Speech therapy rhythm classes. Summary of a lesson on speech therapy rhythms

, teacher-speech therapist, Sterlitamak, Bashkortostan.


  1. Develop skills in the formation of cognate words;
  2. Activate children’s knowledge about the characteristics of an object;
  3. Form coherent monologue and dialogic speech.


  1. Activate children's memory and attention.
  2. Improve gross and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, and speed of reaction.
  3. Develop speech breathing and voice.


  1. Encourage children to see and understand the beauty and richness of their native nature, to take care of the world around them.

Activation of the dictionary: winter, snowdrifts, snowy, frosty, blizzard, sparkling.

Equipment: Christmas tree, bear costume, walnut shells, white paper snowflakes according to the number of children.

Methodical techniques:

    • Problem situation;
    • Journey;
    • Games - exercises;
    • Exercises to develop speech breathing and voice
    • Exercises to develop communication skills
    • Imitation of movements
    • Speech games
    • Musical accompaniment

Preliminary work:

Studying topics: “Winter”, “Wild animals in winter”

Studying grammatical topics: “Similar words”

Learning in logorhythmics classes:

1) Exercise “Hello” - development of communication skills, initiative behavior, speed of reaction.

2) Exercise “We’ll go skiing into the forest” is a rhythmic warm-up that sets the stage for the desired rhythm of movements and speech, promotes the development of general motor skills, visual orientation, and coordination of movements.

3) Exercise for the development of speech breathing and voice “Blizzard”

4) Exercise “It’s frosty outside” - development of tactile perception, coordination of movements and speech.

5) Logorhythmic exercise “The bear cubs lived in the thicket...” - rhythmic gymnastics that regulates muscle tone

6) Exercise “Squirrel” - development of a sense of rhythm and vocal range.

7) “Snowball fight” - finger play training, which promotes the activation of the cerebral cortex, the coordinated work of speech motor and speech-auditory analyzers.

8) Exercise “We are making a snowman” - development fine motor skills hands, memory, attention.

9) Exercise “Snowman” - regulation of muscle tone in the muscles of the arms, legs and body.

10) Exercise “Goodbye, winter forest” - the final relaxation exercise: calm walking, the purpose of which is to calm the children down and switch to another type of activity.

Progress of the lesson

Speech therapist: Hello, guys!

Children: Hello!

Speech therapist: Let's say hello to each other.

Children extend their right hand to the center of the circle. The children's hands touch. Shaking them up and down, they say the words:

“Hello, hello, don’t yawn and give me your palm!”

At the end of the phrase, you need to choose a partner and pull him by the hand towards you.

Speech therapist: Guys, winter will end very soon and today I invite you to take our last fabulous trip to the winter forest this year!

Exercise – warm-up “We’ll go skiing into the forest”:

We quickly take our skis and walk through the snow,

We raise our legs high through the snowdrifts,

And we walk quietly and easily on the ice.

So as not to fall through the snow, we rush quickly, quickly.

We will go around the trees and bushes like a snake

And soon we will come to the forest edge.

Speech therapist: Here we are in the forest. It's a bit uneasy around here. Guys, is a blizzard really starting?

Exercise for the development of speech breathing and voice “Blizzard”.

Old, gray-haired, with an ice stick,

Blizzard hobbles like Baba Yaga.

The blizzard howls: “Z-z-z-z-z-z.” (With sound amplified.)

The forest groaned from the blizzard: “M-mm-mm-mm.” (Quietly, in a high voice.)

The oak trees groan heavily: “M-mm-mm-mm.” (Loud, low voice.)

The birch trees moan: “Mmmmmmmmmmmm.” (Quietly, in a high voice.)

The spruce trees make noise: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.”

The blizzard subsides: “S-s-s-s-s.”

Speech therapist: The blizzard froze us. Guys, let's warm up?

It's freezing outside!

Hands on the belt.

Come on, everyone, rub your nose!

Rubs the tip of your nose.

There is no need for us to beat our heads,

They threaten with their right index finger.

Well, everyone grabbed their ears: They twisted them, turned them, and now they have warmed up their ears!

Use your index finger and thumb to hold your earlobes and rotate them forward and then back.

They knocked on my knees,

They tap their palms on their knees.

Patted on the shoulders

Hands crossed at chest level, clapping palms on shoulders.

They stomped their feet!

They stomp their feet.

Speech therapist: Children, do you hear someone growling? This is a bear. We must have woken him up with our stomping!

Bear: UUUUU! Whoever is making noise here is not letting you sleep!

Speech therapist: Don’t be angry, honey, these are our kids frolicking in a snowy forest clearing. And you join us, stretch your paws, neck, back after winter hibernation. Our children know special gymnastics for bear cubs. Now we will show it to you, and don’t be lazy, repeat it with us.

Logorhythmic exercise “The bear cubs lived in the thicket”:

The cubs lived in the thicket, they turned their heads - like this, like this, like this!

The bear cubs lived in the thicket and drank water from the river - like this...

The cubs were looking for honey, they rocked the tree - like this...

And then they danced, boldly raising their paws - like this...

They waddled and wandered through the forest together - like this...

Mishka: Thank you guys, I had a great workout, I don’t even want to sleep anymore.

Speech therapist: Mishenka, we are very glad that you liked it. We will not disturb you anymore and will continue our walk through the winter forest.

Speech therapist: Guys, look what beautiful Christmas tree! There's something underneath it. These are nut shells. Who do you think they are? (listens to the children's answers)

Speech therapist: That's right, children, the squirrel saved these nuts for the winter. To survive the cold and harsh winter, she makes a lot of winter supplies. Let's cheer up the squirrel and sing her a song

Children tap shells walnuts rhythm and sing:

Jump through the trees, jump, Ti-ti-ti-ti - ta-ta

Yes, nuts, click, click. Ti-ti-ti-ti - ta-ta

Who is this? Guess it! Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti - ta

It's a squirrel, you know it! Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti - ta

Speech therapist: Guys, look at this clearing, real snowdrifts have formed. How do you like to play in winter, when there is a lot of fresh sticky snow around? (Children's answers)

That's right, snowball fights. Let's play snowballs now: scoop up a whole handful of snow, form a tight ball, and throw it far, far away. Let's make another lump and throw it with the other hand. Like this! Now let’s warm our hands: rub palm against palm to make them warm. Let's shake our hands so they can rest. Well done!

Speech therapist: Guys, what other words do you know that are derived from the word snow?

Exercise on the formation of cognate words.

Snow - snowflake, snowy, snowball, snowy, snow woman, snow maiden, snowman.

Speech therapist: Well done! And now it’s time for us to build a snowman. Let's try!

Exercise for developing fine motor skills “We are making a snowman”:

One is a hand, two is a hand, we sculpt a snowman:

We are rolling a snowball - like this,

And then a smaller one - like this,

And we’ll put a small lump on top -

So the snowman came out - the snowman!

Snow, a bucket and a carrot, and skill, and dexterity -

And the snowman is ready. Very cute fat guy!

An exercise to regulate muscle tone in the muscles of the arms, legs and body.

Children pretend to be snowmen: stand firmly on their feet (legs are shoulder-width apart), hands are placed on the belt, the body is tense.

When the snowmen begin to “melt,” tension leaves the body. First, the “snowman” children’s heads fall to the side, then their arms drop and hang like whips. After this, the children begin to slowly squat, kneel down, then sit down on their sides, put their hands on the floor, and place their heads on them - “the snowman has melted.”

Here is a snowman standing (body tense).

He's used to the cold.

The sun is hot -

Our snowman is melting

(tension gradually goes away).

It's melting, melting - yes, yes, yes... There will be melt water.

Speech therapist: Guys, spring will come very soon. The sun will begin to heat up, the snow will melt and nature will come to life after hibernation. And it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. But so that the road back is not tiring, we will ask the magic snowflakes to help us. Let's blow on these fabulously beautiful snowflakes.

Breathing exercise.

Snowflakes are handed out to the children, and the speech therapist suggests blowing on them.

The final relaxation exercise is calm walking around the hall:

Goodbye, winter forest. We were glad to meet you!

There were many miracles here. Evening is coming.

It's time for us to go home at this late hour.

Kindergarten Our dear one has been waiting for us for a long time.

Gorokhova Lidiya Vasilievna,
teacher-speech therapist, Noginsk-9, Moscow region,
MBDOU No. 100 "Beacon"

Certificate of Publication:

The founder of the rhythmic education system is the Swiss musician and teacher Jacques-Dalcoze. Using gymnastics for your students to improve their literacy skills.

N.G. Alexandrova in 1915 was the founder of logorhythmic gymnastics in Russia (she created an association of rhythmists).

Rhythmic gymnastics is a motor system; the entire system is based on exercises that educate and develop a sense of rhythm through movements and are closely related to musical rhythm. Music is a means of influencing movement, and movement is a means of expressing music.

Logorhythmics classes are conducted in four sections:

1. Section – general preparatory.
a) organizing a children's group;
b) development of psychophysical skills.

Goals and objectives of the section:
1. Organize a team.
2. Activate attention.
3. Instilling movement skills in a team.

2. Section - auxiliary physical exercises (gymnastic exercises with speech pronunciation).
Goals and objectives of the section:
1.Achieve correct posture.
2.Development of fine motor skills.

3. Section – rhythmic.
a) tempo;
b) dynamics;
c) rhythm.

Musical rhythm is a combination of sounds of different duration and strength. Rhythm is the basis of the section that performs and develops the sense of rhythm through movements in speech.

1.The movement of the dynamics matches the music.
2. Musical and speech exercises.

4. Section – final.
Goals and objectives of the section:
1. Calming.
Conducting special musical and rhythmic classes for young children was first proposed by Professor V.A. Gilyarovsky in 1930. He wrote: “Of the diverse effects that rhythm has on a neurotic in general, it influences the general tone, mood, and especially motor skills.”

If music generally has a beneficial effect on the emotional-volitional sphere, then the more effective its influence is when it is the basis of a special motor system aimed at regulating the child’s movements, speech and behavior. Taking into account that in case of speech disorders, deviations in the motor sphere of the child are observed, and the task of logorhythmics is to help correct motor skills and speech through special musical and rhythmic techniques, that is, to ensure the full development of the future citizen.


Speech therapy rhythmics is a branch of therapeutic rhythmics. Therapeutic rhythm is one of the forms of a unique therapeutic therapy that has a beneficial effect on both the physical and mental life of a neurotic patient. WITH early age We have to pay attention to the physical education of the child, so there is a need to create conditions in our speech therapy groups that will ensure normal physical development for the child. This is very important for children with speech disorders. Children in the speech therapy group are often forced to spend time sitting at the table. Either they are telling the content of the picture, or playing lotto, or making sounds. But the biological need of the child’s body is movement, so it is necessary to satisfy this need of the child’s body by introducing gymnastics and outdoor games into the child’s daily routine. Most of the movements performed by a person are not innate, they develop during life and depend on the environment and appropriate upbringing.

Classes on the development of movements in children are carried out, on the one hand, by physical development (the musculoskeletal system, correct posture, the formation of correct movement skills, orientation in space, coordination of movement with rhythm, the development of dexterity, speed, strength of movements), and on the other hand , fostering endurance, organization, activity and other positive character traits.

When working with children on the development of movements, the following three forms can be roughly distinguished:
1.Basic movements.
2. General developmental exercises.
3. Outdoor games.

1. Basic movements have a beneficial effect on the comprehensive physical development of children, strengthen muscles, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and enrich the motor experience of children. These exercises help strengthen the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the ratio of excitatory and inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex, which creates a balanced neuropsychic state in the child.

2. General developmental exercises have a comprehensive effect on children’s bodies and teach them to perform precise and precise movements, performed in a certain rhythm and tempo, and sometimes with musical accompaniment.

3. Outdoor games contribute to the development of initiative and activity in children and are the most effective form of work on the development of movements. When conducting outdoor games, the following tasks can be set: developing the ability to navigate in space, change the pace of movements, move rhythmically, and develop dexterity of movements.

In children with speech pathology we often observe disturbances in motor order. For example, a child who stutters often has a disturbed rhythm of movements. Those violent movements in the area of ​​the speech apparatus that occur during stuttering can extend to the movement of the muscles of the face, arms, legs and the entire torso.

Alalik children often have poor orientation in space, impaired coordination of movements, and balance. In children with dysarthria, sluggish movements and sometimes violent (hyperkinesis) or tense (spastic) movements can be observed. That is why, when working with children, speech pathologists need to include correction of their speech and general motor skills. In the classroom it is necessary to take into account characterological features these children. Each of them is a small independent personality, whose behavior depends on the severity speech disorder. Therefore, when starting logorhythmic classes, the speech therapist must have a complete description of each child. Music worker and the speech therapist work closely. When selecting material for each lesson, the music director must take into account the corrective value of the selected types of work for those defects that are present in a given speech disorder. It is important to take into account the availability of this material depending on the degree of speech and language delay. mental development. The selection of material for each lesson should be consistent with the stages speech therapy work. Not only the content, but also the focus often depends on speech therapy classes. So, if a musical - rhythmic lesson before speech therapy session, then its task is to prepare children for speech lesson, i.e. Children should not be overloaded with new material and exciting games. When a musical and rhythmic lesson alternates with speech therapy, then it is advisable to select exercises that will contribute to the active recreation of children. In a musical and rhythmic lesson, when it follows speech therapy, it is useful to include more outdoor games. Musical and rhythmic education of children of speech pathologists serves the purposes of correction. For example, listening to music helps to cultivate auditory attention, concentration, endurance, a calming effect on some and raises the tone of others.

Children learn to distinguish the sounds of musical instruments, determine the direction in which the sound is coming, and find the difference in the strength, height and duration of the sound. Speech therapy rhythm work includes exercises that regulate muscle tone, activate attention, develop a sense of musical rhythm, speech games, singing. The main principle of the system of musical-rhythmic education is the close connection of movement with music. Music, as one of the most accessible arts, with its enormous emotional influence, with its rich means of expression, makes it possible to endlessly diversify movement techniques and the nature of exercises. The flexibility of the system makes it possible to find its application in different areas and modify its operating method, depending on the needs of a given area. The peculiarity of the technique is that in the exercises much attention is paid to the word. Music in in this case used to create a special method aimed at correcting various forms of speech disorder. The introduction of words also makes it possible to create a whole series of exercises, guided not only by musical rhythm, but by rhythm in poetic form, which allows one to preserve the principle of rhythm in movements. Motor tasks include speech material, the quality of which is addressed by speech therapy rhythms. In classes, music not only accompanies movement, but is its guiding principle, i.e. musical rhythm is an organizing moment. The ideological content of music, shades, tempo and other means of musical speech can be used to organize the nature and tempo of movement, especially necessary for children suffering from tempo speech disorder, who often correct the chaotic restless nature of movement. Thus, the influence of music in exercises can serve educational purposes in the broad sense of the word. This means that the first method of logorhythmics is based on the principle of organization, and the second method is based on the desire to disinhibit overstrained muscle tone. The third method is based on the development of the volitional sphere.

Speech therapy rhythms with children are carried out in special classes. It can also be included as elements in speech therapy and educational activities. In both cases, its forms are varied: tapping a certain beat, changing the tempo, character or simply the direction of movement depending on the tempo or character of the music, singing, melodic recitation, telling poems accompanied by appropriate movements, dancing, dances, speech games. In logorhythmic classes they are mainly used game forms to arouse more interest in children and activate them.

The main material for developing a sense of rhythm in movements is dancing, round dances and games. Learning dance elements must certainly be accompanied by counting. It’s even more useful to choose dances with words; they will help you better feel the rhythm and remember the sequence of movements.

“Dance more joyfully, legs,
One two three four five.
Clap your hands louder,
Let's start dancing"
"Right, left turn,
And then vice versa
Turn left, turn right..." ("Polka" by S. Rachmaninov)
Make a clap, clap, clap with your pen,
Make a top, top, top with your foot (“Polka” by M. Glinka)

Games without music and musical ones are also useful: “Zainka, come out”, “Apple Tree”, “Starlings and Sparrow” and others. When the children’s movements meet the above requirements, they, like music, can be used in working on the rhythm of speech. The movements must be combined with the rhythmic and verbal stress of the verse. Each step falls on a stressed syllable.

“The firefighters are looking, the police are looking
We are looking for photographers in our capital.”
Or “On the path along the pond
I go for walks sometimes"

They jump on one leg, arms to the sides, depicting the letter “T”, each jump coincides with the emphasis.

Letter T
On a thin leg
Jumps deftly
Along the path.
Imitate the flight of birds.
I'm flying, flying, flying,
I want to fly around the world.
I have it on a thread
Letters and postcards.

But we must always be aware that in our work it is important not only practical material, but the form of its presentation is also very important. In presentation, good verbal explanations, clarity of diction, clarity of presentation, excitement and accessibility are important. The influence of the exercise depends not only on its essence and its pedagogical value, but also on the ability to present the task in an interesting form appropriate to the child’s age. All children, and, of course, ours, love to perform figurative tasks in a playful manner. “Bunnies”, “bears” jump, “they spread their wings like birds” - such exercises are always a constant success. Children get no less pleasure from the process of depicting any labor process.

They drank, drank, drank lively,
We are building a house for animals.
The gray bunny will live in it
And he will be friends with us

I knock with a hammer (2 hits)
I'll hammer a nail into the wall (2 hits)
I drive the nail in harder (2 hits)
For my picture (2 hits)

Children's imagination in this direction is inexhaustible, and sometimes a simple exercise can turn into a game without losing its value. It also stimulates the child to expressive movements. You can give a few more examples of exercises for coordinating speech with movements.

1. One of the children is a shepherd, walking among the children located on the meadow (floor). The shepherd plays the pipe and says:
“Ay, doo-doo, ah, doo-doo,
I guard the whole herd.
Ay, doo-doo, ah, doo-doo,
On a green meadow. ( The role of the shepherd is performed alternately)

2.Children walk in circles on their toes:
Mom needs to rest
Mom wants to sleep
I'm walking on tiptoes
I won't wake her.

Verbal material in logorhythmic classes will always serve as practice for introducing acquired sounds into speech.

It is not always necessary to bring an exercise to perfection. This is not required, since the exercises repeated in the next, and if necessary, in two or three subsequent sessions, will certainly be better and cleaner. You need to be patient with the quality of the exercises performed. The method of calling one at a time, in pairs, or those who will demonstrate the task well and can serve as a clear example of how to do this exercise correctly can be of great help. Another methodological technique is to pair up successful and unsuccessful, younger and older, more timid with more courageous.

Logorhythmic exercises should be carried out in the form exciting game and adhere to the following principles:

2. Transition from simple to more complex, from familiar to new.
3.Planning lessons.

Lesson planning should include the following types of work:
2.Introductory exercises,
3. Exercises that regulate muscle tone.
4.Speech exercises without musical accompaniment.
5. Exercises that activate attention.
6. Exercises that develop a sense of musical rhythm.
8.Final exercises.

1. GOAL WHEN SINGING- singing regulates breathing, develops the lungs, expands the chest, and helps develop smooth and full-voiced speech. In singing, you can automate the sounds, you don’t need to sing loudly, it’s better to control the expressiveness of intonation. In addition to singing in chorus, you can sing separately, paying attention to articulation. The word is introduced into singing. When choosing a song, you should take into account: CONTENT AND TEXT OF THE SONG, TEMPO AND RANGE, DURATION OF PHRASES.

It is advisable to start songs with short phrases, and for those who stutter, continuous singing is recommended.

They are given easy tasks in the form of marching and are taught to walk in a circle. Walk alone, in pairs, keeping a distance, turn around, orient yourself in space, walk with your back in a circle, walk the other way around without narrowing the circle, line up in a column (two columns - the trains met and separated). Just listen to music of a different nature - without giving an explanation. You can walk to the music, show how birds fly in a waltz (they spin, observing the rhythm and character of the music, movements)

In verbal exercises they use calculations 1,2,3, in order. Automated speech is given.

3. PURPOSE OF EXERCISES REGULATING MUSCLE TONE– exercises are given to alternate tension and relaxation to music. In this way, the child learns to understand how to control his movements. Posture, gait, coordination of movements, balance improves. Here, attention is paid to breathing, but they require that the child not perform exercises with his mouth open, do not hold his breath, and do not allow the transition from violent, active movements straight to sedentary games. Use marching to regulate breathing.

4.The purpose of speech exercises without musical accompaniment:
Speech exercises are a kind of physical exercises, pronunciation in a rhythmic style. Poems can be combined with movements or without them. Use bends and movements with ribbons. When performing them, we use poetry according to the game and movements. A leader is selected from among the children.

5. Exercises that activate movements.
The purpose of exercises that activate attention is aimed at stimulating attention and memory, at speed and accuracy of reaction. Visual, auditory and motor memory training.

6.The purpose of exercises that develop a sense of rhythm– focus on emotional content. Here we convey the character of the music, which can be related to the game. They smoothly perform movements to the waltz, marching like soldiers.

7.Purpose of the game: you can pursue different goals: outdoor games with or without music, speech material must be introduced in the form of individual words or sentences. In the game, one must develop self-control, a sense of collectivism, and the ability to accept defeat.

8. Final exercises. Target: The child must be ready for the next lesson, you need to try to switch his attention.
Techniques: listening to music, developing cognitive skills, saying the name of the composer, revealing the features of this piece of music.

Punina Z.E. “Rhythmics for children with speech and hearing disorders”
Samoilenko N.S. and Griner V.A. "Speech therapy rhythm"

Speech therapy rhythm program for children with special needs of preschool age

Every year, according to the observations of speech therapists, the number of children with various speech disorders is growing. This is the result of insufficient attention from parents, replacement of live communication with the child with television, an increase in the frequency of common diseases in children, poor ecology, etc. Deficiencies in sound pronunciation can cause deviations in the development of mental processes such as memory, thinking, imagination, and also form an inferiority complex, expressed in difficulties in communication.

Overcoming problems with sound pronunciation is of great importance in the child’s subsequent life. Timely elimination of pronunciation deficiencies will help prevent difficulties in mastering reading and writing skills. Logorhythmics is the most emotional part of speech therapy correction, combining the correction of speech disorders with the development of sensory and motor abilities of children. Under the influence of speech therapy rhythm classes, children experience significant changes in sound pronunciation, word formation, and the accumulation of active vocabulary.

Everything in our body is subject to rhythm - whether the heart, lungs or brain activity are working. The development of rhythm is closely related to the formation of spatio-temporal relations. Motor rhythm influences the development of speech mechanisms. A sense of rhythm helps to quickly and easily assimilate poems and understand musical works. Therefore, it is simply necessary for children to conduct logorhythmics classes.
Logorhythmics is useful for all children. This is a powerful aid for effective correction work. various violations speech.
Logorhythmic exercises are aimed at comprehensive development child, improving his speech, mastering motor skills, the ability to navigate the world around him, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, and express himself creatively. In addition, logorhythmics using health-saving technologies has a beneficial effect on the child’s health: a restructuring of various systems occurs in his body, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, and speech motor systems. Elements of psycho-gymnastics, active and passive music therapy are introduced into the course of classes.


Speech therapy rhythm is one of the links in correctional pedagogy. First of all, this is a comprehensive methodology that includes means of speech therapy, musical-rhythmic and physical education. Its basis is speech, music and movement. Therefore, the goal of this program is the correction and prevention of existing deviations in the speech development of children through a combination of words and movement.


Create conditions for organizing logarithmic classes using health-saving technologies;
introduce modern efficient technologies correction of speech disorders,
develop musical and Creative skills children.

BASIS OF THE PROGRAM The modified program of “logorhythmic classes for children with disabilities of senior preschool age” is based on the main provisions of the programs and teaching aids:
in speech therapy:
"Correctional work system ( senior group)" N.V. Nishchevoy;
Educational and methodological manual"Children with general underdevelopment speech. Education and training” by T. B. Filicheva, T. V. Tumanova;
Educational and practical manual for speech therapists and medical workers “Speech therapy massage and physical therapy with children 3-5 years old” by G. V. Dedyukhina, T. A. Yanshina, L. D. Mogucheya;
Methodical manual “Articulation gymnastics in poems and pictures” by T. A. Kulikovskaya.
according to logorhythmics:
Methodological manuals on logorhythmics by M. Yu. Kartushina, M. Yu. Gogoleva, E. V. Kuznetsova.
on children's health:
Children's health program “Green Light of Health” by M. Yu. Kartushina;
Methodical manuals “Breathing gymnastics for children” by M.N. Shchetinina, “Psycho-gymnastics by M.I. Chistyakova,” “The ABC of physical education minutes” by V.I. Kovalko.

PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION 1. The principle of science. Reinforcement of all correctional and health measures with scientifically based and practically proven methods.
2. The principle of integrity, complexity of pedagogical processes. Logorhythmic classes are planned, conducted and analyzed by a speech therapist, music director, teachers primary classes speech therapy group. Issues regarding the inclusion of health-saving technologies in the course of classes are resolved jointly with medical workers OU.
3. Systematic principle. Logorhythmic work should contribute to the formation of the language as a whole, as a system of interconnected and interdependent units.
4. The principle of consistency. Each of the corrective directions of logorhythmics is implemented in the process of step-by-step work. As sound pronunciation develops, the order of phoneme acquisition becomes more and more subject to the laws of the phonemic system of the language being acquired. The sounds that define the core of the phonological system of the Russian language are formed first. Later, sounds that make up the periphery appear. The teacher’s task is to observe the basic patterns of normal acquisition of language units.
5. The principle of relying on intact functions or the principle of a workaround. Working on one sound prepares and facilitates the correct pronunciation of other sounds, the same phonetic group, and sounds of other groups (producing the sound “s” completely prepares the articulatory structure of the sound “z” and partially the structures of hissing sounds). This mutual connection allows healthy sounds to be used to produce sounds that are poorly pronounced.
6. The principle of taking into account the level of development of the child. L. S. Vygotsky proposed to distinguish two main levels in the development of a child: level current development(independent solution of proposed problems) and the level of potential development (the ability to solve problems with appropriate help from the teacher), thus, the child should be trained from completing a task with the help of a teacher to solving it independently. Any proposed task must be certainly feasible, taking into account the level of development of the child and the stage of correctional intervention.
7. The principle of repetition of skills. As a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed.
8. The principle of selection of linguistic material. Correctly selected linguistic material acts as one of the important basic conditions for correction. A text that is easy to pronounce, in which difficult sound combinations are absent or rarely occur, and there are many vowel sounds.
9. The principle of individual-personal orientation of education. The main goal of education is the child, whose development is planned based on his individual and age characteristics.
10. The principle of active learning. In logorhythmics classes they use active forms and teaching methods - games, active listening, creative tasks, improvisation, performing health-improving exercises in movement to music.
11. The principle of effectiveness. Receipt positive result development and correction of speech, health improvement of each child.

Logorhythmic exercises include the following types of exercises:
Introductory walking and spatial orientation.
Dynamic exercises to regulate muscle tone develop the ability to relax and tense muscle groups. Thanks to these exercises, children have better control of their body, their movements become precise and dexterous.
Articulation exercises are useful at any age, since clear articulation is the basis of good diction. Articulation exercises for children with sound pronunciation disorders are a necessity. Clear sensations from the organs of the articulatory apparatus are the basis for mastering the skill of writing. Working on articulation allows you to clarify the correct sound pronunciation, develops the mobility of the tongue, jaws, lips, and strengthens the muscles of the pharynx.
Breathing exercises correct speech breathing disorders, help develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, strength and correct distribution of exhalation. During logorhythmic classes, together with the OU speech therapist and on the recommendation of a pediatrician, the following are used:
1. exercises for the development of diaphragmatic-abdominal breathing,
2. development of prolonged speech exhalation,
3. training the coordinated work of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory systems.
Phonopedic and health-improving exercises for the throat develop the basic qualities of the voice - strength and height, and strengthen the vocal apparatus. During the cold season, these exercises are performed daily as a preventive measure. colds. During the classes, phonopedic exercises according to V. Emelyanov are used, which not only develop the vocal cords, but also develop the singing skills of schoolchildren.
Exercises to develop attention and memory develop all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. Children's attention and ability to quickly respond to changes in activity are activated.
Pure sayings are required in every lesson. With their help, sounds are automated, the tongue is trained to perform the correct movements, and clear, rhythmic pronunciation of phonemes and syllables is practiced. Children develop phonemic awareness and auditory attention.
Speech games can be presented in various types: rhythmic recitations without musical accompaniment, games with sound, games with sounding gestures and playing music on children's musical instruments, theatrical sketches, dialogue games, etc. The use of simple poetic text (Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes, teasers) promotes quick memorization games and facilitates the execution of logarithmic tasks.
Rhythmic games develop a sense of rhythm, tempo, meter (accentuation of the strong beat), which allows the child to better navigate the rhythmic basis of words and phrases.
Singing songs and vocalizations develops memory, attention, thinking, emotional responsiveness and musical ear; The child’s vocal apparatus is strengthened and helps to automate vowel sounds. The process of developing singing abilities in children with speech disorders is aimed not only at the formation of their artistic culture, but also at the correction of voice, articulation, and breathing.
Finger games and fairy tales. Science has long known that the development of finger mobility is directly related to speech development. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills of the fingers, we contribute to the speedy speech development. Finger games and fairy tales, as in music classes, are often carried out accompanied by music - the texts are sung, or music is played in the background. It is very useful to use modeling of simple figures, origami, laying out simple mosaic patterns while pronouncing the text of the game.
Communicative games develop in children the ability to see their merits in another person; contribute to deepening awareness of the sphere of communication; teach the ability to collaborate. Such games are often played in a general circle.
Outdoor games, round dances, physical exercises train children in coordinating words and movements, develop attention, memory, and speed of reaction to changes in movements. These games foster a sense of collectivism, empathy, responsibility, and teach children to follow the rules of the game.
When compiling thematic plan The following areas of work are highlighted:
development of a sense of rhythm - exercises, musical - didactic, rhythmic games, speech games with movements aimed at developing a sense of rhythm and phonemic perception;
formation of correct breathing - exercises aimed at forming, developing and practicing correct physiological and speech breathing
development of articulatory and facial motor skills - exercises aimed at developing articulatory praxis and facial muscles
development of general motor skills - dynamic games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting general motor and coordination functions
development of fine motor skills - finger games and exercises with speech accompaniment or the use of various objects aimed at the development and correction of fine finger motor skills
Perspective-thematic plan

LESSON 1. “Autumn, trees in autumn”

2. “DANCE WITH LEAVES” (see appendix)
Swing over me, Children swing leaves over their heads.
My leaf is golden.
Oak leaves, spinning
Maple leaves
We sit behind a leaf, the children squat down and “hide.”
We look from behind a leaf. Beat 1,3 - move the leaf away from the face
Beat 2, 4 - hiding
Oak leaves rise and spin
Maple leaves
Suddenly a cheerful breeze quickly shakes a leaf
He wants to tear out my leaflet.
Oak leaves, spinning
Maple leaves

3. FINGER GYMNASTICS “AUTUMN BOUQUET” (according to the speech therapist’s plan)
One two three four five,
We will collect leaves.
Birch leaves,
Rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
Aspen leaves,
We will collect oak leaves.
We'll bring an autumn bouquet for mom.

4. Exercise for coordination of movement and speech “LEAFERS”
Autumn leaves are quietly spinning, Swinging their arms above their heads to the right, to the left;
The leaves fall quietly under our feet. Squat;
And under their feet they rustle, rustle, move their hands along the floor to the right, to the left;
As if they want to get dizzy again.
And under their feet they rustle, rustle, They get up, move their hands and take turns and
eyes follow movement;
as if they want to get dizzy again. They're spinning.

To lose, they run in a circle and at the end “gather into a bouquet.”

5. Exercise to convey a rhythmic pattern
6. Articulation gymnastics (according to the speech therapist’s plan)
7. GAME “You fly, fly a leaf” Children sit freely around the hall and perform movements while singing (see appendix)
You fly, fly leaf,
Right on the path.
Lie down for a while
Get some rest.
Let's start a round dance,
Let's make it big
And your leaf
We'll find a couple
8. Communicative dance-game “YES – YES – YES” (see appendix)
We will clap our hands - yes, yes, yes!
We stamp our feet - yes, yes, yes!
Let's wave our hands - yes, yes, yes!
Let's dance with our feet - yes, yes, yes!

A model of a birch tree with light yellow leaves attached to strings is placed in the center of the hall. Children come up to the tree and blow on the leaves, trying to inhale through their noses and exhale noisily through their mouths with their lips drawn into the tube.

LESSON 2. “Vegetables” (Vegetables)

The hostess came from the market one day, “Walking” with her fingers on the table.
The hostess brought it home from the market
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, Bend one finger per word
Parsley and beets. on both hands
Oh!.. Cotton.
Here the vegetables started an argument on the table - alternating blows with fists and palms
Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth.
Potato? Cabbage? Carrot? Peas? Bend the fingers on both hands
Parsley or beets?
Oh! Cotton.
The hostess, meanwhile, took the knife and knocked on the table with the edge of each palm.
And with this knife she began to chop
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, bend your fingers
Parsley and beets.
Oh! Cotton!
Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot Palms warehouse. crisscross on the table
Boiled, boiled in boiling water
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, bend your fingers
Parsley and beets.
Oh! Cotton.
And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

4. Rhythmic exercise“Repeat, my friend, after me” (see appendix)
Get into a circle quickly
Dance with me, my friend!
Step back,
Step forward
And there is a turn.
You and I are flying together,
We are not tired at all.
Step back,
Step forward,
And there is a turn.

5. “CABBAGE” massage
We chop and chop cabbage. They hit you on the back with the ribs of your palms.
We are three carrots, three. Stroking your back with your fingers up and down
We salt the cabbage, salt it. “They run their fingers down my back.
We press and press cabbage. "They press"
We drink cabbage juice, we drink. They stroke your back.
6. SONG “VEGARDEN” (see appendix)
We have a vegetable garden
There are carrots growing there.
Such a height
Such a height!
(children raise their hands up)
This is the width
That's how wide it is!
(gradually spread their arms to the sides, moving back)
We have a vegetable garden
Cabbage grows there.
(slowly move forward, narrowing the circle)
Such a height
Such a height!
(raise hands up)
This is the width
That's how wide it is!
(spread your arms to the sides, stepping back)

Guests came to us
Dear ones have come,
It was not in vain that we cooked jelly, Children stand in a circle and “cook” jelly
Pies were baked. Children stand in a circle and “make” pies

Raspberry Pie Children pass the “pie” into each other’s hands, calling
And cabbage pie, filling
And the one without filling -
The most delicious pie.
And carrot pie,
And beetroot pie...

LESSON 3. “Fruits”

1. Walking and marching in different directions.
Yesterday we walked in the garden, the children walked in a circle, holding hands.
We planted currants. Depict how they dig a hole and plant a bush in it
We whitened the apple trees. Movement of the right hand up and down.
Lime, whitewash.
We repaired the fence, they imitate blows with a hammer.
We started a conversation: They stand facing in a circle, one child comes to the center
- You tell me
Our gardener
What will you give us as a reward?
- I will give you a reward. For each name of fruit, one is folded.
Drain the purple ones, the finger on the right hand
honey pears,
The largest
ripe apples,
A whole kilogram of cherries.
Here's what you need
I'll give you a reward.


We shared an orange. Children break an imaginary orange into slices.
There are many of us, showing 10 fingers
And he is alone. Show one finger.
This slice is for the hedgehog. Bend over thumb left hand
This slice is for the swift. Bend the index finger.
This slice is for ducklings. Bend the middle finger.
This slice is for kittens. Bend the ring finger.
This slice is for the beaver. Bend the little finger.
And for the wolf - the peel. Throwing movement with the right hand.
He is angry with us - Trouble! They clench their fists and press them to their chest.
Run away - in all directions! They “run” their fingers across the table.
5. “PEAR” (see appendix)
Pear loves grapes
Loves pears Pear.
My brother will buy fruit for Pear,
The pear will eat
Coordination of speech with movement, work on general speech skills, development of fine motor skills
- Apple tree! Apple tree! Children walk in a circle holding hands; in the center,
Where are your apples? one child stands with his hands up - “apple tree”
Did the frost freeze them? Children stop at every line
Or did the wind carry them away? Bend one finger on the left hand.
Or did lightning burn it? Child – “Apple Tree” denies. shakes his head
Or were they hit by hail?
Or did the birds peck?
Where did they go? They throw up their hands and shrug their shoulders.
- The frost did not freeze them, Children bend one finger on their right hand
And it was not the wind that carried them away,
Didn't burn them with fire
There was no hail with rain,
The birds didn't peck them...
The children interrupted! The children run away, the “apple tree” runs after them,
7. Communicative dance-game “Friendly couples” (see appendix)

LESSON 4. “Forest. Mushrooms. Berries"

1.Walking and marching in different directions
We walked, walked, walked, Marching, hands on our belts.
We found strawberries. They bent down and touched with their right hand
toe your left foot without bending your knees.
One, two, three, four, five, Marching.
We're going to look again. They bent down and with their left hand took out the toe of their right foot.
3. FINGER GAME “For the berries”!
One, two, three, four, five, (fingers shake hands)
We're going for a walk in the forest. (fingers walk across the table)
For blueberries, (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)
For raspberries
For lingonberries,
Behind the viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother

4. EXERCISE “ECHO” (see appendix)
The main element of this exercise is sliding (gliding), ascending and descending intonation with a sharp transition from the chest to the falsetto register and, conversely, with a characteristic “break” of the voice, which is called the “register threshold” (for children).
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Transition from the sound [a] below to the sound [u] above.
And in response to me:
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I shout again:
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
And in response to me:
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Gradually replace “Ay” with the following sequences: “U-u”, “U-o”, “O-a”, “A-e”, “E-s”.

Why are you hiding your leg?
And my head in the grass,
A vain ploy
I'll find it anyway.

I'll jump over the ditch
Where is the fast stream?
I will spread the grass with my hand,
I'll find you, buddy.

You are strong and beautiful
In the thick grass all day,
You stand proudly
And the hat is askew.

6. Exercise for developing facial expressions “Raspberry and cranberry jam” (according to the plan of the speech therapist).


Mila chalked the floor. They imitate.

Slava took the saw. They imitate.

We made borscht. Imitate

8. Communicative dance-game “Friendly couples” (see appendix)

LESSON 5. “Clothing”

1. Walking and marching in different directions.

3. FINGER GAME “Alyonka”
Alenka-malenka (Clap with palms, strike with fists 2 times)
Nimble, fast:
Apply water (bend fingers, starting with thumb)
I finished the sundress,
Knitted a sock
I picked berries
Finished the song
I made it everywhere. (clap palms with fists)
She cares about hunting.

These trousers for Ilyusha, 2 rubles each, are stomped first with the right foot, then with the left.
Grandmother sewed it from plush. They show how grandma sewed trousers
Ilya goes for a walk in them. They walk in a circle, holding hands.
He's big, like you and me. They raise their hands and stretch on their toes.
La-la-la... They clap their hands three times.
Mila chalked the floor. They imitate.
Lu-lu-lu... Clap your hands three times
Slava took the saw. They imitate.
Ul-ul-ul... Clap your hands three times
Mikhail fell asleep. They put their hands under their cheeks.
Shcha-shcha-shcha... They clap their hands three times.
We made borscht. Imitate
Shchi-schi-schi... Clap your hands three times.
We pinch the sorrel for cabbage soup. They imitate.

Get into a circle quickly
dance with me, my friend!
Step back,
Step forward
And there is a turn.
You and I are flying together,
We are not tired at all.
Step back, step forward
And there is a turn.


1. Walking and marching in different directions.
2. MOTOR EXERCISES “SHOE SHOP”: thread and needle, hammers (shot), cleaning (according to the speech therapist’s plan)
Like our cat’s fingers bend on both hands, one at a time,
Boots on feet. starting with the big ones
Like our pig
There are boots on my feet.
And on the dog's paws
Blue slippers.
And the kid is small
Puts on boots.
And son Vovka -
New sneakers.
Like this, like this, “Walking” on the table with the index and middle fingers
New sneakers. Fingers of both hands.
4. EXERCISE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF FAMILY: “NEW SHOES”, “THE BOOTS ARE TORN...”, “DIRTY SHOES” (according to the speech therapist’s plan)
5. CHANCE “SLIPPERS” (see appendix)
These are slippers for Antoshka, they stomp rhythmically with each foot twice.
So that your feet don't freeze in them. Four rhythmic jumps on both legs.
Stomp, stomp, stomp, rhythmically stomp each foot twice.
What kind of slippers? Like toys! Left leg first put on the toe, then on
heel Repeat the movements with the right leg.
Here are the boots for Marinka, they stomp rhythmically with each foot twice.
Not shoes, but pictures. 4 rhythmic jumps on both legs.
To go for walks in them, They walk in a circle, one after another.
Run, jump and play pranks. They run in a circle after each other, do two
jump on both legs, stomp.

Once! Two! Three! Four! Children jump in circles.
I'm jumping along the path!
Once! Two! Three! Four!
I'm teaching the shoe to jump.
Once! Two! Three! Four! They tap their heels on the floor.
The heel broke off.
Once! Two! Three! Four! Raise your leg and turn your toe from side to side
The shoe got lost. Repeat the movements on the other leg.
-Children, children, where are you going?
- Oh, shoemaker, we're going to the square.
- Children, children, you will tear your shoes,
- Oh, shoemaker, you can patch them up.
- Children, children, who will pay me?
- Oh, shoemaker, the one you catch!

LESSON 7. “Toys”

1. Walking and marching in different directions
1.Development of fine motor skills and sense of rhythm, development of intonation attention.
Clap, clap, (clap)

Turn the key quickly. (Tilt raised palms to the right and left, imitate the swing of a pendulum) Clap, clap, (clap)
One, two, three, (clench both hands into fists)
And get a toy! (Pinch your fingers together to imitate the winding of a toy.)
2. Breathing exercises “Ball”
We quickly inflate the balloon - it becomes big.
Suddenly our balloon burst, the air came out shhhhh!
He became thin and thin! (the fingers of both hands are gathered into a pinch and touching.
We blow on them and our fingers take the shape of a ball. The air comes out, fingers in and. P.)
3. Speech coordination game with the movement “My Ball”
Cheerful friend, my ball, (4 jumps)
Everywhere, everywhere he is with me. (2 swings of the left and right hand)
One, two, three, four, five. (5 jumps)
Play the ball well (two swings again)
4. Activation of facial expressions.
- Teach the animals depicted in the pictures to convey their habits and character with the help of expressive movements and facial expressions: a cowardly hare, a clumsy bear, a fussy hen, an important goose, a graceful cat.
-1,2,3,4,5 – we start playing.
They spun around on the spot and turned into toys.
We're all groovy now. Guess who we are?
5. Articulation gymnastics, development of a sense of rhythm and voice strength.
- “Let’s clap our hands” Pronounce the rhythm for each quarter:
1,2,3,- Look at the toys.
1,2,3,4- We bought toys!
1,2,3,4,5- Let's play with them!
- Pictures: cat, goose, chicken, drum. Learn to pronounce onomatopoeia by changing the strength of your voice.
Goose - “Ga-ha-ha (loud), ha-ga (quiet)”
Chicken - “Ko-ko-ko (quiet), ko-ko-ko (loud)”
The cat meowed “meow, meow (loud), meow, meow (quiet)”
And the drum began to beat with sticks.
6. Finger gymnastics “Toys”
On a large sofa in a row (claps hands - fists)
Katina's dolls are sitting:
Two bears, Pinocchio, (bend their fingers, starting with the thumb)
And cheerful Cipollino,
And a kitten and a baby elephant.
One two three four five. (extend fingers)
Let's help our Katya (claps hands - fists)
We count the toys.
7. Joke song “Vovin drum” (see appendix)
Gave it to Vova
New drum
What a beautiful new drum!
-Oh, what a drum! - they said
This is the drum they gave me


1. Walking and marching in different directions.
I am a teapot, a grumbler, a busybody, a madman, Children stand with one arm bent, like
the spout of the teapot, the other is held on the belt;
I'm showing off my belly to you. My belly is inflated
I’m boiling tea, bubbling and shouting: They’re stomping
- Hey, people, I want to have some tea with you! Make inviting movements with the right
3. FINGER GYMNASTICS “ASSISTANTS” (according to the plan of the speech therapist)
One, two, three, four, (strikes with fists, palms)
We washed the dishes:
Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon (bend one finger at a time)
And a big ladle.
Ved.: Guys, look, the kettle is boiling. Let's show how the kettle boils.
From a squatting position, they gradually stand up, raise their arms up and take a deep breath, while exhaling, spread their arms to the sides and pronounce the sound F-F-F-F.
5. CHANCE “PLATE” (see appendix)
Here is a plate for Valerka - “Draw” a large circle with their hands.
Yellow rings. “Draw” is indicated. small rings with your fingers
For cutlets, for mashed potatoes, bend the fingers on the left hand with the right hand, start. With
For pancakes and buckwheat. thumb
6. CHANCE “CUP” (see appendix)
A blue cup for Mitya, They sat down, their right hand on their belt, like the handle of a cup, so that he could drink tea, They stood up, bending their fingers to each name
Juice, cream, lemonade. right hand with left hand.
We need to decorate the cup. They show how to decorate a cup with dots.
Our cook Vasily
I came to the kitchen.
He is in charge, he is strong,
He is like a conductor!
Just wave a huge ladle -
The orchestra will immediately sing:
The pots are huge - boom-bom!
Bottomless cans - don-don!
Cups for tea - ting-ting!
The frying pan is big – ding-ding!
Forks and spoons - there, there!
Plates and bowls - bam-bam, bam-bam.
Our orchestra plays interesting,
And the borscht turns out simply wonderful!
This is the good girl
This girl's name is Masha.
And this plate, and in this plate...(porridge?)
No, not porridge, no, not porridge,
And they didn’t guess, and they didn’t guess.
Masha sat down, ate porridge,
All they gave. Dali!

Lesson 9. “Winter”

1. Walking and marching in different directions.
2. Speech coordination game with the “Snowman” movement
Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy, (they walk in a circle)
Roll your snowball in the snow. (roll a snowball in front of them)
It turned into a thick lump (draw a snowball with both hands)
And the lump will become a snowman.
His smile is so bright! (shows a smile on their face)
Two eyes, a hat, a broom nose. (show eyes, nose, hat, broom)
But the sun will be a little hot - (squat)
Alas! And there is no snowman. (shrug)

Blizzard whistles Children make glissando from low register to
to the top one to the sound [у]
low to the sound [o]

Sing along, sing along,
Ten birds are a flock.
This bird is a nightingale. Children bend one finger on both hands.
This bird is a sparrow
This bird is an owl
Sleepy little head.
This bird is a waxwing,
This bird is a corncrake.
This bird is an angry eagle. They wave with folded palms.
Birds, birds, go home. They flap both arms like wings.

5. Speech therapy chant “CROW” (see appendix)
A crow sat on the lantern and sat down.
I sat and looked. Turns the head left and right.
“Kar! – she said loudly. - They frown and threaten with the index finger of their right hand.
Isn’t Romka being capricious?” They threaten with the index finger of their left hand.
6. Speech therapy chant “SPARROW” (see appendix)
The sparrow jumps quickly, they jump in a circle on both legs,
The bird is a gray baby. holding his arms to his sides like wings.
Snooping around the yard, turning his head left and right twice
Collects crumbs. every line.

Clap, clap, clap, clap.

Top, top, top, top.
We put on the mittens, stretch our arms forward and turn. palms

We are not afraid of blizzards:

Yes Yes Yes!
Is godfather, sparrow at home?
At home…
What is he doing now?
Lying sick...
What hurts him?
Little head...
Go, go to the garden, pick aloushka grass, and steam his little head.
Soared, gossip, yes soared, my dear!
It doesn't make the steam feel hot, but it gives it even more warmth to the heart.


Early - early in the morning
Shepherd: “Tu-ru-ru-ru!”
And cows suit him well
They sang: “Moo-moo-moo!”
Children inhale deeply through their mouths, exhale slowly and hum, lightly tapping their index fingers on their nostrils.
The same exercise is performed by tapping the nasolabial folds with your fingers.
3. FINGER GAME “Burenushka”
Give me some milk, Burenushka, (milk the cow)
At least a drop - on the bottom.
Kittens are waiting for me (they make faces out of fingers)
Little guys.
Give them a spoonful of cream (I bend one finger at a time)
A little cottage cheese
Oils, curdled milk,
Milk for porridge.
Gives health to everyone (milking again)
Cow's milk
4. Speech therapy chant “COW” (SEE APPENDIX)
"Moo-moo-moo! - the cow moos. - They walk in a circle, making “horns” from the decree. fingers.
I gore Katya and Vova. Turn to face the center of the circle and do
two turns of the head left and right.
Don't you drink milk? They put their hands on their belts and make an angry face.
Run far away!” They run away.
5. Speech therapy chant “HORSE” (SEE APPENDIX)
Hooves click loudly. They walk in a circle, raising their knees high.
The horse goes to the river to drink.
The horse has a fluffy tail. They stop and show the “tail” with their right hand.
Like my pigtail. Show a “pigtail” with your left hand
The kitten is funny and remote.
And, like a small child,
He plays on the heap -
The kitten is funny and remote.

He reached out with his paw: “Meow.”
He bent his back: “Meow.”
He started to gallop after the ball,
And then he grabbed the ball.
"Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow."
7. Speech therapy gymnastics “DOG”
1. “The dog sniffs” (to strengthen the neck muscles, activate breathing). I.p. – sitting, back and neck straight. Tilt your head forward and down, inhaling through your nose, then raise your head in an i.p. and lean back, inhaling through your mouth, return to the i.p. 2. “The dog shows its teeth” (to develop static tension in the chewing muscles (. Clench your teeth tightly on the count of “1, 2”, slowly unclench them on the count of “3”). 3. “The dog scares the game” (to strengthen the lip muscles). Raise and lower both lips alternately in 4 steps: a) raise the upper lip, b) lower the lower lip, c) lower the upper lip to normal, d) raise the lower lip to normal
Horned goat, where has she been? Horned goat, what did you bring?
(Goat sings)
I was on a grind, I baked pies from white flour for my friends.

- I walked across the field, I stomped my hoof. I collected cornflowers for my friends.
- Horned goat, where was she? Horned goat, what did you bring?
- I walked across the meadow to visit Uncle Cockerel. Here's a bag of grains sent by the cockerel.
He takes out a bag from behind the screen and gives it to the teacher.
Then he says goodbye and leaves


1. Walking and marching in different directions.
A bear walks through the forest. Children depict how a bear walks.
Wants to sit down and sit.
Where is such a place, they ask, throwing up their hands.
So the bear could sit down? Looking out from under the hand for a suitable place
Then there is a tall stump, They show a tall stump - at chest level
Then a twig sticks out, They show the twig: the right hand is clenched into a fist,
and raise your index finger.
It's wet moss, they throw up their hands and sigh heavily.
The moss is dry! Oh!
Then the low stump, They show the low stump, bending over
That's a thick shadow, spreading their arms to the sides and looking up
It’s a narrow ditch, Place your palms edge-on on the table (on the floor) // friend
friend for a little distance. Then they pull
hands forward, without lifting them off the table (floor) -
show how a long and narrow ditch stretches.
That's a nest of ants. They show with their hands a mound - a nest of ants:
raise their palms // to the floor so that they are large
fingers touched.
Then they spread their arms down to the sides.
Then the magpie screams and jumps to the right (left) side.
Then the thorns on the side show the thorns: the arms are bent at the elbows,
turn palms to the left side, fingers
spread out. They jump to the right.
There is no good place. They shake their head, clasping it in their arms.
This is a fairy tale about a bear. They show how a bear walks.
About a picky bear.
A squirrel sits on a cart (claps palms and fist bumps)
Sells his nuts.
To the fox-sister, (bend one finger at a time)
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache.
Who needs a scarf, (rhythmic clapping of palms)
Who cares,
Who cares?
The bunny jumps through the bushes, They jump on both legs, making “ears” from their palms
Through the swamp and over the hummocks.
A squirrel jumps on the branches, they jump with their hands folded in front of their chest.
The mushroom is carried to baby squirrels.
A bear with a clubfoot is walking, They are waddling.
He has crooked paws.
Without paths, without paths They move in a half-squat, making their backs round.
A prickly hedgehog is rolling.
F-f-f-f-f-f-f, hedgehog, hedgehog.
You won't see his legs, legs.
The needles prick him, prickly.
It’s like a round Christmas tree is running, a Christmas tree.
Zha-zha-zha-, zha-zha-zha here is a hedgehog.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu somehow already came to the hedgehog.
Zhi-zhi-zhi-zhi-zhi-zhi show me the hedgehog.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu I’m not friends with snakes.
Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha is already leaving the hedgehog.
7. Speech therapy gymnastics “KITTENS”
1. (For the development of facial-articulatory muscles.) The jaws are clenched. Alternately raise the corners of the mouth while closing the corresponding eye. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, through the teeth of the active side.
2. (To stimulate the movement of the lower jaw.) I.p. - mouth open. Move your jaw to the right, then return to IP; push the jaw forward, return to the i.p.; move your jaw to the left, return to i.p.
3. “Coil” (to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the elevation of the back and root of the tongue, and develop their mobility). The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Place the wide tip of the tongue against the tubercles behind the lower teeth, arch the back of the tongue, roll the tongue forward and tuck it into the back of the mouth. Try to keep the lips and lower jaw motionless, the tip of the tongue does not leave the alveoli.
Children each choose the role of an animal and sit in a “cage” (hoop). The teacher walks between the “cells” and asks: “What animal lives in this cage?” Children use their movements, facial expressions, and onomatopoeia to show who they are portraying.


1. Walking and marching in different directions
Snow fell on the threshold (palms on knees)
The cat made himself a pie (they make pies)
In the meantime I sculpted and baked
The pie flowed away like a stream. (They run their fingers over their knees)
Make your own pies (bake pies)
Not from snow - from flour.

Blizzard whistles Children make glissando from a low register
to the upper one to the sound [у]
The snow was flying, making a glissando from the high register to
low to the sound [o]
Making the bed is a big blizzard They make a glissando to the sound [and] this, that↓,
showing the pitch of the sound with your hand.
She made the beds with frost, Singing abrupt, “sharp” sounds
[a] in different registers as shown by the teacher
And there were blizzards all night. Then they intensified the sound, spreading their arms to the sides,
then they calm down, bringing their palms closer to each other,
singing different vowels in one breath.

4. SONG “SNOW-SNOWBALL” (see appendix)
Snow-snowball, snow-snowball,
Soft and fluffy.
It sparkles in the sun
Very very clean
Snowfall, snowfall
plays with the wind,
All paths and paths
It's circling, you'll notice.
Winter, winter
Laughs merrily
Both skiing and sledding
He wants to go for a ride.

EXERCISE to develop expressive speech, facial expressions and movements

Vedas: Once upon a time we met in the yard Fatty-Snegovichka and Icicle-Skinny.

Icicles were surprised: The children look with raised eyebrows and
eyes wide open
“Oh, how fat you are!”
The Snowmen got angry: They frowned, wrinkled their lips, and looked angry.
“We’re not that fat!”
Icicles were even more surprised: Round their lips (like the letter “o”), raise them. brows
“Oh, you’re also angry!”
The Snowmen became even more angry: Extract. lips like a tube, eyebrows drawn together
“Uh-oh! We're really angry!"
Wrinkled nose Icicles: Wrinkle their nose, pronounce words with dissatisfaction in their voice
"Ugh! We don’t want to talk to you!”
The Snowmen's lips curled: There was indignation on their face, the corners of their mouth curled.
“Pfft! Well, it is not necessary".
We will warm ourselves up a little. The children, holding hands, walk in a circle.
We will clap our hands: Stop and clap our hands
Clap, clap, clap, clap.
We will also warm the legs. They move in a circle.
We'll stomp quickly: They stop and stomp.
Top, top, top, top.
We put on the mittens, stretch out the arms forward and turn the palms
up and down, as if showing mittens.
We are not afraid of blizzards:
Jump, jump, jump, jump. They perform jumps on the spot.
Frost and I became friends, they imitate snowflakes, spin and
Like snowflakes swirling: “scattering” in different directions.
Yes Yes Yes!

Wow! Wow! Wow! "Plates";
The sleigh claps from the right and left to the rhythm of the music;
With all my might. stomp 2 times;
Wow! Wow! Wow! "Plates";
Snow under the slide clapping to the rhythm of music;
Like fluff. 2 claps overhead.

Severe frost Inhale through the nose, exhale noisily
Freeze our nose. into the palm that covers the face.
Let's warm up your nose
Let's breathe soon.
Warm your nose, take a deep breath through your nose, pull your lower lip under your upper
And my chin is frozen. Blow silently down onto your chin for a long time.
Let's warm our palms - Exhale onto the palms, pronouncing the syllable “fa”
Let's breathe more fun!
Are our feet cold? Children perform squats while pronouncing the syllable “uh.”
Let's dance merrily!


1. Walking and marching in different directions.

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok. Children raise their hands above their heads.
The fingertips of the left hand are connected to
right fingertips. - this is the “roof”.
He is not short, not high, not tall. Squat - “low”, stand up - “high”.
There is a lock on the door, yes a lock. They clasp their fingers together in a “lock” so tightly
Who would help us open that lock? so that your fingers turn red.
On the left is a bunny, on the right is a bear. Nod their head once left and right
- Pull back the bolt! They pull their hands in different directions, but their fingers
left in the castle - “strong castle”.
On the left is a hedgehog, on the right is a wolf. Nod their head once left and right
- Press the lock! Fingers squeeze tighter
Bunny, bear, hedgehog, wolf
They open the little house, the little house. “They open the lock” - they spread their hands in
different sides.
In our room - the dining room -
There is an excellent OAK TABLE, for each name of a piece of furniture children
CHAIRS – the backs are all carved, one finger is bent at a time. Towards the end of the century
The legs are bent and twisted. All ten fingers must be bent.
And a nut BUFFET
For jam and sweets.
In the adult room - bedroom -
There is a MIRROR WARDROBE for dresses,
With blankets on cotton wool
And a birch chest of drawers,
Mom takes the laundry there.
And in the living room there are CHAIRS,
They watch TV here.
There is a SOFA and a coffee table,
IN THE WALL is a music center.


5. Speech therapy chant “CHAIR” (SEE APPENDIX)
This is a chair. Seat, back, a bent right palm is attached to the straight
the left one to make a “chair”.
And on the back there are two pictures, showing two fingers on the right hand.
And four more legs, showing two fingers on both hands
For a cat to sit under a chair. They squat and make “ears” out of their palms.

6. SONG “WE WALK WITH A SONG” (see appendix)
We walk with a song,
It's easy for us to travel.
With a wonderful song
Good to go.
One-two, one-two,
Song, ring.
One, two, one, two,
Fly high.
7. ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS (according to the speech therapist’s plan)


1. Walking and marching in different directions
Hands to the sides - take off Children run on their tiptoes in a circle,
We send the plane with our arms out to the sides
Right wing forward, Turn over right shoulder
Left wing forward, Turn over left shoulder
Our plane took off. They run in a circle with their arms out to the sides.
From the green pier Step forward, hands down
The ship pushed off
One, two - Two steps back
He took a step back first.
And then he stepped forward - Two steps forward
One, two -
And he swam, swam along the river, Hands extended forward and closed -
When picking up full speed, this is the “bow” of the ship; moving in a circle
small steps
Cars are rushing along the highway. Children run in a circle, holding in their hands
- Shhh! – the tires rustle calmly. imaginary steering wheel.
And they hiss with evil: They turn and run in a circle in
– Take your time on the bend. reverse side.
Hedgehog with a bag and a staff Bend over so that the back becomes round,
Walks along the highway. the left hand is placed behind the back, the right hand is held
imaginary road, walking slowly
A swift is circling over the hedgehog: They stand on tiptoes, waving their arms like
- Where are you going, hedgehog? wings, running in a circle.
- Straight into the city, along the highway They walk again, pretending to be a hedgehog
I'm in a hurry, like everyone else.
- Be on your guard, my friend, They're running in the opposite direction again,
Don't rush into the bend! depicting a swift.
Tr-p-p - the cars hummed, “Start the engine” with their hands
Vzh-zh-zh – the wheels whistled!
Step aside, they're shaking their fingers.
There's a race on the playground!
The fox overtakes everyone. The fingers of the right hand “run” along the left hand
On a blue typewriter,
And the doll rushes after her, The fingers of the left hand “run” along the right hand
He waves to the audience.
Teddy bear in a red cap They knock on their knees with their fists.
Rides in a truck.
The bunny is also very happy: They “run” their fingers along the body up to the neck
They gave the bunny a scooter.
This is the finish line. Stop. Hands crossed over chest, clapped
palms on shoulders.
Hooray! Hands up
Kids are having fun! They clap their hands.
The locomotive brought us to the forest: Walking around the hall with arms bent at the elbows
Chug-chug-chug! Chug-chug-chug!
It's full of miracles. Surprisedly pronounce “Mmmm” as you exhale,
simultaneously tapping your fingers on the wings of your nose.
Here comes an angry hedgehog: Bend low, clasping your chest with your hands, -
hedgehog curled up into a ball.
Where's the nose? You won't understand. Direct sound and sight accordingly
F-f-r! F-f-r! F-f-r! Text
Here's a happy bee
Brought honey to the children:
Zzzz! Zzzz!
She sat on our elbow: Strengthening the laryngeal ligaments, preventing snoring
Zzzz! Zzzz!
Flew on my toe:
Zzzz! Zzzz!
The donkey scared the wasp:
-Y-ah! Y-ah-ah! Y-ah-ah!
He shouted to the whole forest: Walk slowly, raise your arms “wings”
Y-a-a-! Y-ah-ah! Y-ah-ah! inhale, lower with sound.
Geese are flying across the sky,
Geese honk at the donkey:
- G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u!
G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u!
Tired? We need to rest, the children sit on the carpet and yawn several times,
Sit down and yawn sweetly, thereby stimulating the laryngeal-pharyngeal
apparatus and activity of the brain.
Here is our train coming,
The wheels are knocking
And on our train
The guys are sitting.
Chu-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo,
The locomotive is running
Far, far away
He took the guys.
We arrived in the forest,
Stop again
Get up guys
Go for a walk.


1. Walking and marching in different directions.
And now you and I, children, Children are marching.
We're flying away on a rocket.
Rise up onto your toes, stretch, raising your arms above your head, clasping them together.
And then hands down. They give up.
One, two, three, stretch. Reaching
Here's a rocket flying up! They run in circles.
1. "Helicopter". I.p. – forearms diagonally upward, 3rd, 4th and 5th fingers clasped in a “lock” (“helicopter body”), spread apart, 2nd fingers connected and raised (“helicopter tail”). While singing, perform circular movements with 1 finger (“helicopter rotor blades”).
Spin the blades quickly!
Helicopter, fly, fly!
2. "Airplane." Place the palm of your right hand on top of the back of your left hand. Place your thumbs to the sides (“airplane wings”). Raise and lower the “airplane” while singing.
I'm a plane in the clear sky
I saw it, I saw it.
It's a pity that I've never been in it
Didn't fly, didn't fly.
Transition from stro-bass to chest voice on different vowel sequences. A combination of three registers in one movement: stro-bass, chest and falsetto.
Yesterday I boarded a rocket
And he flew around the world on it.
In the chest register, vowels are translated into one another in the established sequence with the transition to stro-bass.
The truck is carrying sand. They walk in a circle, pretending to turn the steering wheel.
The people are surprised: They stop, turn to face the center of the circle,
They spread their hands and feign surprise on their faces.
“This is how miracles, miracles, tilt their heads left and right twice.
It contains sand to the skies!” They stretch their arms and rise on their toes.
It's good to be a driver, Children run in circles, spinning in front of them
imaginary steering wheel
And it’s better to be a pilot. They run with their arms spread out like wings.
I would become a pilot
Let them teach me.
I pour gasoline into the tank. We stop and tilt the depicted vessel.
Starting the propeller Circular motion with my right hand
“Drive to the heavens, motor, They run with their arms outstretched
So that the birds can sing."


1.Walking and marching in different directions.
We are going skiing into the forest, the children are waving their arms as if they were using ski poles.
We climb the hill.
Sticks will help us walk,
The road will be easy for us.
Suddenly a strong wind rose, rotating the body to the right and left
He twists and turns trees
And there is a noise among the branches.
The snow flies, flies, flies.
Along the path, along the path Jumping on your right foot
Let's gallop on the right leg
And along the same path, jump on your left foot.
We jump on our left leg.
Let's run along the path, running in place.
We'll run to the lawn.
On the lawn, on the lawn
We'll jump like bunnies. Jumping in place on both legs
Reached up
Everyone smiled.
ALL OUR GROUP ARE FRIENDS. (they beat their fists rhythmically on the table)
THE YOUNGEST IS ME (unclench their fists, starting with the big one)
THIS IS Masha,
This is Sasha
This is Yura
This is Dasha.

Ryzhik the cat started to get bored - Children yawn
There is no one at home to play with.
To find friends, Smile
I need to go to kindergarten!
The saffron combed its paws, “dragging” the tongue between the teeth back and forth
He licked them with his tongue, licked his mouth clockwise.
Stretched left and right. They stick out their tongue strongly, now to the right, now to the left.
And, of course, he smiled. They smile.
Meow! Meow! Kids!Clap their hands
Let's have fun from the heart!
We will get it from the top shelf Pull the tip of the tongue up towards the nose
Our cheerful, ringing ball.
Let's roll the ball across the field, close your mouth, tense the tip of your tongue
rest first on one cheek, then on the other so that
“balls” were inflated under the cheek.
And then we’ll rush off at a gallop! Fast movements the tip of the tongue up and down.
We will take a round hoop and round our mouth, as if pronouncing the letter “o”.
And let's start spinning it.
And now, my boys,
Let's play hide and seek with you! Shows tongue, then quickly hides it behind
teeth - several times.
Ryzhik was playing all over,
Only in the evening I got tired. The children are stretching.
At home on the crib Children rest their heads on folded palms
The kitten sleeps sweetly.

Good morning! They turn to each other.
Smile soon! Spread your arms to the sides
And today they clap their hands all day long
It will be more fun.
We stroke the forehead, perform movements according to the text.
And cheeks.
We will be beautiful, Gradually raise our hands, performing “flashlights”
Like flowers in the garden!
Let's rub our palms Movements according to the text
Stronger, stronger!
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder!
Now we'll rub our ears, spread our arms to the sides
And we will save your health.
Let's smile again
Be healthy everyone!
5. SONG “FUNNY KINDERGARTEN” (see appendix)
Early in the morning along the river,
Where the grass is tall
Mom and I are going to kindergarten.
And they are in a hurry to meet us
Eight little chickens
For his corydalis.
Turn back Each partner turns back so
to see the face behind you, smile at him and
clap your hands four times.
And to your couple, Turn back to your partner, smile
and make four claps.
And smile at everyone, Turn back to your mate again.
To be more fun.
We swing, we swing Each pair connects both hands, - legs slightly
Hands quickly, spread out - and perform four swings, starting
movement first into a circle, out of a circle, etc.
They took hold of their skirts, The girls took hold of their skirts with both hands and
Run quickly. clockwise they run forward to the next pair.
The boys remain standing where they are.


1.Walking and marching in different directions.
Children make circular rotations in the hand and elbow with their right hand, while their left hand seems to perform small movements characteristic of working with a needle. Then the movements change: the left hand makes circular movements, the right hand makes a needle movement. Hand movements are made under the rhythmic pronunciation: “knock-knock-knock.”
Embroiders, sews with a needle, (in the right hand there is a “needle”, sews)
My finger hurts
It hurts my finger.
And the thimble (the same with the left hand)
At that very moment
Jump on the girl's finger!
Says to the needle (they shake a finger)
Don’t you dare inject yourself!

4. CHANCE “DRESS” (see appendix)
This dress is for Natasha - Four rhythmic turns right-left-
left and right, keeping your hands on your belt.
Red peas. Four rhythmic jumps on both legs.
And there are two pockets on the dress, two pockets are “drawn” on the tummy
Let's hide our palms in them. Place both palms on the tummy.
5. CHANCE “PANTIES” (see appendix)
For little Pashka
Natasha is sewing pants.
There are two pockets in the pants,
And there are mice on the pockets.
La-la-la... They clap their hands three times.
Mila chalked the floor. They imitate.
Lu-lu-lu... Clap your hands three times
Slava took the saw. They imitate.
Ul-ul-ul... Clap your hands three times
Mikhail fell asleep. They put their hands under their cheeks.
Shcha-shcha-shcha... They clap their hands three times.
We made borscht. Imitate
Shchi-schi-schi... Clap your hands three times.
We pinch the sorrel for cabbage soup. They imitate.
Get into a circle quickly
dance with me, my friend!
Step back,
Step forward
And there is a turn.
You and I are flying together,
We are not tired at all.
Step back, step forward
And there is a turn.

8. Communicative dance-game “Czech dance” (see appendix)

1. Walking and marching in different directions.
Come on, pilots, the children are standing straight, hands at their sides.
We got ready for the flight.
They approached the plane and marched
And they went up the ladder.
The flight begins, they squat on one knee with their arms outstretched
sides ("airplane")
Our plane buzzed.

Goal: Development of coordination of speech with movement in combination with music, activation of coherent speech.

1. Correctional educational objectives:

Consolidating ideas about domestic animals.

Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Pets”.

2. Corrective and developmental tasks:

Development of coherent speech.

Improvement grammatical structure speech.

Development of visual and auditory attention;

creative imagination;


articulatory and general motor skills.

3. Correctional and educational tasks:

Cultivating a love for pets.

Correct children's behavior

evoke positive emotions in them.


pillows, tambourines, spoons, triangle, ball,

march, sound of a bell, howl of a wolf, minus the songs “We’ll Buy Grandma”, Mozart “Music for Children”;


winter forest, horse carts, wolf, house, pets, shadows of pets.



Target : Development of coordination of speech with movement in combination with music, activation of coherent speech.

Tasks :

1. Correctional educational objectives:Consolidating ideas about domestic animals. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Pets”.

2. Corrective and developmental tasks:Development of coherent speech. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Development of visual and auditory attention; creative imagination; imitation; facial expressions; gestures; articulatory and general motor skills.

3. Correctional and educational tasks:Cultivating a love for pets. Correct children's behavior and evoke positive emotions in them.

Equipment : pillows, tambourines, spoons, triangle, ball, audio: march, sound of a bell, howl of a wolf, minus the songs “We’ll Buy a Grandma”, Mozart “Music for Children”; pictures: winter forest, horse cart, wolf, house, pets, shadows of pets.

Organization of the start of the lesson.

Play gymnastics “Walking in a circle”

Music is playing. Children, at a marching pace, enter the hall behind the teacher in a circle. At the end of the music they stop in front of the chairs.

Vocal music “Greeting”

Speech therapist : “Let’s say hello, let’s sing: hello!” (shows the “ladder” with his right hand).

Speech therapist : “Now look at the board (emoticons with different moods) let’s say hello to people with different moods!”

Vocal – instrumental music playing “What’s your name?”

Speech therapist : We said hello, now let's get to know each other! We will not introduce ourselves in the usual way; we will not just pronounce our names, but sing them, and for each stressed syllable of our name we will strike a triangle.

My name is Li Li Ra Vilevna, what is your name? (pass the triangle to the next one)Children perform all actions according to the model.

Progress of the lesson

The bell rings. Grandma calls on Skype and complains that all her animals have run away. The call is disconnected.

Speech therapist : My grandmother called, she said that all her animals had fled, but she didn’t have time to say which ones exactly, the call was cut off….

Guys, can you guess which animals ran away?

Children's answers

Speech therapist : Guys, how can you call all these animals and birds in one word?

Children's answers

What should I do now, how can I help my grandmother?

Children's answers

To find animals we need to go to our grandmother in the village, through the forest. Guys, please remind me what time of year it is now?

Children's answers

Speech therapist : What about the forest in winter? (selection of adjectives)

Speech therapist : Look (show pictures), I have only three means of transportation at my disposal, choose which one we will go on, choose for yourself (pictures of a horse harnessed to a carriage, a horse harnessed to a cart and a horse harnessed to a sleigh.)

Children choose which harness to ride in, explaining their choice.

Speech therapist : It's time to go. To make the road more fun, we will say magic words, accompanying them with playing wooden spoons. (an exercise to develop a sense of rhythm).

I clatter my hooves and gallop, gallop, gallop.

The mane curls in the wind. But! But! But! Wow!!!

Play the soundtrack of a wolf howl

Speech therapist : Guys, do you hear this sound?

Children's answers.

Speech therapist : Let's gallop faster (articulation gymnastics "Horse")

Put a picture of a wolf.

Speech therapist : Wow, how huge!!!

This is not a wolf, but a wolf

He doesn’t have teeth, but……. Children's answers

He doesn’t have eyes, but……. Children's answers

He doesn’t have a mustache, but…….. Children’s answers

He doesn’t have a nose, but………Children’s answers

He doesn't have paws, but....... Children's answers

He doesn’t have a tail, but ………Children’s answers

Speech therapist : Let's scare him! As you exhale, we will loudly pronounce vowel sounds, repeat after me.

Breathing-articulation training

Inhale - exhale AAAAAAAAA

Inhale - exhale AOOOOOO

Inhale - exhale AOOOOOO

Inhale - exhale AOOOOUE

Inhale - exhale AOOOOEEY

Speech therapist : Well done! We scared the wolf, and here is my grandmother's house!

Speech therapist : Grandma invites us for pancakes. Oh, guys, it turns out my grandmother has a back pain, and when her back hurts, I give her a massage, if you want, I’ll teach you too (children’s answers). Let's massage ourselves first, and then each other. I speak and show, and you repeat.

Play massage

Oh, okay, okay, okay! (light clapping of palms)

We baked pancakes (light clapping of palms)

First pancake for kitty (light tapping with fingers)

Second dog (light tapping with fists)

Third pancake for the pig (light clapping with palms)

Fourth cow (lightly tapping with the edge of your palms)

Let's fry the fifth pancake ( Roundabout Circulation left)

And we will eat it ourselves (circular movement to the right)

Yum Yum Yum!!! (tickling)

Children massage themselves first, then each other.

Speech therapist : Guys, do you remember why we came to grandma? Children's answers.

Speech therapist : Guys, let's try to call grandma's animals affectionately, maybe they will come? (ball game)

Cat - Children's answers.

Dog - Children's answers.

Pig - Children's answers.

Cow - Children's answers.

Chicken - Children's answers.

Duck - Children's answers.

Turkey - Children's answers.

Here are the missing animals! (picture with pets)

Play the backing track of the song “We’ll Buy a Grandma”(exercise for coordinating speech with movements to music)

Speech therapist : It’s time for us to return to our native kindergarten. Take your seats, grab your spoons, let's go! (an exercise to develop a sense of rhythm).

We're going, we're going home

On a daring horse

Clack, clack, clack.

Organization of the end of the lesson.

All! We arrived at the kindergarten.

Let's check if we're all back

Game "Loud and Quiet"(for the development of auditory attention, voice modulation)

Everyone knows their name

He calls loudly and quietly.

You can relax a little! (Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes. The melody “Music for Children” by A. Mozart plays)

Let's sum it up

Developed by a speech therapist teacher

Stryukova Elena Vasilievna

MBDOU No. 69 "General developmental kindergarten" Kemerovo

The lesson is held in the music room.


  1. Overcoming speech disorders through development, education and correction in children with speech pathology motor sphere combined with words and music.
  2. Developing curiosity as a foundation cognitive activity in preschoolers.
  3. Formation of creative imagination.


Correctional and educational:

  1. To form motor skills and abilities, a sense of musical meter, spatial concepts and the ability to voluntarily move in relation to other children and objects.
  2. To clarify children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring, to expand their knowledge and understanding of the features appearance, habits of wild animals (hare, bear, hedgehog) and adaptation to the environment (seasonal changes, methods of protection).

Correctional and developmental:

  1. Develop auditory attention and visual memory, improve fine and gross motor skills, develop clear and coordinated movements in conjunction with speech, develop speech breathing.
  2. Develop the ability to independently reproduce the rhythm you hear.
  3. Develop coherent speech, enrich and replenish your vocabulary.

Correctional and educational:

  1. To cultivate personal qualities, a sense of teamwork, the ability to follow the rules of performing exercises, to cultivate the ability to transform, and to show one’s creative abilities.

Equipment: musical instruments: bell, tambourine, triangle, drum; illustrations depicting: hedgehog, hare, bear; masks: hare, bear, hedgehog.

Progress of the lesson.


Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

A rumor spread through the forest:

Today the sun is golden

There's a round dance in the sky

And for the spring holiday

Calls all the guys to come!

Guys, would you like to go on a holiday? (children's answers)

Let's imagine that we are in a forest clearing...


The gentle sun came out and smiled at the trees, bushes, birds and all the children. Everything around is waking up, coming to life after winter sleep. The warm rays of the sun stroked the children's palms (the children stretch out their palms to the sun).

A spring stream ran down the hill (the teacher rings the bell, the children say: “Glug-glug-glug”).

Bugs (children pronounce: Z-Z-Z) and small insects (Z-Z-Z) came out from under the bark of the trees.

A ringing drop rang (the teacher rings the triangle, the children say: “Drip-drip-drip”).

Teacher: Oh, what is that rustling, snorting under last year’s leaves? (the teacher plays along quietly on the drum). Yes, it was a forest hedgehog running by.

(Puts a hedgehog mask on one of the children.)

Rhythmic exercise “Hedgehog and drum”.

Children (in chorus): Hedgehog walks with a drum

Boom-boom, boom-boom!

(to the words “boom-boom” children rhythmically hit their knees with their palms)

Hedgehog plays all day long:

Boom-boom, boom-boom!

(The teacher invites the children to tap out the rhythm on the drum.)

Teacher: When the warm spring sun warms up, the streams run and the snow melts, the hedgehog comes out of the hole (the teacher shows a picture of a hedgehog).

Let's look at the hedgehog in the picture. His muzzle is small with an elongated nose, his eyes are black, like beads, but the hedgehog sees poorly, but he has an excellent sense of smell.

How is a hedgehog different from other animals? (children's answers). Well, of course, with thorns! How is a hedgehog without needles? After all, they save him from his enemies. The hedgehog will curl up into a prickly ball, bristling with its sharp needles - try it and eat it!

Teacher: But because of the tree - jump and jump. Who is this? (children's answers).

(The teacher plays the metallophone and puts a bunny mask on one of the children.)

Dynamic exercise “Zaryka exercises”.


Come on, Zainka, get up

And start charging

(Children are marching)

The bunny walks happily

Raises legs higher.

Bunny jumps and gallops


Along the path like a ball.

He walked on his heels,

The nose was raised up

(Walking on your heels, hands behind your back, head up)

Bunny stood on his tiptoes,

And he began to clap his hands.

(1 - stand on your toes, clap your hands above your head, 2 - return to standing position)

Once - bent over, twice - bent over,

I reached for my socks.

The Bunny is jumping - jumping, jumping,

He puts his foot on his toe,

He shows everyone his new fur coat.

Teacher: Guys, what kind of fur coat did the bunny have in winter? (children's answers).

What was this for? (to be invisible in the forest)

Teacher: And in spring and summer, the hare’s coat is gray with a reddish tint. Among the thick grass and brown tree trunks, no one will notice Oblique.

(Sound of a tambourine.)

Teacher: Look, Mishutka has woken up after hibernation.

(The teacher puts a bear mask on one of the children.)

Dynamic exercise “Bear” (prevention of flat feet).

Teacher: The bear crawled out of the den

(Walking on the outer arch of the foot)

The bear is stretching its legs

He walked on his toes

(Walking on toes)

And then on your heels

(Walking on your heels)

Top-top, top-top-top,

Top-top, top-top-top.

Children imitate the gait of a “clubfooted” bear, the teacher rhythmically knocks on a tambourine (the exercise is repeated 2 times).

Teacher(shows a picture of a bear): The bear slept in a den all winter. The bear carefully and skillfully prepares his den: he covers it with fallen leaves, soft fragrant pine needles, and the bark of young fir trees. A snow blanket will cover the den on top, it will become warm and quiet, the bear will fall asleep sweetly, sucking its paw. His sleep will last until the ringing streams, until the spring sun.

The stronger the frost, the sweeter the clubfoot sleeps. And the mother bear will have cubs in her den in late winter.

Teacher: Tell me, what is the name of the bear's home? When does a mother bear have cubs? When does a bear wake up?

Teacher: Guys, what time of year is it? (children's answers). By what signs do we know about this? (the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, birds are flying in from warm regions, animals in the forest are waking up after hibernation).

Teacher: Look, who is coming to us? (a child enters wearing a sun mask, holding a tray with a sweet pie on it).

Russian folk round dance game "Loaf".

Children (in chorus): Like a fun holiday

Holding hands, the children walk in a circle.

We baked a loaf:

It's so narrow

Narrow the circle.

So short,

Squat down.

So wide

Expand the circle.

So tall

They raise their hands up.

This is so delicious!