Child's birthday in the yard. Birthday in the yard (scenario)

During the warm season, our customers often ask to hold a program in the park, in the yard or in the country. For some time now, we have been asking 5 mandatory questions before the holiday to be sure of a good result.

Question 1: Do you have a backup plan if it rains?

A room in which the holiday can be held in case of bad weather must be prepared. If you are organizing the holiday yourself, it is quite easy to postpone the gathering of guests by a couple of hours or even a couple of days. In the event that animators are invited, leading master classes or interactive programs, changes are much more difficult to make.

Question 2: How many guests will there be?

Sometimes there is a lot of extraneous noise on the street, and it’s hard to hear the animators even when you gather 20 children. Street festivals usually attract many more guests. In this case, the animators must be equipped with microphones and other sound equipment to make it really fun.

Question 3: Where exactly do you want to host the entertainment?

Animators bring a lot of props with them to large bags and bags. All this needs to be placed in close proximity to the venue of the holiday, because during the program there is no time for long trips for labyrinths, bags and pins.

Not suitable: dusty road, wet ground, too open place with hot asphalt, a clearing with tall grass, a section of forest with twigs and snags, a country landscape with flower beds and beds. It is difficult to organize a birthday party for 10 people in the courtyard of an apartment building, when many outside spectators gather, in a crowded park. You can’t list everything, but the essence is clear: children should be comfortable and cozy!

It's better to choose: a dry clearing with trimmed grass, a quiet corner of a city park, a small closed courtyard of a private house or recreation center. In hot weather, be sure to take care of a shady gazebo.

Question 4: Will you take drinking water with you?

Yes, we ask this question to prevent heavy sighs from children who are always thirsty after active outdoor play. If you don’t think through this moment, a birthday party on the street turns into torture within 20-30 minutes.

Question 5: What clothes will the children wear?

Be sure to tell your parents what program you have chosen for the holiday. If there are a lot of active competitions, all children should wear light T-shirts and shorts.
Most often, troubles occur at graduations in kindergarten And primary school, but also for birthdays, some girls come in long ones chic dresses"to the floor." Rhinestones fall off, frills tear. Synthetic fabric rubs against the girls' sweaty backs.

We also have programs for princesses. Everything there is orderly and beautiful, no one is running anywhere or crawling on their knees. For example, .

If you choose “Fort Boyard”, “Pirate Adventures” or, all the princesses will stand aside with envy to save the rhinestones.

What's the best way to organize an outdoor birthday party?

I’ll give you a few ideas that will help you decide on the program, and a couple of tips from experience to warn you against the most common mistakes.

Designate a holiday area

This is especially important if you have chosen a clearing in a park or other public place. Stretch ribbons with bright flags from tree to tree, hang ready-made large paper decorations straight to the branches. If this is an open place, you can put several “fountains” of helium balloons in the corners or simply stick sticks that limit the playing area with multi-colored ribbons.

This is necessary both for the children themselves, who find themselves at the holiday (let there be a conditional boundary “do not run further”), and for other visitors to the park, who will not be too close, realizing that a festive event is taking place here.

A small buffet before entertaining guests

Children often come to the holiday very hungry. Apparently, their parents have a stereotype that they need to go on a visit with an empty stomach. We always ask that children have a small snack before games and competitions, as we often saw unhappy glances towards the set table. Believe me, a hungry child does not need any fun.

Flexible program

Our animators have ready interesting scenarios with different characters, but they are ready at any time to adapt to the features of your holiday. What do we take into account?

  • children may be of different ages, so games are selected that will amuse both 5 and 12 year olds
  • the weather may be too hot, then we change too active competitions to more restrained ones
  • unexpected rain drives children and animators into a small gazebo, then they go into action Board games, "Mafia" and "Crocodile"
  • There are also all kinds of “force majeure”, for which our animators are always ready

If you are running the program yourself, think through all the possible circumstances that could ruin a child's birthday party on the street.

Creative spirit

If the holiday lasts more than 2 hours, we recommend holding interesting master classes. Each child will make a souvenir for himself in memory of the holiday and take it with him. This can be painting T-shirts and baseball caps, decoupage of wooden objects, decorating cups and plates, making soap, candles, magnets, painting clay and wood figurines. Lots more interesting things!


Children eat very quickly. Often parents set aside a whole hour for a festive dinner, but after 10-12 minutes they realize that your child’s guests are ready to have more fun. The long feast you have planned is of interest only to parents.

Interactive program

After games with competitions, quiet master classes and a quick lunch, children can be offered a science show with funny chemical experiments under the guidance of a crazy professor or show soap bubbles. Children and the birthday boy take an active part in both programs. Success is always great!

Show number

Instead of interactive programs, you can show several show numbers in which children will simply be spectators. Magician, dog trainer, puppet show, transformer pipe, etc.

Special effects

Now I won’t spend time on safety precautions; I think everyone understands that children should be at a respectable distance from the organizer of the fireworks display. In principle, you can get by with “harmless” cold fountains, a soap bubble generator and musical candles.

Our offer

We do interesting days birthdays on the street with bright props and a varied program. For example, . We can send you details about other programs by email or tell you by phone.

Our offer is relevant for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region.

Courtyard holiday scenario

"My home is my city"

Good evening, Dear friends!

Hello, dear residents! We are very glad to see you so warm today, friendly family neighbors! It has become a good tradition in our city to hold holidays for residents of courtyards. We are pleased to welcome you to the “My Home is My City” holiday.

Here people live alone big family. Everyone knows each other and is always ready to help in difficult times.

Gathering in this cozy courtyard, they share news and useful tips.

And this despite the fact that people of different ages, different professions, and hobbies live here. But they all have one thing in common - great love To hometown, your street, your home.

Just look at the yard and flower beds - you immediately understand that with such neighbors life becomes more beautiful.

Our program today will be unusual. Wealthy people live on Berezovaya Street and therefore we invite you to publish today the anniversary edition of the magazine “Our Neighbor”

1 On the cover of our magazine, the first residents of Berezovaya and Vladimir Ivanovich streets

and Vladimir Ivanovich!

I wish my neighbors well
Let vanity run past them!
Let luck come to your doorstep
Let grief be unknown to you!
And wealth goes straight to the house,
Let happiness burn with fire!
Let's gather around the table then,
And we'll all drink a glass!

Sings for you_______________________________________________

On the second page of our magazine, as in all publications, official reports are usually printed... let's not deviate from tradition

The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the city, Alexander Yuryevich Kuznetsov.

(presentation letters of thanks)

Live so that over the years

What was dearest to you was:

Family comfort, peace and happiness

Under the roof of your house!

Live together for each other

Without offending anyone

And just build your happiness

Under the roof of your house!

Let's call the next page of our magazine Improvement

Berezovaya Street is still a few years old. Thanks to the efforts of the residents of Berezovaya Street, the street shines with extraordinary cleanliness. With great inspiration and great love from the residents, the street acquired a bright, festive look.

Responsive, hardworking women took a great part in carrying out events to improve and plant trees in the yard, in solving many problems and preparing this holiday.

We invite the most active residents and express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your work on landscaping and landscaping the area. ________________________________ is invited to present letters of gratitude

And on the next page of our magazine - Baby

Let's applaud the youngest resident of Berezovaya Street, Ulyana Belokon

What is happiness?
With such a simple question
Perhaps I wondered
Not just one philosopher.
And in fact
Happiness is simple.
It begins
From half a meter tall.
What is happiness?
There is no simpler answer:
Everyone has it -
Who has children?


Let's turn the page of our magazine, it's called Old residents of the street

And we are pleased to invite the oldest resident of Berezovaya Street, Tretyakova Valentina Mikhailovna, to this stage

May you always be under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road.
In the house so that there is a deep river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.

Let only friends visit your home,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you the best,
Long life, health and happiness!

presentation of a memorable gift

Sings for you__________________________________________

The next page of our magazine is called “Welcome!” We welcome our new residents Alexey and Ekaterina Kozyrev

Let happiness come to your home,

And life will be filled with success,

And your head will spin

From joy, fun, laughter!

Let these walls warm you,

And there is room for guests,

Both on weekdays and on holidays

You won't be cramped here!

Musical number___________________________

The next page of our magazine is called “Life wonderful people“This is a whole colorful post in the full spread of our magazine. We wholeheartedly applaud the doctors, teachers, and pensioners of the Investigative Committee

To nurture, cherish and teach -

This is a talent given by God.

To love all children as if we were our own,

Lead into life from the school threshold.

Patiently explain the letters,

Find answers to questions,

To be able to do everything and to know everything in the world

Kudos to you for this

We congratulate the teacher of Russian language and literature Nina Viktorovna Kazyulina and Lyudmila Vasilievna Meshkova who live next door to you.

(presentation of certificates).


We congratulate Ilya Sergeevich Pakhomov, a urologist, and Yuri Ivanovich Pavlov, a urologist, and their families on the street holiday

A male doctor, like a man of mystery,
The profession is shrouded in dreams,
We wish you to live easily and eat sweetly,
And enjoy female beauty.

May Doctor's Day foretell you
There are still many victories in life,
And I only wish you the best,
Live in this world for many years!

And we invite you to this stage

Musical number

We sincerely congratulate the Investigative Committee pensioners on the street holiday

The Rakitin family

You are all warriors of order,
It has been so long since given,
May things go smoothly
Facts are a solid canvas!

We consider the case of the investigation
Very important for the country!
We sincerely congratulate you,
Be healthy and strong!

We would also like to invite Gomzov kngkg here to the stage

The legal profession is multifaceted,

Legal adviser, judge, lawyer.

Congratulations on your holiday today,

Let there be more money and awards!

Let work bring pleasure,

And there will be more interesting things to do,

Good luck to you, let in your life

Everything will be just as you wanted!

We invite you to this stage to present certificates of honor.

Sings for you_______________________________________________

Our next page is called “Both your head in place and your money in your hands.”

We invite Deputy Mayor of the city Lyudmila Vasilievna Rogachova to this stage

let me test you a little

(in a competition with coins, the participant counts the coins and answers questions at the same time)

1. What education did you receive?
2. When did you buy your first car?
3. Where did you spend your last vacation?
4. Where did you meet your other half?
5. Favorite drink.
6. Favorite movies/books.
7. Foot size.
8. How many acres does your plot occupy?
9 Favorite alcoholic drink.
10. Favorite pop singer/performer/group.
11 Favorite songs

You have coped with our difficult task and we are convinced that you are not in vain in your position.

The Mayor of the city congratulates you ________________________________________________________

You are an important specialist
For any office
you are an excellent financier,
Support for business!
Money loves counting!
And your slogan is short:
Kopek - saves the ruble
And this is the way to prosperity,
_________________ sings for you

Host: So our magazine has been read

The initiators of the holiday “My Home is My City” are residents of Berezovaya Street. The floor is given to the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Our Neighbor”, and part-time street _______________________________________

A month before my son’s birthday, I thought that if I take the preparations for the celebration more seriously, then perhaps something unforgettably grandiose will turn out. To begin with, I decided to come up with a script - nothing worked. The child had already invited his classmates, and my imagination painted depressing pictures: pale children who had been sitting at the computer for a couple of hours, a keyboard covered in juice, a destroyed apartment. And then I decided that we would not sit in the apartment! We'll go outside to celebrate our birthday. Not far from our house there is a fairly large playground, which we decided to go to.

I know that children love to look for treasures, but hiding even a small treasure in an ordinary yard is quite difficult. I decided to buy some small toys and hide them in different places on the site. In the store, my eyes couldn’t catch anything; I had to throw household goods into the basket. We bought a package of colored clothespins, two plastic bowls, two scoops for bulk food, a mask of some purple bear-like creature, and a "Happy Birthday" garland. Nothing else could be found. We had to come up with a scenario, “dancing” from the existing props, which we supplemented with a clothesline, a fox tail from a fancy dress and balloons. Not a single birthday is complete without balloons. True, we use them not for decoration, but for a loud and cheerful action called “popping balloons.” To prevent this action from turning into uncontrollable violent madness, we “pop” the balloons with a purpose. The goal is simple - get the note with the task, but more on that later.

My birthday has arrived... It’s raining outside, the wind is blowing in all directions, and I have no backup option. I was in a panic. Fortunately, there were people nearby who explained to me that there was no need to worry: the weather would change ten times before lunch, and our children were not sugar-coated - they would put on rubber boots and have a great time.

And so it happened. By lunchtime the sun was already shining, although it was cool.

After fussing with salads and jellied meats, five minutes before the children arrived, I flew out into the street. I had a pack of clothespins in my pocket. I quickly put the clothespins in different places: between the boards of the benches, under the roof of the slide, and hung them on the trees and fence. I came home, and there were already guests there.

We congratulated the birthday boy, ate salads, and washed down with lemonade. Well, this is a quick thing.

Then they started destroying the balloons. The balls were all numbered, and inside there were riddle notes. All riddles are about the same word. I wrote them and was worried that the children would quickly guess. To my surprise, they guessed right, only last question- and I was starting to worry: would they really not guess at all?

These are the riddles.

This is in every home.

This word consists of a root, a prefix, a suffix and an ending. (A diagram of the word is drawn, the ending is indicated - A).

They can be different, for example wooden.

This word begins with the same letter as the capital of France.

You can attach something to it.

This word has the same root as the missing word: “They cut down the forest, ... fly.”

Usually they are on a rope

They are used to hang clothes after washing.

As you probably already guessed, the answer was the word “clothespin.”

Now you’ll have to get some clothespins somewhere,” I told the guys. - For what? You will understand this yourself. I’ll give you the first hint: adventures await us in the yard.

Everyone got dressed, dad took a large bag with props, and we went outside. First, the children had to catch a fox (me with a tail from New Year's costume). According to the condition, if they catch me, then I give them my fox secret. The secret was the letters from the disassembled garland "Happy Birthday!"

To be honest, this part of the program gave me the biggest doubts; I thought: at least I could run away before they grabbed me. The children were given a condition: to surround me all together - only then will it be considered that I was caught. This condition and the tail allowed me to hold out long enough. Firstly, everyone was very distracted by the tail, everyone tried to catch it and tear it off, but, according to the conditions, this was not required at all, so I was only gaining time. Secondly, the children’s shoelaces began to come undone, the all-important candy wrappers began to fall out of their pockets, and I never tired of reminding them that again it didn’t count - I was surrounded by only seven, but it should be surrounded by eight. I would have been completely exhausted if, in the end, the children had not figured out how to drive me into a corner and keep me there until everyone else had reached me. I had to give up the letters.

Dad, while we were running, managed to pull a rope between the trees. It was necessary to attach the recaptured letters to it using clothespins. Everyone began to run around the site and look for clothespins. At first we searched on our own, then we had to suggest - “hot and cold”. We found all the clothespins, but there weren't enough of them. Then we saw a bear (dad wearing a mask) under a bush with two clothespins on his ears (not daddy’s, but the bear’s), I had to catch daddy and rip the clothespins off the mask. We attached a couple more letters, but there were still not enough clothespins. While the children were catching the “bear,” I put a bowl with a mixture of cereals and something else that I found in the kitchen on the bench. I placed the second - empty - bowl on the slide. The children began to scoop this cereal into a bowl on the hill; they dug out the clothespin when the bowl was almost empty.

Taking advantage of the confusion, I hid another clothespin in a bowl on the slide, and the children had to carry everything back, but they were finally able to attach the last letter. All that's left is the exclamation mark. I slowly attached a clothespin for it to the birthday boy’s windbreaker. The children were told that the clothespin was on one of them. It was difficult to find, although the jacket and clothespin were of blue color- albeit in different shades.

This completed the competitive part of the birthday party. Then we also played tag with clothespins (one or two with a pinned clothespin run away, and the rest catch and remove the clothespin); hide and seek and dodgeball. We just couldn’t knock one boy out with the ball, we had to say that we’ll only go eat cake when we succeed. By an amazing coincidence, they knocked it out with the first blow and immediately went to blow out the candles.

The children did not remember about the computer on this birthday. After an hour and a half walk, we went home rosy and happy. And a month later, at the height of summer, we decided to arrange an unplanned country holiday. We had to hide the clothespins in the forest: the children really enjoyed looking for them at their birthday party. It turned out to be more difficult to search in the forest, so I had to make a map and conduct the search on it.

I hope our ideas will help you spend an unforgettable holiday on the street - and you will have as much fun as we did!

Good day, dear friends! How do you celebrate your birthday? Does everything look like a standard feast or is there something more exciting? Today I will tell you how to celebrate a birthday in an unusual and inexpensive way.
When planning a celebration, each birthday person is guided, first of all, by his financial capabilities. Let's find out how to plan a holiday in a creative and fun way, even on a budget.

Did you know that the first birthdays began to be celebrated in Egypt around 2000 BC? But a similar tradition came to Russia only in the 19th century. Moreover, luxurious receptions were organized by nobles and wealthy merchants.

Let's look at modern options for celebrating the occasion.
If you have limited resources, it is better to go with the device option. In this case, it is easier to provide guests with transportation and rest.

There is a huge choice of directions when decorating a room. And, of course, the main advantage is economical implementation. To diversify the holiday, you can choose a special theme.
The specific topic depends on the age of those present, the tastes of the hosts and their financial capabilities.

  • for noisy groups, incendiary Hawaiian-style parties are suitable;
  • For a more discreet party, a celebration in a classic style is suitable.

Once the theme has been chosen, you can begin to decorate the room. In this case, the decor should correspond to the theme.
You can use the imitation option, when the room is given the appearance of a certain area.

In this case, it is not necessary to use ceremonial paraphernalia.
You can also design it in a different direction, for example, create a festive atmosphere in a certain spirit.

This option is combined with decorative attributes in the form of flags, balloons and congratulatory inscriptions.
Don’t forget about preparing souvenirs for competitions. The presence of gifts will make the special event more memorable.
It is important to think through games and competitions. This is especially true if a child or teenager is celebrating a birthday. Competitions must be organized by the presenter.

This task can also be assigned to a professional, if finances allow.

How to celebrate a birthday in any season

Where you can celebrate the holiday depends on the time of year.

Here are interesting options:

  1. In winter, in sunny weather, you can go to winter walk all companies. At the same time, you can organize sledding or making snowmen. After fun games You can drink hot tea from a thermos and eat pies. As an option, arrange a fun photo session and snowball fight.
  2. In spring and autumn there are also a lot of options for having fun. For children 10-12 years old, you can choose interesting board games. For example, many people like monopoly. Not a bad budget option and a good comedy.
  3. IN summer time You can organize a birthday outside the city. In the fresh air and in warm company, baked potatoes and grilled sausages will be a wonderful treat. It’s worth thinking about active games in advance, for which a ball or badminton is suitable.

For children aged 4 years you can also organize a picnic. To do this, decorate the clearing with flags, balls and toys.

Organize outdoor games or hide treats for the children to find. You can invite animators.
For an adult birthday, you can organize a trip to the country house or to an equestrian center.

Popular entertainment includes quests.

You can come up with an exciting plot yourself and solve various puzzles. There are also more extreme fun.

For example, paintball or bungee - jumping.

The most original ideas for adults

If you don’t want to celebrate your birthday at home, then you can choose a celebration in nature or in any other place.
You may consider these options:

  1. Holiday in nature with overnight stay in tents. An ideal solution for large companies. In this case, you need to prepare sleeping places and also light a fire.
  2. A holiday at a recreation center is more comfortable and also preserves the atmosphere of nature. You can cook barbecue, hold outdoor games, or even organize a concert venue.
  3. If your budget allows, you can spend the holiday at the club. At the same time, the necessary musical accompaniment, varied cuisine and entertainment programs will be provided.
  4. Children's and adult birthdays can also be held in amusement parks. All kinds of attractions, ice skating rinks, hydroparks and parks like Disneyland are suitable for this. You can also choose a paintball field.
  5. Both at 18 and 30 years old you can visit various health centers or.
  6. Often in St. Petersburg and others big cities services such as birthday celebrations in a limousine are offered. Inside the spacious car there is music and a refrigerator with champagne.
  7. An unusual way is to go on a hot air balloon flight.
  8. You can celebrate your birthday at any time of the year at the water park. Water attractions can be combined with a visit to a cafe or bar inside the entertainment complex.
  9. The cinema also has a café and various attractions.
  10. A good solution is to combine bowling with an entertainment program.
  11. You can also visit the glacier arena.

If the company is diverse, then you can organize a team game. The mafia will do.

You can create themed party in the style of the Italian mafia with appropriate clothes and treats. Don't forget about cocktails and entertainment.

Original ideas for a children's birthday

For children's day birth, the amount is not as important as a well-thought-out idea.

Mom can organize a fun cooking competition. You can prepare the dough in advance from which children will make cookies of the most unusual shapes.
If they have imagination, parents can organize an interesting quest. For example, hide a treasure in the yard, which the children will look for on the map.

But this must be done under the supervision of parents. Children and their parents can go on an exciting hike. For example, to a river or pond.
The celebration can be held in a cafe or at home. Between the feast, an animator can entertain the children.

At the same time, tricks, competitions and games with prizes are organized.

Here are the options for organizing the holiday:

  1. If funds allow, then it is worth celebrating the holiday in a cafe. This is a convenient solution, since the entire organization of the event: competitions, dances and games is taken care of by the organizers in the cafe. It is better to celebrate a child's birthday during the daytime. You can agree with the administrator about inviting clowns and magicians.
  2. If the weather is warm, then the holiday can be celebrated in an amusement park, water park, or even in a regular city park. Children will be interested in rides such as cars or boats, as well as a ride on a children's train. After the park, you can also go to a cafe with ice cream and pizza.
  3. For teenagers, options such as ice skating, bowling club, paintball and other outdoor activities are suitable.
  4. For children junior classes You can organize a cultural program, for example, in a museum.
  5. In nature you can organize Interesting games. For example, exciting searches with a map and compass.

How to celebrate a child’s birthday depending on age

Until the age of three, a child’s birthday should be celebrated at home. Since before this age the child still understands little.

Invite only your closest people. Cover festive table, where there must be a cake with candles.
From 3 to 5 years It is also better to celebrate at home, as the baby will feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment.
Already at 6-8 years old Birthday becomes a special day for a child. From this period on, you need to put a lot of effort into organizing a fun and memorable celebration.
From 8 to 13 years old you can organize a big celebration, since the child is waiting for something special and he already has many friends, both in the yard and at school. After 13 years the holiday can be celebrated in a cafe.
It is not recommended to make two different tables for children and adults. Children will feel alienated.

It’s better to have a children’s feast during the day, and then sit with the adults in the evening.

Remember that it is important to create a festive mood from the very morning. For example, at night the room can be decorated.

Drawn posters, streamers and balloons are suitable for decoration.
At the holiday, in addition to the set table, there should be various games and competitions where you can win a prize.

With some creativity and a little time, you can come up with an original idea for a holiday event.

You can organize a luxurious party on your own without spending a lot of money.
Subscribe to my blog updates and don't forget to share useful tips with your friends.

See you soon, dear friends!

Actually, I don’t agree that birthdays are a sad holiday.

This fun party, which I always look forward to, but I have to admit that every year I face a problem when I think, .

I don’t want to offer my guests the same thing, because they give me different gifts, so I want to diversify their leisure time.

If you are experiencing the same difficulties, then welcome to the site, where we will try to solve this problem together.

Where can you celebrate a birthday if you have some money?

I am opposed to the tradition when people start throwing lavish banquets with their last (and often borrowed) money to amaze their guests.

Well, why all this posturing and ridiculous squandering?

Especially when a birthday can be celebrated fun, tasty and with little money spent.

Where to organize this?

    If you've invited a few guests (and inviting a couple of dozen people when you don't have huge funds is stupid), you have your own normal-sized place and you're not starting to go crazy at the thought of having to stand at the stove, then it's better than a day at home birth and you can’t imagine it.

    The main thing is that the guests have a tasty meal (not necessarily a lot, but a tasty one) and fun (various competitions will help you).

    Yes, yes, you can also inexpensively celebrate a birthday in a cafe.

    For example, if you agree that you will only order food in a cafe and bring drinks from home (believe me, the savings will be very significant) or you warn guests not to come without gifts (no one will do this and everyone will take care of a small gift ☺ ), but the bill is divided among everyone.


    Such a party can only be organized in the warm season, because in winter no one wants to freeze in snowdrifts in the forest, even for your name day.

    But if you are lucky enough to be born in the summer, early autumn or late spring, then feel free to invite guests to nature: to the forest, to the park, to the river bank, etc.

    There’s no need to further elaborate on the menu (everything that can be fried over a fire, herbs, vegetables and a couple of inexpensive snacks) – that’s a significant saving for you.

Where can you celebrate your child's birthday?

If you have Small child, then it’s best to celebrate his birthday:

    In the courtyard.

    Particularly relevant this advice for residents of the private sector, but also for those who live in apartment buildings, no one bothers to arrange children's party in the courtyard.

    Remember that kids are not as interested in food (some sweets and drinks will be enough for them) as they are in entertainment - clowns, competitions, quests, etc.

    In the entertainment center.

    Typically, play areas are located in large shopping centers, where you will be offered a ready-made program for celebrating a child’s birthday.

    You can bring your own food (pizza and sweets will be enough) and drinks.

    Alternative options are at a zoo, an amusement park, or a water park.

    If your a little prince or the princess was born in winter, but you don’t have money for a cafe or entertainment center, then it’s quite possible to celebrate your birthday at home by setting two tables: for children and for adults.

    I have the warmest memories of my birthdays, when the adults chatted at the laid table in the hall, and we frolicked in the nursery.

    It was fun!

Where can you celebrate a teenager's birthday?

It is more difficult with teenagers than with small children.

You can’t force them to frolic in the nursery while moms and dads raise toasts to the health of the birthday boy/s and enjoy each other’s company.

If you want to organize a teenage birthday at home, you will have to give the entire apartment to the mercy of the birthday boy and his/her friends, and spend time somewhere else.

Don't you like this plan?

Then you can celebrate your teenager’s birthday at:

    Rope park, if the birthday person was born in the warm season.

    Boys and girls can compete to see which of them is stronger, more dexterous and more resilient, and all you have to do is take care of the festive table.

    An alternative for winter birthday parties is a climbing wall and karting.


    In addition to bowling, any bowling club also offers other options: billiards, table hockey, ping pong.

    In short, the kids (both boys and girls) will have something to do.

    In addition, having a kitchen and bar will save you from having to run around the store and fuss over the stove.

    Anywhere (house, park, cafe, yard), but let it be a themed party.

    When coming up with a party scenario, remember that we are talking about teenagers, not kids, so Barbie dolls, Pokemon, and fairy-tale characters are not a very good theme.

    If you don't have own ideas, then you can entrust this to a special agency, but do not do anything based only on your taste - the teenager should take an active part in organizing his own birthday.

Where to celebrate a birthday: bachelorette party - bachelor party

My friend's sister-in-law always celebrates her birthday with only girls.

She tried the option of inviting couples, but was dissatisfied with the result.

Firstly, it turns out to be much more expensive, and, secondly, men immediately organize their own party, without paying attention to special attention for ladies

She tries to celebrate her birthday in a new place every time, so she offers those who are ready to follow her example the following options:

  • in a restaurant;
  • in the night club;
  • on a steamship;
  • at karaoke;
  • on the roof of the house;
  • on the beach;
  • In aquapark;
  • in the gazebo of the city park.

Men can also celebrate their birthday in the company of only their male friends, without inviting their significant other.

If you don’t want to organize a holiday at home, in a restaurant or pub, then think about the following options:

  • sauna;
  • paintball club;
  • fishing with overnight stay in tents;
  • country house rental;
  • hiking in the mountains;
  • kayaking;
  • billiard club;
  • strip club.

And for those who are looking for options for a budget celebration,

It will be useful to watch the video:

Where can you celebrate your birthday in an original way?

If you are not looking for easy ways and want to celebrate your birthday in a unique way, then you can organize the following celebrations:

    At the equestrian club.

    So you will not only be gluttonous all the time and knock back glass after glass, but also ride horses.

    Some clubs even offer show programs for their guests - horse tricks.

    In a limousine or any other vehicle.

    Today, if you have enough money, you can even rent a tram or trolleybus to celebrate a birthday there.

    Yes, many museums in Kyiv (I won’t speak for the province) offer to organize both children’s and adult birthday parties.

    Children will definitely be interested here, because they are offered thematic classes, but for adults it makes sense to decide on such a celebration only if you and your aesthete guests do not abuse alcoholic beverages and are ready to go home at 18.00-19.00.

    On the air balloon.

    On average, the basket is designed for 10-15 people, so you can invite only close friends or close relatives, although get ready for the fact that not all mothers and fathers are ready for such an extreme.

    At a master class, for example, a culinary one.

    Prepare a couple of delicious gourmet dishes under the guidance of an experienced chef, and then eat it all together with good alcoholic drinks.

Only you can choose where to celebrate a birthday(in a calm environment at home or extreme, skydiving).

In the end, it's your holiday and everything should be the way you want it.

Guests should be satisfied with any option.

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