Individual conversation with the student. Plan-summary of the ethical conversation “My family Preparing for dinner


FAO "National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu"

IPK PR for Astana


Prepared by: Zaremba M.A.

mini-center teacher

nursery garden “No. 35 Fairy Tale”


Plan summary ethical conversation"My family"

Preparatory group.

Program content:

- Develop in children communication skills, expand ideas about family.

Learn to navigate family relationships.

Give an idea of ​​the moral side of human relations.

Develop the ability to reasonably evaluate your own actions and the actions of other people.

Foster love and caring attitude towards family members.

Preliminary work:

Collective and individual conversations with children about family, looking at family albums, learning proverbs about family.

Reading stories by N. Nosov, L. N. Tolstoy, Dragunsky and others.

Integration educational areas: Cognition, Physical development, Communication, Socialization, Reading fiction.

Material and equipment: family photos, box, pouch.

Methodical techniques:

I Introductory part

1.Reading a poem.

(Guys, now I’ll read you a poem, and you listen carefully, and tell me the topic of our conversation)

Family is a word that will tell us a lot.

The family will show us the path of life from birth.

And everyone, no matter what the moment was with her,

There are no more magical, dearer moments.

Family is with us always and everywhere,

It means a lot in every destiny.

1.2 .Didactic game"Family »

Guys, I want to play a game with you called “Family”, I will give you large cards with pictures of mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, aunt and uncle. We will put small cards with objects on which it is written what the relatives are doing in a bag. Each of you, in turn, will take 1 small card from the bag and say what the relative with whom he has the large card will do. For example: “Grandma will play hockey with me today!” If this has never happened in your life, the card is returned to the bag; if it has happened, it is placed on a card with a picture of the grandmother. Then the next player draws a small card from the bag, and so on. The game ends if there are no more small cards.

II Main part

2.1. Message to the target.

Guys, today we will talk about family. A family is a small unit of society.

2.2. A story, a conversation between a teacher and children about family.

Now let's talk about family. What do you think a family is?

A family is a mother, father and their children.

Family is the most precious thing a person has. As long as there is friendship in the family, everyone holds on to each other, it turns out to be a circle within which love, respect, and kindness reign. But suddenly a quarrel arises in the family, the children did not listen to their parents, someone was offended by another family member, and already the circle friendly family disconnected. And all the goodness, respect and love began to flow out through this hole. Let us treat our family members with respect, respect our elders, and help our younger ones.

2.3.Children telling proverbs about family

Guys, what proverbs about family do you know? Tell us them.

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it

No parents - no patrons.

Mother's heart better than the sun warms.

Good children are the crown of the house, and evil ones are the end.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

What is the treasure for if there is harmony in the family?

The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.

He who honors his parents lives happily ever after.

Well done, you know so many proverbs.

2.4. Physical education lesson “My family”

Guys, we stand near our chairs, now we will warm up a little, repeat the movements and words after me.

One two three four!

Who lives in my apartment?

(Clap for the count.)

One two three four five -

(Clap for the count.)

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

Murka the cat, two kittens,

My goldfinch, cricket and me -

That's my whole family!

(Alternate stroking (massage) of all ten fingers.)

Well done, take your seats.

2.5. Teacher reading the fairy tale “The Magic Family”

Guys, now listen to a fairy tale about a magical family.

In one magical family there lived a boy, Petya Volshenikov. One day his mother told him:

- Take a damp cloth and wipe your boots, and then polish them with shoe polish so that they shine like new!

And Petya:

Don't want!

- Petya,” my mother was surprised, “why don’t you listen to me?”

- And now, Mommy, I will never listen to you at all!

- Well then,” said mom, “I won’t listen to dad either!” He’ll come home from work and ask: “What are we having for dinner? Lay out a self-assembled tablecloth!” - and I told him: “No self-assembly! I put it in the wash! There is nothing to eat at home! And in general, now I don’t listen to you!”

- “And then,” said dad, “I won’t listen to grandfather!” So he asks: “Have you vacuumed the magic carpet? Did you screw in a magic lamp in the kitchen?” - and I told him: “I don’t want to and I won’t!” I don’t listen to you anymore, grandpa!”

- “That’s it,” said grandfather, “great!” Then I won't listen to grandma! I won’t water an apple tree with golden apples! I won't feed the firebird! I won’t change the water in a goldfish’s aquarium!

- Ah well! - said the grandmother. - Well, that means I don’t listen to Petya anymore! Just let him ask you to knit him an invisibility hat! No hats!

And now our boots will always be unpolished, the tablecloth will not be laid, the apple tree will not be watered, and our hat will not be knitted at all! And nothing! And okay! And let it go!

And then Petya shouted:

- Mother! Let me listen to you again! Always always!

And Petya began to obey his mother.

And mom - dad.

And dad is grandfather.

And grandfather - grandmother.

And grandma is Petya.

And when everyone listens to each other, this is a real magical family!

III Final part

3.1. Reflection.

Guys, what did we talk about today? - about family. What is family? - This is a small cell of society.

Well done guys, you were very active throughout the conversation.

Conversation with 4th grade students with elements of training on the topic: “How to be friends correctly”

OBJECTIVES: To find out students' views on this issue. Introduce students to the Code of Friendship. Help children realize what qualities are important in friendship. Provide students with guidelines for establishing, maintaining, and maintaining friendships. Contribute to the formation of skills of constructive interaction in the group. Help overcome communication barriers. Improve communication skills. Increase children's self-esteem.

EXPECTED RESULT: Students analyze their relationships with people around them, adjust and introduce novelty into these relationships. Students' awareness of the importance and necessity of friendly relationships.

MATERIALS: Ball or toy. Code of Friendship. Sheets of paper, pens or pencils. Materials for the exercise “What is important for friendship?” The conversation is designed for 2 lessons, 1 time per week. Possibly carried out during classroom hours. The whole class participates in the conversation without prior preparation.

PROGRESS OF THE CONVERSATION: Getting to know each other. Short story about the goals of the conversation, about the features of upcoming meetings. Formulation of the problem. Exercise “What I love to do most and what I would like to learn”

Goals: Creation of trusting relationships in the group. Formation of children's positive attitude towards each other. Increasing children's self-esteem.

Objective: To provide students with the opportunity to get to know each other better. “You have been studying at school together for a long time. Each of you is an interesting person, an interesting personality, each makes his own contribution to the affairs of the class, to intra-class relationships. As you pass the ball (or toy) to each other, say your name and tell a little about what each of you likes to do and what you do best. And also tell me about what you would like to learn.” Discussion on the topic of the lesson. Question: What is friendship?

“Friendship” (dictionary) is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests. “Friendship” (dictionary) is an intrinsically valuable relationship, which in itself is a benefit, since friends help each other selflessly. “Friendship” (dictionary) is individually selective and based on mutual sympathy. It is known that friends can be permanent or temporary. We call temporary friends buddies. Questions: - How are buddies different from friends? How many true friends can a person have? Question: Who is a friend? What qualities should he ideally have? Exercise “My ideal friend”

Goal: students’ awareness of the qualities that are valued in friendship.

Task: students’ self-analysis of their views on the qualities necessary in friendship. Students are asked to write in groups the qualities that a friend needs. “A friend is someone who…” Joint discussion of the results.

Discussion in a circle. Questions:

If your best friend said what he/she likes most about you, what exactly do you think he/she would say?

If this person were asked to say what he doesn’t like about you, what do you think he would say?

What do you think is most important in friendship?

What can interfere with friendship?

Introduction to the code of friendship (rules of friendship).

Code of Friendship, developed by domestic sociologists and psychologists:

Everything is tested by time, over the years! If there is a person next to you with whom you communicate regularly for 3 - 5 years or more, with whom you have common interests, mutual understanding, common views, common memories, if you can always turn to him with your questions and problems and you know for sure that there will be no refusal - this means that you have a friend!

Friendship must be treasured, cherished and protected! Know that it is always easy to quarrel, but making peace and forgiving is very difficult. It's better to discuss than to argue.

Never compare your new friend with other or former friends! If you do this, it means that you are dissatisfied with something. And discontent leads to distrust. Mistrust is the horse of friendship.

Remember that everyone is different! Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Don't try to change your friend - it's not fair to him.

Friendship is a mutual process! This means that you also need understanding and attentiveness towards your friend.

Don't treat your friend the way you wouldn't want them to treat you.

Friendship involves trust and sincerity. Therefore, be sincere with your friends! Remember the saying: “What goes around comes around, so comes around.” A person always gets suspicious for being suspicious, for lying - a lie, for openness - openness.

The Code of Friendship, developed by European psychologists and sociologists:

Share news about your successes.

Offer emotional support.

Volunteer to help when needed.

Try to make your friend feel good in your company.

Return debts and services provided.

You need to be confident in your friend, trust him.

Protect a friend in his absence.

Be tolerant of the rest of his friends.

Don't criticize your friend publicly.

Maintain trusted secrets.

Don't be jealous or criticize your friend's other personal relationships

Don't be annoying, don't lecture.

Respect your friend's inner peace and autonomy.

What do these two codes of friendship have in common? What is the difference?

What rules do you think are especially important to follow to strengthen and maintain friendship?

Do you think failure to follow what rules can lead to the breakdown of friendships?

Exercise “What is Important for Friendship?”

Goals: consolidating acquired knowledge about friendship, forming new relationships with people around you.

Task: expand your ideas about friendly relationships.

Rank the following statements in order of importance to you. What is important for friendship:

Let each other copy tests and homework.

Protect each other from offenders.

Come up with interesting games together.

Be able to sympathize, support, console.

Treat each other with sweets.

Be able to tell each other the truth, even if it is not very pleasant.

Be able to give in to each other.

Visit each other often.

Always say only nice words to each other.

Be able to share news.

To help each other.

Be able to listen to each other and understand.

Be able to be tolerant of your friend's other friends.

Don't quarrel with each other over trifles.

Sincerely rejoice at each other's successes.

Questions: - Why do you think you can often hear the following phrases from guys: “I don’t have a real friend,” “I can’t find friends,” “It’s difficult for me to be friends,” and so on?

Where can a person find friends?

Of course, friends can be found anywhere. But I would like to note that best friends are friends from childhood and school. At school it is easier to find a person with whom you will be interested, with whom you will have common plans, common views, common interests, common problems and affairs. It is easier for you to understand each other.

Do you think there are age limits for friendship?

Research and surveys have established that there are no age restrictions. But still, most people are of the opinion that a friend should be the same age or a little older or younger than you.

In conclusion, some useful tips:

Don't be too critical of the people around you. To establish relationships, it is very important what impression you make on the people around you. People always see you as you present yourself.

To make friends you need to be able to communicate. Communication is an art! In this regard, do not be critical, suspicious, gloomy and suspicious. If you are always energetic, moderately open, and calm, you are attractive to others.

Conduct yourself in such a way that people have reason to treat you with respect and see you as a strong and attractive person. Try not to think badly of anyone. Give yourself an exam: try for a week not to slander or gossip about anyone, either out loud or to yourself. It's quite difficult! But it turns out that if we ourselves do not think badly of anyone, then it seems to us that everyone also thinks only good things about us.

The pedagogical value of the conversation is that the teacher has the opportunity to study the motives of the students’ activities, assessments and value orientations. Under the influence of the conversation, the child’s values ​​are reassessed, and it becomes possible to restructure his behavior. A conversation is a dialogue, and it is extremely ineffective to turn it into a teacher’s monologue. The success of an individual conversation depends on many conditions. These include the following: creating a trusting, “soft” atmosphere; reliance on the student’s life experience in discussing the topic of conversation; using the individual characteristics of schoolchildren; respectful attitude towards the opinion expressed by the child; creating conditions for strengthening independence in finding answers to questions of interest to the student.

The conversation can be prepared in advance, or it can be carried out spontaneously if pedagogical circumstances require it. An impromptu conversation requires from the teacher special pedagogical skill, erudition, and mastery of pedagogical communication skills. And most importantly, its implementation should be logical, unobtrusive, and timely. It should not be drawn out, otherwise younger students will lose interest in it. Regardless of whether the conversation was prepared in advance or it arose as a result of pedagogical circumstances, it is advisable to build it according to the following plan:

§ The topic of an individual conversation should be relevant to the student. Naturally, it is chosen by the teacher, but is as close as possible to the needs of the student. They can be studied in advance using diagnostic methods and at the time of the conversation, the teacher already knows what and how to talk with the student.

§ When building a dialogue, the teacher needs to rely on the student’s life experience, bringing the topic of conversation closer to him. This can be done with the help of the right questions. In this case, schoolchildren, answering the teacher’s questions, will be “forced” to turn to their life experience and in the discussion rely on existing knowledge on the proposed topic.

§ Creating a positive emotional background. This is the trust of an adult, so valued by students. Knowing individual characteristics children, the teacher selects the most appropriate conditions for conducting the conversation. The conversation can be held not only in the classroom or school. You can take a walk with your child in the school yard, or talk with him at home, if circumstances allow for this.

Errands. This is the child’s fulfillment of a social role in the formal structure of the team. Assignments are very important for a primary school student. By performing any task assigned by the teacher or class activist, the child gets the opportunity to show his individuality in performing social activities. It is important that the student understands that the results of the assignment are important not only for him, in terms of meeting certain needs, but also for other children in the class, school, district, city. Carrying out assignments helps the student expand his individual framework of understanding the elements of social life. Ultimately, the core task in the implementation of instructions is the formation of motives for useful social activities. As the assignments become more complex, the child receives additional opportunities to demonstrate his individual characteristics, since, when the teacher offers the child this or that assignment, he bases his proposals on studying his personality, first of all, and on the feasibility of the assignment itself. The child “is the most social being (Hegel), and therefore, he is already a priori ready for social activity. Why, in practice, are they so reluctant to carry out these instructions? The answer is simple. Assignments as an individual technology of education require a certain logic of their organization, which can be expressed as follows. Instructions must:

§ be strong in implementation;

§ correspond to the individual characteristics of the child;

§ bring a joyful feeling of satisfaction;

§ be creative;

§ change regularly (alternate).

The roles played by schoolchildren in the course of carrying out assignments can be varied: organizer (class manager, leader), florist (ecologist, forestry professor), librarian (book doctor, know-it-all), orderly (cleanie), business manager (helper). The external attributes of these roles are very important for the child. After all, running errands is a game. Pedagogical, but still a game and the value of game elements in organizing assignments should not be missed.

Individual consultation. This technology is based on the teacher’s ability to solve the individual problems of each student. The teacher's awareness of the importance individual communication interaction with the student largely determines the student’s repeated desire to consult with the teacher in solving important practical problems in life. Specifics of teacher interaction primary classes and younger schoolchildren gives individual consultation special significance, since the child trusts the teacher, strives to be like him, and wants to communicate with him all the time. The initiator of an individual consultation can be either the teacher or the student. This depends, first of all, on the student’s need to obtain knowledge about an object or phenomenon from the teacher. If a child is lonely and does not find understanding in the family or among peers, he is a potential “client” of the teacher. By virtue of age characteristics, a junior student constantly needs the support of his teacher. With the help of individual consultation, the teacher can diagnose the student’s personality for further correction of communication. The diagnostic results allow the teacher to properly arrange the child’s living environment, thereby helping him become a subject of education. If the initiator is a teacher, then the offer of individual communication should be made unobtrusively. The student should not suspect that this is a specially organized pedagogical form. If a child has difficulty in educational activities, it is advisable to consult him without focusing on his shortcomings or mistakes. The success of this form is largely determined by the teacher’s patience, ability to penetrate into the problems of schoolchildren, interest in the student’s progress in individual route his success.

Individual secret. This form has a powerful educational potential, since it is based on an atmosphere of trust. The famous humanist teacher Sh. A. Amonashvili used a technique based on shared secrets in his lessons. He spoke into the child's ear words intended only for him. This raised the child in his own eyes and contributed to the formation of an image of his own “I”. Self-critical, unconfident children with low self-esteem especially need this technology. It is very important for them that their failures are not “made public.” The secret that connects such a child and the teacher provides him with the opportunity to feel more confident, gives him a feeling of recognition of his personality, and in some way guarantees him future success in his activities, since the TEACHER HIMSELF TRUSTS HIM WITH THE SECRET! This form can be used when preparing educational matters, collective creative activities, or when a child completes an assignment. That is, it enters into other individual forms, making them more successful.

Thus, collective and individual technologies are closely connected, representing a system of educational mutual influences. And, accordingly, the success of a teacher’s activities is largely determined by his ability to draw up educational programs that include such technological elements (collective or individual), which enable each student to take an appropriate place in a social niche, increasing the comfort of the conditions in which the child becomes a subject of education.

State government institution of the Samara region Chapaevsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors


“It’s easy to be well-mannered”

Kotelnikova I.E., teacher




1. Introduce students to a brief set of rules of human behavior.

2. Assess the level of knowledge of students in the field of education.

3. Formation of universal moral standards (kindness, mutual understanding, tolerance towards people) among the pupils of the group.

4.Increasing the level of education

A well-mannered person... If they say this about you, consider that you have received high praise. Unfortunately, in our Everyday life It's not often that we speak so flatteringly about someone. At one time, some even believed that “good manners,” with everything that is included in this capacious concept, seemed to be even a relic, a convention discarded by the revolution as historical trash. The right to respect received another concept: “educated person.” It was believed that someone who received a diploma was already a cultured and educated person.

No, that's not true. Life itself shows that education does not predetermine good manners. And now is the time when, teaching and educating our youth, it is time for us to seriously raise the question of their “education.” We should not only be proud of the knowledge and cultural level of our younger generation, but be sure that they have sufficient everyday tact, know how to behave in society, are armed with good manners, which always, in any era, are an adornment to a person, no matter who he is .

So what is good manners?

It happens like this: my interlocutor is a good, smart person - I know that. But his inability to communicate stands like a wall between us. It's like in a play - the role is meaningful, but the form is either banal or inexpressive, and the image does not work out. I want to talk about the form of communication between person and person.

Needless to say, with what attention the entire planet looks at the Soviet people. They see him as a representative of the new world. Hence his special responsibility for his every action, including his behavior in society, in everyday life, and in relationships with people.

Good manners are not only about good manners. This is something deeper and more fundamental in a person. This is primarily his inner intelligence. And outwardly she expresses herself in charm. There is such a rather vague, at first glance, concept - charm. So, we have to be charming. Charm contains, first of all, respect for others. A.P. Chekhov wrote: “What a pleasure it is to respect people.” But to experience this pleasure, you must be able to respect. To be well-mannered and charming means to be attentive to others, delicate, tactful, and modest. These are excellent qualities, and if they are inherent in someone in the older generations, then let the young, like a dear heritage, take these qualities for themselves and develop them, and make them their own.

Yes, I think that the main thing in his charm was respect for people. Is it possible to cultivate this in yourself? Isn't this talent? Probably, to some extent - talent. But it can manifest itself in everyone, to one degree or another, if, of course, you want to find and affirm it in yourself and in others. And we are obliged to approve. And above all in the younger generations.

One day on the street, a girl about eight years old nudged me with her elbow, stepped on my foot and calmly walked on. I said, “Why didn’t you apologize?” My mother attacked me: “Are you making comments to my girl? Just think, what a sissy!” The girl was acquitted by her mother. Mother's love turned out to be unreasonable. The girl left, beaming with her victory. And I thought with bitterness: she’s a sweet-looking girl, but she’ll grow up ill-mannered. She may receive a high education, but she will not have true intelligence. And all because it is not brought up from childhood. And the parents are primarily to blame for this. After all, they bear the main responsibility for what a person will be like.

I once read a story like this. In Paris, homeless people and beggars came to the Louvre in the morning, stood near the heating, and warmed themselves up. The old lady stood there. Nearby, an artist was working on a copy. The artist suddenly stood up, brought a chair and placed it for the old woman. She bowed low and sat down. A woman and a boy observed this scene. The mother whispered something to her son. He approached the artist and said: “Mercy, madam.” And with a happy face he returned to his mother.

I was fascinated by everything in this story - the artist’s behavior, the mother’s smart upbringing, and the boy’s happiness from his participation in beautiful human attention, happiness from his community with good people. Coming to the aid of a person is generosity, this is true nobility.

We must bring these qualities into our everyday life. No high words needed here. A man - let him give up his seat on the bus to a woman, especially an elderly one. It should be natural and familiar. This is required by the laws of basic decency. And there is no reason at all to be touched by such manifestations of ordinary decency, as we sometimes do. One day at front door In our theater I ran into an unfamiliar young man. I delayed for a minute: let him go first. And he stopped, stepped back, opened the door for me and said: “Please.” My God! How I thanked him! And because of what? After all, this is the bare minimum natural attention to a woman, and an older one at that. Politeness is the simplest. Of course she is appreciated. “Nothing is valued so dearly and nothing costs us so little as politeness,” said Cervantes. And further kind word, said to people. We wish we could say such words to each other more often! A short “thank you” has magical power unite people, awaken kindness in them.

One day we were waiting for a taxi. In front are two young people, behind them is a woman, neither old nor young. Apparently, they had all been standing for a long time and were very cold. A car arrived. The young people, without saying a word, turned to the woman. “Sit down,” said one of them. “We see that you are very cold.” The woman gratefully accepted the car as a gift. “Thank you,” she said simply and heartily. A short thank you, but how elevated these young men and all of us along with them were in our own eyes. The queue became very kind and very patient. A common “thank you” brought people together as if by magic. Are these little things? No. This is the joy of life. It's a fun day.

I am always offended by cynicism in people, especially in young people. Some people think that to be a cynic means to look smart and modern - to deny everything, to laugh at everyone. With this attitude towards life, there is no need to bother yourself with thoughts. Not to create, but to destroy, not to respect, but to humiliate and not to feel responsible for anything. I consider cynicism to be a profound manifestation of bad manners, a lack of genuine internal culture, and disrespect for people and society. This is a dangerous disease. She, I think, is a product social conditions and the mores of the capitalist West.

It is necessary to develop good manners in people, first of all, through respect for work, for the business to which one has devoted oneself. Diderot said that it is not enough to do good, you must also do it well. In my youth, I myself was once subjected to such an upbringing. I just entered the Art Theater. I walk along the corridor, and Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky meets me. It was the first time I saw him so close. He comes mighty and beautiful. He looks at me from his height. My heart skips a beat with delight and excitement. And suddenly his entire powerful figure stands on tiptoes and moves easily, effortlessly, silently. “Do you know how to walk around the theater?” he asks. And without waiting for an answer, he explains: “You are now passing by the stage. And there, maybe, a rehearsal. This means you have to walk very, very quietly.” It was not so much his words as his light, cautious gait that left a mark on my memory for the rest of my life. This is what it means to be able to educate others by your own example!

Life gives many reasons for irritation over trifles. It costs nothing to offend a person in a bus crush, in line at a store... If you couldn’t restrain yourself, you offended him for an insignificant reason. an offensive word a person means he humiliated not only him, but first of all himself, he lost something in himself, he became poorer. In Moscow, the telephone network leaves much to be desired. Sometimes you dial the right number, but end up in the wrong place. And suddenly you get irritated: “Type correctly! Don’t interfere with work.” And how pleasant it is when, on the other end of the line, a person unknown to you, whom you will probably never meet in your life, says softly and politely that you have the wrong number.

It happens like this - all the people around are smart, nice, good, and know each other. We got together to have a friendly conversation, but the conversation didn’t work out. Everyone speaks at once. Noisy and enthusiastic. Everyone talks about their own things and doesn’t listen to their interlocutor at all. Everyone excludes everyone. And the conversation fades. And there is no longer that grace-filled communication that enriches so much. Being in any society does not mean gathering together. It means meeting people and perceiving their thoughts, their characters, their behavior. To meet a person means to understand him and to enrich himself. To be able to talk means to respect your interlocutor. “You should not take possession of a conversation as if it were a fief from which you have the right to survive the other,” said Cicero.

It happens that we do not argue, but impose our opinion stubbornly, even rudely, with absolutely no interest in objections. V.I. Lenin even argued with his ideological opponents, listening and convincing, and not imposing his opinion. He said: we need to listen to the other side. This is a culture of relationship.

We sometimes do not pay attention not only to what we say, but also to how we say it. We are in a hurry, we don’t even finish the words. We don’t always know how to be proud of our language, but our language is amazingly beautiful. Unfortunately, our language contains a lot of vulgarity, street language and even rudeness.

To be a Human among people is a great happiness. Let everyone experience this happiness.*

Goal, tasks:

a) If possible, see the individual characteristics of children.

b) Lay the foundation of self-confidence.

Progress of the case, position of the counselor:

delegation, another counselor conducts squad work.

The organization of “Comfort” and meetings for new arrivals can be carried out by children: either the commander on duty, or the winner of the corresponding KTD, or simply one of the children at will.

Gathering at the squad site, game minute

Goal, tasks: Acquaintance with the detachment place (corner, laws, traditions). Introducing children to each other, removing inhibitions, introducing them to the creative atmosphere of the camp, and strengthening the level of relationships.

Progress of the case, position of the counselor:

On the first day, those who are late cannot be punished (for example, start business without them), but it is necessary to concentrate on fulfilling the 0:0 law, draw a parallel with the tradition of treating people kindly" (“laws must be followed, people cannot be forced to wait”). The conversation begins a song that everyone knows or can easily remember (for example, “Festival” or “Scarlet Sails”, “Blue Sails”). The counselor congratulates the guys on their arrival, invites them to get to know each other better. Pay attention to the relationship bar: “We call everyone by name ", "Boys, please move the bench", "Natasha, help Seryozha hem a button", "Thank you Vita and Sasha for the banquettes set up in advance", etc. A number of games are played to get to know each other: "Adjacent com", "Cobweb" , “And I’m on my way,” “Bingo,” etc.

You can give a joke game that can be used in the future with newly arrived children (jokes should be good!) It is advisable to talk about good surprises on the first day, as opposed to toothpaste.

Walk to the sea.

Goal, tasks: Relieving road stress, positive emotions. The first idea of ​​the beauty of the place where the children ended up, work on the level of relationships.

Progress of the case, position of the counselor:

The counselor's story should not concern important things, because... not all the children have arrived yet. Pay attention to how the children are dressed, explain about adaptation and acclimatization of the body, introduce them to the game counting rhyme (counting on the palm of your hand). Remind about the laws of the sea, greenery, territory, the rule of the right hand, include chants and surprise moments in the walk (who will be the first to reach the sea, make a wish for others, greeting the sea, etc.) Play circular games with the children.

Preparing for lunch.

Goal, tasks: Strengthening the necessary personal hygiene skills to prepare the child’s body for eating.

Opportunity to change clothes and shoes, wash hands.