How to properly do a pedicure at home: some simple tips for beginners. Do the right pedicure at home - photos and videos How to do a pedicure at home yourself

Lesson No. 4: How to properly give clients pedicures using graters

Recently, most masters have adopted the trend of hardware pedicure, what is the reason for this? — hardware pedicure saves time. At the start, you should learn the classical pedicure technique using graters, time is a relative concept, the classical technique is in no way inferior to the hardware one, including in time. In this lesson, learn how to quickly do a classic hygienic pedicure.

Your professional tasks as a pedicurist:

  • remove outdated rough skin within the limits of the norm.
  • work with problem areas (corns and cracks), not only remove them, but also carry out manipulations so that they do not appear again.
  • carry out skin hygiene on the fingers, remove the cuticle and shape the free edge. Special work with corners.
  • remove residues after polishing feet and moisturize the skin. It is very important to prevent dry feet after cleaning.

We will get acquainted with all the smallest details and rules, and most importantly, we will learn in the material 4 online home lessons

Foot skin types and their features - you must determine them:

There is no need to be afraid of foot work, it is not scary at all and does not take long if you follow the path that suits the skin of your client or client. You won’t have any problems if, when you first look at your client’s legs, you have a work model in your head. The key to the result is to correctly determine the scale of the work, that is, to understand how rough and trampled the skin is. You must do this to choose the right grater; if the grater is chosen correctly, you will deal with rough skin without problems.

Normal foot skin type- the skin is usually light, it can get a little trampled on problem areas (on the ball below the toes on the side and on the heels), usually such skin is not prone to dryness, but in the summer, when dust gets into open shoes, the heels can become a little dry. Working with this type of skin is simple, since the degree of roughness is minimal; if care is correct and regular, there may be no roughness at all and you will just need to polish the skin. The period between pedicures is 3 weeks.

Medium foot skin type- in this case, the skin is also not particularly problematic, but it has its own nuances in hygiene, you, as a specialist, must be prepared and remember that the average type is prone to dryness, which means that improper care can lead to dryness and cracks. This type is usually more common at work. The skin of the feet of medium coarseness has a slightly yellowish color, since the percentage of skin that needs to be removed is greater than that of the first type. The most problematic part is the heels. The period between pedicures is 2-2.5 weeks.

Problematic foot skin type prone to damage- This is very dry skin, which is why it is often damaged. You must not only clean the skin, but also MUST give the client recommendations for care at home, if you follow all the rules of care, this skin can be restored. You need to carefully carry out hygienic procedures, there needs to be a golden mean when removing, you shouldn’t remove more skin than necessary, but you shouldn’t leave a little more either. In both cases, the problem can only get worse. If you sand off more leather than necessary, the cracks will spread deeper; if you don’t remove it enough, the leather will become drier. The period between pedicures is 1.5-2 weeks.

How can a novice pedicurist learn how to do a classic pedicure according to each skin type correctly?

To do a pedicure, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Heel grater;
  • Finger grater;
  • Scissors and 2 types of nippers (nail and skin);
  • Orange stick;
  • File for natural nails, buff;
  • Gloves and mask for you;
  • Disposable bag, slippers and towel for the client;
  • Foot remover, scrub, cream and cuticle oil;
  • Bath salt.

We learn how to do a pedicure with graters (without a device and a blade):

  1. Make the client sit comfortably, treat their feet with a disinfectant, then treat your hands with a disinfectant, wait until it dries and put on disposable gloves. Carefully examine the client’s feet, determine the skin type according to the signs indicated above.
  2. Place the client's foot on a footrest and push back the cuticle with an orange stick.
  3. Take the remover and apply to the client's feet, more generously on the heels and area below the toes, less on the toes and midfoot. Let the liquid sit for 2-4 minutes before steaming in the water. Put on the mask and prepare the bath. Place a disposable bag over the bath, add salt and fill with warm water.
  4. Ask the client to place their feet in the bath. While the legs are steaming, prepare your tools and take the desired grater. Treat each instrument separately with a disinfectant. Remember - graters with a hardness of 80/120 grit - for medium-hard heels, 100/120 grit - for soft heels. Graters with a laser cut are universal and suitable for any skin type.
  5. Let's start cleaning the heels. Ask the client to remove the foot from the water and place it on the stand with the foot facing you. Lightly blot your foot with water, but it should remain damp. Take a grater and dip it in water. Important!- graters should always be wet, a dry grater irritates the skin and makes it rougher. Take the grater in a hand that is comfortable for you, use the hard side and move back and forth to “erase” the rough skin from your feet. You will see a creamy slurry on the grater and shavings, this is normal, it means you are acting correctly. Start immediately with the heel - this is the most problematic area. After you remove the dry skin, use a very soft grater to buff the foot. Treat your fingers at the very last moment. Don't forget to wet the grater. Each type requires a certain time, for example, it will take you about 10 minutes to clean the feet of a normal type (calculating the time for both feet), about 20 minutes for slightly dry feet, about 25 minutes for problem skin, it all depends on the degree of dryness.
  6. After you finish working on the feet, ask the client to rinse the foot and place the foot on a footrest. Trim cuticles and nail corners if they bother the client. Do the same with the foot of the second leg.
  7. After treating the feet with a grater, another stage of cleansing follows - exfoliating the remaining skin from the grater. Apply the scrub to wet feet and rub with massage movements.
  8. Rinse off the scrub and wipe your feet dry. Shape your nails and apply a buff.
  9. Apply oil to the cuticles and rub it in, apply cream to the feet and distribute it with massage movements.
  10. If the client wants a coating, prepare the nails.

If the client has cracks, what to do:

After you remove the old skin, the client must take care of the heels at home, otherwise the cracks will not get rid of. Your professional hand + home care will get rid of cracks. In order for the cracks to heal, you need to remove the dry skin that caused them to form, you have already done this. Home care that the client should do is to apply an antibiotic ointment to clean feet at night, which promotes healing, this is a regular ointment for wounds. The ointment should be applied as a compress under a cotton pad, putting a sock on top. In the morning you need to take off your socks, wash off the remaining ointment and let your feet dry for 15 minutes. Such procedures will help cure problematic skin, but the client must regularly attend hygiene procedures and do homework.

The result you will get after all the actions:

Be confident in your abilities, the main thing is to maintain the necessary proportions and select the right tools. This procedure requires your attention, it all depends on how much you visually assess the amount of labor. You will succeed!

If you have any questions or need to clarify something about the lesson, contact a specialist online for help through a comment.

Every girl always strives to stand out from the crowd. Not only the arms, but also the legs should look bright and well-groomed. And you don't have to go to a salon to get a pedicure. You can carry out a similar procedure yourself. How to do a pedicure at home with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions will be described in detail in our article.

Usually the question of a beautiful pedicure design is asked in the summer, when beautiful toes are visible from under open shoes. Every girl will feel confident with beautiful nails. To create a pedicure at home with your own hands, step-by-step instructions with photos of which we will consider, you do not need a special device.

Preparatory stage

There are many options for creating mesmerizing nail designs. To work you will need:

  • scissors and cosmetic tweezers;
  • cuticle spatula;
  • wire cutters;
  • brush;
  • file;
  • cotton wool;
  • nail polish remover.

To pre-treat your nails you will need a bath, scrubs and moisturizer.

  1. Use nail polish remover to remove any remaining old paint. Before applying a beautiful design to your nails, you need to soak your feet in the bath. As a cleansing composition, you can take sea salt, sodium bicarbonate or chamomile decoction. You can purchase a special antibacterial composition at the pharmacy to soften feet and corns. As the water in the bath cools, you need to add boiling water. This procedure takes about half an hour.
  2. Now you should thoroughly treat your feet, removing the corns. To do this you need to use pumice. Make circular movements, preferably affecting all areas. After treatment, your feet should be massaged with a scrub. Finally, dry your feet and use moisturizer.
  3. Never cut the cuticle, otherwise you will get painful wounds and bruises, which will spoil the appearance of the pedicure. It is enough to push away the overgrown skin with a stick, after treating the cuticle with oil. File your nails and give them shape. Clean out all the dirt under your nails.
  4. Now you can move on to creating a beautiful pedicure. The first layer is a transparent nail base. This coating is absolutely harmless and will help protect your nails from harmful effects. Be sure to apply a topcoat at the end.

How to treat nails using the device?

This procedure does not involve softening the legs. It will be enough to treat your fingers with an antiseptic.

  1. You need to handle the cuticle very carefully. Push excess skin from the center to the edges. After which the cuticle should be sanded.
  2. Sinuses of side nozzles. This procedure involves moving in the direction of nail growth.
  3. Nail rollers are also used for processing. The movements occur without stopping with the help of soft grinding.
  4. After which the cuticle is processed using a special attachment.
  5. Using grinding and polishing attachments, the nails are polished. This procedure is very important, since with its help all roughness is removed from the surface.

How to do a pedicure with gel polish?

A pedicure with gel polish is very easy to do and lasts a long time. To work you will need:

  • gel polish;
  • base coat;
  • degreaser;
  • cotton pads;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

The first step is to remove the remnants of the old coating using nail polish remover. Before you start applying the design, be sure to shape your nail. Next, degrease the nail plate and apply a base coat. Dry your nails in the lamp for about 2 minutes. Shellac is applied several times, each layer is dried in the oven. At the end, the sticky layer is removed and oil is applied.

You can choose absolutely any pedicure technique. After carefully processing the nails, you can begin to design them.

When creating a pedicure, special attention should be paid to rough areas. After all, it is not always possible to get rid of calluses and corns - to remove them, you can use special products that are sold in any pharmacy. As an addition, you can use special tools.

Softening the skin using a machine

Treating your feet is very easy. To begin with, to soften the heels, you need to apply a special product, which after a certain period of time is removed from the surface with a napkin.

If the skin on your heels is too rough, you can remove the hard layer using a coarse nozzle. Then change the nozzle to a more gentle one and go around the entire perimeter. Be very careful! If you stop in one place, you will seriously damage your skin. At the end, you should go through the machine with a grinding attachment.

  1. If you decide to do a pedicure yourself at home, you need to disinfect the tools before each treatment. All saw blades must be disinfected. If this is not done, there is a risk of developing fungus.
  2. Never take other people's nail tools. If you come to the salon, make sure that the technician cleans the instruments in front of you.
  3. First of all, perform filing procedures, and then move on to softening sessions.
  4. There is no need to round the nails by removing the corners, otherwise, when they grow back, they may grow into the skin, which will cause great discomfort.
  5. Before applying the coating, be sure to degrease the nail plate, otherwise the varnish will not adhere. And when applying a gel base, the surface of the nail should be sanded.
  6. Moisturize your feet with cream every day. This will help prevent skin dryness and cracking.

As for fashion trends, prints are relevant: butterflies, flowers, swallows.

The latest technique remains at the peak of popularity - ombre (colors change from base to tip, from dark to lighter tone). Moreover, ombre can be performed both horizontally and vertically of the nail plate. French manicure continues to be fashionable. It is performed both in the classic version with a white “smile” and in a multi-colored version.

In summer, a bright design, rich in rich shades, looks beautiful. You can do the simplest pedicure that will lift your spirits on rainy gray days. You can cover each finger with different colors. This will be enough to stand out from the crowd.

Various materials are used as decoration: lace, stencils, stickers, bulbs, rhinestones and beads. Rhinestones have become an integral part of any pedicure. It is not necessary to put sparkling stones on all nails; you can decorate only your thumb with them.

Anyone can make an individual design, it’s not difficult. The most important thing is to properly prepare the nail plate. Don't be afraid to experiment, create new designs and conquer others with your well-groomed fingers!

Home pedicure can be performed using various techniques - using scissors and graters, a device with cutter attachments, or using keratolytics - acid- or alkaline-based softeners. The specifics of performing each procedure at home yourself, as well as the intricacies of foot care between trips to the salon will be discussed further.

Classic or edged pedicure at home: description and materials

A classic pedicure is a procedure that combines:

  • soaking the feet in water with further removal of the rough skin of the cuticle and pterygium using scissors or nippers, a pusher and an orange stick;
  • correction of the shape and length of the nail plates;
  • processing with a stop file or grater.

Due to the fact that this version of the pedicure procedure uses cutting tools - scissors or nippers - it is also called trimming.

To perform a trim pedicure at home, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Foot bath
  • Salt, soda, shower gel or liquid soap
  • Large scrub
  • Pusher, orange stick
  • Nail file 180/220 grit
  • Nail clippers
  • Nail scissors or skin clippers
  • Grater or file for feet, coarse abrasiveness 80/100 grit
  • Finger separator
  • Light moisturizer
  • Cuticle oil
  • Large napkins or towels
  • Gel polish or varnish for decorative nail coating

Trim pedicure at home

It is recommended to perform the procedure once every 10-14 days at home, depending on the load on the legs. This intensity will allow you to properly care for the skin of your legs and feet, preventing the appearance of cracks and ingrown nails. Between the full procedure, it is recommended to sand your feet every 3-5 days with a coarse file to remove rough skin.

Classic pedicure is easy to learn. To do it as efficiently as possible, take care of good tools and nail files. This is already half the battle. It will take you about an hour to complete. You can turn on your favorite TV series.

Let's look at how to perform a classic pedicure step by step:

Hardware pedicure at home

In the absence of experience with the device, many beginners have a question: how to do a hardware pedicure at home correctly? Let's look into the details.

Since hardware pedicure is performed dry and without cutting tools, you will need the correct cutter attachments to work on all problem areas.

Materials and attachments for hardware pedicure at home:

  • Device with a power of at least 30 W
  • Diamond cutters: truncated cone, flame and ball
  • Sanding sand caps and silicone sanding pads
  • Foot cream
  • Cuticle oil
  • Decorative coating upon request

Performing a hardware pedicure at home with your own hands can be a difficult task without proper practice. It is necessary to confidently hold the handle of the machine with the cutter so that cuts do not form and do not injure the cuticle skin.

When working with attachments, make sure that your working hand has a good support. Use your little, ring and middle fingers for this.

  1. Use a diamond cutter to move the truncated cone with a blue notch and slightly lift the cuticle. Use the same cutter to shape your nails.
  2. Using a flame cutter with a blue notch, open the cuticle even further and remove all the pterygium around the perimeter of the nail. Hold the cutter almost parallel to the nail plate, do not press hard.
  3. Use a diamond-coated ball cutter to gently cut the cuticle, moving from bottom to top from the nail.
  4. Use a silicone polisher to treat the cut area.
  5. Use sand caps to treat the foot, metatarsus, and toes. Move evenly along the lines of the skin. Don't stop for a long time in one area.
  6. Use the silicone sanding pad to sand the foot and metatarsus again.
  7. Apply cream to your feet and oil to the cuticles, give a relaxing or toning massage.

Pedicure using acid, alkaline keratolytics or removers

This pedicure option is suitable for anyone who does not want to work with cutting tools or apparatus. It is easy to perform, takes minimal time, and the results are just as effective.

To do an acid pedicure at home you will need an acid keratolytic. It is also called remover, peeling. There is also an alkaline version of the composition. This is a product that softens the skin to a liquid paste. All that remains is to remove it with a pusher or an orange stick in the cuticle area and a file on the feet.

Alkaline keratolytics are stronger and penetrate deeper into the skin. Acidic ones are softer in impact and are suitable for unused feet.

Even after removing the product, it continues to work for some time in the deep layers of the skin, so it is necessary to use a neutralizer. It is consumed economically, and the results from using the system are impressive.

The products are presented in the form of foam softeners, gels, and liquids. Popular brands:

  • Callus Remover PNB
  • Naomi Callus Remover
  • My Nail Callus Remover
  • Comilfo
  • Pro Link Be Natural

Home foot care between pedicures

All girls and women should take care of the condition of their toenails. Beautiful fingers always look attractive.

That is why every representative of the fair half should learn how to perform a classic pedicure on her own. Moreover, it is not always possible to go to a beauty salon, where they provide a variety of services.

Features of the procedure

The classic pedicure procedure involves trimming the excess cuticle that appears at the base of the nail plate. In beauty salons, this service is called a trim pedicure. The master cuts off the rough skin around the nails, and then treats the feet and heels, using exclusively pumice.

During a classic pedicure, the use of a razor or blade is prohibited. The nail plate is processed using tweezers and scissors.

As auxiliary tools, professional craftsmen often use bamboo sticks, foot baths for soaking the skin, a cleansing scrub and nourishing creams to care for the skin of the feet.

Modern beauty salons offer another type of pedicure, in which specialists remove the cuticle without using scissors and tongs, so it is almost impossible to accidentally get hurt. These instruments are being replaced with cosmetics. All this can be easily done yourself at home.

Pros and cons of performing the procedure at home

Classic pedicure has many advantages. Among them, it is worth noting the purely manual procedure, which is completed quite quickly. During a trim pedicure, emollients are used that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the feet. The results of a pedicure last for a long period of time.

Carrying out a trim pedicure involves using techniques and tools that are familiar to everyone. This type is especially suitable for those who disdain newfangled technologies.

When performing a classic pedicure at home, a woman, first of all, saves money and, more importantly, her own time.

The disadvantages of a trim pedicure include the fact that if the procedure is not performed by a professional, it can lead to inflammation or infection of the skin. All tools for processing cuticles are cutting, which means you can cut yourself or get injured.

We can definitely say that women with problem nails are recommended to trust their feet exclusively to a specialist who can select the necessary type of treatment.

What tools are needed?

The choice of tools for pedicure depends on your preferences in the classic or hardware type of procedure. The easiest way to process nails is the classic cut. To do this you need to purchase the following tools:

The pedicure machine looks like a regular razor, equipped with a comfortable handle, and replacement attachments are often sold in the kit. This tool is usually used when pumice cannot be removed from very rough skin.

In addition, a special razor is used in case of the formation of corns and dry calluses. If a woman regularly keeps her feet in order and looks after them, then she can completely do without a pedicure machine.

In order to do a trim pedicure, you must first steam your feet well. For this you will need a regular basin. If you wish, you can purchase a special bath in the store that will help you relax and enjoy the procedure.

Pedicure baths have a lot of advantages. It’s worth starting with the fact that modern devices have added a hydromassage function that relieves fatigue and tension.

They also contain ultraviolet lamps, which have a detrimental effect on all kinds of fungal pathogens. Magnetic radiation has a beneficial effect on joints, relieving pain.

In addition to all the above tools, you can also purchase nail scissors, files with different levels of hardness, pumice stone for treating heels and feet, a wooden stick or a special cuticle blade, as well as a laser grater.

It is worth noting that you should not save on tools for both manicure and pedicure. Before making a purchase, you should carefully study the assortment in the store and choose the most preferable tool. Nowadays, online shopping is common, which will make it easier for a beginner to choose.

If you treat your feet and toes at home yourself, then each woman will select the most suitable set of tools for her and will use only them.

How to do a pedicure correctly: instructions with step-by-step photos

If a woman cannot entrust her feet to a professional, then a pedicure can be done at home. This procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. To make it easier to work with seals on the heels, they need to be treated with a special cream that exfoliates dead skin particles;
  2. Before steaming your feet, the nails must be carefully filed and given the desired shape;
  3. If you have a special bath, you can add essential oils to the water;
  4. After steaming, it is necessary to treat the heels and feet with pumice, removing dead skin;
  5. Then you should work with each toe, namely, remove the cuticle with tweezers with beveled edges;
  6. At the end of the pedicure, the feet should be thoroughly washed and then a nourishing cream should be applied, which will make the skin even softer.

How to do a hardware pedicure at home

Performing a hardware pedicure involves the use of professional instructions. All stages of this procedure require regularity and accuracy, otherwise you can cut yourself or cause various damage.

Lesson step by step:

A hardware pedicure will make your feet soft, free from scratches and rough skin.

Nail designs

How often do you get a pedicure?

Experts advise doing a pedicure once every 8-10 days. With regular foot care, the skin on your feet will become like a baby's, and your nails will look neat.

Before a pedicure, you need to wash your feet well and remove old polish. Take a pedicure kit and disinfect all tools.

Now we proceed to the main stage of the procedure.

Steaming your feet

First, the skin of your feet needs to be softened. Prepare a pedicure bath with warm water, add soap foam to it (this can be shower gel or shampoo). To enhance the effect, it is also useful to add a little sea salt to the bath. Soak your feet in water for 15 minutes to soften dead, dry skin cells. Now we dry our feet with a towel and move on to the next stage.

Treating nails and cuticles

To do a proper pedicure, take nail scissors or clippers and cut the protruding part of the nail in a straight line. The shape of your toenails should be square to prevent the nail from growing into the skin. Using a nail file, trim the cut and rough ends of the nail from the edges to the center.

Using a manicure spatula or an orange stick, gently push back the cuticles.

To make pedicure easier, you can apply a special preparation to the cuticle, which softens and removes excess skin, and then remove the remains after 5 minutes. Using a spatula, try to clear the nail plate of any stuck cuticle particles. Run the stick under your nail to remove any dirt and dry skin cells that may have accumulated there.

Now you can use a nail file to remove rough, dry skin from your fingertips, as well as remove cracked skin on calluses.

To make the nail plate look smooth and shiny, it needs to be polished using a double-sided pedicure file. Use the dark blue side of the nail file to gently sweep over your nails on all sides, especially in the cuticle area. On perfectly smooth nails, the polish will last much longer.

Foot skin care

To make your home pedicure perfect, you need to pay proper attention to your feet. Our goal is to remove excess rough skin. Your first assistant in this matter is pumice. If the skin is not soft enough, soak your feet in a warm bath for another 10 minutes, then treat your feet and heels with pumice. Peels and foot scrubs are also great for getting rid of rough skin particles.

After such a procedure, cleansed skin needs hydration and nutrition, so lubricate your heels with a nourishing cream and give a light massage.

A little advice: if you suffer from excessive sweating of your feet, lubricate your feet with a special deodorant cream.

Cracked heels and calluses

If the skin on your heels is too shabby, you have dense corns or cracks on your heels, the situation cannot be corrected using a regular pedicure procedure. There are proven folk methods that will help make the skin on your heels soft and silky in a couple of weeks.

To remove hardness and cracks, apply a nourishing mask to your heels, wrap them in cellophane and put on socks. It is recommended to keep the treatment mask on all night, and the next morning, rinse and lubricate your feet with moisturizer. After a few procedures, the result will surprise you.

SPA pedicure at home

If you have enough time, you can pamper your feet with a SPA pedicure at home. The treatment includes a pleasant, relaxing foot bath with essential oils and a moisturizing, nourishing mask.

Prepare a bowl of warm water, add your favorite aromatic oil, dip your feet in the water and enjoy for 10-30 minutes. When the skin on your feet softens, massage your feet using a scrub. This way you will cleanse your feet of rough skin, they will become soft and smooth.

The next stage of a home spa pedicure is a moisturizing, nourishing foot mask. To do this, you can take your favorite nourishing cream and apply a thick layer to your feet. Then wrap your feet in cellophane and put on socks. This mask should be kept on for at least 2 hours, or better yet, all night. After a few procedures, your heels will become as soft as a baby's.

As a mask, you can use special SPA pedicure kits, which contain various caring preparations.

Natural foot masks that can be prepared at home have an excellent caring effect. With regular use, they will give your feet a perfect look.

The final stage of the pedicure is applying varnish.

The last stage of a pedicure at home is applying varnish. It all depends on your taste. You can simply apply colorless polish to shine and strengthen your nails.

But in any case, first of all, you need to degrease the nail plate from remnants of cream and cosmetics. If this is not done, the varnish will not adhere well and will not stick.

Now let's prepare to apply the varnish - place cotton swabs or special separators between your fingers so that the varnish is applied carefully and does not smear.

It is recommended to apply a colorless base as the first layer. Thanks to this, the nail will be protected from toxins contained in colored varnish, in addition, the surface of the nail will become smooth and the varnish will adhere much more firmly. Your beautiful pedicure will keep its fresh look for a long time.

Wait until the colorless base has completely dried, then you can begin applying the colored coat of varnish. It is advisable to apply colored varnish at least two layers to obtain a rich and lasting color.

At the end of a professional pedicure, it is advisable to apply a layer of fixative varnish. It will help keep the polish on your nails for a long time. Be beautiful and feel free to wear bright sandals!