Hard water in the area: what to do? How to deal with the problem of hard water in your home.

07/06/2018 1 1 179 views

In city apartments, tap water can hardly be called soft. It contains too much iron, calcium and magnesium salts. Let's look at how to soften hard water at home. It has a bad effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin. Also, because of such liquid, household appliances and equipment deteriorate.

Hardness depends on the region of residence and the presence of limestone rocks in the ground. It manifests itself in sediment on the washing machine and scale on the kettle. Detergents will not help you work at full capacity in such water. The liver and urinary tract suffer, and kidney disease appears. To soften liquid, there are many methods to explore.

What can cause water to be hard?

Water hardness increases due to excessive amounts of calcium and magnesium salts and iron. It is measured in mg. eq./l and mol/cub. m. The phenomenon occurs due to groundwater, where there are many salts of chemical elements.

To determine the level of hardness, a conductivity meter should be used. This is a special device used to measure the electrical conductivity parameter. An increased rate indicates an excessive amount of metal salts in the liquid.

When boiling, a sedimentary mass appears from chemical salts. A significant amount of compounds penetrates the body and settles on household appliances.

Main indicators of hard water:

  • insufficient foaming of cleaning products;
  • the appearance of light plaque and scale after heating;
  • white marks on dishes and clothes when treated with water;
  • negative impact of washing on the operation of the material;
  • pathologies of the excretory system and skin;
  • taste of bitterness.

There is a classification in degrees according to the level of hardness:

  1. Soft (0-2). Characteristic of places where there are a lot of peat bogs and swamps. This includes melted ice.
  2. Medium (2-7). This species is found in almost the entire region. Basically, medium-level liquid is supplied from a well or well for private homes.
  3. Hard (7.1-11). It is present in areas with an overabundance of chemical salts and pollutants. It has a negative impact on people's health.
  4. Super hard (11 and above). This water is located near mines and caves. It cannot be used as drinking water.

Water hardness is also divided according to the level of chemical components in the composition:

  • Constant. It contains metal salts and aggressive substances. They are resistant to disintegration during boiling. To soften you will need to buy a filter.
  • Temporary. Calcium and magnesium salts are not always present in it. After heating, decomposition occurs and a precipitate appears. These compounds can be removed by simple heat treatment.

How to soften liquid with your own hands?

The main options for reducing the hardness of tap water:

  • boiling;
  • freezing;
  • use of reagents;
  • use of softening filters.

Heat treatment is the easiest method. Influenced high temperatures The ionic bonds of chemical elements are destroyed, and a precipitate appears. Then this liquid can be added to drinks and used for household chores.

Boiling algorithm:

  1. Fill the kettle with water and wait until it boils.
  2. Cool to lukewarm temperature and pour into a new container.

The most complicated option is boiling the liquid for an hour and then letting it sit for 24 hours. With the help of heat treatment, vapors of carbon dioxide, chloride compounds, metal salts, and mechanical impurities disappear.

Boiling is very common and does not cause difficulties, but this method has disadvantages:

  • quick appearance limescale, which is difficult to remove;
  • not used for caring for indoor flowers;
  • possible deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • change in organoleptic characteristics.

The level of hardness can be reduced by freezing. The method is based on impact low temperatures on the salts of chemical elements with the appearance of crystals. The liquid softens slowly without changing its structure.

Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Pour water into a bowl and put it in the freezer.
  2. After freezing more than 50% of the liquid, get rid of the sediment, because harmful elements accumulate in it.
  3. After thawing, the water becomes potable and can be used for cooking, watering plants, and treating clothes made of delicate materials.

The main disadvantage of the method is the difficult preparation of a significant amount of melt liquid.

Softening with reagents is an effective option for eliminating metal salts. The following tools are used:

  1. Baking soda. It reduces acidity and salts. To process clothes you will need 2 tsp. for 11 l, for cooking - 1 tsp. for 3 l.
  2. Soda ash (acoustic). Used to soften water used in household and for domestic purposes. For 11 liters you will need 2 teaspoons. Water is not used for cooking.
  3. Acetic and citric acid, lemon juice. These are natural food reagents that soften and oxidize liquids. Used against scale from the kettle and for caring for curls. For 2 liters of water, 1 tbsp is required. l. acetic acid or 1 tsp. lemon juice or acid.
  4. Synthetic products in tablets or powder. They are used for washing machines and dishwashers.

Disadvantages of using reagents:

  • the importance of maintaining the exact dose of all ingredients;
  • creation of special storage rules.

You can purchase household filters or professional liquid purification devices:

  1. Jug filters. This is the most popular method for treating tap or well water. The device is similar to a jug and has a charcoal cleaning cartridge. It has a small volume; 1-4 liters of liquid are filtered at a time. The water becomes soft with a specific taste. The cartridge should be changed every two months.
  2. Ion exchange units. The system contains two containers with special filters for saline solution and ion exchange resins. First, the liquid penetrates into the container with resins, and then with the solution. Hardness is lost due to sodium displacing salts.
  3. Reverse osmosis system. The most effective way. The device has a membrane filter, due to which a working pressure appears in the chamber, purifying the liquid.

For washing hair

When washing off the shampoo, a reaction of hardness salts to the anions of fatty acids found in the care product occurs. For this reason, poorly soluble cohesive components appear. Precipitation clogs the pores of the skin, makes the hair rough, and it loses its elasticity.

Also, constant use of hard water makes the structure of the strands weaker. The influence of ultraviolet radiation aggravates the situation; air causes greater oxidation and gradual destruction of the hair cuticle.

Baking soda, boiling, and salt are successfully used to soften water for washing hair and body. The following shower cleaners are also effective:

  • Ammonia. For a liter of liquid you will need a teaspoon of alcohol. The product softens the liquid, reduces the effect of magnesium salts, under the influence of which curls become lifeless and dull.
  • Boric acid. Half a teaspoon per liter of water.
  • Glycerol. Take 1 tbsp per liter. l. facilities. The method is effective for oily curls.
  • Acidic environment. To do this you need vinegar (1 tbsp per 2 l), citric acid or juice (1 tsp). Stir and wait five minutes before use.
  • Borax, nettle or birch infusion. To achieve noticeable results, regular rinsing is necessary.

In aquarium

The hardness in the aquarium should be between 4 and 6 degrees. In this case, fish and plants will feel great. It is also not worth lowering it below this level, otherwise the water balance will be disturbed.

First, the owner of the aquarium should measure the indicators of the aquatic environment. If it is hard, then soften it slowly, since fish are sensitive to sudden changes. The simplest method is boiling. Salts create sediment and carbonate hardness decreases. After heat treatment, it is necessary to cool the liquid, let it stand and fill, changing a third of the container.

Distillate is a source of soft water. Its hardness is only 1 dKH; very hard liquids can be mixed with this liquid. The procedure should be carried out with caution so as not to cause micronutrient deficiencies.

Some fish owners use freezing. Pour the liquid into a bowl, put it in the freezer, and remove it. Pour out excess water and wait for the ice to thaw. In this case the water will be 3 dKH. The liquid in the aquarium needs to be changed partially. Rainwater and melted snow are also used. Sediment should not be used in urban environments, otherwise the fish will experience severe discomfort.

For bathing a child

Mothers often choose the following methods for bathing and washing their babies:

  1. Installation of a liquid purification system. This option is not cheap, but the most effective. You should contact the organization that installs such a system. The skin will noticeably improve not only on the newborn, but also on the parents.
  2. Drinking water from bottles. If your baby's water treatments take place in a baby bath, you can use products from the store. You should carefully study your purchase so as not to purchase a low-quality product.
  3. Cosmetics for baby care. Special bath foams are used to soften the water and prevent moisture loss from the skin. For example, the manufacturer Mustela is effective for atopic dermatitis.
  4. Flax seeds. A decoction should be prepared. Bring 1 liter of liquid to a boil, add 4 tablespoons of the ingredient, heat for 5-7 minutes. Leave for an hour, then add to the bath before water treatments.
  5. Soda or potato starch. The most accessible and fastest method is the use of starch. Take water, add 200-300 g of the ingredient until a white tint appears, and start bathing. The ratio when using soda is a spoon per 1 liter.
  6. Cooked or sea ​​salt. For 100 g of product, take 10 liters of liquid.
  7. Boiling. Simple, but not the best effective method. Before water procedures, boil the liquid, wait a little to settle, then pour in water without sediment.

For watering indoor plants

Basic methods:

  • Advocacy. Take the liquid and leave it for a couple of days. Do not shake or apply sediment during watering. The method is effective for areas where tap water is not too hard.
  • Melted snow or rainwater. The method should be used if a person does not live in the city.
  • Boiling. The procedure leads to a change in the structure of water, so such liquid should be diluted with water after settling.
  • Hot water from the tap. It should be cooled and settled. This liquid is better because it is heated and softened in boiler rooms.
  • Acetic or citric acid. This method should not be used for hippeastrum and some other flowers, because the water becomes acidic.
  • Jug filter. You can use store bought or make your own. You will need thick fabric, ash or Activated carbon, cotton wool. Fold them in several layers, turn off the tap. The liquid should flow in a small stream.
  • Hardness reducing agents. The price of one small bottle will be approximately 100 rubles.

Video: how to soften hard water at home?

  1. Sometimes the question arises whether water softened with oxalic acid is harmful to humans. This method is usually used for indoor plants. It reduces hardness to 5.5 pH. The product does not accumulate in the ground and flowers. It improves the soil by eliminating pathogens, which has a positive effect on the development of beneficial microflora and strong roots. For 10 liters of liquid take 1/5 tsp. acid, mix and pour. No settling required. It should not be used to wash hair, as there is a risk of damaging the skin.
  2. To check the hardness of water in a particular region, you can call the housing office and directly ask whether to take it to a laboratory for analysis or to see if pale mineral solutions are observed on objects when they interact with liquid.

Water softeners may not be very cheap or sophisticated, but the time and money spent soon pays off. If there are few harmful impurities, the consumption of powders, shampoos and gels is noticeably reduced. The risk of kidney diseases and gallbladder pathologies is also reduced. The well-being of each family member improves, skin and hair look healthier.

We know from advertising that too hard water leads to the appearance of scale and rapid failure of washing machines. Manufacturers don't lie. Excessive hardness harms not only household appliances, but also health: it makes hair thin and brittle, accelerates skin aging, promotes the development of kidney and genitourinary diseases, and creates additional stress on blood vessels. Depending on the situation, you can soften the water different methods, in this article we will review the most affordable home remedies.

Theory. Water hardness is a parameter that characterizes the concentration of calcium and magnesium salts in the composition. It is measured in units of mol/m3 (mol per cubic meter) or degrees of hardness (accepted in Russia) - mEq/l (milligrams equivalent per liter). The higher this indicator, the worse.

According to research by the World Health Organization (WHO), normal water hardness is 1-2°F (mg-eq/l). In Russia acceptable norm an indicator of up to 7°F is considered.

Based on hardness, water is divided into:

  • soft (0-2°F) - found in nature in swampy areas with peat bogs; melted snow uncontaminated with other substances also falls into this group. Interestingly, it is very difficult to wash off soap with soft water.
  • medium (2.1-7°F) – most common;
  • hard (7-10°F) – harmful and hazardous to health;
  • super-hard (more than 10°F) - in natural conditions it is found in lakes of karst caves; it is impossible to drink such water.

Depending on the substances contained, water hardness is:

  • constant - caused by the presence in water of chlorides, phosphates, silicates, sulfates and nitrates of magnesium, calcium, which do not disintegrate during boiling; basically, these substances are removed only by filters;
  • temporary - occurs in most cases, is caused by magnesium and calcium bicarbonates, which disintegrate when heated, forming scale deposits on pipes and heating devices, which leads to increased energy costs and breakdowns.

How to determine water hardness

The easiest option is to look at a special map of water hardness in your region. You can also use a conductometer (TDS meter) - a special device that measures the electrical conductivity of water, popularly called a “salinity meter”. The higher the number on the screen, the harder the water, since it contains a lot of salts. The exact ratio can be calculated from the tables.

Signs of increased water hardness:

  • soap and washing powder produce very little foam;
  • persistent scale in the kettle after several boils;
  • streaks appear after washing dishes;
  • the water has a slightly bitter taste (not all people feel it);
  • after settling, a white coating appears on the walls of containers with water.

Water hardness unit conversion calculator

°ZH (Russia) °DH (Germany) °Clark (UK) °F (France) ppm (USA)

Methods to soften water

1. Boiling. The easiest way available to get rid of temporary hardness without the use of chemicals and complex devices. At high temperatures, calcium bicarbonates and sulfate decompose, forming sediment on the bottom of the cookware and heating elements. Softened water is suitable for any purpose: drinking, washing, washing, etc.

Bring the water to a boil, leave for 2-3 minutes, then cool to the desired temperature.


  • Only temporary water hardness is partially reduced;
  • limited – it is very difficult to provide all household needs with boiled water;
  • after some time, due to a layer of scale, heating systems and containers have to be changed or cleaned;
  • When boiling, beneficial substances evaporate from water;
  • heating requires significant energy expenditure.

2. Advocacy. After 1-2 days, standing for a while in a place protected from direct sunlight softens the water from wells and boreholes intended for watering flowers and indoor plants. Can be used to purify drinking water, but only if the initial hardness is only slightly higher than normal.

3. Freezing. Effective method, which does not change the structure of water, as a result of which all useful substances remain in the composition. Place the water in the freezer; when ice appears on the sides of the container, drain the liquid down the center.

Use melted ice as drinking water or for watering flowerpots.

Disadvantage: It is difficult to prepare large volumes of water using this method.

4. Baking and soda ash. Thanks to its chemical properties, soda softens water and reduces acidity.

Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda or 1 teaspoon of soda ash per 10 liters of water, mix well and wait until sediment appears at the bottom. When cooking, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 3 liters of water to help the cereals and vegetables cook better.


  • water softened with soda cannot be used for drinking (except for boiling);
  • difficulty in constantly processing large volumes of water.

5. Vinegar and citric acid. They partially reduce hardness, but significantly increase acidity, as a result of which these products are not recommended for drinking water. They are often used for cosmetic purposes.

To soften your hair wash water, add 1 tablespoon vinegar (1 teaspoon citric acid or juice of one lemon) per 2 liters of water, stir. Let sit for 4-5 minutes before using.

6. Rock (table) salt. It is also sodium chloride, which dissolves calcium and magnesium salts contained in water, preventing the appearance of scale on heating devices. Due to changes in chemical composition and taste, this method is not recommended for drinking.

Basically, salt softens water intended for dishwashers. For ease of use, manufacturers supply salt in the form of granules and tablets, but in most cases the composition of the proposed substance is no different from table salt.

7. Chemicals. First of all, these are the popular brands Calgon, Finish and others, which are sold in the form of powder or tablets. Use according to instructions. Sold in household chemical stores.

Disadvantage: they soften water only for washing.

8. Filters. Universal systems designed to quickly soften large amounts of hard water and remove harmful impurities. They can operate autonomously or be connected to a water supply. They differ in design and principle of operation.

Types of water hardness reduction systems:

  • Filter jug– designed for a volume of 1-3 liters, suitable for purifying drinking water, making tea or coffee. Operates using a special cartridge. Depending on the intensity of use and the initial hardness of the water, it lasts up to 2 months, then it requires replacing the filter cartridge.
  • Ion exchange systems– filter and soften water of any hardness using special ion exchange resins and saline solution (the substances are located in different tanks). These filters are characterized by high performance and relative ease of maintenance. Disadvantages: not suitable for drinking water, require periodic replacement of reagents and connection to sewerage.
  • Magnetic and electromagnetic softeners– installed on highways or on water pipes in the form of linings. Under the influence of a magnetic or electromagnetic field, hardness salts lose their ability to be deposited in the form of scale and flow into special settling tanks. Disadvantage: not suitable for drinking water purification.

Hard water is a natural phenomenon. The fact is that groundwater, before getting into the glass of a common man, passes through sedimentary limestone rocks, becoming saturated with all kinds of salts. On the way to the human body, chlorides, phosphates and other harmful compounds manage to get into the liquid.

Problems with our pipelines - hard water

After boiling, only some of these substances precipitate. The lion's share of dirt and harmful substances enters the body and settles on the insides of equipment (kettles, dishwashers and washing machines), reducing their service life. This is not so much inconvenient and expensive, because no one wants to change devices every year, especially expensive ones, but it is dangerous for health.

What makes many housewives look for an answer to the question of how to soften water at home? The reasons are quite simple and striking in their manifestation, namely:

  • white stains on things and dishes;
  • washing out the color of clothes and deterioration of the structure of the fabric, reducing the service life of things;
  • decrease in foaming properties of detergents;
  • scale on the internal surfaces of appliances and dishes;
  • the appearance of problems with the genitourinary system and liver associated with excessive consumption of calcium and magnesium ions;
  • dullness and fragility of hair, dryness and sagging skin, irritation of the skin.

You should know it! If friends and acquaintances do not praise a detergent or washing powder, which in fact does not wash or wash, this does not mean that those around them are mistaken in its quality characteristics. Perhaps excessively hard water is to blame. Yours! From your tap or well!!

What does the concept of rigidity mean? And how can a liquid that cannot be held in your hands be such? Due to its chemical composition, namely the level of magnesium and calcium salts. Hardness is measured in units such as mol/cubic meter and mEq/liter.

Today, hard water is a natural and almost normal phenomenon, caused by the influence of groundwater oversaturated with salts and chemical elements. This liquid may also contain phosphate and chloride compounds and all kinds of organic dirt.

You can independently determine the stiffness coefficient using a special device - a conductometer, designed to measure the electrical conductivity parameter of a liquid. If the indicator is high, we can talk about an increased concentration of metal salts in the water.

Scale on heating elements indicates water hardness

Some chemical salts form a sedimentary mass during boiling, but the lion's share of the compounds ends up in the human body, on the walls of devices, equipment and machinery.

  • poor foaming of detergents;
  • the formation of scale and white deposits on the walls of appliances after boiling;
  • whitish stains on things after washing and dishes after washing;
  • bitter taste;
  • rapid wear of clothing, as the performance characteristics of the fabrics are significantly reduced;
  • sagging and dry skin, fragility and dullness of hair.

Water is divided into types according to degree of hardness in degrees:

  • Soft (0-2º). Characteristic of marshy and peat areas. Pure melt water is also considered such.
  • Average (2-7º). Distributed in most areas. Typically, such water is obtained from wells and boreholes.
  • Hard (7.1-11º). It is found in areas that have excess amounts of chemical salts and pollutants. Negatively affects the human body and the environment.
  • Super hard (from 11º). In natural conditions, it is found near caves and mines. Not suitable for drinking.

The division by type of hardness is also made according to the concentration of chemicals:

  • Constant. It has aggressive components and metal salts that are resistant to decomposition during boiling. Removal of the latter is possible only with the help of special filter systems.
  • Temporary. It is caused by the unstable presence of calcium and magnesium salts, which, when water is heated, disintegrate and form a sedimentary mass. That is, such compounds are eliminated through conventional heat treatment.

The hardness level can be measured with a conductivity meter

In Russia, water containing up to 9 mEq/L of salts is considered hard, and in the USA – 6 mEq/L. You can find out information about hardness from the company supplying the liquid, provided you use the city water supply, or from the water supply company, even if you have your own power source. It is unlikely that water in one territory differs significantly in quality characteristics. This way you can get approximate information about hardness and research results. Other options: submit the water for analysis to a laboratory or carry out the analysis yourself using a hardness test.

The simplest and most effective way to soften water is to boil it. The main thing is to do it correctly. So, the process of proper boiling consists of the following steps:

  • filling a kettle or pan with water;
  • turning on the gas and placing a container with liquid on it;
  • reduce the flame after boiling and boil for 35-50 minutes;
  • cooling and settling for 24 hours;
  • pouring into another container, excluding any sediment that has formed.

This method is quite simple, but somewhat labor-intensive. And this is not the only negative. During boiling, water undergoes significant changes. It loses not only salts, but also most useful elements with oxygen. If you regularly drink only boiled liquid, this will very soon affect the functioning of the digestive system.

This water is not suitable for watering indoor flowers. Dishes in which boiling is carried out will quickly become overgrown with limescale. The taste of the liquid after processing loses its original freshness and lightness. Boiling is easy, but drinking is not very pleasant, although it is safer than drinking liquid from the tap.

Boiling will help soften the water

Note to the hostess! To prevent deposits from appearing on the dishes in which boiling is carried out, you should use 2 tbsp. citric acid. Important! This product is added after the next procedure to clean water, which is boiled for about 5 minutes, after which it is drained. This method helps to completely get rid of scale.

The laws of physics prove that metal salts freeze when exposed to low temperatures. Important! Their crystallization occurs as a last resort. It is this feature that allows you to soften water by freezing; to do this, you should perform the following steps:

  1. pour water into the container, leaving 20-25% of the container free;
  2. be sure to close the lid;
  3. put it in the freezer or take it outside (in winter);
  4. after 30 minutes, remove the formed ice from the container with heavy impurities that freeze first;
  5. return the container to the freezer;
  6. wait until 80% of the liquid is frozen;
  7. pour out the rest of the water in which harmful metals, salts and impurities have accumulated;
  8. defrost the ice, obtaining the purest part of the liquid with the optimal amount of calcium (16 mg/l).

This liquid can be used for food purposes, for watering plants and washing children's clothes. It is melt water that long-livers drink!

We draw attention to the following points:

  • water is not boiled before freezing, since high temperatures disrupt its structure, changing its biochemical and biophysical properties;
  • the best material is natural, that is, spring or well water with a natural composition of microelements;
  • tap water is pre-filtered or settled;
  • To prepare melt water, only containers made of food-grade plastic or durable glass are used;
  • Ice is melted when room temperature or a little lower.

Melt water is the secret of long life for centenarians

Important! After melt water is ready, it retains its wonderful properties for only a day. The product is biologically active for no more than 8-10 hours. Therefore, it is better to defrost ice in parts. For example, moving it from the freezer to the top shelf of the refrigerator at night so that you can drink a healthy drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

Lye is an excellent tool for making water softer. By reacting with metals, it causes salts to precipitate. As alkali, you can use soda ash or baking soda, as well as peat and ash.

Soda ash is added to the liquid used for washing. It helps improve the foaming properties of soap and powder, as well as remove stains and whiten laundry. For 10 liters of hot water take 2 tablespoons of soda. It can be added both during boiling, hand washing, and in the automatic machine immediately before washing.

Baking soda is suitable for washing and bathing. It softens water and does not dry out the skin. For one liter of warm liquid, take one teaspoon of soda. The latter should completely dissolve, and the resulting solution should stand for about 10 minutes.

Baking soda can be used to soften your wash water.

Peat and ash are used at the rate of 10 g of peat or 3 g of ash per liter of water. Plants are watered with this liquid!

The problem of water hardness is very relevant for modern people. Manufacturers of all kinds of filters and purification units hastened to take advantage of this. They allow you to quickly and comfortably achieve the desired softness and antibacterial effect.

There are special technical filters installed under the sink

What is the best water softener for your home? It depends on each specific situation, opportunities, tasks and other nuances.

Small volumes of liquid, for example, for drinking and making tea/coffee, can be conveniently cleaned using a household filter in the form of a jug with a replaceable cartridge. The main thing is not to forget to regularly change this same cartridge, and there will always be a couple of liters of fresh, clean water in the house, suitable for quenching your thirst.

Filter jug ​​is suitable for drinking and preparing drinks

Typically, a cartridge lasts for 1-2 months of daily use. The duration of operation is affected by the hardness of the water and its amount consumed daily by a person or family.

Manufacturers offer three types of these filters:

  • Flask with polyphosphate crystals. The most economical and simple option. Crystals are poured into the flask. One filling is enough for a couple of months, after which the crystals are replaced with new ones.
  • Cartridge. Cleaning and softening of liquids is based on the work of special replaceable cartridges.
  • Regenerative. Contains ionic resin. They function by periodically regenerating the properties of the resin using a saline solution. Expensive option. It is produced in the form of cylinders with a separate container for saline solution or compact forms with a filter and a container for salt in one housing.

Polyphosphate filter is suitable for purifying industrial water

The main advantage of ion exchange filters is high performance and liquid softening. Disadvantages: water is unsuitable for drinking, periodic replacement of cartridges and crystals, high consumption of table salt and the high cost of regenerative models.

Water is softened by “pushing” it at a pressure of 3-4 atm. through a special semi-permeable membrane. By allowing water molecules to pass through, the membrane retains salt molecules and any other impurities. Thus, the user receives practically distilled water. This is both good and bad at the same time.

This water is not recommended for drinking and cooking. The fact is that it is so purified that it does not contain the salts and minerals necessary for the human body. It’s another matter if the filter is equipped with a special mineralizer that saturates purified and softened water with useful minerals and salts.

Membrane appearance

Disadvantages of membrane filters:

  • the need for additional mineralization;
  • pressure in the water supply system is not less than 3 atm;
  • high cost of filters and consumables;
  • low productivity.

Traditional methods

There is no opportunity or desire to use the latest miracles of professional developments? Then you can use “grandmother’s” methods. They are tested by time and people.

  1. Large quantities of water are difficult to purify and soften using a filter. The simplest and most effective method for dealing with impressive volumes is to let it sit for several days. Most often, this method is used to soften liquid from a well or borehole intended for irrigation or washing. If the latter is produced using a unit, it is recommended to purchase a special one.
  2. Peat infusion. For a bucket of water you will need 100 g of peat, which is placed in a canvas bag. The water should be infused for about a day, after which it can be used for watering plants.
  3. Silicon liquid. Pure silicon stones are placed in a glass or enamel container, filled with water at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters, placed in a shaded place for 2-3 days, covered with gauze. Only the top layer of liquid can be drained and used. The bottom layer covering the stones contains harmful substances. After the procedure, the stones must be thoroughly washed and dried. It is recommended to store the finished water in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. Also, do not boil it, otherwise it will lose its positive properties.
  4. Hard water from a tap can be made softer by liquid purchased in a store, rain or melt water. To do this, you need to mix them. The proportions depend on the intended use.
  5. Flax decoction. Used for swimming. Infused with flax seeds. For 1 l. Take 4 tsp of boiling water. seeds The broth is boiled for about 5 minutes, then infused for an hour.

Good to know

Why do you need to soften water? Is there information that will help understand the issue a little deeper? Certainly! Here she is. The main thing is the benefits of soft water:

  • Significant savings in detergents, including toothpaste, because they foam better and are consumed less.
  • Saving electricity by reducing the number of washes and cleanings.
  • Extending the life of water pipes and household appliances.
  • Long-term preservation of the original quality and characteristics of clothing.

Any, even the most expensive method or method of water softening pays off. How exactly is described in the above mentioned advantages. But the most important thing is health. You can't buy it. You can't skimp on it. And any disease is better to prevent than to treat. Water is the easiest way to prolong life and its quality. To do this, it is enough to control its cleanliness and softness!

After the construction of a well, many believe that the problem with water is solved - after all, it is a gift of nature from the depths of Mother Earth, which certainly should be cleaner, softer and tastier than chlorinated liquid from rusty pipes. But that’s not the case, hard water from a well is a harsh reality that most property owners face. Let's consider the nature of the phenomenon, consequences (impact on health, everyday life) and available ways to solve the problem.

Hard water is water that contains an excess of soluble carbonates - “hardness salts” (calcium and magnesium), mechanical impurities, other salts, iron and manganese compounds, and nitrates.

In addition to salts, hard water can contain pathogenic bacteria

The chemical composition and degree of hardness of the liquid extracted from the ground are heterogeneous and depend on the conditions of formation of the aquifer, the type of soil and the ecological situation in the area. This indicator is measured in mEq/l; The classification of water according to it looks like this:

  • soft – 1.5-3;
  • moderately hard – 3-6;
  • hard – 6-9;
  • very hard – from 9.

If the liquid has more than 7 mEq/L, you should not drink it.

This is interesting: standards for hardness differ in different parts of the world - in Russia, water with 9 or more mg of salts per liter is considered unsuitable, in the USA - from 6 mg/l.

Types of rigidity and methods for determining them

There are 2 types of hardness:

  • temporary (carbonate), provoked by impurities of magnesium and calcium bicarbonates;
  • static, associated with the presence of chemical compounds of chlorides, sulfates, silicates, phosphates and nitrates of calcium and magnesium.

The temporary one can be eliminated by boiling - when heated, the carbonates disintegrate, falling into sediment. The problem of constant (static) hardness of water from a well cannot be solved this way. In the first case, softening of the liquid is required, in the second - its conditioning.

Note: in 95% of cases, when complaining about very hard water from a well, we are talking about carbonate (temporary) hardness.

You can determine the cause of a decrease in water quality in a well in the laboratory or by calling a team of chemists to the site to take samples. The amount of scale on electrical appliances: a kettle, boiler, washing machine or boiler indirectly indicates the hardness of the liquid.

Calcareous salt deposits - a blow to your equipment

Does hardness depend on the depth of the well?

Highly mineralized waters with a chloride composition are usually located in the lower aquifers, and low-mineralized waters with a high content of bicarbonates are closer to the soil surface.

The depth of the well affects the composition, but not the hardness. In deep mines there is less chance of finding traces of organic matter and fertilizer impurities, but it will contain a lot of iron, calcium and magnesium, and sometimes hydrogen. If the well trunk is shallow, there are more ways for it to become contaminated (through drains, high water, and during accidents at enterprises).

The great depth of the mine does not protect against “hardness salts”

How hard water behaves in everyday life

The first sign is scale. Limescale conducts heat poorly, which is why heating appliances and washing machines work worse and burn out, which threatens short circuits and fires, boilers and pipes crack or explode. The laundry does not wash well, becomes faded, and whitish stains appear on it, as on the tiles in the bathroom and kitchen. Due to scale, taps begin to leak (rubber gaskets and filters become clogged and peel off).

Note: in 80 cases out of 100, the washing machine fails due to scale, which is caused by the use of hard water from a well or from centralized system water supply

Scale leads to corrosion.

Detergents do not dissolve well in very hard water, which leads to their overuse by 50-60%.

When drinking “over-salted” water, there is a high risk of problems with the stomach and kidneys, because scale settles in the body in the same way as on appliances; When swimming, the skin and hair become dry.

Ca and Mg salts contained in hard water bind useful elements needed by plants (P, Fe, etc.) into insoluble compounds - this is not the life-giving moisture that they need, it is poison. The same applies to aquarium animals - hard water is harmful to them.

Water softening methods

What to do if there is hard water in the well? – Clean, soften, filter. It cannot be used.

There are several ways to reduce the hardness level to a minimum or neutralize excess salts completely so that the water can be used at least for technical needs:

  • thermal (boiling or freezing);
  • reagent (disinfection or neutralization of “hardness salts” using chemicals that bind them);
  • filtration (membrane, ion exchange, electromagnetic and magnetic);
  • combined method;

Important: if water is extracted from a well manually, only reagent and thermal methods are suitable, since most other solutions require pressure. Or you can use mobile membrane filter jugs.

Before choosing a treatment system, be sure to conduct laboratory analysis of water samples

So, there is hard water in the well - what to do:

  1. Do an analysis in the laboratory.
  2. After consultation with chemists, determine the number and sequence of cleaning steps.
  3. Install a filter system or implement other methods.
  4. After 6-7 months, carry out a control analysis of the water and, if necessary, improve/replace the purification system.

Note: over time, the hardness of the water in the well may decrease on its own due to seasonal or other changes in the environment. Sometimes it is enough to temporarily use pitcher filters or boil water until underground springs clear themselves. To avoid spending money on expensive filters and reagents, consult a specialist.

Thermal methods: boiling and freezing

When exposed to high temperatures, carbonates and sulfates break down, releasing carbon dioxide and sediment. At 100°C, salts partially lose their ability to dissolve in water. The disadvantage of this method is that the hardness is reduced by only a few points, plus the resulting scale spoils plumbing and electrical appliances.

When frozen pure water turns into ice faster than the “salty” one, sulfates and carbonates collect in the center of the container. When its walls are seized by an ice crust, the liquid from the center is drained and the ice is melted. Melted water is structured and does not contain salts.

Thermal methods purify the liquid only partially

Reagent methods

Lime, caustic soda, tableted or powdered synthetics (“Calgon”, “Finish”, etc.), caustic, soda ash or baking soda are used as reagents. These substances bind ions of “hardness salts”, causing them to precipitate.

Lime is suitable for neutralizing carbonate and partially non-carbonate hardness of well water. The material requires the use of additional coagulant reagents, such as soda.

Soda is used separately or in tandem with sodium when the temporary hardness is slightly higher than the permanent hardness (for washing, cooking).

Synthetics are used only for washing.

Disadvantages of chemical methods:

  • formation of solid waste when turbid suspensions are released;
  • After using most chemicals, water from the well should not be drunk;
  • precise dosage is required;
  • For safe storage of reagents, a separate place is required, out of reach of children and animals.


In addition to the simplest filter jugs with replaceable cartridges, which last for 1-2 months, more complex filtration systems are used:

  1. Membrane. Membranes under pressure of 3-4 atm allow only water molecules to pass through, retaining salts and distilling the liquid. Reverse osmosis filters work on this principle. Some models are equipped with mineralizers that enrich the purified liquid with salts and other elements, since after membrane cleaning there is not only nothing harmful left in it, but also nothing useful.

  1. Ion exchange. The active ingredient is fine-grained sodium resins (cations). During the cleaning process, they are exchanged for calcium and magnesium ions, and after the filter layer is depleted, they are renewed (manually or automatically). There are models with regeneration flasks and fillings, cartridge and regenerative options. This method of softening hard water from a well is quite expensive; the liquid cannot be drunk after its use, but ion exchange systems are highly productive and soften it efficiently.

  1. Electromagnetic. Under the influence of electromagnetic waves generated by the microprocessor, carbonate ions lose their activity and ability to precipitate, and are then removed. Installing an electromagnetic device on the main pipe allows you to protect equipment from scale and destroy existing layers in the pipes.

The essence of electromagnetic cleaning

  1. Magnetic. Under the influence of magnetic fields, silicates and carbonates also lose the ability to accumulate in the form of deposits and sediment, after which they are concentrated in “settlers” from which they are removed.

Operating principle of a magnetic filter

Note: even if laboratory analysis does not reveal deviations in mineralization and other standards, experts recommend installing fine filters to improve water quality.

It is more effective to use a combination of several filters with different softening principles. The choice of components of such a multi-level system depends on the degree of hardness of the water in the well, its composition, and purposes of use. Before choosing any of the methods, consult with a specialist so as not to overpay and risk your health.

Before the invention of filters, well owners softened water using improvised means at home:

  1. Advocacy. The water is left to settle for 1-2 days, after which it is suitable for irrigation.
  2. Using vinegar, lemon juice or citric acid will remove plaque from dishes and reduce the carbonate content in the liquid. By-effect– the water will begin to sour.
  3. Herbal infusions made from flaxseeds, nettle or chamomile and boiled to soften water when bathing or washing hair.
  4. Silicon. Washed stones containing silicon are placed in a glass or enamel container and left in the shade for 2-3 days, covered with gauze. Consumption – 100 g per 10 l. Only the top layer of liquid is used, the lower 3-4 cm are drained.
  5. Peat infusion. About 100 g of peat is placed in a canvas bag and dipped in a container of water for 24 hours, after which it can be used for watering.

Folk softeners are unreliable

While water samples from the well are being examined in the laboratory, inspect the shaft to see if the bottom and bottom filter are silted, or if there are cracks or moss on the walls of the rings. If problems are found, they must be eliminated - disinfection, filter replacement, waterproofing work. Also take care of the aeration system to enrich the water with oxygen.

Important! Boiling, freezing and folk remedies– partial elimination of the problem. These methods can only be used as a temporary solution. Very hard well water requires complex treatment measures using several types of filters.

In order for the water to be of high quality, the well must be kept clean.

In addition to the described softening options, mechanical filters may be required to eliminate large solid impurities, sorption filters to eliminate odor and turbidity, and disinfectants to combat microflora. To find out what solutions exist in your situation, be sure to have samples analyzed in the laboratory and consult with specialists.

Every now and then there are messages on TV about the properties of hard water and its harm not only to household appliances, but also to the body as a whole. What kind of water is this and why is it called hard? If you hit scientific facts and resort to the help of special literature, it will become clear that the degree of hardness is determined by calcium and magnesium ions. The fewer there are, the softer and healthier the water. And here the question rightly arises of how to determine at home.

Why is this necessary?

Before solving the problem, you need to figure out whether you even need to know what it is, how to determine its degree at home and what needs to be done if it is exceeded.

Undoubtedly, everyone makes their own decision, but it’s enough to look at the consequences of using excessively hard water, and everything immediately falls into place.

What does hard water cause?

Every year, household appliances suffer from scale formed as a result of excess salts in water, which means their efficiency decreases by an average of 20%.

Due to accumulated limescale, heating devices have difficulty dissipating heat. Electricity costs are starting to rise.

More cleaning agents are required due to the slowing down of the foaming process and loss of efficiency in removing contaminants.

Coming into contact with detergents in shampoos and shower gels, hard water forms an invisible film on the body that can cause irritation and dryness.

Now we answer the question of how to find out the hardness of water at home. Determine how many ml of soap solution was used. Multiply the obtained data by 2. The result will be equal to the degree of hardness.

4. Pay attention to how often scale forms on the kettle. The more often this happens, the more salts in the water, as well as calcium and magnesium, which contribute to the formation of plaque.

5. Have you noticed that splashes on glass, when dried, leave white marks?

This serves as another confirmation of water hardness.

6. Ordinary potassium permanganate will be an excellent assistant in solving this problem. When in contact with hardness salts, potassium permanganate acquires a yellow tint. If this does not happen, the water is fine.

7. You can use a special test that identifies water hardness.

Individual instructions will tell you how to determine the result at home. Often it is enough to lower the tester into water, wait a few seconds and observe the change in the coloring strip.

How to soften water

So, there are quite a few ways to find out how hard your water is. If you find that the quality of the water does not suit you, then use some tips.

1. The most famous method, which everyone uses without thinking about its true purpose, is boiling water. It is enough to boil the water for an hour and then let it cool, as a sediment will form at the bottom. It can be removed later by straining. Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of salts in this way, but it will be possible to soften the water a little.

2. You can neutralize salt with alkali, which is contained in soda. ¼ teaspoon per glass of water - and the degree of hardness is noticeably reduced. Many have tested this in practice!

3. Alkali can be replaced with almond bran. They are the final product of processing almond seeds. A tablespoon per glass of water is enough.

4. Most simple option is to purchase a special filter. However, a study of user opinions based on reviews showed that there was no effectiveness in using filters. Moreover, it is necessary to constantly monitor the water purification system and periodically change some elements. Often it is not possible to do this in a timely manner, and harmful substances end up back in the water.


Now you know what water hardness is, how to determine its degree at home and soften it using available means. Undoubtedly, in matters of drinking water quality, you should trust professional developments: special strips or measuring devices that show the amount of hard salts. However, if such an opportunity does not present itself, then you can solve the problem yourself, without leaving your home.