Research paper "magic power of a magnet". Project magnet.docx - Educational and research project “Magic stone magnet Project these amazing magnets in kindergarten

Subject: The wonderful properties of a magnet

K.E. Timiryazev

View :

Project duration:

Project participants:

Objective of the project: in the process of becoming familiar with the properties of a magnet.

Project objectives :


  • Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about magnets and their properties , learn to examine an object and experiment with it.
  • Introduce
  • children with the physical phenomenon “magnetism”, with magnetism characteristics
  • To update children's knowledge about the use of magnet properties by humans.


  • To develop in children a desire to learn new things through practical experiments, to draw simple conclusions and generalizations
  • Develop cognitive activity, curiosity when conducting experiments.
  • Develop perception, attention, memory, observation, ability to analyze.


  • Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to work in a group.



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kogalym city "Bell"

Design and experimental activities

V senior group

Subject: " The wonderful properties of a magnet"

Educator: Abdulkafarova Z. N

Kogalym 2017

Subject: The wonderful properties of a magnet

“People who have learned... observations and experiments acquire

the ability to ask questions and get answers to them,

finding himself on a higher mental and moral level

in comparison with those who did not go through such school"

K.E. Timiryazev

View : educational research project

Project duration:short-term (November – December)

Project participants:older children, teachers, parents.

Objective of the project: Development of cognitive and research activitiesin the process of becoming familiar with the properties of a magnet.

Project objectives:


  • Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about magnets and their properties, learn to examine an object and experiment with it.
  • Introduce
  • children with the physical phenomenon “magnetism”, with magnetism characteristics
  • To update children's knowledge about the use of magnet properties by humans.


  • To develop in children a desire to learn new things through practical experiments, to draw simple conclusions and generalizations
  • Develop cognitive activity and curiosity when conducting experiments.
  • Develop perception, attention, memory, observation, ability to analyze.


  • Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to work in a group.
  • Cultivate a respectful attitude towards inanimate nature and accuracy in work.

Equipment of the subject-development environment:

  • diagrams, tables, models with algorithms for performing experiments;
  • series of paintings depicting natural communities;
  • educational books, atlases;
  • thematic albums;
  • magnet collections
  • hint cards (permitting - prohibiting signs) “What is possible, what is not”

Age of participants: children 5 – 6 years old (older age)

Project implementation timeframe– short-term

Expected result:

  • expand children's understanding of a magnet and its ability to attract objects
  • introduce children to what objects a magnet can attract; as a result of experiments, establish the importance of the properties of a magnet in Everyday life and its application
  • replenish children's vocabulary with such concepts as magnet, magnetic forces, magnetism
  • make souvenirs for parents for the refrigerator
  • involve parents in the implementation of this project.

Relevance of the topic:

This topic is relevant because in educational process experimentation is a teaching method that allows a child to model in his mind a picture of the world based on his own observations, experiences, and the establishment of interdependencies and patterns.Children actively work with a magnet, without thinking about its properties, the history of its appearance, or its significance in human life.

In preschool age during development cognitive activity The child develops a desire to learn and discover as much new things as possible.

Recently, I noticed that children began to bring magnetic toys to the group. Seeing the children's interest in magnets, I decided to tell the kids a secret -what secrets does a magnet hold?introduce children to the properties of magnets,what force attracts objects to a magnet,tell us more about their use in life.

Project methods: gaming, creative, problem-solving, experimental.

Project stages:

Stage 1. Preliminary stage:

  • Setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods of research, preparatory work with children and their parents.
  • Creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.
  • Drawing up a plan for 2 weeks, choosing forms of work.
  • Selection of visual didactic aids, methodological and demonstration material,children's fiction.
  • Development of GCD cycles.
  • Selection of materials and attributes for gaming activities.

Stage 2. Project implementation:

Educational areas

Forms of working with children

Cognitive development


  • “What is a magnet? Why does a person need it?
  • “Using a magnet at home”

View presentations

  • "Natural Origin of Magnet"
  • “Magnets in everyday life and production”


  • Experiment “Is everything attracted by a magnet?”
  • Experiment “Does a magnet act through other materials?”
  • Experience “How to get away with it”.
  • Experience "Magic Gauntlet"


GCD « Magic stone- magnet"

Speech development

Reading fiction

  • Reading the fairy tale “Dreams of a Magnet.”
  • The story of M. Druzhinin “Super - piece of iron”.
  • Legend of the magnet
  • Learning poems about a magnet.

Speech games

  • "Guessing riddles about the magnet"
  • “What does a magnet feel like?”

Watching an excerpt from a cartoon

  • « Smeshariki: “Magnetism”
  • Fixies" : "Magnet"
  • "Luntik": "Magnet"

Social - communicative development

Didactic games

  • "What is it made of"
  • "Magnetic ABC"
  • "Fisherman"
  • "Geometric mosaic"
  • "Magnetic mosaic"

Ball game “Attracts - does not attract”

Games with magnetic constructor

Magnetic board games

Magnetic art game"Colors"

Magnetic Theater "Masha and the Bear"

Conversations on life safety: “Rules safety during experiments"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing "Magnet's Journey"

Bas-relief modeling"Fridge magnet"

Creating a homemade book“What attracts a magnet?”

Music game"Helper"

Physical development

Outdoor game “We are magnets”

Physical education minute:

“We played with magnets”

Stage 3. Results:

  • Creation of the magnetic theater "The Fox and the Crane"
  • Creation of the collection: “Toys- magnets »
  • Design of the photo album “Why do you need a magnet”
  • Creation of a card index of experiments on the topic “Magnets”

Analyzing the results of the project, we saw that children are involved in experimental activities, can decide for themselves problematic tasks. The educational activities within the project were meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting activities, and the joy of communication.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Combined kindergarten No. 24 “Vasilki””

Osinovo village, Zelenodolsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Research project





Gilmutdinova Albina Rafikovna

Zelenodolsk municipal district 2016

Planning educational research directly educational activities for older children preschool age"Magic stone - magnet"

Research project


Project goal: development of cognitive abilities of preschool children through experimentation.

Project objectives:

To form dialectical thinking in preschool children, i.e. the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of relationships and interdependencies;

Develop your own educational experience in a generalized form using visual aids (symbols, diagrams);

Expand the prospects for the development of children’s search and cognitive activity by including them in thinking, modeling and transformative actions;

Support children's initiative, intelligence, inquisitiveness, criticality, and independence.

Relevance: Experimentation - effective method knowledge of the patterns and phenomena of the surrounding world is one of the most pressing problems of our time.

The main advantage of experimentation is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and the environment.

IN children's experimentation Children’s own activity, aimed at obtaining new knowledge and information, is most powerfully manifested.

Experimentation is associated with all types of activities, such as observation and work, speech development, visual activity, physical activity.

Project methods: game, creative, problem-based search, experimental.

According to the dominant activity in the project: cognitive - research.

Project participants: children of the senior group of MBDOU No. 24 “Vasilki”, group teacher, parents.

Duration: 2 weeks.

By the nature of contacts: within the framework of MBDOU, intra-group.

Project implementation strategy: this project carried out on the basis of MBDOU kindergarten"Cornflowers" in the senior group under the guidance of a teacher.

The project is being implemented in joint activities children - teacher - parents, as well as independent activity each project participant.

Stages and timing of implementation.

Stage 1. Preparatory;

Stage 2. Practical;

Stage 3. Final.

I. Preparatory stage:

1. Development of a project plan “My magnet attracts me.”

2. Development of a promising thematic plan working with children.

Preparation of methodological literature.

3. A selection of stories, paintings, illustrations on the topic “Experiments, experimenting with a magnet.”

4. Preparation of didactic and practical material for conducting experiments.

5. Design of informational and educational material for parents in the form of sliding folders, material in the corner for parents.

7. Help from parents in setting up an experimentation corner.

II. Practical stage:

    Reading the fairy tale “Dreams of a Magnet.” Legends about magnets.

The story of M. Druzhinin “Super - piece of iron”.

    GCD "Introduction to the natural origin of magnets."

    Learning a poem about a magnet.

    Watching the cartoon “The Fixies” (“Magnet”, “Compass”).

    Conducting experiments with magnets in a group.

    Games with magnets, alphabet.

    GCD "Magic stone - magnet".

III. The final stage:

1. Design of the album “Use of magnets in medicine, astronautics, shipbuilding, etc.

2. Show open class"The magic stone is a magnet."

Expected result: We got acquainted with the magnet. We found out where it is and why it is called that. Formed ideas about the physical phenomenon - magnetism. The properties of a magnet were experimentally revealed: it attracts only metal objects, acts through various objects, the magnet is not afraid of obstacles. We added the terms “magnetism” to the children’s vocabulary.


Acquisition of communication skills in preschoolers;

Strengthening contacts “teacher - children - parents”;

Increased parental activity in the pedagogical project;

Increasing the readiness of parents to cooperate with teachers;

Accumulation of material on the topic “Use of magnets in ...”:

Creation of a card index of experiments on the topic “Magnets”;

Enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers on the topic “Magnets”.

Evaluation methods:


Analysis of preschool children's creative products.

Methodological support of the project.

    The Big Book of Experiments for Children / Ed.

    Antonella Meijani; Per. with it. E.I. Motyleva. - M.: JSC "ROSMAN-PRESS", 2006..

    Everything about everything. Popular encyclopedia for children. Volume 7 - Moscow, 1994.

I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Physics / Comp. A.A.


    Under general editorship O.G. Hinn. - M.: LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 1998.›dic.nsf/enc_colier/5789/MAGNETS

    Kumskovskaya I.E., Sovgir N.N. Children's experimentation.

    - M., 2003.

    Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. The unknown is nearby. - M., 2001.

    “The unknown is near. Experiments and experiences for preschoolers."

Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. 2010

    "Experimental activities of children of middle and senior preschool age." Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. 2010

    "Organization of experimental activities for children aged 2-7 years." Martynova E. A., I. M. Suchkova. 2011

    "365 scientific experiments." 2010

Goal: development of cognitive abilities of preschool children through experimentation.


1. To form children’s ideas about the physical phenomenon - magnetism.

2. Expand children’s knowledge about the properties of a magnet, experimentally identify its properties (attract objects; the action of a magnet through glass, cardboard, water, fabric, cereals, wood, sand).

3. Replenish children’s vocabulary with terms: “magnetism.”


1. Develop activity, curiosity, the desire to independently search for reasons, methods of action, the manifestation of creative potential and the manifestation of individuality.

2. Develop free communication with adults and children, components of children’s oral speech in various forms and activities.


1. Develop artistic perception when getting acquainted with the artistic word on the topic “Magnet”.

2. To develop skills for safe handling of objects during experiments.

3. Develop children’s ability to work together, the ability to discuss, and negotiate.

Material and equipment:

Demonstration: a magnet in a box, large and small paper clips, a table with a tablecloth, an aquarium with water and sea life, a large ship, pictures, an easel with pictures.

Handout: a magnet for each child, a set of items made from various materials: a soft toy, a wooden pencil, a plastic button, a glass glass of water, metal clips and a washer, fishing rods, containers with various cereals, paper boats, handkerchiefs, cardboard, white coats with badges and glasses.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to the group and brings in a box with a large magnet. The box is closed.

Guys, this morning someone brought a box with a riddle to our group, try to guess what it is?

It can be small, big,

Iron is very friendly with him,

With him and the blind, of course,

Find a needle in a haystack.

Children's answers...

Here in front of us is an ordinary magnet.

He keeps many secrets within himself.

Educator: - I will tell you one old legend. In ancient times, on Mount Ida, a shepherd named Magnis tended sheep. He noticed that his nail-lined sandals and a wooden stick with an iron tip were sticking to the black stones that lay under his feet. The shepherd turned the stick upside down and made sure that the tree was not attracted by strange stones. I took off my sandals and saw that my bare feet weren’t attracted to me either. Magnis realized that these strange stones (black in color) did not recognize any other materials except iron. The shepherd took several stones, brought them to the village and greatly surprised his neighbors. From the name of the shepherd “Magnis” the name “magnet” appeared.

But in many languages ​​of the world the word “magnet” simply means “loving” - this is because of its ability to attract. The extraordinary ability of magnets to attract iron objects or stick to iron surfaces has always amazed people.

“Our task is to get to know this amazing stone better.” Shows the magnet to the children, lets them touch it (What does it feel like? Smooth, cold), determine the weight (heavy - light?), color (dark gray), give the definition - “A magnet is a stone, its surface is cold, smooth, has weight and the color is dark gray."

The teacher invites the children to the hall, decorated as a scientific laboratory....

Asks the children a question - “Where have we come?”

Children look at materials, “equipment”, and offer an answer.

Educator: using a hint, leads the children to the conclusion that they are in a research institute.

Asks children who works in research institutes and what people in this profession do.

Children: scientists, researchers, conduct various experiments.

Educator: - Guys! I invite you to visit our institute and become scientific researchers for a while.

Conducts a conversation on “How to behave in a scientific laboratory.” They study the rules and assign roles.

The teacher acts as a senior researcher, since he has already been to this laboratory and knows what interesting things can be done here.

Children are offered the roles of laboratory assistants (white coats, glasses, badges, with the appropriate designation).

Educator: “Colleagues, do you think all objects are attracted by a magnet?”

Children's answers.

To check your assumptions, I suggest that all laboratory assistants go to the laboratory.

- “Look, what objects are on your tables?”

Children list...

1. soft toy

2. wooden pencil

3. plastic button

4. glass beaker

5. metal clip and washer.

“I suggest you choose those objects that, in your opinion, a magnet can attract to itself.” Children complete the task.

“How to check whether you made the right choice?” Children offer a solution to the problem (using a magnet).

- “What objects did the magnet attract?” (Paper clip, washer).

- “Which ones didn’t you attract?” (Soft toy, wooden pencil, plastic button, glass ball).

“What can we conclude?”

Conclusion: A magnet only attracts metal objects.

Experiment No. 2. Use a magnet to remove the snake from the jar.

Colleagues, look, there is a glass cup, and in it there is a snake made of paper clips. How do you get paper clips out without putting your hands in them?

Children's answers, discussion, guesses.

Shall we try to get it with a magnet?

Guys, what can we conclude?

Children: Conclusion: A magnet acts through glass.

Educator: - Do you think a magnet only acts through glass?

Children's answers.

Experiment No. 3. Game “Fisherman”.

Children use magnetic fishing rods to catch sea creatures from the aquarium.

At the end of the game the following property is discussed:

“The magnet is not afraid of water, it acts through water.”

Experiment No. 4. “Does the magnet have obstacles?”

A filled container with various substances (sand, buckwheat, corn, millet, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, semolina, watermelon seeds), at the bottom of which metal objects are placed. Children place a magnet in a container.

Conclusion: A magnet can attract and pull out objects from sand, buckwheat, millet, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, semolina, watermelon seeds). The magnet is not afraid of obstacles.

Experience No. 5. "Paper boats."

There are paper clips on the boat, and they are metal, which means the magnet attracts them. I wonder if a magnet can attract boats through a thick wooden tabletop?

Conclusion: A magnet can attract and move iron objects through a thick, wooden tabletop.

Experiment No. 6 “Does a magnet attract iron objects through fabric?”

Place the fabric over the paperclip.

Conclusion: A magnet can attract iron objects through fabric.

Experiment No. 7 “Does a magnet attract iron objects through cardboard?”

Place the cardboard on the staple.

Conclusion: A magnet can attract iron objects through cardboard.

Warm-up: Please help me understand which objects are attracted and which are not. You are magnets - I show the object, if it is magnetized - clap your hands, if not - hands behind your back.

Well done! (pictures - knife, ball, pan, skis, skates, plate, pencils, samovar, castle, boots, notebook, etc.)

Experiment No. 7 “Smart magnet plasticine.”

Millions of magnetic particles and a neodymium magnet are embedded in plasticine. Plasticine: - breaks,



Absorbs a neodymium magnet.

These are how wonderful magnets are - how much magic you can do with them.

Let's mark with an arrow in our diagram what the magnet attracts to itself (Easel with pictures).

The teacher draws the children's attention to the box with the magnet.

Dear colleagues, today we had a difficult but interesting day. We studied the properties of a magnet.

What are the properties

do we have a magnet?

Children name properties:

1. A magnet only attracts metal objects.

2. The magnet acts through glass, water, cardboard, fabric, thick wood, cereals, seeds, sand.

3. The magnet is not afraid of obstacles.

Asel reads a poem about a magnet:

I have loved magnets for a long time.

He still attracts me

A small piece of stone

A nondescript, gray block.

Dear laboratory assistants, the management of the research institute thanks you for your work and rewards you with sweets.

Dear colleagues, now it’s time for us to return to the group and become children again.

Preparatory group for school (with the participation of middle group children)

Bogomolova S.V. teacher of the highest qualification category Stupino, 3rd week of January, 2017. Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 22 "Crane" Stupinsky municipal district

Project passport

  • According to the dominant method: cognitive-research.
  • By the nature of the content: child - teachers - parents.
  • By the nature of the child’s participation in the project: participant, performer.
  • By the nature of contacts within the project: (child-child, child-parent, child-teacher).
  • By number of participants: school preparatory group (18 children) and their parents, teachers, secondary group students (15 people).
  • Duration: short-term (3rd week of January).
  • By type of activity: experimental and search.

Experimentation permeates all areas of children's activity. A preschool child is a researcher in himself, showing a keen interest in various types of research activities and experimentation. Experiments help develop a child’s thinking, logic, and creativity, and allow them to clearly show the connections between living and nonliving things in nature. All experimentation researchers highlight the main feature of children’s cognitive activity: the child learns about an object in the course of practical activities with it. The practical actions carried out by the child perform a cognitive, orientation and research function, creating conditions in which the content of a given object is revealed.

Topic of joint activities: “What kind of miracle is a magnet?”

Goal: to develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of becoming familiar with the properties of a magnet.


  • expand children's knowledge about magnets, their properties and abilities; introduce the concepts: magnet, magnetism, magnetic waves.
  • develop research skills
  • develop cognitive activity in the process of getting to know the properties of magnets, develop mental operations, draw conclusions, put forward hypotheses
  • cultivate independence, communication skills, accuracy in work, compliance with safety regulations.
  • develop speech activity in the process of research activities.

Identifying the problem: determine what the magical power of a magnet is, and can it attract all objects and why?

Expected result:

  • expand children's understanding of a magnet and its ability to attract objects
  • introduce children to what objects a magnet can attract; as a result of experiments, establish the importance of the properties of a magnet in everyday life and its application
  • replenish children's vocabulary with such concepts as magnet, magnetic forces, earth magnetism
  • make souvenirs for parents for the refrigerator
  • involve parents in the implementation of this project.

Final event: demonstration of experiments and magnetic theater for children of the middle group.

Integration of OO: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development

Methods and techniques: conversations, experiments, experiments, comparisons.

Information Technology:

Internet, presentations, watching educational films for children about magnetism: "Smeshariki" (episode 31 "Magnetism" ) , "Fixies" (episode 25 "Magnet" ) , "Luntik" (episode 158 "Magnet" ) , "Gulliver's travels" D. Swift.

Practical significance of the project

While working on this project, the children became acquainted with magnets and learned that they attract metal objects. We learned that the power of a magnet can act through various obstacles. We conducted experiments and were able to draw conclusions from them. We got acquainted with the variety of decorative magnets that the children brought from home. Children developed research skills, intensified cognitive activity, independence, creativity, and communication.

Stage I: preparatory.

  • Studying psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic.
  • Selection of methodological, didactic, illustrative material for the implementation of this project.
  • Development, planning of the project and methodological support for it, drawing up calendar and thematic planning of joint activities of children, teachers and parents.
  • Selection of literary works on this topic for study with children.
  • Drawing up lesson notes for organizational and educational activities with children.
  • Working with parents about conducting experiments at home.
  • Enrichment of the cognitive and developmental environment with didactic games, demonstrative aids, and information technologies (watching educational films about magnets).
  • Conducting individual consultations and conversations on the topic "Magnet and its properties" .
  • Parent survey.

Stage II: introducing children to a problem situation.

Educator: Guys, lately I began to notice that you really like to play with magnets attached to the magnetic board. Let us take a closer look at the magnet and its properties.

A joint activity plan is drawn up with the children.

Stage III: main - project implementation.

OOD "Introducing Magnets"

Practical activities: “What objects does a magnet attract to itself?”

Identifying metal objects at home.

Creating a corner "Znayka" .

Experience No. 1 "Miracles with Paper Clips"

Experience No. 2 "How to get away with it" .

OOD application "Flower Glade" .

Looking at decorative magnets.

Introduction to the compass.

Rehearsal for a magnetic theater show for children.

Introducing magnets to middle group children by preparatory group children.

Stage IV: final.

Magnetic theater show "Flower Glade"

Used Books.

  1. Alyabyeva E.A. Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten. Planning and notes. M.: Sfera, 2005;
  2. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education "From birth to school" M.: Mosaika-Sintez 2010.
  3. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in a kindergarten group preparatory to school, M., Prosveshchenie, 1994.
  4. Kalinina R.R. Personal development training for preschoolers: activities, games, exercises. St. Petersburg, 2004;
  5. Kochkina N.A. Project method in preschool education. Methodological manual/Kochkina N.A. Mosaic-Synthesis 2012;
  6. I'm exploring the world. Children's encyclopedia. Physics. (Compiled by A.A. Leonovich; M., LLC "Publishing house AST LTD" 1998);
  7. "The Big Book of Experiments for Preschoolers" M.: ZAO "ROSMAN - PRESS" 2006


  1. Questionnaire for parents.
  2. OOD abstract.
  3. A guide for parents for successful research activities.
  4. Material for play activities.
  5. Material for introducing children to the topic "Magnets are an important part of our daily life" .
  6. Disc with cartoons.

Annex 1

Questions for surveying parents.

  1. What, in your opinion, was the most important in the work carried out?
  2. What do you think was the most interesting part of the job?
  3. Is work on this topic necessary for preschool children? Why?
  4. Your wishes and suggestions.

Appendix 2

Summary of organizational and educational activities

on experimental work.

Subject "Magnet and its properties"

Integration: cognitive development, social-communicative, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development.

Goal: development of children’s cognitive activity in the process of becoming familiar with the properties of magnets.


introduce the concept "magnet" ;

form ideas about the properties of a magnet;

update knowledge about the use of magnet properties by humans;

develop the ability to acquire knowledge through practical experiments, draw conclusions and generalizations;

develop skills of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Guys, yesterday we drew a clearing with flowers, and today a butterfly landed on it. She liked the clearing so much that she flies from flower to flower, doesn’t know which one to choose. How does she move around the clearing?

I'll tell you a legend now. In ancient times, on Mount Ida, a shepherd named Magnis tended sheep. He noticed that his iron-lined sandals and a wooden stick with an iron tip were sticking to the black stones that lay in abundance under his feet. The shepherd turned the stick upside down and made sure that the tree was not being attracted; Magnis realized that these strange black stones did not recognize any other materials except iron. The shepherd took several of these stones home and amazed his neighbors with this discovery. The name came from the name of the shepherd "magnet" .

There is another explanation for the word "magnet" - after the name of the ancient city of Magnesia, where these stones were found by the ancient Greeks. Now this area is called Manisa, and magnetic stones are still found there. Pieces of found stones are called magnets or natural magnets. Over time, people learned to make magnets themselves by magnetizing pieces of iron.

The extraordinary ability of magnets to attract iron objects or stick to iron surfaces has always amazed people. Today we will take a closer look at its properties.

Experience “Is everything attracted by a magnet?”

Teacher: what materials do you see on the table? (wood, iron, plastic, paper, fabric, rubber).

Children take one object at a time, name the material and bring a magnet to it. It is concluded that only iron objects are attracted.

Experience “Does a magnet work through other materials?”

For the experiment, take a magnet, a glass glass with water, paper clips, a sheet of paper, fabric, and plastic boards.

Teacher: Can a magnet act through other materials?

Children independently conduct experiments with each material and draw a conclusion: a magnet can attract through paper, fabric, and plastic.

We throw a paperclip into a glass of water, lean the magnet against the glass at the level of the paperclip, and slowly move the magnet up the wall. We conclude that a magnet can act through glass and water.

A mindfulness challenge.

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury the paper clips in it. How can they be collected quickly? Several options for children: by touch, sift or use the property of a magnet.

Experience "Interaction of two magnets" .

Teacher: What happens if you bring two magnets close to each other?

Children test by holding magnets close to each other. (attract or repel). The teacher explains that one end (pole) magnet is called south (positive), and the other to the north (negative). Magnets are attracted by unlike poles and repelled by like poles. Conclusion: a magnet has two poles.

Experience "Magnets act at a distance" .

Teacher: Draw a line on the paper and place a paper clip on it. Now slowly move the magnet towards this line. Mark the distance at which the paperclip "will jump" and stick to the magnet. We repeat this experiment with other magnets and conclude that magnets vary in strength. There is something around a magnet that acts on objects at a distance. It's called something "magnetic field" .

Experience “Magnetic properties can be transferred to ordinary iron” .

Teacher: try hanging a paper clip from below to a strong magnet. If you bring another one to it, it turns out that the upper paper clip attracts the lower one. We make a chain of such paper clips hanging on each other. Artificial magnetization can be easily destroyed if you simply hit the object sharply. Conclusion: a magnetic field can be created artificially.


Teacher: what new have we learned today?

Children's answers: a magnet attracts iron objects, acts through paper, fabric, glass, water. Magnets act at a distance and can attract and repel.

Teacher: where in our group can we find magnets? What about at home?

Do you want to see what happened to the heroes of Smeshariki when they found a magnet?

Cartoon show “Smeshariki. Magnetism" .

Appendix 3


For successful research and project activities, the following prerequisites are required:

  • the desire of the child himself;
  • favorable environment;
  • competent, friendly adult assistant

Dear parents!

REMEMBER: you play the role of a source of information along with others - such as books, films, the Internet, etc. The main word for parents is “HELP”, but not “DO INSTEAD”. It’s better then not to do it at all than to do it instead of the child. The child is given the right to freely choose a source of information!

Natalia Suslova

Head: Suslova N.V.


I have a large number of magnets on my refrigerator at home. I have long known that beautiful pictures are held on stone - a magnet.


I thought about the question: why do these pictures stay on the refrigerator and fall off the wooden cabinet door? What kind of miracle is this stone-magnet? What properties does it have?

My research

My parents told me what experiments could be done with a magnet and where to find information about it.

Goal and tasks

I set myself a goal: to study the properties of a magnet and tasks: to conduct experiments with magnets; explore how and where people use magnets in the modern world; how children can use it in their games.

Project implementation plan.

In order to find answers to these questions, I thought on my own; asked adults; they read books to me and played cartoons about magnets; conducted experiments; received information using a computer.

There are many interesting things in the world,

Sometimes unknown to us.

The world of knowledge has no limit.

So hurry up, friends, get to work!

A selection of experiments

Experience 1. Only iron objects are attracted to a magnet.

If you take a wooden pencil, a plastic pen, a stone, a fabric bag, or cardboard and bring a magnet to them, they will not be attracted to the magnet.

And if you bring a magnet to the iron cover and pins, they will be attracted to the magnet.

Conclusion: Only iron objects are attracted to a magnet.

Experience 2. The force of a magnet acts over a distance.

If you hang a pin on a thread and slowly bring a magnet towards it, the pin will deflect towards the magnet.

Conclusion: the force of a magnet acts over a distance.

Experience 3. The force of a magnet acts through objects and materials.

Let's take an iron lid and cardboard. Let's bring a magnet to them.

The lid was attracted to the magnet even through the cardboard.

Conclusion: the force of a magnet acts through objects and materials.

Experience 4. The strength of magnets varies from magnet to magnet.

One magnet holds a pad with two weights, while the second can hold a pad with only one weight.

Conclusion: The strength of magnets varies from magnet to magnet.

Experience 5. The magnet strength is greater at the edges.

If you hold magnets close to pins, the most pins will be attracted to the edges of the magnets.

Conclusion: the strength of the magnets is greater at the edges.

Experience 6. Two poles of a magnet.

Each magnet also has two poles.

The North Pole is usually colored blue, and the South Pole red.

Conclusion: magnets have two poles; The poles of magnets of the same color repel, and the poles of magnets of different colors attract.

Magnets in the modern world

Thanks to their properties, magnets are amazing objects.

They are used in many tools, devices and equipment. For example, in compasses, toys, furniture, TVs, computers and other equipment. Magnets can even treat various diseases in people, for example, complex bone fractures (photo);

Using magnets, metal particles are removed from the eye (photo). Manicurists use varnish with magnetic particles, then hold up a magnet and create unusual patterns (photo). Magnets are used in metal detectors. The military is looking for hidden mines and shells in the ground (photo).

To make sure that people actively use magnets in everyday life, we took a tour of the kindergarten. We saw that magnets on the doors of cabinets and refrigerators are necessary to close them tightly.

There is a magnetic strip in the kitchen for cutlery.

On the board in the group we lay out numbers, letters, attach pictures, and play magnetic theater.

There are also magnets among the computer parts (photo).

Laboratory “Wonderful properties of magnets”

When I told the guys in my group about my passion for magnets, I was offered to head the “Wonderful Properties of Magnets” laboratory. I not only talked about the properties of a magnet, but also gave the children the opportunity to conduct experimental games themselves and draw conclusions.

So almost all the guys from other groups came to visit our laboratory on an excursion. (video)

My future plans

Today I began to study the geographical map of Russia and decided to combine my interests. I placed magnets on the map with the names and images of cities in our country. The guys from my group also helped me with this.

Now we can organize a virtual trip.

Publications on the topic:

"The wonderful properties of a smile." Consultation for parents“The wonderful properties of a smile” It has been established that a friendly facial expression excites the centers of positive emotions and puts you in a good mood.

“The amazing is nearby” Goal: development of the child’s cognitive activity through experimental activities. Educational.

Abstract of the GCD “Magical properties of a magnet” in the senior group Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 29 in Cheremkhovo" Summary of direct educational activities.

Research project "Wonderful Tricks" Research project “Wonderful Tricks” Project passport 1. Type of project: research 2. Duration: short-term, 2 weeks.

Research project “Paper and its properties” Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution Zhuravsky kindergarten “Zhuravlik” Project participants: Educator:.

Natalia Nikitenko
Cognitive and creative research project “Magical properties of a magnet”

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 10" combined species of Karabash


Subject: "Amazing magnet properties»

Completed: teacher

preparatory group "IN"

N. V. Nikitenko

View project: creatively – informative, research.

Term: long term (December)

Participants project: teachers, children of the preparatory group "IN".


This topic is relevant because in the educational process experimentation is a teaching method that allows a child to model in his mind a picture of the world based on his own observations, experiences, and the establishment of interdependencies and patterns. Children actively work with magnet without thinking about it properties, the history of its appearance, its significance in human life.

In preschool age during development educational activity, the child develops a desire to learn and discover as much new things as possible. Topic of study magnet and its application has become relevant. Magnet- a child-friendly and universal material, widely used in children's toys and construction sets. Children actively work with magnet, but despite this they do not have enough knowledge about magnets, his properties and use. Children have a desire and need to use objects made from magnet. To do this, there is a need to enrich the subject-spatial environment and cultivate vital activity in children.


Give children an idea of properties of a magnet. Develop educational children's activity in the process of getting to know each other properties of a magnet. To promote mastery of techniques for practical interaction with surrounding objects, developing mental activity and observation.


1. Learn to examine an object and experiment with it; form an idea about properties of a magnet; introduce concepts« magnet» , « magnetism» , « magnetic forces» .

2. Develop mental operations, the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions; activate children's vocabulary.

3. Contribute to the development of independence and the development of communication skills; cultivate accuracy in work and adherence to safety regulations.

Planned result:

During implementation project children will know what objects can it attract to itself? magnet, as a result of experiments the importance will be established magnet in everyday life, its diversity and meaning. Children will strive to be independent knowledge and reflection, logical thinking, the ability to highlight an unnecessary subject and justify your answer.

Experiment with magnet.

« Magnet properties» .

the date of the: 05.12.2015

Supervisor: N.V. Nikitenko

Target: Introduce children to the properties of a magnet through experiences and experiments.


1. Form an idea about properties of a magnet.

2. Enrich children's knowledge of use properties of a magnet by humans.

3. Continue to teach independently, implement possible solutions in line with experimental activities; check these decisions; draw conclusions with the results of this test with objects.

4. Develop educational child's activity in the process of getting to know hidden properties of a magnet; speech, attention, logical thinking, curiosity.

Equipment: metal, plastic, glass, wooden objects; magnets, containers, sand, glass of water, nail.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, I received a parcel today, and there is a strange letter in it. The parcel came to us from the Flower City, where Dunno and his friends live. Vintik and Shpuntik wanted to build a new machine for clearing snow, but Dunno mixed up all the parts, now iron, wood, plastic and other objects lie together.

What do we do? How to help little friends?

Children's answers: Select all iron items.

Educator: How can you distinguish iron parts from the rest?

Children's answers: In terms of weight, they are heavier than others; they drown in water; can you use magnet, it attracts iron.

Educator: So how can we help our little friends?

Children's answers: Must be carried out magnet above objects and iron parts will be attracted.

Educator: Let's check.

Physical education minute.

Educator – magnet, children iron objects, when appearing magnet(teacher) iron objects (children) are attracted (run to the teacher, overcoming obstacles on their way).

Children spend magnet over objects, and iron parts are attracted to magnets.

Educator: Tell me, what did you do? And what happened?

Children's answers: Conducted magnet over objects, and all iron objects were attracted to him. Means, magnet attracts iron objects.

Educator: Have you seen how magnet attracts iron objects, why does this happen?

Children's answers: Because they are affected magnetic forces.

Experiment result: Around magnet contains a magnetic field. It acts on all iron objects and attracts them.

Now try to get the objects hidden in the sand. Get started.

Children spend over the sand magnet, and iron objects hidden under the sand are attracted to it.

Educator: Tell us what you did and what you received?

Children's answers: Conducted magnet above the sand and a nail hidden in the sand was attracted to him.

Experiment result: Magnetic forces pass through the sand.

Will they pass through the water? magnetic forces? Check using magnet.

Children spend magnet over water, iron parts located at the bottom are attracted to magnet.

Educator: Tell us what you did and what happened?

Children's answers: Held over a glass of water magnet and nail, lying in the water, was attracted.

Experiment result: Means, magnetic forces pass through water.

Experiment with magnet.

« Magnet and its amazing properties» .

the date of the: December 26, 2015

Supervisor: N.V. Nikitenko.

Target: To form children’s ideas about magnet.


1. Develop children’s abilities, conduct purposeful activities - find objects, properties which meet the subject requirements (attracted to magnet) .

2. Develop mental operations and the ability to draw conclusions.

3. Consolidate acquired knowledge in practical (experimental) children's activities.

Equipment: paper clips, glass of water, magnet, coins, cardboard, bowl of water, paper boat, needle.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we will visit our laboratory and continue our work, we will experiment, do experiments.

Listen to the riddle:

I grab you in a tight hug

Metal brothers I

Children's answers: magnet.

Educator: In the old days they said that there was a huge mountain at the edge of the world, right next to the sea. At the foot of this mountain, a long time ago, people found stones with unprecedented power - to attract certain objects to themselves. Not far from the mountain there was a city in which a brave knight lived. Like all knights, he wore armor made of iron, and therefore was not afraid of anything, neither enemy arrows nor wild animals. He walked boldly wherever he wanted. There was only one place I had never been to before - near that very mountain. Since childhood, his mother told him that not a single knight passed her can't pass. The mountain attracts them to itself and never lets go. But the knight was very brave, and he was curious about what kind of witchcraft was hidden in this place, so he bet, past the mountain will pass and will return to the city safe and sound. But no matter how strong and brave the knight was, the mountain still pulled him to itself. The knight was not only brave, but also smart. He found a way to free himself from her and freed all the knights.

Guys, what was the name of this mountain?

Expected responses from children.

Educator: What way did the knight find to free himself from this mountain?

Children's answers: Took off his armor.

Educator: Guys, look what I found near the mountain (showing magnet) .

Here in front of you is an ordinary one magnet,

He keeps many secrets within himself.

What does it feel like?

Children's answers: Hard, cold, heavy, smooth.

Educator: What objects does it attract? magnet?

Children's answers: Metal.

Physical education minute.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Who in the house can do this?

This is the pendulum in the clock,

Beats every beat (Tilts left and right.)

And there is a cuckoo sitting in the clock,

She has her own hut. (Children sit in a deep squat.)

The bird will crow for time,

Will hide behind the door again, (Squats.)

The arrows move in a circle.

They don't touch each other. (Rotate your body to the right.)

You and I will turn around

Counterclockwise. (Rotate your body to the left.)

And the clock goes, goes, (Walk in place.)

Sometimes they suddenly fall behind. (Slow down your walking pace.)

And sometimes they are in a hurry,

It's like they want to run away! (Running in place.)

If they don't get started,

Then they completely stand up. (Children stop.)

Children and their teacher begin experimenting.

Educator: Guys, do you know how to get a metal object from the bottom of a glass without getting your hands wet? Now we will try to do this.

Children spend magnet along the wall of the glass and take out a paper clip.

Experiment result: Magnetic force passes through the glass.

« Magic magnet» . There is a coin on the cardboard, and under it magnet. Children

move magnet, the coin also moves.

Experiment result: Magnet works through cardboard.

In front of the children there is a bowl of water with a boat in it.

Educator: Why did the boat suddenly start floating on the water?

Children's answers: There is a metal needle attached to it, magnet pulls her towards him and leads the boat.

Educator: But we didn’t touch magnet to the needle?

Means, magnet can operate at a distance.

check it property on their boats. Children guide a boat on the water.

Experiment result: Magnetic force acts at a distance.