PHYSICAL MINUTE « SPRING CAME»

Educator: I invite you to go to the creativity center. Continue our drawings that you and I will paint using crumpled paper and cotton swabs. We will tell and show the guys how we will do it.

1. take a sheet of paper with the number 1 and begin to crumple it, the more we crumple it, the more textured and our drawing will be more interesting. put the finished lump in white gouache

2. take a sheet with the number 2, begin to crumple it, put it in green gouache

3. Take a sheet of paper with the number 3, begin to crumple it, put it in yellow gouache.

We have prepared our brushes for you.

Now we lowered our hands to our knees. We'll watch carefully how we will paint.

4. I take a lump of white gouache and dip it in gouache and draw clouds using the poking method. Everyone understands, let's get started.

We're done. Well done, what beautiful clouds we got.

5. The next step is to draw the grass.

I take a lump from the container with green paint and dip it in green gouache. And I draw grass.

let's get started. We're done. We put our lump.

Well done, what beautiful grass we got.

6. The next step is to draw the sun, pay attention to how I do it. Let's get started.

take a lump of yellow paint. Let's draw the sun. Well done guys.

7. And now we will draw the first flowers that we have spring MOTHER AND STEPMOTHER.

I show you look carefully. I take a lump of yellow gouache and carefully lower it into the paint. Little suns. pointwise.

Well done guys, our drawings. take the napkins on the table and wipe your hands. Place the dirty napkin in the container. While our drawings are drying. I ask you to go to the carpet

Now sit down in a circle and let’s talk well.

1. From whom do we need today? email arrived. letter.

2. What we told the guys about.

3. What are the first flowers to appear? in the spring

4. How to call them in one word

5. What is the name of the property of an animal that can camouflage itself?

6. Why are insects called insects?

7. What technique we have mastered drawing

Interesting spring.

Assessment of children's activities. Educator: While our drawings are drying, come to my circle. When our snow melts and streams flow, we like to launch boats along them. This is how I show the finished boat. Which we will do now. There are sails in front of you different colors blue yellow red. But before you take the sail, listen carefully. take the green sail if it was easy and Interesting, yellow if - experienced some difficulties, red if - it was very difficult, pierce the sail with a toothpick and insert it into your boat. What beautiful boats we have made, we will take them with us for a walk and launch them along our streams.

Reflection on the carpet. Now sit down in a circle and let’s talk well. (I invite the children to sit on the carpet). Get a bouquet and answer my question.

8. From whom do we need today? email arrived. letter.

9. What we told the guys about.

10. What are the first flowers to appear? in the spring

11. How to call them in one word

12. What is the name of the property of an animal that can camouflage itself?

13. Why are insects called insects?

14. What technique we have mastered drawing

Well done guys, we completed all the tasks, I think the guys will Interesting look and learn about the features of our spring.

Educator: Guys, thank you for your help and the story about spring in Russia. They sent you pictures of animals from hot countries. In your free time, you can color them in group.

Drawing lesson notes

on the topic: “Early spring. Arrival of rooks"


Topic: “Early spring. Arrival of rooks."

Program content. Introduce the artist's work. Learn to transfer on paper characteristics early spring (high blue sky, the ground is cleared of snow, birds are flying in, etc.). Learn to harmoniously arrange a plot on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the skills of toning paper using lime crayons, watercolors, and drawing with wax crayons. To develop children's powers of observation, creativity, and sense of composition. Bring up aesthetic perception the surrounding world, love for native nature, Homeland; sustained interest in visual arts.

Materials. Audio and video equipment, paintings depicting spring by A. K Savrasov. For each child: sheets of white paper, wax crayons, lime crayons, watercolors, brush No. 6, No. 3, jars of water, napkins, palette.

Preliminary work. Observations of nature (excursion to a park, to a pond, along city streets), reading fiction, memorizing poems about spring, conversations, looking at landscapes by artists.

Corrective work. Use of words in speech: picture, landscape, nature, artist. Names of migratory birds, signs of spring. Develop small muscles of the fingers.

Progress of the lesson.

Playback (makes a riddle)

The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,

The day is coming. When does this happen?

Children. In the spring.

Playback Right. As you may have guessed, today we will talk about spring. About early spring.

People have long loved spring. People called it “Spring is Red.” Poets wrote poems about spring. Which of you can remember and read us poems about spring?

(Children read previously learned verses 1 - 2)

Playback Where does spring begin?

Children. From the drops of thawed patches, the sun is shining brightly, snowdrops appear and fly migratory birds etc.

Playback What birds come to us in the spring?

Children. Rooks, cranes, starlings, swallows, larks.

Playback What are they doing?

Children. They build nests and repair old ones.

Playback (show on video) Today we will meet a Russian artist who was very fond of painting the nature of our country - this is Alexey Kondratyevich Savrasov. He lived a long time ago in Moscow, in the family of a poor merchant. Since childhood, he loved to draw nature. grew up, he entered the painting school. Savrasov traveled a lot around Russia, admired the beauty of nature, the phenomena that were happening, and then conveyed this beauty in his paintings. Now we will look at the paintings of this artist. This is only a small part of what Savrasov drew. These paintings are about spring.

Pay attention to how the artist showed us spring, what colors he used to convey the mood of the picture.

(comments as you watch)

Fizminutka "Rooks".

The rooks were flying, waving their arms, imitating birds

All the people were watching.

The rooks sat down, squatted, dropped their arms behind their backs

All the people were amazed. as if they were folding their wings.

They sat down, sat, flapping their arms with “wings”

They took off, flew, stood up, pretended to fly

Let's fly, fly

They sang songs. Sound "Kra-kra"

Playback Now, guys, think about what kind of plot you would like to draw, what you will depict on your sheet of paper. What colors will you choose for early spring? What material can be used to convey the transparency and blueness of the spring sky, snow, what material can be used to convey birds, trees.

(preparing materials for work)

Playback (turn on soft melodic music)

Music will help you feel how nature wakes up after winter cold what mood is she in?

Independent work of children.

(During the work, make sure that the children hold the brush correctly and freely, without tension, monitor the children’s posture)

Exhibition of works.

Playback (Asks 1 - 2 children to tell them which drawing they liked and why.

(Mark the most successful works, praise all children.)

Playback Look how the artist Savrasov depicted spring and the arrival of the rooks; this painting is called “The Rooks have Arrived.” After the lesson you will be able to take a closer look at it.

Bottom line.

Guys, today we talked a lot about spring, looked at paintings. Each of you tried, and in your drawings it is clear that nature has awakened and come to life.

Summary of a drawing lesson using ICT with children in the senior group of kindergarten, topic: “Spring has come, the birds have arrived”

Program content:

1. Develop children's powers of observation and cultivate an aesthetic perception of the world around them.
2. Learn to convey on paper the characteristic features of spring (high blue sky, the ground is cleared of snow, buds are swelling on the trees, birds are flying in).
3. Learn to harmoniously arrange a plot on a sheet of paper, develop a sense of composition.


Slides with images of natural phenomena characteristic of spring. Slides with images of various primrose flowers.
Sheets of white thick paper, multi-colored lime crayons, watercolors, brushes, jars of water, napkins, oilcloths.

Preliminary work:

Memorizing poems about spring, reading works of natural history, observing while walking (thawed patches, puddles and streams, snow-white cumulus clouds, migratory birds returning from warm regions), asking riddles about spring.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life.
The day is coming
When does this happen?



That's right, as you already guessed, today we will talk about spring. People have long loved spring. People called it “spring-red.” Poets wrote poems about spring. How many of you can remember and read us poems about spring?

(Children read poems that they had previously learned in the group of I. Pleshcheev, S. Marshak).


Look, guys, what spring guests have come to us kindergarten(puts three dolls on the table, decorated with: snowdrops - Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova, birds - Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova, cherry berries - Vesna Mayevna Chereshnikova and introduces them).


Our guests have the same first names, but different middle and last names. Why do you think they are called that? (The first name is the name of the season, the patronymic is the name of the spring month, and the last name is the name of one of the signs of this month).


In what month do snowdrops begin to bloom?



When do starlings arrive?


In April.


Now try to remember - when will the cherry tree ripe?



Let's now take a closer look at the spring guests - Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova, Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova and Vesna Mayevna Chereshnikova! Have you met? That's good.

Guys, please remember what the very first month of spring is called? (Children's answers). How will we know that spring has come? Who can name the signs of spring?


The sun is high, shining brighter, the day is getting longer, drops are ringing, the snow is turning black and melting.


If all the snow melts, what will we see?



What will it be like after winter, freed from under the snow?


Black, wet. (A slide is shown).


What do the trees look like? What can you notice?


Buds swell on tree branches, the first spring flowers appear, and the first grass emerges.

(The next slide is shown).


What kind of first spring flowers do you children know?


Snowdrops, coltsfoot, dream grass.

(Slides with various primrose flowers are shown).


What birds come to us in the spring?


Rooks, starlings, swallows, larks.


Let's draw pictures on the theme “Spring has come. The birds have arrived." We will draw with wax crayons, and at the end we will use watercolors to create the background of the drawing - this is a blue sky, and below is green grass. First, think about the plot of the drawing. What can you depict? (Trees, thawed patches and puddles on the ground, sun, birds, nests, etc.).

But before we get to work, let's prepare our fingers and do finger exercises. (Music sounds finger gymnastics L. Yartova “Fingers”).


Now let's get to work, and the music will help you feel how nature wakes up after the winter cold. Listen to how the music conveys the spring mood and try to reflect it on paper.

The children begin to work, the teacher monitors the children’s posture so that they can hold the hand correctly and freely, without tension.

At the end of the lesson, the works are exhibited at the exhibition, the children exchange impressions - which drawing they liked and why. The teacher celebrates successful work and encourages all children.


Guys, today we talked a lot about spring, looked at slides with illustrations. Each of you tried, and in your drawings it is clear that nature has awakened and come to life. And now let's say goodbye to our guests - Spring Martovna Podsnezhnikova, Spring Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova, Spring Mayevna Chereshnikova. Goodbye!

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Tatiana Goryacheva

Target: developing the ability to reflect the image of Spring in a drawing.



Strengthen the ability to make a sketch with a graphite pencil;

Continue to teach how to observe body proportions in drawing;

Continue learning to make an image on the entire sheet;


Develop figurative ideas;

Develop watercolor painting skills - blurring colors;

Continue learning how to mix paints to obtain the desired shade;


Cultivate interest in fine arts;

Cultivate a love for nature.

Material and equipment:

Album sheets;

Watercolor paints;


Jars of water;


Tape recorder, disc with a recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s musical work “April” from the album “Seasons”

Preliminary work:

Introduction to portrait painting;

Examination of illustrations on the theme "Spring";

Learning proverbs about spring;

Memorizing the poem "Spring" by I. Tokmakova

(A knock is heard and a magpie flies into the group)


I am a white-sided magpie,

I chirped about spring;

Oh, I'm tired, oh, I'm tired!

I brought the news to everyone,

What a beautiful spring has come!


Thank you, magpie! Yes, only you were late, our guys have known for a long time that spring has come. But don’t be upset, but listen to what the children tell you.

Why is spring called red, they say “spring is red”


Red means beautiful, another way to say: spring is a beauty.


What proverbs about spring do you know;


Winter is rich in snow, and spring is rich in water;

In spring it bakes on top and freezes below;

Mother Spring is beautiful to everyone.


Well done! We recently became acquainted with Irina Tokmakova’s poem “Spring”. Who wants to read it? (Read by 1 child)

How do you think the poetess imagined Spring?


The poetess imagined Spring in the form of a person, a girl.


How do you imagine Spring?

(Children describe Spring, several answers are heard).

Then the teacher invites the children to draw a portrait of the Spring they imagined. Before starting, clarify the ratio of body parts. The teacher reminds how to hold a brush correctly and clarifies the rules for working with watercolors. He suggests making a sketch first with a graphite pencil, without pressure.


And the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky will help us. Spring inspired him to create this piece of music.

(The play "April" from the album "Seasons" by P. I. Tchaikovsky is played)


Children pronounce the chant, accompanying the text with movements.

Come spring with joy,

With great mercy,

With deep roots,

With tall flax,

With the heavy rains,

With abundant bread.


Review and evaluation of work. Invite the children to determine the funniest, most elegant Spring. Soroka can be involved in evaluating the work.

Educator: Well done, guys! You turned out wonderful portraits.

The beauty walks

It touches the ground lightly.

He goes to the field, to the river.

Both the snowball and the flower.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated educational activity with children of the senior group “Spring is coming, spring is on its way” Summary of an integrated educational activity with children of the senior group. " Spring is coming, spring - the way." Purpose: acquaintance with spring natural and folk phenomena.

Summary of direct educational activities in the early development group “Spring is Red” Goal: to generalize and consolidate knowledge about spring natural phenomena; name the main signs of spring. Tasks: - replenish and activate vocabulary.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group of the combined type “Spring is Coming” Abstract directly educational activities in the senior group of the combined type “Spring is Coming” Compiled and conducted by the teacher.

Abstract of the educational activity for the public organization "Speech development" in the preparatory group "Spring-red" Abstract of the educational activity for the public organization “Speech Development” with preschoolers “Spring-Red” (Federal State Educational Standard) Integration educational areas: social and communicative.

Abstract of GCD on the surrounding world “Red Spring has come” in the senior group Topic: “Red spring has come.” Goal: to clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring. Objectives: educational: consolidate.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Spring is red, come soon!” Goal: development of coherent speech on the topic “Spring”. Program content: - learn to select words-definitions for a noun - learn to answer.

Non-traditional drawing technique “Early Spring” in the senior group.

Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the senior group in drawing on the topic “Early Spring”.
Goals: to consolidate children’s ideas about spring and the signs of the onset of spring (the day is getting longer, the sun is getting hotter, the snow is melting, streams are flowing, grass is growing; migratory birds are returning);
1 developing:
develop logical thinking(teach children to carefully look at pictures and analyze them);
using non-traditional drawing techniques to develop children's interest in visual arts;
2 training:
improve color perception (choose shades of a given theme - cold, joyful).
introduce the children preschool age With unconventional technology drawing - monotype;
continue to teach children to work with paints, develop creative imagination, thinking, fantasy.
3 educational:
cultivate interest in creativity.
Equipment: reproductions of paintings, album sheet, paints, brushes, sponge.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, for our lesson to be successful, we need to “call” a good mood. The sun is smiling at us from the window, let us also smile at him and smile at each other. Well done! We are starting a lesson in visual arts, and you will tell me the topic when you guess the riddle:
The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,
the day comes, when does it happen? (Spring)
Educator: Right! You and I will draw “Early Spring”. We will draw it in a special unconventional technology drawing - landscape monotype.
To draw it correctly, we need to talk: find out, remember the signs of the onset of spring.
(Showing reproductions of paintings by famous artists)

A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”
Educator: This is A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”. What do you see on it?
Educator: Children, tell us what colors the artists used in these paintings. What mood appears when looking at these works of art?

Early spring (Kuindzhi)
Educator: Guys, this is a painting by the artist Kuindzhi “Early Spring”. What does it show? What colors did the artist use? Why did you call it “Early Spring”?

Educator: This painting was painted by Levitan and is called “Spring. Big water." Describe her.
What colors are there in the artist’s painting? Look closely at the melt water in the picture, what can you see there? What sky? (blue) why? Yes, that’s right, it’s spring, the sun has become more in the sky, so the sky is blue-blue, as if the sun is illuminating the sky and light clouds are floating.
Educator: As you already know we will draw early spring landscape monotype.
Monotype is a technique of freedom and Divine intervention!
Monotype: Two words: “mono” and “type.” Monotype (from “mono” - one and the Greek “typos;” - imprint, imprint, touch, image...) is a type of printed graphics.
Educator: Take a landscape sheet and place it vertically. Bend it in half.

Educator: We will draw on the top half of the album sheet, and the bottom part will be a reflection of your drawing. For this we will use paints and brushes.
Educator: draw the sky, trees, melting snow, thawed patches, rooks, etc. Draw in free form how you imagine the coming of spring.
While you are drawing, I will read you “Spring Tale” by D. N. Sadovnikov, to give you a hint what landscape elements and signs of spring can be drawn.
Children, spring is just around the corner!
Ice on a frozen window
A fairy tale about sweet spring
She reminded me this morning.
In the kingdom of harsh winter
There's no fuss
Only cruel frost
He walks everywhere with a stick.
(While reading a fairy tale, the teacher adds strokes to the children’s drawings to make it more expressive).

Sees if the ice is reliable
Is the fallen snow dense?
Are the wolves in the forest fed up?
Is the woodcutter alive in the hut?
Everyone left Frost,
Everyone to whom life is dear,
Only the trees stand:
They were crushed by snow...
There is nowhere for the forest to go:
Its roots have grown into the ground...
Walks around and knocks
White Frost with a stick.

The streams run loudly,
The ice rushes noisily:
Where Spring passes
In the brilliance of its beauty,
Dressed in green meadows
And flowers run out.
The forest is covered with leaves,
Everything in him grows and sings...
Near Merry Spring
Motley wove a round dance.
“Honey, sing, tell me,
What did you see in your dream?” -
Frisky children scream
Noisily running towards Spring.
I heard Frost about Spring,
He thinks: “Let me see,
I'll look at people myself,
I will show myself to people.
Why am I not Vesna's groom?
(Thoughts come to him.)

If he doesn't want to, then
I will take you as a wife by force!
I'm old, what's the big deal?
Still, in the area I am the king.
I'm all over these places
All creation obeys..."
I got ready and went on my way,
Having abandoned my friend Blizzard,
The one in the cold winter
The bed is made of snow.
Everyone's favorite Spring
A messenger brings news,
Motley comrade of people -
Our homely starling.
This morning I saw Frost...
We all have a big problem:
He got angry again
Wants the cold back.

I saw it myself: in the fields
It became white and white,
Saw on calm water
Ice blue glass.
He himself has a big beard,
White and austere in appearance...
We don't let him in, but he:
“I’m going to get married!” - speaks.
It’s stuffy for the frost to go...
Will the journey end soon?
He thinks where to lie down,
Where should he rest?
He sees a deep ravine,
There is a forest hidden in it...
How did you reach the birch tree?
He curled up and lay down next to him.
Is he a lot or a little?
I slept in this ravine,
I just woke up when -
Became surprisingly small.
They ran into the forest in a crowd
Children pick bird cherry...
This is how the ice lies -
We took it to show Vesna.
Children! Have you been to the forest?
Didn't you get Frost?
They just found an icicle!
Here he is! I brought it in my pocket!
Hearing these words
Everyone around laughed:
Birds, flowers and streams,
Lake, grove and meadow.
So, the queen herself
I laughed until I cried...
Made her laugh a lot
Grandfather White Frost!

Educator: Take a sponge to wet the sheet clean water, and wet the bottom half of the sheet. Well, can't wait to see what happens in the end?