Speech therapy homework. Hometasks

Today, many parents who care about comprehensive development baby, it is known that the formation of competent writing and reading skills is facilitated by the normal speech development of the child. Before starting classes, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the baby’s speech, to find any shortcomings in pronunciation.

Here are the characteristics of a child of this age:

  1. By the age of 5, the baby should be able to master all speech sounds, with the exception of hissing sounds and “R”, sometimes the sound “L”, which the child may still have trouble pronouncing.
  2. The child’s vocabulary must have a sufficient supply of words so that he can compose a sentence of 5-7 words.
  3. The child must be able to use words in the singular and plural.
  4. The child must be able to describe an object, pointing out its qualities.
  5. The ability to conduct a dialogue is another of the norms characteristic of children of this age. When communicating with an adult, his speech should be understandable, not only to parents, but also to strangers.
  6. The child must quickly say his first name, last name, age, names of parents, names of animals that live nearby.

If a child cannot do any of the above, he will benefit from attending speech therapy classes. They will be aimed at development fine motor skills, enrichment of vocabulary, development of air flow and, of course, correction of impaired sound pronunciation.

In private speech therapy centers consultations and classes are conducted by a speech therapist. However, his work is not cheap. But parents who have the opportunity to study at home with their baby will be able to spend this time profitably.

Moreover, in a relaxed home environment, the child feels more comfortable: there is no unnecessary stress from communicating with a stranger.

Speech therapy classes at home

Various literature comes to the aid of mothers.

One of the manuals that you can use at home is “Speech therapy homework for children with special needs for 5-7 years” by N.E. Teremkova. These tasks can be offered to children under 5 years of age.

In order for homework to be successful, you need to follow some rules:

  • All classes must be conducted in game form so that the child is captivated by everything that is happening, and also does not understand the true meaning of the exercises being performed.
  • Classes should be limited in time. To begin with, it is 3-5 minutes, then increase to 15-20.
  • Quantity play activities about 2-3 per day, so the material will be absorbed faster.
  • Praise your child for every success, support him kind words. Do not use the word “wrong” - the child may withdraw and no longer make contact.
  • It is better to conduct classes at hours when the child is not tired. Best time for this purpose - after breakfast and after an afternoon nap.
  • When talking to a child, turn to face him and pronounce all sounds clearly. Remember, you are a role model.
  • If, while completing a task, you get acquainted with certain natural phenomena, you need to do this at a time for which these phenomena are characteristic (in winter - studying winter phenomena, in summer - summer ones).

Stages of homework

Let's clarify the procedure for conducting classes at home:

  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Gymnastics for articulation organs.
  • Games for onomatopoeia, hearing development, logorhythmics.
  • Speech development, vocabulary replenishment.

Let's look at each stage of home exercises in order.

Gymnastics for fingers

It is known that there is a strong relationship between the human hand and the brain. Therefore, by performing small movements with our hands, we thereby train areas of the cerebral cortex. Well, if these movements are combined with speech, then the benefits from such exercises will be much greater.

Parents, when doing finger gymnastics with their baby, should not just ask them to perform any actions, but learn and repeat short poems, sayings, and songs with the child.

There are a huge variety of exercise options for fingers. In bookstores you can find a large amount of literature with entire sets of exercises for the development of motor skills. Any mother can use these publications.

In general, a number of movements can be identified that contribute to the development of fine motor skills:

  • stroking the other with one palm;
  • massage the fingers of one hand with the other hand;
  • combination thumb hands with other fingers;
  • Aligning the fingers of two pens with each other.

Playing with “ magic bag", into which mom pours cereal. Each bag can contain either the same type of cereal or a different one. Usually buckwheat, peas, beans, and rice are used.

The child is asked to touch small and large inclusions with his fingers. Another option for using cereal: just mix in a plate different types and ask the baby to sort it out.

Basic exercises are shown in this video:

Articulation gymnastics

These exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus and developing the range of movements. Any subsequent production of sounds is preceded by articulation exercises.

Exercises are divided into dynamic and static. When performing first, the tongue and lips perform some exercises, that is, they constantly move. When performing the second, the organs of articulation must “take” a certain position and hold it for several seconds. Such exercises are more difficult for a child, it is important to teach the child to do this.

There are different exercises that can be done at all times for all children. They simply contribute to the development of movements of all muscles of the apparatus.

There are exercises that “prepare” those muscles necessary when pronouncing a sound that a child cannot pronounce well.

Among the exercises are the following:

  • to develop and strengthen the muscles of the tongue;
  • on the development and strengthening of the lip muscles;
  • for the development and strengthening of the cheek muscles;

Here are some of these exercises:

"Smile." Stretch your lips strongly in a smile, but your teeth should not be visible. Hold a smile for 30 seconds.

"Fence". Smile hard so that your teeth are visible, hold the smile.

“Let’s punish the naughty tongue.” Open your mouth slightly, place your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce “five-five-five...”.

"Tube". Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and try to bend its side edges upward in the form of a tube, hold it in this position for 30 seconds.

“Let’s lick the jam.” Slowly, without lifting the tongue, first lick the upper lip from corner to corner, then repeat the procedure with the lower lip.

“The clock is tick-tock.” Make a smile, open your mouth slightly, then use the tip of your tongue to touch the corners of your mouth one by one.

“Brushing our teeth.” Smile, open your mouth slightly, then with the tip of your tongue, pressing it hard enough, brush the inside of the teeth of the lower row (7-10 times). Repeat the same exercise with the teeth of the upper row (7-10 times).

"Swing". Smile and open your mouth wide. Then lower the tip of the tongue behind the bottom row of teeth by “one”, and lift it by the top row by “two”. Repeat – 4-5 times.

It is better to do exercises not just on demand. Get your baby interested. Invite him to take a trip to magical land, Where main character- tongue. Imagine together, and these activities will bring a lot of benefits to your child.

Do not forget that all exercises for the development of articulation organs must be performed in front of a mirror. The child must not only feel where the tongue is and what the sponges are doing, but also see it all.

Basic exercises are shown in the following videos.

Development of phonemic hearing

Since a child does not master speech on his own, but by perceiving sounds from those around him, it is necessary that the people living nearby speak correctly.

In addition, the people around him at the stage of development of a child’s speech can play a huge role in its formation. Many ear development activities are based on onomatopoeia.

Let's look at what exercises you can do with your baby at home:

  • Guess which object is ringing. The adult invites the child to look at objects that can make sound. Shows how they ring. Then he hides an object that makes a sound behind his back (drum, spoon, glass) and asks the child to guess what is ringing.
  • Guess where the sound is. The adult moves around the room behind the child and rings the bell in different places. The child should show with his hand the place where he hears the ringing.
  • Imitating the sounds that animals make. To complete this exercise, it is advisable to use plot and subject pictures. You can look at the animal and discuss how and where it lives. And say the sound it makes. (Frog, bee, cat, etc.)
  • Imitation of everyday sounds. The exercise is based on repeating sounds that we hear from different objects. (water dripping: DROP-DROP, train is moving: TU-TU, etc.)

Logorhythmic exercises play an important role in the development of hearing and sense of rhythm. These are exercises that combine movement, speech and music. The child really likes this type of activity. An adult shows the child movements and pronounces words, all this is done to the accompaniment of well-chosen music. The main thing about this is to prepare in advance. After all, how will a lesson be interesting if an adult constantly makes mistakes in words?..

Speech development

Work on the development of a child’s speech includes two areas:

  1. Vocabulary work, where the child clarifies his understanding of the surrounding world of objects and phenomena, relationships between people.
  2. Development of the grammatical structure of the language - the child learns to use words in the correct form and correctly compose sentences.

Vocabulary work solves the following problems:

  • clarifying the understanding of the words in the child’s vocabulary;
  • enriching the vocabulary with new words;
  • developing skills in using new words in independent speech.

The child masters the world, and in order for this work to be interesting and useful for him, it is necessary to use construction kits, toys, children's books, subject and subject pictures.

I would like to recommend the demonstration material developed by the authors Olga Gromova and Galina Solomatina for use in home speech development classes. It is presented in pictures with clear and bright illustrations that will be understandable and interesting to children.

Don’t forget, when working with a picture, it is necessary to pose the question correctly so that the child can find words to indicate the quality of the object.

It is important to understand that this word may not be used in speech. To this end, new words need to be repeated in combination with other familiar words. For example, when reading Surikov’s poem “Winter,” the child is asked to think about what else can be called the word “fluffy”: a kitten, a towel. By repeating it in combination with familiar words, the child begins to use it in independent speech.

The material you work with must be appropriate for the child’s age. For a 4-year-old there may be fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok” and others. A fairy tale encourages sympathy for everything good; it is necessary both for the development of speech and for moral education.

Reading fairy tales should be accompanied by the display of bright illustrations. It’s good to reinforce what you read with a beautiful cartoon. This will deepen the impression of the fairy tale.

At the age of five, a child can be asked to compare the characteristics of objects, generalize (vegetables, fruits), and make sentences using reference words (girl, forest, basket). Reinforcement of the material occurs in didactic games; proverbs and tongue twisters provide great assistance in this.

Here sample list topics offered to the child:“Parts of the human body”, “Clothing”, “Seasons”, “Vegetables, fruits and berries”, “House and its parts”, “Furniture”, “Animals”, “Transport” and others.

The development of the grammatical structure of speech occurs with the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary, the formation of coherent speech. Most often, children encounter errors in changing nouns by case and number (no boots, pencils, kittens, goslings). It is these difficulties that you need to pay attention to when conducting individual lessons with your child.

Here are some types of exercises that are carried out with the child:“One is many” (hands and hands), “What will I show you?” (Flowers, lamp) “To whom - what? (a bone for a dog), “Who eats what?” (cow - grass), “Call it affectionately” (cat - cat, ring - ring), “Divide the word into two” (plane - flies itself), “Who is it and which one?” (round, sweet apple), “Whose part is this?” (the fox has a fox tail), “Yesterday - Now” (yesterday I went to the park, now I’m playing with a doll) and others.

Today on store shelves you can find a large amount of literature that details exercises and activities for the development of coherent speech in a child, which can be used at home.

Don’t forget, the child is growing and will soon go to first grade. And the success of his studies at school depends on how well his speech is formed. The period from 4 to 7 years is the most favorable for the development and correction of speech.

Spend as much time as possible with your baby at this stage of development and you will thereby lay a strong foundation for the child’s future success.

You can see an example of a speech therapy session in the following video.


1. Look at the pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of wild animals in our forest. Insert the general concept of “wild animals” into the dictionary.

2. Show the body parts of animals (torso, head, tail, horns, hooves, etc.). Remember them

3. Exercise "Guess": Complete the sentences with:

Legs, hooves, horns - from... (moose). The tassels on the ears are from... (squirrels, lynxes). The needles on the body are... (hedgehog).

4. Tell your child about what the wild animals of our forests eat and where they live (in
hole, den, lair, hollow, etc.).

5. name as many sign words and action words as possible):

Bear (what kind) - brown, huge, shaggy, clumsy, club-footed, strong.
Hare (what?) - .... Fox (what?) - ....

The bear (what is it doing?) - waddles, roars, sleeps,....

Fox (what is he doing?).... Hare (what is he doing?)....

6. Exercise “Say the opposite”: Complete the sentences.

The elk is big, and the hare.... The wolf has a long tail, and the bear.... The squirrel is weak, and the wolf.... The fox is a predatory animal, and the hare....

7. The cold weather set in, the animals got sick and reached out to Doctor Aibolit. Morning dock
Thor noticed that many animals had gathered in the clearing near the hospital. Exercise “Who is with whom?”: Look at the picture. Who came to Doctor Aibolit's clinic?
(Fox with a fox cub. Hare with a little hare. Etc.)

8. Exercise “Call me kindly”: Call the cubs affectionately, as Doctor Aibolit called them.

The doctor called the little fox little fox, and the foxes - little foxes. The doctor called the little bunny..., and the bunnies -....

The doctor called the elk calf..., and the moose calves -....

The doctor called the bear cub..., and the cubs -....

The doctor called the baby squirrel..., and the baby squirrels -....

The doctor called the hedgehog..., and the hedgehogs -....

The doctor called the wolf cub..., and the wolf cubs -....

9. The little squirrel was very afraid to be treated by Dr. Aibolit. He was hiding from his mother squirrel. Let's help the squirrel find his son. Exercise "Hide and Seek": Complete the sentences.

10. Doctor Aibolit provided assistance to all animals in his hospital. Exercise “Give me a word”: Answer the questions:

Hedgehog healed his paw. Whose paw did the doctor heal? ... (Hedgehog.) The wolf was cured by his tail. Whose tail did the doctor cure? ... .

Losyu healed his leg. Whose leg did the doctor heal? ....

The bear had his teeth fixed. Whose teeth did the doctor fix? ... .

Lise's head was cured. Whose head did the doctor cure? ....

Belke healed his ear. Whose ear did the doctor cure? ....

The hare's eye was healed. Whose eye did the doctor cure? ....

11. Exercise “Nonsense”: Look at the picture. Tell me what doesn't happen. How should it really be?

Topic: PETS

1. Look at the pictures with your child. Name the animals and their babies. Tell us what they feed pets, what benefits they bring to humans, how they
looks after them. Insert the general concept of “pets” into the dictionary.

2. Pay attention to the distinctive features of animals. Exercise: “What do you have?”
Show the pictures and name the body parts of domestic animals.

The cow has horns.... The horse has a mane....

The pig has a snout,.... The dog has paws,....

3. Exercise “Call me kindly”: Affectionately name the father, mother and baby of each pet.

Cat- cat, cat- cat, kitten- kitten.

Dog - ..., dog - ..., puppy - .... Bull - ..., cow - ..., calf - ....

Goat - ..., goat - ..., kid - .... Ram - ..., sheep - ..., lamb - ....

4. Tell the child the names of the houses that a person built for his family
animals (for cows - a barn, for pigs - a pigsty, etc.).

Cow- hums.
Cat - .... Dog - .... Horse - .... Pig - ....

6. Exercise “Select, name, remember”: Complete the sentences (match and

Dog (what is it doing?)- sniffs, growls, gnaws, guards...
Horse (what is it doing?) - .... Pig (what is it doing?) - ....

7. Exercise “What did the artist forget to draw?”: Who did the artist draw? What
is missing from every animal? (The rabbit is missing ears. Etc.) Help the artist. Draw the missing parts of the body.

8. Complete the sentences:

A goat has no horns. She is hornless. You completed the horns, and now she is horned.

A rabbit has no ears. He.... You finished drawing the ears, and now he....

The cat has no tail. She.... You finished drawing the tail, and now she....

9. The little pig has a holiday. The pets decided to wish him a happy birthday. Look at the picture. Name the animals that came to the pig for the holiday. What are their houses called? Connect each animal with its house with a colored line-path. What do you think each of the guests gave the pig? (Connect the guests and their gifts with lines).

10. Many guests came to the piglet. Help the pig count (write in circles or indicate the number with dots) and name them. (TO four cats came to the pig. Etc.)


1. Look at the pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of pets
birds. Talk about the benefits birds bring. How does a person care for them?
What does he feed and where does he keep it? Insert in the dictionary the general concept of “home

2. Show from the pictures and name the body parts of domestic birds (paws, neck, head, beak,

3. Exercise “Name it correctly”: Name the father, mother and baby of each bird.
Rooster, hen, chick. Goose, goose, gosling.
Drake, duck, duckling. Turkey, turkey, turkey.

Turkey- chatters.
Chicken - .... Rooster - .... Duck - .... Goose - ....

5. Exercise “Say the opposite”: Complete the sentences.

The duck is big, and the duckling is .... The goose has a long neck, and the chicken has ....

The chicken is young, and the rooster is .... The chicken has webbed feet, and the duck has ....

6. Exercise “Count and name”: Tanya came to the poultry yard and saw many birds there. Connect birds of the same species with multi-colored lines with circles of the corresponding color. Help Tanya count (write in circles or indicate the number with dots) and name them.

7. Exercise “Call me kindly”: Call the birds affectionately.

Duckling- duckling, ducklings- ducklings

Duck - ..., ducks - .... Chicken - ..., chickens - ....

Rooster - ..., roosters - .... Chicken - ..., chickens - ....

8. Look carefully at the pictures. Listen to the beginning of the story about the girl Tanya and continue it.

Tanya spent the whole summer living in the village with her grandmother. One day she lost her beloved cat Barsik. She walked around the village and called him. The cat was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly the girl saw Barsik’s black tail flash in the grass. Tanya po-

I got closer and found a nest with chicken eggs in the grass. Barsik the cat managed to roll one egg out of the nest with his paw...

10. Exercise “Tell me”: Compose stories about poultry according to the proposed visual plan.


1. Look at the pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of migratory birds
(rook, swallow, stork, cuckoo, nightingale, starling). Explain why these birds are called
migratory. Insert the general concept of “migratory birds” into the dictionary.

2. Show the pictures and name the body parts of migratory birds (paws, neck, head, beak,
tail, etc.). What is a bird's body covered with?

3. Exercise “Say the opposite”: Complete the sentences.
The stork is big, and the nightingale...

The stork has a long neck, and the cuckoo....

The nightingale has a gray breast, and the swallow.... The stork is white, and the rook....

4. Exercise “Select, name, remember”: Complete the sentences (match and

Cuckoo (what?) motley,.... Black rook,... .

Important stork................................................... ............ Swift-winged swallow, ... .

Migratory birds in the spring (what are they doing?)... . Migratory birds in autumn (what are they doing?)... .

5. Exercise “Say in one word”: Complete the sentences according to the example.
The stork has long legs, which is why it is called long-legged.

6. Exercise “Look and name”: Vanya learned to photograph birds. But when
He printed the photographs, but it turned out that the birds in them were not fully formed. Ras
Look at Vanya’s photographs and guess what birds he photographed.

Make up sentences using the following example: “This photo shows a swallow’s wing.”

7. Exercise “Correct mistakes”: Look at the pictures. Listen to the suggestions and correct the mistakes.

The stork flies away from the field. (WITH) A stork flies from the field. (Flies away)

The starling flew away from the birdhouse. (From) A starling flies in from a birdhouse. (Takes off)

8. Exercise “Nonsense”: Listen to the suggestions. Tell me what doesn't happen. But as
should it really be?

Chicks hatch eggs. The bird's body is covered with fur.

Crocodiles hatched from the birds' eggs. Chicks build nests.

The children made birdhouses for the storks. The starling lives in a booth.

9. Game exercise“Tannin marks.” Tanya collects stamps. Her collection includes many stamps with images of birds. Find the same brands, connect them with a line
with each other. Name the birds that are depicted on them. What kind of birds are these?
Circle with lines of blue color stamps with images of wintering birds, green -
migratory, and red - domestic.

10. In the spring, birds flew to the house where Tanya and Vanya lived. The guys watched them, and Vanya took pictures of them. Exercise “Count and name”: Help the children count the photographed birds (write them in circles or indicate the number with dots) and name them. (Vanya photographed one stork, five nightingales etc.)

11. Listen to a fairy tale. Look at the pictures. Are they positioned correctly? Number the pictures in order. Retell this story.

Spring has come. Tanya planted a sunflower seed in the ground. A sprout appeared from the ground. And the worms and caterpillars are right there. The caterpillar crawled up to the sprout and said: “You are a green sprout, young and sweet. I will eat you".

Rostock begged: “Have pity on me, caterpillar. Let me grow up 1."

The caterpillar laughed in response and crawled very close to the Sprout. And then Rook flies past. Rostock shouted: “Rook, help! The caterpillar wants to eat me."

2. Introduce the child to the names of the spring months.

10. Exercise “Hide and Seek”:

What objects are hidden in the picture? Name them and trace them with colored pencils. How do people use these items in the spring?

11. Exercise “Call me kindly”: Name each item from the previous exercise affectionately.

12. Exercise “Nonsense”: Look at the picture. Tell me what doesn't happen in spring.


1. Look at the pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of pieces of furniture and ask him to show the following parts: legs, seats, armrests, handles, doors,
backs, drawers, tabletops, shelves. Insert the general concept of “furniture” into the dictionary.

2. Ask the child to name the furniture for the kitchen, bedroom, living room, office.

3. Introduce the child to polysemantic words. Explain the difference in the meaning of these words: back (of a chair, person), leg (of a mushroom, stool).

6. Exercise “From what- Which?": And the stool remembered that when it was new,
everyone paid attention to her beautiful shiny metal legs. Complete the sentences.

Metal stool legs. They are (what?).... The cabinet doors are made of glass. They (what?) ... The handles on the doors are made of plastic. They are (what?).... The table top is made of wood. She (what?).... The upholstery on the chair is made of leather. She (what?)....

7. Exercise “Call me kindly”: The bookshelf was nothing to brag about. But she
I remembered that the owners often called her affectionately - shelf. Give affectionate names to other furniture as well.

Shelf - shelf Chair - .... Wardrobe - ....

Chair - .... Table - .... Bed - ....

8. Exercise “Say in one word”: Complete the sentences.

The table for newspapers and magazines is calledmagazine.

The table at which they dine is called.... The computer table is called....

The table at which one writes is called.... A book shelf is called....

A wardrobe for clothes is called.... A wardrobe for books is called....

9. Exercise “Say the opposite”: Complete the sentences.

The wardrobe is high, and the bedside table.... The sofa is soft, and the stool....

The closet is large, and the shelf.... The chair is soft, and the table....

10. Exercise “Select, name, remember”: Complete the sentences (match and
name as many action words as possible).

When buying furniture in a store, customers (what are they doing?)... .

When transporting furniture from the store home, buyers (what are they doing?).... At home, people are furniture (what are they doing?)....

People take care of furniture like this: (what do they do?)....

11. Exercise “Count and name”: Vanya came to the furniture store. help him
count (write in circles or mark with dots the quantity) and name the furniture that he
I saw it there.

12. Exercise “Tell me”: Listen to the story. Retell it using pictures.

One day, when his mother was not at home, little Vanya took a knife and cut out a sun on the table. Then he took out paints and painted the sun in yellow. When mom

returned, she immediately noticed the damaged table top. Mom scolded Vanya and explained to him that furniture must be handled carefully. Then it will serve for a long time. The next day, mom and Vanya took the table to the workshop. In the workshop, Vanya watched with interest as the carpenter cut and attached a new tabletop. When mother and son brought the table home, Vanya promised that he would never spoil the furniture again.


1. Look at the pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of various
transport and ask to show the following parts in pictures: wheels, headlights, seat, oars, body... Insert the general concept of “transport” in the dictionary.

2. Introduce the child to types of transport: land, underground, water, air.

3. Tell your child about the professions of people who manage various types of trans
port (pilot, driver, driver, captain, driver, etc.).

4. Introduce the child to polysemantic words. Explain the difference in the meanings of these

5. Exercise “Select, name, remember”: Complete the sentences (match and
name as many feature words and action words as possible).

Cars (what are they?)- cars, trucks, sports.... Planes (what are they?) - .... Trains (what are they?) - ....

Machine (what does it do?)- drives, rushes, brakes, stops.... Airplane (what is it doing?).... Motor ship (what is it doing?)....

6. Exercise “Say it in one word”: Complete the sentences.
If a motorcycle has two wheels, it is (what?)... (two-wheeled).
If a bicycle has three wheels, it (what?)....

If a car has four wheels, it is (what?).... If a boat has four oars, it is (what?)....

7. Exercise “Count and name”: Count (write in circles or mark with dots the quantity) and name the transport. ( Three planes. Etc.)

8. Circle the pictures using the dots. Name each item affectionately.

9. Exercise “Say the opposite”: Complete the sentences:
The train is long and the bus is...

The plane is fast, and the steamboat is .... The tram is heavy, and the bicycle is ....

10. Consider and name the parts of transport. What kind of item can we say “new”?
“new”, “new”? Exercise “From what- Which": Complete the sentences.
Metal door (which one?) - metal.

Plastic steering wheel (what?) - .... Leather seat (what?) - .... Rubber wheel (what?) - ....

11. Exercise “Tell me”: Vanya was planning to relax at the seaside this summer. Let's help him get there. Consider the plan on p. 31 and complete the adult’s story with the necessary words. What types of transport did Vanya use to get to the sea?*

From Vanya's house (what did he do?) ... (came out), the river along the bridge he... (moved) and further... (went). Vanya to the road... (approached) on (motorbike) sat down and... (I went). I was driving along the road, uphill... (moved in) downhill... (moved out) lake... (drove around) bump... (moved) and to the train station... (I arrived). On (train) Vanya sat down and... (I went). In town... (I arrived), got out of the train, found a stop and went to her... (approached). Vanya in... (car) I sat down and went to the airport. At the airport I boarded... (airplane) And... (flew). He's a forest (flew by) mountains... (flew over) flew and flew and... (arrived). From... (airplane) Vanya left and walked. Walked, walked, to the port... (came). He sat down on... (boat) and from the shore... (sailed away). To the beach he... (sailed) and began to rest.

* Note: Before starting the story, consider the visual outline. When completing the story, the child must independently choose the fastest modes of transport.

Topic: WILD ANIMALS.................................................... ........................................................ ... 1

Topic: PETS.................................................... ......................................... 5

Topic: POTENTIAL BIRD.................................................... ........................................................ 9

Topic: MIGRATION BIRDS.................................................... ............................................ 13

Topic: SPRING................................................... ........................................................ ......................... 18

Topic: FURNITURE................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 22

Topic: TRANSPORT................................................... ........................................................ ............. 27

Teremkova N.E.

Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Album 3 / N.E. Teremkova. - M.: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2006. - 32 p.

ISBN 978-5-296-00658-5

Album 3 is intended for working with children 5-7 years old with OHP. It is part of a set of four albums with speech therapy homework on various lexical topics.

Depending on the severity of the condition speech development classes with children include various exercises. The state of general speech underdevelopment requires complex classes, stimulating both the formation of a lexical vocabulary in children and grammatical aspects, articulation, memory and attention.

OHP level 1

Level 1 speech underdevelopment in children is characterized by the presence of babbling speech with the active help of facial expressions and gestures. The lexical vocabulary is limited to onomatopoeias and syllables that sound similar to necessary for the child words. The grammatical part of speech is not developed; even if phrases of several words are constructed, they are absolutely not consistent with each other. At the same time, auditory and visual attention and memory are impaired.

IN correctional classes the main emphasis is on expanding the child’s active and passive vocabulary, developing attention, improving fine motor skills and the functioning of articulatory organs.

Games and exercises:

  • To improve the perception of non-speech sounds, the game “What does it sound like?” is used. The child is invited to listen to various everyday sounds (the rustling of paper, the sound of pouring water), the sound of musical instruments or toys. Then, having heard familiar sounds, the child must show what kind of object makes them.
  • To activate auditory attention The game of blind man's buff is also good. Blindfolded, children must catch the leader clapping his hands, focusing on the sound.
  • To expand the lexical vocabulary, didactic games- “Who came?”, “Body parts”, “Fruits and vegetables”, etc. The toys are shown to the child and their names are clearly pronounced. After this, the children must name the objects themselves.
  • “Clap like me!” - the teacher claps his hands several times at different tempos, the children must reproduce the rhythmic pattern.
  • To develop fine motor skills, drawing, modeling, finger games, picking through cereals, and playing with sand are used.
  • “Look Carefully” - coloring game. According to the instructions of the adult, the child must color only the necessary images in the picture (only fruits or vegetables or animals).

OHP level 2

Children with level 2 ODD use both words and babbling utterances in communication. Grammar side speech seriously suffers - there is no agreement between nouns and verbs, words denoting a characteristic or quality of an object are not used. Word formation skills are not available to the child.

In addition to working with the above problems, it is also necessary to carry out work on staging the pronunciation of sounds, as well as the development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.


  • To improve phonemic awareness, games are offered to identify the desired phoneme. For example, the “Catch the Sound” exercise. The adult pronounces the word clearly and not very quickly, while the child must clap his hands or hit the table with his palm when he recognizes the desired sound.
  • “Who made a mistake?” A similar game, but slightly changed. The teacher pronounces words, replacing a certain phoneme in them, and children must stomp or raise their hand when the word is pronounced correctly.
  • The "Clap Your Hands" game gets a little more complicated. Now the claps will separate the syllables. We pronounce the word syllable by syllable, marking each of them with a clear clap.
  • To develop the articulatory apparatus, children are required to do “Tongue exercises.” The tasks are offered from simple to complex and taking into account the individual needs of the child.
  • "Who's the little one?" - a game to develop word formation skills. The teacher shows pictures of adult animals and their babies, clearly pronouncing their names. Intonation distinguishes the method of word formation. Now the child must say what is the name of the baby in the picture?
  • Work is also being carried out to study word agreement. For example, using the game of finding a toy. The teacher hides an object, and the child must follow the instructions to find it (UNDER a chair, BEHIND a book, etc.).
  • The development of coherent speech is carried out within the framework of discussion game moments and fairy tales. The adult asks the children questions - who came to class? Where did the bun roll to?
  • Games and exercises for the development of motor skills remain extremely relevant. Children are offered lacing, appliqué, shading and coloring. Finger games and exercises are included in every lesson.

OHP level 3

In children with general underdevelopment of speech at level 3, the presence of phrasal speech is noted, but it appears to be a variant with severe “limps” grammatical structure and pronunciation. The agreement of words in a sentence, changes in gender, number and cases suffer; some sounds, even those that sound correctly individually, are pronounced unclearly during coherent speech or are replaced by others.

At the same time, children have a fairly extensive vocabulary and can briefly talk about some event, using even complex sentences. However, there are impairments in all aspects of speech.

Speech therapy classes include exercises covering all aspects of speech - grammatical, phonemic and lexical.

Exercises and games:

  • "Professions". To expand the vocabulary, the names of professions are studied. The game uses cards depicting people of a particular specialty - children must name them correctly. Another option is to match the card to a person of a certain profession with images of a form or tools that suit him. A prerequisite is to name all the concepts correctly.
  • “Whose tail?” To master the norms of word formation, a game with cards is offered, in which you need to choose the right tail for an animal. And name it correctly! (Whose tail? - Fox, bear, etc.).
  • “What is he like?” In this game, children expand their vocabulary and learn to use adjectives in speech. The teacher shows the object and asks what it is. (For example, a ball is round, bouncy, rubber).
  • Another version of this game is to search for an item based on its description. The child must find the one the teacher is talking about from the toys placed on the table.
  • The game "It's the other way around" teaches children to use antonyms. The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word (“long”), the child must say the word with the opposite meaning (“short”) and throw the ball back.
  • You can also play “One and Many” with a ball. The teacher pronounces the word in the singular, the child must say the plural form.
  • To develop coherent speech, stories based on pictures are used. Children enjoy looking for the correct order of pictures with various events, and then (first with the help of leading questions) they compose a short story.
  • The concentration of auditory attention is developed by games such as “Come up with a word.” Children need to name a word that starts with a given sound. Subsequently, the task can be complicated - the sound can be at the end of the word or in the middle.
  • “Assemble a pyramid” - we string the rings, slowly pronouncing the words. How many syllables, so many rings.

General speech underdevelopment can become a serious problem for the child and his parents. Therefore, it is very important to begin corrective measures as early as possible. An experienced speech therapist will help you cope with speech disorders, but this will take time. Timely consultation with a specialist will help avoid many difficulties.

N. E. Teremkova This benefit is intended for children 5-7 years old with ODD ( general underdevelopment speech). In it you will find homework on various vocabulary topics. The tasks are aimed at increasing vocabulary, developing skills of coherent speech, attention, memory, and thinking.

  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Garden Garden
  4. Trees
  5. Berries
  6. Mushrooms
  7. Autumn
  8. Human
  9. Toys
  10. Dishes

Examples of tasks

Game "Greedy": Imagine these are your fruits. Answer the questions: Whose orange is this? (My orange.) Etc.

Exercise “Tell me!”: Write a story about fruits according to the proposed visual plan (Color - shape - taste)

Exercise “Which from what?”: Circle the dotted lines and say what fruits mom made and what they made. What kind of juice is this (jam, pie, compote)? (Apple pie, pear juice)

Exercise "Cook": Tell me what you need to do to prepare the soup? (Vegetables are washed, peeled, cut, boiled.) Juice? Puree?

Exercise “Guess the riddles, draw the answers.”

Exercise “Help Dunno”: Correct Dunno's mistakes.

Exercise “Listen, remember and name”: Listen to the poem. Remember and name what vegetables grew in the garden.

Exercise “Complete the sentences with the correct words”.

Exercise “Say the opposite”.

Exercise “Which tree is the leaf or twig from?”: Color the leaves and twigs above. Draw a line from each of them to the corresponding tree. Name what kind of leaves and twigs these are.

Parent meeting in the senior group on the topic: “Why does a speech therapist assign homework?”(SLIDE No. 1).

They wrote it in my notebook

A difficult task.

Mom and Dad said:

What kind of punishment?(SLIDE No. 2).

Parents often believe that if a child goes to a speech center or speech therapy group, then all problems are solved. The speech therapist and teachers will teach him to speak correctly and prepare him for school. What else is needed??

Parents are increasingly surprised by the fact that the speech therapist asks to have a notebook for doing homework, writes assignments in it and asks to take this notebook home weekly and follow all the recommendations with the child.

It’s not easy to organize classes with a child at home. Needs to be cut evening time, (which is usually reserved for household chores) to sit down with the child at the table, do finger exercises, tongue exercises (and always in front of a mirror), and perform oral tasks on vocabulary and grammar, and on correcting sound pronunciation. Often the speech therapist asks to draw or paste pictures in a notebook that correspond to the topic, and if the parents are not good at drawing, then these pictures still need to be found somewhere, cut out and pasted.

Why do you need to do homework if a speech therapist already works with children 2-3 times a week, and educators practice speech skills in regime moments?

Let's find out...

The effectiveness of correctional assistance to a child depends on the degree of interest and participation of parents in speech correction. Homework plays an important role in the cooperation between parents and speech therapist.

Speech therapy homework -this is a custom form educational activities preschooler, which is carried out without the direct guidance and control of the speech therapist teacher, but on his instructions.

(SLIDE No. 3).Speech therapy tasks - This different kinds tasks aimed at consolidating in children at home the knowledge, skills and abilities that were acquired in group and individual lessons on the formation of the lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech, in preparation for teaching literacy, cultivating correct sound pronunciation, that is, in all areas of speech development provided for by the program content.

The child completes his homework in an individual workbook under the mandatory supervision of an adult. It is advisable for one of the parents to work with the child constantly - this helps both to tune in and adhere to familiar common requirements. Carrying out certain types of work at home on the instructions of a speech therapist disciplines and prepares for the responsible performance of future school homework.

You can try to entrust all this to the child himself, but this is also fraught with problems.Adult help is required!!!

What is the importance of speech therapy homework? (SLIDE No. 4).

1) Doing homework is a huge help to the speech therapist. Children who receive additional training at home with their parents according to the instructions of a speech therapist are much faster and more successful in introducing not only set sounds, but also complex speech structures into everyday speech.

The most important thing that parents must understand is that without their participation the desired results cannot be achieved.

2) Speech therapy homework has great educational, training and correctional significance: with proper organization of its implementation, preschoolers develop new knowledge and skills, as well as independent thinking skills, the ability to control themselves, develop a responsible attitude towards their new responsibilities, and consolidate all the material they have covered. classes with a speech therapist.

Parents must understand that if they do not fulfill the requirements of a speech therapist with a preschool child today, tomorrow they will not be able to demand composure, independence, and responsibility from the student.

3) Why do parents need to do speech therapy homework?

Doing homework for parents and children is necessary in order to eliminate the children’s lag as soon as possible, both in speech and in general development. The special importance of parents in correction speech pathology is that, using the proposed material, they get the opportunity to consolidate the child’s learning speech therapy classes speech skills and abilities in free speech communication. This is possible in Everyday life: during games, walks, excursions, trips to the store, market, library, etc.

Basic rules of work when performing speech therapist tasks. (SLIDE No. 5).

1) The child completes homework with his parents for 5-20 minutes, at least once a day.

2) If you notice that your child has lost interest in an activity, stop it and resume it again after some time.

3) Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting in front of a mirror.

(You can get advice on how to do it correctly from a speech therapist).

4) Your speech should be a model for the child.

5) Do not focus the child’s attention on the shortcomings of his speech. However, when the sound being studied is at the stage of automation (i.e. delivered), parents need to be reminded in an unobtrusive manner of its correct pronunciation.

6) Do homework with your child in a playful way.

7) Teach your child to take care of the notebook and the attached cards. (The cards are handed in along with the notebook).

What may be included in the tasks of a speech therapist: (SLIDE No. 6).

1) Articulation development task motor skills - articulatory gymnastics.

First - general, designed to activate the speech apparatus, strengthen its muscles, then - special, “staged” for missing sounds. These exercises are performed in front of a mirror (so that the child can see himself and look after himself). Subsequently, exercises are added to the gymnastics to consolidate sound in syllables, words, phrases and coherent speech.

2) Fine motor skills activity .

Goal: to activate the child’s hands, develop accuracy, consistency, and strength of finger movements. (This is a hand massage, finger gymnastics, working with stencils and templates, drawings, appliqués, cutting and pasting pictures).

3)Tasks to prepare your hand for writing and strengthen reading skills . (Tracing along the contour, completing the drawing of elements, shading, typing letters, syllables and words under the dictation of an adult, etc.).

4) The task of developing a directed air stream is breathing exercises.

5) A task to automate the supplied sound.

6) Lexico-grammatical games and exercises - necessary to clarify and expand children’s vocabulary, teach them to use acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in independent speech. (These are exercises on word formation: “Call it affectionately”, “What kind of juice do you like?”); inflection (“One or several”, “What is - what is not?”), agreement different parts speeches (“Mine, mine, mine, mine”, “Count to 5 and back”), etc.

7)Tasks for the development of coherent speech.

This is the composition of simple and complex sentences, with and without prepositions, according to a scheme or supporting words, descriptive stories according to a plan and diagram, asking questions about objects, telling stories about a series of plot paintings and one painting, etc.

8)Tasks to consolidate the skills of sound analysis and synthesis and reading skills (depending on the level of preparation of the children).

1) The homework is written down in the speech therapy notebook by the speech therapist. A notebook is issued by teachers speech therapy group In the evening.

2) You need to do homework in parts (15-20 minutes), interrupting for physical education minutes and warm-ups to avoid the child getting tired.

3) Every day at the beginning of each lesson (5-7 minutes) do finger exercises and articulation gymnastics (in front of a mirror).

5) An adult reads the assignments out loud to the child. The child performs them orally, and the adult writes the child’s answer in the notebook.without correcting it, exactly as he said.

6) Graphic tasks (color, circle, draw), the child performs himself, but under the guidance of an adult.

7) If there is no new task, repeat the old one.

8) Handle speech therapy notebook carefully, and teach careful handling of the child. This will allow us to keep the notebook neat and beautiful throughout school year. A well-designed notebook is one of the important points of correctional and pedagogical influence.

9) Do not try to do the task for your child; it is better for him not to do his homework at all than for you to do it. Help your child with homework only if he needs it.

10) Praise your child, rejoice at his results associated with a positive mark. Encourage your child for homework done well.

11) Consult a speech therapist teacher, if you see that your child is having difficulty preparing homework.

Only by regularly doing homework can you achieve positive dynamics and consolidate the material learned in speech therapist classes. Only with the systematic work of a speech therapist and parents will the child learn to use the assigned sound in independent speech and stop making grammatical errors.

Dynamics of speech development in children senior group № 4

(21 children): (SLIDE No. 9)

Conclusion: 1. During the period of work (from September to January) as a speech therapist at the speech center, there has been a positive trend in improving sound pronunciation in children of the older group (see diagram);

2. Family and kindergarten must worktogether , because even the best speech therapist alone cannot cope with speech disorders:

(SLIDE No. 10).Dear parents!

I wish you patience, sincere interest and success in working with children.

Thank you for your attention!!! (SLIDE No. 11).

Sources: (SLIDE No. 12).

Internet resources:

[email protected] ;

“Speech therapist at home”;

Social network education workers nsportal.ru ;

- www. Logopedy. ru